How to make a gypsum volcano. How to make a plasticine volcano with your own hands: a chemical experiment for children and adults. Do-it-yourself volcano model from paper and a bottle

Young researchers will certainly be interested in how to make a plasticine volcano with their own hands. A volcano craft can be either static or active. For a static one, it is enough to reproduce with the help of plasticine the appearance of a “smoking” mountain. The current craft will look much more spectacular and entertaining.

The model of an active volcano will interest not only schoolchildren, but also young children. Perhaps sculpting and testing the volcano will awaken an interest in geology, geography and chemistry.

Let's start crafting

It is very easy to make an active volcano at home. For the surface of the volcano, you can use not only plasticine, but also salt dough or paper. The main secret is the chemical interaction of soda and vinegar. To make the process of "eruption" more interesting, you can add a natural dye. But first things first. First you need to understand how a real volcano works.

Before starting the craft, it is recommended to consider pictures and diagrams of the structure of the volcano with the children, as well as documentary photographs. After all, such a project is not so much developing imagination and motor skills as cognitive. Children can learn for themselves a lot about the structure of the Earth and natural phenomena.

Here is the main sectional diagram of the volcano:

As you can see from the picture, magma rises up a thin vent before escaping and becoming lava. Therefore, in order for the experiment with the volcano to turn out at home, you need to create the same conditions: a wide reservoir for "magma" and a narrow neck as a vent.

It is most convenient to design a homemade volcano from plasticine and a bottle. In addition to these materials, you will also need:

  • plywood or thick cardboard of a large format (about 50 × 50 cm or more);
  • acrylic paints and brushes;
  • scotch;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • soda;
  • food coloring (red or orange);
  • vinegar.

Plywood is needed for the base. It can be replaced with an unnecessary basin, pallet or tray. The main thing is that the size of the volcano does not exceed the size of the base. The mountain should rise about 20 cm from the edges of the plywood.

Consider the process of creating a volcano in stages.

  1. We form the "mouth" of the volcano. To do this, you need a bottle that can be used as a whole or reduced to the desired size (depending on the height of the future volcano).

To create a small model, it is better to cut the bottle, i.e. cut off the upper part with the neck and the lower part with the bottom and combine these two parts with adhesive tape. After that, the bottle can be fixed on all sides in the center of the base also with tape.

  1. We begin to sculpt the mountain. To do this, most likely, you will need a lot of plasticine. You can collect all the leftovers, include spoiled plasticine, old figures in the total mass. The color of the volcano should be brown, gray and black, so mixing several colors will just give the right shade. Before sculpting, it is better to knead it very well.

The formation of a mountain starts from the bottom up. First, the base is fixed, and then plasticine is gradually applied from above, in layers. The volcano does not have to be perfectly flat, as if taken from a potter's wheel. On the contrary, relief and irregularities will give more realism. You can even lay gutters, through which "magma" will then drain.

Here are some photos of plasticine volcanoes:

From above, when the plasticine mountain is ready, you can make an imitation of flowing lava. This requires yellow, orange and red plasticine. The pieces are combined into one lump, but not mixed so that multi-colored stains are visible.

At the end, the craft can be processed in stacks and, if desired, painted with paint.

  1. We paint plywood with acrylic paints around the volcano, we make a landscape. To do this, you can use ready-made models of dinosaurs, palm trees, trees.
  1. After the craft has dried, you can start testing. To do this, the following mixture is made:
  • 1 st. a spoonful of dishwashing detergent;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of soda;
  • a few drops (5-10) of liquid food coloring.

Pour the resulting mixture into the volcano through a funnel. After that, vinegar is added to the “vent”, and a chemical reaction begins. Vinegar must be added gradually until the reaction begins (foam appears). With a bottle volume of 2 liters, it is necessary to pour ¾ cup of vinegar.

If there is no liquid dye, you can use dry, but then it must be dissolved in vinegar. This is an additional component to give the lava color to the foam. For a simple experiment, you can do without dye.

A model of a volcano would make a great project for a school fair or geography homework. It can be used to demonstrate the eruption or as an exhibition piece.

At home, children can play with such a volcano in the “Mesozoic era”, when dinosaurs walked the earth, and volcanic eruption was a common occurrence.

Do-it-yourself volcano model can be useful not only in geography lessons. The process of its creation will be a memorable entertainment for the whole family. It can be combined with scientific inserts. The choice of material also determines how long the toy will last you.

From plasticine

Perhaps, modeling from plasticine is the most suitable option for playing with a child. Plasticine allows you to realize any fantasies and is very easy to work with. Creativity can be combined with education - tell your beloved child where the largest volcanoes are located, what they consist of and what they are called. The time spent together will be remembered for a long time.

For the cavity in which the "lava" will be located, take a plastic bottle. To do this, cut off one third of the top, we do not need it. Having kneaded the plasticine, begin to glue the base with it, gradually giving it the shape of a mountain.

The top layer needs to be given this unique, rocky structure. To do this, make cracks with an awl. In other shades, designate different types of rocks. Add dark pebbles and grass. Has your volcano erupted recently? Make scorched glades.

Create a simulated tree. To do this, pinch off pieces of foam rubber of different sizes and paint with green gouache or acrylic paint. They should not be homogeneous, but as if torn. Settle dinosaurs in the clearings, and your craft will become the subjects of a variety of games.

For scientific activity

From mounting foam and polystyrene, you can make a layout in section, on which we will clearly see the structure. It can be used in a project or in nature studies lessons. It is well known that visual examples are remembered and perceived better.

First you need to form the foot. Make the effect of grass and draw the levels of the earth's crust on the side. At one of the edges, start forming half of the pyramid. Each new layer is painted over. Now we begin to form a gutter on the side, it should be half of the tube.

Children are curious and want to know many things. They are interested in various natural phenomena: hurricane, tsunami, volcanic eruption. These phenomena, if desired, are modeled at home. Making a volcano at home with your own hands is quite a feasible task for everyone. The experience will require a minimum of improvised materials, patience and time.

A bit of geography

Under the ground is magma - molten rock that seeps to the surface through small holes in the ground or erupts through craters. Volcanoes are located on the border of tectonic plates, in the mountains. But there are cases of their appearance on the territory with a flat relief and for a short period of time. Active volcanoes are mostly portrayed as huge and regular in shape, but they are not, in fact, there are different types. Volcanoes can be tall or very small and disproportionate.

The eruption proceeds as follows: gases and magma that are underground are pushed up under strong pressure. Sometimes there are even explosions, it happens that volcanoes spew lava, gushing like geysers.

Salt dough volcano

For the experience you need a minimum of materials and a little patience. To make a model of a volcano with your own hands, you will need:

After we have found everything you need, we begin modeling. Let's get started by following the instructions:

From baking soda

To make the product, you will need: water, vinegar, diluted food coloring, dish detergent, baking soda.

Procedure for creating a volcano:

From plasticine and paper

It will be even faster to model a volcano from paper and plasticine. First, let's make the shape of the product. Take a piece of cardboard, fold it into a cone, and cut off the top of the resulting cone. The layout of the volcano at home is made.

Now stick the resulting model with plasticine on top, you should get a mountain. Place the layout on a tray or dish. Put a mixture of lava (food coloring, paint, soda) in a jar and place the jar inside the craft. Homemade volcano is ready. You can make such a product quickly, simply and without much cost.

reusable craft

This option is very convenient, because you can return to the created volcano again and again. To create crafts you will need:

For the eruption you will need: vinegar, a little soda, red food coloring, a little bit of dishwashing detergent.

Here comes the most interesting stage. Place a little baking soda inside the vent, add a little dishwashing liquid and sprinkle red food coloring. If required, add some water. We add some vinegar to the mouth of the volcano, and the eruption begins!

Big Bang

This vapiant will especially appeal to children. To simulate a big bang, you need the following:

With liquid nitrogen

A little dangerous, but no less interesting way. An even larger spectacle will turn out, if you do the following:

When creating a wudkan at home, use your imagination. Here are some tips:

  • Color the product if you wish.
  • Add ingredients carefully so as not to stain anything.
  • To enhance the eruption, add mints and soda.
  • Be sure to wear goggles and gloves.

As you can see, making a volcano at home is easy and fun. The product will give an unforgettable experience to both children and adults. Making a volcano can be combined with a geography or chemistry lesson for kids, and adults will just have a good time doing this activity.

Attention, only TODAY!

Svetlana Kundryukova

Not so long ago, Galina Shinayeva published master class for making a model of a volcano. I really liked her wonderful idea and, adding a little of my imagination, I decided to make the same wonderful teaching aid for my children.

I present to your attention master class of my volcano.

To make we need:

1. The basis on which it will be located volcano(in my case it is thick cardboard)

2. An empty bottle of colored sand.

3. Old newspaper or magazine.

5. Glue for tiles, glue "Dragon" and PVA.

6. Styrofoam pieces.

7. Stained glass and gouache paints.

8.For decoration: colored sand, aquarium soil (small pebbles, pebbles, artificial greenery.


1. We take a bottle and wrap it with newspaper or magazine sheets (pre-crumple the sheets) and stick it on cardboard.

2. To give the desired shape, we put pieces of foam and fix it with tape.

3. Paste with napkins.

4. Dilute the adhesive for tiles and apply on layout leave until completely dry.

Then we repeat the same procedure two more times.

5. After complete drying, we proceed to decorating volcano: we make an imitation of magma with colored sand.

6. Coloring.

Since I wanted to make some kind of pond, I had to increase the foot with an additional sheet of cardboard. (I painted the water in the pond with blue stained glass paint)

We add greens.

At the top volcano has a hole, into which you can insert a small vessel and use volcano not only as a teaching aid, but also to conduct experiments with children.

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From salt dough, we formed the mouth of the volcano, inside it is a cut off small plastic bottle. We then painted our volcano with acrylic.

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Hello, friends! Today I want to tell you about how to make a home volcano with your own hands in just a couple of minutes.

This action is very exciting and truly bewitching, both for children and adults, so I highly recommend trying it 🙂

What you need to make a volcano at home

In fact, making a volcano is very simple. We collected it even without vinegar, because the smell of vinegar is not very pleasant for children.

So, for the simplest and most smellless 🙂 volcano, we need:

  • bottle;
  • plasticine for decorating the bottle and making the "mountain";
  • soda;
  • citric acid (in a ratio of 1 to 2);
  • a container for mixing ingredients and a spoon;
  • water and a little dishwashing detergent (so that there is more foam);
  • food coloring (optional)
  • a plastic container for creating a themed sensory box "Volcano";
  • small figurines for the sensory box (if you make a volcano in a box);

How to make a volcano

Our goal was not only make a volcano, but also to embed it into the general thematic canvas, so we made a sensory box. It turned out just super and was able to keep Gleb busy for three hours for sure 🙂

We played a treasure island (the pirate theme has been prevailing here for a very long time :-)) and on our island, where the pirates sailed in search of treasure, a volcano erupted.

making a volcano

For volcano we took a bottle and to give it the appearance of a mountain, they covered it with multi-colored plasticine.

Of course, it was possible to make the mountain even more gentle, but there was no longer the strength to endure, I really wanted to see the volcano in action 🙂

Our island was rocky, so we put stones in a container, placed a volcano in the center, and around it were pirates and a treasure chest.

Magic powder

Now it's time time to make "magic powder", which at the right time will ignite the volcano. In fact, there is nothing magical here, just a mixture of soda and citric acid (in a ratio of 1 to 2), but the result of the reaction for the child will be truly magical, believe me 🙂

Comfortable immediately pour a lot of powder into a container and prepare a spoon (small), otherwise the child will go into a rage and it will be difficult to be distracted by making an additional portion of the magic powder.

Can be in powder add food coloring so that the foam is colored. We added red to make the lava red. It turned out really well 🙂


And then everything is simple: you just need to pour the magic powder into the mouth of the volcano and it will turn out - magic!

For clarity - made a little video for you. I hope you enjoy our volcano 🙂

With love,

Marina Kruchinskaya