We prepare estimates for construction and repairs. An example of an estimate for the renovation of a premises, important points when drawing up. Estimate for the construction of a house made of timber. Preparatory stage

More information on this topic HERE.

Local estimates for certain types of construction and installation work, as well as the cost of equipment, are compiled based on the following data:

  • parameters of buildings, structures, their parts and structural elements adopted according to working drawings;
  • volumes of work taken from statements of quantities for construction and installation work and determined from working drawings;
  • nomenclature and quantity of equipment, furniture and inventory adopted from custom specifications, statements and working drawings;
  • current estimated standards for types of work, structural elements, as well as wholesale, limit and, in some cases, one-time order prices for equipment, furniture and inventory.

The basis for determining the estimated cost of construction may be:

  • customer's initial data for the development of estimate documentation, pre-project and design documentation, including drawings, statements of volumes of construction and installation work, specifications and statements of equipment requirements, decisions on the organization and order of construction adopted in the construction organization project (COP), explanatory notes to design materials , and for additional work - author’s supervision sheets and acts for additional work identified during the period of construction and repair work;
  • current estimated standards, as well as selling prices and transportation costs for materials, equipment, furniture and inventory;
  • individual decisions of public authorities related to the relevant construction site.

When drawing up local estimates based on adopted technical solutions, priority in the selection of current estimate standards or methods for determining the estimated cost is based on the following conditions:

  • if there are approved price lists for the construction of buildings and structures, consolidated prices (UR) or consolidated estimate standards (USN), intended for use in drawing up estimates based on working drawings, then these consolidated estimate standards are accepted;
  • if there are no consolidated estimate standards, but there are estimates for standard and reusable economical individual projects tied to local construction conditions, then these estimates are accepted;
  • if there are no consolidated estimate standards, as well as estimates for standard and re-used economical individual projects tied to local construction conditions, then single prices for building structures or for certain types of construction and installation work from the relevant collections and catalogs are accepted.

In relation to the characteristics of certain types of construction, the specialization of contracting construction and installation organizations, and the structure of design documentation, local estimates are drawn up:

  • a) for buildings and structures:
for construction work, special construction work, internal sanitary work, internal electrical lighting, electric power plants, technological and other types of equipment, instrumentation and automation, low-current devices (communications, alarms, etc.), purchase fixtures, furniture, equipment and other work;
  • b) for general site works:
for vertical planning, installation of utility networks, paths and roads, landscaping, small architectural forms and others.

Estimated documentation is drawn up in a certain sequence, moving from small to larger construction elements, which represent the type of work (costs) - object - launch complex - construction phase - construction (construction) as a whole.

If only one main purpose object is being built at the construction site according to the project, without the construction of auxiliary and auxiliary objects (for example: in industry - a workshop building for the main purpose; in transport - a railway station building; in housing and civil engineering - a residential building, a theater, a school building etc.), then the concept of “object” may coincide with the concept of “construction”.

It is allowed to draw up two or more local estimates for the same type of work when designing complex buildings and structures, when developing technical documentation for construction by several design organizations, as well as when forming estimated costs for launch complexes.

In local estimates it is made grouping data into sections for individual structural elements of the building (structures), types of work and devices. The grouping order must match technological sequence of work and take into account the specific features of individual types of construction. This procedure should be regulated by industry regulations. In this case, buildings and structures can be divided into an underground part ("zero cycle" work) and an above-ground part.

Based on the mentioned grouping principles:

  • a local estimate for construction work may have sections: earthworks; foundations and walls of the underground part; walls; frame; floors; partitions; floors and bases; coverings and roofs; filling openings: stairs and platforms; finishing works; various works (porches, blind areas, etc.), etc.;
  • a local estimate for special construction work may have sections: foundations for equipment; special grounds; channels and pits; lining, lining and insulation; chemical protective coatings, etc.;
  • a local estimate for internal sanitary work may have sections: water supply; sewerage; heating; ventilation and air conditioning, etc.;
  • a local estimate for equipment installation may have sections: acquisition and installation of process equipment; process pipelines; metal structures (related to the installation of equipment), etc.

For relatively simple objects, the estimated cost may not be grouped into sections.

The volume of work is calculated for estimates for the detailed design or working documentation in the units of measurement of estimate standards adopted in collections of elemental estimate standards (m3, m2, t, pcs., etc.). It should be noted that estimated volumes mean any quantities determined from drawings and used in determining the estimated cost.

The calculation of the volume of work should be carried out in a certain sequence, corresponding to the technology for performing the work, so that the results of previously performed calculations can be used for subsequent stages.

In design organizations, the volume of work on the building as a whole is calculated, as a rule, by designers, usually by technicians. For greater accuracy, it is recommended that estimates be checked by qualified estimators.

When drawing up a bill of quantities, you must adhere to the following sequence:

  • familiarization with design materials and placing them in the order most convenient for the user;
  • development and preparation of tabular forms, compilation of auxiliary tables and calculations for standard products, structural elements and parts of the building;
  • calculating the scope of work using design specifications;
  • calculation of volumes for structural elements and types of work not covered when calculating according to the specification.

The bill of quantities for general construction work is divided into calculations for individual completed structural elements and types of work.

When preparing local estimates, they are usually divided into sections. The designed building is conventionally divided into parts - structural elements. All work related to one structural element is grouped in one section of the estimate (finishing work - internal and external - are considered as independent structural elements). In addition, the estimates highlight the underground and above-ground parts of the building.

Similar to the construction of estimates, statements of calculation of the volume of work are also compiled with division into the same sections.
In housing -

In civil engineering, the list of structural elements (sections) is as follows:

A. Underground part of the building: B. Aboveground part of the building:
1. Excavation work
9. Balconies and porches
10. Interior decoration
10. Interior decoration
11. Exterior decoration

Internal special construction work:

1. Electric lighting
2. Ventilation and air conditioning
4. TV input

For industrial construction, an approximate list of sections of the work volume calculation sheet is as follows:

A. Underground part: B. Aboveground part:
1. Excavation work
2. Bases for foundations
4. Basement walls
17. Poyoms (windows, doors, gates, lanterns)
7. Windows and doors (openings)
20. Interior finishing
10. Interior finishing
21. Exterior finishing
11. Exterior finishing

The main function of estimate standards is to determine the standard amount of resources, the minimum necessary and sufficient to perform the corresponding type of work, as the basis for the subsequent transition to cost indicators.

Considering that the estimated standards are developed on the basis of the principle of averaging with minimization of the consumption of all necessary resources, it should be taken into account that the standards are not adjusted towards their reduction.

Estimated standards and prices provide for the work to be carried out under normal (standard) conditions, not complicated by external factors. When carrying out work in special conditions: cramped conditions, gas pollution, near operating equipment, in areas with specific factors (high mountains, etc.) - the coefficients given in the general provisions of the relevant collections of standards and prices are applied to the estimated standards and prices.

State, production-industry, territorial, company and individual estimate standards form a system of pricing and estimate standardization in construction.

State estimate standards include estimate standards that are part of group 8 of subgroups 81, 82 and 83 “Documents on Economics”.

In the absence of separate standards for the work technologies envisaged in the project in the current collections of estimate standards and prices, it is allowed to develop appropriate individual estimate standards and unit prices, which are approved by the customer (investor) as part of the project (detailed design). Individual estimate standards and prices are developed taking into account the specific conditions of work with all complicating factors.

The use of proprietary and individual estimate standards to determine the cost of construction, the financing of which is carried out using federal budget funds, is recommended after their coordination with the relevant authorized federal executive body in the field of construction.

When applying individual estimate standards and prices, the increasing coefficients given in Appendix No. 1 of MDS 81-35.2004 are not applied to them.

To determine the estimated cost of construction of the designed enterprises, buildings, structures or their queues, estimate documentation is drawn up, consisting of:

  • local estimates;
  • local estimate calculations;
  • object estimates;
  • object estimate calculations;
  • estimates for certain types of costs;
  • summary estimates of the cost of construction (repair);
  • cost summaries, etc.

Local estimates refer to primary estimate documents and are compiled for certain types of work and costs for buildings and structures or for general site work based on the volumes determined during the development of working documentation (DD).

Local estimates calculations are drawn up in cases where the scope of work and the amount of costs are not finally determined and are subject to clarification on the basis of the RD, or in cases where the scope of work, the nature and methods of their implementation cannot be sufficiently accurately determined during the design and are clarified during the construction process.

Estimates for certain types of costs are drawn up in cases where it is necessary to determine the limit of funds for the entire construction project necessary to reimburse costs that are not taken into account by the estimated standards (compensation in connection with the seizure of land for development; costs associated with the use of benefits and surcharges, established by decisions of government bodies, etc.).

Consolidated estimates of the cost of construction (repair) of enterprises, buildings and structures (or their queues) are compiled on the basis of object estimates, object estimates and estimates for individual types of costs.

In cases where, along with industrial objects, design and estimate documentation is drawn up for objects of housing, civil and other purposes, it is recommended to draw up an estimate document (cost summary) that determines the cost of construction of enterprises, buildings, structures or their queues.

Simultaneously with the estimate documentation as part of the project (detailed design) and RD, a statement of the estimated cost of construction of facilities included in the launch complex, and a statement of the estimated cost of objects and work on environmental protection can be developed.

It is recommended to draw up a statement of the estimated cost of the objects included in the launch complex in the case when the construction and commissioning of an enterprise, building and structure is planned to be carried out by separate launch complexes. A statement of the estimated cost of construction of objects included in the launch complex is provided as part of the project (detailed design), and as part of the RD in cases where the estimated cost of objects and work is clarified according to working drawings. The specified statement includes the estimated cost of the objects included in the launch complex, as well as general site work and costs, while the numbering of objects, work and costs adopted in the consolidated estimate calculation is preserved.

In cases where a statement of the estimated cost of the objects included in the launch complex is not compiled, in the summary estimate, after the sum for the object estimates (estimates), the results for the chapters and the consolidated estimate, the amounts of the corresponding costs for the launch complexes are given in brackets.

When designing enterprises and structures, the construction of which is carried out in stages, separate object estimates related to the stage and full development, summary estimates of the cost of construction of each stage of construction and for full development (summary of costs for the full development of the enterprise) are compiled.

If two or more general contractors are involved in the construction, the estimated cost of work and expenses to be carried out by each general contractor is recommended to be drawn up in a separate statement drawn up in relation to the consolidated estimate.

When drawing up local estimates (estimates), prices from the corresponding collections are used, and in each position of the local estimate (estimate) a standard code is indicated, consisting of the collection number (two characters), section number (two characters), the serial number of the table in this section (three characters) and the serial number of the norm in this table (one two characters). The parameters of individual characteristics (length, height, area, mass, etc.) given with the word “to” should be understood inclusive, and with the word “from” - excluding the specified value, i.e. above.

  • Coefficients taking into account the conditions of work and complicating factors are given in Appendix No. to MDS 81-35.2004.

If complicating factors are taken into account by elemental estimate standards and unit prices, the coefficients given in Appendix No. 1 are not applied.

When referring in local estimates (estimates) to the technical part or introductory instructions of price collections or other regulatory documents in the column “code, standard numbers and resource codes” after the number of the collection and price, the initial letters PM or VU and the number of the corresponding item are indicated, for example: PM-5 or VU-4, and when taking into account coefficients (given in Appendix No. 1) in the positions of local estimates (estimates) that take into account the conditions of work, column 2 of the estimate indicates the value of this coefficient, as well as the abbreviated name and paragraph of the regulatory document.

Work performed during the repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures, similar to technological processes in new construction, should be standardized according to the relevant collections of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction work (except for the standards of the collection of GESN No. 46 “Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures”) using coefficients 1.15 to the norms for labor costs and 1.25 to the norms for the operating time of construction machines. The specified coefficients may be used in conjunction with the coefficients given in Appendix 1 to this Methodology.

For work in which the production technology includes welding of metal structures, rolled metal, steel pipes, sheet metal, embedded parts and other metal products, elemental estimate standards and unit prices are developed based on the conditions of using carbon steel.
When applying stainless steel to the labor cost standards provided for in unit prices, it is recommended to apply a coefficient of 1.15.

The cost determined by local estimates includes direct costs, overhead costs and planned savings.

Direct costs take into account the basic wages of workers, the cost of materials, products, structures and operation of construction machines. They are determined in local estimates by multiplying the volume of work accepted according to working drawings by the corresponding price. The rules for determining the scope of work and instructions for the application of prices are given in the technical parts of the collections of estimate standards, as well as in the Instructions for the application of uniform regional unit prices for building structures and work and in the Instructions for the application of prices for the installation of equipment.

Overhead costs take into account the costs of construction and installation organizations associated with the creation of general production conditions, its maintenance, organization and management.

Planned savings (Estimated profit) represent the standard profit of construction and installation organizations, taken into account in the estimated cost of construction and installation work.

All estimated standards used to determine direct costs must be adopted for the conditions of the region of the country in which construction is planned, taking into account the rules contained in the Instructions for the application of uniform regional unit prices for building structures and work, Instructions for the application of prices for installation of equipment and in technical parts of the relevant collections of estimate standards.

Local estimates separately show the cost of standard conditionally net products (NCPP), adopted for planning labor productivity in construction and installation organizations, as well as standard labor intensity and estimated wages.

The accrual of overhead costs and planned savings (Estimated profit) when preparing local estimates is made at the end of the estimate after the total of direct costs, and when creating estimates by sections - at the end of each section and for the estimate as a whole.

Data on the cost of equipment, furniture and inventory are included in local estimates in the manner prescribed in the chapters of the MDS on the rules for determining the estimated cost of equipment, the development and application of estimated cost standards for tools and inventory of industrial buildings and the development and application of estimated cost standards for equipment and inventory of public and administrative buildings.

In cases where, in accordance with design data, structures (metal, reinforced concrete and others) are dismantled, buildings and structures are demolished, as a result of which it is planned to obtain structures, materials and products suitable for reuse, or certain materials are extracted incidentally to construction ( stone, gravel, timber, etc.), following the results of local estimates for dismantling, demolition (relocation) of buildings and structures and other work, refundable amounts are given for reference, i.e. amounts that reduce the amount of capital investments allocated to the customer, not excluded from the total of the local estimates and the volume of work performed.

Refundable amounts are shown in a separate line entitled “Including refundable amounts” and are determined on the basis of the product range and quantity of structures, materials and products received for subsequent use, which are also given after the final estimate. The cost of such structures, materials and products as part of refundable amounts is determined according to wholesale price lists minus from these amounts the costs of bringing them into a usable condition and delivering them to storage locations. The cost of materials obtained by way of incidental mining, if it is impossible to use them in this construction, but if there is the possibility of sale, is taken into account at prices ex-place of procurement (ex-quarry - for local materials and minerals; ex-cutting area - for wood obtained from deforestation, etc.).

If it is impossible (confirmed by relevant documents) to use or sell materials from disassembly or associated mining, their cost is not taken into account in the refund amounts.

When using equipment that is included in the fixed assets and is planned for dismantling and transferring to a building under construction (reconstruction) within the boundaries of an expanded, reconstructed or technically re-equipped operating enterprise, local estimates provide only funds for the dismantling and re-installation of this equipment, and at the end of the estimate For reference, its book value is shown, taken into account in the general cost limit for determining the approving authority and technical and economic indicators of the project (detailed design), except for technical re-equipment.

If two or more general contractors are involved in the construction, the estimated cost of work and expenses to be carried out by each general contractor is recommended to be drawn up in a separate statement drawn up in relation to the consolidated estimate.

Additional activities of contractors related to the organization of construction and installation work are reflected in the construction organization project and are taken into account in the consolidated estimate.

To determine the estimated cost of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (or their queues), it is recommended to draw up the following documentation:

  • as part of the project (working draft):
  • cost summary (if necessary);
  • summary estimate of the cost of construction (repair);
  • object and local estimate calculations;
  • estimates for certain types of costs;
  • as part of the working documentation (DD) - site and local estimates.

Estimate documentation is drawn up at the current price level.

  • In the estimate documentation it is allowed to indicate the cost of work in two price levels:
  • at the basic level, determined on the basis of the current estimated norms and prices of 2001;
  • at the current level, determined on the basis of prices prevailing at the time of drawing up the estimate documentation.

The estimate documentation is numbered in the following order.

The numbering of local estimates (estimates) is carried out during the formation of an object-based estimate (estimate), taking into account the number and name of the chapter of the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction in which it (she) is included.

As a rule, the numbering of local estimates (local estimate calculations) is carried out as follows:

  1. the first two digits correspond to the chapter number of the consolidated estimate,
  2. the second two digits are the line number in the chapter
  3. the third two digits mean the serial number of the local estimate (estimate) in this object estimate (estimate).

For example: No. 02-04-12

The numbers of object estimates (object estimates) according to such a numbering system do not include the last two digits corresponding to the numbers of local estimates (estimates).

For example: No. 02-04

It is recommended to present the calculation results and final data in the estimate documentation as follows:

  • in local estimates (estimates), line-by-line and total figures are rounded to whole rubles;
  • in object estimates (estimates), the final figures from local estimates (estimates) are shown in thousands of rubles (at the current price level) rounded to two decimal places;
  • in summary estimates of the cost of construction or repairs (cost summaries), the total amounts from object estimates (estimates) are shown in thousands of rubles, rounded to two decimal places.

The results of calculations and final data in calculations of construction costs are presented similarly.

When drawing up estimates (calculations), the following methods for determining cost can be used:

  • resourceful;
  • resource-index;
  • base-index;
  • based on enlarged estimate standards, incl. a data bank on the cost of previously constructed or designed analogue facilities.

When drawing up local estimates (estimates), the conditions of work and complicating factors are taken into account.

Coefficients taking into account the conditions of work and complicating factors are given in Appendix No. 1 of MDS 81-35.2004.

If complicating factors taken into account by elemental estimate standards and unit prices, the coefficients given in Appendix No. 1 do not apply.

When referring to the technical part in local estimates (estimates) or introductory instructions for collections of prices or other regulatory documents in the column “code, numbers of standards and resource codes” after the number of the collection and prices is indicated with the initial letters PM or VU and the number of the corresponding item, for example: PM-5 or VU-4, and when taken into account in positions of local estimates (estimates) of coefficients (given in Appendix No. 1), taking into account the conditions of work, column 2 of the estimate indicates the value of this coefficient, as well as the abbreviated name and paragraph of the regulatory document.

When drawing up local estimates (estimates) for reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, complicating factors and conditions for the production of such work are taken into account, using the appropriate coefficients given in the relevant collections of estimate norms and prices (“General Provisions” ).

When performing certain types of work in accordance with construction technology, individual materials (formwork, fastening, etc.) are used several times, i.e. turn around. Their repeated turnover is taken into account in the estimated standards and the prices compiled on their basis for the corresponding structures and types of work. In cases where it is impossible to achieve the standard turnover rate of industrial formwork, fastenings, etc. at the facility, what should be justified by the PIC, the norm is adjusted.

The cost of equipment, furniture and inventory is included in local estimates (estimates).

When using equipment included in fixed assets , suitable for further operation and planned for dismantling and transfer to a building under construction (reconstruction), local estimates (estimates) provide only funds for dismantling and re-installation of this equipment, and the result of the estimate shows its book value, taken into account in the general limit, for reference cost to determine the technical and economic indicators of the project.


* Structures, materials and products taken into account in refundable amounts should be distinguished from the so-called revolving materials (formwork, fastening, etc.), used in accordance with construction technology several times when performing certain types of construction work. Their repeated turnover is taken into account in the estimated standards and the uniform regional unit prices compiled on their basis for the corresponding structures and types of work.


MDS 81-33.2004

I. Administrative expenses

15. Expenses associated with official travel of administrative and economic personnel within the location of the organization.

19. Expenses associated with the payment of relocation costs for administrative and business personnel, including employees servicing official passenger vehicles, and payment of lifting allowances for them in accordance with the current legislation on compensation and guarantees for transfer, re-employment and assignment to work in other areas.

20. Expenses for business trips related to the production activities of administrative and economic personnel, including employees servicing official passenger vehicles, based on the standards established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including:

  • - travel of the employee to the place of business trip and back to the place of permanent work;
  • - daily allowance and (or) field allowance within the limits of standards approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • - registration and issuance of visas, passports, vouchers, invitations and other similar documents;
  • - consular, port, airfield fees, fees for the right of entry, passage, transit of automobile and other transport, for the use of sea canals, other similar structures and other similar payments and fees;
  • - rental of residential premises.

List of overhead cost items in construction
III. Costs of organizing work on construction sites

13. Expenses for the relocation of linear construction organizations and their structural divisions within the construction site (with the exception of expenses for the relocation of construction machinery and mechanisms included in the cost of machine-hours, as well as expenses for the relocation of construction organizations and their structural divisions to other construction sites).

V. Costs not taken into account in overhead rates, but included in overhead expenses

9. Expenses reimbursed by construction customers from other costs related to the contractor’s activities:

  • a) costs of transporting employees living at a distance of more than three kilometers, to the place of work and back by road transport (own or rented), if municipal or suburban transport is not able to provide their transportation and it is not possible to organize transportation by organizing special routes of urban passenger transport; additional costs associated with attracting funds from a construction organization on a contractual basis with local executive authorities to cover the costs of transporting workers on public ground urban passenger transport routes (except taxis), in excess of the amounts determined based on the current tariffs for the relevant types of transport;
  • b) additional costs associated with the implementation of contract work on a rotational basis;
  • c) costs of relocating construction organizations and their divisions to other construction sites;
  • g) costs associated with sending workers to perform construction, installation and special construction work. For tax purposes, these costs are accepted in the amounts established by law;


  • MDS 81-35.2004 Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • MDS 83-1.99 Methodological recommendations for determining the amount of funds for wages in contract prices and estimates for construction and wages for workers of construction, installation and repair organizations
  • GSNr 81-05-02-2001 (Collection of estimated standards for additional costs when carrying out repair and construction work in winter)
  • GSN 81-05-01-2001 (Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures)
  • GSNr-81-05-01-2001 (Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures during repair and construction work)
  • Letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the State Committee for Construction dated October 10, 1991 No. 1336-VK/1-D “On the amount of funds for bonuses for commissioning production capacities and construction projects.”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 31.05.00 No. 420, letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 10.03.98 No. VB-20-82/12 “On payment of expenses for voluntary insurance of construction risks.”

  • Letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated March 18, 1998 No. VB-20-98/12 “On accounting for leasing payments in estimate documentation.”
  • Letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2003 No. NK-6848/10 “On the procedure for allocating costs for commissioning work.”

  • Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 2003 No. 17 “On standard costs for maintaining the customer-developer service during the construction of facilities for state needs at the expense of the federal budget for 2003-2004.”
  • Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1997 No. 18-44 “The procedure for determining the cost of work to carry out the examination of pre-project and design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

  • MDS 81-7.2000 Methodological manual for calculating costs for the service of the customer-developer
  • A practical guide edited by P.V. Goryachkina “Drawing up estimates in construction based on the estimate and regulatory framework of 2001.”

This page presents some examples of estimates for construction and repair work.
This examples of construction estimates for work already completed (once upon a time, by someone) or abstract estimates on standard roof repair, premises renovation, office renovation etc.

All the estimates presented here have one thing in common: all of them were compiled in the Estimate 2007 program.

The estimates given here will clearly show you what it looks like estimate created in the Estimate 2007 program.
The presented files may also contain others that ours can create: KS-2, KS-3, Invoice, Contract Agreement, etc.

For convenience, the list of estimates is divided into groups and each estimate is provided with a brief description.
Click on the title to download the estimate.

Select group: All groups Landscaping Roof repair Premises repair

The estimate includes a calculation of the cost of work and materials for repairing the metal roof section of a public building (not a private house). According to the estimate, the following work is carried out: complete replacement of metal roofing on the roof section with preliminary repair of the sheathing and treatment of wooden elements with a fire-retardant composition. The area of ​​the roof section being repaired is 730 m2.

Estimate for major repairs of the soft roof of the technical floor. Roof area 1,300 m2. The estimate includes calculations for the following work: dismantling the old roofing carpet with garbage removal, dismantling inactive ventilation pipes, installing a new sand concrete screed, priming and installing a new two-layer roofing carpet made of "Uniflex" on fiberglass.

Very revealing office renovation estimate- 500 lines, 11 sections: general construction and finishing works, ventilation and air conditioning, water supply and sewerage, structured cabling systems, access control system and other works.

Building a house is a troublesome and expensive task. Can you estimate how much it will cost you to build it? Unfortunately, not every organization will undertake to tell you a certain amount, because it is very difficult to take into account all the nuances, pitfalls and unforeseen expenses during construction. That is why large construction companies have entire departments for preparing estimates. Those companies that do not have such departments turn to specialized companies.

Estimate is...

An estimate for the construction of a house is a mandatory document, without which no contractor will begin work.

As a rule, when constructing a building, the largest costs are for construction materials and payments to contractors. When calculating the cost of work, the following are taken into account:

  • Scope of work;
  • Technologies that will be used;
  • Construction time;
  • How the project will be financed (time frame and volumes).

With the help of the estimate, the customer can control the construction time frame, the compliance of the planned work and the work completed over a certain period.

Thus, an estimate for the construction of a house helps to streamline the work schedule and the flow of finances during the work.

Often, having decided to build, clients submit applications for estimates to several companies at once. The difference in the final cost of the building can be significant. The reason for this phenomenon is different suppliers of materials, number of workers, etc. By comparing estimates from different organizations for the same amount of work, you can objectively assess how you can wisely save money without sacrificing quality. .

Important details when drawing up an estimate

Very often, insignificant costs, which many do not take into account, result in large sums. For example, resolving bureaucratic issues can take up to 15% of the cost of the property. Transport costs may also seem like a small thing. Without taking them into account, you will be very surprised at the final cost of the building. However, the following items are required:

  • Development of estimates for all documentation items;
  • If the estimate was prepared by another organization, mandatory verification and adjustment;
  • The estimate for building a house must be agreed upon by expert organizations.

In addition to minor expenses, a certain percentage of the funds spent are unforeseen expenses. In the documentation they are allocated 2%, but very often the real figure exceeds the planned one.

How are estimates prepared?

Due to the fact that the estimate is the most important financial document, its preparation is carried out according to certain rules. Some of them were approved back in Soviet times. For example, previously the estimate was drawn up by the organization that developed the project. She received 10% (of the cost of construction work) for and, accordingly, 1% for the estimate.

Sometimes this practice still occurs, but in general today processes are automated. Despite the presence of various programs, it is still more difficult to prepare estimates than in those days due to the variety of modern materials, technologies, construction companies, etc. Depending on the qualifications of workers and competition, you can overpay or save. But savings do not always benefit quality.

Three methods for calculating estimates

Let's look at what types of calculations there are and in which case which type is better to use.

  1. Estimate for building a house, compiled using a labor-intensive method. Often used for small buildings. The construction company tells the client the amount necessary to pay for their services, and the materials and their delivery are provided by the customer himself. With this method, there are no written agreements or guarantees on the part of the contractor, but it does exist. .
  1. Universal method. The document consists of a section where the main points of the work are listed step by step, as well as an appendix indicating the cost of materials and their transportation. Such an estimate for building a house will help you better control costs. Disadvantage - the document does not fully reflect some types of costs. For example, “overhead” refers to salaries, taxes and several other expense items.
  2. Detailed estimate. The name speaks for itself. Such a document must be drawn up for large-scale construction. The most detailed estimate for building a house reflects only the latest information on prices for building materials and other cost components. The documentation is easy to understand even for an uninitiated person.

Below are examples of prepared estimates.

Anyone who wants to build a house or renovate an apartment initially calculates how much it will cost him. For complete clarity, it is necessary to draw up a list of necessary materials and work, as well as their cost. Based on this, you can find out how much money you will need. And also decide whether to involve builders or do everything yourself. Not everyone knows how to draw up an estimate, what items to include in it and how to calculate everything correctly. Let's try to figure this out.

What is an estimate

An estimate is a document that systematizes all costs for upcoming construction or repairs. You can easily do this yourself, without having specially developed programs.

How to make an estimate on your own? All you need is Excel on your computer. Calculation of funds and materials must be done very carefully to avoid mistakes and exceeding planned costs. It should display everything down to the smallest detail.

Common mistakes

When drawing up estimates, many make mistakes, which then come to light and provoke unforeseen expenses:

  • Calculations are carried out without a preliminary inspection of the facility where the work will be performed.
  • Additional costs that may arise due to force majeure circumstances are not included.
  • The full list of works and materials is not taken into account.

The main expenditure document for repairs or construction requires a serious approach and accurate calculations. Otherwise, you may get incorrect results.

What is necessary for competent budgeting

Before drawing up an estimate for construction or repairs, you first need to inspect the property. After this, you should make a list of all the work being carried out.

How to make an estimate correctly? You need to know construction technology. Without this, it is impossible to competently and correctly calculate and record all upcoming expenses. Therefore, we recommend that before drawing up an estimate, you study the sequence of the production cycle of the work that needs to be estimated. This will help to understand the need for operations and the need for building materials.

Main items of the estimate

Any construction estimate consists of three main items:

  • materials;
  • Job;
  • transport.

All other items (cost of electricity, equipment operation, etc.) are added to them.

The first position indicates a list of necessary materials for each cycle of work, unit of measurement, quantity and price. For example: brick, glue, plaster, cement, wallpaper, linoleum and others. This also includes “consumables” (brushes, rollers, gloves, etc.). Before making an estimate, find out the cost of materials directly in the store, or search on the Internet on sites specializing in the sale of building materials.

The second position includes a list of all actions performed. Here it is necessary to take into account both preparatory and finishing work, their complexity and the conditions in which they are carried out. For example, you need to cover a room with new wallpaper. To do this, you will need to carry out preparatory work: remove the old coating, clean the walls, prime them. The approximate cost of the necessary work can be found in the advertisements.

The “transport” position includes: delivery of materials, unloading, removal and removal of construction waste, indicating each item on a separate line. Information on the cost of these services is provided in the companies' price lists.

Drawing up an estimate for apartment renovation

How to correctly draw up an estimate in order to carefully plan renovation work in an apartment and complete it in a short time with minimal costs? First you need to decide what kind of repair you will do: cosmetic or major. The amount of materials needed and the amount of work depend on this. If you decide to carry out a major overhaul, the estimate should be divided into two parts:

  • repair and finishing works;
  • roughing and finishing materials.

How to learn how to make an estimate to avoid mistakes? To do this, you should inspect all the premises of the apartment, measure the surface area of ​​the walls, floors, window slopes, make a list of finishing and rough materials, determine the cost and scope of work for each room separately.


Let's give an example of how to create an estimate for repairs. Prices and material consumption are fictitious.

Repair and finishing works:

Work location

Type of work

Unit of measurement


Price per unit of measurement, rub.

Total amount, rub.








Laying tiles

Skirting boards



Sockets, switches


Consumables and finishing materials:


Unit of measurement


Price per unit

Total amount

Starting putty

Finishing putty

Wallpaper glue

Acrylic paint

Tile adhesive

Skirting boards

Socket, switch




To get preliminary results of apartment renovation costs, you need to add up the totals from each column.

18819 + 7870 + 4000 = 30689 (rub.)

You should know that the final costs are always 10-15% more.

30689 + 15% = 35292.35 (RUB)

The principle of calculating construction costs does not differ from the estimate for repairs. Only production cycles and materials will change. How to create an estimate for construction with minimal costs? To do this, you need to carefully plan all the work, clarify what materials will be needed, and find out the prices.

Drawing up an estimate is a very important stage from which you need to begin any repair or construction. A correctly drawn up document will help you carefully plan and rationally distribute costs - both material and money. The main thing is to take the calculations seriously and perform them as accurately as possible.

There are “alternative estimate documents”, please order if you wish. Samples of document forms are mainly used for internal use in order to view in detail and calculate the costs included in the estimate documentation. They eliminate the need to use a calculator and have any in-depth knowledge of budgeting.

Examples of estimates and calculations for construction, repair and installation:

Examples and sample documents are presented tentatively and therefore serve as a guide for understanding the work being performed. All requirements for estimate documentation and acts are indicated in the letter and then agreed with us.

Standard forms of documents (sample) for construction:

Help on form KS3

Defective statement (bill of quantities)

Consolidated estimate calculation (SSR)

Object estimate (OS)

List of resources (calculation of material requirements)

Local estimate calculation (LS)

Costing for work in Excel