Success stories. Vacancies of the company "Mars"


The Mars Company was founded in 1911 by Frank Mars. Today it is a family company with more than a century of history and world-famous brands.

Mars in Russia is represented by 10 factories in the Moscow, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Ulyanovsk regions and St. Petersburg. More than 6,000 employees work in the company's four business segments: Petcare, Mars Wrigley Confectionery, Royal Canin, Food.

Mars in Russia

The Mars company began business in the Russian market in 1991 and in 1995 opened its first factory - a chocolate production plant in the town of Stupino near Moscow. In the same year, we launched the first production of pet food at a plant in the village of Luzhniki, Stupinsky district.

In 2002, Royal Canin became part of Mars. The influence of a large corporation gave us an understanding of the principles by which successful global brands are built. This has allowed Royal Canin to not only clearly build a global development plan, but also successfully support the company's fundamental values.

In 2003, a food production plant was opened in the city of Lukhovitsy, Moscow region. In 2008, the Mars company joined

In 2003, a food production plant was opened in the city of Lukhovitsy, Moscow region. In 2008, Mars acquired Wrigley as its chewing gum and confectionery business segment. As a result of this, the Russian chocolate company Odintsovo Confectionery Factory, which owns the A.Korkunov® brand, joined the company. In 2016, the company celebrated 25 years of successful work in Russia. In 2018, we completed work on creating a single Mars Wrigley Confectionery segment on the Russian market, which included the Mars Chocolate and Wrigley divisions. During its work in Russia, Mars invested more than 2 billion US dollars in the Russian market.

For professionals

For students and graduates

When you choose Mars, you enter a company where every employee is treated as a full-fledged partner. We strive to create comfortable working conditions, a friendly atmosphere, opportunities for growth and career building, adequately reward employees and recognize those who achieve high results.

There are a variety of career paths you can choose from at Mars. The company in Russia has four independent segments: Petcare, Mars Wrigley Confectionery, Royal Canin, Food - you can continue your career in each of them. We support those who want to change direction and try themselves in a fundamentally new role or function.

Mars is a family company. As is customary in the family, we address each other on a first name basis and resolve any issues.

collegially, we share common values. Mars is one of the first companies to introduce the open space principle. And you can come to our Moscow and Novosibirsk petfriendly offices with your pet.

We unite people who strive to make the world a better place and support such employees. Through the Mars Volunteer Program, every employee can make a difference in their local community by volunteering with the company or supporting their own cause. Another program, the Mars Ambassador Program, opens up the opportunity to participate in international volunteer projects.

You are a unique person - so why should you build a career like everyone else? Our programs take into account your ambitions. At Mars you can grow professionally and personally. Choose your career path! The Internship Experience Program is a paid internship for students, and the Leadership Experience Program, a development program for company managers, is available for graduates.

Internship Experience Program

Internship Experience Program is a program that helps talented students gain experience working on real projects. Thanks to the internship, you will be able to decide on your future profession and begin development already at the university. From day one you will be immersed in business and begin your professional journey. Throughout the program you will receive support and training from senior colleagues. Based on the results of the internship, you will be able to undergo accelerated selection for the Leadership Experience Program or one of the starting positions.

You can participate in the program if you are a 4th year student or older and have a confident command of the English language. Selection for the program takes place in spring and autumn, follow the news.

Leadership Experience Program

Leadership Experience Program is a program that helps ambitious graduates become business and industrial leaders. Are you aiming for a management career and dream of managing billion-dollar brands? In three years, you will gain experience in different departments of the company, develop a comprehensive vision of the business and improve your management skills. You will have to lead large-scale projects in a variety of departments from production to sales. Throughout the program, you will receive support and training from top managers.

About the companyMars

The Mars Company was founded in 1911 by Frank S. Mars. It is now the world's largest family-owned company and a global market leader in confectionery, food, chewing gum and pet food.

Mars began business in the Russian market in 1991 and in 1995 opened its first factory - a chocolate production plant in Stupino, near Moscow. In the same year, we began production of cat and dog food at the first pet food production plant in the village. Luzhniki Stupino district. In 2003, a plant for the production of ready-made food was opened in Lukhovitsy, Moscow region. In 2008, as a result of Mars' acquisition of Wrigley, the Russian brand A.KORKUNOV® became part of Mars Chocolate. Currently, Mars in Russia has 9 factories in 4 different regions of Russia. Over two decades, Mars, Incorporated has invested more than $1 billion in the Russian market. The company employs more than 7,000 people and over 70,000 work in related industries.


All main areas of activity of the Mars company are represented on the Russian market. In the field of confectionery products, these are products under the brands M&M’s, SNICKERS, Mars, Dove, MilkyWay, Skittles, Twix, Bounty, Celebrations, Starburst (candies), Rondo. Mars occupies second place in this market in Russia in value terms with a share of 15%.

The company is widely represented in the chewing gum market. The key brands are Spearmint, Orbit and Five. After acquiring WRIGLEY, Mars became the undisputed market leader, accounting for 60 to 70% of sales. One of the main segments of Mars represented in Russia is the pet food segment. The company is a world leader in the production of this type of product and is also a leader in our country. The following Mars brands are represented in Russia: Pedigree, Whiskas, KiteKat, Chappi, Sheba, Cesar, Perfect Fit, Royal Canin and several others.

In addition, there are two MARS brands from the food segment on the Russian food market - Uncle Ben’s and Dolmio.

Production Mars

Construction of the first production site, a factory in the city of Stupino, Moscow region, began in 1994. The factory came into operation in 1995, and its official opening took place in 1996. Today, the plant in Stupino is the foundation of the Mars company in the market not only in Russia, but also in the CIS. The capacity of the plant in Stupino allows it to produce about 150 thousand tons of products per year. The plant produces a wide range of products, including such well-known brands as Mars, SNICKERS, Bounty, Twix, M&M’s, Dove. The company actively interacts with the leadership of the region, sponsors cultural, sports and development programs, and patronizes boarding houses for children. In addition to the plant in Stupino, in the Moscow region there is also a plant producing Dolmio sauces (in the city of Lukhovitsy) and a plant producing animal feed (in the village of Luzhniki, Stupinsky district and Novosibirsk).

Until recently, the plant in Stupino was the only chocolate factory in Russia, but the company's management decided to develop a production base in the CIS market. As a result, in 2012, a new, state-of-the-art plant appeared in the village of Cherdakly, Ulyanovsk region, which continues to develop. The plant became one of the largest in Russia. At the end of 2013, the company employed about 400 employees. A number of new technologies have been introduced at the Cherdakly plant, which are now being used to modernize production lines at other company plants. The plant in the Ulyanovsk region continues its development, and over time it is planned to produce a full range of Mars products, which will cover the market not only in the CIS, but throughout Central Asia and the Far East.

Evgeniy Khokhlovkin, Director of Sales, Mars

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Mars is one of the most mysterious in the American business Olympus. Although its revenues amount to billions of dollars, and its product portfolio contains more than 10 famous brands, around each of which a separate business could be built, the company remains private. Key roles in today's Mars are still played by members of the famous family, who are the grandchildren of the company's founder.

The status of a private company, or perhaps its location next to the headquarters of the CIA, led to the fact that Mars has always been a closed company. Its founders never sought personal fame or to show off on the cover of Forbes (however, this does not prevent them from being included in the hundred richest people in the United States according to the famous magazine). This secrecy gave rise to a lot of rumors circulating around the company. Many claimed that the company's CEO, Forrest Mars, goes on a daily walkthrough during which he tastes all Mars products, including pet food! Be that as it may, it is worth lifting the veil of secrecy over Mars by talking about this company.

Founding of the company

The history of Mars dates back to the 19th century. In 1883, the future founder of the chocolate giant, Franklin Clarence (Frank) Mars, was born. Frank's parents lived quite poorly, so he had to grow up early and go to work. At the age of 19, he was already selling sweets with all his might. It was from this moment that he entered the industry, which determined his entire life. Frank gradually rose through the ranks, and eventually earned quite decent money. No, he certainly didn’t live richly, but he did have his own home and married a girl named Ethel, who would become his main business partner.

At the age of 28, Frank quits his job and decides to start his own business. Together with his wife, he begins to sell sweets, opening his own confectionery shop right in his home. All trade took place through the Mars family's kitchen window. Sales began to grow quickly and the couple founded a company called Mar-O-Bar. This happened in 1911. Frank's dream of owning his own business, which would allow him to forget about hired work once and for all, began to come true.

In general, at that time the main assortment of the Mars confectionery family were various sweets with a wide variety of fillings. The idea that changed Frank's whole life came to him completely by accident. One day he went with his son to the store. Forrest (that was the name of little Mars) asked his father to buy him chocolate. At that time, chocolate was sold only by weight. It was, to put it mildly, not very convenient. Clients quickly got dirty with it. It was at that moment that Frank thought, why not start selling small pieces of chocolate wrapped in foil? The idea seemed promising to him. After talking with his wife, he came to the conclusion that it was worth a try. We tried it. The Milky Way bar became a hit in a matter of days. By 1925, Milky Way would be a recognized market leader. Sales will begin to grow annually, and the company will open more and more new markets.

In the 20s, Mars will have its own factory in the suburbs of Chicago. The company's staff will begin to grow. All this will result in the emergence of new products, including the legendary Snickers chocolate bar, which is still one of the flagships of the Mars product line.

Meanwhile, Forrest Mars graduates from Yale University. Having received an excellent education, he was about to enter the world of business. There are certain discrepancies regarding what happened. The fact is that historians do not have a common opinion regarding this time. It is known that Forrest went to England, where he started his own business, not related to the Mars company. According to one version, it was his father who invited him to try his hand at creating his own business from scratch. But there is another version, according to which the relationship between father and son seriously deteriorated, and as a result, Forrest left the United States to start his own business. Be that as it may, Forrest started with his father’s money (not counting the fact that Mars Jr.’s company received the exclusive right to produce Milky Way chocolate outside America). And this suggests that father and son maintained some kind of connection, even if the second theory is correct.

In 1932, Forrest Mars purchased premises for a factory in the city of Slow. Having hired several employees, he begins production. It was at this factory that another legendary candy bar would later be born, in no way inferior in popularity to Snickers - Forrest would call it Mars. It is worth noting that the first steps in the production of chocolate bars were not easy for Forrest. He even had to give up the idea of ​​developing his own chocolate at first. Instead, he partnered with Cadbury.

Unlike his father, Forrest was not obsessed only with confectionery. The idea of ​​differentiation was completely foreign to him. It is not surprising that it was with his light hand that animal food such as Whiskas and Pedigree appeared in the company’s assortment. But Forrest’s main discovery will appear a little later - it will become the now popular M&M candies. It is a pity that Mars Sr. will no longer see this success of his son, since he will leave this world in 1934. He will die of heart failure.

“Melts in your mouth, not in your hands”

If Forrest's father invented the famous Milky Way chocolate bar, then his son owns the equally famous M&M candies. The idea came to Forrest when he came to Spain to solve some problems related to his business. There he saw the candies that became the prototype of M&M. The problem with most chocolates of that time was that they quickly melted in your hands. Especially on hot summer days.

Forrest Mars solved this problem with the help of a special protective shell that covered all M&M candies. Thus, a sweetness appeared that consumers, tired of chocolate melting in their hands, had long dreamed of. Needless to say, M&M overnight becomes the main product of Forrest Mars' company. Moreover, his success was so great that Mars Jr. decided to change the name of the company to M&M Ltd.

The next important step for Mars was the purchase of Uncle Ben's. This was another important move in terms of diversification. At that time, Uncle Ben's was one of the leaders in the instant rice market. Having such a strong range of goods, Forrest began to visit America more and more often. And in 1964, he merged his company with his father’s brainchild. The M&M/Mars company appeared, which even then amazed with its power and the number of successful brands in its product portfolio. However, there was no talk of going public. Forrest believed that the company should remain a family asset. At least until his death, it was pointless to talk about selling at least some part of the company.

Of course, all the business magazines of the time wrote about Forrest's return to Mars. This was truly a significant event for all of America. It's a pity that Forrest took such a step so late. The thing is that in the early 30s, the father really wanted young Mars to return to the company, but he refused. This was very offensive to Frank, since when he died he was still in some discord with his son. However, Forrest eventually returned and led the company on a new course to new heights.

Revolution in management

Forrest Mars never advertised his wealth. He generally didn't like it when people talked about him too much. He didn't like to show off on the covers of business magazines. He was absorbed in his work, but completely uninterested in the accompanying fame. The Mars device of that time was very similar to the modern Apple. It was difficult to get any information about the company. However, we are aware of some revolutionary moves that Mars has made in relation to its employees.

Firstly, Mars had very strict control over product quality. Of course, so far it has not been delivered as well as the Japanese, but Mars monitored the quality. At the same time, Forrest always got personal when certain problems arose. He openly criticized certain employees. However, this does not mean that he did not value his employees. Not at all! He understood perfectly well that the fate of his company depended on them, and tried to organize the best conditions for them.

The second important point was that Mars abandoned private offices and any partitions separating employees from each other. This was done specifically so that employees could feel like a team. In addition, this move allowed everyone to convey information to another person, including the manager, much faster. Today, organizing work in this way is very popular (one office of the Soup company, which owns LiveJournal, is worth something).

Finally, it is worth noting that the company has its own employee training center. This happened in the middle of the 20th century, and was truly a revolutionary innovation. Overall, this is just a small part of what Forrest Mars has done for the company. Today Mars belongs to the third generation of the family. To be more precise, her fate is decided by Frank's grandchildren - Jacqueline, Forrest Jr. and John. At the same time, they moved away from direct management of the company. Mars CEO is hired manager Paul Michaels.

What's surprising is that Mars is still a private company. Possibly the largest private company in the world. Judge for yourself, the company's income in 2007 amounted to $25 billion. According to data for the same year, the company employed 48 thousand people. Mars owns world-famous brands in three industries: confectionery, animal food, rice (looking ahead, I note that there is another one, which will be discussed below). I think you all know brands such as Milky Way, M&M, Twix, Skittles, Snickers, Whiskas, Chappy, Pedigree, Incle Ben’s, Dove Chocolate, Bounty, Royal Canin and many others that are simply pointless to list.

Finally, Mars was the first to introduce beverage dispensers that were capable of accepting paper money. This is another area of ​​the company’s activities that few people know about. However, this does not prevent the slot machines from bringing solid profits to Mars’s treasury.

Mars today

Today, the brand is trying to comply with modern trends, and is making every effort to use high technology in its promotion, and at the same time present its products as healthier (yes, Mars refuses many harmful ingredients). Speaking of technology, Mars was the first company to sell real products through the social network Facebook. The idea was that any Facebook member could give his friend a Mars chocolate bar. To do this, you just had to pay for the chocolate bar and indicate the recipient. Tom was sent a special code to his mobile phone, which, by presenting it in special partner stores of Mars and Facebook, he could receive a chocolate bar.

The company did not ignore another popular social network called MySpace. It launched the official Mars radio station, which was supposed to attract the attention of young people. At the same time, it is interesting that the company relied on beginning groups that can quickly promote themselves with the help of this station.

Well, if we talk about sports, then Mars has changed the content of most of its products. Thus, the bar of the same name has become less caloric and has lost various artificial flavors. In addition, in the UK the brand constantly organizes advertising campaigns in order to attract the British to the problem of a healthy lifestyle.

Mars Inc. not only one of the largest food companies in the world, but also one of the most closed to prying eyes. To this day, it remains a family business, headed by members of the Mars family. Today, from a meager press release, it became known that one of the co-owners of the company, Forrest Edward Mars Jr., died at the age of 84. On this sad date, we decided to remind you what the Mars family is and how it created its “sweet” empire.

Mars has been a pillar of American and global business for over a century. Although its revenues amount to tens of billions of dollars a year, and its portfolio contains dozens of well-known brands, around each of which it would be possible to build a separate business (these are confectionery, food, animal feed, chewing gum - huge categories in which Mars is a leader position), the company continues to be a family business.

Surprisingly, a company with such turnover and influence has preserved the traditions set by its founder Frank Mars and his no less legendary son Forrest Sr. The company remains non-public, its shareholders are the three grandchildren of the founder, each of whom, according to Forbes, has a fortune of more than $10 billion. The oldest of them was the deceased Forrest Edward Jr. (84 years old), followed by his younger brother John (80 years old) and sister Jacqueline (75 years old).

Members of the Mars family are non-public people, despite the enormous wealth and status of the Mars business empire. Not only their personal lives are a mystery, but also their work: according to rumors, it is known that John and Edward some time ago stepped away from the direct management of the company, but in fact, even experts do not imagine the degree of their involvement in the company’s affairs. Only occasionally is fragmentary information flashed by which one can judge the scope of the family’s philanthropic activities and its influence on politicians in the United States.

The history of the company began in 1883, when the future founder of the business empire, Franklin Clarence Mars, was born in the tiny town of Pope (Minnesota).Frank's parents (under this name he went down in history) lived poorly, and besides, the boy suffered from a terrible illness - he was diagnosed with polio, which is why he could not move normally. Crutches blocked his way to school, but he found himself in a different field.

Frank Mars with his mother Elva

The fact is that poverty forced him from a young age to help his mother, who prepared sweets for sale at home. Working in the kitchen laid the foundation for the knowledge that later helped him open his own business.

He married schoolteacher Ethel Kissack, who later became his reliable business partner. By the end of the first decade of the 20th century. Frank made good progress in his career, bought a house, and saved some money. He was missing only one thing: he dreamed of his own business, and by the age of 28 he decided to open it again. From this moment in 1911, the Mars company began its countdown.

The Mars couple opened a candy store right in their recently purchased home. All trade took place through the kitchen window. Sales were brisk and the couple soon founded a company called Mar-O-Bar. This business, unlike Frank's first three attempts, did not fail, and his dream of owning his own business finally came true.

Frank Mars and Ethel Kissack

By the end of the decade, the company had grown to such a size that Mars opened a factory with a staff of 125 people in the suburbs of Chicago. By this time, the business was bringing him over $100,000 a year - quite a large business at that time. Ahead were the 20s - the time of the Great Depression, when the largest companies went bankrupt, but Frank's resourcefulness brought him out of this terrible era as a winner.

At that time, the basis of the products of the Mars company and all its competitors were candies with various fillings. The idea that brought Frank to the forefront came to him completely by accident. One day he went with his son, Forrest, to the store to buy candy. At that time, chocolate was sold only by weight, it was inconvenient - customers got dirty, sticky chocolate was not easy to wash off.

Frank Mars's first factory

It was at that moment that Frank came up with the idea of ​​wrapping chocolates in foil. The concept seemed promising to him, and after talking with his wife, he came to the conclusion that it was worth a try. The Milky Way bar, launched in this format, became a hit in a matter of days. By 1925, Milky Way would be a recognized leader in the US confectionery market.

This was also helped by the fact that at the height of the Depression, chocolate was sold for only 5 cents, so even the poorest people could afford the treat in difficult times. While other manufacturers were going bankrupt, Frank's company was rapidly growing rich and developing.

Milky Way packaging from the Great Depression

By 1924, Frank Mars's company's annual sales reached $700,000, and in 1926 the company changed its name first to Mars Candies and then to Mars Incorporated. By 1929, a Mars Inc. production hub opened in the Chicago area, which is still in operation. There, the production of bars under the Snickers brand was established, which appeared in 1923 and were named after the beloved horse of the Mars family. By the way, Milky Way also has a “horse” origin story - that was the name of the family farm for breeding horses.

In the early 30s, another entrepreneurial genius named Mars appeared on the business arena. This is Frank's son Forrest, the same boy who gave him the idea of ​​​​creating Milky Way. By this time, Forrest had graduated from Yale University, moved to the UK and opened his own chocolate candy business there.

He did not want to work in the company of his father, with whom he had a very strained relationship, which, according to one version, worsened after the divorce of Frank and Ethel. However, Forrest launched his business in the UK with his father's money, and even received the right to produce Milky Way bars outside the US. Subsequently, he significantly expanded the line, in particular, he launched the Mars and M&M's brands.

Father and son: Frank (left) and Forrest Mars?

In 1932, Forrest purchased premises for a factory in the town of Slow. Having hired several employees, he begins production. The first steps in the production of chocolate bars were not easy for young Mars. He even had to abandon the idea of ​​developing his own products at first - instead he collaborated with Cadbury.

Later, having gained a position in the market, he not only developed the confectionery business, but also entered other niches. Unlike his father, Forrest was fascinated not only by confectionery products, so over time the company’s assortment included animal food - Whiskas and Pedigree. After purchasing Uncle Ben's, he begins to produce food.

M& Dragee M's is one of the cult brands born during the Second World War.?

The company is growing to unprecedented proportions, but Mars-st. will no longer see the success of his son and the historical unification of the family company: he will die in 1934. Only thirty years later - in 1964 - Forrest merged his company with his father's brainchild. At the same time, there was no talk of going public: Forrest believed that the company should remain a family property.

Forrest Mars has always been a very private person who does not advertise the successes of the company, its and his own wealth. He generally didn't like it when people talked about him too much. He did not like to show off on the covers of business magazines, he was absorbed in work and was not at all interested in the media background.

The corporate structure of Mars has never been particularly advertised, however, some information about the management policies of Forrest Mars is known. Firstly, Mars had very strict control over product quality. The head of the company reacted harshly to employee miscalculations: oHe openly criticized those who made mistakes. At the same time, he was very careful about ensuring that valuable personnel remained in the company.

Third generation of Mars owners - Forrest Jr., John and Jacqueline

Mars abandoned private offices and any partitions separating employees from each other. This was done specifically so that employees could feel like a single team. In addition, this allowed each employee to quickly convey information to another person, including the manager. Today, organizing work in this way is very popular all over the world. In addition, Mars was one of the first to have its own employee training center - back in the middle of the 20th century.

Only in 1995, Forrest Mars gave the reins of the company to his sons John and Forrest Jr., among the shareholders who inherited the company, his youngest child, daughter Jacqueline, was also among the shareholders who inherited the company. Forrest's only condition is art. was that his children could not sell the company while he was alive. After Forrest's "retirement", Sr. lived only four years: he died in 1999 at the age of 95. His modesty did not change even after his death: an obituary, contained in a few lines, appeared a month after the funeral.

Children of Forrest Sr. and Frank’s grandchildren religiously fulfilled their duty to their parents and family: they continue to remain at the helm of the company, despite their advanced age. Now the fourth generation of Mars plays an active role in the management of the company - in particular, the chairman of the board of directors of Mars Inc. Victoria Mars, Forrest Jr.'s daughter, has been with the company since 1978. This means that the family continues to be the core of a company that embodies America's entrepreneurial spirit.

Illustrations from

The Mars company is considered one of the most mysterious in the American market. Currently, it owns more than a dozen brands that are in great demand all over the world. The corporation's revenues amount to billions of dollars.

Mars was originally a private company, which it still is. Key roles in the corporation belong to members of the Mars family, who have always tried to remain in the shadows, avoiding the hype around their names. In this regard, there have always been a lot of rumors and gossip around Mars. Thus, some claim that Forrest Mars, the son of the company’s founder, began his working day by touring production, personally trying samples of products, including animal feed.

Where it all began

The history of Mars goes back to the 19th century. In 1882, the future founder of the Franklin Corporation, Clarence Mars, was born in Minnesota. The boy grew up in a poor family, so he was forced to start working early. At the age of 19, he began selling sweets, rising higher and higher through the ranks.

Over time, Frank began to earn decent money and think about starting his own business. At 28, he quits his job and starts his own business. His wife Ethel becomes Mars's main assistant. The couple opens a candy store right in their own home in the American city of Tahoma. They personally make inexpensive candies with various fillings and sell them directly through their kitchen window.

Little by little, the family business, which the couple registered as “ Mars Candy Factory, Inc“, began to generate income. In 1923, Frank came up with an idea that changed his whole life. It happened completely by accident. One day, Mars was walking with his little son Forrest, and he asked to buy him chocolate, which was then sold only by weight. The kid quickly got dirty, and Frank thought, why not sell chocolate wrapped in foil? After discussing the idea at a house council, the couple decided to bring it to life. This is how it appeared Milky Way, which instantly became a bestseller. It was sold with the slogan: "Chocolate malt milk in a sweet bar" and by 1925 it was recognized as the leader in the chocolate market. Thanks to Milky Way, the company's revenue increased significantly, and Frank hired salespeople for his store.

In 1929, the Mars family moved to Chicago, where they opened their first factory in the early 1920s. From year to year, the company's staff increases, and its income is steadily growing. The Mars product line is constantly updated with new brands, including the bar Snickers, which is still very popular among buyers all over the world.

Activities of Forrest Mars

In 1932, Forrest Mars, who graduated from Yale University, went to the UK, where he founded his own company, called Mars Limited. Here historians have some differences. Some believe that Frank himself suggested that his son try his hand at it. Others claim that a major quarrel arose in the family, as a result of which Forrest decided not to aggravate relations with his father, go abroad and start his own business. Be that as it may, it is known for sure that Forrest did not leave the United States empty-handed - in addition to 50 thousand American dollars, he took with him a unique recipe for a Milky Way bar.

In 1932, Forrest created the legendary Mars bar. Unlike his father, he thinks more broadly and opens the production of animal feed. The company's assortment includes Whiskas and Pedigree. However, Forrest's most successful invention is candy coated with a special coating, thanks to which consumers' hands remain clean. They get the name M&M's and soon become the main product of the company, bringing in fabulous profits. It’s a pity that Mars Sr. never witnessed his son’s triumph. In 1934 he died of heart failure.

The success of M&M's was so resounding that Forrest Mars decided to change the name of his company to M&M Ltd. The next important step in the development of the corporation was the purchase of UncleBen’s, which at that time was considered the leader in the instant rice market.

In 1964, Forrest Mars decides to merge his brainchild with his father's company. This is how a company appears M&M/Mars, which is rapidly developing in several directions. The corporation produces confectionery products ( M&M's, Mars, Dove, Milky Way, Twix, Snickers, Bounty and other chocolate bars), animal food ( Kitekat, Whiskas, Chappi), chewing gum Wrigley, as well as basic food products ( Gourmania soups, sauces and rice Uncle Ben’s and others). Over time, the company begins producing drinks ( Four Square) and vending machines.

Basic principles of the company and features in its management

In 1977, the five principles of Mars appeared, which guide the company to this day: quality, responsibility, mutual understanding, efficiency and freedom.

Mars has always had serious control over the quality of all products. Forrest Mars also paid great attention to team cohesion. Thus, at Mars there are no personal offices or partitions separating the corporation’s employees from each other. Mars believed that in this way employees would feel like a team and would be able to quickly convey information to colleagues, including managers. In the mid-20th century, the company opened its own employee training center.

Mars today

Today, Mars is owned by Frank Mars' grandchildren, Jacqueline, Forrest Jr. and John. They formally resigned, handing over control of the corporation to Paul Michaels.

Currently, the company strives to ensure that its products remain in demand and meet modern requirements. For example, it changed the composition of Mars chocolate bars, which lost artificial flavors and became less calorie. The corporation has also abandoned the use of potentially harmful additives and periodically holds events promoting a healthy lifestyle.