Subjects of policy. Political system What are the political

The real reason for political activity, an internal, conscious source of political behavior that encourages people to set certain political goals and take specific actions to achieve them.

Category " political interest" allows you to determine the direction of a social group or individual to win their proper positions in the system political authorities. Political interest- the phenomenon is predominantly objective, since it is caused by characteristics of social groups independent of people's consciousness: their size, place in the system of social division of labor, habitat. However, objectivity political interest does not equal its obviousness. To turn into a topical motive political activities, interest must be conscious. But there can be complications in this area of ​​human subjectivity. So, political interest may be inadequate and misunderstood. Diversity and competition help to avoid such situations. political parties, movements, their ideologies. Role political interests lies in the fact that: 1) in them there is awareness and expression political the needs of society; 2) they determine the specific focus political activity of social groups and individuals; 3) awareness political interests brings to life numerous political values, ideologies, theories, everyday views, moods, expectations.

Depending on the base political interests subdivided into different types. So, if we single out subjects, carriers interests, then distinguish between personal, group, corporate, class and national political interests. If we keep in mind the degree of their manifestation, then spontaneous and conscious interests. Depending on the scope, they are allocated inside political, externally political and global, or geo political interests. World political interests diverse. At its core, politics is a way of coordinating interests different social groups and individuals by different means. In dynamics political interests, according to many researchers, there are 2 opposite trends: 1) enlargement, aggregation political interests leading political forces. This leads to the formation of stable and stable, as a rule, two-party political systems; 2) diversification political interests, t.

i.e. an increase in their diversity and, as a consequence, an increase in the points of their intersection. Increasingly, people find themselves in situations where certain common interests in one of the spheres of life can quite peacefully coexist with the difference interests in other areas. People no longer consider themselves to belong to any particular social group and change their political orientation depending on which of the problems seems to them the most important

Interests in politics

Interests in politics

(from lat. interest - matters, important) are the direct basis of political ideology and motives of activity. Interests have a dual nature: objective and subjective. The actual socio-political situation acts as an objective basis of interests. Thus, the absolute expression of this foundation is contained in the principle of Marx's materialistic understanding of history, according to which social being forms social and political interests. The subjective basis of interests lies in the awareness of the internal needs of a person, the formation of which was studied by various schools of idealism (Plato, Hegel) and thinkers who tried to combine both foundations into one whole (Jung).

In the most general terms, political interests are recognized and directed through activities to meet the needs of large groups of people. Social experience is the basis of political interests. It is processed through the most complex social identification mechanisms, turning, in particular, into a political ideology.

Interests, having spread and turned into stereotypes of social psychology, acquire the status of a powerful political force. Interests in time can be divided into current, aimed at broadcasting reality, and perspective, expressing moments of possibility, the future. Realization of perspective interests is a subject of political activity of emerging elites and political opposition. They are implemented in a complex way through various forms of socio-political activity, they are the subject of historical action. Unconscious interests are in the collective unconscious (Jung), from which they "rise" in the form of symbols and ideologies. They can be realistic, utopian and dystopian.

Historical experience allows us to conclude that there is no complete realization of interests in politics. Until now, politics has been implemented as a unity of the conscious and the unconscious-spontaneous. The fate of Russia is characterized by the utopian nature of ideological, conscious interests and the action in real political life of veiled and unconscious interests.

Cognitive style (from Latin cognitio - knowledge and Greek stylos - literal writing rod) are stable individual characteristics of cognitive processes that predetermine the use of various research strategies. It is connected in a non-obvious way with the efficiency of solving cognitive problems, as it is characterized by the choice of any one of the possible and approximately equivalent ways of solving them.

Each of us knows a lot about politics. We know everything about the policy of the state, our company, and even pursue our own political line in family relations. What is politics? Let's try to understand this issue.

What does "politics" mean

The word politics came to us from ancient Greek. It comes from the word politike, which translates as public or state affairs. Many famous philosophers gave their definition of politics. For example, Plato believed that politics is the art of managing all other arts (judicial, oratory, military, etc.) in order to improve the lives of citizens. Machiavelli believed that politics can be called knowledge about the correct and wise government of the state.

What is politics: a modern definition

Politics is the general direction for decision-making and actions that facilitate the achievement of the set goal. The policy sets out the directions to follow in order to achieve the goal. In addition, she explains why it is necessary to follow these directions. Although politics directs actions towards the fulfillment of a set task or the achievement of a certain goal, however, at the same time, it leaves freedom of action.

What is the essence of politics

The concept of "politics" has long been included in our speech and everyday life. But did it become clearer from this? Let's try to explain what the essence of the policy is:

  1. Politics is created by state structures and social movements, so it is inextricably linked with them.
  2. Politics is a struggle for power, the use of it and its retention.
  3. Politics can be seen as a procedure for making decisions in a society in which there is no complete unity. These decisions can satisfy the interests of a large group of people or vice versa, a very narrow circle of people.
  4. Politics can be compared to an art form. After all, a skilled politician always achieves the goal with minimal losses, is able to try on the warring parties, take into account both the long-term and short-term interests of his party, people and state. And all this is not possible if the politician does not have deep knowledge, talent, intuition.

What does politics do

Politics plays a significant role in the development of any society. Let's take a closer look at what politics in society does:

  1. Ensures the stability and integrity of society.
  2. Ensures the effectiveness and mobilization of all types of social activities.
  3. Regulates and manages the public interest.
  4. Provides socialist socialization by drawing the individual and entire groups of the population into social life.
  5. It creates the rights and freedoms of the individual, and is also the guarantor of their observance.

What about politics

Politics can be attributed to everything that is in any way connected with social movements, political parties and state structures. This can be explained by the fact that it is all of the above that creates a policy, and, therefore, is inextricably linked with it. Any problem, if it falls into the sphere of attention of the state, a social movement or a party, immediately becomes a political problem.

What is included in the policy

Politics is a rich and varied world that includes:

  1. Various sciences, as politics is inextricably linked with them.
  2. Goals, interests and attitudes of various political institutions and social groups.
  3. Mechanisms for coordinating and regulating interests that prevent a split in society.
  4. Direct interaction of objects and subjects of policy.

The elements of politics can also include political relations, political power, political organization and culture, political consciousness, as well as subjects of politics.

What is an accounting policy

Accounting policy is the documentation that regulates the maintenance of tax and accounting records at an enterprise or organization, as well as a whole set of rules for reflecting expenses and income on the organization's accounts, putting property on the balance sheet and compiling reporting documentation.

In other words, an accounting policy can be viewed as a whole set of documents that facilitate accounting and reduce taxation.

A well-designed accounting policy allows you to legally reduce the taxation of an enterprise or organization.

The accounting policy is developed by the chief accountant, and approved by the head of the organization, who issues an order on its implementation.

The specificity of the object and subjects of political conflicts gives them a number of characteristic features that distinguish this type of intergroup conflicts from all others. Among them are the following.

(1) Mainly open character, great manifestation clash of interests. Politics is a sphere of socially sanctioned struggle, a way of easing social tension by discharging emotions in a political contest. Hence the tendency to external effects, the well-known theatricality of political life.

(2) Indispensable publicity. This characteristic means, firstly, that politics has now become professionalized and is carried out by a special group of persons, which does not coincide with the mass of the people. And secondly, this means that any conflict in this truly professional environment involves an appeal to the masses (non-professionals), their active mobilization to support one side.

(3) Increased frequency. Today there are many more conflicts in the political sphere than in the rest. And not only because the conflict is, as it were, the main mode of action, way of thinking and manner of behavior of politicians. But mainly because many conflicts in the non-political sphere of people's lives (which is commonly called civil society), not finding their peaceful resolution, spill over into the political sphere, that is, they require government intervention to resolve. Thus, any labor conflict is, in principle, a matter for the two contracting parties and must be resolved by their amicable agreement. But if such an agreement cannot be reached, the severity of the conflict grows, and each of the parties begins to appeal to state institutions, trying to use their capabilities for their own benefit.

(4) Universal significance. No matter how private or local the political conflict may be, it ends with the adoption of a decision at the state level, and it is mandatory for all members of this society. Thus, almost any political conflict involuntarily affects each of us.

(5) ʼʼDomination- subordinationʼʼ as an ʼʼaxial principleʼʼ. Since political conflicts unfold in a social space where the dominant axis is the vertical of state power, their main goal inevitably becomes the establishment of the political domination of the stronger side. (Note that in political sciences the term ʼʼdominationʼʼ does not have a negative value connotation. This is not exploitation or oppression, it is simply the establishment of a certain order of command and subordination.) Hence the acuteness of political conflicts, their frequent ʼʼdisruptionsʼʼ into extreme forms - uprisings.

(6) Ability to use power resources as a means of conflict resolution. Of all types of power in society, only the state has the right to legally use force. Since the state as a political institution is an indispensable participant in almost all political conflicts, there is always a great temptation to use force as a last argument, and on completely legal grounds. This makes political conflicts potentially more dangerous and destructive in their consequences.

What are the main features of political conflicts? - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "What are the main features of political conflicts?" 2015, 2017-2018.

What is the role of the political sphere in human life and society? What is its main social function?

When answering this question, the opinions of political scientists were also divided. One group of scholars believe that the purpose of politics is integration of society into a single whole , the implementation of the rules of cohabitation and the principles of justice and the maintenance of public order (Aristotle, T. Hobbes, G. Hegel, T. Parsons). With the help of state power, regulation (direct or indirect) of all the main spheres of public life is carried out, norms of behavior are established, the most common interests of various social groups are realized, and conflicts between them are overcome. Thus, in the sphere of politics, a set of actions aimed at achieving the common good is carried out. Of course, the order, the social system and the choice of a strategy for social development do not provide equal benefits to different groups of the population. But they are in themselves necessary conditions for the existence of society and therefore determine the main purpose of the political sphere.

According to another point of view, the political sphere is primarily struggle , conflict, the desire of individual groups to achieve the realization of their interests by imposing their will and establishing political dominance(K. Marx, K. Schmitt, R. Dahrendorf (Germany), G. Lasswell (USA). For example, K. Schmitt defines politics through the concepts of "enemy" and "friend": in politics, "friends" mobilize and fight against " enemies").

The desire for power is natural and logical for any subject of politics, since it makes it possible to influence the solution of social problems in such a way as to realize their group interests. Political struggle is inevitable due to the difference in the interests of social groups and the lack of economic, social, cultural and other resources to satisfy them. It manifests itself in elections to government bodies, in parliamentary debates, in the competition of political parties, in political controversy in the media, at rallies, strikes, etc.; extreme forms of struggle include the use of physical and military force (revolution, civil war, terrorism). In this struggle, small but close-knit groups (elites) usually win, seeking various privileges by seizing state power or influencing it. Politics is a zero-sum game: winning some groups means losing others. The nature of the political process directly depends on the severity of the political conflict and the balance of power in the political arena.

These points of view on politics and its social purpose complement each other. The essence of politics, according to the French political scientist M. Duverger, is always ambivalent; politics, like the god Janus, has two different faces. At all times, it has been a means of domination of some groups over others and, at the same time, ensured the integration of society and the achievement of the common good. The ratio of these functions of politics is in the process of constant change, but both, to one degree or another, are present in all political systems. They express the unity and interconnection of the integrative and differentiating principles in politics. Politics is possible only in conditions of conflict of interest; if there was complete agreement between people, then there would be no need to create political institutions that ensure the resolution of social conflicts in a civilized form and the regulation of relations between people. On the other hand, the realization of the interests of certain groups and the preservation of their dominance are impossible without a minimum of agreement between the subjects of politics. There is no politics in the so-called "state of nature", where, according to Hobbes, there is a "war of all against all."

In this way, main policy functions are: 1) maintaining and strengthening the integrity of society, ensuring public order, and 2) the realization of individual and group interests in the process of the struggle for power and its implementation.

Other major policy functions, closely related to the previous ones, are: 3) leadership function (development of goals and objectives for the development of society and mobilization of resources for their implementation); four) regulatory function (regulation of other spheres of public life, control over their activities); 5) communication function (ensuring interaction between different social groups and rules of communication). In addition to them, more specific social functions are implemented in the political sphere, the set of which depends on the nature of the social system (expansion of the territory of residence, legal consolidation of the privileges of certain groups, protection of human rights, involvement of citizens in decision-making, etc.).



(politics) As a general concept, it implies the application in practice of the art or science of the leadership and management of states or other political entities. However, the definition of political activity is very often, and perhaps rightly, controversial ( cm. : concepts contested on the merits. There is considerable disagreement as to which aspects of public life should be considered "political". Going to one extreme, many (mainly feminists, but not only them) argue that "the personal is political", meaning that the distinctive features of political life can be found in any relationship, for example, in relations between a man and a woman. However, in the generally accepted sense, this concept is assigned to politics in a much narrower sphere: it is often believed that political life takes place only at the level of government and state and should include struggle between parties. In the interpretation of Bernard Crick ("In Defense of Politics"), the phenomenon of political life in terms of time and space is limited to certain types of somewhat liberal, pluralistic societies, where relatively open debate is allowed. To say that activities such as sports, the arts or family life are not part of political life or have "nothing to do with politics" is to express a certain political point of view on this subject, which consists mainly in the fact that there can be no two opinions as to what exactly at the moment can be considered relevant to the political agenda. Keeping some issues off the political agenda is, of course, a very effective way to tackle them in your own interests. The traditional definition of political activity - "the art and science of management" - does not impose restrictions on its application, since there has never been a consensus on what activities can be considered management. Is governance limited only by the state? Doesn't it have a place in the church, community associations, land ownership, and the family? There are two main checkpoints that we can apply to the concept of politics. First, do other non-human beings have a political life? Second: can there be societies without politics? Since antiquity there have been writers who believed that other creatures have a political life: in the middle of the 17th century, Pourchet called bees "political flying insects." Similarly, there have been attempts, both before and after More coined the term 'utopia', to postulate 'utopian societies without politics'. This usually implies that such a society is theoretically possible, but practically impossible (the word "utopia" means "nowhere"). The prevailing view today may be formulated as follows: politics refers only to human beings, or at least to those who can symbolically communicate with each other and thus make statements, proclaim principles, persuade and disagree. Politics arises where people do not agree on the distribution of rights and where there are at least some procedures for resolving these disagreements. Thus, it is not present in that state of nature where people fight each other for their own interests, proclaiming "I will have it" rather than "I have the right to it". There is also no politics where there is unanimous and complete agreement on rights and obligations in society. Of course, it can be objected that such a definition makes the presence or absence of politics dependent on a random characteristic of consciousness, on the question of whether people agree with existing rules. If one accepts the idea of ​​"hidden dissent", the unlimited scope for politics opens up again.

Politics. Dictionary. - M.: "INFRA-M", Publishing house "Ves Mir". D. Underhill, S. Barrett, P. Burnell, P. Burnham, et al. Osadchaya I.M.. 2001 .


(Greek politike - the art of government) - the area of ​​relationships and various activities between social communities of people in the implementation of common interests through a variety of means, the main of which is political power.

The specificity of politics is as follows: it fixes the relations between large masses of people, whose interests are integrated into a single, universal whole. Politics reduces the individual, collective expression of wills into an integrative whole, systemic quality, which is most clearly expressed precisely in the political field of human life and activity. The moment of connection between the individual, the particular and the universal is always present in politics. Moreover, the orientation towards the universal, the general is the prerogative of politics. Since the main institution that organizes, regulates and controls the reduction of the individual to the universal, in the implementation of the interests of specific subjects, is the state, the content of the political in one way or another, directly or indirectly goes to the state.

Politics is always imperious in nature, because it is impossible to achieve the set goals without coercion, volitional efforts and influences of subjects to achieve the general interests of people. The imperious nature is expressed in political-state and political-non-state political relations, which are very complex and contradictory, vertically and horizontally organized, etc. In these respects, people, social communities do not create material and spiritual values, but the activity of political subjects is no less significant because they control the socio-political and other processes of society and the state. Politics is also a means of identifying and resolving conflicts, a decision-making activity. Management of public affairs, a special kind of communication between people, social communities.

As a complex social formation, politics is internally structured and organized. Its elements include: political organizations, institutions of power; relations between them on various issues, the main of which are the relations of power; political consciousness and political spirituality in general; various normative ideas, concepts, including those of a political and legal nature. In general, they are expressed in varying degrees of political activity of subjects, represented at three main levels of political existence. At the micro level, the field of politics is represented by political parties, socio-political movements and organizations, trade unions, corporate associations, etc. The macro level of politics is the sphere of state power, its structure and the functioning of the subjects of the state. The mega level is represented by various international organizations: the UN, the EU and others, as well as the nature of the relationship between states in the international arena.

The social purpose or function of politics is manifold. Let's note the most important of them. Firstly, it is the regulation of relationships between various subjects of public life and their reduction to integrity, community. Secondly, the development of long-term goals and models of the socio-political development of society and the state and organization, the mobilization of the masses for their implementation. Thirdly, the political socialization of individuals, that is, the consistent inclusion of people in the conscious process of political life and action, which requires political knowledge and political culture. These three main functions - regulatory, prognostic and socializing - are closely interconnected and only in their unity can they express such a complex phenomenon of social life as politics.

Shpak V.Yu.

Political science. Dictionary. - M: RSU. V.N. Konovalov. 2010 .


(Greek politika state or public affairs, from polis state)

the sphere of activity connected with the relations between social groups, the essence of which is the definition of forms, tasks, content of the state's activity. Distinguish between foreign and domestic policy. Domestic policy covers the main areas of activity of the state, parties (economic, social, cultural, technical policy, etc.). Foreign policy covers the sphere of relations between states.

Political Science: Dictionary-Reference. comp. Prof. floor of sciences Sanzharevsky I.I.. 2010 .

Political science. Dictionary. - RSU. V.N. Konovalov. 2010 .


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