Room interior 18 sq m living room bedroom. How many beds do you need

150 photo ideas for designing a living room of 18 square meters.

What color to choose for the design of the living room 18 sq. M?

The most fashionable!

If… You are ready to reshape your living room in a new way every season.

In 2018, Pantone Ultra Violet 18-3838 was declared the color of the year, but in 4 months it will be replaced by a new, interesting and probably unexpected shade.

So do you really need to do repairs again?

After all, fashion is fashion, guests are guests, but you live in your apartment.

We invite you to get acquainted with the 12 most popular color schemes for decorating a living room and, after weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each, make a decision.


A living room in white is a stylish solution, but not very versatile.

Judge for yourself: as soon as a child pours juice or a beloved four-legged friend climbs with not quite clean paws on a snow-white sofa, all its charm and chic fades along with your reputation as an ideal hostess.

Are you ready for constant dry cleanings, cleanings and cleaning bills?

At the same time, if you are young, ambitious and confident that not a single stain will accidentally creep into your interior - go for it!

White color is easily combined WITH ALL other colors and if you want to change something in your snow-white living room of 18 sq. m - even a complete repair will not have to be redone.


Universal neutral shade for calm and thoughtful natures.

Beige does not scream, does not stand out and does not strain. With it, you can easily emphasize the shape and texture of the interior elements of the living room 18 sq.m.

The beige interior can be diluted with bright accents - blue, green, blue.


Traditionally brown is the color of natural wood. Therefore, for a long time it was a characteristic feature of the living room in a classic style.

Today, modern technologies allow us to conceptually rethink the role of brown in the interior and use it in other, more modern design directions.

In the living room 18 sq. m brown can be the base color, but there is a risk that the room will be perceived as too small and dark. It is better to make it accent and use it for furniture and textile decor.


Living room 18 sq. m can afford to be red!

Here, family, friends, relatives, although they gather to relax, but this vacation is active, associated with actions, activities, movement.

By and large, in the interior of the living room, everything rests not on what color to use, but in what quantity. The more red (any shade) used in the design of the room, the more hot, impulsive, energetic it will seem.

The best option is to use a red tint with white dominance in the interior.


Blue and blue shades in their effect on the psyche and perception are the exact opposite of red.

They soothe, relax, cool if you want.

Shades of blue or blue are ideal for those whose life is hyperactive and oversaturated with events, emotions, and actions.

Blue is often referred to as the new black by designers, and blue is loved in interiors for its versatility and ability to redefine even traditional concepts.


Since Greenery Grass Green was voted the Color of the Year in 2017, there is no end to those wanting to design their living room in green!

In addition, green is quite easy to combine with most of the shades used in residential design. Read more about the combination of colors in the interior, we told here.


Many designers began to use gray color because it favorably emphasizes the texture of the material.

This year, raw concrete and Venetian terrazzo are especially popular, the base color of which is precisely the shades of gray.

Gray is very versatile. And by experimenting with its saturation and depth, you can achieve interesting and even unexpected effects of volumetric space.


The peculiarity of the black color in the interior of the living room of 18 sq.m is that it completely fills the space of the room.

Because of this, in a small, by modern standards, living room of 18 squares, when using black as the base color, it is better to limit yourself to a minimum set of furniture and decor items.


The cheerful and bright design of the 18 sq.m living room in yellow will 100% attract attention and stand out among the living rooms of your friends and relatives.

Yellow color enlivens poorly lit rooms, so if you are experiencing a lack of light in your hall, feel free to use it in your interior!

The opposite is also true: in an overly lit room, yellow walls can increase the "visual temperature" of the room.


Orange color in the interior is an interesting youth alternative to red. It is as dynamic as red, although less defiant.

Orange is used in modern interior design styles: loft, eclectic, fusion, high-tech, Scandinavian. But more delicate and light variations of orange (peach, apricot, coral) will fit into classic interiors.


Lavender shades are a must have for decorating an 18 sq. m in .

But they are not alone in the purple palette!

In 2018, Cosmic Ultraviolet was chosen as the color of the year, and one of the favorites of the masters of interior design is deep dark violet.


A truly girly interior design color.

In whatever style the pink interior of the living room of 18 sq.m is made, the feminine will clearly dominate in it.

To soften this effect, it is better to use pink as an accent color and / or in combination with other, more “masculine” colors - gray, purple, blue, black, green.

In what style to decorate the interior of the living room 18 sq. m?

Many styles of interior design have their own characteristic palette of shades. But, if desired, any gamut of colors can be adapted to the desired style.

We invite you to get acquainted with the most relevant stylistic solutions for the living room.


The restrained and self-sufficient classic style of interior design has been in demand for more than one generation. Distinctive features of the classic style are strict lines, a neutral palette of shades, natural materials (mainly wood), textured upholstery fabrics.


Urban will fit perfectly into an open-plan living-studio with large stained-glass or panoramic windows. It is characterized by a dark natural palette of shades, raw textures of facing materials (brickwork, concrete, wood, metal), conditional zoning of space (without partitions), large metal lamps.


Delightfully gentle style, which came to us from the coast of southern France, inspires and surprises with its lightness and simplicity. A light palette of pastel shades will make the living room space 18 sq. m weightless, as if woven from a cloud. In such a living room, there is always a lot of textile decor, forged interior details, carved curlicues, with a floral print.


The Scandinavian style of living room design is loved by many for its light and cheerful palette of shades, “warm” natural materials, stylish geometric and ethnic prints, and just an incredibly huge amount of storage space. The base color is usually white. It is complemented by such shades as brick, yellow, pink, mint, combined with strict minimalist black lines that emphasize the simplicity of forms.


Comfort based on progress is the main leitmotif of the modern living room design style. It is here that materials processed using the latest technologies, novelties in the furniture industry, and the freshest ideas for lighting scenarios will be used.


Dreaming of relaxation and relaxation? Do you want to change the tense atmosphere of the office to an atmosphere of ease and relaxation, like at a resort? Then pay attention to the Mediterranean style of living room design. Brought up in warm lands, it seems to be saturated with bliss and dreaminess that reign on the sea coast.


Nothing superfluous - this is how you can characterize the style of minimalism in the interior of the living room.

For rooms 18 sq. m, it is perfect because it assumes the presence of only the most necessary.

Here you will not find distracting details, heaps of accessories or overly complicated designs. But in minimalism, experiments with a color palette are allowed, although white is still the most popular color in a minimalist interior.


Fantasy eclecticism is suitable for those who are not used to living within standards and patterns. This style is attractive to individualists and creative individuals, as it involves experimenting with space and combining the incompatible.

Bright colors, eye-catching details, unexpected solutions - all this is about eclecticism.


Style for connoisseurs of wildlife, naturalness and naturalness. Ideal for those who are tired of the hustle and bustle of the stone jungle.

Modern technologies make it possible to arrange in the living room of 18 sq.m not just a living corner, but a real jungle with phytowalls and waterfalls.


East is a delicate matter.

Oriental interior design styles are ethnic, that is, characteristic of certain ethnic groups. These include Indian interiors, and Turkish, and Iranian. Each of them has its own characteristics and nuances, which are important to understand. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming the unfortunate owner of a European-style renovation stuffed with trinkets from the souvenir market.


The rustic style of interior design is considered unpretentious, homely and cozy. In many ways, it echoes the Provence style, but has a darker palette of shades and a rougher processing of materials.

Arrangement of the living room 18 sq.m

In 2018, the so-called “individual inclusiveness” has become a fashion trend - i.e. the ability of space to include everything that is necessary for its owner. So there was a fashion for bedrooms with, balconies with kitchens and other solutions that are unusual for us.

And even if you are not yet ready for such radical experiments, it still makes sense to equip the living room the way you want it.

Here are just some of the options.

With a balcony

A balcony is always an additional 2-3 square meters of space. It can be left alone without being connected to the main room, or combined with the living room.

Most often, a mini-bar, a place to relax or a work area / hobby area are equipped in the resulting niche.

With sleeper

This option is often found in one-room Khrushchevs, when a single room performs all roles at once.

The bed can be hidden behind a partition, a sofa can be used as a sleeping place, or complex lowering systems built into the walls.

With a workplace

Traditionally, the workplace (if there is no separate office) is equipped in. But if we are talking about where the living room acts at the same time for everyone, then you don’t really have to choose.

Often in such cases, a balcony is attached to the living room and it is in it that a computer desk is placed.

with a fireplace

The fireplace in the living room of 18 sq.m will literally become a home where the whole family gathers.

Fortunately, modern biotechnologies do not require special complex air duct systems and can be installed even in an ordinary city apartment.

With photo wallpaper

Wall mural is a great opportunity to make your living room exclusive and visually expand the space.

with kitchen

Studio living rooms combined with a kitchen area are now at the peak of popularity and are often equipped in modern open-plan apartments. In Khrushchev and panel houses, such a reorganization of space will require the demolition of walls, which must be agreed with all regulatory authorities before carrying out.

With dining area

If either is attached to the room, then it makes sense to equip the dining area in the living room. The key rule in this matter is to make a dining area that will be convenient to use every day.

If your family consists of three people, and stormy feasts with all relatives gather once in a while, you start from the first fact.

With corner sofa

A corner sofa is an extra seating area and a great way to divide the living space into functional areas.

With two sofas

If you have many friends who come to visit often, you can use armchairs in addition to the sofa. But 1 armchair is 1 seat, so it is often more practical to put a second sofa.

with wall

The issue of storing things in a city apartment was, is and will always be relevant. Therefore, the traditional “walls”, although they change their appearance and fittings, still remain permanent companions of living rooms of 18 sq.m.

From the hallway

You can expand the space not only due to the balcony, but also by combining the room with the hallway and corridor. The easiest way to do this is in open-plan apartments, but such solutions also take place in standard Khrushchev and Stalinist buildings.

Bonus! 7 photo ideas of a living room 18 sq. m for every taste

During the repair of the hall in a panel house, certain difficulties may arise, which are inconvenient layout, low ceiling or overhanging beams. Therefore, it can be problematic to achieve a beautiful interior in such a room, especially if its area is 18 sq. m. In an ordinary hall in a two-room apartment, you should correctly organize the space, abandon unnecessary elements that clutter up the room and exclude complex forms.

For a more correct implementation of the design of the living room, you will need to create an individual project that will visually present the hall as a single space with certain functional areas.

Rectangular living room

The rectangular layout of the living room of 18 squares is a typical option for most Khrushchev apartments. Most often in such a room there is one or two windows and a standard doorway.

In an elongated room, it is not advisable to install furniture items near one long wall. Such placement will further emphasize the disproportionate geometry of the space and make the image of the interior inharmonious. An excellent solution would be zoning the living room into several visible areas.

The photo shows the layout of a rectangular room with a light furniture wall and an L-shaped sofa.

When decorating a narrow living room, you should also not use a straight and symmetrical arrangement of furniture. It is better to complement the interior of the hall with an L-shaped sofa and a pair of armchairs installed diagonally. In a room with windows facing north, you need to organize good lighting and choose finishes in neutral colors.

Walk-through living room 18 sq.

A walk-through hall with a broken perspective can greatly complicate the process of arranging a room. Thus, it would be appropriate to resort to zoning, expanding door, window openings or creating arches.

In such a living room, all furniture items should be located so that they do not interfere with free movement in space.

The room can be divided into functional areas. Allocate a common area where movement between the premises will be carried out and a recreational segment with a place to relax and receive guests. The interior of the room should have the most comfortable atmosphere with suitable furniture, decor, decoration and lighting. To preserve the usable area as a zonal delimitation, the installation of a multi-level ceiling, the use of a floor sill or cladding of different colors is suitable.

The photo shows the design of an 18-meter walk-through living room in bright colors.

square hall

It is the optimal layout in terms of geometry. The main furniture is placed in the center, and the remaining elements are installed along the free walls.

A square living room of 18 square meters can be decorated with more voluminous objects and add juicy and rich accents to the interior.

The photo shows the layout of the living room of 18 square meters in the interior of the apartment.


If it becomes necessary that the living room of 18 sq m combine several functions and be equipped with a separate bed or study, zoning is used to give the space a different geometry.

For example, if the interior of the hall is distinguished by the presence of a niche, a bed will ideally fit in it. It is appropriate to equip this recess with sliding partitions or curtains. An equally advantageous place for installing a sleeping bed will be the far corner of the room, which can be separated using a rack or a small podium.

For conditional zoning, different flooring is suitable, such as laminate, parquet or more budgetary linoleum.

The living room of 18 squares with a workplace is separated with the help of deaf or transparent plastic and glass partitions. Also quite often they use functional drywall constructions, which are equipped with bookshelves, niches and full-fledged storage compartments.

In the photo there is a hall of 18 squares in the Scandinavian style with a sleeping place located in a niche.

The layout and zoning of the hall of 18 square meters is carried out according to an individual project, taking into account the needs, preferences and tastes of all family members. Regardless of the number of functional areas in the room, the most important of them is a place to relax.

In the recreation area, comfortable furniture and a TV are placed, decorated with expressive decor and bright details are added. This segment can be supplemented with contrasting paintings, family photos or colorful carpets.

In the photo, zoning with a rack in the interior of a living room of 18 square meters with a work desk.

How to furnish the room?

A corner sofa or a folding model will perfectly fit into the interior of the hall with an area of ​​18 square meters, which will provide an extra bed. The corner design can be equipped with built-in shelves, drawers and even special compartments for storing bed linen or things.

It is appropriate to decorate the wall opposite the sofa with a TV or install a fireplace. The main furniture set will perfectly complement a pair of armchairs, a round or rectangular coffee table.

In order to form 18 squares in the interior of the living room, a natural and harmonious environment, it is required to organize high-quality lighting. The room is equipped with built-in artificial lighting, floor lamps, several sconces are placed, spotlights are installed and a central ceiling chandelier is hung.

To expand the room and create the perfect background will allow the color palette in neutral whites, grays, beiges, creams and other light shades. You can give the design interesting notes with the help of decorative elements and small objects in bright colors.

In the interior of the living room, one of the walls is sometimes highlighted with wallpaper a tone darker than the main coating. The accent plane can have a monochrome design or be decorated with attractive patterns.

Despite the fact that the area of ​​​​18 square meters is average, the living room is still not spacious enough to decorate the walls and floor in too rich and deep colors.

In the photo, the interior design of the hall is 18 m2 with a corner sofa.

Ideas in different styles

Examples of style design of the hall 18 squares.

Living room interior in modern style

This design style suggests a concise, minimalistic and functional interior, which is more practical than decorative. In the living room of 18 square meters in a modern style, there is always space, cleanliness and comfort. The design includes clear lines and shapes, flat planes, unobtrusive colors and comfortable furnishings.

The photo shows the design of the living room 18 sq m in a modern style.

The modern direction is the most suitable for the interior of a small room. Modern, hi-tech and minimalism completely change the visual perception of the hall. High-quality finishing materials, metal and glass surfaces go well with simple furnishings and cutting-edge technology, creating a harmonious composition.

The photo shows the minimalist style in the interior of the hall with an area of ​​18 squares.

Classics in the interior of the hall 18 sq.

The hall in the classic style is finished with natural materials such as marble, stone or wood, expensive textiles and forged parts are used.

In a traditional interior in a classic style, a coffee table on carved legs is located in the center, and other items are placed around it in the form of a sofa, armchairs upholstered in satin or velvet, bookcases and a fireplace. The design can be diluted with accent details, decorate the walls with paintings or mirrors in an elegant frame, arrange live plants in the living room.

The finishing touch will be a massive drapery of the window opening and a luxurious ceiling chandelier.

The photo shows the interior of a rectangular hall of 18 square meters, made in a classic style.

Living room design 18 m2 with balcony

Combining a living room with a loggia is a very popular design solution that increases usable space and adds more natural light to the room.

The photo shows the design of a living room of 18 square meters in a loft style, combined with a balcony.

Thanks to this technique, the interior of the hall is significantly transformed, acquires a fresher look and becomes as functional as possible. A greenhouse, a sitting area, a dressing room or a library will ideally fit into the additional balcony space.

Photo gallery

The living room of 18 square meters is the central room in an apartment or house, where pleasant family evenings are spent and guests are received. Therefore, the interior must meet all the basic requirements. Taking into account competent design advice and design ideas, you can achieve the intended effect as much as possible, give the atmosphere an unusual look and fill the atmosphere with homely warmth and comfort.

Room of 18 sq. m is considered typical when it comes to an apartment building. Designers offer many options for the interior of such a home: from classic to minimalism and high-tech. The use of unusual solutions will help to make the interior fashionable and interesting.

Room type

The criterion that determines the features of interior design is often the type of room. A room of 18 sq. m can be found in the "Khrushchev", since this footage is considered traditional for living rooms in old houses. A studio apartment and an ordinary room in a small apartment have a similar square footage. All rooms are different, and they try to visually enlarge each of them and make it as functional and comfortable as possible.


A square or elongated room in the "Khrushchev" is most often a walk-through. She is the largest in apartments of this type.

The passage room in the "Khrushchev" is of two types:

  • living room with balcony (in multi-room apartments);
  • a room with a balcony and a door to the kitchen (in one-room "Khrushchevs").

The design of the walk-through room implies convenience and a minimum of details. As in the case of the living room, the interior of the room in the "odnushka" involves the combination of various kinds of spaces: recreation areas, workplaces, bedrooms. Partitions, podiums, niches can act as zoning elements. You can do without additional structures, dividing the space with color, light, various materials and fabrics.

In the interior of a small room, every centimeter of space is important. So, to increase the space, a balcony is often used. It can be insulated and equipped as an office, dining room or bedroom.

In some cases, designers are advised to combine a balcony with a room by dismantling an adjacent wall, thereby making the area of ​​​​the room much larger. Such a solution allows to implement many interesting ideas.


A design feature of the studio apartment is that there is no partition separating the kitchen from other living quarters. In a studio of 18 sq. m on the available area, you need to organize a kitchen, and a bedroom, and a living room, and in most cases - also a place to work and study.

It is worth mentioning that this type of housing is chosen by young boys, bachelors under 40, young couples and families. Studio apartments are common in Europe, where they are chosen as a home by both wealthy aged men and young people.

In Russia, this type of apartments is only gaining popularity. The age of the residents largely determines the appearance of the interior of the studio apartment. The design involves the use of laconic furniture, a minimum of details, lightness of construction and simplicity of decorating the ceiling and floor.

To distinguish between the zones of the kitchen and the living room, you can use a bar counter, wardrobe, corner sofa. It is quite possible to zone the space with the help of different materials: for example, use tiles in the flooring in the kitchen, and laminate or linoleum in the living room. You can also separate spaces from each other with light and color.

It will not be difficult to organize a full-fledged sleeping place with a bed in a studio apartment. The recreation area is separated from the rest of the territory by glass partitions, plasterboard or foam block structures, blind curtains.


An ordinary apartment in a Soviet-built building does not have a significant area. Often the largest room in it does not exceed 18 square meters. meters. A small room does not impress with the height of the ceilings and its scale, but it is still possible to make a worthy repair that visually increases its proportions.

To "stretch" a room, you can use vertical striped wallpaper, and to increase its width, choose horizontal striped wallpaper. The ceiling for such a room is preferable glossy stretch.

The main thing is to use the rules of minimalism, while maintaining the smoothness of the lines and the uniformity of the decor. Even a small room in an ordinary apartment can be turned into a real work of art, and the interior will not look too pretentious.

How to visually enlarge?

This question is asked by all owners of rooms of 18 square meters. m. Expanding space and improving functionality is the main task of the designer.

The main methods of increasing space are:

  • the use of light colors in the interior;
  • "whitening" of the ceiling - intentional lightening of its middle with darker edges;
  • dismantling of doors, their replacement with spacious arches;
  • expansion of window spaces;
  • dismantling the wall adjacent to the balcony and expanding the room at the expense of the loggia area. It is worth noting that the project of such a repair requires the written approval of the BTI;
  • use of zoning in the interior.

Some of the methods should be considered in more detail. To create a visual effect of expanding the area, designers use light colors. To make the room look more spacious, choose laminate and linoleum in light shades: golden or light walnut, oak, beech, maple, natural pine.

For walls, it is better to choose wallpaper in pastel shades, such as champagne, beige, gray, milky, sand. You should beware of large ornaments, complex geometric patterns. You can choose wallpaper in a small flower. Be careful when decorating walls. The abundance of white often turns cozy rooms into hospital wards. It is better to opt for pastel colors.

When choosing furniture, you should avoid multi-layered draperies, gloomy colors and bulky designs.

The sofa, which often also serves as a bed, should be light, compact. An excellent option would be transformable furniture that can be hidden in a closet or a niche in the wall. Reception of space zoning is well suited for both rectangular and square rooms.

With the help of a partition, you can separate the recreation area, dining room, workplace from each other. Partitions are both deaf and transparent, made of plastic, glass. Various kinds of drywall constructions can also be functional: inside they place shelves for small things and books, as well as full-fledged compartments for storing things. Partitions can be made in the form of a window or a forged metal lattice. A closet, a sofa, a wall will also serve as peculiar separators.

The main features of the interior design of a small room with an area of ​​​​18 m2 can be summarized as the following theses:

  • minimalism in everything: in the appearance of furniture, decor, interior details;
  • the use of light shades;
  • spot lighting instead of a multi-tiered chandelier;
  • lack of multi-stage ceilings:
  • furniture of a simple and concise design, made mainly in light shades;
  • space zoning.

Beautiful examples

You should dwell on the popular design options for a small room.

Classic style

The living room in the "Khrushchev" can be arranged in a classic style, using its modern version. Textured wallpapers and fabrics on the windows will help to achieve the desired effect. By tradition, in such a living room there is a round table in the center. The finishing touches will be wooden furniture, paintings, antiques. For decor, it is better to use soft pastel colors. You can visually expand the room with the help of mirrors framed in ornate wooden frames.

Classics are always in fashion, so this style will look homely and luxurious at the same time.


This style is very popular among young people. It's perfect for a young guy. The direction of the loft implies the absence of any decoration, which means that repairs will be very inexpensive. You can leave brickwork or plastered walls. The design of the ceiling suggests the presence of wires brought out. Window openings need to be expanded, since the interior involves a large amount of light.


A room decorated in this direction will always look fashionable and fresh. It is the minimalist style that is the best suited for the interior of small apartments. When designing, it is necessary to focus on the severity of forms and conciseness of details.

The interior involves the use of natural materials, painting the walls in pastel colors. The texture of the surfaces is chosen predominantly matte, without gloss.


This style will come in handy when decorating a bedroom or living room. The interior of the French village suggests the presence of warm colors in the decor, an abundance of light. Wallpaper in a small flower or lightly plastered walls will create a light mood.

Living room - the central room of a house or apartment, where guests are received and the whole family relax in the evening. The living room of 18 square meters is not small, however, and not spacious enough, so in the process of registration it is necessary to resort to a number of tricks.

Decoration Materials

Initially, you need to decide on the flooring. Here, the best option would be monochrome material without frills: linoleum, laminate or parquet with shades of wood. The dark floor is used to provide depth to the room, but the floor must be diluted with light walls.

In order to visually enlarge the room, you can "raise" the ceilings. For this effect, it is necessary that the color performance of the ceiling be one or two tones lighter than the walls.

An alternative option for raising ceilings is to use wallpaper with vertical lines and stripes, or to use a floral ornament directed upwards.

Also a very effective and popular option is the combination of wall coverings, so one wall can be made under a stone or decorated with photo wallpaper, and the rest with light plain colors.

Choosing the Right Color

The living room, whose area is 18 square meters, should be restrained. Too bright or dark will quickly begin to annoy, and will not cause such aesthetic pleasure. It is preferable to use light, pastel colors, which predispose to relaxation and comfort.

A number of optimal color solutions for decorating the living room:

  • Beige or white.
  • Brown.
  • Green (salad) and blue.
  • Light shades of grey.
  • Pink and purple.
  • Orange.

If the room is divided into several functional areas, then it can be combined with color, using both warm and cold colors here. Thus, the dining area can be made in bright colors (yellow, red, gold), but the recreation area can be made in more pleasant colors for relaxation (green, blue, pastel).

Curtains and lighting

The organization of lighting must be approached responsibly and very carefully. A large and massive chandelier will not feel comfortable, it is better to use spotlights, placing them around the perimeter of the living room. Such lamps are also convenient in that they can be placed in any convenient way. For example, you can group them in such a way that it creates the feeling of a divided room into several zones.

The abundance of lighting points does not mean that the room should be closed from natural light, it must also be present. Heavy structures on the windows will not be appropriate and will deprive it of the necessary rays of the sun, which is not entirely correct.

However, leaving the windows completely open is also wrong, because it will attract attention from the outside, and it will be uncomfortable for the owners of the home, because it creates the feeling that someone is looking at you. Moreover, few people want to admire the view of a neighboring house or be distracted by the light of street lamps at night.

There is only one way out of the situation - you need to use thin materials, for example, a veil, organza or tulle. The color should match the walls or be close to them in shade. Blinds or Roman blinds are a good thing, however, they can draw unnecessary attention to themselves, which means distracting from the overall picture of the room.

Equipping the living room with furniture

You can work out the design of the room for a long time and carefully, make it almost perfect, but choose the wrong furniture and ruin everything. The living room, with an area of ​​18 squares, should be functional, without any frills or clutter.

The modern market is very rich, which means that you can use the right designer furniture, which is distinguished by its compactness and sophistication.

Furniture that must be in the living room:

  • Sofa. It is best to buy a corner sofa, place it in the corner farthest from the exit.
  • Neat coffee table for tea parties.
  • Shelving. They are able to replace the overall "walls" and cabinets, are characterized by their practicality and original appearance.

In general, of course, it is worth saying that it is impossible to give general recommendations to everyone at once, because everything depends on a particular case, the shape of the room, and the taste of the owner. That is why the design of the room promises to be original and unique. The main condition for the design of such a living room: functionality, lack of furniture excess, free central area of ​​the room. It is preferable that the furniture be located around the perimeter of the room, in addition, you can use the space not only horizontally, but also vertically, using additional levels.


The living room is a great place for a wealth of decor, here you can place various figurines, family photos, souvenirs donated or brought from places of rest, certificates and medals for various achievements. The living room is a room for demonstrating the success of each of the family members in particular and the residents of the apartment / house in general. However, you need to know the measure, making a museum exhibition out of the living room would be wrong and inappropriate.

Abundant decor will not create style, but only hide it, so you do not need to use carpets, wrought iron candlesticks and similar decorations here.

You need to think about the recreation area. The living room must have a TV in its arsenal, located opposite the sofa. If you strive for protection from the excesses of technology, then it can be replaced by a fireplace or an aquarium.

Ideal styles for decorating a living room: Japanese, Scandinavian and, of course, minimalism. These are exotic, functional and thoughtful styles that allow you to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere for the family and its guests. Each of these styles is based on the use of light colors in the design of the room, translucent and light materials. Wood is especially welcome here, in particular its light shades and natural decor.

A bright room always seems spacious and contributes to relaxation, so the use of mirrors, transparent partitions, a wardrobe will always be interesting and appropriate.

Living room decoration with an area of ​​18 square meters

When the area of ​​the room is limited, it is necessary to use the subtleties of decorative design techniques to visually change the aesthetic perception of the available space. In most cases, the largest room in an apartment or house is the hall. In order for it to look stylish and correspond to the status of the owners of the house and their taste preferences, the furniture should be comfortable, and the overall look should be homely. We equip the space of the hall with an area of ​​​​18 square meters. m, taking into account original design ideas, understanding the school of style.


Living room in 18 sq. m is a typical space for most apartments from the Soviet period, including the famous Khrushchev. Basically, it is a rectangular layout with one or two windows and a standard doorway. In other cases, the room may be a walk-through, its area has a broken perspective, which greatly complicates the arrangement of the premises. This forces the use of zoning techniques in the design or more significant changes associated with an increase in doorways, the implementation of arches, and the expansion of windows.

It's great if the windows are located on adjacent sides: in such rooms there is more light.

If the room has ledges, niches, sloping walls, this affects the harmonious arrangement of furniture, clearly defining a specific place for each piece of furniture. Less commonly, such rooms have bay windows, podiums are made, or the room has a connection with a loggia or balcony.

The design project of this room, whether in a panel house or a private building, takes into account a number of tasks of playing with the design features of the space.

In a hall of 18 sq. m important:

  • visually fill the space with space and depth;
  • bring maximum light into the room;
  • use design features, giving them the appearance of functionally important details of the situation;

  • make the ceiling visually higher, doorways - wider, windows - more;
  • demonstrate the uniqueness of the chosen style;
  • do not overload the interior with an abundance of furnishings;
  • functionally equip each zone of the room;
  • bring a sense of homeliness to the space.


The style of a small hall of an apartment can be arranged in a different direction of design. Moderate classics are welcome, but in classical styles (neoclassicism, Italian style and classicism) it is worth limiting the abundance of palace solemnity and pomposity.

It is important to reduce the amount of gilding in furniture decoration and an abundance of crystal in the hanging chandelier, to minimize the plaster molding of the ceiling and the massiveness of the furniture in the guest area. In a space of 18 square meters there cannot be an abundance of luxury and pretentiousness, especially if the room is narrow or has a small window.

Modern style trends that emphasize functionality are a great solution for decorating a small living room. Minimalism, modernism, bionics, art deco, brutalism can change the perception of a room. These directions welcome the use of modern materials, metal and glass surfaces in the setting. Thanks to this, the furniture is harmoniously combined with a stereo and video system, corners of the workspace with computer equipment, making up a compositional ensemble with it (if the hall is the only living room in the apartment).

Ethnic and creative design ideas are appropriate in the design of the hall with an area of ​​18 squares. In the first case, the emphasis is often on natural materials and natural tones of the color palette. At the same time, unusual tables with a stone leg and a glass top, wicker furniture and wooden accessories often become accents of the interior.

Directions in the spirit of loft and grunge in the usual sense are not suitable here., but their stylization is quite appropriate: small ledges trimmed with imitation of brick in places or elements of rough surfaces in the spirit of industrial facilities add individuality to the interior. It is reminiscent of a studio apartment.


The decor of a small living room of a rectangular, square shape, corner or other perspective can be different design elements.

The most interesting decorating techniques in demand among professional interior stylists today include:

  • artistic painting of paintings, abstraction, photos in small laconic frames;
  • original figurines, glass or porcelain figurines;
  • combining wallpaper through a different shade, pattern, texture, mixing with other facing materials;

  • composite lighting of certain functional areas (racks, shelves, walls, ceiling);
  • combining the hall with a balcony or loggia, giving it the appearance of a bay window;
  • use of glass partitions;
  • the use of gilding, silver, metallic shades in the interior;

  • wallpaper colors (embossing, gold plating) and their decoration with special stickers;
  • highlighting accent places with photo wallpapers with the desired theme;
  • adding expensive functional accessories (clocks, floor lamps) to the style;
  • the use of beautiful textiles in furniture upholstery, sofa covers, covers, poufs, curtains.

Furnishings for a small room should not be massive: compactness and lack of pretentiousness are welcome. At the same time, the legs of upholstered furniture can be curved, carved. For such a living room, small linear and corner sofas, compact armchairs, poufs and neat tables are suitable.

Today, sofa accessories are in the spotlight: on such tables you can place a minimum set of necessary little things, they look harmoniously against the general background of the space, are functional accessories and, in some models, imply transformation, which is especially convenient if you need to receive guests by arranging a tea party.

Chairs and transforming sofas are matched to match them: if the living room is a single room of the apartment, at night the sofa will organize a convenient and comfortable sleeping place.

Shelves look beautiful in the interior of the living room and narrow cabinets with glass or mirror facades. With their help, you can visually enlarge the space, make the room bigger and brighter. So that the room does not seem cluttered, it is better to buy products with a mezzanine, removing as many items as possible into it: this will contribute to creating a spacious interior composition.

It is better to purchase a video system of a standard size, built into the wall and decorated on both sides with laconic acoustic devices.


With a hall area of ​​18 sq. m, wall cladding with wallpaper, plastic panels, laminate, partial imitation of stone and brickwork is possible. An excellent decoration technique is the finishing of vertical planes with decorative plaster with the appearance of chaotic strokes with a large brush, or another pattern applied by hand.

With a harmonious approach to combining materials, planning with zoning is possible, in which part of the wall is designed as a bottom panel (plastic and laminate), or accentuating the guest area (decorative brick or imitation wallpaper in white, light gray). If wall cladding is undesirable and seems laborious, you can decorate the walls with different textured wallpapers.

When choosing a wallpaper material, it is worth giving preference to expensive varieties: non-woven, textile options, raw materials with silk-screen printing, for painting, liquid and glass wallpapers are in priority. Paper cladding of a single layer type will simplify the interior: the walls set the tone for the whole environment, you need an emphasis on premium and original texture (plush, velvety, rough).

Choose materials with ease of care(allowing surface cleaning), gluing and the presence of an additional effect (fire-resistant, environmentally friendly, moisture resistant, antibacterial). A material with a glossy surface is undesirable: a variety with a matte background and a silky sheen is preferable, through which you can convey the beauty of the pattern and set the right mood for the interior.


Actual floor materials for creating an original interior of a small hall are:

  • parquet;
  • parquet board;
  • linoleum;
  • linoleum tiles;
  • laminate;
  • bulk floor.

The uniqueness of the materials lies in the fact that they can be combined with each other, allowing you to zone the space of the hall. So you can highlight the guest, work area or dining space. Using a combination of different finishing coatings, the possibilities of floor cladding are opened up, taking into account varying degrees of permeability and humidity.

Floor finishing can be a variety of curly lines, carpet imitation, abstract patterns. In some cases, a small fill with a 3D effect is performed, which fills the room with a special atmosphere, however, it requires moderation in the theme of the picture and the size of the accent area (if there is a lot of such fill, the interior of the room may be overloaded).


With a small space, it is preferable not to overload the ceiling area, although simple decor elements in moderation and size are welcome. To make it appear taller, it is decorated in white. Lighting plays a big role in creating the right atmosphere. It should be composite, near-surface, zoned, consist of a central light and additional illumination. One light source is not enough: you need a main chandelier and auxiliary spotlights on diodes with a warm flow temperature.

If there is little light in the room, the room is narrow, divided into zones, instead of one chandelier, you will need two. At the same time, they should not be massive, although slight eclecticism and a different appearance are allowed, maintaining the right atmosphere for each functional section of the hall, given its purpose. For example, for a guest area, a lighting device can be larger, more colorful, for a dining room, a fairly concise model with a closed ceiling, or spot diodes in two rows around the ceiling area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis area.

Color solutions

The choice of the color of the furnishings is a key factor in the interior of the hall. Acid and aggressive tones are unacceptable. Monochrome design in black and white style is also undesirable: it is devoid of cheerfulness, it is necessary to add color tones to such a design, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to be in the room. Regardless of the main tone, you need to use white (in the lining of the ceiling, curtain textiles, window frames, etc.).

Harmonious popular shades that are appropriate in the original style of living room design today are combinations:

  • white + beige + chocolate + light wenge;
  • white + light coral + cream + wenge;
  • white + beige + coffee + brown;
  • cream + amber + white + orange;

  • light gray + wenge + brick + white;
  • olive + white + cream;
  • pale green + cream + pinkish + white;
  • white + bleached turquoise + light sand + amber;
  • terracotta + wenge + brown + white.

Combinations of light beige tones and brown tones with the addition of a brown-lilac soft shade are popular. Wine and blue colors change the perception of the room, such tones are good in the pattern of textiles, but with an abundance they deprive the interior of an atmosphere of comfort. The turquoise hue is in the spotlight today, especially if it contrasts with a cold sand or a shade of coffee with milk.