Using the opportunities of periodicals to introduce reading (from the experience of the periodicals department). Scenario for an educational hour of information about periodicals “True Friends” Using periodicals in the library

All information contained in periodicals can be divided into current (or event) and basic.
Current information is dedicated to specific events, teaches children and adolescents to understand moral conflicts, evaluates them, analyzes complex situations that require moral choice.
Basic information helps to comprehend those individual facts and phenomena that children have encountered themselves, read or heard about, and generalize them in ideological categories.
If current information, as a rule, quickly becomes outdated and loses its relevance, then basic information is long-term in nature.

By collecting information for the reader, the children's press actively takes part in the formation of political experience (internationalism, tolerance), and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
Newspapers and magazines talk about the problems of our time, develop a constant desire to keep abreast of events, inform about the latest achievements of science and technology, and introduce the latest in modern literature.
Periodicals for children and adolescents work to expand the cognitive interests of children and strive to form a conscious attitude towards learning - the main work activity of students. To teach children to read magazines and newspapers correctly and regularly, various forms of visual and mass work are used.
Propaganda of periodicals must be prompt, i.e. information “on the topic of the day” should be brought to readers in a short time. Efficiency is achieved by organizing open access and a reference and bibliographic apparatus that allows you to quickly satisfy the reader’s request.

Almost all forms of work with readers: individual conversations, reviews, individual information, exhibitions - include the recommendation of articles from magazines and newspapers.

The subscription contains “New in Magazines” lists. Folders of newspaper clippings are kept, where the most relevant material is highlighted, and students’ attention is drawn to publications that are important to them (for example: “We choose life! What about you?” - about drug addiction problems).
Folders need to be regularly replenished; thematic folders often become unique aids for students when studying many subjects.

When starting to work with periodicals, you need to find out how interested readers (students and teachers) are in it. You can conduct a mini-survey on the following questions:

1. What magazines do your family subscribe to?
2. what magazines do you read at home and which ones in the library?
3. Do you systematically read periodicals?
Not really
4. What materials in magazines and newspapers interest you most? Which materials (news, stories, essays) do you remember most?
5. What magazines help you in mastering educational material?

In the practice of the library, various forms of visual propaganda of periodicals are used. All periodicals are collected on separate shelves in the public domain, on this shelf there is also a poster with recommendations for working independently with the newspaper:

Don't read everything. Before reading, look through the titles of all articles, this will help you choose what you need and what is interesting.
- Find an explanation of unclear words in the dictionary, use a map, find on it the places you read about.

Magazine publications are the basis for organizing and conducting information days for school teachers, and for organizing individual information for school administration and leaders of methodological associations.
Comprehensive, in close contact with public libraries, propaganda of periodicals together with books, a clear differentiation of them according to purpose and readership, teaches the culture of working with magazines and newspapers, ensures intensive use of periodicals, and increases the overall level of library and bibliographic services to readers.

G.T. Zolotova,
Head of the Periodicals Department
TOUNB named after A.S. Pushkin

Using the opportunities of periodicals to introduce reading (from the experience of the periodicals department)

Department of Periodicals, TUUNB named after A.S. Pushkin has been functioning within the library structure for just over 25 years. This is one of the most visited departments of the library. In 2004, 5,866 users contacted us (or 28.6% of the total number according to the unified OB registration card), each of them used the services of the department at least 4 times a year. The number of visits was 24,557 (10.7%), the average daily attendance was 82. Issued during the year were 248,917 copies of current and retrospective periodicals (23.1%). If we consider that the issuance of periodicals by all structural divisions of the library is 30.8%, then the capabilities and scale of our department are completely obvious. However, it should be immediately clarified that the periodicals department is not the only fund holder of periodicals. Of the 101,671 items in the library's periodicals, only 7,785 are located directly in our department (7.66%). A significant part of the retrospective collection of periodicals is concentrated in the main book storage department; newspapers and magazines on technology, agriculture, music, bibliography, foreign periodicals are in the relevant branch departments of the library.

The department's auxiliary fund is small but very dynamic. New documents are received every day. Every year this is about 2000 new units. Newspapers and magazines are kept in the department for 1 to 5 years (including the current year), all other annual sets are transferred for long-term storage (with the exception of doublets, advertising and loose copies). The speed of the circular movement of the most requested publications is very high. For example, the newspapers “Soviet Sport”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “VDV”, magazines “State and Law”, “Finance”, “Geo”, “Glavbukh”, “Russian Economic Journal” and others are issued within one day many times.

For most of our visitors, reading is still a necessary and habitual activity. First of all, it is business (or educational), and only then - leisure and entertainment. Considering the status of the regional scientific library, this is quite natural. Of the 260 titles of periodicals that we received in 2004, only 30 were mass-produced, popular, and entertaining. We placed some of them in an open fund. Here are 20 titles of newspapers, mainly from Tambov, and 17 titles of magazines (including literary and artistic ones, received under the Open Society Institute program. This made it possible to expand the information space for readers, giving them the right to make independent choices. In 2004, this right More than 2 thousand people took advantage of it, and an additional 14,914 copies of periodicals were issued (of which 9,122 were newspapers). We returned to this arrangement of the fund (which we were forced to abandon in 1999) for one simple reason, namely. a sharp decline in the distribution of newspapers. Over 10 years, we have lost more than 34 thousand. A similar picture is observed with the reading of literary, artistic, and literary magazines. This figure has decreased by 10 thousand units.

The peak of reader interest in reading periodicals over the past 15 years occurred in 1995-1998. In 1999 The volume of current acquisitions has decreased sharply. The number of titles of periodicals by subscription in the periodicals department has decreased by 2 times. This could not but affect our performance. Now we are trying to stabilize the situation. We are expanding the repertoire of periodicals, returning free access to part of the auxiliary fund, studying reader demand for periodicals, and directing our efforts to attract new readers. Over the past 3 years, the department began to receive more than 30 titles of new newspapers and magazines, some of which were recommended for subscription by our users. They reflect their wishes, first of all, in a special card index, as well as in questionnaires. We cannot but be pleased with the positive growth dynamics of the group of scientists. From 95 people in 1990 to 280 in 2004, i.e. 2.5 times. We analyzed this group for 8 months of the current year. Out of 190 people - 5 doctors of science, 53 candidates, 98 graduate students. To better understand the reading needs of scientists, we began a survey. More than 30 questionnaires have already been filled out. The results are expected to be summed up at the end of this year.

The number of students is steadily growing, primarily due to students of humanities; we pay special attention to them. Since 1996, their number has increased by 1 thousand. The dominant position of young students in the department - 62% (and 57.8% throughout the library) does not frighten us. Pupils, students, working youth - this is precisely the potential on which great hopes are pinned. It is they who in the near future will participate and are already participating in the development of the economy, science, and culture. The number of readers receiving a second education or continuing their studies in graduate school is increasing.

Popularizing reading among young people is not an easy task, since “... young people have become pragmatic. Spirituality and reading literature (in general and fiction in particular) are secondary values ​​for modern young people. Students are guided by other life ideals. The focus of many is earnings. They try to read only what is needed to make money...” (Professor, sociologist Anatoly Ovsyannikov). When offering certain services to a youth audience, we try to take into account their interests and remember that any of our events is an encroachment on the free time of boys and girls.

Therefore, when inviting them to creative meetings, reviews, excursions, we try to make every effort to make it interesting for them, so that they want to meet with us again.

The situation among specialist users has changed, not for the better. Compared to 1997, their number decreased by 11.2%. We are alarmed by the decline in the number of teachers (by 3.5%), engineers and technicians (by 6.8%), economists (by 0.8%), and workers (by 1.8%). In 2006, we plan to analyze these reading groups and invite them to answer our questionnaire in order to study their reading needs.

The department participates in comprehensive information events held by our library for specialists in various fields. For example, in the round table “Libraries and legal education of the population” for city teachers (September 2004). More than 40 publications were presented from our fund at the stands: “Legal Periodicals”, “Legal Centers: Experience and Prospects”. To participate in Accountant's Day (March 2005), we prepared an exhibition of periodicals, a review and a booklet. In April of this year, another large-scale event took place in the library - Information Day “New Arrivals 2004”, at which

In total, 1200 documents were presented (80 of them were newspapers and magazines from our department). The screening was attended by 1216 people. Among them are teachers and students of educational institutions of the city, specialists in various fields. Visitors were offered consultations, reviews, and conversations. From 3 to 10 structural divisions of the library usually take part in such complex events. Such screenings, information days and specialist days significantly increase the level of disclosure of library resources and the prestige of the library as a sociocultural and information center.

The problem of declining interest in books and reading has long worried the staff of the periodicals department. Analyzing the information and mass activities of the department over the past 15 years, one cannot help but notice the following pattern. Most of the events served to promote periodicals to the general population and especially young people, and to popularize it. We have accumulated some experience in cultural, educational and leisure work to develop a culture of reading newspapers and magazines, reading taste and getting to know talented authors of our time. I would like to talk about some of the most successful ones in a little more detail. The department holds regular meetings with editorial teams of newspapers and magazines. This is a traditional, proven form of library activity.

From 1995 to 2005, 12 such meetings were organized. Our guests were the editorial offices of the newspapers “Naedine”, “New Tambov Newspaper”, “Tambov Time”, “Literary Premier Club”, “Tambov Life”, “News” of the literary anthology “Pygmalion”; magazine "Credo", etc. One of the latest events (March 2005) was dedicated to the newspaper "Tambov Courier". In addition to journalists, members of the newspaper’s public council, regular authors, active readers, and journalism students were present in the hall. The meeting program included: a donation campaign, a drawing for a free editorial subscription to a newspaper, and an award ceremony for the winners of a scanword competition. Those present saw how a newspaper was made and an issue was typed using modern computer technology. Everyone received a freshly printed special issue. After the usual presentation of the newspaper, the meeting continued in the form of a round table on the topic: “The role of education, Orthodoxy, culture in the revival of spiritual values.” Each such meeting is a process of live communication and exchange of opinions between journalists and newspaper readers. And we helped them meet.

An undoubted success was the evening dedicated to the Moscow poetry magazine "Arion", which took place in October 1997. Inna Lisnyanskaya, Tatyana Bek, Timur Kibirov, Alexey Alekhine read their poems in the assembly hall of the library. Numerous publications by famous poets from literary and art magazines, the Poetry Day almanac, and collections of poems were presented at the exhibition stands. The capital's guests were represented by the poet and philologist Sergei Biryukov.

It was he who organized the international independent scientific and creative organization “Zaumi Academy” in Tambov in 1990. There is a literary studio “AZ” at the Academy, with which we have been cooperating all these years. The composition of the studio is constantly being updated - these are students, schoolchildren, graduate students of Tambov universities, free poets and free artists. They publish newspapers, literary almanacs, and participate in literary competitions. For example, Elena Vladimirova and Ekaterina Lebedeva participated in the second forum of young writers of Russia (October 14-18, 2002), Alexey Shepelev reached the finals of the Debut literary award (2002), Alexander Fedulov made a presentation at the international conference-festival “Poetic language of the turn of the XX-XXI centuries and modern strategies.” Participants of the AZ studio organize open meetings, public performances, and events. Some of them take place within the walls of our library, with our participation and with our help. Over 10 years of cooperation, I counted about 20 such meetings, presentations, and author’s evenings. I will name just a few: “The Human Voice” - a sound book by Sergei Biryukov (February 1997); “Poetry and Magic of Roman Minaev” - an evening in memory of the young poet (October 2000); presentation of the anthology “Non-Capital Literature” (March 2002); “Forty years for two” - a creative evening by Yulia Antonova and Anton Veselovsky (December 2004). On March 24, 2005, on International Poetry Day, a presentation of the book of poems “ReAnimation” by Tony Timchenko took place. We are now preparing a new meeting. We are sure that not only “Azovites” will be in the hall, but also members of other literary associations and simply lovers of Russian literature.

To attract the attention of city residents to our events and to read periodicals, we have repeatedly used local media. For example, they participated in a radio program dedicated to the 200th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin (July 1999). There was a live conversation about new, most interesting anniversary articles from the periodical

ke, dedicated to the poet. Two publications in the newspapers “Tambovskaya Zhizn” and “Tambovsky Vestnik” were published in March of the same year, when the 2000th anniversary of the introduction of Christianity was celebrated. This is a message about Orthodox periodicals in the collections of the regional library and in particular about the newspaper “Tambov Diocesan News”. Video reports were filmed about the department’s exhibitions: “New materials about the death of Pushkin”, for the 70th anniversary of Rimma Kazakova, “Athens - 2004”. One of the latest was dedicated to this year's Nobel Prize winner, playwright Harold Pinter (Olympus TV channel, September 18, 2005).

We continue to practice library book and illustrative exhibitions, which not only have pronounced advertising functions, but also allow us to more clearly present a particular topic or problem. This form of activity gives us great opportunities for maneuver: from exposing 2-3 publications to demonstrating several dozen. In just 15 years, we have designed more than 430 exhibitions, a third of which are dedicated to literature (Russian classics, modern authors, foreign writers). In terms of status, most of the exhibitions were independent, thematic, and genre. For example, “Historical prose on the pages of magazines”, “Modern journalism”, “About poets and poetry”, “Fiction writers about the future of humanity”, “Private memoirs on the pages of periodicals”, etc. Some of the exhibitions were designed to accompany public events of the department (creative evenings, meetings, presentations) that I mentioned above. In addition to the usual library display cases, we used stands that allow us to more clearly present a current topic, an advertised publication, or the author’s work. For example, when preparing for a meeting with Vasily Aksenov and Igor Shaitanov (September 2005), there was a desire to show the history of the Booker Prize, trace its development, and introduce all the laureates to the audience. These are more than 30 exhibits: portraits, articles from newspapers and magazines, booklets. They looked much more interesting on such a stand. The exhibition attracted the attention of visitors, and some materials even interested Vasily Pavlovich and Igor Olegovich. Before we learned how to design such exhibitions, we experimented a lot. The exhibitions “Silhouettes of the old city” (photos of Tambov), “Pushkin - a storyteller through the eyes of Russian artists” (reproductions, postcards), “The world through the eyes of a child” (works by students of Children’s Art School No. 2) received great attention from visitors.

We have repeatedly shared our experience of working with periodicals with our colleagues, and spoken to librarians of city, district, and rural branches at seminars. We went out

to Uvarovskaya and Sosnovskaya Central Banks. We met with school librarians from the Tambov region. Published twice in the collection “Libraries of the Tambov Region”, issues 1,2. Numerous meetings with readers took place both within the walls of the library and in school classes, student auditoriums, and in various institutions of the city. A total of 152 reviews were conducted over 15 years, more than 100 of them on literary topics. The last of which is “Literary Prizes ... of the Year”. Over the course of 6 years, I have prepared reviews of materials from periodicals about the laureates of the Nobel, Booker (London), State Prize of the Russian Federation, Booker - Open Russia, Pushkin, named after Yuri Kazakov, Bulat Okudzhava, Sergei Dovlatov, etc. My listeners: work colleagues , students of humanities faculties (philology, public relations), students of schools No. 28,33, teachers of Russian language and literature. This year alone, 7 reviews were conducted, attended by about 300 people. Up to 60 exhibits were presented simultaneously at the exhibition stands: original articles from periodicals, photocopies, portraits of writers, books. When talking about the winning work, I offer listeners various sources: a magazine version, a separate book that has just arrived in the library’s collections, other works by this author. For example, she advertised the four-volume book “Prose of New Russia” (Vagrius publishing house), which was published in mass circulation and entered many libraries in the region. I enjoy using multimedia illustrations during reviews. She suggested watching a fragment from the movie “Cruel Romance”, when the well-known, beloved romance “The Hairy Bumblebee” sounds. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in 2003, poet and translator Grigory Kruzhkov is the author of a translation of Kipling’s ballad “Behind the Gypsy Star.” It was these verses that the authors of the film used. The videotape is represented by the new literature sector. I managed to record several voices of poets: Bella Akhmadulina, Inna Lisnyanskaya, Irina Ermakova. Colleagues from the departments of music notation and automation helped me find them. We used the capabilities of the music library and the Internet. All this allows you to make communication with readers more emotional, vivid, and memorable.

Our events today, of course, differ from those of 15 years ago: times change, we change, our listeners, viewers, and readers change. Significantly changed

There were also sources of information. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about a new form of reading - an electronic book (newspaper, magazine). Increasingly, we are talking about the complete displacement of traditional paper literature in the near future by screen texts. Although, in my opinion, the paper edition has and remains undoubted advantages. For example, a magazine or newspaper can be picked up at any time, in any environment. Read, re-read, just flip through at random. But you can’t stop time; it’s stupid not to notice what’s happening. Let it be both. The main thing is that the interest in literature, culture and reading remains unchanged. One cannot but agree with the aphorism: “If people stop reading, they will stop thinking.”

Library: historical aspect and current state [Text]: scientific and practical materials. conferences/ Tamb. region univers. scientific fuck them. A.S. Pushkin; comp. L.N. Patrina. - Tambov, 2005.

In the modern world, two things are especially valuable: time and information!

The library is the most open and accessible cultural institution for citizens. Possessing a huge number of books, documents, periodicals, including electronic ones, it is able to satisfy everyone’s right to receive information. We value your time and the need to acquire new knowledge and are ready to help you understand the huge list of services provided by the Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library.

We are starting a new project “”, which will clearly tell readers about our services and capabilities. Library specialists will become reliable navigators in finding the necessary information. They will tell you how to find the information you need and not waste a lot of time searching.

The first in our project will be presented "Hall of Periodicals"(hall No. 4).

Participant in the first “Open Dialogue” was


Since its inception, the Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library (CHUNL) has been forming a collection of domestic and foreign periodicals. Periodicals Hall ready to accept up to 50 readers at a time. The fund consists of more than 11 thousand publications - this is more than three hundred titles of central and local newspapers and magazines. Most of them are in the public domain. Since 2015, the range of subscription periodicals has expanded significantly.

“In the periodicals room, everyone will find a newspaper or magazine to their liking. Representatives of the older generation remember the time when purchasing books for home libraries was widespread. And being subscribed to a popular magazine was considered a great success. The following were in great demand among the population: “Ogonyok”, “Youth”, “Around the World”, “Peasant Woman”, “Behind the Wheel”, “Crocodile” and many others. For most citizens, the day began with reading Pravda, Izvestia, and Komsomolskaya Pravda. The successes of our athletes were followed in “Soviet Sport”.

Reading room today "Periodicals" offers its readers not only biographical magazines, but also modern ones. For example, “Profile”, “Course of Affairs”, “Key People”, “Countrymen”. We present periodicals for the last 5 years,” says Lyubov Averina in her interview.

- There is a specialized periodicals room at CHUNB. What periodicals are collected in this room?

Most publications are central and local newspapers. Journals on economics, philosophy, history, political science, ecology, linguistics and literary criticism, a large selection of literary and artistic magazines and regional publications are widely represented.

I would especially like to draw the attention of lawyers, for them we can offer more than 50 titles on legal issues: “State and Law”, “Russian Judge”, “Russian Investigator” and much more. For teachers and doctors, we have a large selection of journals on pedagogy and medicine.

- What audience is the periodicals room aimed at? Any regular readers?

Our regular visitors are teachers, lawyers, doctors, scientists, students and retirees. Readers are accustomed to a daily supply of fresh press, so many of them have been coming almost every day for several decades. Because the habit of reading and keeping abreast of events remains with a person forever.

- What tips are there for newcomers to the periodicals room?

The collection of periodicals is reflected in the system of catalogs and card files of the library. The electronic catalog of CHUNB contains a list of all available periodicals. In it, the reader will be able to obtain accessible information about what the library issues, for what years, and in which room to look for the publication of interest. After all, periodicals also go to the hall of local history, literature on art, and the book storage department. The electronic catalog is also presented on the library portal. This makes it possible to search for the necessary documents directly from home or office.

- In addition to reading periodicals, which may interest young advanced readers

Visitors to the hall receive advice from a librarian on searching and selecting sources of information. Even if we do not have the required publication or article that the reader requests, we will help you select other material on the requested topic. This service is called - topical reference. It is provided free of charge.

At the request of the enterprise, for any thematic event, we can organize and bring traveling thematic exhibition directly to the institution, review the latest articles on the desired topic - this service paid, but very popular.

To work with electronic versions of periodicals, readers can use the computers located in the periodicals room. They all have access to the Internet, and the library also has free wi-fi. This allows readers to use their own battery-powered technical devices (laptops, voice recorders, audio players). Indeed, in addition to traditional reading of newspapers and magazines, we offer our readers the opportunity to freely access full-text electronic versions. They can also be accessed from the computers of the electronic resources department (hall No. 5).

On the library website in the section Resources / Electronic / Guides located, numbering over 80 links to the websites of all-Russian and local newspapers and magazines.They are grouped by branches of knowledge: economics, politics, law, pedagogy, etc.

You can use the service of remote access to periodicals presented in databases and electronic libraries Virtual subscription CHUNB: liters, IPRbooks, Rukont, Lan Publishing House, and BookFond.

- What additional services do periodicals room specialists provide?

We compile thematic lists at the request of readers. The form of providing information can be different: by telephone, by e-mail, or a traditional bibliography. Individual and collective subscribers can use this service. For specialists group information(we provide information support on industry innovations that are published in specialized magazines). Any organization can become collective subscriber. For several years now the department Mathematical and Functional Analysis SUSU And ANO Training and Engineering Center are our regular subscribers.

The service department, including the periodicals room, plans and conducts many events to help the educational process. Teaching staff of educational institutions that are our partners are provided with platforms for holding teacher councils, seminars, and other events. Librarians organize information support: exhibitions, screenings, reviews on the topic. Students have classes in the literary lounge, meetings with writers and interesting people.

If you need to make a copy of a required document, there is a photocopier available in the room. Our employee will help you make the required number of copies in A4 format. Although it is possible in other library halls copying documents and larger formats, as well scanning and printing of electronic versions. These services are paid.

- How to become a reader of periodicals?

To read periodicals, you must become a reader of the Public Library. We have standard requirements - with a passport, student card (for students) and a photograph, we are waiting for everyone at the address: Chelyabinsk, Lenin Ave., 60, 3rd floor, hall No. 4.

If you are not our reader yet, you can go Remote registration in CHUNB and obtain a digital library card code, you can obtain a library card at the library registration department upon your first visit.

You can ask a question to a professional on our portal at Virtual Help Desk (VSS).

The interview was prepared by the press service of CHUNB

1. Alekseev, N. G. Using demand and cost criteria in managing the acquisition of periodicals [Text] / N. G. Alekseev, L. I. Gosina // Library management: new ideas and practical solutions: collection. tr. / Ross. state b-ka. - M., 1995. - Issue. 1. - pp. 89-101.

2. To the librarian about the conservation of documents [Text]: educational method. allowance - St. Petersburg, 2004. - 156 p.

3. Webster, D. How to resist the magazine crisis [Text] / D. Webster // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2008. - No. 5. - P. 94-103.

4. Velikova, K. M. Analysis of the use of periodicals [Text] / Velikova K. M., Drabkina M. I. // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2008. - No. 10. - P. 10-13.

5. GOST 7.50-2002. Conservation of documents. General requirements [Text]. - Instead of GOST 7.53-86; input 2002-07-01.

6. Guseva, V. N. Formation of a fund of business literature based on the analysis of reader demand [Text] / V. N. Guseva // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2009. - No. 4. - P. 54-59.

7. Dubrov, A. P. Criteria and indicators for the formation of an optimal foreign journal collection of multidisciplinary scientific libraries [Text] / A. P. Dubrov, O. L. Krasikova // Organization and resources of information and library services for specialists and scientists: interdepartmental. Sat. scientific tr. / State Public Library for Science and Technology SB RAS. - Novosibirsk, 1995. - P. 92-99.

8. Zadubovsky, I. I. The principle of organizing the NTB journal fund [Text] / I. I. Zadubovsky // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. -2006. - No. 10. - P. 39-41.

9. Study of the formation and use of funds of the Russian National Library [Text] // Prospects for the development of funds of scientific libraries / comp. R. I. Bogacheva, A. V. Kokorev, S. I. Kovrigina, S. A. Kolesnik; scientific ed. I. M. Alekseeva. - M., 1995. - Issue. 19. - 42 p.

10. Information and reference portal LIBRARY.RU [Electronic resource]

11. Use of journal collections [Text]// Prospects for the development of scientific library collections / comp. V. Luchinkina, ed. Yu. A. Grikhanov. - M., 1995. - Issue. 7. - pp. 44-50.

12. Kolomeychuk, E. M. Periodicals in the collections of the central universal libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation [Text] / E. M. Kolomeychuk // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2009. - No. 7. - P. 46-52.

13. Medvedeva, I. E. Analysis of the use of foreign journals in scientific and technical libraries [Text] / I. E. Medvedeva, V. S. Luchko, G. F. Zvereva // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 1999. - No. 7. - P. 26-28.

14. Mitrakova, N.A. Determination of the storage period of periodicals in the university library [Text] / N.A. Mitrakova, E.I. Balmush // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2009. - No. 2. - P. 20-21.

15. Motulsky, R. S. Modeling as the basis for the formation of a fund of periodicals in a university library [Text] / R. S. Motulsky // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. -2009 - No. 9. - P. 28-33.

16. Podkorytova, N. I. Acquisition of funds in a market economy [Text] / N. I. Podkorytova // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. -2003. - No. 4. - P. 37-41.

17. Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 32 of February 20, 2008 “On approval of standards for the minimum resource provision of services to rural cultural institutions (public libraries and cultural and leisure institutions)” [Text] // Collection of regulatory documents. - M., 2006.

18. Raev, A.G. Analysis of reader demand in a large library [Text] / A.G. Raev // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. -2009. - No. 8. - P. 36-37.

19. Rodionov, A. Ya. Analysis of requests for periodical literature for the purpose of optimal acquisition and efficiency of order execution in PIK VINITI [Text] / A. Ya Rodionov // NTI. Ser. 1. -2008. - No. 8. - P. 23-25.

20. Savina, E. A. Periodicals in the collection of the library of the city of Gukovo [Text] / E. A. Savina // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2009. - No. 7. - P. 52-56.

21. Website of the information agency Integrum [Electronic resource]

22. Website of the National Electronic Information Consortium [Electronic resource]

23. Website of the “Magazine Hall” project [Electronic resource]

24. Website of the Russian National Library [Electronic resource]

25. Website of the Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library [Electronic resource]

26. Seliverstova, E. T. Completeness and compliance - quality categories of the library collection [Text] / E. T. Seliverstova // Scientific and technical libraries. -2008. - No. 9. - P. 8-12.

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28. Tereshin, V.I. Library fund: [Text] / V. Tereshin. - Ed. second, rev. and additional - M.: IPO Profizdat, 2000. - 176 p.

29. Tereshin, V. I. Completeness of the library collection: theoretical aspect, ways of implementation [Text] / V. I. Tereshin // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2004. - No. 6. - P. 3-8.

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“Golden placer of periodicals!”: Review of periodicals of the Ust-Donetsk Central Library named after. Anatoly Kalinin.

Periodicals are a mirror of the spiritual life of society. Most magazines and newspapers have educational significance; they are designed to broaden horizons, shape artistic taste and a reading culture. Unfortunately, today many of you do not have the opportunity to subscribe to periodicals at home, so libraries are a good help for you. The main properties of periodicals are efficiency, novelty, and timely receipt of information. Newspaper and magazine material contributes to the development of speed reading skills, orientation in the text, and the ability to choose the main thing. A person who constantly reads periodicals becomes more educated and aware of the latest events. Experienced readers of periodicals usually form a circle of regularly read publications that best suit their interests. Let me introduce you to the magazines that you can get acquainted with in our library. And so, let's get acquainted... Newspaper - Magazine "Secrets of the 20th Century" "Secrets of the 20th Century" - these are journeys into the depths of space and anomalous zones of the Earth, treasure hunts, archaeological sensations, mysteries of disappeared civilizations, stories about exotic rites, magical rituals, rare animals - and this is far from All!

Newspaper - Magazine “Riddles of History” “Riddles of History” is a unique magazine for history lovers. In each issue, famous writers, historians and experienced journalists talk about famous historical characters, publish exciting materials about the most interesting events and heroes of world history: from ancient times to the present day. The secrets of great empires and civilizations, the fate of disappeared treasures and people who changed the world, the secrets of intelligence services - all this is in the monthly magazine “Mysteries of History”.

Magazine "Miracles and Adventures" The magazine publishes articles about inexplicable, mysterious and mystical phenomena that make up the irrational side of our lives. Everything that we think about, everything that wants to be solved, where the inquisitive human mind is trying to penetrate and that gives the indescribable joy of knowledge is the subject of discussion on the pages of the magazine.

The magazine “Psychology and Self” is a unique “specialist in life”, since its main topic is the life of its readers. This is a knowledgeable friend, a benevolent adviser and an assistant in any life situations. It is intended for women and men, young and mature, married and single - for everyone who needs clear and reliable information about what is happening to them and to others; for anyone who wants to receive qualified advice about their attitude towards themselves and relationships with others - their spouse, children, parents, friends, colleagues; for everyone who wants to improve the quality of their life and gain self-confidence. The magazine's motto is “Find yourself and live better.”

Magazine "Burda" "Burda (Burda)" is high-class European fashion. A world-famous publication, well known to all women who want to be a model of impeccable taste for others. The pages of Burda magazine contain the latest trends in world fashion, news from European catwalks, style tips and fashion brands.

Magazine "Everything for Women" Everything for a Woman is a weekly women's magazine. This is a kind of collection of practical tips in the field of fashion, handicrafts and decor, beauty and health, psychology, raising children and law, as well as cooking recipes that are accessible to any wallet.

Magazine “Little Diana” “Little Diana” is a popular knitting and crocheting magazine for women: dresses, jackets, pullovers, coats, jumpers, lace poncho, top and purple two-piece; as well as new patterns to add to your collection. All models with detailed diagrams and descriptions.

Magazine “Read, learn, play” In the modern world there are many things that distract children from books - these are televisions and computers. Therefore, the decline in the level of interest in reading is one of the main problems of the younger generation. This problem is dealt with by teachers, parents, librarians and all those who are interested in the intellectual development of children and youth. A lot of methodological literature and various magazines are published to help teachers and leisure organizers. Among them is the monthly magazine-collection of scripts for libraries and schools “Reading. Let's study. Let's play." In each section you can find scripts, quizzes, game programs, conversations, entertaining lessons, literary and memorial evenings, musicals, oral journals and many other materials dedicated to significant and memorable dates.