Shelled peas (shelled). Pea groats Acceptance rules and methods for determining quality

About peas

Pea is an annual herbaceous plant of the legume family. Unripe pea seeds are a food product called green peas. Green peas are used in food fresh, boiled, dried, frozen and canned. Green peas and young shoulder blades are also used for making soups, side dishes, stewed with other vegetables.
Polished peas, depending on the processing method, are divided into types and varieties:

* whole peas (first, second grades);
* split peas (first, second grades).

Many of us believe that peas are the most Russian food, with which other nationalities are not particularly familiar. There is some truth in this. Indeed, peas have been known in Russia since time immemorial. It is no coincidence that, emphasizing the prescription of this or that event, we say: “It was when it was, even under Tsar Pea!”.

And yet, as much as we would not like it, but peas came to us from overseas countries. It is generally accepted that the ancestor of all cultivars of peas grew in the Mediterranean region, as well as in India, Tibet and some other southern countries. In ancient China, peas were even considered a symbol of fertility and wealth. It later spread to European countries. In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, peas were a staple food for the poor.
The first in Europe to plant green peas were the Dutch, followed by the British, French and Germans, and then the Russians. Many immediately liked it, but in Germany at first, in order to encourage the culture of green peas, a special award was even established for the first basket of this vegetable that appeared on the market.

What's useful?

Peas are the richest source of protein among vegetable crops. Pea proteins are similar to meat proteins, as they contain a number of essential amino acids. There is also a lot of ascorbic acid in peas, there are various sugars, vitamins PP, group B, starch, carotene, fiber. The nutritional value of peas is 1.5 - 2 times higher than that of potatoes and other vegetables, in addition, peas are rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron salts.

Peas reduce the likelihood of cancer, heart attack, hypertension and slows down the aging process of the skin. The high content of selenium is considered as an anticarcinogenic property. Green peas block the intake of a number of radioactive metals into the body. Pea flour poultices help get rid of boils, carbuncles, abscesses, acne, solid inflammatory infiltrates.

Interesting about peas

Many of us have probably heard about the health benefits of eating grain sprouts. But not everyone knows what this benefit is connected with. So, during the sprouting of grain, due to the sharp activation of enzymes, the breakdown of proteins, fats, carbohydrates occurs with the formation of easily digestible sugars, fatty acids, amino acids, and especially vitamins. And the content of vitamins in sprouts increases several times. Kyiv scientists have created preventive food products from extracts of germinated grains of wheat, oats, corn and peas. These products have a pronounced healing effect, especially on the children's body.

Pea groats

GOST 6210-68

This standard applies to shelled (shelled) peas intended for food purposes.

1. Technical requirements

1.1. Shelled peas must be produced from food peas that meet the requirements of GOST 14721-69

1.2. Shelled peas, depending on the method of processing, are divided into two types (tab.

Table 1

1.3. According to organoleptic indicators, peeled polished peas must meet the requirements specified in Table. 2.

table 2

Note. In peas of one color, an admixture of peas of other colors is allowed no more than 7%.

1.4. In terms of physico-chemical parameters, shelled polished peas must meet the requirements specified in Table. 3


Standards for shelled polished peas



1. Humidity, %, no more


mineral impurity,%, no more













6. Cut and flour

Not allowed

7. Metal admixture per 1 kg of peas in mg, no more


8. Pest infestation

Not allowed


1. The humidity of peas intended for long-term storage or shipment to the regions of the Arctic, the North and remote areas should not be more than 14%.

2. The size of individual particles of metal impurities in the largest linear dimension should not exceed 0.3 mm, and the mass of individual grains should not exceed 0.4 mg.

1.5. Impurities in shelled peas of all kinds include (tab. 4)

Table 4

Name of impurities


1. Weed impurity:



seeds of other plants

spoiled seeds

Sand, pebbles, ore, lumps of earth, particles of emery and slag

Shell particles

Seeds of all wild and cultivated plants

Decayed, moldy, with a changed color of pea cotyledons from light brown to black

2 Eaten Seeds

With cotyledons obviously damaged by bruchus and leafworm

3. Shelled seeds

Whole pea seeds and parts of which more than half of the surface is coated

4. Crushed peas

Particles of cotyledons of various sizes, characterized by passage through a sieve with round holes with a diameter of 2.5 mm and a residue on a sieve with round holes of 1.5 mm

5. Cut

Parts of cotyledons passing through a sieve with round holes and a diameter of 1.0 mm

6. Muchka

Pass through a sieve with round holes with a diameter of 1.0 mm

Amendment No. 1 to GOST 6201-68 Shelled (shelled) peas. Specifications

Date of introduction 01.04.87

The name of the standard shall be supplemented with the words: "Technical conditions".

Paragraph 1.2 shall be stated in a new wording: “1.2. Shelled peas, depending on the method of processing, are divided into types and varieties indicated in Table. one.

Table No. 1




1. Peas whole peeled polished

2. Peas chopped peeled polished

First second

First second

Peeled polished with undivided cotyledons. The admixture of chopped shelled polished peas is allowed no more than 5%

Peeled polished with separated cotyledons. The admixture of whole peeled polished peas is allowed no more than 5%

Clause 1.3. Table 2. Note after the words "one color" to add the words: "first grade".

Name of indicator

Norm for shelled polished peas

first class

second class

the whole


the whole


1. Humidity, %, no more

2. Weed impurity, %, no more


mineral admixture, %, no more

spoiled seeds, %, no more

3. Corroded seeds, %, no more

4. Shelled seeds, %, no more

5. Crushed peas, %, no more

6. Cut and flour

7. Metal-magnetic impurity per 1 kg of peas in mg, no more

8. Pest infestation of bread odors








not allowed


not allowed








not allowed


not allowed








not allowed


not allowed








not allowed


not allowed

Amendment No. 2 GOST 0201-68 Shelled peas (shelled). Specifications

Date of introduction 01.07.90

The name of the standard shall be stated in the new edition “Peas polished. Specifications

Throughout the text of the standard, replace the words: “shelled (peeled)” with “polished”.

Items 1.2-1.4. Delete the word: "polished".

Clause 1.4. Table 3. Column "Name of the indicator". The indicator "Humidity, %, no more" shall be stated in a new edition:

Norm for polished peas

first class

second class

the whole


the whole


Humidity, %, not more than:

for current consumption

for long-term storage of early delivery









Peas shelled (shelled)

Shelled peas are the only type of cereal currently produced from legume seeds. It is obtained from yellow and green food peas and, depending on the processing method, is divided into two types: shelled polished whole peas and shelled polished split peas.

Characteristics of raw materials. Peas originate from East India. Currently, it is grown all over the planet. In our country, peas rank first among legumes in terms of sown area and gross harvest.

Peas are a moisture-loving crop and relatively undemanding to heat. It is sown in the forest-steppe part, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Middle Volga region, chernozem and non-chernozem regions.

In our country, the type of pea Pisum Sativum is cultivated - cultivated peas. Its main subspecies are: common pea with light seeds, the color of which depends on the color of the cotyledons, since the seed coat is colorless and translucent. Field pea (pelyushka) with an opaque dark, often speckled shell of angular seeds.

Sowing peas according to the structure of the bean flaps can be shelling and sugar. Shelling pea shells have a hard leathery (parchment) layer inside. Seeds of shelling "peas can be smooth and wrinkled. Smooth-seed varieties are cultivated for mature grain, and wrinkled (brain) varieties in milky ripeness are used for canning (green peas).

In varieties of sugar peas, the wings of the beans do not have a parchment layer, they are tender, thinner and can be used in an unripe form. The weight of 1000 pea seeds is 150-400 g. The larger the pea, the less shells it contains and the more valuable it is for nutrition and processing.

The varietal characteristics of seeds have a great influence on the nutritional value and consumer advantages of peas. Varieties of green peas are richer in protein and sugars, have high taste qualities, but are more small-seeded and less productive.

The existing standard applies to peas harvested for food and feed purposes, as well as supplied to the cereal, canning industry and to the distribution network. According to the standard, peas are divided into two types: food and fodder. Food peas are divided into two subtypes according to seed color: 1 - yellow in different shades and II - green in different shades. Feed peas are not divided into subtypes. This type includes seeds brown-green, brown, brown, purple, black and other colors of the seed coat.

AT peas sent to the cereal industry, in addition to general requirements, the content of seeds damaged by pea weevil and leafworm (no more than 1%) and the number of small seeds (passage through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 5 mm - no more than 5%) are normalized.

Peas supplied to the canning industry and to the distribution network, should not contain seeds damaged by pests, with the presence of live beetles or their larvae, and the number of seeds damaged by pea weevil and leafworm is not allowed more than 5%. In addition, peas must be calibrated, and depending on the sieves used, they are divided into large (more than 7 mm), medium (5-7 mm) and small (less than 5 mm).

Uniformity in size and uniformity of seeds affect the quality of peas, its presentation and uniformity of boiling. According to this indicator, sorted and unsorted peas are distinguished. Peas are considered sorted if they contain at least 80% of the same size seeds.

Grain characteristics. Shelled peas is the seeds of food peeling peas of yellow or green color, freed from the seed coat and sprout germ. Depending on the processing method, peeled polished whole and peeled polished split peas are produced.

Shelled polished whole peas are undivided cotyledons of yellow or green peas with a smooth or slightly tormented surface.

Shelled polished split peas consist of individual yellow or green cotyledons, the edges of which are rounded.

The nutritional value. in peas carbohydrates are represented mainly by starch, but it is contained in peas less than in cereals from cereals. Starch grains are diverse in shape, their size ranges from 6 to 50 microns, the gelatinization temperature depends on the varietal characteristics of the raw material and is 68-74 °C. The amount of sugars is higher than in other cereals, and they consist mainly of sucrose. In terms of fiber content, shelled peas occupy a middle position among other types of cereals. It contains up to 4% pentosans and a small amount of pectin.

Shelled peas are characterized by a high content of proteins (26-30%), the main of which are globulins. The total content of globulins and albumins reaches 80%. Proteins are rich in almost all essential amino acids, with the exception of methionine.

Lipids shelled peas consist mainly of unsaturated fatty acids, among which linoleic acid predominates.

Shelled peas belong to high-ash cereals. As part of minerals a lot of Fe, P, Ca, K, Mg, Zn. Phytic phosphorus accounts for about 50%.

Shelled peas contain a significant amount of vitamins B1, B2, PP, carotene, tocopherol and biotin. There are slightly fewer vitamins in split peas, since the sprout (embryo) is completely separated.

The color of shelled peas is due to the pigments included in its composition. Yellow peas are dominated by carotenoids, while green peas are dominated by chlorophyll.

According to the standard, shelled peas should be of the same color - yellow or green. This ensures a good presentation of cereals and uniformity of its boiling. The admixture of yellow in green and green in yellow is allowed no more than 7%; if it exceeds the norm, then the peas are considered a mixture of flowers. Should not contain more than 5% split peas in whole and whole in split.

Shelled peas are not divided into varieties. Both whole and split peas should not have more than 0.4% weed. Etched seeds are allowed no more than 0.5% in general and no more than 1% in chopped; non-shelled seeds in general - no more than 3, in chopped seeds no more than 0.8%; crushed peas as a whole not more than 0.1, in chopped peas not more than 1%.

The moisture content of this cereal should not exceed 15%, and peas, intended for long-term storage or shipment to remote areas, 14%. The cooking time of shelled peas is 30-60 minutes. Its characteristic feature is a slight increase in volume (about 2 times). During the cooking process, the pectin substances filling the intercellular spaces dissolve and the cotyledon cells disintegrate, forming a viscous puree-like mass. Shelled peas are used for making soups, concentrates, canned food, less often for making cereals. In the process of long-term storage, the digestibility of shelled peas deteriorates.

From chopped shelled peas, small crushed semolina-type cereals are produced. Such cereals are characterized by rapid digestibility and are not inferior to whole or chopped cereals in terms of nutritional value and taste.

Made from organically grown peas without the use of chemical fertilizers, growth promoters, pesticides or herbicides.

Peas are one of the oldest vegetable crops; people ate it even in primitive society. This is a tasty and healthy product, rich in carbohydrates, trace elements, and most importantly, easily digestible protein.

Pea dishes are popular all over the world. In Russia, soups and cereals were prepared from it, in India - cakes and pancakes, in the Middle East - pastes, in Asia peas are fried, salted and eaten as a snack, and in Germany they make sausage and even pea cheese.

Peas polished bio are cleaned from the shell, so they boil quickly and well.


    Pea grain.

Cooking method

swedish pea soup

Ingredients: peas - 500g, celery, onions, carrots, potatoes - 2 each, garlic - 4 cloves, vegetable broth or water - 2l, thyme - 0.5 tsp, smoked ribs or ham - 250g (optional), olive oil, salt and pepper to taste, fresh herbs for serving.

Method of preparation: soak the peas overnight. Saute vegetables with thyme. Add smoked meats, peas, broth or water and cook for an hour and a half. Add potatoes and cook for another 15 minutes. Mash the peas with a crush, season with salt, pepper, herbs and serve with mustard and toasted bread.