How to make a beautiful frame in. Do-it-yourself picture frames from a ceiling plinth. Video: do-it-yourself cardboard photo frame

Photographs are a repository of all sorts of moments. They keep life itself. That is why always, even in the era of digital technology, people put on the table, place on the walls photos associated with this or that event or person. I don’t want to put memories dear to my heart into a template frame at all. Therefore, the decor of photo frames has always been, is and will be in demand. Decorating frames with your own hands is feasible for almost everyone, it is exciting, makes you feel like a real creator.

As a basis for the work, you can take a cheap purchased frame or cut it yourself out of cardboard.

Types of photo frame decor

  • the first most common way to decorate a photo frame: stick something on it. And this “something” is a boundless sea;
  • paste over in decoupage style;
  • paint in an original way using a variety of techniques;
  • the frame can be sewn from soft materials;
  • cover with knitted fabric;
  • decorate with a cloth;
  • wrap picturesquely with twine, various threads, braid, lace;
  • make from tree branches;
  • it can even be baked (from salt dough).

The list can be continued indefinitely, only the limit of your imagination can limit it.

Pasted decor

You can glue a lot on the frame, everything is determined by the taste and imagination of the master.


Photo frames decorated with buttons will look original, especially if you choose them in the same color. However, this is not a mandatory condition. The desired uniformity of color can be obtained using acrylic paint. For example, buttons covered with gold paint will transform beyond recognition, by a lucky chance, an old photo frame that did not have time to get into the trash can.

Beads, rhinestones

Over time, these things accumulate in abundance in every woman. All this can become a unique collection of materials for decorating an elegant frame with your favorite photo with your own hands, it is worth sticking them on a pre-planned pattern, ornament.

Tip: you can use whole brooches, beads, beads, pearls, interesting pieces of glass, fragments of broken dishes, mosaic elements.

natural materials

Tastefully executed frame decor in natural style always attracts attention. After all, we are all children of nature.

Coffee beans, lentils, acorns

Everything can go into action and create unique compositions.
Coffee beans will come in handy not only for making an invigorating drink, they turn out to be an excellent material for decorating a photo frame with your own hands: they have a wonderful smell, original texture, noble color, they do not deteriorate. The work will not take much time either: it is not so difficult to use a glue gun or PVA glue to tightly cover a standard photo frame with coffee beans, which in a new guise is guaranteed to become a leading interior accessory.

Tip: to make the frame made by yourself fragrant, buy anise and star anise stars and find a place for them in the overall decor.


This is one of the grateful materials for decorating a photographic frame with your own hands. For decoration, shells of various shapes and sizes are needed. In addition to shells, it is appropriate to use interesting pieces of glass, sea pebbles and other finds made on the sea or river bank in the inlay.


When creating an exclusive frame with your own hands, paper can be used, which in the usual scenario faces the sad fate of waste paper. Very original photo frames, decorated with tubes of paper from newspapers and magazines that have served their purpose.

They can be either short (glued with the end face) or oblong - we use it in a horizontal position.
Another decor idea: birch bark is a very spectacular type of natural materials. Cut the piece of birch bark into five strips. Four will become the actual frame, the fifth can be made a stand.

Salty dough

You can turn an ordinary photo frame into a designer one using salt dough. Everyone has their own ideas: someone will decorate it with flowers, and someone will blind the name of the child shown in the picture. But first you need to make this very dough: knead it from a glass of salt, two glasses of flour and water. Having achieved the consistency of plasticine, start sculpting the intended decor elements right on the corner of the photo frame - this way the dough will take the desired shape at the base, and it can be glued to the right place without any problems. Put it in the oven for 20 minutes. Cool, glue to the frame and start painting with any paints. You can even limit yourself to one of the aerosol cans. The final stage consists in varnishing (it is better to make two layers) and drying.

Entourage of childhood

If there are daughters in the family, the number of decorative hairpins and elastic bands grows exponentially. Cute trinkets, decorated, for example, with flowers, can get a second life when this idea is implemented. Cut flowers from boring rubber bands. Those that are larger, stick on the upper corner of the frame, place smaller copies below.

The result will be a real flower cascade. You can glue the flowers only on the top, leaving the bottom of the frame intact. After completing this process, place the work under load for several hours. When the flowers are white, the part of the frame remaining free from decor should be covered with silver paint, or green if they evoke associations with a spring meadow.


Before starting work, prepare:

  • frame (not necessarily new, you can just bored);
  • a sheet of sandpaper;
  • glue (if there is no decoupage, dilute PVA glue with an equal amount of water);
  • brush;
  • decoupage napkins, cards.

After that, proceed to the decoupage process itself:

  • Sand the old photo frame first. A new one, if it is not varnished, does not need to be processed.
  • First you need to cut out the desired area from a napkin or card, having previously measured the frame itself, not forgetting the margin needed for processing the edges.
  • With a brush (you can use a sponge), carefully apply glue to the front side of the frame. Then place the prepared image in the right place and smooth it, making sure that all air bubbles come out from under the glued fragment. Do this starting from the center, gradually moving towards the edges.
  • Then, literally for two minutes, you need to put the frame under something heavy, for example, under a massive book.
  • To remove excess pieces of tissue paper, run a nail file along the edge of the photo frame (pressing angle should be 45). In the same way, remove the remains from the central part.
  • Finally, apply another layer of glue and leave the frame to dry.

A rich assortment of decoupage napkins will surely allow you to choose the means to implement the idea and create a unique work.

Another option for decoupage photo frames

Add paint and varnish to the previous set of materials.

Bold and unconventional

  • People who value originality can even use a bicycle wheel that has outlived its time as a frame for photos: select pictures of a general theme, think over a plot, insert a photo between the knitting needles or fix it with clothespins - the original decor is ready.
  • It is not worth guessing how a hunting lover will react to a portrait presented to him in a frame of spent cartridges. Of course, with sincere gratitude.
  • An option for anglers: attach hooks or brackets to the rod, hang photo frames on them with twine or not a thick cable with original marine knots, add a couple of floats.
  • Even an ordinary glass jar can become a creative frame for a photo: place a photo of the appropriate size in the selected container, decorate the empty space in it with sand, shells, starfish, LED garlands or any other entourage close to the subject of the picture.

It is impossible to describe all the ways of decorating photo frames with your own hands: every day the ranks of lovers of this democratic type of needlework are replenished, new ideas are born, which, in turn, become an incentive for further ideas. The creative process never stops.

Finding a beautiful frame for a photo, embroidery or painting is another quest. How many stores do you have to go around to successfully pick up a frame that is suitable in design, size and shade? There is a good option - to figure out how to make a frame with your own hands and do this process personally. Since not every needlewoman can afford a wooden photo frame, we offer you simple options. Detailed master classes on making frames can be found in this article.

Cardboard frame

Everyone can make a frame out of cardboard with their own hands - it does not require a lot of time, nor special skill, nor any special materials.

For work you will need:

  • Cardboard is better corrugated.
  • Fabric or paper for decoration - your choice.
  • Buttons, beads, rhinestones, shells and other decorative accessories for decoration.
  • Glue brush, PVA glue.
  • Stationery knife and scissors.
  • Ruler and simple pencil.

Important! It is not at all necessary to make a rectangular photo frame - round, oval, irregular shapes, with curls and bends also look very beautiful and original. Here everything will depend only on your imagination.


  1. Put the photo in the center of a sheet of cardboard, circle the photo with a pencil.
  2. Inside the resulting rectangle, draw another one with sides 1 cm smaller (this will be the “window” for the photo).
  3. Draw a rectangle outside the circled photo - these will be the margins of the frame (they should be equal in width).
  4. Cut out the front of the frame.
  5. Circle it on another piece of cardboard.
  6. Draw a rectangle inside the one that turned out, with sides 2 cm smaller - this will be the back.
  7. Cut it out.
  8. Determine how much fabric or paper you need to decorate the craft, and cut off enough to allow you to fold the edges inward.
  9. Spread PVA glue on the front of the frame and glue the prepared paper to it, then let the glue dry thoroughly.
  10. Glue the back of the frame to the tucked edges of the decor material - do not glue the side or top sides so that you can stick a photo there.
  11. Decorate the finished product by gluing the necessary decorations.
  12. Make a loop or stand for hanging crafts on the wall.

Important! If in the process of working to make a frame with your own hands, you do not have enough cardboard, then for the back of the product you can use plain paper or glue two strips of cardboard from the back to the “window”.

Frame from magazine pages

Such a craft not only looks original, but it can also be made completely free of charge, because its main element is magazine pages that you can tear out of any unnecessary magazine.

For work you will need:

  • Pages of old unwanted magazines.
  • Cardboard.
  • PVA glue.
  • Thread for sewing.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Pencil.


  1. To make a photo frame with your own hands, prepare a sheet of cardboard or thick paper about 20x25 cm in size. Measure 5 cm from the edges of the sheet and draw a “window” 10x15 cm in the middle.
  2. Cut out the "window" with a clerical knife.
  3. Start rolling the magazine pages as tightly as possible into tubes. To fix them and prevent unwinding, use PVA glue.
  4. Prepare colored thread and start winding it around the twisted pages of the magazine. Continue until you have many of these blanks.
  5. When the blanks are done, bend them at an angle of 90 degrees in the right places and secure them to the cardboard frame with glue.
  6. Prepare a small piece of cardboard for the legs. Cut out two strips of cardboard and glue them to the back of the frame so you can insert a photo between them.

Frame wrapped in thread

Another option to make a frame with your own hands is to braid it with a thread.

You will need:

  • A simple photo frame with smooth edges.
  • Several multi-colored threads.
  • PVA glue.
  • Scissors.


  1. Prepare the workpiece and apply a small amount of glue to it.
  2. Start gradually wrapping the frame with threads of different colors.
  3. Add a photo.

Frame on spring theme

This frame is made on the theme of spring. She looks romantic and gentle.

You will need:

  • A simple photo frame.
  • Artificial flowers.
  • PVA glue or glue gun.


  • Separate artificial flowers into inflorescences (if desired, flowers can be made independently from paper or fabric).
  • Glue the flower petals to the frame with glue or a glue gun.

Important! To make it more convenient, try gluing the petals, starting from the corner of the frame, then gradually filling the entire frame.

  • Use lace, ribbon, or pretty paper to cover the edges of the frame.

Frame as a gift

Sometimes it is very difficult to choose a gift, but what could be better than a gift made by oneself. So, in order to make a frame with your own hands as a gift, you will need:

  • Simple wooden frame.
  • Piece of fabric.
  • Ruler.
  • PVA glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue brush.


  1. Prepare a piece of fabric on which to lay your frame. Cut as much fabric as you need to cover the edge of the frame on the front and back.
  2. Now cut off the excess fabric from the middle of the sheet.
  3. Put the craft on a rectangular pattern, cut out squares from the corners - this way you will ensure neat corners.
  4. Carefully, using PVA glue, glue the fabric to the sides of the product, but just be careful not to wrinkle it. This must be done on both sides of the frame - both from the wrong side and from the front.
  5. Make diagonal lines at the corners of the frame. To do this, you need to cut each corner inside your frame.
  6. Fold the fabric over and glue it to the inside. You can also paste over the reverse side of the product with a cloth - here it is optional.
  7. Once completely dry, decorate it with ribbon, lace, or whatever you like.

In this master class, you will learn how to make a frame out of paper with your own hands. This is a very simple step by step tutorial that can be mastered in just a few minutes. The main advantage of homemade paper photo frames is the simplicity of materials (we will make them even without glue!) And technology. The craft will turn out beautiful and original, it will look very dignified.

If you need to give someone a photo, make this photo frame with your own hands. You will spend 5-10 minutes of your time, and the presentation will look completely different. The same goes for the idea of ​​decorating the wall with photographs: in order not to go broke on ready-made options, it’s easier to make a lot of paper frames at home and arrange them beautifully on a comfortable surface. By the way, these frames can also be made suspended - it is not difficult to pass a thread through them.

What will we need?

  • frame template
  • cardboard or thick colored paper (A4 will be enough)

How to do?

First you need to print out the frame template. It looks like this.

If you do not have the opportunity to make a printout, then make a template for a homemade paper frame with your own hands. To do this, you need to place a photograph in the center of the sheet and circle its outline (or simply draw a rectangle of the appropriate size in the center of the paper). Then lay aside strips of different sizes (alternating a strip 1.5 cm wide and 1 cm wide). Make indentations at the top and bottom as shown on the template.

First, the short sides are folded, and after them the long ones. We need to insert the corners of the long sides of the paper frame into the corners of its short sides in order to firmly fix the structure.

If the paper is very thick and glossy, it makes sense to first insert a photo, and only then fold the sides. So she "sits" tighter. If you are worried about the design, you can drop a little glue or use double-sided tape.

Drawings or cardboard boxes with your favorite motivating quotes are often also inserted into paper photo frames.

The modern world dictates its own rules. Gadgets are replacing the previously familiar things that were part of our everyday life. If earlier photos were stored in photo albums, now they are most often stored on hard drives, flash drives, and online storages. You can view thousands of images at once, but the very charm of the process is lost. Compare with reading books online and in real binding, with paper pages. The book and photo album that you hold in your hands have their own magic, unique energy. Photo frames can also be classified as an endangered class, but with a big correction: if these are ordinary products from the store. Creative DIY frames are out of fashion. They are always relevant, effectively decorate the interior, become an original addition to the gift. Consider ways to make unusual frames with which a special atmosphere appears in the house.

How to make a photo frame out of cardboard

The advantage of this method is that you can use any color. Cardboard sets are sold in 8, 10, 16, 20 or more shades. Or it's best to create your own range by covering the surface with paint that blends perfectly with the interior of your room.

Now more about the process itself:

  • We outline the desired size of the future frame, draw a rectangle on the cardboard and cut it out. Try not to climb over the edges. On bright cardboard, all the bumps will be visible.
  • Then inside we draw a second rectangle with a pencil - slightly smaller than the size of the photo (10x15 or 9x13). We make a neat cut under the photo. Be careful not to damage or wrinkle the cardboard.

  • Now about the decor. If the cardboard is plain, with the usual smooth texture, the frame can be supplemented with bright elements. These can be stickers that are sold in stationery stores (flowers, figurines, letters), sticky-based stars, textile roses, voluminous paper compositions, bows, and more. Fantasize more. If you have time, you can paste over the cardboard with millet, buckwheat, small pasta and paint on top with a spray can.

An important point: choose a good glue that will ensure a secure fixation of decor elements.

  • We make the back wall that will hold the photo. It is better to take thick paper or the same cardboard. Cut out a rectangle one centimeter larger than the photo. Glue the edges to the base so that the top side remains free - you get a pocket. We are waiting for drying.
  • We insert the photo into the frame and admire our hand-made creation.

DIY photo frames from the pages of a magazine

Read magazines become a useless pile, a dust collector, which is a pity to throw away, but there is no useful application to be found either. Colorful glossy pages are an excellent basis for decorating an original photo frame. The process itself is also fascinating, which often develops into a hobby. Products are bright, interesting, unique - it will be difficult to find analogues. Now step by step.

  • We take a sheet of thick paper or cardboard. The ideal size is 20x25 cm. We draw a rectangle under the photo in the middle with a simple pencil, it should be slightly smaller than 10x15. We cut out the window with scissors, without climbing over the given edges.
  • We take up the magazine We tear off or cut off the pages one at a time. Each must be twisted into a tight tube. To prevent the sheets from unwinding, we glue the outer edges.
  • The tubes can be decorated with multi-colored clerical threads, which you need to buy in advance at the store. It is better to choose contrasting colors, the more shades there are, the brighter the composition will turn out. We wind the threads on the tubes from the magazine pages, leaving small gaps. We fix the loops along the edges, carefully trim the ends.

  • We frame the cutout under the photo. Alternately glue the tubes around the window, one after the other, combining the colors at our discretion. We recommend using PVA glue - it fixes paper materials best. You can set the tubes in any direction: straight lines diagonally, vertically, horizontally.
  • We make a pocket for a photo. On the inside of the frame, glue a rectangle that will close the window - it will become a pocket.
  • In the central upper part of the frame, we glue a loop under the hook - for placement on the wall or make a leg out of thick cardboard (desktop version).
  • Insert a photo. With debut, you did it!

How to make a beautiful gift frame

The perfect gift - given with soul. Of course, store presents often take a lot of time to choose, but they do not have the energy of hand-made. Complement the main gift with a handmade photo frame, and the hero of the occasion will be pleasantly surprised and touched.

The process is quite simple:

  • From the cardboard we cut out the base for the photo - in size, focus on the photo. If inside is 10x15, the sides of the frame should not be less than 5 centimeters.
  • With scissors we make a window-slot under the photo.

We select a piece of fabric. Colors, print - to your taste. The most winning options that look bright and impressive: contrasting peas, multi-colored stripes, patterns on a white background. It is better to choose a drawing according to age and situation. Children - cartoon motifs, women - floral prints, men - restrained style.

  • We put the fabric on cardboard and measure a rectangle with a margin around the edges - for bending. We cut out small squares on the sides so that the bends are neat and aesthetic. Don't forget to make a window in the middle.
  • Glue the fabric to the cardboard. We try to ensure that the material does not wrinkle, is fixed evenly, and does not slip along the edges.
  • At the back we make a pocket according to the principle described above - from thick cardboard glued to the base on three sides.
  • We select the color of the tape. You can buy ready-made with a bow. We glue the tape to the fabric from the bottom horizontally or from the side vertically. The frame is ready and waiting for its solemn moment.

How to make a flower frame

Flowers can become not only the basis for a bouquet. Floral compositions from varieties that become beautiful dried flowers without water are a great decor for a photo frame.

We will tell you in detail how to make a masterpiece out of an ordinary frame:

  • Hydrangeas, small spray roses in half-open buds, medium-sized gerberas are ideal for dry compositions. It is necessary to cut off the stems so that they are enough for fixing and the extra ones do not crawl out of the edges of the frame.
  • Glue the edges of the photo frame with ribbon, fabric or lace.
  • Now the most important stage - fixing the colors. You need to act carefully so that the inflorescences do not break. We start gluing from the corner of the frame, a little diagonally. We try to hide all the voids.

We make a back pocket for a photo and fastening (for a wall - a loop, for a shelf - a leg-support). A beautiful flower frame is ready.
DIY photo frames from threads

What to do with threads if you don't know how to sew? Make an original photo frame that will effectively decorate your home. The colors of the threads can be chosen in harmony with the shades of the interior. It will look stylish and conceptual. About the process step by step:

  • We select threads . A frame in one color will look boring. Try to combine two or three shades, you can use a bright multi-gamma. Red with blue, yellow with green, orange with purple, brown with canary, white with blue look interesting. Be true to your taste and color of the interior.

  • We make the frame. To do this, you need a sheet of thick cardboard and scissors. We determine the size, outline the inner window and cut it out with scissors.
  • We apply glue to the surface and proceed to winding with threads. Measure the length and cut from the coil - it will be convenient to combine different colors. The threads should fit snugly against the cardboard, soaked with glue. After the frame is completely wrapped, put it on the table and press it on top with a press: a stack of books, a jar of water. 15 minutes and you can continue.
  • We make a pocket. It will have to be glued to the thread base. Leave the top edge free - through it you will insert the photo into the frame.
  • Filament frames look more spectacular on a table or shelf. The method of fastening is appropriate - a support made of kraton.

How to make your own photo frame from buttons

There are buttons in every house. You can easily make a bright set for a photo frame. In addition to buttons, you will need three more items: super glue, thick cardboard and scissors.

  • We are preparing the base. In order for the frame not to bend from the weight of the buttons, choose the thickest cardboard. We make both the outer frame and the pocket under the photo at once.
  • We fix the buttons. You can arbitrarily, you can make a drawing, keep the balance in shades and shape. It is better to start from the top corner and go clockwise.
  • Let the frame lie down for a while until it dries completely. Try not to put anything on top, the buttons can move, the composition will crawl and you will have to start all over again. 10 minutes and the photo frame is ready to use.

Whatever method you choose, the frame will be original and unique. Feel free to fantasize, try new materials and decor elements. Try yourself in hand-made. The process is creative and exciting, often develops into a hobby. How nice to admire the frames made with your own hands and with soul!

When thinking about how to make a frame for a picture with your own hands, you need to remember that the frame is just a frame. It should form a single whole with the canvas or photograph, emphasize the dignity of the image, shade it favorably.

Frame Design Rules

A significant aspect when creating a frame is the design line and the purpose of the room in which the picture will be placed. When choosing the color of the frame, the main thing is not to oversalt. Too saturated bright color will be unpleasant for the eyes and will not fit into the main design feature of the interior. And a picture or photograph in such a frame will fade, lose its basic perfection. If this still happens, you do not need to be upset. You can always change something: paint, shape, finish, etc. This is the main advantage of independent creativity.

By trying different materials, finishing methods, you can ensure that the image you want to decorate the room with will sparkle with new colors. To do this, you can try to hang the image at a different angle, changing the flow of light, or near the furniture object, with which the frames, pictures, photographs will make up a single complete composition. By trial and error, you can achieve wonderful results.

What can a frame be made from?

Frames for paintings, photographs or wall panels are made from various materials. Can be used:

  • wood;
  • cardboard;
  • material;
  • plastic;
  • plaster molding.

This is just a small list of materials from which a do-it-yourself picture frame can be made. Of the tools and devices, depending on the material, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • tape measure, ruler, square;
  • pencil or marker;
  • miter box;
  • thin nails;
  • adhesive for a specific material;
  • stain or paint;
  • finishing elements.

The main thing is that the image and the frame framing it do not dissonate with each other, they form a single composition. Only in this case will you get an interesting design element that will decorate the room and delight.

Wooden picture frame

Wooden canvas frames are a classic option for framing art canvases. As a rule, such frames are made in neutral colors. They are given a simple form, without complex decorative elements, such as carvings. Without special skills, it will be difficult to make a carved frame.

The easiest way is to make a wooden frame from a slat of the required width. By the size of the canvas, you need to make 4 blanks, in pairs equal to each other. To fix the canvas in the frame, the final one must be done in such a way that it overlaps the image with the inner perimeter by approximately 0.5 cm.

A more complex option is a frame made of wood with glass. For such a frame, a plywood back wall is required. The parameters of the picture, glass and canvas should be slightly smaller than the outer dimensions of the frame. Without the skills to work with glass, you can order the necessary sheet in a special workshop.

The inner edge of the slatted blanks must be deepened, focusing on the thickness of the canvas and glass. Usually 2-5 mm is sufficient. Next, the planks are cut at an angle set by means of a square. You can use a miter box. The sections are processed with sandpaper and glued into a whole square or rectangle. The glue will dry in about 4-5 hours.

You can strengthen the docking of wooden components with a wood stapler. Staples are placed on the inside. Next, the frame can be painted, varnished, applied drawing. Any layer of decorative coating must be dried before applying the flowing layer.

Glass is first inserted into the finished frame. The frame is then turned face down and the picture is placed on top of the glass. A sheet of fat cardboard is placed on top of the canvas. Trying on a plywood back. If its dimensions are correct, the plywood is glued to the frame around the perimeter. For better fixation in the corners of the product, small nails are hammered in. Next, you need to attach the loop and hang the canvas on the prepared place.

Another option is to buy a ready-made wooden frame in a special store and arrange it to your liking. You can use painting, varnishing, fitting with material. You can decorate the frame with small objects or tie it with a crochet.

Soft canvas frame

Soft frames for funny pictures or photos will be very appropriate in a childish room. It's easy to make them. First you need to assemble a frame from wooden slats. They are fastened with thin nails or glue. The inner perimeter of the frame should be 2-3 mm smaller than the image.

From cardboard, you need to make a template, outlining the frame around the perimeter. The cardboard version must be cut and cut into 4 components. According to the cardboard template, you need to cut the material. In this case, you need to make the details 2 cm larger so that the frame is voluminous, and add a 1 cm seam allowance.

Pieces of materials need to be folded, stitched from the inside along the long side and turned out. Then they are stretched on a wooden frame and filled with filler to give volume. You can use synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, thin scraps of fabric. Then the fabric is sewn by hand with a blind seam on the front side. The seam is applied on the short sides of the parts. The ends of the threads are displayed on the return side of the product. On the back side you need to glue thick cardboard.

How to make a cardboard frame

Cardboard is a popular, publicly available material that provides many opportunities for creativity. Do-it-yourself cardboard frame is quite simple. Special tools and skills are not required. Therefore, this can be a great opportunity for joint creativity of parents with children.

Therefore, for example, a do-it-yourself photo frame made of cardboard is made more than wood. There can be a lot of design options for such a product. The main thing is to carefully make a cardboard base and decorate it in an original way. For decoration, you can use everything that is at hand:

  • beads;
  • the cloth;
  • buttons;
  • small accessories;
  • dry food nutrition;
  • pieces of various materials;
  • small radio components;
  • elements of a childish mosaic, puzzles, constructor.

First you need to cut out the cardboard base. You can use corrugated cardboard, for example, a packing box. A window is cut inside the base. Its size is determined by the parameters of the picture or picture for which the frame is intended. The width of the frame itself can be from 4 cm or more.

Then you need to cut out the back of the frame, identical in size, and the leg if the cardboard frame will stand on a table or on a bookshelf. For the leg, it is necessary to cut out a rectangle measuring 7x17 cm and sharpen it from the end side. From the other end, it is necessary to bend the edge 2 cm wide.

Now you need to glue the frame. To stick a leg to it, you need to grease the bent strip with glue, place it in the middle of the back and press it tightly. It is best to use PVA glue. You can start decorating.

Frame for canvas from improvised materials

A beautiful and originally designed picture frame made from improvised materials will undoubtedly decorate the room on a par with the picturesque canvas placed in it. Baguettes for a similar frame can be made, for example, from a fillet (ceiling plinth), molding or stucco molding left after the repair of the apartment.

The basis for such a frame can be made of corrugated cardboard or thin plywood. The basic principles for creating such a framework have been described above. Next, you need to cut baguettes from the prepared fillet or molding. The corners of the prepared planks must be cut at an angle of 45º. To do this, it is better to prepare a paper template, at which angle it will be set using a protractor.

Prepared baguettes must be glued to the frame base. To do this, you can use universal polymer glue or a glue gun. Corner gaps and other minor errors must be carefully sealed with putty.

After the glue dries decisively, it is necessary to cover the corner seams and the line of contact between the baguettes and the base of the frame with putty. To do this, strips of foam are glued between them and cleanly putty. If desired, the ends of the frame on the outside can simply be treated with putty several times. Each layer must be thoroughly dried and cleanly sanded.

After the final drying of the finishing layer of putty, the finished product must be painted. Paints are best suited water-based or acrylic. Before painting the frame, it is necessary to give the paint the desired shade. For the final coating, it is preferable to use a water-based varnish in total. Now you can make a leg on the back side of the frame or attach a loop. After the canvas is inserted, the frame will take its place on the wall or on the chest of drawers.

How to make a cardboard photo frame

The cardboard frame can simply be painted with acrylic paint. The color of the paint should be selected, focusing on the color scheme of the image that will be placed in it.

A decorated frame will look more interesting. For example, a painted frame can be pasted over with coffee beans, buttons and other small items. Decor elements must be placed close to each other. You can do this in a chaotic manner or create some kind of composition.

A fascinating option will turn out if the painted cardboard frame is pasted over with a shell. To do this, it is necessary to remove the shell from hard-boiled eggs in large pieces and paint. You can use the shells of eggs painted for Easter. The main thing is to observe a single color scheme. After the paint has dried, the shell must be crushed and glued onto the cardboard base.

To decorate the frame with beautiful paper, you need to proceed in the following order. Paper for decoration (so, wallpaper) must be placed face down on the table. Then draw a rectangle on it the same size as the frame. Inside this rectangle, stepping back 30 mm from the outer edge, you need to draw another 1. Its size is determined by the size of the photo.

In the inner rectangle, it is necessary to connect the opposite corners with diagonals, measure 15 mm from them, and put dots. By connecting the points shown, we get 1 more rectangle. It needs to be cut diagonally with a breadboard knife and unscrew the corners. Then you need to bend the sides of the outer rectangle, neatly filling out the corners. To do this, you need to make small incisions. Then the frame must be folded into a box and fixed with a stapler. Cut out the back wall from cardboard and stick it on.

In a similar way, you can make a three-dimensional frame from thick paper and decorate it. You can use petals, hearts or geometric shapes made of colored paper. You can roll up rolls of paper strips and stick on top of the base. This type of creativity will bring a lot of pleasure to children and help them acquire basic skills in working with paper, glue, scissors.

Newspaper frame - it's interesting

Baguettes for a similar frame are made from ordinary newspapers. It is advisable, of course, to take newspaper sheets with a color press. This will create a more interesting composition. Newspaper sheets for the manufacture of frame parts must be deployed on a large table. Then the newspapers are folded into a tight tube, gluing any layer of paper with a glue stick. The main thing is that all the tubes of the former are folded with identical density. The same thickness will facilitate their connection.

For any of the 4 baguettes, you need to glue from 4 to 9 newspaper blanks. The width of the bar depends on their number. Through the day, when the glue dries, the finished baguettes are cut at an angle of 45º from both covers. To do this, you need to use a miter box or a protractor.

Cut strips must be glued at a right angle (90º). You can strengthen the frame with a tenon-groove connection. The spike can be made from a toothpick, and the groove can be neatly pierced with an awl. Interangular cracks should be covered with putty.

The canvas is inserted into such a frame as follows. At a distance of 5-8 mm from the central window of the frame, 4 newspaper tubes must be glued on the return side. In the upper tube, it is necessary to make 2 punctures with an awl in order to pass the wire or string. This will leave a loop for hanging the picture.

The finished frame must be primed with the following composition:

  • PVA glue - 2 parts;
  • water - 1 part;
  • paint, water-based or acrylic, snow-white color - 2 parts.

The ingredients must be mixed, adding water little by little, so that the mixture resembles liquid sour cream in consistency. The primer must be applied 2 to 4 times, each time drying the product. Then the frame can be painted with acrylic and varnished. The canvas must be inserted from the back of the frame and secured. To do this, you will have small nails or adhesive tape (clerical).

So, the question of how to make a frame for a canvas or photograph is solved quite simply. The main thing is to try a little, connect your own imagination or use the options presented by the taller.