Feng Shui desktop. Organizing the comfort of effective work using the correct arrangement of furniture in the office Feng Shui office in the office

A Feng Shui manager’s office is designed when a person wants to attract and channel positive “chi” energy and get rid of the negative impact of “sha” energy.

Table location

It is best to place the work desk of the company manager opposite a wall that serves as protection and support for him, or near a window. It is not recommended to place the director's desk next to the front door or with its back to the door. Feng Shui experts say that this position is very uncomfortable and will cause an anxious state in a person, allowing ill-wishers to “stab” you in the back.

In addition, sitting with his back to the door, the leader will gradually lose faith in his own strength. If there is no way to change this situation, then the negative impact can only be compensated by hanging a mirror opposite the desk, which will reflect everyone who enters the office.

It is also important not to sit with your back to the window, as this will deprive you of the support of the Air element and allow negative Sha energy to enter the room. The external manifestation of this is the lack of support from partners and colleagues at the time of project implementation.

Employee desks should not be placed between bulky cabinets and partitions. In front of each workplace, it is imperative to leave free space, which symbolizes prospects in Chinese teaching.

Pay attention to all angles pointing in your direction. They negatively affect well-being and work results, but they can be neutralized with the help of a scattering agent, namely a mirror.

Colleagues should not be seated face to face. If you can’t arrange the tables any other way, hang a picture on the wall next to it depicting something moving and strong upward (for example, a tree, a flower, an airplane, a flock of birds or a tower).

The ideal location would be the workbench facing the door, preferably diagonally so that the mouth of the door has a clear view of the workbench. The science of Feng Shui says that people and money are drawn to the one who greets them first. If you are clearly visible, then the cash flow will turn to face you.

It is very favorable for subordinates to place their desks “behind the boss’s back” - then they will receive support from the boss, but they cannot face him - it symbolizes confrontation.

Activating positive energy in the office

Harmonizing space according to Feng Shui is a good thing, but there are additional means of attracting good luck in business and finance. A picture of water in one form or another (fountain, waterfall, river, lake, sea, snow) hung in front of your table will bring a positive result in the form of money for your work. It is important that the wall on which the image hangs faces north, southeast or east. In other cases, hanging a picture is not recommended, since then the water will have the opposite effect.

Regarding the picture, it is better that there are no mountains and forests in the background behind the water, which will symbolize obstacles on the way to the goal. But images of a ship or boat on the water will become a very favorable sign.

In addition, Feng Shui recommends using as an image your dream, which for you personally is associated with prosperity: jewelry, a reliable house, a car or a yacht. The more often you look at it, the more energy you invest, which means the faster it will be realized.

To achieve commercial success for a company, Feng Shui experts recommend placing an aquarium with an odd number of goldfish in the manager’s office. The perfect combination: eight goldfish and one black. If one of the fish dies, it must be replaced with a new one.

If you don't like fish, you can install a small fountain or a picture with water rushing upward.

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An office can be either home or work, depending on many factors. Businessmen and creative people who work 24 hours a day prefer to have a special room at home, where no one will disturb them, where they can retire and do business papers or creativity. As for Feng Shui, according to this teaching, the home office differs from the work office in that it accumulates more “yang” energy, since it is very closely connected with the outside world. It is best if the office in a house or apartment is located closer to the front door. And this room should not be passable.

As for the work office, according to experts, they are all inharmonious and are not suitable for productive work - that is why, with the help of Feng Shui, you can direct energy in the right direction and create the necessary working atmosphere.

Home office

Many people are faced with the difficulty of arranging a home office. Especially if the office is located inside a living space and not in a separate building. Often the owner of the office struggles with the temptation to get down to business even on holidays and weekends, and when he retires to this room, his family members disturb the idyll and distract him on various issues. Working from home requires self-discipline, and a person must stick to his own schedule. Feng Shui can help with this - if you adhere to its basic rules, you can significantly improve your working conditions.

1. Cabinet location

Ideally, the office should not be located in the southwest, as the energy level here is very low. The northern direction has a beneficial effect on professional growth, the north-west affects the ability to lead and also awakens a sense of responsibility, but the north-east improves knowledge. These parts have favorable “qi” energy - it is important for work in the office. Be sure to make sure that there are no sharp corners, as they can direct “poison arrows” towards a person. You can “disguise” them either with the help of mirrors or with the help of screens. It’s good if there is metal in the office - as it belongs to the element of water, it improves the flow of thoughts and has a beneficial effect on the work process. Any metal decorations are suitable for the office. Fewer plants and more water - this is the basic rule of the office. Fountains and aquariums will fit perfectly into the workspace, but you should still avoid plants that “dampen” the water element.
2. Color scheme

The office should give a feeling of calm, so you should carefully consider its color scheme. Avoid cool colors; shades from blue to turquoise are not acceptable. It is best to make the office in warm colors, and even better - in green, since this color is a symbol of life and carries a large amount of energy. But remember that “mixing” a blue tint with green will negate all the positive properties of this color. In general, blue color must be handled very carefully, because it has very strong properties and can have a negative impact.
3. Desk and chair

The work desk in the home office should be positioned so that you can see the front door. If several people will work in this room - for example, a husband and wife, then there is no need to arrange the tables so that people sit face to face to each other. It is better to place the table (or tables) close to the wall. As for the chair, it should be comfortable and durable, thereby embodying the four protective spirits. It is worth making sure that the chair is facing the door and its back is to the wall. If you receive visitors in your office, make sure that their chairs are lower than your chair, and place their chairs with their backs to the front door.
4. Office inside

Be sure to choose favorable places for each piece of furniture, as well as for all items on the table - you can use ba gua symbolism for this. Make sure that objects do not have the opportunity to come into conflict with the energy of the area where they are located. For example, direct the light from a table lamp diagonally to the hand with which you will write - then there will be no extra shadow. The office can be decorated with various inspiring landscapes - this will also have a beneficial effect on work. The office should be cleaned as often as possible; you should not collect trash in this room. Make sure that all work surfaces are free of unnecessary items that have no direct relation to professional tasks. All papers must be dealt with as they arrive - do not delay reading letters or reviewing business documentation, do not let piles of papers accumulate. Throw away all unnecessary directories.
5. Home office environment

Access to this room must be free. There should not be any foreign objects on the way to it - no matter where the office is located, in the house or in the outbuilding. This is a mandatory condition, since clutter on the approaches to the office speaks, first of all, about the unprofessionalism of its owner. If the office shares space with some other functional part of the room, fence it off with a screen or large piece of furniture. You can also lay down another carpet, which will symbolize the boundaries of the “office”.


For all people, work occupies a certain, important part in life. That is why a properly organized workplace is a priority for productive work. Organizing this process will help, first of all, choosing the right direction.
1. Direction

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There are favorable and unfavorable directions, which, in turn, are divided into four more types. If you follow it, then luck and success will accompany you in business. There are male and female directions. To determine your direction you need:

- male direction: subtract the last 2 digits of your year of birth from 100, and then divide the result by 9 - the resulting number will be considered determining for the direction;

- female direction: subtract 4 from the last 2 digits of your year of birth, and then divide the result by 9 - this will be the direction.

The remainder is 1, 3, 4, 9 or 0 – the favorable direction is north, south, east or southeast.

The remainder of 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8 is a favorable direction - west, northwest, northeast or southwest.

Now that you know these rules, you can set up your desktop the way you want.
2. Desk

This is what represents success, so the table must be durable and reliable. Make sure that you have the opportunity to sit facing east, and the table is in the southeast sector. As for the shape of the table, it should correspond to what you are doing. A creative person needs a table with smooth lines and no sharp corners, but entrepreneurs and people involved in various areas of business should have a table in the form of any geometric figure with corners. The table should be placed strictly against the wall - experts say that in this case prosperity and stability will be attracted to life. There must be order on the table - especially you should not clutter it with various items that have nothing to do with work. Remember that each object has its own energy, the abundance of objects will negatively affect the state and productivity of the process, in addition, some of them negatively affect the work, as they recreate negative dissonance.

By the way, experts say that those who have so-called “creative clutter” on their desks are often plagued by headaches and have reduced productivity.

Place a figurine on the table that will bring success in business; a turtle or a dragon are perfect for this.
3. Chair

Feng Shui says that there are no trifles in life - everything is very important, so even the choice of a chair must be approached with full responsibility. It is the chair that supports the potential that allows you to achieve success. The position in which you sit on a chair can help you achieve a lot. This should be your throne, and the back of the chair is one of the most important details in this subject, because the higher it is, the more reliable your rear. In addition, it is the high back that can protect against harmful spirits. In addition, a chair that resembles a throne is perceived as very respectable, so the person who occupies this place will look much more authoritative and serious - his position will be more reliable and requires respect. The chair definitely needs armrests, as this is comparable to the control that you have.
4. Color and light

Good lighting will have a positive effect on work efficiency. That is why you need to try to ensure that the lighting is distributed evenly throughout the office. Frosted lamps do not tire the eyes as much and do not strain the psyche. It is believed that orange and yellow colors can reduce activity at work, so bright light in the office is undesirable.

As for the color of the walls, it is best to choose a calm palette for the office - it can be brown or green, gray or beige, as well as shades derived from them. But, first of all, you should pay attention to the lighting: if it is weak, then the walls should be made white, and if the room is very light, then darker colors can be used.

5. Furniture

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, office furniture should be brown, since this color will help to enhance mental activity and concentrate on important matters. But black furniture is undesirable, since activities in such an office will be fruitless. There is no room for relaxing items in the office, so you need to get rid of the rocking chair or soft sofa. But leather furniture will come in very handy here, since it has “yang” energy and activates mental activity. By the way, if you have a computer in your office, choose furniture without corners. All shelving must be glazed. It is best to hang blinds on the windows, and put some kind of plant on the windowsill. You should not build anything above the table: racks or shelves, since if something hangs over you, it will soon lead to illness and failure.

How to properly decorate your office according to Feng Shui so that nothing distracts you from your work? In order for your thoughts in the office to be in the right direction, you do not think about extraneous things, you need to arrange everything in the office correctly according to Feng Shui.

Feng Shui placement in the office

Before you start decorating your office, you must choose a room in your house relative to the cardinal directions for your work space. In this teaching they say this: the correct location can be occupied by a room located in the sector of the southwest, northwest, north, and also northeast. It is best when, before starting to build a house, you are absolutely sure of the future office and you have the opportunity to initially choose how it will be located correctly.

If such an opportunity was not provided, then you can take a room for a personal office, but so that its shape is correct, square or rectangular. It should also have wonderful natural lighting. It is best to avoid rooms that have irregular shapes, various niches, or corners of the walls in the room. These corners are called “secret arrows” and they will create negative energy in the room. However, if you have no other choice, and there is only such a room, then you can correct such a deficiency with mirrors, crystals, or plants.

According to Feng Shui, sitting towards a window or door is considered negative. This can deprive you of support in work and life in general. The best option is to place the table so that there is just a wall behind you, and one and the doors are on the side of you.

A picture of a mountain hanging on a wall is also considered auspicious; it gives you additional protection and support. For those who had no other choice but to position their workplace with their back to a window or door, we recommend purchasing an office chair with a massive and high back so that it protects you, at least partially.

Furniture arrangement in the office according to Feng Shui

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the most important piece of furniture in an office is a desk. It must be positioned in such a way that while working behind it you can always see the door leading to your office. If you can’t achieve this placement, then hang a mirror so that you can see the door through it and the people who will enter there. There is no need to position the table so that you see a blank wall in front of you, as this will impede the movement of your personal energy. You can decorate a wall with a painting with a beautiful image.

Buy only office furniture for your office, as it differs from ordinary furniture in that it has straight lines and sharp corners, and this leads to the activation of yang energy.

Buy cabinets and shelves only that can be closed, but preferably with glass doors. In this way, all your work supplies will be hidden from prying eyes, and at the same time, secret arrows will not be formed.

Feng Shui lighting office

It is very good when your office has windows, as it provides natural light and activates energy. But it is worth remembering that too much light leads to an imbalance of energy in this room, which can interfere with computer work. In the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that it is necessary to regulate the lighting in a room with the help of curtains. But remember that only curtains and blinds, in no case use thick curtains, as they will not add the necessary severity to the room. And you have absolutely no need for home comfort in your office.

Don't place lighting above your head, it's bad. Try not to use cold shades in interior design; it is better to choose a rich color.

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  • Feng Shui of the desktop is an important part of the arrangement of the office and home, because here we spend about a third of our lives. Workplace according to...

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It is important for a businessman, a business person, or a manager to have his own workplace. To do this, set up a personal office in which it will be comfortable to work. Feng Shui advises decorating your office correctly, adding the necessary accents, talismans, and adhering to shapes and sizes.

According to Feng Shui, a cabinet will have a favorable influence if it is placed in the southeast, northwest, north or northeast. A square or rectangular shape is suitable for an office. Avoid empty niches and sharp corners.

Correct feng shui in your office will help you concentrate, make the right decisions, sign contracts for successful business negotiations, attract sponsors, mentors, and be successful in your field.

The Feng Shui office space should be fairly free so that the qi energy can easily move, circulate and positively influence the worker.

Draw yourself a diagram of your office. Place it on it so that there is a perfect, even wall behind you. You cannot sit with your back to the window, as ideas and profits will slip through it. It is better to leave the window on the left side of the table. If you have already been given an office with a different location, place flowers on the windowsill. It will have a negative impact on your work if you sit next to or opposite the door.

Furniture arrangement in the office according to Feng Shui

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

Properly furnishing and arranging your office at work is a very important part of Feng Shui. Your comfort and success depend on it.


Any office will need a table. Its placement is of great importance. Place the table so that the window is on the left side of it. Provide yourself with a rear behind your back; the wall must be strong, no glass partitions, screens, curtains, etc. Do not place the table so that your back is to a window or door. Place it so that you can see the door and incoming visitors.

Choose a desk for your office that is rectangular or square in shape, if you are a business person; for creative people, a round one is more suitable. Buy a stable, durable table made from natural materials. Glass ones have a negative impact on work. Select the height and size of the item that is comfortable. The front panel of the table must be solid and cover the worker’s legs.

Brown, chocolate, and black tones contribute to moderate, calm work, but shiny surfaces distract and add to things to do.

Clean up desk clutter, throw away trash, and keep things clutter-free.


Choose a chair in your office that is comfortable, practical, and durable. Feng Shui recommends chairs or armchairs with high backs and no gaps. For convenience, equip the chair with armrests.

Select the size of the chair so that your feet are level and firmly on the floor.

Do not place tables and chairs under massive shelves, air conditioners, cabinets, or ceiling beams. Leave the passage to the workplace clear and spacious.

Other furniture

Place large cabinets and shelves along the wall so that they do not block the circulation of positive energy. Avoid furniture with uneven or irregular shapes. Choose cabinets with doors.

Leave the center of the office free.

Feng Shui symbols of success in the office

To activate success in the office, various Feng Shui talismans and symbols will help.

Color and lighting

Provide good lighting in the office. Use fluorescent lamps. Place a desk lamp on your desk. Good lighting ensures productivity and fills you with energy. Do not place large lamps above your head, otherwise it will cause discomfort. Of course, sunlight will be favorable, so provide access to natural light.

Warm colors are good for the office: green, beige, gray, brown. For creative people, bright shades of red and yellow are more suitable. It is unacceptable to have a blue wall behind you.


Correctly selected paintings can activate the zone of success, wisdom, improve mood, and have a beneficial effect on profit, efficiency, and academic performance. To do this, place a picture on the wall depicting ponds, fountains, surf, and rivers. They symbolize profit and financial well-being. Hang it in front of your desk, but don't place it behind your back.

Drawings of mountains and landscapes will bring stability, reliability, confidence in yourself and business.

  1. Images of stairs or roads that lead upward indicate career growth.
  2. Paintings with drawings of fruits, vegetables, fruits symbolize good luck and reward for your efforts.
  3. Ships are a symbol of wealth, success, profit.
  4. A painting with a visualization of your dreams.
  5. Beautiful houses, castles. Hang such pictures behind your back, they will protect you, instill confidence and calm.

Such images will bring prosperity and stability in work. But don’t hang pictures depicting aggression, destroyed buildings, raging elements in your office.

Vase of financial well-being

To ensure that your material affairs go well and good luck accompanies you, place a vase of financial well-being in your office.

It should be round, always with a lid, so that the wealth does not evaporate. A vase with images of birds, landscapes, dragons or hieroglyphs of wealth will be successful. Choose from porcelain, ceramics or metal materials.

But the vase itself has no power; it must be filled with plenty of goodness:

  • earth; ask a lucky person for a handful of land, it will definitely bring prosperity;
  • Chinese coins;
  • feng shui crystals;
  • gold coins;
  • jewelry;
  • cereals: wheat, peas, corn.

Aquarium and goldfish

One of the favorable talismans that bring profit, wealth, and success is an aquarium with fish.

Take care of the living creatures: their health will bring you good luck. Goldfish are a symbol of wealth. It’s good if their number is eight. If one of the fish dies, it means that it has warded off trouble; in this case, buy a new fish.

A round, hexagonal or rectangular shape of the aquarium will be the most favorable. The fish should be placed in the north, northeast or southeast of the building. Do not place the aquarium between a window and a door. Keep it clean at all times.

Success, abundance, and career growth will be brought by figurines depicting gods, birds, a dragon, a three-legged toad, and a pyramid. Chinese coins can be attached to important document folders.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

We often see flowers in the office. And this is the right decision, they not only bring pleasure and a beautiful aesthetic appearance, but also help in your career and work. Suitable for the office are cactus, ficus, Chinese rose, croton, dieffenbachia. To reduce the negativity from the sharp corners of the cabinet, place hanging flowers on it.

Feng Shui home office

In today's world, many people work from home. To retire and get ready for work, you can also set up an office at home. A favorable location for the workplace will be the southwest, but the north side, as well as the northeast, will also be suitable.

Choose warm colors for your home office. Provide good lighting. Metal objects and talismans will be favorable. Place a wooden table and a comfortable chair. It is better to refuse upholstered furniture.

Add paintings depicting poppies, landscapes, mountains, and ponds to the interior. Fresh flowers will fill the office with energy. Use to increase productivity.

If you work with other family members, do not place desks facing each other. This arrangement will be distracting and will not allow you to concentrate.

Close all shelves and cabinets with doors. If possible, clear your home office of unnecessary furniture and things. Keep the room free of dust, dirt, debris and trash.

We spend a lot of time at work. That’s why it’s so important to arrange your office and create comfortable conditions. Location, color, symbols, Feng Shui talismans provide an opportunity to improve the quality of work, profit, achieve career growth, attract wealth, open your own business and become a lucky person.

In recent years, remote work from home has become increasingly popular, so the design and arrangement of a home office is a hot topic.

Some people need a small desk in the corner of the bedroom, where they can check their mail and send a few letters, while others need a separate, comfortable office in which they can work every day and which will become the personal home office of the owner or mistress of the house. A mini-office with an interesting design can be organized not only in a private house, but also in an apartment, for which it is necessary to rationally use the free space.

With the help of Feng Shui, an ordinary, boring office can be transformed into a creative, positive and cozy work area. Feng Shui will give the owner of the office the necessary peace and tranquility, as well as the necessary inspiration and desire to work!

Team Stylingroom I have prepared 9 basic Feng Shui rules that must be followed to create an ideal and most comfortable work area.

1. Facing the door

The first rule of Feng Shui is: the desk should be opposite the door, and the person sitting behind it should be facing the front door. A person sitting with his back to the door feels uncomfortable and even unsafe, since he does not see and does not know who is entering him and when, he must be on alert all the time and constantly turns around, which greatly distracts him from work and makes it difficult to concentrate. At the same time, the idea of ​​Feng Shui is not to sit “nose to nose” with the door, but to ensure that the door is always in the field of view of the person sitting; this can be achieved by moving the table to the center of the office or simply turning the chair a little.

The photo below shows an office design from Beach Glass Interior Designs: a massive glossy wooden table, an easy chair, a small seating area by the window with a mountain of soft, cozy pillows. The office is made in brown and white colors, according to the basic principles of Feng Shui: when sitting at the table, the owner of the office will always see who has entered.

2. Balance of light, dark colors and shades

Another rule that is also used in bedroom design is that there should be harmony and the right balance of dark and light shades in the room.

You should not create an office in neutral colors - it will be boring and banal, you should not make it snow-white, if you are not a doctor - the office will look like a sterile operating room, use light and dark shades, dilute them with red, green, yellow, blue colors that will add positive energy and brightness to the atmosphere of the work area.

Another tip from Feng Shui: combine a variety of materials and textures in your office - natural wood and stone, glass, metal, which will allow you to create a symbolic balance of the main elements in the room, enliven and decorate your work area.

The cabinet in the next photo was created by the design company PPDS. The design of the office includes rich blue, white, brown, natural wood, metal, and glass. A massive work desk allows the owner of the office to control both doors and not be taken by surprise while working; the decor of the room was also well complemented by a huge glass vase with plants, and the hanging chandelier is a real decoration of the room. By sliding the large white doors, the owner of the office can easily isolate himself from the rest of the space in the house and will be able to concentrate on his work. The office is the room that must have doors or a screen.

3. Creation of an energy center

In the office it is necessary to create a clear center around which positive energy will gather. This center can be your desktop or any other object in the room, which will allow you to more clearly and clearly organize your free space and prevent the dissipation of positive energy.

The photo shows a work area in dark colors. The center of energy of the room is the ebony desk located in the center of the room, the original pendant lamp located above the table and the indoor plant on the table help focus the positive energy. The decor of the room in dark colors is complemented by snow-white paintings on the walls and white lamps on the bedside table; the decoration of the room is a round mirror in a massive wooden frame and a figurine of a Chinese deity, designed to attract money and positive energy into the atmosphere of the office.

4. Reliable rear

Even if you are sitting facing the door, you still need to take care of the reliability and safety of your “rear”. It is best to have a wall at the back; a good option is a spacious window with a view of skyscrapers or mountains, which will provide reliable support and support for the owner of the room.

The office in the next photo was furnished by Matilda Rose Interiors. The room turned out to be very lively and original, thanks to the stylish wallpaper with images of trees, as well as wall-mounted ladder shelves on which you can place books, documents, CDs and other items. The interior of the office in the photo is dominated by natural wood, and the room itself is made in light beige and brown tones.

5. Natural light

One of the basic rules is that the office should have as many spacious windows as possible right up to the floor, without partitions or heavy curtains, so that the room is illuminated with natural light during the day and is also well ventilated.

Do not create an enclosed room without windows or with windows tightly closed with blinds or heavy curtains; natural light is much better than artificial lighting. The problem of glare on a computer or laptop monitor can be quickly solved by properly positioning the desktop or purchasing a computer with a matte screen.

The next office was furnished by Feng Shui & Living. The room turned out to be spacious, bright and comfortable, thanks to large windows reaching the floor, filling the room with sunlight, and large living plants in pots and vases.

6. More live plants and flowers

Modern classrooms and offices are literally overflowing with negative energy emitted by printers, computers, laptops and other modern equipment.

Living plants help get rid of this negative energy and balance yin and yang: a tropical palm tree in the corner of the office, lush green grass in a small pot on the desktop, ficus on the windowsill - these and other plants will enliven the office, making it much more comfortable and cozy.

7. Direction in space

In Feng Shui, even the smallest details are important and must be paid attention to. So, if you work on a laptop or computer, place it in the west or north of the room, which will help make working on the computer more productive and faster. Pay attention to your view from the open door: when you are sitting at your desk, you should not see stairs, long corridors, a toilet, a storage room and other utility rooms, which will distract from work and fill the room with unwanted energy, it is best in this case to keep the door is closed all the time. It is also necessary to decorate the corner of the room that you see as soon as you enter the room, do not leave it empty. An empty corner accumulates negative energy and drives away good and positive energy.

8. Mirrors and photographs

Mirrors in the office can play both a positive and negative role. It is not advisable to place mirrors in the office; you should not constantly see your reflection while working at the table, which can greatly distract from work. However, mirrors can also play into the hands of the office owner. So, if you have no way to place a table facing the door, and you sit with your back to the entrance, then hang a mirror on the wall, in the reflection of which you will always see the person entering, so you will feel safe. As for photographs, family photos on the table will always remind you of happy moments and experiences, will help you relax during breaks from work and dream, and will cheer up the owner of the office.

In the photo below we see an office in which the entire wall is covered with happy photographs and favorite paintings of the owner of the house.

9. Perfect order

Scattered things, folders, papers, wires sticking out everywhere interfere not only with the flow of positive Qi energy, but also distract from work.

There should always be order in the office; it is best to hide wires and cords on the floor or under the carpet, so that energy will circulate freely around the room, and it will be easier and calmer for the owner of the office to work, since he will always know where the necessary papers and documents are.