How to make a teen room. Adult design of a small nursery for a teenager. Graffiti, mural

In adolescence, the boy already has certain tastes, hobbies and preferences, which must be taken into account when choosing the design of his room. Parents of the child should pay attention mainly to the quality of building materials, the convenience and functionality of furniture and other similar factors, but the appearance of the nursery should be left to the discretion of the teenager, because it is he who lives in the room, and he should like it and be as comfortable as possible.

A teenage boy's room must meet the requirements

  • functionality;
  • Practicality (nothing superfluous, only the most convenient);
  • Originality (the nursery should convey the individuality of the child);
  • Attractiveness.

How to decorate a teenager's room

Boys like minimalism in the interior of the room. There should be nothing superfluous and cluttering up the space - only the most necessary furniture. Thematic design of the room should be chosen in accordance with the hobbies of a teenager. It can be sports, marine themes, cars, movie characters, games or cartoons.

The color scheme for the design of a teenager's boy's room can be very different. No matter how commonplace shades of blue, they remain popular. Green and yellow will help create a cozy and warm atmosphere. Cool colors like blue and purple help teenagers concentrate better. Boys often love steel gray and black colors in clothes and interior design. But a room decorated entirely in such colors will be gloomy and uncomfortable.

A rare boy will willingly devote time to cleaning and putting things in order in the nursery. Therefore, it is recommended to use those materials that will minimally get dirty or absorb dust in order to save the teenager from unnecessary things.

The choice of design for the nursery

The main thing in the interior design of a teenager's room is to decide on the main idea. Then, by itself, the approximate color scheme of the room, specific interior items and their appearance will immediately be clear. For example, if a teenager is passionate about the sea, travel and adventure, then a modern or old map will look great on his wall of his room, a nightstand for things can be made in the form of a pirate chest, and round windows resembling portholes can be installed.

In what style can a teenager's bedroom be decorated in general?

  1. Ethnic - for a child admirer of Eastern culture and philosophy;
  2. Sea or safari - for a boy who loves adventure and travel;
  3. Avant-garde, high-tech - for teenage techies or computer scientists;
  4. Kitsch or loft - for creative people (artists, musicians).

The avant-garde focuses on the functionality of the teenager's room, and in the design - on large geometric shapes. The design welcomes pure bright colors - white, red, black, yellow, green, their contrasting combinations. The furniture in the nursery can be very original, strange in shape or design, but at the same time it remains comfortable and practical for a teenager.

In the loft style, it is important to have a large amount of free space in a room with a minimum of furniture necessary for a teenager. The surface design of the walls and floor is deliberately rough and has the appearance of, for example, brickwork or bare concrete. Communications like heating or ventilation pipes are not hidden, but rather emphasized. All this contrasts with soft bright furniture, trinkets. The main materials used in the interior of a children's room for a teenager boy in a loft style are plastic, glass, metal.

High-tech - technological and modern style. The latest building materials are used, the teenager's room is equipped with the latest technology. The main materials are plastic, glass or metal, as well as artificial stone. Typical design colors are all kinds of metallic shades of gray and silver, black, white, blue, bright colors like green, red, yellow. Smooth transitions or different shades of the same color are not provided - only contrasts. All details of the interior of the room should be extremely comfortable and functional, built-in appliances are welcome. The lighting of the room is bright, mainly in the form of lamps, usually built into the ceiling, less often suspended, but extremely simple in design and shape. Any sports equipment will fit perfectly into a high-tech teenager's room. A room of this design may look empty or impersonal due to the minimum number of decorative elements, but on the other hand, nothing in it will distract the boy from business.

A teenager's room in a nautical design can be turned into a small ship or into his separate cabin. If there are two children-boys in the family, then the nursery zoned into two cabins will look very organic. This teenager's room interior uses dark wood, metal elements, including anchors and chains, ropes, maps, compasses, spyglasses and other marine paraphernalia. But here it is important not to overdo it, because a teenager is no longer a small child, and there should not be excessive theatrical styling of the room.

If a teenager is a rebel in spirit and lifestyle, then kitsch will be the ideal design for his room. The main idea of ​​the style is bad taste elevated to the absolute. A combination of completely incongruous elements of furniture, decoration, accessories. Bright flashy colors, catchy decor, chaotic and asymmetric geometric shapes are welcome. However, in this version of the interior of the room for a teenage boy, a sense of proportion also does not interfere, so that the atmosphere in the room does not become completely uncomfortable and annoying for both parents and the child himself.

Of course, this list is not exhaustive, but it can be used as a basis for your own ideas in the design of a room for a teenager.

Room zoning

The main areas of the teenage boy's room

  • Working / educational;
  • Recreation and entertainment.

The sleeping area in the nursery of a teenager boy should be as simple and functional as possible. No extra decor, curtains, exquisite designer lamps, bedside tables for small things, as is done for girls. With a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, beds in the second tier would be a good idea - above the teenager's desk or closet; folding beds, which are removed during the day in a wall, closet or turn into an armchair.

Even if a teenage boy goes in for sports and generally likes an active lifestyle, he will still spend some time at the computer. Therefore, the boy's desktop should be well lit. It can be placed by the window, combining the countertop with the window sill. But if the room faces the sunny side, then so that the bright sun does not blind the child in the morning or afternoon, it is better to hang blackout curtains or compact blinds. Even if a teenager will have enough natural light for studying and reading during the daytime, additional lighting of the workplace will still be required in the evening. The light from the table lamp should fall on the left. The best solution for lighting on the ceiling of the room would be a few compact fixtures that will create a uniform diffused light in the room.

The height of the table is selected in accordance with the height of the boy, and the size of the tabletop should allow the teenager to place equipment, books, notebooks and other stationery there. If the child has a desktop computer, then the system unit should be placed under the table, and the keyboard - on a special pull-out shelf. The purchase of a laptop for a boy will significantly save desktop space.

So that the chair does not have to be changed too often as the teenager grows, it is worth taking an adjustable chair. The soft back and seat, which are usually equipped with such computer chairs, will reduce the load on the child's spine when working at the table.

What else should be in the nursery

In a teenager's room, a lot of space should be allocated for books, magazines and other printed materials that are interesting to the child. If a teenager often takes part in sports competitions, educational olympiads or some other competitions, then it is worth making several shelves on the wall or in a closet for his awards. Seeing them every day, the child will feel more self-confident, which is important in adolescence, will be more motivated to new achievements, will be able to show off to friends who come to visit, increasing his authority in the company.

So that a teenage boy can pay attention to his physical form, 1-2 simulators can be installed in the room. But not all parents can afford to buy expensive equipment, and there is not always enough space for it in the nursery. In this case, you can limit yourself to installing a horizontal bar.

If a teenager is fond of collecting, for example, car models, figurines of fantastic heroes or something else, then in the children's room you need to provide racks to accommodate this collection.

Plush toys, soldiers and cars in adolescence are usually replaced by a game console and TV. And the teenager should be comfortable using them. The play part of the room should be placed opposite the bed, or equipped with several soft chairs or armchairs so that the child can comfortably spend time with friends. If there is not enough space in the room for large chairs, then it is worth installing compact ottomans, comfortable bean bags, or simply laying a thick and soft carpet on which the teenager will sit warm even in the winter cold.

Of course, it is not at all necessary for a teenager to be fond of games and watching movies, it can also be music, drawing, modeling, woodworking and much more. But a place to do what you love in a child's room must be present.

Boys usually do not have such a rich wardrobe as girls, so a small closet will suffice in the room. A wardrobe built into the wall will be an excellent convenient and practical solution for storing clothes and shoes for a teenager. For other things, you can purchase several dressers with drawers.

Important ! At this age, as teenagers grow older, their tastes change frequently and quickly.

Therefore, all paraphernalia associated with children's hobbies in the room should be made removable so that you do not have to do repairs again. That is, for example, it is better to hang posters with a teenager's favorite musical performers, and not make wallpaper with them.

How to furnish a room for two teenage boys

If two teenage children live in the room, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nursery should be divided very carefully so that none of them feel disadvantaged. If teenagers have similar hobbies, then in their room you can make a common recreation area.

A long work table will help optimize the space of the work area.

You can buy a bunk bed only if the children can peacefully agree on who will sleep where. But no matter how friendly the brothers are, in the design of a room for two teenage boys, it must be taken into account that each of them should have their own personal space.

Using the right selection of color schemes and decorative details, you can create a beautiful trendy room. When it comes to designing a room for a teenager, there are a few things to pay special attention to. First of all, you need to consider who owns the room - a boy or a girl, what is the age of the owner, whether one person will live in it, or two people will share it. If the child takes part in the selection of color schemes, furniture and decorative elements, he will appreciate the final result much more.

Pictured is a gender-neutral room for a teenager

#one. Teenage Room Ideas

Consider the opinion of a teenager. If you want to give your bedroom a certain style, check out ready-made bedroom designs on the Internet or in magazines with your child. For a girl's bedroom, you can choose the style of "ballerina", "princess" or the theme "Disney". For a young man’s room, “racing cars”, “space” or “sports” are suitable. But if the room is shared by a boy and a girl, choose one of the universal themes - “music”, “beach”, “retro”, etc.

Choose the color scheme and style of the room. The direction of the choice of style primarily depends on the gender of the owner of the room. If it's a girl, opt for feminine soft styles and colors like purple and pink. If the room belongs to a boy, decorate it with shades of blue, brown, or other “masculine” colors. If two children will live in the room, use yellow, green or even shades of gray. Mixing different colors and shades will make the room contrast, lively and fashionable. By combining colors, you can achieve any desired result.

Having picked up the desired color scheme, proceed to painting. Stencil graffiti or freehand drawings on the walls will be very appropriate. However, these details should also be agreed with the owner of the room. Drawings with paint bring variety and mood to the atmosphere of the room and do not require large financial costs.

After finishing with painting, you can choose furniture. If you want to give your bedroom a certain style, check out ready-made bedroom designs online or in magazines. For a girl's bedroom, you can choose the style of "ballerina", "princess" or the theme "Disney". For a young man’s room, “racing cars”, “space” or “sports” are suitable. But if the room is shared by a boy and a girl, choose one of the universal themes - “music”, “beach”, “retro”, etc.

Furniture is a very important element, since it must simultaneously perform practical and aesthetic functions. First of all, pay attention to the size of the room. For a small room, an upper bunk bed will be the most rational choice. Furniture stores offer designs that combine a bed and a play area, or a schoolchild's corner, or even a recreation area. If the room is designed for two, it is better to put two upper bunk beds in it, or one bunk bed. But if the room is spacious enough, if you wish, you can put a wide bed in it.

A good idea for a teenager's room would be a closet with a large mirror - with its help it will be convenient to get ready for school. But if the dimensions of the room do not allow you to put such a closet in it, you can install a large mirror in the bathroom.

So, it's time to add decorative details. If you don't want the room to look cluttered, then don't use too many accessories. Functional elements may well serve decorative purposes.

For example, a bed in the shape of a car, or beautiful table lamps. But if you want to add decorations, you can find a lot of original all kinds of things in furniture stores and online stores.

#2. Photo ideas of rooms for teenagers

We have collected a small photo selection of teenage rooms. Take a look, some ideas will definitely look to you. First there will be a photo of the rooms for the guys, then photos of the girls' rooms.

Teenage room with bunk bed

The proposed room for a teenager in the photo deserves to pay attention to it. The main "highlight" of the interior, of course, is the unusual and interesting design of the bed. This is no longer a classic bunk bed, its lower part is mobile. Such an innovation, of course, will appeal to modern children, for whom this interior is designed.

The color scheme of the interior is formed by a combination of light blue tones of the walls and purple, which prevails in the design of the furniture. These tones create a comfortable atmosphere, thanks to the good lighting of the room, which is provided by a large window.

Teenage room - design with robots

Finding the perfect design solution for a teenager's bedroom is extremely difficult. The main problem is not only the variety of suitable style and planning solutions, but also the need to take into account the opinion of the future owner of the room.

A teenager is no longer the obedient kid who agrees with the wallpaper chosen by mom and the furniture selected by dad. Almost an adult, already having his own opinion and his own view of things, a teenager needs a thoughtful and rational space that leaves room for creativity and imagination.

Stylish room design for a teenager

Room for a teenager: what should it be?

At the mention of the phrase “ideal room for a teenager”, everyone imagines something different: cozy or technical, spacious or, conversely, compact. The main feature and difference between a teenage bedroom and a child’s room is a pronounced individuality in everything from decor to layout.

Workplace for classes must be mandatory

The opinion of the child should be taken into account at all stages of creating the interior: from the choice of material for wall decoration to the final decision on the layout. Only participation in the creation of his own corner in an apartment or house will allow a teenager to feel his adulthood, significance and increased responsibility for his actions, words and his choice.

Original design for a dolmatian lover

Advice. Designers note the importance of loyalty and psychological mobility of adults who are creating a bedroom for a teenage boy or girl. It is not enough to give the future owner of the room the maximum rights to final decision-making, it is important to direct and regulate his choice in a stylistically correct direction.

Drawers under the bed - convenient and practical

A room for a boy or girl aged 13-15 should be equipped according to standard recommendations:

Girls often choose lilac color

Suitable bedroom for a young lady

In place of touching little animals and graceful princesses, huge mirrors, dressing tables with cosmetics and wardrobes filled with outfits come to a teenage girl's room. The little lady becomes a real woman with a clearly defined desire to be beautiful, with attention to her appearance, with an interest in fashion and style.

But more often teenage girls still choose pink

The room of a 13-year-old girl is a bedroom with a transitional character, which should satisfy all desires: play dolls with her friends, and paint her nails with fashionable varnish. But by the age of 16, a teenager needs a more adult room, stylish and characteristic. That is why designers offer to choose not traditional girlish shades, but more neutral and calm options as the main tone for the bedroom during the renovation process.

Important. Beige or white can be easily shaded with pink, purple or lilac to give it a gentle mood. With the maturation of the hostess, such a room easily transforms into the room of a serious lady - you just need to change the pink tulle to gray, and instead of a plush bedspread with princesses, close the bed with a luxurious graphite blanket.

Interior design in a classic style

Mobility and the ability to change the mood of the interior are extremely important properties for a teenage girl's room. Paintings or posters on the wall, curtains on the windows, chair covers, rugs or flower pots are ways to quickly transform a room. For the development of independence, it is better to provide the owner herself with the opportunity to change the interior.

Room of the future gentleman: interior features

Boys perceive their room in a completely different way, so design techniques for organizing space for a 14-year-old teenager will be different. In such a room there is no place for children's sentiments and memories, because ahead is an adult life filled with impressions, for which you need to prepare now. A sports corner, a tool box, a wood burning table - these are the right fillings for a men's bedroom.

Room for a teenager in an army style (military)

blue light room

  • A place to sleep should not take up much space and interfere with vigorous activity. A loft bed or bunk bed is a great option for a teenager's bedroom.
  • The workplace, namely the desk, should be combined with a place for the creative realization of the boy. For example, you can equip it with drawers with tools, mount a stand for sailboat models, install fasteners for a soldering iron and other electrical appliances.
  • Boys of any age prefer to relax actively, so if there is space in the room, it is worth installing compact exercise equipment and making room for your favorite bike. Do not forget about other home entertainment: for example, a TV with a set-top box and a comfortable sofa will become a gathering place for the owner's best friends.

Wall murals in a teenager's room are considered not just a rational element, but also an original way to add originality and individuality to the interior. The choice of a pattern for such wall decoration should be based on the appropriateness of a particular motive in the interior, and on the child’s desire to see a specific plot on the wall of his room.

Wallpapers on the automotive theme

Wall mural night city

Photo wallpapers on a sports theme

Designers pay attention to the importance of a competent choice of a place for such decor in the interior of a teenage room: photo wallpapers, as a rule, turn out to be too bright and noticeable, overwhelming other decor in the bedroom. On the other hand, for the bedroom of a child of this age, maximum harmony in everything is important, therefore, only the balance of colors and semantic load in the choice of decor will create a picture suitable for a calm life.

Things are somewhat more complicated. Limited space will cause certain difficulties with the choice of finishes, furniture and room layout. In a small bedroom, it is extremely difficult to allocate a full-fledged place for sleeping, working and relaxing. In this case, it becomes necessary to combine these zones in a minimum space. Most often, a working and creative corner is combined in one part of the room, using modular cabinets and retractable storage systems.

lemon color

Advice. A folding bed or bed hidden in a podium can be a practical way to increase the usable area of ​​​​a room.

Premises for a comfortable life for teenagers are not easy to create even for experienced professionals. After all, the design should appeal to parents and students.

The most important thing in the interior of a teenager is boring designs.

The teenage period is the most difficult, more care and attention is required, children are only learning to be responsible for their actions.

They want independence, so the protest and thirst for freedom from any restrictions is often reflected even in the interior of a child's room for a teenager. These are often incompatible combinations of various shapes, colors and textures.

Advice! A child cannot appreciate an expensive design, it is important for him to have an individual "den" that meets his desires, where he will spend his free time, chat with friends, fool around, etc. If you do not create a comfortable atmosphere for him, he will spend more time outside the home.

Self-expression is the main thing at this age. It is ideal to give the teenager the opportunity to choose furniture, wallpaper, color, curtains, etc.

This will help to find a common language with the child, teach him to make the first serious decisions.

girl's room

Pink tones and bows are for little ones, so for a fast-growing personality, her hobbies and desires need to be taken into account.

For children's rooms for a teenage girl, you need a dressing table, a large wardrobe, a chest of drawers for small things.

Color shades are popular: pale pink, sand, peach, lilac.

Boy's room

Everyone has hobbies, in this style you can unusually beat the bedroom.

Shades: gray-blue, white-blue, green, brownish, different walls in light colors.

In the children's room for a teenage boy, you can embody any goes. The guys love the army theme, sports, music, sea, aviation, computers, cinema, etc.

Take a close look at what he can pay attention to at any time of the day, what he is interested in. The sports corner is obligatory for the future soldier.

Two teenagers in one room

Two children in the same room will complicate the task, because everyone's hobbies can be very different. The main thing is not to offend anyone, everyone has their own corner.

The design of a children's room for a teenager includes the comfort of two beds, the required number of lockers, shelves, study tables, etc. With a small area, the workplace will be shared. All equally - that's the motto of teenagers.

A bunk bed is ideal, a closet with an equal number of shelves for each child. A large worktop will solve the problem of the work area.

Often there are children of different sexes in the room, since there is no extra room. You can not put two different interiors in one room. The style should be the same, but different zones.

Age and the new image of the nursery

The interior directly depends on the age of the children. The older the child, the more expressive the style.

Teenager 12-13 years old

Youth, when they are just learning independence, there are already hobbies that occupy leisure. His hobby needs to be reflected in the interior.

14-15 years old

Age of imitation of idols. There will be posters and pictures of different people on the walls. Friends of interest appear, it is better to let his friends come to your house than he will disappear somewhere for days.

High school students 16-17 years old

These are already personalities, almost formed. He must determine his own path in life, he can be helped a little, but not impose his point of view.

For high school students, you can offer different styles:

  • minimalism;
  • classic;
  • loft,
  • high tech.
  • Not a "kids" room

A height of more than 2.5 m will allow the use of stretch ceilings, their diversity will amaze you. Built-in lights will significantly improve the lighting of the room.

Decorate the walls with wallpaper that the student will like, if your tastes differ sharply, find a compromise, you can focus on 1 wall. Photo wallpapers or wallpapers for painting look beautiful (you can often change the color).

After choosing a specific style, we proceed to the choice of flooring. For the classics - parquet, for the loft - linoleum, and for extraordinary creative personalities - ceramic tiles.

The floor should be warm: heated or can be covered with a carpet. If a teenager is an athlete or a musician, then the carpet will absorb the sound and noise.

The room should be well lit, the smaller and darker the room, the more lighting at different levels and in zones.

For a quick sleep, blackout curtains on the windows

Let your child and yourself show their fantasies, better than the original inexpensive design, which can be changed in a couple of years.

A child's tastes can change drastically with age and new hobbies.

Photo design of a children's room for a teenager

Transitional age is a special stage in the life of children and their parents. It is during these years that the child is formed as a real person with his principles, dreams, knowledge. It is possible to create a comfortable room design for a teenage boy if you follow some simple rules. It is necessary to take into account the independence, desires, interests and aesthetic preferences of the guy. It is worth remembering that his room will not only be an overnight stay, but also a cozy corner for solitude with oneself, study, creativity, and fun gatherings with friends. Our article will help you responsibly approach the choice of the desired design.

Design features

It is very important for parents to realize that adolescence is a kind of beginning of the path to adulthood, the formation of the child's personality. Therefore, the personal space of a young person must fully comply with his requirements and desires. There are different age periods, the features of which can help in the design of a beautiful and cozy room for a boy.

For example, at the age of 12–13, young men begin to show a special interest in something, find hobbies in the form of sports, board games, and musical instruments. It is good if the room is decorated with elements that can inspire the child to develop their new talents.

More emotional can be called the age of 14-15 years. It was at this time that a teenager finds idols, begins to get involved in the work of his favorite musical groups, hangs colorful posters of concerts over his bed, and also scatters things in a chaotic manner. Do not forbid your child to express himself in this way. You can choose such a style direction of the room, which will perfectly harmonize with the rebellious nature of its owner. For example, loft, pop art, ethnic and Mediterranean design.

At the age of 16-17, the teenager is already almost formed. He can independently draw up a plan for furnishing, decorating and decorating his room, and you can help him with turning ideas into reality. Most often, teenage boys of this tender age like such interior styles: modern, minimalism, hi-tech, loft, pop art, classic, kitsch.

Choosing an interior style

The right choice of style direction is the basis of a beautiful and comfortable room for a teenager. We will consider the most relevant and creative options for decorating a room in different styles.

Minimalist teen boy's room

This interior implies an abundance of free space, conciseness of details and the absence of bulky furniture. The play of colors (contrasts of white and black, gray and pink, beige and brown), original finishes (the use of brick, glass or wood), as well as stylish and simple decor are responsible for the aesthetic effect. For example, wall music records, black and white photographs, original lamps, colorful sofa cushions. Such a room would be ideal for an introverted boy, a creative rebel or a young intellectual. The room will be spacious enough for relaxation, inspiring reflection and study.

Loft-style teen boy's room

Attic motifs and rebellious notes in the design will appeal to active guys who do not like boring standards. Industrial elements, a combination of old and new furniture, original finishes, as well as cool colors perfectly characterize the loft style. A special highlight of a teenager's room can be a brick wall (or imitating wallpaper), a fireplace or aged mirrors. You can also zone the room into two separate zones (recreation area and study area) using creative metal / wooden shelving or multifunctional lighting (brighter and more subdued).

Mediterranean-style teen boy's room

The main distinguishing characteristics of this style are the sunny colors of the finishes, unusual furniture upholstery, the use of natural decor and textiles, as well as an abundance of light. Such a room will become a real paradise for every teenager. It can be decorated using Italian or Greek motifs.

In the first case, you should take a closer look at delicate neutral colors (white, beige, peach, light green) and decor in the form of colorful frescoes, mosaics, and shell products. In the second, you can create warm contrasts using two shades (for example, decorate all the walls in white, and leave one in blue or green), decorate the room with weightless curtains with a marine theme, wooden chests and laconic figures on the shelves.

Kitsch teen boy's room

This room design is perfect for guys who are not afraid to express themselves with bright clothes and unusual music. A kitsch-style room is an abundance of bright extravagant details, a combination of a variety of colors, exclusive finishing materials and flashy accessories.

Silver ceilings, gold wallpapers, mosaic tiles, original hanging chandeliers, posters and paintings perfectly characterize this trend. In such a room, a teenage boy will be able to realize all his wildest dreams, using incongruous colors, colorful accessories and an original approach. One of the most interesting decoration options is the design of one of the walls in the form of an art gallery.

Ethnic style teenage boy's room

It will become a cozy corner for young connoisseurs of different countries and traditions. It can be the luxury of the East, the conciseness of Japan, the brightness of Egypt or the mysticism of Africa. You can arrange a room in one of the ethnic directions, creating an atmosphere of a different culture in a small room, or you can combine several options at once. For this, stylized handmade details, comfortable furniture and neutral colors of finishes are suitable, which will become a full-fledged backdrop for such an unusual and original room.

How to choose furniture

In the room of a teenage boy, there should be basic and additional furniture. The main one includes a bed, a desktop, a wardrobe, a bookcase, an additional one - hanging shelves for decoration, room zoning elements, a sofa. Simple tips on arranging and choosing furniture will help you decide on the right option.

For a small room, it is best to use modular furniture, which will be decorated in one color scheme. The desk should be multifunctional (for lessons, computer work, creativity, reading) and roomy. Most often, a self-assembly table meets these criteria. Hanging shelves are a great alternative to bulky accessory racks.

If you decide to purchase wooden furniture, be sure to look at its edges. They should be free of any roughness and cracks. A sliding wardrobe is suitable for storing things, in addition, it will fit into almost any style of interior. For more practicality and added security, you should prefer open bookshelves without a glass or metal door.

Decor and accessories

Decorating a teenage boy's room with decor elements should depend not only on the basic design style and practicality, but also on his own preferences. It can be sports, games, music, art, science. Accents directly related to a teenager's hobby will easily create an original and cozy atmosphere. The main thing is not to forget about the overall interior design. For example, a sea chest will be a great addition to a Mediterranean-style room, a brick wall is suitable for a loft, posters and paintings with your favorite musicians will decorate a pop art room.

Room design for a teenage boy - photo

Our collection of interior design photos for teenage boys will help you get inspired and find the option that your child will like. Happy viewing!