Xenia's name day according to the church calendar, the day of Xenia's angel

When by church calendar name day of Xenia, Oksana: February 6 - Xenia of Milasskaya, deaconess; February 6 - Xenia of Petersburg. For Christ's sake, holy fool.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Xenia, Oksana:

From the ancient Greek language - a stranger, a guest. The girlfriend of the version is a guest. AT Ancient Greece"xenia" - caustic couplets with which guests were jokingly greeted by the hosts. From the same root - the ancient Greek name of the Black Sea: Pont Euxinus (hospitable sea). Russian folk form this name Aksinya, however, did not come from the Greek word, but from the name Xenia: it is common for the Russian language to change words that begin with two consonants, building up a vowel sound in front of them or between them: “wheat” - “arable land”, “rye” - “arzhanoy” etc. In Ukrainian - Oksana. Name Ksenia (Ksyusha) in last years became quite popular among the Eastern Slavs (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia). True, in Ukraine for many centuries the name derived from Xenia, Oksana, has not “left the stage”.

Ksenia-Oksana has attracted attention since childhood, since at all times the Almighty rewards her with a beautiful appearance, often with a good voice, a friendly, calm disposition and goodwill. Naturally, Oksana (Xenia) likes all these heavenly gifts, so she tries her best to always be the best (or at least above average).

She is capable of science, assiduous, persistent, so she studies well. Ksenia dresses with taste: she can “modernize” even the simplest inexpensive outfit (taking into account her appearance) so that it looks expensive and fashionable. Despite seeming independence, Ksenia is very sensitive and vulnerable in relations with her parents and friends. Any careless word, especially spoken in the wrong tone, can offend her to tears.

She hardly endures family quarrels: in childhood - between her parents, later - in her own family, Ksenia-Oksana is responsive, always helping someone, deciding something for someone. In her work, she can achieve significant success. True, in the team where she is understood and helped. And if she feels unkindness towards herself, discovers intrigues, etc., then she can quit everything and ... start all over again ... in another place. In the family, Ksenia is not always happy. She needs a sensitive, sincerely loving and understanding husband. Then Ksenia will create an ideal family.

Congratulations on the name day of Xenia, Oksana:

Do not forget to celebrate Xenia's name day and congratulate Xenia on Angel Day.

Ksyusha, let him find happiness

And love comes to you

To be lucky in all matters,

Be happy, to spite everyone!

The birthday has come

Let them bring you

Lots of joy and strength

Let love be given!

Ksyusha has a birthday today!

There is no picture more pleasing to the heart!

Let the sounds of music sound

Everyone is happy to congratulate Ksyusha!

Destiny beloved Ksyusha!

Always friendly, welcoming

Poems, music always

You are enjoying the year!

You yourself are a piece of art!

Mind, beauty, soul and feelings!

Oh, Ksenya, I will say loving

With you always at home, I am!

How to find your Firebird

I can give you advice:

Be patient, don't be lazy

And give warmth and light to everyone!

The calendar date of commemoration is the day of the death or the acquisition of the relics of the saint. Every day, name days can be celebrated by several saints of the same name. There are unknown stories of the righteous and defenders of the faith.

The name day is determined according to church canons, assigning the name of a saint that falls on or close to his birthday.

Name day is the day when they bow and ask for intercession, guidance from the patron saint. in different life situations And every day you need to contact your advocate.

Worth it without too much fuss. The day of spiritual birth, when a person becomes close to his angel.

Orthodox believers previously made birthday cakes: rolls, cheesecakes, pies and loaves. On the name day in the morning we visited church service, served a prayer service for health, applied to the icon of their saint. Then relatives treated themselves to pies, dined in the family circle.

Birthday gift

  • book, prayer book
  • Set for hobby, needlework
  • A cross, original candles or other souvenirs bought in a souvenir shop.

How to learn to be worthy of your patron

One should certainly know the life, charitable deeds and deeds of the saint, love him genuinely. Pray as often as possible and remember that every person has a holy prayer book for his soul. Think about what you can sacrifice your principles and follow the example of the patron saint.

Church form of the name

Characteristics of the name secular

Good-natured girl, friendly and extremely soft. Cannot stand lies, very sensitive. Ksyusha's psyche is not too balanced, she is quite conflicted, stubborn and touchy. Has a changeable character. Relations with people can easily break, does not tolerate bickering, easily goes to confrontation. Diplomatic relations are not her style, loves leadership, touchy and capricious.

This girl is very nice looking. He has great taste and dresses well. He likes to show himself in a favorable light, enjoys his popularity.

Due to unstable behavior, often has no friends. As a close friend, she will choose the one who will obey her and agree in everything.

With age, some poise and wisdom are acquired. Becomes a great hostess, understanding and faithful wife. Possesses culinary talents, a needlewoman. In the family, she deals with the main issues herself, decisive and reliable. As husbands, he chooses the same strong and solid men. The partner is often older than her, he can give fatherly care, surround with warmth and understanding.

Ksenya does not leave unfinished business, this woman is a responsible worker. He performs assigned tasks with zeal, he will not refuse to take a leadership position. The boss will become strict and exacting. She is appreciated at work. Oksana does not like collective activities with strictly established limits and deadlines. She prefers solitary work, where the result depends only on her.

Professionally wide selection. She goes in for sports, can become an athlete, gymnast, skier. Ksenia is a children's doctor or nurse, teacher and designer.

Ksenia is a selfless mother, often having many children. Arranges children in all kinds of circles, protects them, does not give offense.

Illustrious saints with the name Xenia

  1. Everyone knows Blessed Xenia of Petersburg. She was widowed at a very young age, and they did not have time to make children with her husband. At loving girl there was a spiritual devastation. She parted with acquired property, ended up on the street. In order to achieve the happiness of God, she became a holy fool. Ksenia called herself Andrei Fedorovich, that was the name of her late husband, dressed in men's clothes. She began to wander the streets of St. Petersburg, mainly in poor areas. Humbly and unrequitedly accepted ridicule and bullying. She often labored at the church. She rejected gifts from the townspeople, preferring to wear the same clothes and shoes all her life. Over time, all the attire turned into rags. Helped people by doing miracles. Where Xenia appeared, trade improved, happy changes took place, people recovered. They began to respect her, they were waiting for her arrival. The blessed one lived for forty-five years, she was buried in St. Petersburg. Canonized after 200 years. People stand in long queues to the chapel with its relics, coming from different parts of Russia. She is prayed for health, female happiness, protection from sorrows.
  2. Xenia Milasskaya, reverend. Being the daughter of wealthy parents, she secretly left home, sailing on a ship to the city of Milas. She bought land and built a temple. She founded a monastery at the temple, was appointed deaconess. Xenia considered herself a great sinner, she was humble. Charity, comfort, guidance and help are just a few of the virtues of Xenia of Milas. When Xenia's earthly journey ended, there was a sign over the monastery. The shining cross, surrounded by a bright crown, did not disappear from the sky until the very burial. They fall to the relics of Xenia for the sake of healing from diseases.

At the first opportunity, you should pray daily:

“Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Xenia, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.”

Xenia is very much in love with herself. He will not allow jokes addressed to him and, in general, anything that could hurt her in one way or another. She is offended even by trifles and harbors a long resentment. Xenia is doing well in her studies. However, the humanities are easier for her than the exact ones. She can become good friend. She loves when people try to ask her for advice. She then tries her best to help and advise something sensible.

Having matured, Ksenia becomes independent. She knows what she wants and achieves all her goals. Often she is ahead of others and is difficult to beat in anything. Accustomed to winning in everything, she is very painful about her own defeats, she worries for a long time. It is very popular with men. They just line up in front of her. In men's companies it is easier for her than women's. Xenia can become a good friend. Because he never flatters, never pretends. If he sympathizes with someone, then only sincerely. She is confident in her abilities and knows that she will achieve everything herself.

Fate: This girl has been kind since childhood. Sensitive, tender. Her honesty towards people amazes others. She is always happy to help her neighbor in need.

Angel Xenia Day

From the ancient Greek language - a stranger, a guest. The girlfriend of the version is a guest. In ancient Greece, “xenia” are stinging couplets with which guests were jokingly greeted by the hosts. From the same root - the ancient Greek name of the Black Sea: Pont Euxinus (hospitable sea).

The Russian folk form of this name Aksinya, however, did not come from the Greek word, but from the name Xenia: it is common for the Russian language to change words that begin with two consonants, building up a vowel sound in front of or between them: “wheat” - “plowed land”, “rye” - "Arzhan", etc.

In Ukrainian - Oksana. The name Xenia (Ksyusha) in recent years has become quite popular among the Eastern Slavs (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia). True, in Ukraine for many centuries the name derived from Xenia, Oksana, has not “left the stage”.

Ksenia-Oksana has attracted attention since childhood, since at all times the Almighty rewards her with a beautiful appearance, often with a good voice, a friendly, calm disposition and goodwill. Naturally, Oksana (Xenia) likes all these heavenly gifts, so she tries her best to always be the best (or at least above average).

She is capable of science, assiduous, persistent, so she studies well. Ksenia dresses with taste: she can “modernize” even the simplest inexpensive outfit (taking into account her appearance) so that it looks expensive and fashionable. Despite seeming independence, Ksenia is very sensitive and vulnerable in relations with her parents and friends. Any careless word, especially spoken in the wrong tone, can offend her to tears.

She hardly endures family quarrels: in childhood - between her parents, later - in her own family, Ksenia-Oksana is responsive, always helping someone, deciding something for someone. In her work, she can achieve significant success. True, in the team where she is understood and helped. And if she feels unkindness towards herself, discovers intrigues, etc., then she can quit everything and ... start all over again ... in another place. In the family, Ksenia is not always happy. She needs a sensitive, sincerely loving and understanding husband. Then Ksenia will create an ideal family.

Choosing a name is a very responsible step for the parents of a newborn baby. For the Orthodox, the most important thing in choosing a name for a child is the calendar, that is, the church calendar with a list of the names of all the saints. Which saint, according to the date of veneration, is closest to the date of birth of the baby, this name will be given to the baby. If you like the name Xenia, and that's what you plan to name your daughter, it's time to find out when Xenia's name day is.

With the revival of Orthodoxy, the name day, or the day of the angel, firmly took its place in the list of celebrated holidays. Unfortunately, not all people understand the essence of this celebration, often identifying it with a birthday. However, these two dates have nothing in common. Angel Day is the day of veneration of the saint, in whose honor a person is named, and who is his patron.

Usually, the process of choosing a name for a newborn is quite complicated and should happen at a specific time:

Before baptism, parents usually communicate with the priest, who will conduct the ceremony, and one of the questions that interests them is how to choose church name baby. There are several options here.

Principles for choosing a name for baptism:

  1. Parents are invited to familiarize themselves with the biography of saints, whose date of veneration according to the calendar is close to the date of birth of the child. Among them, you need to choose one whose life and virtue is closer to the family in which the child was born, this name is given to the baby at baptism.
  2. Nowadays, more and more often newborns are called exotic names that are absent in the calendar. In this case, you also need to choose another name for christening, consonant with the worldly one or according to the previous principle. For example, Jeanne at baptism and for subsequent church life can be called Anna, Liana - Leah.
  3. You can baptize your child with the name on the birth certificate. Some parents want to choose a middle name to avoid spoilage, but the church, of course, does not support this.

Top tips for choosing a baby name- choose a simple name of a saint who will later become a patron and an example for your child. One of these names is Xenia.

The origin of the name and influence on fate

There are several versions of the origin of this name.

According to the first the name Xenia comes from the Greek "xenia" and translates as "hospitable". The second version says that the derivative is the Greek word "xenios" - "guest, stranger." Another theory claims that this name comes from the name of short ancient poems with which it was customary for the Romans and Greeks to greet guests.

AT modern language the name Ksenia has several options - a diminutive version of Ksyusha and characteristic of Ukrainian language Oksana.

They say that the name affects the fate and character of a person. As for Ksyusha, girls and women with that name are distinguished by enviable beauty. They are always resolute, bring any started business to the end. Despite their perseverance, Ksyusha is distinguished by extreme touchiness, sensitivity and tenderness. They are always ready to help in a difficult situation and sincerely sympathize. AT family life Ksenia is helped by wisdom and gentleness towards her soulmate, thanks to which women with this name become excellent housewives and keepers of the hearth.

In the Orthodox calendar, Ksyusha has several patrons. All of them are in varying degrees served God and should be an example for girls named after them:

As you can see Xenia's name day according to the church calendar is celebrated 7 times. But this does not mean at all that Ksyusha's name day should be celebrated seven times a year. To determine your angel day, you need to choose a date that follows your birthday. For example, the patroness of Ksyusha, who was born on September 8, is the Martyr Xenia. But the girls born in the first days of February have two holy mentors at once - the holy reverend Xenia of Milas and Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, whose name days are celebrated on the same day.

Attention, only TODAY!

Or name day - this is a special day of the year dedicated to a saint. At baptism, each person is given a name, and often it does not coincide with the real one (for example, Yuri becomes George at baptism). As a rule, name days among Christians are celebrated on a larger scale than a regular birthday. This is explained by the fact that with the assignment of the name of a saint at baptism, a person is given the right to turn to him in difficult life situations, to count on his help and support. In a word, a person has a guardian angel in the face of a saint, whose name he bears. In this article, we will talk in more detail about when Ksenia's name day is celebrated, and what it is connected with.

First of all, it should be noted that the name Xenia itself belongs to Greek, and in translation means “foreigner” or “guest”. It should also be noted that in Ancient Greece itself, “xenia” (pungent comic rhymes) hosts often met their guests. Some of them, due to their absence, could even be offended.

Xenia's birthday

Xenia has two patron saints. One of them is Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, who lived in the distant 18th century. After the death of her husband, Xenia gave away all the acquired property and went around the world with faith. The Lord for the patience of Xenia and her exploits glorified the woman during her lifetime. Moreover, he endowed her with a wonderful gift of clairvoyance and clairvoyance. As soon as Ksenia took the sick child in her arms, he was immediately healed. Xenia's birthday - January 24th.

The second patroness is Ksenia Milasskaya, who also renounced a carefree life and devoted herself to serving God. Saint Xenia during her lifetime did not refuse anyone, she always helped the poor and the weak, instructed sinners. Her name day is August 13th.

According to the church calendar, Xenia's name day is celebrated seven times, but this does not mean that the owners of this name should honor their saint so many times. It is important to note that many saints have the same names, but completely different honor dates. For example, there are more than a hundred St. Johns alone in the writings. Of course, each person should have only one patron saint, and name days - once a year. In this case, you should follow one simple rule: you need to find out all the dates of honoring the patron saints of your name and choose the one that will be next after the date of your birth. This day will be considered the Day of your Angel.

Regardless of when Xenia's name day is celebrated, in the world girls with that name are known as quite stubborn and at the same time solid. Ksenia will always complete any business, therefore women with this name are suitable for positions associated with perseverance and responsibility (statistician, secretary, accountant, archivist). On the other hand, Ksenia can perfectly cope with the tasks of a teacher-tutor. She will “torment” her student to the last, so that he finally understands the whole new material. In Xenia's household, they often behave stingily and economically, but order will always reign in the house.