Foam blocks quantity calculation online calculator. How to calculate foam blocks for a house? How much and what to consider. Online calculator for calculating a house made of foam blocks with siding, a strip block foundation, a wooden-beamed ceiling, a slate roof Skol

Every time a construction project is started, one has to calculate the financial costs, regardless of whether a house is being built with one's own hands, with the help of neighbors or by professional builders. Significant differences will be in the timing, quality of work performed, but most importantly - in the price of the entire event.

You can reduce risks and get a high-quality result by attracting a certified professional contractor. The preliminary cost of building a house can be calculated using an online construction calculator.

Methods of calculation for the performance of construction work

Calculations can be made in three ways:

  1. Measurements on the design area.
  2. Building area calculations.
  3. Definition by construction volumes.

The first two methods at the output give an overestimated estimate figure. It includes additional costs for the alleged overrun of the material, the allowable rise in the cost of its cost. The possibility of additional unforeseen expenses is taken into account.

The third approach (calculation by real volumes) is more accurate and objective. It takes into account the work that will be directly carried out. The volume of completion for each segment of the construction is considered. Therefore, at the stage of drawing up an estimate, the customer has the opportunity, without violating the project, to make his wishes for individual structures (for example, for ceilings, roofing). Deviations from the total cost are possible within 15%.

According to the last principle, unlike many other resources, a unique mathematical calculator for calculating the construction of a house from the website works.

Algorithms for calculating the online calculator for building a house

The calculation is based on simple mathematics. First, to determine the volume, you need to set the value of the width, length and height (thickness) of a certain structure.

Secondly, building codes and regulations that apply to specific structures selected for the project are taken into account.

Thirdly, the actual price of the materials used, the tools used, the equipment involved, and the labor of specialists are taken into account. It is important that the price of building materials is stable, there are no sharp jumps. This is possible due to the presence of its own warehouse-shop with materials.

Fourthly, the calculations are based on existing and approved drawings. Therefore, when designing a house on our construction calculator, you get a result that is associated with real projects. The constant practice of contract work allows us to take into account all, even small, current costs. That is why the construction cost calculations on this online calculator are more accurate than on similar services.

Fifthly, the reliability of the result is ensured by adding up individual calculations for each segment of the construction:

  • laying the foundation;
  • erection of walls and ceilings;
  • roofing work with the arrangement of the chimney;
  • installation of stairs, windows, doors;
  • facade design.

In addition, you can use our calculator to calculate the cost of building or repairing individual structures of your home.

Features of the formation of the price of work for different elements of the structure


Before starting the calculations, you need to decide on the type of its design. In the settings of our calculator, the following foundation options are provided:

  • tape on piles;
  • tiled monolith;
  • monolith with plinth;
  • with basement.

The design is selected taking into account the mass of the designed structure and the characteristics of the soil geology at the site.

Next, for calculations, you need to specify the dimensions of the desired building (width, length) and the thickness of the foundation. We get three figures: the price of the work, the cost of materials, the final cost. This result will appear at each stage.

The scheme is similar. We choose which walls we will build, and the height of the floor. We suggest paying attention to:

  • cellular concrete blocks;
  • ceramic brick walls;
  • porous ceramic blocks.

It is worth knowing that the calculator will consider building a house from blocks a little more expensive than in the case of brickwork. But we advise you to initially choose the material according to the characteristics, and not the price.


The construction of floors is of particular interest for its ability to combine various options. The online construction calculator offers to separately select floors for the basement and floor. Also, the difference in design is presented to your attention:

  • beams wooden or glued;
  • concrete slabs or monolith.

In your choice, it is important to proceed from the general requirements for the structure under construction and financial capabilities. With proper selection of floors, you can even save. For example, it is better to use concrete between the basement and the first floor. The house will be better protected from moisture coming from below, and the floors will withstand a lot of weight. At the heart of the attic floor, you can use wood, which is less durable than concrete, but cheaper. It will also improve thermal insulation.

If you are as safe as possible in terms of fire safety, it is better to turn to concrete partitions. However, it is important to take into account the capabilities of load-bearing structures (foundation, walls) in terms of withstanding a significant load.

Roof and chimney

The difference in their assortment lies only in price and aesthetics. The elements fully perform their functions, regardless of the price. Pay attention to the following types of tiles:

  • natural;
  • composite;
  • bituminous (soft);
  • metal.

The latter option is characterized by the greatest prevalence in modern construction. The chimney can be chosen from brick, ceramic or stainless steel.


The staircase is one of the elements of the house that cannot be defined in terms of volume. An online calculator for calculating the construction of a house determines the price of stairs based on the material of manufacture and the number of floors. They can be wooden, metal, monolithic (made of reinforced concrete).

Windows, doors

A unique feature of the home construction calculator from the site is the accounting of the areas allocated for window and door openings. When you specify the number of windows and doors, the total cost of building a house according to the calculator will be lower due to a decrease in the calculated volumes of wall materials.

Exterior decoration is needed not only for the exterior, but also for its heat and sound insulation of the building. An online calculator for determining the cost of building a house shows options for facade design using:

  • clinker tiles;
  • facing bricks;
  • "wet facade" technologies;
  • ordinary plaster.

The latter option is cheaper, but the plaster must be applied to walls that, due to their thickness, provide thermal protection.

Using the construction calculator on the site will help you not only present the cost of the work, but also develop a preliminary detailed design of an aerated concrete house. Calculation accuracy is guaranteed by the combination of theoretical calculations with real experience in many construction projects.

Most contracting organizations are persistently instilling in people's minds the opinion that it is cheapest to build a country house from a foam block. To test this statement, you should not rush to order a project. Practice shows that the cost of housing construction is not affordable for every developer. Therefore, the need for economical spending of finances comes to the fore. Before deciding to build a turnkey house, you should study the features of foam concrete, learn how to correctly calculate the estimate. Read about how to build an extension to a house from foam blocks.

The main items of expenditure that affect the calculation of construction:

1. Architectural plan - The development and approval of documentation is carried out in the relevant state bodies. The total cost of the service depends on the total area and number of floors of the house. The initial price of the project is 15,000 rubles.

2. Arrangement of the foundation - Since foam concrete has a low mass of blocks, the construction does not require the creation of a powerful buried foundation. When laying the foundation of a one-story building, you can get by with a lightweight structure with a reinforcing cage. Materials will cost inexpensively - 120,000 - 150,000 rubles, depending on the region.

3. Basement construction - 5-6 foam blocks 20 × 30 × 50 cm in size will be required in height. This is approximately 50,000.

4. Wall laying - To build a one-story house, you will need 14-15 rows of blocks - the cost is 120,000 - 130,000. To correctly calculate the number of elements, you must remember to exclude the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and doors.

5. Roof frame - the cost is usually 5% of the estimate.

6. Mortar - A bag of cement M400 with a volume of 50 kg costs an average of 250-300 rubles. It will take about 100 packs to fill the foundation and build a house, which will eventually cost 30,000. High-quality building sand is cheap - 350-500 rubles per cubic meter.

Experts recommend calculating the approximate costs for the house, considering the box, foundation and frame under the roof as a whole. The average price per square meter is 13,000 - 16,000 excluding work. It usually lays 30% of the cost of building materials.

Additional costs for building a house:

  • Communications - summing up and distributing pipelines of sewerage systems, water and gas supply.
  • Separating elements - in the house you need to accurately calculate the number of partitions, doors, windows.
  • Facing - the calculation takes into account the prices of materials for finishing the facade and internal surfaces of the building.
  • Thermal insulation - the choice of insulation for walls and ceilings.

Preliminary calculations show that it is possible to build an economy class house from turnkey foam blocks at a minimum cost of 800,000 rubles. Since the work is stretched over several months, you need to be prepared for possible changes in prices in the building materials market.

The main cost is the purchase of building materials. To calculate the cost of building a house from foam concrete, you must first find out the number of elements along the perimeter of the building. Then determine the number of foam concrete blocks for internal partitions. The initial data is the length, height, thickness of the walls of the building, as well as the parameters of the blocks.

As an example, consider a simple house made of foam blocks 10 × 10 in size and 3 m high. Dimensions of building elements are 20 × 30 × 50 cm.

  • We calculate the total length of all walls: 10 × 4 = 40 m.
  • The resulting value is divided by the length of one foam block: 40 / 0.5 = 80 pcs.

It turns out that for laying one row of the house along the perimeter, 80 blocks will be required.

  • Divide the height of the wall by the height of one foam concrete element: 3/0.2=15.

The calculation shows that to build a wall 3 meters high, you need to lay out 15 rows of blocks.

  • We multiply the results obtained with each other: 15 × 80 = 1200 pcs.

So we find out the number of foam blocks from which you can build a box of a house of 10 × 10 m.

  1. We divide the area of ​​two window and one door openings by the surface area of ​​one block: 40 m2 / (0.2 × 0.3) m2 = 67 pcs.
  2. We make adjustments to the total amount of foam concrete material: 1200-67 = 1133 pcs.
  3. We multiply the number of foam blocks by the average price of one unit: 1133 × 100 = 113,300 rubles.

The disadvantage of building modules is considered to be weak strength. Therefore, when purchasing, you should take 2-3 dozen foam blocks in reserve. This will help compensate for possible defects in the processing of elements.

Conclusion. To build the outer walls of a house from foam concrete blocks, you will have to spend about 120,000 rubles.

How to save money on building a house from turnkey foam concrete blocks?

  • In order to make the correct calculation and buy the exact amount of materials, it is important to take into account all the parameters of the object being built: dimensions, number of storeys, number of openings, the presence of a basement.
  • Prices for the construction of houses from blocks directly depend on the size and density of the base material. The cost of foam blocks for walls ranges from 80-120 rubles. Modules for interior partitions are thinner, so their prices are lower - 60-90. Large bulk purchases also reduce the cost of foam blocks.
  • To build a multi-level structure, floors made of strong concrete slabs are used. In a two-story house made of foam blocks, you can get by with a tree.
  • You can additionally reduce costs by self-delivery of foam blocks and consumables.
  • It is also inexpensive to build a house from foam blocks with your own hands on a turnkey basis. By refusing to work with contractor teams, you can save 25-30% of the total cost.

Features of building a house from foam concrete

1. For the construction of residential buildings, modules with a size of 200 × 300 × 600 mm and a mass of about 10 kg are best suited. Such blocks have an optimal length that allows you to save on quantity. The width is quite suitable for building a house in places with a cold climate. To insulate walls made of foam concrete from the outside, it is enough to use a thermal insulator with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm.

2. To check the quality of the foam blocks for hardness, you need to rub two fragments against each other. Good material should not crumble. You should also pay attention to the chipping of the foam block. The shape of the cells should be spherical, not oval.

3. To check the foam blocks for geometry, connect two modules together. Flat surfaces save on joint mortar.

4. A waterproofing membrane should be laid between the foundation and the first row of foam blocks. This will protect the foundation of the house from groundwater and increase its operational life.

5. It is considered normal to lay out 4-5 rows of foam blocks per shift. In order not to overwork during work, it is advisable to call one or two people for help.

6. Every two rows of blocks, reinforcement is made with steel bars. This strengthens the structure and protects the walls from cracking.

7. Instead of a concrete solution, special glue can be used to connect the foam blocks. This will slightly increase the cost of construction. But such a step will help reduce laying time and save on insulation. The minimum thickness of adhesive joints makes them almost invisible on the wall surface.

Any developer will prefer high-speed technologies, and if high-quality materials are used, the result can exceed all expectations. Now we will try to create such a paper calculator for ourselves - how to calculate the cost of building a house from foam blocks, that is, do it yourself, with the knowledge of how this or that wall of the building will be erected.

We will look at three main positions and their calculation. In addition, the video in this article as an additional material will help you better understand this topic.

Calculation of foam blocks

In order to create a manual, so-called calculator for calculating foam blocks for building a house, we need to understand the main positions of the masonry blocks, as well as in which cases they are mounted in one position or another. In addition, for such calculations, you need to know the dimensions of the stone being laid and the names of its sides, which helps in determining the masonry.

Recommendation. You can calculate the prefabricated strip foundation from the material of the same name using methods similar to those given below. Having learned the total amount of material, its total price will also become clear to you when you multiply the cost of one unit by the entire required foam block.

About the foam block

  • A foam block is a piece building material, which is made from cement, sand and water with the addition of foam and is one of the types of cellular concrete with closed pores (does not allow moisture to pass through). In terms of such indicators as strength, frost resistance and thermal insulation, such blocks are two to three times higher in quality than bricks. However, walls made of such material have the ability to "breathe", which allows you to create an almost ideal microclimate for living (with proper heating). .
  • Depending on the structural density of the material, foam blocks can be divided into three types: heat-insulating - D300, D350, D400, D500; structural and heat-insulating - D500, D600, D700, D800, D900; structural - D1000, D1100, D1200. The usual stone dimensions are 600x300x200 mm.

  • In the same way as with a brick, the sides of the foam block are named identically. That is, it spoons, which has 200×600 mm, poke– 200×300 mm and bed— 300×600 mm. Thanks to these names, it is easier to determine the type of masonry.

The number of foam blocks for different masonry

  • Laying in one stone implies the position of the block when it lies on the bed, poking to the inside and outside, that is, the wall thickness is 600 mm. This method can be interspersed with blocks lying on the bed, spoon by spoon, but again forming a wall 600 mm thick. Walls of this thickness, as a rule, are erected in the northern regions, which act as load-bearing and, moreover, are very warm and durable.
  • Let's try to compile an experimental calculator - how to calculate a foam block for a house and start with load-bearing walls with one stone masonry. Imagine that you need to lift a box with a perimeter of 12x7m and a height of 2.8m, in this case, we need to find out the total area of ​​​​all the walls, as well as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone poke, and then calculate the required number of blocks.
  • In total, we will get 12 * 2 + 7 * 2 \u003d 38 linear meters of walls - this is their total length, and now we need an area. For this, S=38*2.8=106.4m 2 is the area of ​​all load-bearing walls, and the area of ​​one poke is S=200*300=60000 mm=0.006m. which means that for laying walls with an area of ​​​​106.4 2 we need 106.4 / 0.06 = 1773.3 or 1774 pieces of foam blocks.

  • Now let's make a trial calculator for calculating the construction of a house from foam blocks with half-stone masonry, as shown in the photo above. This method of laying is used more often than in a whole stone, and is expressed in the position of the block lying on the bed, when the spoons are facing the inside and outside. For calculations, we take exactly the same box, 12 × 7 m, 2.8 m high and 106.4 m 2 in area, and we will see how much less material is consumed when the masonry is erected in this way.
  • To do this, we need to determine the area of ​​the spoon, and this will be S=200*600=120000 mm=0.12m in one foam block. Then for walls with a length of 38m and a height of 2.8m, we need 106.4 / 0.12 = 886.6 or 887 foam blocks. As you can see, this method of laying saved us 1774-887 = 887 pieces, that is, exactly half, but at the same time, the quality of the thermal insulation of the room naturally decreased, which, however, can be successfully replenished with various heaters.
  • In this situation, the calculator for calculating a house made of foam blocks for load-bearing walls remained the same, it just doubled the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stone being laid and, as a result, the savings in material also doubled. We do not forget that this method is used most often, because on the outside such houses are usually finished with facing bricks, which also significantly increases the thermal insulation capabilities of the walls.

  • Much less material is consumed with the quarter-stone masonry method, but such options are usually used for partitions and only occasionally for exterior walls (as a rule, these are light buildings such as garages, summer kitchens, or any utility outbuildings). And now we will make a calculator with our own hands - how to calculate a house from foam blocks with a quarter-stone masonry, but for this we will take other sizes of the partitions being built. Let's say that we need to build three partitions 3.4 and 5m long and 2.6m high, and for this we will do the same calculations that we used earlier.
  • So, the total length of the partitions will turn out to be 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 linear meters, and their total area will be S = 12 * 2.6 = 31.2 m 2, and the area of ​​​​the foam block bed is 300 * 600 = 0.18 m 2. Now it remains for us to calculate the total number of stones for all partitions, and for this we have 31.2 / 0.18 = 173.3 or 174 pieces for all walls.

Recommendation. When compiling a calculator for any masonry method, most often you will receive an overestimated amount of material, because openings for windows and doors will be equipped both in load-bearing walls and in partitions. Therefore, you need to calculate the area of ​​​​the proposed openings, and in the same way (depending on the masonry method), calculate the number of blocks that need to be subtracted from the total. Always keep a few pieces in reserve in case of unforeseen circumstances.

How much glue do you need

  • Now let's find out how to calculate the amount of glue used in any method of laying the material, if the instruction assumes a seam thickness of 5 mm. To do this, we will need to know the total number of seams (vertical and horizontal), as well as their length on the entire wall, then, depending on the thickness of the masonry, we will be able to determine their volume. For calculations, let's take, for example, a half-stone wall, 10m long and 2.8m high.
  • To do this, we first find out how many seams we will have vertically: 10 / 0.6 = 16.6 or 17 pieces. Horizontally, on such a wall we will have 2.8 / 0.2 = 14. Now we find out the volume of all the seams that will be on this wall, this is (17 + 12) * 0.3 = 8.7 m 3. Now let's try to translate all this into 25-kilogram bags.
  • In total, we need 8700 liters of glue, and from one bag we get about 30 liters, which means 8700/30 \u003d 290 bags of glue, 25 kg each. At the same time, of course, it is important to apply the solution correctly, and if you do this with a 10 mm comb, then when compressed, the seam is 5 mm, that is, the one we need.

No proper construction is complete without preliminary design and calculations. Most people prefer to entrust such a mission to specialists and not particularly bother. But the services of the latter are not so cheap and it is likely that you will want to do all the work yourself.

If there is such a desire and building a house from foam blocks (well, or other block material), you can arm yourself with this article. In it, we will tell you how to find out how many foam blocks will go to the construction of a structure with certain dimensions, whether it is a house 6x8, 9x9, 10x10 or more.

If you have doubts about your mathematical abilities and the ability to carry out calculations, then it is better to turn to a professional or just a person who knows mathematics.

A little about design

It seems that the construction plan indirectly affects the amount of material, but this is not at all the case. In order to calculate everything correctly, you need to clearly know all the dimensions of the building (the height of the walls, the parameters of the partitions, etc.). And such information is clearly described in the project documentation. Let's see what data from the project is needed for the future calculation:

  • Let's take a look at the box first. It will be necessary to clearly know the length of all the walls of the house and their height. For example, let's take the same house 10 by 10. In this case, all 4 walls will be the same.
  • You also need to calculate the amount of material for internal partitions and load-bearing walls. Their number may vary depending on the presence of a second floor or attic.
  • Well, it certainly won’t hurt to look at how many doors and windows are planned in the building - door and window structures will be used directly for their construction in the box, and not a foam block.

When planning, it is necessary to plan the location of communications and immediately separate all the pipes even before the construction of the house has begun.

Suppose that the necessary information in order to calculate everything is already at hand.

Let's start the calculations

To say exactly how many foam blocks will go to the house without preliminary calculations will not work. Therefore, we will give a specific example of the calculation, and using it as an example, simply by changing the numbers, you can find out the need for the material in your case.

Take a two-story cottage, each floor of which will be 2.5 m high and all walls 10 m long. The layout is identical: 1 load-bearing wall and partitions made of light blocks. For the construction of external walls, we will use a foam block 600x400x200 (length, width, height).

To quickly carry out a simple calculation, you can use special services on some sites, but not all of them are simple and not all of them make an accurate calculation.


Having learned the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe first floor, it is already necessary to directly proceed to the calculation of the number of blocks:

  1. In order to calculate everything correctly, we first find out the volume of one block that will be used to build walls. You just need to multiply all its sides and in a particular case it will look like this: 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.2 \u003d 0.048 m 3.
  2. Now we divide the total area indicator by this value (49.2 / 0.048) and get 1025 pcs. That is how much you need to build a house, but this is still inconclusive data.

To check the correctness of the calculation, you need to divide 1 by the volume of a particular foam block (this is how we find out how many pieces are in a cube) and multiply the resulting value by the indicator of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure: 1 / 0.048 \u003d 20.83 x 49.2 \u003d 1025 pieces. It turns out that everything is calculated correctly.

But the amount received does not quite reflect the real picture, since there will still be window and door openings that need to be calculated for an accurate purchase.

Consider window and door openings

They also need to be considered:

  • Suppose there will be 10 windows with dimensions of 100 by 100 cm. We take a width of 100 cm, a height of 100 cm, translate them into meters and multiply: 1 x 1 \u003d 1 sq. M. Now we find out the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows: 10 x 1 \u003d 10 m 2 .
  • We also find out the area of ​​​​the doorway. Suppose that its height is 2 m, and its width is 1 m. It turns out 2 sq. m. And if there are two doors, then 4 sq. m, etc.
  • We find out the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe openings 10 + 4 \u003d 14 m 2.
  • We minus this value from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure: 123 - 14 \u003d 109 m 2.
  • We translate into cubic meters: 109 x 0.4 \u003d 43.6 m 3.
  • We find out the number of blocks by dividing the previous figure by the volume of the foam block: 43.6 / 0.048 = 908.3 pcs.

It turns out that the real need for blocks for the first floor is 116.7 less, which is almost 6 cubes (20.83 blocks in one cube). Total: 6 x 3 thousand rubles = 18 thousand rubles of net savings and this is only half of the design.

The calculation of the second floor is carried out according to a similar principle, and it makes no sense to duplicate the values. But we recommend that you calculate everything separately - the number and size of openings on different floors may vary.

After all the calculations, it is necessary to add a percentage for "breakage" and "scrap", since part of the building materials can be damaged during transportation and handling operations, and the other during the construction process. It is difficult to say how many blocks you will reject, but it is usually from 5 to 10%.

The above method will help you find out exactly how many blocks you need to buy to build a house. Always consider the ratio of the walls (maybe 6x8, etc.), as well as the dimensions of the blocks (standard - 600x300x200). The calculations did not take into account the width of the seams, but modern foam block laying technology involves the use of glue, so the deviations will be insignificant.

Before starting the construction of your own structure, it is necessary to correctly calculate the foam blocks for the house. Dimensions of foam blocks and their features. How to correctly calculate the number of foam blocks. material advantages. Variants of calculation by quadrature and volume.

What should be considered when calculating foam blocks. Calculation of the number of rows in one row along the perimeter. How to calculate the cost of foam blocks. How many foam blocks in a cube and square meter.

Dimensions of foam blocks and their features

Such building material as foam blocks is widely used in our country for the construction of private houses and other buildings for various purposes (garages, sheds, production workshops, etc.). Before purchasing building materials for building a house from foam blocks, it is necessary to correctly calculate their required quantity, which will avoid unnecessary costs and the need to purchase additional materials if there is a shortage during construction.

To correctly calculate the required number of foam blocks, you must:

  • determine the total area of ​​​​external walls and partitions inside the house;
  • determine the total area of ​​​​window openings, as well as external and internal doors;
  • determine the geometric dimensions of the foam blocks that will be used in the construction of the house;
  • determine the thickness of the walls of the house, on which the method of laying foam blocks will depend.

Expert opinion

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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A feature of this building material is the fact that different manufacturers can produce foam blocks of various sizes, differing in length, width and height.

The most common size of foam blocks used for laying the exterior walls of a building is 60x30x20cm or 60x40x20, and for the installation of internal partitions - 60x30x10cm.

When constructing external walls, as a rule, methods of laying a foam block on a bed or spoons are used. With a foam block size of 60x30x20cm, the wall thickness is 30 or 20cm, respectively, and with a size of 60x40x20cm - 40 or 20cm. In Russian climatic conditions, for the construction of residential buildings, a wall thickness of at least 30 cm is usually used.

For the construction of partitions, a special foam block measuring 60x30x10cm is mainly used, which is placed on a spoon. In this case, the thickness of such partitions is 10 cm.

The procedure for calculating the number of foam blocks

The calculation of the number of foam blocks can be carried out in two main ways:

  • Without taking into account the thickness of the mortar joint.
  • Taking into account the thickness of the seam, which according to the technology should be 5 mm.

For clarity, we calculate the number of foam blocks needed to build a particular house.

Condition of the problem: It is necessary to build a house from a foam block 7 by 10m, with a wall height of 3m and without internal partitions. In the outer walls there is one doorway 0.9 by 2m and three openings for windows 1.3 by 1.5m. External walls are made of foam block 60x30x20 in size with a mortar joint thickness of 5mm. Wall thickness 30cm.

First you need to determine the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the walls, minus the openings. For this:

  • The perimeter of the outer walls is calculated: (7 + 10) * 2 = 34m.
  • The total area of ​​the walls of the house is determined: 34 * 3 = 102 sq.m.
  • The total area of ​​all window and door openings is calculated: (0.9 * 2) + (1.3 * 1.5) * 3 \u003d 7.65 sq.m.
  • The area of ​​​​the walls is calculated with the deduction of openings: 102-7.65 \u003d 94.35 sq.m.

Then the outer surface area of ​​one foam block is determined by multiplying its length by the height (thickness). According to the first method, it turns out: 0.6 * 0.2 \u003d 0.12 sq.m. According to the second method, 5 mm are added to the existing values ​​​​(thickness of the mortar joint): (0.6 + 0.005) * (0.2 + 0.005) \u003d 0.125 sq.m.

After that, the required number of foam blocks is calculated by dividing the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, minus openings, by the area of ​​​​one foam block. According to the first method, it turns out: 94.35 / 0.12 \u003d 786.25 i.e. approximately 787 pieces. According to the second method, it turns out: 94.35 / 0.125 \u003d 754.8 i.e. approximately 755 pieces.

As can be seen from this example, the difference between the number of foam blocks calculated using these two methods is 32 pieces. Thus, the second method is more economical, but the resulting value should be increased by about 2% to account for marriage and damage during transportation and installation of foam blocks.

Material Advantages

The construction of any object begins with the preparation of a project and an estimate. And if experts are involved in the calculation of the required amount of materials in production, then when building a private house or other buildings on their own, the developer has to do this himself. How to correctly calculate the number of foam blocks when erecting a private building from this particular material? Solving such an important task when building a house or outbuilding is not at all difficult if you know and take into account several important nuances.

Foamed concrete is currently a fairly popular material. It is indispensable where it is impossible to use other types of building materials - brick, stone, wood.

Foam blocks are used, depending on their brand, to solve different types of problems:

  • Construction of basement levels.
  • Construction of load-bearing internal and external walls.
  • Creating partitions.
  • Masonry contour additional layer.

The reason for such a high popularity of foam concrete blocks is their merits. It:

  • Ecological cleanliness - sand, cement and foaming agent are used for the manufacture of blocks.
  • Heat-saving properties. The porous structure is an excellent barrier to cold and heat, thanks to which a stable temperature is maintained in the house.
  • Resistance to chemical mixtures, fire, temperature changes.
  • Light weight, which allows the material to be used for the construction of buildings on unstable soils and not to create heavy, powerful foundations for them.
  • Installation speed. Products are much larger than bricks, so the laying of walls will be carried out much faster.
  • Ease of processing. Foam blocks, if necessary, can be easily shortened to obtain an element of the desired size. In addition, it is easy to create channels in them to lay pipes, electrical wiring and other communications.