Beautiful transgender girls. Transvestites, transgenders and transsexuals: who are these people? Difference between transgender and transsexual

This year has a bountiful harvest of transsexuals, including the transformation of Kim Kardashian's stepfather Bruce Jenner into Caitlyn Jenner. However, there are many transsexuals, but far fewer celebrities. Today we will tell you about the most famous transsexuals on the planet who made history.

Caitlyn Jenner

The former Olympic athlete, reality TV star and stepfather of the famous Kim Kardashian, after an official announcement and gender reassignment surgery, turned from Bruce to Caitlyn in 2015

Laverne Cox

Laverne became famous thanks to her filming in the popular American series “Orange is the New Black”, in which she played the role of Sofia Barset. Laverne becomes the first transgender person to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award

Janet Mock

The former People magazine staffer transitioned at age 18 and publicly came out as a woman to Marie Claire magazine in 2011. She has since become a spokesperson for trans rights with her memoir series, Redefining Realness, published in the New York Times.

Andrey Pejic

Andrey gained popularity as a male supermodel who could wear both men's and women's clothing. In 2014, he changed his gender and stated that from now on he wants to be perceived as a woman

Caroline Kosay

British actress and model who auditioned for the role of a Bond girl in the twelfth 007 film, For Your Eyes Only, and was a Playboy model in 1980

Jenna Talakova

Canadian model who made headlines in all the famous publications and broke all barriers. In 2012, she competed for legal eligibility to compete in the Miss Universe Canada pageant. Well at least she won the title of Miss Congeniality

Alexis Arquette

She was born into the famous acting family Arquette under the name Robert. Alexis has played supporting roles in several films, and her transition from male to female was chronicled in the 2007 film Alexis Arquette: She's My Brother

Isis King

Isis starred in seasons 11 and 17 of the reality show America's Next Top Model. She was the first transgender woman to compete on the show, and has become one of the most visible transgender people on television.

Chaz Bono

The only child of Sonny and Cher (yes, that same Cher). Chaz (born Chastity) documented his transition from female to male in the 2011 film Becoming Chaz

Sylvia Rivera

An American drag queen, gay activist and transgender rights activist, Rivera was one of the founders of the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activist Alliance. Sylvia has been active in helping transgender people in need, including homeless drag queens and black transgender people

Christine Jorgenson

Born George William Jr., Jorgenson fought in the US Army during World War II, and underwent a series of gender reassignment surgeries in Denmark after her service.

Candy Darling

Candy was born a boy named James Lawrence Slattery. Candy Darling was an American transsexual actress who starred in the films Flesh (1968) and Baby Riot (1971), produced by Andy Warhol, and was also a muse for the rock band The Velvet Underground

Carmen Carrera

Reality TV star, model and burlesque actress with amazing curves that any woman would envy

Ian Harvey

Born with the name Janet, Harvey is a transgender comedian who changed his gender at 32. Harvey rose to fame through his work with Margaret Cho, with whom he toured and starred as a regular member of her off-Broadway comedy revue

Lana Wachowski

He is one of the most successful film producers in the world (one half of the duo formerly known as the Wachowski brothers). She helped create the wildly successful Matrix franchise, as well as dozens of other acclaimed films, including V for Vendetta and Cloud Atlas.

Lea T

Born a boy with the name Leandro, in 2014 Lea was chosen as the face of the famous Redken brand, which produces professional hair cosmetics. This made her the first transgender model to be the face of an international cosmetics brand.

Raffi Friedman-Gurspan

He is the first transgender person hired to work in the White House. Raffi was appointed by Barack Obama in 2015 to perform outreach duties and help recruit directors

Nadia Almada

Born Jorge Leodoro, Almada is a British reality TV star who became the first transsexual to win the fifth season of Big Brother in 2004.


Born Jacques Charles Dufresnoy, she took the stage name Coccinelle (French for "ladybug") before entering show business. In 1953, she became famous as a transsexual dancer, performing at the art cafe Chez Madame Arthur. She was the first public advocate for sexual rights in Europe, where she was a national celebrity and a well-known club singer.

Balian Bushbaum

Yvonne Buschbaum was once an Olympic athlete from Germany specializing in pole vaulting. In 2007, Yvonne announced her retirement from professional sports and began preparing for a gender change to later become a man named Balian. Balian took part in the German version of Dancing with the Stars

Loisa Lamers

In addition to her irresistible appearance, Loiza is the first transsexual to win Holland's Next Top Model in 2015. The main prize of the show was a contract with the Touche Models modeling agency for 50 thousand euros

Looking at magazine covers, many people have no idea that a few years ago the beautiful models in the photos could very well be men. Just look at the list below of the 10 most successful transsexual models to be convinced that such people really exist.

Andrey Pejic.
Andrej Pejic is a Serbian-Australian model. Known widely for his ability to perform at both women's and men's shows. Andrey ranks 18th in the top 50 best male models and 98th in the top 100 sexiest women in the world according to

Lea T.
Brazilian model Lea T. is one of the most famous transsexual models today.

Claudia Charriez.
It's hard to believe that Claudia was born a man. Her past has not been a hindrance to her extremely successful career. Claudia won America's Next Top Transsexual Model in 2009.

Isis King (Isis King).
American model Isis King became the first transgender model to appear on America's Next Top Model competition.

Florencia de la V.
Formerly known as Roberto Carlos Trinidad, this Argentine model has become incredibly successful in her field. Among other things, she is also considered the first transsexual actress in the world.

Sirapassorn Attayakorn.
The Thai transsexual model received the title of Miss International Queen at the 2011 beauty pageant.

Chamila Asanka.
Chamila is also a newly minted model from Sri Lanka.

Caroline "Tula" Cossey.
Caroline is an English model, also one of the most famous transvestite models in the world. She managed to star in one of the James Bond films and for Playboy magazine. She also has an autobiography, “I Am A Woman,” where the model talks about her experience of being a transsexual and an actress.

Roberta Klose.
Brazilian model, who managed to appear for the Brazilian publishing house of Playboy magazine. After that, she was named the most beautiful woman in Brazil.

Indian Malika, who has undergone four surgeries, became the first Indian woman to be selected to compete in a transgender beauty pageant in Thailand in 2011.

Today is the birthday of Lana Wachowski, director of The Matrix. Lana was born a man named Lawrence. In 2006, Larry changed his gender. Transsexuality is a condition when a person feels like a member of the opposite sex. Living in the “wrong body” is so difficult that transsexuals often become depressed. Suicides are not uncommon among them. Statistics show that after sex reassignment surgery, psychological problems recede and a person begins to live a normal life.

Chaz Bono

He was born to a girl named Chastity San Bono. Now he is an actor, writer, musician and famous human rights activist, who owns the saying: “Gender is something in the head, not between the legs.” The first and only child in the star family of Cher and Sonny Bono. Chastity has stated since childhood that she feels like a boy. But she decided to change her sex only when she was 40 years old. The operation was carried out in 2010.

Now Chaz has a girlfriend named Jennifer Elias. In one of his last interviews, he admitted that he was happy.

Brandon Tina

Real name: Tina Brandon. A transsexual girl whose tragic story formed the basis of the film “Boys Don't Cry” and several other works.

Tina did not undergo gender reassignment surgery and did not take hormonal drugs: she simply forged a passport, becoming Brandon Tina, and moved to a small town where no one could suspect that she was a woman. Found a job, made friends. When the deception was discovered, her former comrades first raped and then killed her. This murder attracted public attention to the problems of sexual minorities.

Jenna Talachkova

Model and TV presenter from Canada, who almost reached the finals of the Miss Universe 2012 competition. She easily passed several qualifying rounds, and then the panel of judges learned her secret: until the age of 14, Jenna was a boy, underwent a course of hormonal therapy, and at the age of 19, the surgeon’s knife “removed the unnecessary and added the necessary.” As a result, she was disqualified with a scandal. Considering that this was unfair, Jenna hired lawyers, but the case did not go to trial. Donald Trump, one of the organizers of the competition, went to peace.

In the end, the girl took part in the Miss Universe pageant, was among the top 12, and received the title of Miss Congeniality.

Caroline Cossi

British actress and model-transsexual “with experience”. She starred in a cameo role in one of the James Bond films (“For Your Eyes Only”) and repeatedly posed for men’s magazines, including Playboy. After my gender change, I was married several times. The work of her whole life is the autobiography “I am a Woman,” where Carolina openly told why she decided to change her sex and how she earned money for operations by performing in a strip club.

Andreas Krieger

The most famous “victim of male hormones.” Heidi Krieger was a member of the East German track and field team and had no plans to become a man. But from adolescence, on the direct orders of the coach, she took male hormones and anabolic steroids in order to show good results in sports. Her highest achievement was a gold medal at the European Championships in 1986. After finishing her sports career, Heidi noticed that she was rapidly developing transsexuality.

She eventually had gender reassignment surgery. Now Andreas is married and has a daughter. Founded the Heidi Krieger Award, which is awarded to those who fight against doping in sports.

Thomas Beaty

This American became famous throughout the world for the fact that, being a man according to his passport, he managed to bear three children! In fact, Thomas is a former Hawaiian girl named Tracy Lagondino. Judging by the fact that she once managed to win one of the places at a local beauty contest, the girl was very pretty. But at the age of 24, having met his future wife (by the way, a bodybuilder), Thomas decided to transform and began taking male hormones, and a little later he switched to gender reassignment operations. Then it turned out that his other half could not get pregnant. Thomas gave up hormones for a while and... was able to get pregnant on his own.

Dana International

Israeli pop singer who managed to win the Eurovision Song Contest with her song Diva. Changed gender at the age of 21. Now she is one of the most recognizable transsexuals on the planet.

Jenny Hiloudaki

Greek top model, writer. Her transformation is considered one of the most successful. Already at the age of 13, young John Hiloudaki began taking female hormones, and at the age of 20 he had his last gender reassignment surgery.

After which Jenny began working as a model and quickly gained fame. In this she was helped not only by her chic forms, but also by scandals: she met with a married local prosecutor. Having learned that Jenny used to be a man, the prosecutor returned to the family. She wrote the book “Angels Have No Gender.”

Lana Wachowski

One of the creators of the cult trilogy "The Matrix". However, when she and her brother Andy directed the film, Lana was still Larry. Since childhood, Larry, according to him, could not decide on his gender, which almost led him to suicide and caused severe periods of depression. Larry began taking hormonal medications in preparation for surgery in the early 2000s; the preparation lasted about 5 years. Lana was supported by the whole family - from his brother and sisters to his own wife. As a woman, Lana first appeared in public, presenting the new film Cloud Atlas. For her courage to publicly talk about the reasons that prompted her gender change, she received the Human Rights Campaign's Visibility Award.

What is it like to be born in a body that is not yours? What is it like to live after gender reassignment surgery? The world's most famous transgender people present their stories.

Recently, news spread around the world that a transgender couple from Ecuador had a daughter. The girl’s parents had not yet undergone final gender reassignment operations: they wanted the child to be conceived naturally. Thus, the girl was born by her father, Fernando Machado (née Maria). The girl's mother was Diana Rodriguez (formerly the young man Luis). Fernando and Diana became the first transgender couple in South America to have a baby.

The lovers' path to happiness was not strewn with roses. So, Maria’s parents kicked her out of the house when they learned about her daughter’s desire to change her gender, and local newspapers wrote about her as a crazy woman.

The news of the addition to this unusual family has drawn attention to the problems of transgender people from all over the world. Unfortunately, many of them feel lonely and unhappy. But some managed to muster up the courage and loudly declare themselves. We remember the brightest and most famous transgender people.

Caitlyn Jenner (66 years old)

It was impossible to suspect a transgender person in Bruce Jenner, the star of the series “Keeping Up with the Kardashians”: an athlete, Olympic gold medalist, father of six children from 3 wives... But it turned out that even such courageous men can dream of changing floor. According to Bruce, he always wanted to become a woman, he liked to secretly dress in women's clothes and put on makeup. However, he was not homosexual. His last marriage to Kris Kardashian, mother of the infamous Kim, lasted 23 years. The couple had two daughters - now famous models Kendall and Kylie Jenner.

After his divorce from Chris, Bruce even thought about suicide - so strong was the internal conflict between the desire to become a woman and the fear of upsetting his family. In the end, at the age of 65 (!), he had sex reassignment surgery and appeared before the public in a new pretty image of a woman named Caitlin. And everything would be fine, but Jenner had problems with her personal life. She, as throughout her life, likes women, she is absolutely indifferent to men, but she cannot find a worthy life partner. There are rumors that for this reason Caitlin regrets her sex change and wants to return back to a male body.

Chaz Bono (47 years old)

On March 4, 1969, the popular singer Cher and her husband Sonny Bono gave birth to a girl. At that time, the couple were working on a film where Cher played the role of a girl who could not figure out her sexual orientation. Cher decided to name her newborn daughter Chastity, in honor of this heroine of hers and, as they say, “naked.”

After 13 years, Chastity announced to her parents that she was a lesbian. At first they were in shock, tried to treat their only daughter, placed her in various rehabilitation centers, but it was all in vain. At the age of 18, Chastity came out, i.e. publicly spoke about her gay orientation. The star mother seemed to accept this state of affairs, but it was a shock for her when her daughter announced her decision to change her gender through surgery. Chastity had to undergo several difficult surgeries.

In 2010, Cher lost her daughter and gained a son named Chaz Bono. Not right away, but the singer managed to understand and accept Chaz:

“I respect his choice. If I woke up one day as a man, I would also begin to think with horror about how to get out of this body. That's exactly what Chaz felt, and now he's found peace."

Chaz Bono, a professional journalist and human rights activist, wrote a book and made a documentary about his difficult path.

Sisters Lana (51) and Lily Wachowski (48)

The story of the Wachowski brothers, the creators of the legendary “The Matrix,” seems even more surprising.

They were born in Chicago in the family of a Polish entrepreneur and grew up as ordinary boys. True, the eldest, Larry, was very reserved and did not know how to find a common language with his peers. He later admitted that he was not interested in playing with boys, he was attracted to dolls and girlish clothes, and secretly wore his sisters' dresses. As a teenager, realizing that he was different from others, Larry wanted to commit suicide. Wearing his sister's nightgown, he wrote a long suicide note, but by a stroke of luck he was unable to complete his intentions. Larry was very close with his younger brother Andy, and perhaps his support helped him survive this difficult period.

After school, the brothers worked as carpenters, and in their spare time they drew comics and developed the idea for The Matrix, the script of which was later brought to the Warner Bros. film studio.

Thanks to the films “Communication” and “The Matrix,” the Wachowskis became celebrities, but they did not talk about their personal life, refusing to give interviews. It is known that both were married, but Larry divorced in 2002, began appearing in public in women's clothing and began preparing for gender reassignment surgery.

And then in 2012, Larry came out, appearing to the public in a new image - a woman with pink hair named Lana. When at a press conference one of the journalists asked Lana an indiscreet question, Andy, who was present in the hall, besieged the impudent man:

“I will break a bottle over the head of anyone who hurts my sister!”

In 2009, Lana married dominatrix Ilsa Strix (real name Karin Winslow), a star of BDSM clubs. While still a man, Larry became her regular client and won her over from her then-husband, the big guy Buck Angel. The latter, by the way, turned out to be a woman pumped up with male hormones.

And in May 2016, Andy also came out and turned into Lilly. It turns out that Andy also hated his male body all his life, and feels much more comfortable as a woman. The most interesting thing is that Andy’s wife, with whom he has been together since 1991, supported him.

Harisu (41 years old)

Harisu is a popular South Korean singer, model and actress. She was born in 1975 as a boy named Lee Kyung-Ip and was one of five children in a large family. Already in early childhood, the child demonstrated pronounced girlish behavior.

At the age of 15, after an unsuccessful attempt to build a relationship with his peer, Lee thought about gender reassignment and began taking hormones. For this reason, he was exempted from compulsory military service, being considered mentally ill. By the end of the 90s, Lee realized his dream by undergoing gender reassignment surgery, breast and hip augmentation, and rhinoplasty. Lee's parents were very sad at the time, but now they are proud of their daughter's success.

The “newly made” girl lived in Japan for several years, where she went to work at a modeling agency, and then she took the pseudonym Harisu. Fame came to her after starring in a commercial for DoDo cosmetics.

The girl never hid the truth about her sex change, and they often say about her: “more beautiful than women...”

Harisu is officially considered a woman. For almost 10 years she has been legally married to a Korean rap artist.

Andrea Pejic (24 years old)

Androgynous model Andrej Pejic was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the age of 9, he emigrated to Australia with his mother and older brother. For as long as he can remember, Andrei wanted to be a girl. From an early age, he was interested in outfits and hairstyles, and he was completely indifferent to football, which infuriated his brother. At the age of 17, Andrei got into the modeling business. His unique appearance has allowed him to advertise both men's and women's clothing. So, at the Gautier show he paraded in a wedding dress.

In 2014, Andrei decided to undergo gender reassignment and became a girl named Andrea. Now Andrea feels great and remains one of the most sought-after models. She does not advertise her personal life, but admits that she dreams of becoming a mother, and recently an engagement ring appeared on her finger.

Leah T (34 years old)

Lea T, a fragile Brazilian beauty, the pride of the Givenchy fashion house, it turns out, was also born a boy, who was given the name Leonardo at birth. Her (or his) father is the famous Brazilian football player Toninho Cerezo. From an early age, Leonardo was aware that he was different from other boys, but he carefully hid this fact. They never thought about a modeling career, dreaming of becoming a veterinarian. His calm and measured life changed after meeting fashion designer Riccardo Tisci, the current director of the Givenchy house. It was Ricardo who convinced Leonardo to appear before the public as a girl. They carefully worked out the image of the future model and went to Paris, where Lea immediately became a star in the fashion world. She starred for the covers of many fashion magazines, demonstrated women's clothing on the catwalk, and took part in photo shoots.

In 2012, Lea became a girl for real, having undergone gender reassignment surgery. Despite her resounding success, Lea wants to someday leave her modeling career and fulfill her childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian.

Gina Rosero (32 years old)

But Gina Rosero, a famous American model who advertises swimsuits and women's underwear, kept the secret that she used to be a guy for almost 10 years. The future model, of Filipino origin, was born in Manila. Gina remembers how, at the age of five, she would put a towel on her head and imagine that it was her long hair.

In her youth, she participated in transsexual competitions and took first place. Even then she dreamed of becoming a woman, and not just a woman, but a beauty. In addition to hormone therapy, Gina has undergone several skin whitening operations. And at the age of 19, accompanied by her mother, who supported her in everything, Gina went to Thailand, where, with the help of first-class surgeons, she finally became a girl.

The model then settled in the USA, where she made a successful career. Until recently, almost none of her American friends had any idea about her male past, until Gina decided to publicly tell the truth. She did this in order to support transgender people around the world who suffer from loneliness and misunderstanding of their loved ones.

Laverne Cox (32 years old)

The famous actress, star of the series “Orange is the New Black,” was born in a small town in Alabama. While still a child, the future actress was subjected to bullying and public censure because she did not want to wear men's clothing and wore a skirt to school. Then she had two cherished dreams: to become a woman and act in films.

And both came true when Laverna, having moved to New York, entered acting college and had sex reassignment surgery. Her finest hour came in 2013, after the release of the series “Orange is the New Black,” where she played the role of imprisoned transgender woman Sofia Barset.

Aidian Dowling (29 years old)

Aidian Dowling is a brutal bodybuilder, blogger and social activist. It's impossible to believe that this muscular man was once a girl. Even before the gender reassignment surgery, Aidian, then an angular teenager, began romantic relationships with her peers. One of them said: "Why don't you become a guy?" These words greatly influenced the future fate of Aidian. He not only underwent gender reassignment, but also began to play sports intensively, pumping up excellent muscles.

In 2015, he took part in a competition to nominate a man to appear on the cover of the men’s magazine Men’s Health. According to the voting results, he took second place and still became the first transgender man to appear on the cover of a major men's magazine: together with other finalists, he was photographed for a special issue of Men's Health.

Now Adian continues to play sports, maintains his blog and fights for transgender rights. In his personal life, everything is fine: he is happy with his wife.

On November 6, singer Thomas Neuwirth, whom the whole world recognized last year as Conchita Wurst, will turn 27 years old. The “bearded woman” is not the only travesty image in the history of pop music: there were other troublemakers. ELLE is about artists who not only sang from a female perspective, but also looked like women.

Austrian Thomas Neuwirth's victory in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014 did more to unite Europe than EU bureaucrats, many believe. For some, the bearded woman Conchita Wurst is an absurdity, a disgrace and a reason for jokes; for others, she is a symbol of freedom and a walking art object. The respectable New York Times talks about the Conchita phenomenon, the BBC calls her the savior of European values, public figures and the UN Secretary General himself meet with Conchita, and the prestigious New York gallery MoMA collaborates with her as part of an art project.

In all this, one forgets that, in fact, Thomas Neuwirth, who invented and put on the Conchita Wurst mask, is first and foremost a singer. And not bad. Neuwirth-Wurst's latest album is quite worthy pop music, which, alas, judging by the results of the charts, few people outside the artist's native Austria need.

Verka Serduchka

Serduchka is about the same as Conchita Wurst, only in reverse. Openly gay Thomas Neuwirth appears as a cutesy diva and means it. Andrei Danilko, aka Verka Serduchka, is straight, he doesn’t fight for anything, doesn’t try to play a real woman, but instead plays the fool and has fun. Verka is a Slavic frenzy, drunken dancing until you drop and almost Bollywood kitsch. Boundless energy and clear hits made Serduchka one of the main pop stars at home in Ukraine, and even more so in Russia, where at the end of the 2000s not a single concert, TV show or corporate event could do without “Everything will be fine.” Recently, the artist Danilko has disappeared from the sight and hearing of Russians, but he showed up in the Hollywood comedy “Spy”. Apparently, the cheerful circus that Serduchka and her (his?) team are excellent at organizing makes quite an impression on the Americans. On Verka’s Instagram there is a short video from a party in honor of the premiere of “Spy,” where the audience in evening dresses enthusiastically listens to the artist’s fiery show, and the film’s director Paul Feig even starts dancing.

The son of immigrants from Yemen, a native of Tel Aviv, Yaron Cohen, has not yet changed his passport. Officially, he/she is still Yaron, although he underwent gender reassignment surgery 22 years ago. Having become a big star at home in Israel in the mid-nineties, Dana tried several times to get into the Eurovision contest and eventually achieved her goal. Winning the competition in 1998 turned Dana into a truly international celebrity: Jean-Paul Gaultier made her costumes, she was called to join the Spice Girls in place of the departed Jerry Halliwell. Dana wisely refused the offer to become the fifth “peppercorn”, realizing that they were calling her for the sake of shocking. Then the wave subsided, and it turned out that the Israeli songs were of little interest to anyone outside their native country. But the artist does not complain - she performs at home and records new songs.

RuPaul Andrew Charles, known simply as RuPaul, is the most commercially successful drag queen in the world. The six-foot-tall native of San Diego, before becoming a superstar, sang in a punk band, danced in nightclubs and was even named the “Queen of Manhattan.” Fame came to RuPaul in the early nineties on the wave of fashion for dance club music and nostalgia for the bright seventies. He hosted a radio show and recorded pop hits, including Don't Go Breakin' My Heart, a number sung with Elton John. Both the song itself and the video, in which the giant RuPaul and the diminutive Elton John charmingly fooled around (playing on the cliches of mass culture from “Grease” to “American Gothic”), were a great success in Russia. Paul starred in films (see the cult travesty masterpiece “Wong Foo, Thank You for Everything,” where the main roles were played by the very brutal Wesley Snipes and Patrick Swayze), and the contract with MAC brought him no less than $22 million.

Now Ru Paul has become a real burlesque legend (his big fan is, for example, designer Jason Wu, who dresses Michelle Obama) and is mainly busy with his own TV show Ru Paul's Drag Race, which has already endured six seasons. Drag Race, as the name implies, - this is a kind of “Star Factory”, only for those who want to make a career as a drag queen. Paul himself dresses up in women’s clothes only for work, and in everyday life he prefers suits and a complete absence of makeup.

Divine is still idolized by intellectuals who have a weakness for self-irony and trash culture. Harris Glen Milstead, who unabashedly called himself Divine (“Divine”), was a lover of sweets, weighed 180 kilos, but did not stress about it at all. Creepy, excessive makeup, short dresses - Divine was very convincing in the image of a vulgar fat woman who does not mince words. She was made a star of cinema and counterculture in general by director John Waters, who directed Divine in several classic films such as Pink Flamingos and Hairspray. In the latter she played two roles, male and female. Being a man was not difficult for Harris Glen Milstead - he admitted that in ordinary life he was a “real man.”

In addition to cinema, Divine made an excellent musical career: four albums, club hits “I"m So Beautiful, Shoot Your Shot. The pinnacle of success was the musical film “Hairspray”: there Divine sang, danced, made faces and was very convincing. Alas, a month after the premiere, the famous drag queen artist (who in real life looked much older than his years) died in his sleep. He was 42. Ahead of him was the role of a mother-in-law in the new series “Married... with Children” (in the Russian box office “Happy Together”). , the contract had already been signed, but it didn’t work out. Almost twenty years later, a remake of “Hairspray” was released, in which Divine was replaced by John Travolta.