America Universities. How is the entire education system in the United States? United States Naval Academy

For many years, the United States of America has held a leading position in the field of global research and educational potential. Annual spending on the education system exceeds 5% of the country's GDP, this is not the highest figure in the world, but if you take into account the volume of the US gross domestic product, then in monetary terms the US has no equal. On average, the education of one student accounts for about 12 thousand dollars a year. Only the governments of Norway and Switzerland allocate a little more, and Luxembourg occupies the first place, where the amount reaches more than 19 thousand dollars.

The quality of education and the prestige of studying at US universities are confirmed by authoritative world rating agencies. For example, in the ranking QS World University Rankings® 2019 are in the top ten 5 American universities, including the first four places. Learn more about these schools below. In the top 10 ranking Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019 are 7 universities from the USA. At the same time, the high level of education is confirmed not only by positions in the top ten.

In total, the indicated ratings represent about 150 American universities from almost every state, which guarantee students high-quality knowledge and an international diploma. With a high degree of probability, this will allow you to find a decent job in the United States and any other developed country in the world. Studying at American universities for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other foreigners will help both build a successful career in American companies and become the starting point for immigrating to the United States forever with further prospects for obtaining citizenship.

Higher education in the United States is considered the standard of quality. Unlike many other states, the degree of influence of government structures on the activities of local universities is minimal. The country has an extensive list of educational institutions, both public and private, offering a variety of training programs, ranging from religious areas to military affairs. The educational process in American universities is built taking into account the maximum involvement of the student in the discussion of the subject being studied, that is, the development of critical thinking and the ability to defend one's own point of view are put in the foreground.

The US higher education system does not have an official classification, usually distinguished colleges, universities, institutes of technology and some other specialized institutions. In total, the country operates more than 6 thousand universities, not all of which are accredited by certified agencies, since this is purely voluntary. Any organizational issues, including funding for public educational institutions, are resolved at the state level at the location. It should immediately be noted that tuition at American universities is paid Moreover, the cost is very high.

Americans prefer to complete a two-year college course after graduating from high school, which guarantees an associate's degree, and then go to university. Foreigners usually strive to immediately get into the university bench. The study programs at universities are similar to the European model, that is, the following degrees are offered:

    Bachelor. The term of study is 4-5 years (excluding college).

    master. The term of study is 2 years.

    Doctor. The term of study is 2-3 years (after the master's degree).

In general, the US higher education system is quite complex. Much depends on the university itself, the state, the discipline, and so on. To select the most suitable program, you may need the help of a specialist or a detailed study of the information on the website of a particular university. Another feature of the American system of education at universities is the mandatory two-year study of general disciplines. Only after that the student chooses a specialization for further education. Quite often, students after a few years change the program, respectively, the educational process is stretched.

In 2019 more than 1 million students from abroad study at US universities, about 329 thousand (31%) are Chinese citizens. Quite a lot of representatives of India, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Canada. There are also Russians, Ukrainians and other representatives of the CIS countries. Requirements for enrolling foreigners in a particular American university can vary significantly, this is influenced by many factors. On average, count on the preparatory process for a period of 1-1.5 years before the start of training.

This period includes the collection and analysis of information about studying in the United States, choosing a university and program, preparing documents and submitting an application, passing exams and an interview, applying for a student visa and moving.

General requirements for foreigners to enter a US university

Language . One of the main conditions will be knowledge of English. To do this, you will need to provide the appropriate certificate. The most common - TOEFL and IELTS. Also, depending on the training program, accepted - AT, ACT, GRE, MCAT, LSAT. The required test and the minimum number of points are specified only at the university.

Education . Every diploma and other certificate obtained outside the United States must be reviewed by US educational evaluators. There are special non-governmental agencies for this. Since the influx of foreign students into the country is very large, it is quite difficult to go through the procedure.

The degree of equivalence of education to American standards is checked, including the average score, period of study, scientific degree, and so on. For successful admission to a US university, it is better for a Russian or Ukrainian to first graduate from a local university or at least study for several years. Moreover, the usual secondary education in the United States lasts 12 years.

Visa . Especially for foreigners in the United States, a student visa F1 is provided, J1 and M1 visas are issued a little less often. The document is issued in the American diplomatic department only after successful admission to the university. To obtain a visa, it is very important to prove that you have sufficient funds to cover the costs of studying and show a willingness to leave the United States after completing your studies.

In addition to the above requirements, a foreigner may be required to pass exams, pass additional tests and interviews, submit essays, letters of recommendation, demonstrate an extreme interest in learning, and so on. Applications are accepted both on an ongoing basis and within strictly defined time frames, usually November to January. The admission process depends entirely on the university, so it is there that you need to apply in the first place and as early as possible.

It's no secret that the cost of studying in the US is one of the highest in the world. Especially if you take elite private universities, where the annual fee reaches up to 40-50 thousand dollars a year and more. Perhaps this is the only absolutely negative factor for foreign students planning to receive an American higher education. At the same time, studying at prestigious universities in Switzerland, Great Britain and Australia is also very expensive, but very popular.

American laws require local schools to post up-to-date information on tuition fees and student scholarships or benefits on their official websites, so you should use this information when planning your tuition expenses. On average, foreigners pay tuition fees twice as much as local residents. Cheaper to study at public universities, where you can meet the amount up to 20 thousand dollars a year.

The US has a widespread student financial aid system.- grants, scholarships and other benefits. Moreover, the most famous universities in the country, for example, Harvard University, the California Institute of Technology, and the University of Pennsylvania, also provide partial coverage of tuition costs. However, one should not particularly hope for scholarships, the number of such payments is limited and available only to the most talented students.

Another significant cost item for an international student in the United States is accommodation. Usually tuition fees and living expenses are considered together. As a result, even studying at state universities reaches 50 thousand dollars a year and higher. This refers to housing, meals, educational materials and other services for students. In general, according to some studies, the average cost of studying at US universities, including accommodation, is about 36.5 thousand dollars a year.

Top US Universities

There are a huge number of prestigious universities in the United States of America and it is very problematic to single out the best educational institutions. Nevertheless, we will proceed from the results of the current world rankings and designate the three most significant American universities in 2019.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The institution of higher education, located in the American city of Cambridge, was founded in 1861. At various times, the famous graduates of the university were Buzz Aldrin, Kofi Annan and Ben Bernanke. Training programs are focused on scientific and technical research and development. The main directions are economics, biology, chemistry, computer science, physics, mathematics and psychology.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology strives to bring to the market high-class technical specialists capable of solving the most global problems of the modern world. There are 5 schools, more than 30 departments and study programs (faculties) in the structure of the university. More than 11.3 thousand students study, including more than 3.5 thousand foreigners from 120 countries. Applications accepted November 1st to January 1st. Cost of education - $49,892, along with accommodation on campus - $67,430.

Official website of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-

Stanford University

The date of foundation and opening of the university is 1891. The location in the very center of Silicon Valley obliges the university to graduate successful entrepreneurs and just famous people. For example, famous students include actress Sigourney Weaver and golfer Tiger Woods. Stanford University is a recognized leader in computer science and mathematics, and provides a first-class education in the liberal arts.

Major companies such as Google, Nvidia, Snapchat, HP and many others were founded by alumni of this amazing institution. The university is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. Various sculptures, gardens and art museums are located on the territory. The structure of the university includes 7 schools, research centers and 72 faculties in various fields of knowledge.

The teaching staff consists of 2118 people. The number of students is 16770, of which over 20% are foreigners. Stanford University Application Deadlines November 1st to January 3rd. Cost of education - $48,987 $69,109.

Official website of Stanford University-

Harvard University

The educational institution is located in the city of Cambridge. The founding date of this oldest university in the United States is 1636. The name of Harvard University is associated with prestige, elitist education and the acquisition of knowledge of the highest quality. It doesn't even need additional introductions. The highest achievements of graduates and teachers of the university in the field of medicine and many other sciences are known throughout the planet. The university has given the world about 150 Nobel laureates, 8 US presidents and more than 60 billionaires.

In addition to technical and medical areas, business, law, art, humanities and social sciences are very popular at the university. The structure of the university includes 12 schools, a research institute and 7 faculties. The academic library is considered the largest in the world. The number of students is 20.1 thousand people, a quarter of which are foreigners. Applications for admission to Harvard are accepted November 1st to January 1st. Cost of education - $46,340, along with accommodation and meals - $67,580.

Prestigious US universities, higher education in America annually attract foreign and Russian students with the quality of educational services. If you have found information about that, then the next step is to get acquainted with the prices for educational programs. The cost of education directly depends on the rating of the chosen university, as well as the chosen specialty. The most expensive are the specialties where the study involves the conduct of scientific research (medicine, dentistry, and others).

The price of higher education at American universities ranges from $30,000 to $60,000 per year in the most rated ones. As for US colleges (community colleges), the cost usually starts from 10,000 USD per academic year without accommodation.

US universities for foreigners, including students, are a step towards a future successful career. Having received academic knowledge and practical skills at the university, each graduate can count on a prestigious job.

How to enter a university in the USA, America? What documents and knowledge the applicant needs

In order to enter an English university, you will need not only a standard list of documents, but also certain language and academic knowledge.

The main list of required documents:

  • a copy of the passport;
  • for a bachelor - a school certificate and / or the passage of the Pathway program;
  • for a master's degree - a bachelor's degree +, if necessary, the passage of the pre-Masters program;
  • TOEFL certificate;
  • SSAT exams (depending on the American university);
  • letters of recommendation from teachers of English and mathematics, sometimes it is possible from the director of the school, the dean;
  • motivation letter;
  • Skype interview or personal visit to an educational institution;
  • additional documents on an individual basis to increase the chances of a positive decision of the selection committee.

The system of higher education in the USA: structure, features, rating

Prestigious US universities, higher education in America for foreign and Russian students open up broad career prospects, employment opportunities abroad, work in top positions in international companies. Selecting the optimal program requires an understanding of the organization of the higher education system in the United States. American institutions of post-secondary education are divided into 4 categories.

  • Universities, consisting of several faculties, colleges, accept applicants for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral courses.
  • Colleges focused on teaching bachelors in a wide range of specialties, the duration of study is 4 years.
  • Technical educational institutions representing a wide range of programs, the duration of training is from six months to 4 years.
  • Community colleges (community-college), offering two-year educational programs for local, foreign students, after which it is possible to enter the 2nd year of undergraduate studies at other American educational institutions.

Education in American universities is divided into a number of stages, after each of which the student receives a degree and a profession sufficient for work:

  • associate degree (diploma of an associate) - a degree after completing a 2-year course at a community college;
  • undergraduate (bachelor of science / art) - after completing a 4-year course at a college, university;
  • graduatee (master's degree) - as a result of 2 years of study in a master's program in one of the programs - professional or academic.
  • PhDD (Doctor of Philosophy) - the result of the defense of research work, required to continue a career in an academic environment, duration - from 4 to 6 years.

US universities are divided into private and public:

  • public universities, as a rule, are larger in terms of the number of students, the cost of education is cheaper, there are many programs to support talented students;
  • private universities are usually smaller, better developed infrastructurally, offer a wide range of creative and sports development programs, the price of courses is much higher than in public ones.

The list of prestigious US universities includes both public and private universities: Michigan, University of California at Berkeley, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, California Institute of Technology (Calteh).

Leading US Universities: The Best of the Best

Prestigious US universities, higher education in America for foreign and Russian students are available in different categories of educational institutions presented on our website. The oldest and most prestigious universities are included in the famous "Ivy League":

  • Harvard;
  • Princeton;
  • Yale;
  • Brown University;
  • Columbia University;
  • Cornell;
  • Dartmouth College;
  • University of Pennsylvania.

No less popular educational centers, the list of which is presented below. Each of them has its own leading industry, the diplomas of these institutions are highly valued in the global labor market:

  • Northwestern University of the USA (mathematics is the most developed direction);
  • Duke University (medicine);
  • University of Notre Dame (business);
  • Bard College (arts and humanities);
  • US Naval Academy;
  • Oregon State University (business education, agricultural sciences).

The best educational institutions in America offer foreign and local students balanced courses developed by world-famous teachers - students will learn from outstanding professors. Specialized courses are also read by practitioners: heads of large corporations, researchers, world leaders (managers).

According to statistics, graduates of well-known US universities in the first six months after graduation find highly paid jobs in their specialty: the employment rate in Ivy League institutions exceeds 95%.

Universities in America: Features of Studying at US Universities

Prestigious US universities, higher education in America for foreign and Russian students offers the most comfortable conditions for their stay, study: they can live on campus, freely use academic resources and infrastructure.

At the universities of America, specialized departments work for Russians, bachelors and masters of other nationalities, in particular career guidance - specialists help foreigners find work while still studying. Part-time work makes it possible to reduce the financial costs of training.

American universities for foreign students organize courses with the study of English: programs provide an opportunity to improve language skills for a better perception of educational material in specialized disciplines.

More than a million foreign students study in the USA - such statistics are given by the State Department of International Education of America. Every year more than 270 thousand graduates come to enter American universities.

Here are 5 reasons why US universities are different from other educational institutions:

  • 7 of the top 10 universities in the world are American universities (The World University Rankings, 2019).
  • The educational system allows you to change your specialty during training - students do not have to waste time on useless classes.
  • Graduates can stay in the country on a student visa for another 1-3 years to work in their specialty.
  • US universities lead the way in many areas of technology and research, thanks to grants and strong research bases. UCLA has over 350 research labs, LSU has its own oil rig, and FIU has an underwater lab.
  • The campus of an American university is a whole student city, where there is everything for life, study, sports and creativity. And as a bonus - a multicultural environment in which foreigners are treated with respect.

Popular specialties

Engineering is the most popular major in American universities among foreign students, with 21% of visiting graduates studying it (Institute of International Education’s Open Doors report, 2018). The top also includes business and management, mathematics and information technology.

At the same time, at US universities you can find an educational program in any field - study cinema at the New York Film Academy, finance at Hult International Business School or medicine at The University of Illinois at Chicago.

In total, there are about 4000 institutes, universities and colleges in America. They are divided into private and public and subject to state laws. Most often, foreign students choose to study in California, New York, Texas and Massachusetts.

American universities provide education with a practical bias. While still studying, students undergo internships, carry out projects, and have internships in large companies. Each university has its own partners. At Northeastern University (Kaplan) this is the White House, the UN and NASA, at the University of Central Florida - Siemens and Boeing, at the University of Dayton - GE Aviation and Emerson.

How to choose the right university

The first step is to choose a specialty. Based on your interests and career aspirations, then look at university offers. Often, universities that are not included in the international rating provide a high level of training in individual programs and areas.

For example, the School of Dentistry at the University of the Pacific is considered one of the best in California, the University of South Carolina is in the top 1% of universities in the world in terms of the number of patents registered, and Auburn University's aerospace training program ranks first in the United States.

When the short list of US universities is ready, find out the additional conditions and benefits of each university. Learn about student support centers, extracurricular activities, campus development, university cooperation with large corporations and foundations, read alumni reviews.

The cost of studying in US universities

The cost depends on the chosen specialty and university. The most expensive program is history and law at Sarah Lawrence College, a year of study costs $400,000. The average price for an education at an American university is from $20,000 to $50,000 per year.

Investment in education pays off within 3-5 years of work. According to PayScale data for 2019, American college graduates receive an average of $52,000 per year.

IQ Consultancy - official representative of 23 US universities

Benefits of coming with us:

  • you confirm only English proficiency and do not take the SAT, GMAT and GRE;
  • if you need to improve the level of the language, you will be enrolled in a university with additional preparatory classes;
  • we will prepare you for your visa interview at the consulate;
  • after enrollment, you will receive support on all issues - from everyday to academic.

The leadership of the United States in science, technology, innovative technologies is undeniable. The foundation of scientific and technological progress is the country's higher education. Outwardly unsystematic, university education in the United States leads in all world rankings.

Naturally, the desire of Russian youth to get a better education, the possibility of an interesting, well-paid job, an international diploma. But studying in America is associated with significant difficulties, starting from the first stages.

US university education

Americans refer to the system not only traditional universities. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology occupies the second line of the ratings, there are also business schools and higher colleges in it. There are a lot of rating studies, so beloved in America. They determine the ranking on many factors including dropout rate, tuition fees, salary level after graduation.

It is significant that in all classifications, American universities occupy at least 70% of the world list. For several decades, Harvard University, Stanford University, the University of California, the Universities of Princeton, Berkeley, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the California Institute of Technology have invariably been in the top ten. Only three universities from other countries are constantly fighting for getting into this top ten - Cambridge, Oxford (England), University of Tokyo.

In America itself, the Ivy League universities (eight oldest educational institutions in seven states) are considered the most privileged, authoritative. It is extremely difficult to enter them, education is very expensive (up to $50,000 a year), and the prices for accommodation are high.

In addition, the university should be chosen not only by prestige, rating, but also by the future specialty. In some specialties, prestigious universities are by no means the best. Thus, the University of Illinois provides the best journalistic education, the University of Chicago is considered the leading business school.

Entrance exams, study

There is no general system of entrance examinations for US educational institutions. Many universities are focused on their state, for natives there are benefits for admission, reduced pay. For foreign applicants coming from other states - a certain quota is introduced.

It is necessary to prepare for admission in advance, several years in advance. From a huge list of universities (there are practically no Russian-speaking ones), you need to choose a few suitable ones, collect information about them. It is necessary to take into account the future specialty (whether it is at the university), since recruitment is made for the general course (specialization is determined from the third year).

For foreign students, the English language test is recognized as the most important, it is mandatory for foreigners. A wide variety of tests may be required (TOEFL, SAT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT), some can be taken in the CIS, others need to be taken on the spot. Written tests with detailed answers are not excluded.

A number of additional documents may be required - an essay (Statement of Purpose), questionnaires, transcripts, bank statements. You can apply to multiple colleges. If the answer is positive, you need to choose one educational institution, notify others of the refusal. After that, you can reserve accommodation, apply for a student visa.

The process of studying at a distance seems simple, in fact, it is built on the fiercest competition. Permanent performance ratings are maintained from the first to the last day of school. Based on their amount, employers will be guided by when applying for a job. For the best students (even foreign ones) - it is possible to receive a scholarship (from a university, a scientific center, a supervising company), an invitation to work.

You should not count on independent earnings to pay for your studies. Job opportunities for a foreigner in the US are low and pay is low. Stressful studies do not leave time for work, although it is common for American students to work during the holidays. With average graduation rates, finding a job in the States is not easy, but in other countries an American diploma is highly regarded.

US universities. How to enter the best and most prestigious universities in the USA?

US universities have been attracting students from all over the world for decades. The opportunity to study at a US university attracts a huge number of applicants today. Next, we will consider how an applicant can enter a university in the USA. First of all, you need to collect the following package of documents:
- A completed application form of the selected university with the payment for consideration of the application attached to it. As a rule, questionnaire forms can be found on the websites of universities, and the fee for reviewing the questionnaire varies from 20 to 200 US dollars.

- A transcript, which is a list of subjects with grades for the subjects that you have studied over the past three years. It is also necessary to attach certified copies of the certificate and diploma (if any). In addition, three letters of recommendation from teachers or supervisors will be required. Please note that all documents must also be submitted in English.

— An essay written on one or two pages in English. It must describe why you have chosen a particular university and what you expect from studying in it. Also in the essay you need to convince the admissions committee why you are worthy of becoming a student of this educational institution.

- Exam results. The necessary tests can be taken in the country of residence in specialized testing centers. High school graduates are required to take the TOEFL and/or SAT, while university graduates are required to take the TOEFL, GMAT or GRE. Of the listed tests, the TOEFL language exam is mandatory, the rest of the tests depend on the requirements of a particular educational institution.

— Financial form. It indicates how much a potential student can pay for studies for each academic year. All information must be documented in the form of bank statements. Some universities provide financial assistance to their students, which mainly depends on the academic performance, creative and scientific activity of the student. There are also various programs for scholarships and grants that foreign applicants can apply for.

Next, we propose to consider the best universities in the United States. According to the ranking of US universities, Harvard, Princeton and Yale are recognized as the best universities. Also among the most prestigious universities in the United States are Brown and Pennsylvania universities.

Harvard University in the United States is the oldest privately owned and internationally recognized university in the United States. The university management emphasizes that when recruiting students, it is not based on their financial capabilities, but solely on their abilities. So, about 70% of Harvard students receive various scholarships (including foreign students). The oldest university in the US is also the top ranked medical university in the US.

Also among the most prestigious universities in the United States is Princeton University. The main areas of study in this university are technical specialties.

Yale University was founded in the early 18th century. In those distant days, his mission was defined as follows: "to educate exemplary husbands." Yale University is successfully coping with this task to this day.

One of the very famous universities in the USA is Brown University. It stands out from the background of other US universities, first of all, with its unusual training program, which started in 1969. Its meaning lies in the fact that the student has the right to choose subjects of study at his own discretion. There are no mandatory items here.

The University of Pennsylvania is the first university in the United States (before that, there were no universities among educational institutions). This university is private and was founded by Benjamin Franklin.

Columbia University USA is also included in the list of the most famous universities in the USA. The most famous faculty of this university is the Faculty of Journalism, which is annually awarded the most prestigious award in the field of journalism - the Pulitzer Prize.

Also in the list of the largest universities in the United States is Dartmouth College. Despite its name, it is a full-fledged university, part of the elite of American universities, the so-called Ivy League.

One of the most famous technical universities in the United States is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It occupies a leading position not only in American rankings of higher education institutions, but also in international ones.

One of the most famous arts universities in the United States is New York University. It is a unique educational institution that provides the most modern and comprehensive training in directing, filmmaking, acting and 3D animation.

The most famous universities in the United States include the Northwestern University of the United States. It is the oldest university in Illinois and is famous for its scientific and research facilities.

Famous for its level of education and the University of Chicago USA. It was founded in 1890 thanks to a donation from John Rockefeller. The University of Chicago is famous for its graduates who have received education in the fields of economics, physics, law and sociology.

In general, there are both public and private universities and colleges in the United States. US public universities have rich traditions and a long history, they are very firmly connected with the life of the state in which they are located, and are the centers of its scientific and cultural life. These universities are funded by the state. There are not so many private universities, but, as a rule, they are in the top positions of the world university rankings. It is impossible to answer the exact question of how many universities are currently operating in the United States with one hundred percent certainty, but according to 2009 data, there were 4352 universities.

Of course, everyone who thinks about studying at US universities is interested in the question of the existence of free universities. There are indeed free universities in the USA, but it is very difficult to enter them, although it is possible for both US citizens and foreign applicants.

Since the cost of studying at top ranked US universities is very high for most applicants, low-cost US universities can also be considered. Of course, no one says that you need to go to study at unknown universities, but after spending a little time you can choose options from relatively cheap US universities, whose diploma will also be highly rated in various international companies. In general, the cheapest universities in the US are the so-called Community Colleges. Payment in them, as a rule, does not exceed two thousand US dollars per semester.

Thus, if you are thinking about studying in the United States, take a very careful look at the list of US universities. If you want to study in a certain state, then you should select US universities specifically by state. Also, each university, as a rule, has its own website, where you can get all the necessary information and see photos of US universities.