Do-it-yourself well for water using a manual and shock-rope method. Do-it-yourself well drilling technology in the country house Is it possible to drill a well

How to drill a well with your own hands? Overview of three drilling methods

If you have made a deliberate decision to provide your suburban area with water, then it is best to use wells. Wells can be drilled on your own and if you intend to do this, then this article will come in handy. But it is better to entrust the installation of a water supply system to specialists, because it requires considerable experience and knowledge.

Choosing a location for a well

To begin with, we must choose the right place for the future well, as well as so that it is as efficient as possible. We need to determine if the site has a shallow aquifer, for which there are certain signs.

Signs of a shallow aquifer present on the site

  1. A lot of plants have accumulated in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, preferring high humidity.
  2. In the evening, fog and dew accumulate in areas with an increased amount of vegetation, and in winter, thawed patches form on the snow.
  3. A large number of mosquitoes and other insects gather. It is also believed that cats prefer to rest in places located above deep waters.

If at least one of these signs has been noticed, then you can safely proceed to drilling the well. All these, of course, are mostly folk signs; a geological study is a more effective way to identify deep waters.

Folk "method of detecting deep waters

Tools that will be required during the drilling process

We’ll make a reservation right away that not all tools can be made with your own hands, some of them will have to be bought. If we manage to make, for example, a drill, then its quality will be doubtful, because standard factory drills are made of high-strength hardened steel.

At work we will need:

  • Derrick;
  • Drilling column, to which couplings for connection are attached;
  • Drill head;
  • boards;
  • Rope;
  • Filter.

The drilling rig is a kind of tripod that you can assemble with your own hands from thick logs Ø15 centimeters. Between two of them we attach a winch, to which we hang the drill column with a rope. The column is a structure of rods interconnected by couplings and threads. There should be 6 rods in total, their length is from 1.5 to 3 meters.

The boards will be useful to us so that the walls of the pit do not crumble (we will talk later what it is). Drill heads come in various types and are used depending on the type of soil. Much depends on this type, up to the method of drilling a well.

Types of drill heads

Drill heads are of the following types:

  1. a chisel used to split hard rocks;
  2. bailer - it removes the soil left after the operation of the bit (you can also drill loose soil with the bailer);
  3. a spoon that is used for sand and clay;
  4. a coil will be needed if gravel is present in the soil;
  5. spoon with serpentine.

We have selected the tools, we proceed directly to drilling.

Rope drilling technology

The percussion-rope method of drilling consists of the following stages.

Stage 1. Pre-instruction. Before starting work, we must understand that the optimal depth of the well is 7-10 meters. You can drill no more than 20 meters on your own, if the groundwater is at a greater depth, then specialists must definitely do the drilling.

Important! It is impossible to drill a well on your own in any case, since at least two assistants will be needed for this.

Stage 2. Align the pit (rectangular "box") in the place where the well will be located. The dimensions of the pit should be 2x1.5x1.5 m, and it is needed so that unstable upper layers of soil do not crumble. We take the boards and make the lining of the walls of the pit.

Stage 3. We mount the tripod at the drilling site. We securely fasten it, then we place the drill column in the hole and turn the rod. The drilling process has begun. Every 60-70 centimeters we clean the column from adhering earth.

Stage 4. When we reach the aquifer, the drill column should be pulled out, and the filter should be lowered instead. We will definitely use the filter, otherwise the water pump will quickly become unusable. The voids formed between the walls of the well and the filter are covered with sand. Then we install pipes through which water will rise, and dismantle the walls of the pit. We fill up the well.

Stage 5. We install a water pump, which will be the "core" of the entire well. Outwardly, it will not look very attractive, so it is advisable to decorate it with some decorative element, for example, a canopy.

In this way, we can drill a well up to 20 meters. Water located at such a depth has repeatedly passed through natural filtration, it will be clean and soft.

Well pipes and filter

A well filter is as important a part as a pump. There are the following types of filters:

  • gravel;
  • Wire;
  • Reticulate.

During operation, it is desirable to fill the filter with gravel, which will prevent dirt from entering the pipeline. When choosing a filter, we must pay attention to the following parameters:

Options for arranging pipes for water lifting

  1. If water is planned to be consumed as food, then plastic should be used, which does not corrode. If finances allow, you can buy more expensive enameled steel pipes.
  2. If the well is intended for economic purposes, then we can use socket, thin-walled or threaded pipes.

Drilling a well using a pump

This method is perfect if the depth of groundwater does not exceed 10 meters. It is no less effective than the previous one.

Stage 1. We dig a hole 1.5 meters deep in order to remove loose and unstable upper layers of soil. The area of ​​such a pit should be approximately 1 square meter. We upholster its walls with boards so that it is convenient to work.

Stage 2. We take a steel pipe and cut one end of it with teeth, like on a hacksaw. We unbend the teeth in different directions. At the other end, we make a thread for connecting to pipes. Next, using clamps, we equip the pipe with handles so that you can hold it vertically. On the remaining pipes, we also make threads, but on both sides. Each pipe should be approximately 3 meters long.

Stage 3. We take a pre-prepared container of at least two hundred liters filled with water, a medium power water pump, as well as a hose that will reach the bottom of the pit. All pipes should have Ø12 cm, more if possible.

Important! This procedure is also not overpowered, you must have at least one assistant.

Stage 4. We insert the pipe into the pit to the maximum possible depth. We turn on the pump. The pressure of the water will erode the soil under the pipe, and it will gradually sink. It is desirable to constantly rotate the pipe at the same time.

Stage 5. The water will overflow from the pipe, but it can be reused by straining through a sieve. When the pipe is completely deep, we attach the next one to it and continue to work until the aquifer is reached. Then we remove the boards and bury the hole, and attach a cover to the end of the pipe, which will prevent debris from entering the system.

This is the easiest way to drill a well, but there are others.

A shallow well for economic purposes

If water is needed, for example, for watering a garden, then a well for this can be made using a conventional hand drill. The only condition is that the upper water table must be a maximum of three meters from the surface. If the length of the hand drill is not enough, then we build it up with reinforcing bars or small metal pipes. How to install f , you can read in our article.

We pass through the hardest layers of the earth with an additional load that clings to the handle of the drill. So the load on the hands will be less.

Important! The water extracted from such wells is not suitable for drinking, since it did not pass natural filtration!

If branches or roots come across during drilling, then we cut them down with an ax, previously attached to a long iron bar. After about two meters, wet sand will start to come across, so every 10 centimeters the drill will have to be pulled out for cleaning, otherwise we may break the device.

When the sand takes on a bluish tint, it will mean that we are almost there. When the first water appears, the drill can no longer be used, because it will no longer give anything - the liquid soil will not hold on to the blades. We just have to insert the casing pipe - a shallow well is ready!

To lift the water, we will use a conventional electric pump.

As a conclusion

Production drills are striking in their scale, which is why the very idea of ​​drilling a well with our own hands seems stupid and impracticable to us. But those of you who have read the article already know that this is, to put it mildly, an exaggeration. All we need is a drilling tool, additional materials, a bit of skill and, of course, patience.

No country house can exist without a normal water supply. Carry water with you when visiting the dacha in weekends days? This option is not even considered, since it is unlikely to be enough even for domestic needs. Constantly annoying neighbors with requests to replenish their water supply? This is possible only for the time being, for the time being - there is a limit to any human patience ... A source of water will be all the more necessary if a long or even permanent residence is planned in a country house, and there is a desire to plant some flowers or crops in the adjacent area. The outputs are to connect to the centralized water supply system (in most cases this is simply impossible or is associated with too high financial costs), or to equip an autonomous water supply source on its territory.

Video: surface well construction

All these issues will certainly be considered in a separate publication of our construction portal.

Not all owners of suburban areas are ready to lay out large sums to attract drillers to construct a water well. However, the convenience of using your own water intake is difficult to overestimate. You can save money by building a water source with your own hands. How to make it?

You will learn everything about how manual drilling of wells for water is carried out from the article we have proposed. We will tell you how and how the work is done, what novice drillers will need to implement the idea. Based on our recommendations, you will be able to drill and equip the development without any problems.

For independent craftsmen, we have given and analyzed all the methods of manual drilling, explained in which cases they should be used. We attached schemes of drilling rigs and shells available for self-production, posted photo collections and video instructions.

Own source of water is a great opportunity to provide yourself and your loved ones with clean life-giving water and satisfy household needs. By drilling, it is possible to solve the problem of water supply for several decades to come.

The choice of drilling method and the scope of work on well construction depends on the type of hydraulic structure.

Abyssinian type well

If the water on the site is supposedly located at a depth of 10-15 meters, then it is more profitable and easier to arrange an Abyssinian well. This type of hydraulic structure uses an aquifer located above a water-impermeable clay formation. The aquifer is fed by infiltration of atmospheric precipitation and waters of nearby reservoirs.

A simple well-needle can be drilled even by a novice craftsman who is just mastering basic drilling skills

A relatively shallow narrow well is a string of thick-walled VGP pipes with a diameter of 50 - 80 mm. In the lower, very first link of the column, a special filter is arranged by drilling holes from the walls of the pipe.

The pipes perform the function of the trunk; the Abyssinian needle well does not require additional casing. It is not drilled, but immersed in the ground by driving.

With force descending to the drilling site, the tool breaks the rock, and the cutting bailer located in the lower part captures the cuttings and brings them to the surface

The glass is released from the soil captured by it through its bottom, tapping the walls of the projectile with a sledgehammer. The bailer is cleaned through a technological hole located in its upper part.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. In the selected place, they dig a hole measuring 1x1 meter at a depth of 0.5 meters.
  2. A garden drill is installed in the center of the pit at a right angle. By turning the tool around its axis, it is buried in the ground. As necessary, the screw rod is extended with a pipe, fixing it by means of a bolted connection.
  3. After the appearance of wet sand, the drill is removed. Instead, a specially assembled casing structure is installed in the hole, which is hammered with a sledgehammer.
  4. The rock collapsed during the installation of the casing is removed with a bailer. Each time the projectile penetrates into the rock formation, it captures and holds part of it.
  5. As the casing pipe deepens, it is increased by another segment of the same diameter. The segments are screwed together or welded together in order to obtain a single sealed shaft.
  6. To deepen the casing, gently turn it and listen to the sounds made. The rattle will occur during the friction of coarse-grained sand, rustling - fine-grained, silence - when passing through clay soil.
  7. For drilling loose rocks, such as loose sand, gravel, gravel, a bailer is used. Clay rocks and dense sands pass through glass.
  8. After performing a series of successive blows, the glass or bailer is raised to the surface, removing the soil from it. After that, the cycle of work is repeated.

As in the previous methods, to facilitate the process of manual drilling of a well, a clay mixture or water is poured into the hole, and then removed using a special bucket. If noise occurs during drilling, the well should be filled with water. If the water leaves slowly, the pipe should be further deepened by half a meter, but if it is fast, only by 20-30 cm.

For shallow working, you can easily. This will require a pipe with a diameter of 100-120 mm, a metal earring and an eye for attaching a cable, which must be attached to the top of the pipe.

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The drilling rig can be built from wooden beams or metal pipes, assembling a tripod-shaped structure from them

The size of the tripod should be proportional to the height of the drill string section. To create a structure, the bars are laid in the form of a triangle and fixed by means of a bolted or welding connection.

Holes are made in them for inserting a metal pipe, which will serve as a support. The dimensions of the base are determined only by the stability of the structure.

In the upper part of the structure, an additional hole is equipped through which the rod will pass.

To protect the wellbore from destruction and shedding of the walls, a casing string is installed from pipes that have a high bearing capacity for shear and compressive formation loads. For work, pipes made of metal, asbestos cement or polymers are used.

To create a casing, it is convenient to use pipes equipped with a threaded connection on the outer and inner surfaces.

When assembling the structure, segments of such elements can be easily screwed into each other without using additional assembly units.

To organize a source of your own drinking water on the site, you can invite a team and pay for services. But for a skilled craftsman, a do-it-yourself well without equipment is quite a feasible task.

The process will take a lot of time and effort, but will save a lot of money. Where to start and what tools can be useful for drilling? We will talk about all this in our article. We will also consider the types of wells that can be built on their own without special equipment.

Depending on the depth of water flow, three types of wells are distinguished:

  • on limestone, it is often pressure, i.e. artesian;
  • on sand, it is non-pressure or filter;
  • Abyssinian well or well-needle - a simplified version of a sand well.

artesian structures are considered inaccessible for self-drilling. They lie deep, more than 40 meters, it is highly likely that you will have to go through fairly hard layers. You can't do without a powerful drilling rig and equipment. Such wells give a lot of water, they are often ordered in a pool for several sites at once.

Filter wells- the most common option. The aquifer lies in sandy horizons. The drilling depth will be about 20-40 meters. Such a structure usually provides enough water to cover the needs of an average family and provide for the economy.

The type of well depends on its depth and the nature of the aquifer. Most often, a filter well is built, which is more productive than the Abyssinian well, and not as costly as an artesian structure.

Abyssinian wells- This is an option for those who are lucky with an aquifer that lies close to the day surface. A long pipe with a sharp tip is driven into the ground. Place a column on top.

Such a construction does not give too much water, so sometimes two or three wells are made.

Site and equipment preparation

Before starting work, you need to choose:

  • location and type of well;
  • drilling method;
  • casing diameter;
  • pump equipment;
  • tools to get the job done.

It is best to start with a survey of the nearest neighbors who have already built a well. From them you can find out the approximate depth of water, soil features, etc. It doesn't hurt to ask if they have a drilling tool left to borrow.

The submersible pump is selected based on the size of the casing, the flow rate of the well, the need for water and other indicators, this point must be considered even before drilling begins so that the structure is not too narrow for the equipment

The type of well will become apparent after such a conversation. Most likely, it will be an option “on the sand”. The place is determined by sanitary standards. It is necessary to make a source of water closer to the house and as far as possible from the cesspool, septic tank, livestock buildings, etc. The Abyssinian well is sometimes placed even in the basement of a house.

The diameter of the casing pipe and must be selected at the same time. Submersible pumps are considered the most efficient. The difference between the diameter of the device and the walls of the casing should be at least 5-10 mm.

Drilling tools and methods

To select soil from a mine intended for arranging a well, use an auger drill or. The drill is rotated, the bailer is thrown from top to bottom. Sometimes these methods are alternated in order to pass rocks of different composition and properties.

Cohesive soils, which include loams and sandy loams, are drilled with an auger or a hollow pipe - a glass; they cannot be removed with a screw.

The auger drill is rotated, deepening it by about half a meter, then removed to the surface, freed from the soil and lowered into the mine again. The bailer is thrown down to the bottom several times so that its internal space is filled with soil, removed, cleaned, and then shock-rope drilling is continued.

With a bailer, so-called hydro-drilling can also be carried out. The principle of operation is the same, but a jet of water is fed into the face under pressure. It erodes the soil, and the bailer forms a cylindrical shaft under the casing pipe being installed simultaneously with drilling. The mixture of water and soil is pumped out by a pump.

Water can also be used for auger drilling, when difficult sections have to be passed. Water is poured into the mine, the soil becomes softer, it is easier to drill and extract it. When drilling, there is a danger of bringing contamination into the well. This moment must be taken into account when the time comes and the buildup of the structure.

Various types of drills are used, for example:

  • coil, especially effective on clay soils;
  • drill spoon, suitable for both sand and clay;
  • drill bit, useful for hard layers.

You can buy a ready-made drill, garden or fishing, as long as it is strong enough and matches the size of the casing. Industrial products usually allow you to make holes of 40-50 mm.

If this is not enough, you can make the tool yourself. To do this, parts of the steel disc are welded at a suitable angle to the steel rod. The edges of the disk should be sharpened. Spoon tools are made from rolled steel sheet or from a piece of pipe.

It is not difficult to make a bailer for drilling; a piece of metal pipe with a pointed edge will do. A swivel or ball valve is made for light soils or quicksand

There are different types of bailers: with a valve in the form of a ball, with a pressure valve and without a valve at all. The latter are appropriate for dense layers.

The soil is stuffed inside the “glass” and does not fall out of it, so the valve is not needed here, the sharp edge at the bottom is more relevant.

Narrow cuts are made along such a tool. It is convenient to insert a rod into them to free the cavity from viscous contents.

Tripod, winch, drill rods

Most often, a tripod is used for independent drilling. Such a structure can be bought or made from metal beams, wooden beams, etc.

It must be large enough for two people to move freely underneath, and strong enough to support the load of equipment stuffed with crushed rock.

At the top of the tripod, a block is placed through which a cable attached to the winch is passed. With the help of such equipment, it will be much easier to get equipment out of the mine in order to free it from the ground. It is better to use a winch with an electric motor.

Drill rods are attached to the drill and gradually build up. Use elements with a lock or threaded connection. It must be reliable so that the rods do not break when extracting the soil to the surface.

A tripod is also needed for the auger, and a guide structure made of casing pipes is also required so that the tool moves strictly vertically. To extend the rods and disassemble the drill string to retrieve the drill string, you will also need a tripod or a metal frame.

It is better to work with two or three people, it is more difficult to drill a well alone. To speed up the process of auger drilling, some use an electric drill with a power of 1 kW or more.

Well Construction Instructions

Let's consider how to build a free-flow type well and a well-needle, having only improvised materials at hand.

Option # 1 - drilling a well "on the sand"

To drill a well, perform the following basic operations:

  1. They dig a hole with dimensions of about a meter or a half.
  2. Set up the tripod.
  3. Fix the winch.
  4. They put a drill and deepen it by about half a meter.
  5. Remove the tool and clean it from the ground.
  6. Continue drilling, gradually adding drill rods.
  7. If necessary, change the drill to a chisel or bailer.
  8. Work is carried out until the discovery of the aquifer.
  9. Drilling is continued until a water-resistant layer appears.
  10. Perform the buildup of the well, flushing it with a pump.
  11. They lower the pumping equipment, equip the head.

At the first stage, they dig a spacious hole if it is supposed to be arranged for arranging the head. In other cases, you can simply drill a hole about a meter deep to set the direction of the structure. After that, you can continue to work with both the drill and the bailer.

The auger is best rotated under load. They do it together: the first turns the bar, holding it with an adjustable wrench, the second strikes the bar with a sledgehammer. Markings should be applied to the drill rods, this will help to understand how much soil has already been passed, when it is time to take the tool to the surface.

When the ground becomes wet, you need to continue drilling in order to achieve a denser water-resistant layer. But the casing pipe should not rest against it, if it has sunk too low, it must be raised so that the edge is approximately in the center of the aquifer.

For drilling to be effective, you should use the right tool:

  • for clay soils, it is better to take a drill-serpentine; a glass or a spoon tool is also suitable;
  • on the sands, a bailer and a spoon-shaped drill are preferable; work will go faster if you add it with water;
  • hard layers are broken with a chisel, flat or cruciform;
  • on quicksand, a good solution would be to use a bailer with a valve;
  • it is convenient to break up pebble layers with a chisel and then remove them with a bailer; the use of drilling fluid may also be appropriate here.

After the casing is installed, the filter column should be lowered down. You can buy this design or make your own. Perforation is applied to a piece of the casing pipe, and this part is covered with a filter mesh from above. The filter protects the water and the pump from sand.

For the destruction of rocky soils, a drill-chisel is used. The broken rock is then selected using a spoon drill, bailer or other suitable tool.

The casing pipe is installed simultaneously with the penetration, regardless of which projectile the soil was drilled with. At the same time, the well is washed: a jet of water is fed in and the slurry that has returned from the bottom is drained into a sump dug next to the well.

Now spend, i.e. a large amount of water is pumped out of it until a clean stream is obtained. The procedure can be performed with a pump, having cleaned the face with a bailer before this.

You should not take a submersible model designed for clean water for buildup. It is necessary to use equipment capable of pumping water with a large admixture of sand and clay particles.

After drilling is completed, it is necessary to flush the well until a steady stream of clean water is obtained. Three to five days after the start of active operation, a water sample should be taken for analysis.

An alternative option is an inexpensive pump that is easy to repair, for example, or Sometimes you have to use several pumps, because due to the increased load, the device may simply burn out. If there is no electricity on the site, you can use a hand pump.

After that, it remains to lower the pumping equipment down, equip the head and connect the hose to the water supply.

Option # 2 - creating an Abyssinian well

The creation of such a structure is carried out in a fundamentally different way, there is no need to remove the soil. A narrow pipe, pre-equipped with a filter and a sharp tip, is simply hammered into the ground until water appears. This pipe will become the casing string.

You can buy a ready-made kit or make it yourself. On the first pipe in the drill string, a perforation is made and this part is wrapped with wire or tightened with a mesh. A non-return valve must be placed between the pipes following it and this filter.

It is easy to make from a diaphragm and a steel ball. A cone should be welded to the lower edge of the filter. Its diameter is made slightly larger than that of the pipe in order to protect the structure from damage while moving through the thickness of the soil.

The finished pipe is driven into the ground, gradually increasing its length with drill rods. They are screwed or welded. The connection must be very reliable. Of course, you can't hit the top of the pipe directly, it will damage it.

To build an Abyssinian well, you will need a pipe with a filter and a pointed tip, which you can buy or make yourself. The link with the filter is clogged first, then the trunk is built up with the following pipes-links

Therefore, after the pipe with the needle is installed vertically, a subbranch is attached to it. A headstock is placed on this platform - a steel or concrete load with a hole for the pipe. At the top of the pipe you need to put a block. Two cables are passed through it, which are attached to the headstock.

Now you need to raise the headstock with a winch and throw it down, repeating this operation until the subhead attached to the pipe reaches the ground level. After that, the drill rod is attached, the subhead and block are rearranged, and then the headstock is thrown again.

When water appears in the pipe, it means that the filter has sunk into the water carrier, the work can be considered completed. The pipe is cut, an electric or manual pump is installed. You can leave the podbabok, it will come in handy when the Abyssinian well becomes clogged and you need to remove the needle from the ground for cleaning or repair.

It is difficult to create a well on your own, but it is possible. Each case of drilling is individual, it is impossible to accurately predict how the structure will behave during work and during operation.

But if the technology is followed, it is possible to provide the site with a source of water that will last for several decades.

Do you have experience drilling a well with your own hands? Tell us what tools did you use for this and how much time did you spend? Write your recommendations, add a photo of the well in the block under this article.

If you are just thinking about the construction of a well and you still have questions after reading our material, ask our experts.

Well drilling technology selection

The purpose of drilling is to create a vertical shaft of small diameter from the surface to underground aquifers for the installation of a pump. To prevent the walls from collapsing, metal or plastic casing pipes are installed in the wellbore. A filter column is placed in the lower part of the shaft, consisting of an elbow, a sump and a filter.

Well drilling is a complex process that involves heavy physical labor. But today it is the most affordable way to provide your possessions with drinking or technical water without large financial investments.

Before starting work, always find out the depth of the aquifer, which determines the method of drilling and the type of well. If the distance is from 3 to 12 m, an Abyssinian well is drilled, up to 50 m - sandy, more than 50 m - artesian. In the latter case, professional installation and special permission from local authorities will be required. It is a valuable natural resource.

Verkhovodka is most often used for watering. You can drink it, but only after checking in the sanitary and epidemiological station. Most often, moisture is extracted from a non-pressure reservoir, consisting of water-soaked sand, bounded above and below by a clay shell. The debit of liquid in the trunk is about 2 m 3 per day, which is quite enough for housekeeping. A well is called a sand well, even if the useful layer consists of pebbles, gravel, etc. At this depth, the water is not sufficiently filtered, so it is necessary to carefully choose a place for drilling, and the liquid must be handed over to the laboratory for testing. If chemical and organic compounds harmful to humans are found, it is not recommended to operate the well.

At a depth of more than 10 m, pressure beds are sometimes found that squeeze water to the surface. They consist of fissured or loose rocks: limestone, loam, gravel-pebble. The purest water that does not require purification is extracted from limestone, so all such wells bear its name. The debit is very large - from 5 m 3 per day.

There are several ways to drill wells:

  • Rotary. The tool enters the ground during rotation and squeezes the crushed rock up.
  • percussion. The device is deepened after hitting it.
  • Shock-rotational. The bar with the tool is lifted, released, and then rotated. The crushed soil is brought out.
  • Rope-percussion. The tool is raised and released. When entering the soil, soil is packed into the cavity of the device, which is then removed to the surface.

When choosing a drilling technology, pay attention to the following information:

  1. In the European part of the country, non-pressure plates lie up to 20 m from the surface.
  2. It is profitable to drill on your own to the same depth. For the construction of deeper mines, it is cheaper to invite a team that has mechanized installations at its disposal.
  3. The life of the well depends on the intensity of pumping water. With mass uncontrolled withdrawal of fluid from non-pressure layers, soil sinks may occur.
  4. Non-pressure wells with a small volume of pumped water will last at least 15 years, and with intensive operation - no more than 5 years. Therefore, if you find moisture at a depth of 10-15 m, try to dig further to get to the limestone rocks.

Preparatory work

Before drilling a well, make a tripod - a special device for raising and lowering casing pipes and working tools. Its dimensions depend on the way the work is performed. For auger penetration, a structure with a height of 4 m or more is made; for an Abyssinian well and shock-rope drilling, a height of 2 m is sufficient.

The tripod is made in the form of an equilateral trihedral pyramid from pipes or logs. From blanks with a length of 6 m, you can get a very strong rigid installation with a height of 4.5 m. Such dimensions will allow you to lower knees with a length of 3 m.

To assemble the structure, do the following:

  • Fasten the logs together with bars or slats, which will not allow them to move apart. Connect metal pipes by welding.
  • The second option to ensure the stability of the device: dig each leg to a depth of 0.7-0.8 m, placing boards or logs 1 m long under them. Install the copra supports in the pits at the same time.
  • Set up the tripod in the area where you plan to dig the well.
  • Attach the block to the top.
  • Pull a rope through the pulley and connect it to a winch or winch.
  • Attach a heavy object to the rope and lower it to the ground. It will indicate the center of the hole.
  • Dig a hole 150x150 cm and 100 cm deep around the marked area.
  • Reinforce the walls with shields.

Tools and fixtures for drilling a well

Before drilling a well for water, prepare special tools:
  1. Metal auger. The most common tool for building mines. It is applied to work on non-friable soils. The drill auger of factory production is two-way. This design will not allow you to take the tool to the side and skew it. The lower base is made in dimensions of 45-85 mm, the blade diameter is 258-290 mm.
  2. drill bit. Designed to work in hard rocks. With its help loosen the rock. The tip is cross and flat. It can be used with a shock bar.
  3. Boring spoon. It is used for digging wells in sandy soils, because. sand will not hold on a conventional auger. It is used for impact-rotary or rotational drilling.
  4. Drill glass (Schitz projectile). With its help, mines are created in viscous, highly sticky soils, in which a conventional rotary tool will get stuck. It is used in percussion drilling.
  5. Bailer. It is used for the passage of quicksand during shock-rope drilling.
  6. Well-needle. Used to create an Abyssinian well. In this design, the nozzle, rod and casing are a monolithic structure that remains underground after reaching the aquifer.
It is not necessary to buy special equipment for digging wells. An ice drill can be used as a working tool. The main requirement for a working device is its reliability. The product must be made of high strength steel.

Often, several types of tools are used alternately for the construction of one well. For example, an auger, a bailer and a drill spoon are used to work on clay soils. For the passage of pebble layers - a bailer, a chisel and casing pipes.

How to drill a well for water

The essence of drilling is to create a shaft by extracting crushed soil layers to the surface with the help of special devices. They are "screwed" or hammered into the ground and then removed along with the loosened soil. Consider the most popular ways to create wells, indicating the main and auxiliary equipment.

The nuances of using a casing pipe when drilling

The casing pipe protects the wellbore from collapse. Products from various materials are installed in the wells, the advantages and disadvantages of which are given in the table:
Pipe materialAdvantagesFlaws
AsbestosCheap, long service lifeContain substances harmful to humans
Galvanized metalCheapnessThe presence of zinc, harmful to the human body; the appearance of corrosion, which pollutes the water
Stainless steelHigh cost, difficulties with welding individual elements
SteelDurability, long service lifeCorrosion that pollutes the water
PVC and HDPE plastic pipesCheap, light weightCannot withstand heavy loads, not all pipes are perfectly even

For connection with each other, a thread is cut at the ends of the products. The very first segment serves as a filter, so holes or grooves are made on the walls, and wire is wound outside. The diameter of the casing pipe must be such that it includes the pump of your choice. The technology of work performance depends on the method of its installation in the well.

The simplest installation of the product is lowering into the finished shaft, so the diameter of the drill must be greater than the outer diameter of the pipe. In a similar way, a trunk up to 10 m is equipped, made in dense, non-flowing soil. However, there is no guarantee that the shaft will not crumble during pipe installation or drilling.

Installation of the casing pipe after drilling occurs as follows:

  • Fasten to the lower part (filter) of the gate (clamp with handles) and lower it into the hole. Handles will not allow the element to fall to the bottom of the barrel.
  • Attach the second collar to the next knee, install on the filter and secure. Typically, casing pipes are threaded, and for connection it is enough to screw the upper part into the lower one.
  • Dismantle the handles on the lower element, after which the casing will sag. 10-15 cm should remain above the surface. If it is long and heavy, it is lowered with a tripod. To do this, an eye is screwed onto the threaded part of the product, and a winch, hoist, collar, etc. are attached to the tripod.
  • Repeat the operations until the lower part reaches the aquifer.
This method is not suitable when working on loose soils, the wall will constantly crumble. In this case, use a tool with a smaller diameter than the internal size of the pipe. The bottom of the pipe should have a cutting skirt or bit to aid in lowering.

The product installation sequence is as follows:

  1. Drill a well to a depth of 1 m.
  2. Take out the working tool and clean it from the soil.
  3. Install the pipe in the hole and besiege with blows from above.
  4. Install the tool in the product and go another 1 m, then repeat the operations for its draft.
  5. Repeat the operation until you reach the water.

Auger drilling

Drilling wells with a spiral tool is considered the most affordable of all possible methods.

The work is done as follows:

  • Dig a hole a few bayonets deep at the spot marked with the tripod.
  • Install the tool vertically in it.
  • Attach to it at the top of the handle and start rotating.
  • When turning, the device will begin to go deeper into the soil.
  • Raise the auger periodically and clear it of soil. For such procedures, you will need a tripod with a winch.
  • After moving 1-2 m, remove the tool and install the casing in its place.
  • As you lower, lengthen the fixture with a drill rod, and the casing with pre-prepared blanks.
  • During operation, control the verticality of the trunk. Do not skew the auger and do not touch the walls of the shaft.
  • It is important to determine the approach of the tool to the aquifer in time. When the soil being brought to the surface becomes damp, stop and rest. After entering the aquifer, work will become easier, but you need to stop only after the drill passes through and enters the dense soil below it.
  • Remove the tool from the well.
  • Pour crushed stone into the mine, whose fractions are within 5 mm. A layer of pebbles - 20-30 cm. It will create a natural barrier for large impurities.
  • Pump water into the barrel and wash the gravel.
  • Pump out the liquid until it runs clear. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a centrifugal pump capable of working with high density water.
  • After installing the standard pump, the well is ready for operation.

If necessary, rotation can be alternated with blows to the upper part of the drill. To break hard seams, it is often lifted with a winch and released. The tool deepens into solid layers, after which the crushed soil is removed by an auger.

Rope percussion drilling

To shock-rope drilling of a well for water is the creation of a mine with the help of a bailer.

Work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Mount the tripod at the work site as described in the previous section.
  2. Determine the center of the well.
  3. Dig a hole in this place with a garden drill to the maximum depth.
  4. Connect the bailer to the rope and raise it as much as possible.
  5. Let go of the rope. The device will enter to a certain depth into the ground and partially fill with earth.
  6. Lift the bailer with a winch and shake the soil out of it.
  7. Raise the tool again and release the rope.
  8. Repeat the operation until the instrument is lowered by 1 m.
  9. Install the lower part of the casing with a filter into the well.
  10. Raise the tool again and release it, it should enter the ground through the cylinder.
  11. As you deepen, lower the barrel, screwing an additional blank on top.
  12. After reaching the aquifer, do not stop and go through it, to the lower clay layer. The bailer should even go into it a little.
  13. Dismantle the fixture.
  14. Drop the pipe.
  15. Set up a bottom filter depending on the type of soil.
  16. Lock the barrel in the desired position.

Drilling a well with a driven method

In this way, an Abyssinian well is created, which is also called a driven well.

Drilling is performed in the following sequence:

  • Mount the tripod.
  • Determine the center of the well.
  • Drill a shallow shaft at the marked location with any hand tool.
  • Install the first cut with the tip and filter into the hole. Put it in a vertical position and temporarily fix it.
  • Attach a weight with a flat base weighing about 30 kg to the chain on the tripod.
  • Fix on the pipe a bodice, which will protect the cut from impacts.
  • Raise the headstock to its maximum height and release the rope. After the impact, the pipe will go into the ground a few centimeters.
  • Repeat the operation until 10-15 cm remain above the surface.
  • Fasten the next one to the bottom using the coupler. Seal the joint carefully. The absence of gaps is the main condition for the functioning of the Abyssinian well.
After passing the aquifer, you can install the pump and operate the source.

Well Drilling Pump Application

This method is used for drilling depths up to 10 m.

Operations are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Dig a hole 1.5x1.5x1 m and sheathe the walls with wood or other material.
  2. At one end of a steel pipe with a diameter of about 120 mm, cut the teeth and bend them in different directions, like a hacksaw.
  3. On the opposite side, cut the thread to connect to the upper elbow. On other blanks, make only a thread for the connection. After drilling is completed, they will remain in the well.
  4. Attach a clamp with handles to the fixture, with which it will be rotated.
  5. Place a large barrel of water next to it. Lower the pump with a long hose into it.
  6. Install the device in the hole and, rotating, deepen into the ground as far as possible.
  7. Turn on the pump and use a hose to feed fluid into the pipe. It will erode the soil and speed up drilling. After the maximum deepening from above, screw the following workpieces, and rearrange the handles up.
  8. Water can be reused after straining.
  9. After reaching the aquifer, fill the hole around the pipe.
How to drill a well - look at the video:

The examples given show that it is realistic to drill a well with your own hands without the use of heavy equipment. The mine is dug in various ways, without expensive equipment and heavy physical labor. But to obtain a positive result, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements of well drilling technology.