On measures for the implementation in the armed forces of the Russian Federation of the provisions on the procedure for performing military service. On measures for the implementation in the armed forces of the Russian Federation of the provisions on the procedure for performing military service The main provisions of the order morf 5

Document status:


At present, the order has been canceled and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 9, 2014 No. 725DSP is in force instead.

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

"On approval of the Rules for the payment of a monthly allowance for special achievements in the service of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

In accordance with Part 20 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of November 7, 20 and No. 306-FZ “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of certain payments to them” (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2011, No. 45, Art. 6336) A 3 Y V A Y:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the payment of a monthly allowance for special achievements in the service of military personnel serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

3. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation A. Serdyukov



payment of a monthly allowance

for special achievements in the service of military personnel,

serving in the military under contract

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The monthly allowance for special achievements in service (hereinafter referred to as the monthly allowance) is paid to military personnel serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as military personnel), at the expense and within the budget funds allocated for the monetary allowance of military personnel, simultaneously with the payment of monetary allowance and is reflected in the payroll (payroll) statement in a separate column.

In this case, the monthly allowance is paid from the date of entry into the performance of duties in a military position and until the day of release from the performance of duties in a military position (surrender of cases and positions).

The total amount of the monthly allowance may not exceed 100 percent of the salary for a military position.

Within the limits of the budget appropriations allocated from the federal budget for the monetary allowance of military personnel, by decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the monthly allowance may be set at a higher rate.

The monthly allowance is paid to the following categories of military personnel:

1. Servicemen enrolled for training at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who have good and excellent grades in subjects for a month of training, are paid a monthly bonus of 60 percent to the salary for a military position.

Payment of the monthly allowance is carried out on the basis of the order of the respective commander (chief).

2. Servicemen holding military positions of leadership, teaching and research staff in military educational institutions of higher and additional professional education, in research (test) organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as military positions in the military education management bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Federation according to the list approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, a monthly allowance is paid in the following amounts:

having a PhD degree, 3000 rubles

having a scientific degree of doctor of sciences - 7000 rubles.

Military personnel holding military posts of scientific and pedagogical staff in military educational institutions of higher professional education are paid a monthly allowance in the following amounts:

Occupying the military position of a professor - 60 percent of the salary for a military position;

occupying the military position of associate professor - 40 percent of the salary for a military position.

The monthly allowance is paid:

a) military personnel who have an academic degree (academic rank) by the day of appointment to a military position - from the day they enter into execution (temporary performance) of duties in a military position;

b) military personnel who received a scientific degree during the period of execution (temporary execution) of a military position, including for the first time - from the date of the decision by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to issue a diploma of a candidate of sciences or to award a scientific degree of a doctor of sciences.

c) military personnel who received an academic rank during the period of performance (temporary performance) of a military position, including for the first time - from the date of the adoption by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the decision to award the academic title of professor or associate professor in the department (Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry education and science of the Russian Federation - decisions on awarding the academic title of professor or associate professor in the specialty) *

The monthly allowance is paid on the basis of orders of the respective commanders (chiefs) issued on the basis of reports of military personnel, to which are attached duly certified copies of documents on awarding an academic degree or conferring an academic rank.

3. Military personnel for the qualification level of physical fitness, performance (confirmation) of sports categories in military applied sports and the presence of sports ranks in any sport are paid a monthly allowance in the following amounts:

who completed (confirmed) the second qualifying physical fitness - 15 percent of the salary for a military position;

those who completed (confirmed) the first qualification level of physical fitness - 30 percent of the salary of a military position;

who completed (confirmed) the highest qualification level of physical fitness - 70 percent of the salary for a military position;

who completed (confirmed) the first sports category in one of the military-applied sports - 80 percent of the salary for a military position;

who completed (confirmed) the sports category of a candidate for master of sports in one of the military-applied sports - 90 percent of the salary for a military position;

having sports titles "Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation (USSR)", "Master of Sports of the International Class of the Russian Federation (USSR)", Master of Sports of the Russian Federation (USSR), - 100 percent of the salary for a military position.

Monthly supplement. the military personnel specified in paragraphs five - seven of clause 3 of this order are paid subject to the fulfillment (confirmation) of the highest qualification level of physical fitness by them.

For military personnel who have completed (confirmed) the qualification level of physical fitness, a monthly allowance is established for a calendar year based on the order of the relevant commander (chief) based on the results of at least two checks in the past calendar year, one of which is the final for the year, control or inspection check

The grounds for issuing an order are:

records of checks on the physical training of personnel of a military unit, military command body, organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

documents confirming the assignment of sports ranks and sports titles to military personnel (credit classification books, certificates, extracts from orders).

4. Servicemen of military units 99450, 74455 and a structural subdivision of military unit 29155 are paid a monthly allowance according to the list and in the amount approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

5. Military personnel serving in the structural units (snipers) of military units are paid a monthly allowance in the following amounts:

a) those who have been trained in the fire training cycle (snipers) of military unit 92154 - 70 percent of the salary for a military position.

Occupying military positions named in the attached List - from the day following the day of the end of the fire training cycle (snipers) of military unit 92154, and until the day of release from duties in the occupied (temporarily performed) military position (surrender of cases and positions);

not occupying military positions named in the attached List - from the date of entry into the performance (temporary performance) of duties in the military position named in the attached List, and until the day of release from the performance of duties in the occupied (temporarily performed) military position (surrender of cases and positions ).

The monthly allowance is paid on the basis of a document on the completion of training in the fire training cycle (snipers) of military unit 92154 and an extract from the order of the commander of military unit 92154 on completion of training;

b) those undergoing training in the fire training cycle (snipers) of military unit 92154 - 50 percent of the salary for a military position from the day the training begins and until the day the training ends, specified in the orders of the commander of military unit 92154.

The payment of a monthly allowance to the specified servicemen in military unit 92154 is made on the basis of the order of the commander of military unit 92154 on enrollment for training and the travel certificate of the serviceman.

1. Approve the attached Instruction on the procedure for the burial of dead (deceased) military personnel, citizens called up for military training, and persons dismissed from military service, the manufacture and installation of tombstones.

2. Control over the implementation of this Order shall be entrusted to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Military Memorial Center).

Minister of Defense
Russian Federation
Marshal of the Russian Federation


(as amended by the Orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 03/22/2001 N 120, of 10/13/2001 N 415, of 04/09/2002 N 157, of 12/22/2002 N 490)

I. General provisions

1. This Instruction defines the order:

organization of the burial of the dead (deceased) military personnel, citizens called up for military training, and persons dismissed from military service<*>;

registration of documents for the burial of the dead (deceased);

escort and delivery of the dead (deceased) to the place of burial;

notification of families (relatives) about the death (death) of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, and persons dismissed from military service;

payment for ritual services, production and installation of tombstones.

2. The procedure for burial and the rate of expenditure of funds at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation<*>for the burial of the dead (deceased), the manufacture and installation of tombstones for them are subject to: dated December 22, 2002 N 490)

<*>Further in the text of this Instruction, unless otherwise specified, for brevity will be referred to as: dead (deceased) military personnel, citizens called up for military training, and persons dismissed from military service - dead (deceased); The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Defense.

a) for military personnel and citizens called up for military training, who died during military service (military training) or died as a result of injury (wounds, injuries, contusions), diseases in peacetime;

b) for dead (deceased) citizens dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff activities and who had a total duration of military service of 20 years or more;

c) on the dead (deceased) participants in the war, including war invalids, veterans of military operations on the territories of other states, regardless of the total duration of their military service; (as amended by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2002 N 490)

d) perished (deceased) veterans of military service;

e) other persons provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. Payment for the costs of burial, production and installation of tombstones at the expense of the Ministry of Defense is made in relation to the citizens specified in paragraph 2 of this Instruction, subject to their military service (work) on the date of death in the Ministry of Defense, and in relation to persons dismissed from military service - subject to their last dismissal from military service (work) from the Ministry of Defense.

The Ministry of Defense also pays for the burial, manufacture and installation of tombstones for war veterans, including war invalids who did not complete military service and did not work in federal executive bodies that provide for military service (service). (as amended by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2002 N 490)

4. The burial of the dead (deceased) is carried out in military cemeteries, in military sections of public cemeteries or in other places of burial, taking into account the will of the deceased (deceased) or at the request of the spouse, close relatives or other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The burial of the dead (dead) is organized:

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation - military personnel, persons discharged from military service to the reserve or retired, from among the highest officers with the ranks of Marshal of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Russian Federation, Marshal of the Armed Forces, General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet;

commanders-in-chief of branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation<*>, the commander of the Airborne Troops, the heads of the main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense - military personnel, citizens discharged from military service to the reserve (retirement), from directly subordinate military authorities and living at the last place of military service by the day of death, as well as military personnel from among the senior officers who arrived after their dismissal from military service for permanent residence in Moscow - according to their subordination during the period of military service;

heads of garrisons through commanders of military units, chiefs (heads) of organizations of the Armed Forces (hereinafter referred to as military units) - military personnel who served in these military units, as well as persons who, before being transferred to the reserve (retirement), did military service in these military units units and by the day of death they lived at the place of their former military service;

in other cases - by the heads of garrisons through the commanders of military units, and in the absence of a garrison - by military commissars of districts, cities (without district division) and other equal administrative-territorial formations<*>.

<*>Further in the text of this Instruction, unless otherwise stated, the military commissariats of districts, cities (without district division) and other equal administrative-territorial formations will be referred to as military commissariats for brevity.

Burial of the dead (deceased), who previously served in the liquidated or reorganized military units<*>, is organized by the commanders of the military units that are their successors. In the absence of a legal successor, the burial is carried out by the commanders of other military units by decision of the commanders (chiefs) who are superior to the liquidated or reorganized military units.

6. To organize the funeral of the dead (dead), commissions are appointed, the necessary personnel and transport are allocated, which is announced in the orders of those officials who organize the burial of the dead (dead).

As a rule, an officer in a military rank equal to the military rank or military position of the deceased (deceased) is appointed as the chairman of the commission for organizing the funeral.

The preparation of a draft order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on organizing the burial of the persons specified in paragraph two of clause 5 of these Instructions is carried out on behalf of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the basis of a report by the head of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense submitted in accordance with paragraph three of clause 11 of this Instruction.

7. The Commission for the organization of the funeral, together with the relatives of the deceased (deceased), or persons who have undertaken the organization of the funeral, ritual services, local governments, determines the place of burial (cremation), resolves the issues of processing the documents necessary for burial, delivery of the deceased (deceased ) to the morgue, the provision of services by the mortuary, the provision of a coffin, urn and wreath, the transportation of the body from the morgue to the place of burial (cremation), the organization of farewell events, the giving of military honors, the manufacture and installation of tombstones.

8. The chairman of the commission for organizing the funeral coordinates the publication of obituaries and mourning announcements, their text and signatures under them.

9. For farewell to the dead (deceased) and giving military honors, the following premises are allocated:

at the burial of the dead (deceased) from among the highest officers in the military ranks of Marshal of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Russian Federation, Marshal of the Armed Forces, General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet, Colonel General and Admiral, who served in the military in the central bodies of military administration and lived in the city of Moscow, - in the Cultural Center of the Armed Forces;

at the burial of the dead (deceased) from among the highest officers in the military ranks of Colonel General and their equals, who did not serve in the central military administration, who lived in Moscow, - in the Houses of Officers of the Moscow Military District or the Moscow District of the Air Force and Air Defense, and those who lived in other cities - in the district (naval) and garrison Officers' Houses;

at the burial of the dead (deceased) from among other persons - in the Houses of officers, clubs of military units, ritual halls of military hospitals.

10. The giving of military honors at the burial of the dead (deceased) is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Ship Charter of the Navy.

The head of the garrison, and where he is not present - the military commissar, ensures the arrival of the honorary escort, orchestra, guard of honor and other units to the burial place exactly at the appointed time.

In areas where there are no military units, units for giving military honors during the burial of the deceased (deceased) are allocated by the decision of the chief of staff of the military district (fleet) from the nearest garrison at the request of the military commissar.

II. The procedure for issuing documents necessary for the burial of the dead (deceased) military personnel and citizens called up for military training

11. The commanders of military units on the circumstances and cause of death (death) of military personnel and citizens called up for military training, within 24 hours, report on command to the chiefs of staff of the respective military districts, fleets, and also notify the family or someone from the nearest ones by telegram or by telephone. relatives (children, parents, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, grandfather, grandmother) of the deceased (deceased), the military commissariat at the place of residence of the family of the deceased (deceased). The telegram or telephone message indicates the date of death of the serviceman, the cause of death and the day of the funeral.

On the death of military personnel from among the highest officers who served in the military, their direct superiors immediately report by telegram to the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

Head of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense in relation to the dead (deceased) from among the highest officers in the military ranks of Colonel General, equal and higher, as well as persons dismissed from military service to the reserve or retired, from among the highest officers in the ranks of Marshal of the Soviet Union , Marshal of the Russian Federation, Marshal of the armed forces, general of the army, admiral of the fleet reports to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation with proposals for organizing a funeral for the persons indicated in paragraph two of clause 5 of this Instruction.

12. The fact of the death (death) of a serviceman (a citizen called up for military training) is certified by a medical worker with the issuance of a "Medical death certificate" (form N 106 / y-98)<*>. On the basis of this document, the registration of death is carried out in the registry office, and for military units located abroad, in the consular institutions of the Russian Federation. The same bodies and institutions issue a death certificate of the deceased (deceased)<**>.

14. The dead (deceased) servicemen are excluded from the lists of personnel by order of the combat unit.

The order for the combat unit for each dead (deceased) soldier indicates: military position, military rank, last name, first name and patronymic, year and place of birth, date of conscription into the Armed Forces, by which military commissariat he was called, for what reason and when he died (died ), where and when the body was buried or to whom the body was transferred for burial (degree of relationship, last name, first name, patronymic, address of the burial place).

15. The order for the combat unit is the basis for sending to the military commissariat a notice of the death (death) of the deceased (deceased), sending his own belongings, valuables and personal documents to the property, as well as for entering into the accounting documents information about the time and reason for the exclusion of a serviceman from the lists of personnel of the military unit.

16. On the basis of an order to exclude from the lists of personnel of the military unit of the deceased (deceased), the headquarters of the military unit draws up a notice of his death (death) in two copies.

The first copy of the notice, together with the death certificate, is sent to the military commissar at the place of residence of the family of the deceased (deceased) no later than the next day after the order is issued to exclude the deceased (deceased) from the lists of personnel of the military unit. Simultaneously with the notice, photographs of the place of burial of the deceased (deceased) are sent to the military commissariat, and for the deceased (deceased) serviceman who served under the contract, in addition, a personal file and an extract from the order for exclusion from the lists of personnel of the military unit.

In the event that the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased) is transported to the burial place chosen by the relatives, these documents are handed over to the representative of the military unit appointed to accompany the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased), for their subsequent transfer to the military commissar at the place of residence of the family of the deceased ( deceased).

The second copy of the notice must be kept in the files of the military unit.

17. When compiling a notice for the deceased (deceased), the section "Text of the characteristic" indicates the circumstances and causes of the death (death) of a serviceman.

If the death (death) of a serviceman occurred during the period of hostilities, then this section indicates:

a) on the deceased (deceased) as a result of injury (wound, injury, shell shock) received during the conduct of hostilities - "performing a combat mission, faithful to the Military oath, showing stamina and courage, died "__" _____ 20__. or "carrying out a combat mission, faithful to the Military oath, having shown steadfastness and courage, was seriously wounded and died "__" ______ 20__;

b) for the deceased (deceased) during the period of hostilities as a result of a car accident, careless handling of weapons, illness and other reasons - "performing a combat mission, faithful to the Military Oath, "__" _____ 20__ died." or "while performing a combat mission, he fell seriously ill and died on __" _____ 20__.

18. On the death of military personnel (citizens called up for military training) who were being treated, the head of the military medical institution immediately informs the commanders of the military units in which these military personnel (citizens called up for military training) served in military service. The messages indicate the military rank, surname, name and patronymic of the deceased, date and cause of death.

Notifications of the death of military personnel (citizens called up for military training) who were being treated in military medical institutions are sent to the military commissariats by the commanders of military units in which the deceased military personnel (citizens called up for military training) served in military service.

19. On own belongings, valuables, personal documents and awards of the deceased (deceased), an act is drawn up in two copies in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Instruction. The act is signed by a commission appointed by order of the commander of the military unit, and approved by the commander of the military unit.

The first copy of the act, together with other documents, personal belongings, valuables, awards, is sent to relatives or handed over to a representative of the military unit accompanying the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased), for the subsequent transfer of this act to the military commissar at the place of residence of the family of the deceased (deceased), and if the address family is not known - to the military commissariats at the place of their conscription. On the second copy of the act, a mark is made on the time and method of sending your own things, valuables, personal documents of the deceased (deceased). The act is kept in the files of the military unit.

20. Identity cards of the dead (deceased) officers, ensigns, midshipmen are destroyed in military units in the prescribed manner. Tokens with personal numbers of officers are sent to the relevant personnel authorities for inclusion in the second copies of personal files submitted to the archive.

Military tickets, registration and service cards, tokens of conscripted servicemen (citizens called up for military training), cash certificates of servicemen who served under a contract are sent to the military commissariats at the place of residence of the family of the deceased (deceased) serviceman (citizen) called up for military training), and if the address of the family is not known, to the military commissariats at the place of their conscription.

Before sending these documents, they are verified according to the latest registration data of the military unit, and on the first page of these documents a note is made on the date of death (death) of the serviceman.

21. If family members or relatives of the deceased (deceased) serviceman arrive at the military unit to participate in the funeral, then their own things and valuables to be transferred to the family are transferred to them according to the act.

22. On the day of sending your own things and valuables, a notice is sent to the family or relatives of the deceased (deceased) in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to these Instructions.

III. The order of escort and delivery of the dead (deceased) servicemen, citizens called up for military training, from military units to the place of burial

23. Delivery of the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased) to the place of burial is carried out as soon as possible, accompanied by representatives of the military unit in which the deceased (deceased) did military service or military training.

The deceased (deceased) must be dressed in full dress - output uniform. If possible, photographs of the deceased (deceased) in the coffin are taken and his photographs are handed over to accompanying persons for transfer to the military commissar and subsequent delivery to their family of the deceased (deceased).

24. During transportation, the body of the deceased (deceased) is placed in a galvanized hermetically sealed coffin, filled from the inside with a substance that absorbs moisture (dry sawdust, small wood shavings, etc.). Previously, the body must be embalmed (formalin and other substances suitable for this purpose) and cooled. A galvanized coffin is installed in a wooden coffin and then packed in a wooden, tightly nailed rectangular shipping box of the appropriate size. The total weight of the box with the coffin must not exceed 300 kg.

The lid of the box must be fixed and sealed on two opposite sides with an official wax seal according to the code name of the military unit that issued a certificate of the absence of foreign attachments in the box in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this Instruction. A label is attached to the cover of the shipping box indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of the deceased (deceased) and the station of destination, which is made according to the description (Appendix No. 5 to this Instruction).

In the case when it is impractical to open the coffin, the head part of the coffin lid is equipped with a 15 x 15 cm window covered with plexiglass, above which a warning inscription is made: "Not subject to opening." Persons appointed to accompany the coffin must be instructed about the inexpediency of opening it.

25. The chief of staff of the military district (fleet), on whose territory the serviceman performed military service, is obliged to notify the chief of staff of the military district (fleet) to the territory of which the coffin is delivered no later than one day before sending the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased). with the body of the deceased (deceased) or where the coffin will be reloaded from one transport to another.

The allocation of vehicles necessary for reloading the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased) from one transport to another is provided by the headquarters of the military district on whose territory the coffin is being reloaded.

26. The chief of staff of the military district, having received a message about the point and time of arrival of the aircraft (train, ship), which delivers the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased), immediately informs the relevant head of the garrison and the military commissar and gives instructions on the procedure for meeting and organizing the burial deceased (deceased).

27. The head of the garrison, and where he is not present, the military commissar organizes the meeting of the aircraft (train, ship) and the delivery of the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased) to the closest military or civil (in the absence of a military) medical institution from the burial place.

28. Military commandants on the lines of communication, and in their absence, the heads of garrisons are obliged to take all measures for the immediate delivery of the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased) to the place of his burial.

29. Delivery of the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased) from remote military districts, fleets to the place of burial is carried out in agreement with the General Headquarters of the Air Force by military transport aircraft along the flight route of the aircraft or to its final airfield.

If it is impossible to carry out transportation by a military transport aircraft, the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased) is sent to the burial place by other transport.

30. Before sending the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased), the commander of the military unit shall hand over to the accompanying person:

the first copy of the notice of death (death);

death certificate and medical death certificate;

two copies of a copy of the death certificate, certified by the commander of the military unit and affixed with an official seal according to the code name of the military unit;

certificate of a military medical institution in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction that the deceased (deceased) does not have infectious diseases and indications prohibiting the transportation of the body across the state border. The certificate is issued by a military medical institution, which was left with a conclusion on the cause of death (death);

a personal file, a monetary certificate and an extract from the order to exclude from the lists of personnel of the military unit of the deceased (deceased) serviceman who served under the contract;

a military ID and an accounting and service card of a serviceman who served in the military by conscription;

certificate of the military unit on the absence of foreign attachments in the wooden shipping box and in the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased);

a letter to the family of the deceased (deceased), signed by the commander of the military unit, outlining the circumstances of the death (death), about loyalty to the Military Oath, courage and bravery shown in the performance of military service duties. The letter expresses deep sorrow and condolences to the family of the deceased (deceased) about the heavy loss that has befallen her, at the same time, the letter informs about the need to apply to the military commissariat at the place of residence to determine the family's right to social and insurance security;

taken into account according to the act drawn up by the commission of the military unit, all personal belongings, valuables, personal documents and awards of the deceased (deceased), which must be packed and sealed with the official wax seal of the military unit according to its conditional name.

31. During customs clearance and customs control, the accompanying person from the military unit is obliged to fill out a customs declaration indicating the presence or absence of foreign investments in a packed wooden shipping box with the coffin of the deceased (who was able to) and present the specified declaration and box, as well as things, valuables, personal documents and awards of the deceased (deceased) to the customs authority along with the following documents:

a copy of the death certificate;

a certificate from a medical institution confirming that the deceased (deceased) has no infectious diseases;

certificate of the commander of the military unit on the absence of extraneous attachments in the shipping box and in the coffin with the body;

the second copy of the act in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Instruction.

When carrying out customs control, the customs authorities have the right to use those forms of it that are sufficient to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the control over the execution of which is entrusted to the customs authorities.

32. Representatives of the military unit who delivered the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased) to the place of burial are obliged to take personal part in his burial.

IV. Notification of families (relatives) about the death (death) of military personnel, citizens called up for military training

33. Notification of families (relatives) about the death (death) of the dead (deceased) is carried out by the relevant military commissariats.

34. The military commissariat, having received documents and personal belongings of the deceased (deceased) from the representative of the military unit, is obliged:

immediately issue an appropriate notice, while the text of the description in this notice must strictly correspond to the text of the description in the notice issued by the commander of the military unit;

hand over to the family a notice of death (death), a death certificate and a letter to the family from the commander of the military unit, their own belongings, valuables, personal documents and awards specified in the act, as well as a death certificate and photographs of the burial, if the deceased was buried at the place of his passage military service or military training. The transfer to the family (relatives) of their own things, valuables, awards and documents to them for the deceased (deceased) is formalized by an act;

in the event of a posthumous award of the deceased (deceased) with a state award, simultaneously with the transfer of the award, his family is given a memorial letter in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 7 to this Instruction with a summary of the feat committed by the deceased (deceased) awarded the state award.

35. On the time and place of burial of the deceased (deceased), the military commissar within three days submits, according to subordination in any form, a report to the chief of staff of the military district.

36. When relatives apply for a repeated notice, they may be issued a duplicate (copy) of the notice.

V. The procedure for paying for ritual services, the manufacture and installation of tombstones

37. When burying the dead (deceased) by military units (military commissariats), at the expense of funds allocated to the Ministry of Defense from the federal budget, the following ritual services are paid for:

registration of documents necessary for the burial of the deceased (deceased);

transportation of the deceased (deceased) to the morgue, morgue services;

provision and delivery of a coffin, urn, wreath;

transportation of the body (remains) of the deceased (deceased) to the place of burial (cremation);

38. Payment for funeral services for the burial of citizens specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Instruction is made at actual costs, confirmed by relevant documents, but in the amount of not more than 6,000 rubles. (as amended by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2002 N 490)

39. In case of transportation to the place of burial of the dead (deceased) military personnel, citizens called up for military training, the costs of manufacturing galvanized and wooden coffins, a shipping box, paying for ritual services are to be made at the expense of the funds provided for in the summary estimate of expenses of the Ministry of Defense for general business expenses (Article 0823 of the Classification of Expenditure According to the Estimate of the Ministry of Defense).

40. The cost of transporting a coffin with the body (remains) of a serviceman, a person called up for military training, who died (deceased) during military service (military training), from the place of death (death) to the place of burial, performed on the basis of a written decision of the relevant officials , who are responsible for organizing the burial, is not included in the amount of expenses specified in paragraph 40, and is paid from the funds provided for in the summary estimate of the expenses of the Ministry of Defense for transportation costs (Article 0732 of the Classification of expenses according to the estimates of the Ministry of Defense), in the prescribed manner.

41. Payment of expenses for the manufacture and installation of tombstones ordered to perpetuate the memory of citizens specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Instruction is made by the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the place of burial or registration at the expense of funds allocated for pensions. (as amended by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2002 N 490)

To make payment, applicants must submit the following documents to the military commissariat:

application addressed to the military commissar;

invoices (receipts, receipts for a credit note or other documents confirming payment for the work performed, or an agreement (order) concluded with an enterprise or organization for the manufacture and installation of a tombstone (with a price list of work performed);

death certificate of the deceased or deceased; (as amended by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2002 N 490)

certificate of the place of burial of the deceased (deceased);

certificate of a participant in the war or certificate of a disabled person, certificate of entitlement to benefits, certificate of a veteran of military service, etc. deceased (deceased). (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 04/09/2002 N 157)

42. The rates of expenditure of funds for the manufacture of tombstones (slabs or steles, pedestals, flower beds) and their installation are:

fallen (deceased) servicemen who were conscripted for military service, cadets of military educational institutions of vocational education before the conclusion of a contract, citizens called up for military training, participants in the Great Patriotic War, including disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War (except for those who served in the active army as military personnel), - up to 8000 rubles;

the rest of the dead (deceased) citizens specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Instruction - up to 12,000 rubles. (as amended by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2002 N 490)

43. After making payment for ritual services, making and installing tombstones, original copies of a death certificate, certificate of a war participant or certificate or certificate of entitlement to benefits, certificates of a veteran of military service, etc. of the deceased (deceased) are returned to their relatives, and their copies, duly certified by the military commissar, remain in the affairs of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. (as amended by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2002 N 490)

44. Organization of the manufacture and installation of tombstones on the graves of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory from among military personnel, as well as their payment, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 1994 N 217 "On the procedure for manufacturing and construction of tombstones on the graves of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory"<*>, carried out by the executive authorities of the republics within the Russian Federation, territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, autonomous entities at the expense of local budgets, with subsequent reimbursement of these costs from the federal budget.






Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237 approved the Regulations on the procedure for military service.

I order:

1. To the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commander of the Airborne Forces, commander of the troops of military districts, fleets, armies and flotillas, heads of main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders of formations and military units, chiefs ( heads) of organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military commissars:

organize in subordinate bodies of military command, military units and organizations the study with all military personnel of the Regulations on the procedure for performing military service and ensure strict compliance with its requirements;

explain that the adoption of this Regulation is a manifestation of the state's concern for strengthening the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, increasing the combat readiness of troops and fleet forces and strengthening military discipline and law and order among military personnel;

to acquaint reserve officers with the Regulations on the procedure for performing military service during the period of military training;

to consider in 1999 at meetings of military councils, meetings of leading officials the state of affairs in the study, selection, placement, training and education of military personnel and take concrete measures to further improve work with personnel, especially with officers, warrant officers and midshipmen;

persistently strive for the activity and exemplification of officers in the performance of military duty, compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the requirements of military regulations, improving personal professional training and improving the methods of command and control of military units and subunits. For these purposes, to provide an advantage in promotion in military service, early assignment of regular military ranks, presentation to the state awards of the Russian Federation, other measures of moral and material incentives for those military personnel who responsibly and successfully perform official and special duties, especially in difficult combat conditions;

take a strictly individual approach to resolving the issue of concluding new contracts with military personnel who have reached the age limit for military service.

2. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GOMU), together with the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other interested military authorities, develop and, by November 15, 1999, submit in the prescribed manner for approval an action plan for the implementation of the Regulations in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the procedure for performing military service and bringing the normative legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on issues of military service in line with the said Regulations.

3. To impose control over the implementation of this Order on the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GOMU) and the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation insofar as it concerns.

Minister of Defense

Russian Federation,

Marshal of the Russian Federation


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Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237 approved the Regulations on the procedure for military service.

I order:

1. To the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commander of the Airborne Forces, commander of the troops of military districts, fleets, armies and flotillas, heads of main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders of formations and military units, chiefs ( heads) of organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military commissars:

Organize in subordinate bodies of military command, military units and organizations the study with all military personnel of the Regulations on the procedure for performing military service and ensure strict compliance with its requirements;

Explain that the adoption of this Regulation is a manifestation of the state's concern for strengthening the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, increasing the combat readiness of troops and fleet forces and strengthening military discipline and law and order among military personnel;

To familiarize reserve officers with the Regulations on the procedure for performing military service during the period of military training;

Consider in 1999 at meetings of military councils, meetings of leading officials the state of affairs in the study, selection, placement, training and education of military personnel and take concrete measures to further improve work with personnel, especially with officers, warrant officers and midshipmen;

Persistently strive for the activeness and exemplification of officers in the performance of military duty, compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the requirements of military regulations, improving personal professional training and improving the methods of command and control of military units and subunits. For these purposes, to provide an advantage in promotion in military service, early assignment of regular military ranks, presentation to the state awards of the Russian Federation, other measures of moral and material incentives for those military personnel who responsibly and successfully perform official and special duties, especially in difficult combat conditions;

Approach strictly individually to the solution of the issue of concluding new contracts with military personnel who have reached the age limit for military service.

2. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GOMU), together with the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other interested military authorities, develop and, by November 15, 1999, submit in the prescribed manner for approval an action plan for implementation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
dated March 21, 2012 No. 500
"On approval of the Rules for the payment of a monthly allowance for special achievements in the service of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

In accordance with part 20 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of November 7, 20 and No. ZO6-FZ “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of certain payments to them” (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2011, No. 45, Art. 6336) A 3 YVA YU:
1. Approve the attached Rules for the payment of a monthly allowance for special achievements in the service of military personnel serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
2. This order applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2012.
3. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation A. Serdyukov


payment of a monthly allowance
for special achievements in the service of military personnel,
serving in the military under contract
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The monthly allowance for special achievements in service (hereinafter referred to as the monthly allowance) is paid to military personnel serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as military personnel), at the expense and within the budget funds allocated for the monetary allowance of military personnel, simultaneously with the payment of monetary allowance and is reflected in the payroll (payroll) statement in a separate column.
In this case, the monthly allowance is paid from the date of entry into the performance of duties in a military position and until the day of release from the performance of duties in a military position (surrender of cases and positions).
The total amount of the monthly allowance may not exceed 100 percent of the salary for a military position.
Within the limits of the budget appropriations allocated from the federal budget for the monetary allowance of military personnel, by decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the monthly allowance may be set at a higher rate.
The monthly allowance is paid to the following categories of military personnel:
1. Servicemen enrolled for training at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who have good and excellent grades in subjects for a month of training, are paid a monthly bonus of 60 percent to the salary for a military position.
Payment of the monthly allowance is carried out on the basis of the order of the respective commander (chief).
2. Servicemen holding military positions of leadership, teaching and research staff in military educational institutions of higher and additional professional education, in research (test) organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as military positions in the military education management bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Federation according to the list approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, a monthly allowance is paid in the following amounts:
having a PhD degree, 3000 rubles
having a scientific degree of doctor of sciences - 7000 rubles.
Military personnel holding military posts of scientific and pedagogical staff in military educational institutions of higher professional education are paid a monthly allowance in the following amounts:
Those holding the military position of a professor - 60 percent of the salary for a military position;
occupying the military position of associate professor - 40 percent of the salary for a military position.
The monthly allowance is paid:
a) military personnel who have an academic degree (academic rank) by the day of appointment to a military position - from the day they enter into execution (temporary performance) of duties in a military position;
b) military personnel who received a scientific degree during the period of execution (temporary execution) of a military position, including for the first time - from the date of the decision by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to issue a diploma of a candidate of sciences or to award a scientific degree of a doctor of sciences.
c) military personnel who received an academic rank during the period of performance (temporary performance) of a military position, including for the first time, from the date the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science made a decision to award the academic title of professor or associate professor in a department (Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation - decisions on awarding the academic title of professor or associate professor in the specialty) *
The monthly allowance is paid on the basis of orders of the respective commanders (chiefs) issued on the basis of reports of military personnel, to which are attached duly certified copies of documents on awarding an academic degree or conferring an academic rank.
3. Military personnel for the qualification level of physical fitness, performance (confirmation) of sports categories in military applied sports and the presence of sports ranks in any sport are paid a monthly allowance in the following amounts:
who completed (confirmed) the second qualifying physical fitness - 15 percent of the salary for a military position;
those who completed (confirmed) the first qualification level of physical fitness - 30 percent of the salary of a military position;
who completed (confirmed) the highest qualification level of physical fitness - 70 percent of the salary for a military position;
who completed (confirmed) the first sports category in one of the military-applied sports - 80 percent of the salary for a military position;
who completed (confirmed) the sports category of a candidate for master of sports in one of the military-applied sports - 90 percent of the salary for a military position;
having sports titles "Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation (USSR)", "Master of Sports of the International Class of the Russian Federation (USSR)", Master of Sports of the Russian Federation (USSR), - 100 percent of the salary for a military position.
Monthly supplement. the military personnel specified in paragraphs five - seven of clause 3 of this order are paid subject to the fulfillment (confirmation) of the highest qualification level of physical fitness by them.
For military personnel who have completed (confirmed) the qualification level of physical fitness, a monthly allowance is established for a calendar year based on the order of the relevant commander (chief) based on the results of at least two checks in the past calendar year, one of which is the final for the year, control or inspection check
The grounds for issuing an order are:
records of checks on the physical training of personnel of a military unit, military command body, organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
documents confirming the assignment of sports ranks and sports titles to military personnel (credit classification books, certificates, extracts from orders).
4. Servicemen of military units 99450, 74455 and a structural subdivision of military unit 29155 are paid a monthly allowance according to the list and in the amount approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
5. Military personnel serving in the structural units (snipers) of military units are paid a monthly allowance in the following amounts:
a) those who have been trained in the fire training cycle (snipers) of military unit 92154 - 70 percent of the salary for a military position.
Occupying military positions named in the attached List - from the day following the day of the end of the fire training cycle (snipers) of military unit 92154, and until the day of release from the performance of duties in the occupied (temporarily performed) military position (surrender of cases and positions);
not occupying military positions named in the attached List - from the date of entry into the performance (temporary performance) of duties in the military position named in the attached List, and until the day of release from the performance of duties in the occupied (temporarily performed) military position (surrender of cases and positions ).
The monthly allowance is paid on the basis of a document on the completion of training in the fire training cycle (snipers) of military unit 92154 and an extract from the order of the commander of military unit 92154 on completion of training;
b) those undergoing training in the fire training cycle (snipers) of military unit 92154 - 50 percent of the salary for a military position from the day the training begins and until the day the training ends, specified in the orders of the commander of the military unit 92] 54.
The payment of a monthly allowance to the specified servicemen in military unit 92154 is made on the basis of the order of the commander of military unit 92154 on enrollment for training and the travel certificate of the serviceman.