Creating a homemade electric motor for a boat. Jet boat motors Homemade boat motors for pvc

The article “Motor in a Backpack” was published in “KiYa” No. 92, where talked about a homemade outboard boat motor, assembled with your own hands, weighing only 5.5 kg. The article was for informational purposes and, apart from a photograph of the motor, did not contain design and technological details.

After the publication of the article, the author and the editors of the magazine received numerous letters from readers asking for drawings of modifications to the D5 engine and recommendations for the technology of hand-made manufacturing of individual parts. The author used the “D5” engine from a moped produced in previous years, which had a magneto with a rotor diameter of 37 mm. The currently produced “D” type engines differ from the “D5” only in the increased size of the magneto, which does not at all affect the design of the outboard motor. True, the engine weight will increase by about 0.2 kg.

The crankshaft is first disassembled into two halves, which are connected by a crank pin with tension. We will call the part of the crankshaft on which the magneto is attached the upper part, and the part on which there is a journal with a suction hole - the lower one.

We cut off massive rings from both parts at the welding site. The upper axle needs to be extended to accommodate the main bearing, magneto rotor, ignition cam and flywheel. An M10 thread is cut at its end. During final assembly, the magneto rotor, cam and flywheel are installed on the shaft and tightened with an M10 nut. To extend the trunnion, a piece of round steel grade 45 with a diameter of at least 18 mm and a length of 100 mm is required. On a lathe, a shank with an M10x1.0 thread, 10 mm long, is turned at one end. Then the upper part of the shaft is installed in the lathe and carefully centered along the journal of the shaft with a diameter of 17P. A trunnion is cut off from the left end of this half at a distance of 13 mm. In the remaining part of the trunnion, a hole is bored for the M10x1.0 thread to a depth of 12 mm. We screw the workpiece with the threaded end into the trunnion hole and tighten it with a wrench with a torque of 3 kg/cm. A V-shaped groove is machined at the joint. Having wrapped the pin with asbestos cord (except for the groove), we weld the joint using manual electric welding to a seam diameter of at least 18 mm. After this, the final turning of the shaft can be done.

Having processed both halves of the crank to the dimensions indicated in the drawing, you can assemble the crankshaft. After its assembly and final alignment, we weld the crank pin from the ends to the cheeks at three points using electric welding, followed by cleaning the welding points with emery.

The square shank of the lower axle (section B-B) is made in a simpler way, since there is already a threaded hole in the axle. The square is made of steel 45, hardened and, after screwing into the trunnion, welded by manual electric welding without subsequent machining.

The coordinates of twelve holes with a diameter and a depth of 7 mm on the cheeks of the crank are selected randomly in place; they are made to lighten the shaft. The final processed crankshaft should weigh 0.6 kg; in combination with other rotating masses (magneto rotor, flywheel), it ensures stable operation of the engine.

The mounting hole in the magneto rotor is bored to a diameter of 12 mm and, when seated on the shaft, is fixed with a pin with a diameter of 2 mm.

The ignition cam must be made new from steel 35. Its working profile is made according to the standard cam, then the cam is ground and hardened. The cam is secured to the rotor with a pin. Therefore, the magneto rotor must have pin holes on both sides.

The flywheel is made of steel 35 and is locked on the shaft with three M5x10 mm set screws, for which conical recesses must be drilled on the shaft (section B-B). This is done after the magneto rotor, ignition cam and flywheel are mounted on the shaft with holes drilled for the set screws, but without threads, and everything is finally tightened with an M10 nut. Recesses for the screws are drilled through the flywheel, thereby achieving the necessary accuracy during final assembly.

The outboard motor deadwood is made of 32x3mm round aluminum tube. Connecting flanges made of aluminum 6 mm thick are welded to its ends by argon arc welding. Deadwood length 345 mm. The engine is attached to its upper flange through a gasket, and the gearbox with a propeller is also attached to the lower flange through a gasket made of oil-resistant rubber 4 mm thick. A vertical shaft made of 12x1 steel pipe rotates inside the deadwood. Its length together with the welded squares is 335 mm. A suspension bracket from , the inner hole of which is bored to a diameter of 32 mm, is loosely placed on the sternwood.

The gearbox from the Salyut engine undergoes the most modification. All parts of the water pump are removed and the holes are welded or sealed with epoxy. The main thing is that when the motor is assembled, water does not get into the cavity of the deadwood and gearbox. Water for cooling the cylinder is supplied due to the hydrodynamic pressure of the screw through an 8x1 mm aluminum pipe. It is mounted on the lower flange of the deadwood. Its end, facing the plane of rotation of the screw, is flared to a diameter of 12 mm and has a funnel shape. The center of the circle of this hole is located at a distance of 10 mm from the plane of rotation of the rear edge of the screw and 80 mm from the axis of the screw. The second end of the tube is connected to the engine with a thin rubber hose.

Every fisherman has thought about replacing a shop motor for a boat with an alternative engine. They learned how to create it from lawn mowers, gas trimmers and even screwdrivers, since their cost is several times lower than the price of a ready-made model. The most suitable option is a trimmer, since this device is equipped with all the necessary elements and mechanisms.

Benefits of using a trimmer

Using a trimmer to create a boat motor has a number of advantages:

  • much cheaper than a ready-made boat motor;
  • minimal fuel consumption;
  • light weight;
  • reliability;
  • tightness of the structure;
  • availability of ready-made elements for control;
  • built-in tank, etc.

Thanks to these qualities, the trimmer ranks first among other options available for remodeling.

Features of a homemade engine

When converting an engine, it is worth considering that they were developed to perform different functions. The trimmer operates at high speeds and low torque, and the outboard motor must do the opposite. Therefore, remaking the device requires special tools and even a drawing.

It is more convenient and simpler to build an engine from a trimmer, since it has a number of necessary components:

  1. very economical engine;
  2. built-in unpainted fuel tank, allowing you to easily control the amount of fuel;
  3. the presence of a starter and gas in the device;
  4. a rod equipped with a rigid shaft.

All that remains is to buy the missing parts or make them yourself and you can start making an engine for the boat.

The trimmer operates at high speeds and low torque, and the outboard motor must do the opposite

What can you do

There are several possible options for modifying the trimmer for a boat motor.

Option #1. A very simple method, but requires additional financial costs.

You will need to purchase the following parts:

  1. Clamp for fastening the device to the transom of the boat.
  2. Propeller. You can purchase a ready-made set online, since stores may not have a similar product. The package includes a special drive made of stainless steel, as well as universal adapters for the flexible trimmer shaft, which allows you not to bother with whether they will fit your model of lawn mower or not.

Advice! Sometimes the kit may include a clamp, so before buying it, check what is included in the kit.

The mounting drawing for the trimmer is indicated in the instructions. Installation will take about half an hour.

Option #2. For the conversion you will need an angular gearbox from a grinder, a screw that can be cut from a stainless steel sheet, as well as oil seals and bearings for fastening. This method allows you to achieve maximum speed, despite the small pitch of the screw. In the field, the device requires additional adjustment, which is performed using pliers.

Option #3. This method is done as much as possible with your own hands. Let's look at it in more detail using the example of a lawn mower with a 25 cm 3 two-stroke engine. The device weighs 4.5 kg and has a power of 700 W and is equipped with a curved leg. A trimmer with such power allows the boat to move at a speed of approximately 5-7 km/h.

For the conversion you will need an angular gearbox from a grinder, a screw that can be cut from a stainless steel sheet, as well as oil seals and bearings for fastening

What you need

For manufacturing you will need materials and tools:

  1. Trimmer.
  2. Duralumin with a thickness of 2 mm. It is necessary for the screw.
  3. A clamp or any other device for securing the device to the boat.
  4. Welding machine.
  5. Fastening elements.
  6. Additional tools for work.

All the necessary elements can be purchased or made yourself. The drawing may be needed to develop a homemade propeller, but not for the drive. The dimensions of the propeller directly depend on the drive power, as well as on the weight of the craft. For example, a propeller with dimensions of 10x3 cm is capable of moving vehicles weighing about 120 kg.

Manufacturing instructions

To make a boat engine from a regular trimmer, you will need to perform the following steps:

To break in a homemade engine, you will need a tank of gasoline (0.5 liters) with oil in a ratio of 1:40. One tank of fuel allows you to cover about 10 km of territory. The speed of a boat with such a motor is in the range of 5.6 – 7.9 km/h, depending on the load of the boat.

  1. It is much easier to convert a trimmer with a straight shaft. If the rod is bent, it will need to be completely replaced, since the steel cable will not be able to transmit the required torque. To change a curved shaft, you will need to use a duralumin tube, press a bronze bushing into it and mount it in an appropriately fitted holder.
  2. The screw should be created according to the drawing from duralumin. If necessary, its dimensions can always be adjusted.
  3. The screw should be installed in place of the trimmer head. Be sure to make a ring attachment to protect the cylinders.
  4. You can order ready-made kits on the Internet and save time on creating the elements yourself. The kit includes all the necessary adapters for the shaft and drive, sometimes even a clamp is included in the kit.
  5. You can control the device using the starter handle, but very often it is inconvenient to use. It can be easily replaced with a regular bicycle derailleur.
  6. A clamp is used to secure the engine, and the fastener itself is made on the boat transom.

According to the code of laws of King Hammurabi, time spent fishing is not included in the calculation of life time. Perhaps the ancient kings were right, but today it is not always possible to catch fish from one place.

But what if the use of gasoline engines is prohibited on a reservoir? Or when you are limited in time, and it is not possible to transport a motor boat, and you have to use a rubber boat?

As a rule, in such cases, a boat electric motor is purchased as part of the equipment.

Such motors for light and small boats are very useful because:

  • electric motors do not use gasoline and oil, they have no exhaust gases;
  • the electric drive is lightweight, compact, and does not take up much space;
  • using an electric drive is more economical than a gasoline unit;
  • As a rule, modern electric motors are designed using fundamentally different technologies and therefore, with small dimensions and energy consumption, provide maximum traction force with modest energy consumption.

But all these advantages apply to the case if the electric motor is available, but what to do when it is not?

Electric motor from a drill

As a way out of the situation, many reinforcers use a motor from a cordless drill or screwdriver. In fact, for both industrial propulsion and home-assembled ones, the main source of propulsion is the electric motor.

The layout of such a motor is the same for all models:

  • power supply– battery;
  • engine– electric motor;
  • working body– propeller with gearbox;
  • control unit– in this case, the direction of movement is controlled by turning the handle, and the speed is regulated by decreasing or increasing engine speed.

In fact, a screwdriver or drill has all this. However, it should be taken into account that most electric boat motors have a propeller mounted directly on the electric motor. This entire structure has a sealed housing and is immersed in water.

But the drill does not have a sealed housing and therefore the layout of a boat motor with a gasoline engine, which is located at the top, is more acceptable for it.

Advantages of an electric motor from a drill

When considering an electric motor from a drill as a motor, you need to understand that the motor itself is of great value, but with a speed control unit, in other words, a button, its value increases several times.

But still, there are several clear advantages in choosing a drill or screwdriver:

  • the cost of such a tool is several orders of magnitude lower than the cost of a factory outboard motor;
  • legislation strictly monitors the use of motors on water bodies, while the power and type of engines, both permitted and prohibited for use on certain water bodies, are clearly regulated;
  • the drill is battery-powered, and in addition to using a standard power source, it is possible to use other sources that are compatible in terms of parameters;
  • The cordless drill, as a tool, operates almost silently, which is important for fishing enthusiasts;
  • A drill, like any other tool, can be repaired if necessary; fortunately, there is a large selection of spare parts and parts for repair on the market today.

Required power

When determining the power of a drill for a boat motor, it is necessary to take into account that the design of the drill provides for its operation in an alternating cycle.

When the greatest load is carried out for a short time, as a boat motor, the engine will work for a very long time, and at the same time experience very noticeable loads, which means it is necessary to choose a drill with a power reserve.

The most suitable for this option are models of power tools equipped with motors with a power of 150 watts and above.

This technical solution is associated with a power reserve when operating a unit with a propeller with a diameter of 130-150 mm, and designed to move a boat with a load of up to 300 kg, and 300 kg will be considered the maximum load for the motor.

Operating voltage

When starting to implement a project with a drill, probably the main point will be to select the appropriate unit for the operating voltage. Among the tool options presented today, the main ones are drills with voltages of 12, 14.5, 16, 18 and 24 volts.

The question of choosing the right one here is that, like branded motors, drill motors will be powered by batteries. A standard battery included in a tool kit can, in principle, ensure uninterrupted operation of the drill for some time, but even modern lithium and cadmium batteries have a capacity that will clearly not be enough for normal trips.

Therefore, the only way out will be to use an additional source, and the most suitable would be a car battery.

Standard car batteries, even with a capacity of 45 amps, will perfectly ensure the operation of the drill, which means that the most acceptable option for a boat electric motor would be a 12 volt drill.

Required tools and materials

Since there are no two identical twin motors, given the experience of building similar motors, you will most likely need:

  • drill– as a motor;
  • clamps– the motor will be mounted on them; if there are no suitable factory ones, you can make homemade ones;
  • gearbox– most often the gearbox is used from an angle grinder when the motor is planned to be placed directly at the transom of the boat;
  • tubes, diameter 20 mm and square tubes 20x20 mm - for the rod and directly attaching the drill;
  • metal rod– for the motor shaft;
  • sheet metal for a propeller.

During manufacturing you will need the following tools:

  • metal scissors:
  • welding machine, although there are ideas to fasten the structure with rivets, but the welding connection will be much more reliable and faster;
  • the same drill, with a set of drills;
  • grinder, sharpening and cutting wheels;
  • in the case of using wooden parts in the construction, then nails and screws.

Lifting mechanism for impeller

The use of a lifting mechanism in the motor allows not only to control the movement of the boat, but also, if necessary, to raise the propeller above the surface of the water. Ideally, such a device should provide rotation of the screw in both horizontal and vertical planes.

The simplest and at the same time the most effective design could look like this: a motor is attached to the transom of the boat using clamps. The clamps are rigidly attached to a plate or square, and have rings into which a tube is threaded with a guide welded to the middle perpendicular to the axis, into which the motor shaft is threaded.

This hinged solution is quite simple and does not require additional, complex solutions.

Gearbox installation and propeller manufacturing

Despite the fact that a drill is a tool designed for drilling holes, that is, to overcome the resistance of another material, using a drill as a boat motor has its own characteristics, and this, first of all, is that during operation the propeller will be constantly in the water, and, This means that high drill speeds are not needed at all.

To reduce the number of revolutions, gearboxes are used. Most often, two gearboxes are installed - the upper gearbox reduces the number of revolutions of the drill from 1340 to 250-300.

Such revolutions are enough for the boat to move confidently. And the lower gearbox is installed to install the propeller perpendicular to the shaft axis.

If you use a gearbox from a grinder, then the upper end of the shaft is simply clamped into the drill chuck.

The manufacture of a propeller or impeller begins with marking a sheet of metal.

A square of 300x300 mm and a thickness of 2.5-3 mm is quite suitable for making a screw. However, any impeller can be suitable for a propeller, for example, from a car cooling system or a household exhaust fan, but in order for it to be a real propeller, you will still have to make an impeller.

A hole is drilled in the middle of the sheet to fit onto the gearbox bolt. Slots are made along the diagonals, not reaching the middle of the sheet 25-30 mm, the resulting blades are given a rounded appearance and the weight is adjusted - the blades must be identical and not create beating or vibrations. The blades are slightly rotated to create the required flow.

Improvements to turns and controls

Like any design solution, the motor design will need to be improved, and the finished motor will require certain skills, so you will have to go through a short training course.

For testing the sample, any container with water into which the propeller can be immersed will do. After turning on the device, a directed stream of water should be felt from the immersed screw. To achieve the greatest effect, the propeller is modified.

The motor control is modified depending on the wishes of the owner; most often the power button is moved to an external handle, providing an increase in the turning arm. At the same time, you need to get used to controlling the engine by adjusting the engine speed.

How to correctly calculate the loads and what should happen?

When carrying out calculations, it is necessary to build on the following data:

  • weight of the boat in running order;
  • engine power consumption;
  • current strength;
  • voltage.

When designing a motor, it would be useful to use an electrical measuring device to measure the voltage under load and during idling.

If the declared engine power corresponds to the power consumption calculated by the formula:

If power consumption = 12v * current under load, then we can confidently say that the electric motor is selected correctly.

It is possible to influence the engine power by choosing the right propeller impeller; in any case, a well-chosen impeller will significantly reduce engine heating.

Application of windshield washer motor

In the design of boat motors, electric motors from cars are often used, for example, motors from a windshield wiper or radiator. Such electric motors have a standard 12 volt, and are ideal for use with a car battery.

The windshield washer motor is largely suitable for designing a boat motor. It is small, it can be used with a car battery, but requires additional modification.

Motor based on a gas mower

Design ideas do not stand still, and a completely normal solution is to try to use a lawn mower engine as a motor. Unpretentious 6 hp engines designed for long-term operation in various situations. completely allows for the creation of a boat motor using structural elements of boat motors of the Soviet period.

Motor from the Ural-2 chainsaw

Until now, many craftsmen use internal combustion engines from Soviet chainsaws. It’s not worth talking about the quality and reliability of such engines, since many units had too different production and operating conditions.

Some were made in bulk before the quarterly bonus, others for defense orders, but the engines that have survived to this day have one common problem. Today there is a real question about the production of motor gasoline and motor oil used for them. At the same time, boat motors assembled on the basis of motors from the Ural-2 chainsaw are reliable and unpretentious in everyday life.

Electric motor application

A separate interesting application for boat motors is the topic of using conventional electric motors as engines.

Modern technologies, in principle, allow the use of 36 and 127 volt DC motors as motors.

Sometimes there are thoughts about using other 220-volt engines on small boats.

One of the obstacles to the implementation of such projects is the need for power supplies and inverter converters, which produce 220 volts of alternating current from 12 volts of battery voltage.

And 220 volt alternating current on a small boat sooner or later ends in tragedy.

Homemade boat motor from a trimmer

The most promising from a construction point of view is the constructive solution of using a gasoline engine from a lawn mower or trimmer. Its big advantage is a ready-made solution that does not require modification of the upper gearbox, engine power supply system and control.

Almost all the parts are already ready for use; it is simply necessary, when using such a motor with a rubber boat, to improve the mounting design and use the appropriate length and carrying capacity of the boat.


Having considered all possible options for using engines with different purposes, assessing their positive aspects and problematic aspects, it is necessary to supplement the set of laws of the ancient Assyrian kings, which does not count the time spent in creative searches.

After all, the possibility of using an engine from a trimmer or windshield washer as a boat motor is within the capabilities of only those who are in love with creativity and who want to realize their dream.

Evgeniy Bronov

Reading time: 5 minutes


How to make a boat motor yourself?

With a limited budget and golden hands, you can not only do it yourself, but also the engine for it. There are several mechanisms that are not used for their original purpose, from which a good design can be obtained. This article will present options for obtaining a homemade outboard motor and manufacturing instructions.

In most houses and apartments you can find an old drill or screwdriver. Even in their new form, they are more affordable than an industrial motor. If they run on batteries and have a button to control the speed, then the principle of operation with an electric motor is similar.

  • Availability of battery as a power source.
  • A propeller with a gearbox sets the craft in motion.
  • The engine controls are a reverse button and a rotation speed control knob.

Most factory-made boat products are sealed, and therefore can be used in water. This fact is excluded when choosing a drill or screwdriver as a homemade boat motor, because they are not sealed.

But it is worth remembering that moisture penetration into the controls of an electric drill is fraught with trouble. The engine will stall and the ship will stop. The advantage is that it is very easy to find spare parts for the drill.

Another significant point is that it is not intended to operate continuously. This is not very suitable for boat engines. Therefore, it is advisable to create a power reserve to avoid overheating of the homemade product.

  1. You need to start from one hundred and fifty watts and more.
  2. In this case, it is realistic to choose a propeller with a diameter of one hundred and thirty millimeters.
  3. The total weight of the vessel is no more than three hundred kilograms.

The voltage of drills and screwdrivers can be different, as well as their batteries. But the capacity of the latter is not enough to control the boat. Then a car battery that produces twelve volts will do. It is better to choose a drill with a similar voltage.

Of course, a battery of batteries for any voltage will save the situation. But the cost of such a device can be expensive.

To make homemade motors for boats from a drill, you need to assemble a set of accessories and tools:

If you need to quickly remove the propeller, then it is advisable to make a lifting mechanism to control the motor in a vertical and horizontal position.

To create the mechanism, you need to equip the clamps with rings and pass a tube through them. This hinged device ensures the reliability of the steering wheel.

Gearbox and propeller

The rotation speed of the drill is slightly higher than that required to operate the propeller. The gearbox will adjust the difference.

  1. The upper gearbox is capable of reducing speed from one and a half thousand to three hundred. In this situation, a homemade motor will allow the boat to move smoothly.
  2. The lower gearbox is important for horizontal positioning of the propeller. If it is taken from an angle grinder, just clamp it in the screwdriver chuck.

To make a propeller, you need to select certain sections on a steel sheet. A square of two hundred by two hundred millimeters and a thickness of three is enough. Stainless steel is much more difficult to cut, but it is preferable and lasts longer. You can also use a blade from a household exhaust fan.

You need to make holes in the center of the sheet. They are necessary for the landing screw. The slits are made diagonally, leaving a circle of thirty millimeters in the center.

The blades should be round and equal. Each one must be rotated at a certain angle and direction of rotation so that there is no vibration of the screw.

A test “swim” is done in any container with water that will fit the propeller. You can go to a small pond and lower the propeller into the water without a boat. Such a test will show whether the made motor is ready for swimming.

A properly assembled electric motor will return a stream of water, but without vibration. If something goes wrong, a design made on , can always be improved with the help of a larger angle of inclination of the blades.

Before you make a motor for a boat, you need to understand how it will move with its help. It is important to take into account the weight of the vessel with all things, engine power, current strength and operating voltage. The motor power for a rubber or PVC boat must be at least twenty percent greater than the load power. This advantage will be useful in case of force majeure.

It is advisable to measure the voltage under load and during idling using a special device.

An excellent homemade boat motor can be made from a trimmer. Such an electric motor is made simply because of the similarity of the devices.

There is no need to take anything away from a trimmer or a walk-behind mower or greatly alter it. In particular, the top gearbox remains the same, as does the engine power supply and control system.

The option is considered very profitable and convenient, because the device contains a transmission and an engine. All that remains is to make a mount for the watercraft, remove the area with the disk and install the propeller. But let's not forget about the shortcomings.

  1. It is worth remembering that the motor for a boat from a trimmer has low power. It is difficult for such a device to swim against the current.
  2. A trimmer boat motor is ideal for moving on small bodies of water with standing water. And this is not always the ultimate dream of active recreation lovers.
  3. You will have to get used to the strong noise effect and smoke.

In general, such a homemade outboard motor is not a very cheap option due to the cost of the motor mower. But if it already exists and defects have appeared in it, it can easily be converted into an engine for a wide variety of models of floating craft. It is suitable for small boats; a plywood boat can withstand it due to its lightweight design, and an inflatable one too.

Homemade boat motor from a walk-behind tractor

If the previous option is considered low-power, then the device from a walk-behind tractor is the opposite. Equipment for working with land, as a rule, has reliable four-stroke internal combustion engines. This DIY boat motor is capable of carrying passengers even against the current at an impressive speed.

True, a decent volume does not allow installing such structures on PVC boats. At least on small ones. The principle of how to make a boat motor from a walk-behind tractor is as follows.

  • Together with the cutters, aluminum blades are placed in the same plane with the shaft.
  • The blades must be perpendicular to the movement of the vessel. These look like rectangular plates, half hidden under water. The rest moves freely through the air.
  • The device is attached to the hull of the craft and allows it to move easily even in shallow waters and bodies of water with rapid currents.

Possible homemade products for a PVC boat with your own hands

A homemade boat motor can be built from a ventilation engine or a stove from a passenger car. Or take the Gnome car compressor.

However, there are a number of disadvantages for such models.

  1. The first option is immersed on a shaft. But at the same time, the tightness is broken. We have to think about how to solve this problem quickly.
  2. The compressor is considered more powerful and is installed vertically on top. In this case, it is connected to the screw through an angular gearbox and a shaft.

It is possible to work with these structures if you have technical experience. Otherwise, it is better to contact a mechanic.

For example, someone who uses motor boats made without any help from plywood is able to cope with the modification of a walk-behind tractor.

With all the variety of outboard motors, do-it-yourself PVC for a vessel are acceptable options. Based on reviews, it can be judged that the duration of their operation does not differ from factory ones with proper modification and assembly.

It is worth remembering that before using it on deep water, you need to test the manufactured outboard motor with your own hands. This can be done at least near the shore of a reservoir. In any case, the experience gained will always help when faced with surprises in the operation of electric motors.

They once gave me a boat hull with two 380 brushed motors, with them he drove a maximum of 20 km/h. But I wanted more. In general, I am an aircraft modeller, but the season has come, in the summer our circle is closed. I'll tell you about it in the introduction.

What did I do with it first?.. To begin with, I removed all the electronics, and threw out everything except the motors (they might come in handy in case), left the deadwood, propeller and shaft the same, placed one deadwood in the center of the boat at the back, at first there was the same brushed motor , as before, but one, and with a large screw (40 mm), but for some reason it got very hot. and the regulator too. And then I suddenly found an airplane motor and regulator, and the idea came to mind to install this engine with a regulator. I installed everything, and after 3 days I decided to test it in a local park. Its speed is good (suits me), but the turning radius is huge (20 meters). I decided to redo the rudder, I made it entirely myself. I started making it from the steering wheel itself, the material for which was fiberglass with a thickness of 1-1.5 mm, after I marked everything out and cut it out, I began to make a loop. I took the technology for making hinges from the article “To prevent hinges from creaking”, one hinge took 20 minutes, I glued one half of the hinge with epoxy glue, I decided to make the fastening to the boat from a linden lath, in which I made a shallow cut for the hinge. I inserted a loop and glued it in, glued the hog. With this rudder, the boat began to steer very well, almost capsizing. And here is the video: I ordered a regulator that supports a 4-cell battery, I think the speed will increase with it.
Now the electronics that are currently on the boat:

And I almost forgot!!! More photos of the boat:

Thank you for reading, or watching my little article to the end. I will answer all questions with pleasure, and I will also accept advice.