What does the name Alina mean and how is it translated. Name meaning: Alina

The name Alina is an abbreviated form of the German name Adeline, which in turn is a diminutive form of the ancient German name Adela. Translated from German, Alina means "noble."

There is another version of the origin of the name Alina - Arabic, and in translation it means “alien” or “other”.
The name Alina came to the Russian language quite late - at the beginning of the 20th century, but since then it has not lost its popularity at all.

In the Christian calendar, the name Alina is not, therefore, girls are given the name Angelina, Alevtina at baptism, less often - Elena or Alla. The patroness of all Alins is the Great Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea, also known as Valentina. Alina celebrates her birthday on March 23, April 26, May 29, June 14 and 16, July 2, August 4, September 29.

Characteristics of the name Alina

Alina is a very feminine and gentle name, but the character of its owner is not at all angelic. Alina is a daring, stubborn, irritable and capricious person. She always does what she herself needs, and can not stand comments addressed to her. This is a person of extremes, and she always lacks the skill and tact to turn the situation in her favor. Sometimes Alina can even be aggressive.

Excessive excitability is Alina's main drawback, she is completely unable to hide her feelings and experiences, be it love or hostility. She loves everything around to happen exactly as she wants, and she can be persuaded only by kindness and patience, but by no means by violence.

Despite being slightly excitable, Alina rarely becomes nervous. By nature, Alya is an extrovert - if necessary, she perfectly knows how to adapt. Miraculously, she knows how to curb her character, if she needs it herself. She loves to brag, but at the same time is very dependent on the opinions of others. Easily gives out any promises and also easily forgets about them.

The owners of this beautiful name are prone to conflicts, so they find it difficult to get along with people. Alina prefers to be friends with men, as she cannot stand women. In addition, she enjoys great success with the opposite sex due to her impeccable appearance and relaxed behavior.

Growing up, Alina becomes somewhat softer, but still she will not be able to completely change her unbridled temperament.

Purposefulness is another characteristic feature of Alina. She knows how to achieve her goal, no matter what. For her, there are no barriers that she could not overcome - even if for this she has to go over her head.

Alina is a great fashionista, she knows how to make a beautiful and stylish outfit literally out of nothing. She has impeccable taste, she is always well-groomed and looks good. He treats money easily, spends it without hesitation and without stint.

Of great importance for the character of Alina is the time of her birth. Winter Alina is distinguished by intelligence and quick reaction, as well as determination. She knows how to carefully think through her every step, and consistently go towards her goal.

Spring Alina is a romantic and sublime personality, an incorrigible dreamer. Differs in imbalance and nervousness.

If Alina was born in the summer, then although she is quick-tempered, she is completely unforgiving and kind. Autumn Alina is an enterprising and practical woman, a born business woman.

Many creative and sports people bear the name Alina: violinist Alina Pogostkina, poetess Alina Vitukhnovskaya, gymnast Alina Kabaeva, actress Alina Yanovskaya, singer Alina Grosu.

Alina in childhood

Little Alina is a very difficult child, difficult to educate. There is no parental authority for her. He likes to command and does not react at all to the comments of adults. Alya is often brought up in an incomplete family, and this also leaves its mark on the character of the child. The girl never complains, rarely cries and is naughty.

Alina is touchy - even with her mother she can defiantly not talk for a long time if she does not do as she demands.

The child has an excellent memory, she knows how to grasp any information on the fly, so studying is easy for her, but only if she herself wants it. Naturally capable and well trained, she rarely becomes a good student, which greatly upsets her parents and teachers. In addition, the girl is often sick and misses classes, which also does not contribute to good studies.

Alina is endowed with many talents - she draws well, is very artistic, loves to read, she has a wonderful literary style. She also loves to patronize and take care of someone, but she does it harshly, with her characteristic maximalism.

Parents should raise their daughter in love and severity, in no case should she be spoiled - otherwise, in adulthood, her character will become unbearable. There must be pets in the house so that the girl learns kindness and responsibility from early childhood.

Alina married, compatibility

In spite of a large number of friends and admirers, Alina marries in adulthood. A marriage can be successful only if the family lives in a separate territory - a woman will definitely not get along with her husband's parents, however, as well as with her parents.

Alina chooses her husband very carefully, she pays attention to literally everything - appearance, dressing style, accuracy and the ability to earn money. Family life will not be boring - an explosive character and a frantic temperament will not let Alina's husband get bored. In addition, Alina is very jealous and is able to arrange demonstrative tantrums over any trifle.

However, despite the careful approach to choosing a husband, divorce is quite possible, as well as remarriage.

Alina will not make an exemplary hostess, but she is very hospitable and cooks well, there is always a place for guests in her house. She will love and pamper her children.

Family life can be successful with men named Victor, Mikhail, Vladimir, Eugene, Yakov, Alexander. Marriage should be avoided with Igor, Dmitry, Alexei, Anatoly, Nikolai.

Alina's sexuality

Alina perceives sex more with her mind than with her heart. During sex, more attention will be paid to the beauty of the partner's body and the aesthetics of the situation, and feelings and pleasure will fade into the background.

Outwardly, the woman is very sexy, and men like her. But it will not be possible to quickly persuade her to have sex, since Alina great importance gives courtship, compliments and romantic relationships. However, her moral principles quite allow her to use sex as a weapon to achieve her goal.

If she loves her partner and completely trusts him, then all prohibitions are lifted, for him she is ready to move mountains.

Alina's health

Little Alya often gets sick, catches a cold, she has a weak immune system. The girl is too excitable, can bring herself to a nervous breakdown. It is not uncommon for a child to need the help of a neurologist. Also, the girl may develop scoliosis, at an older age, vision may begin to fall.

The girl usually has a poor appetite, but parents should not worry about this and try to force-feed the child - she should be fed when the girl is hungry and asks for food herself.

Parents need to pay attention to the general physical fitness of their daughter, consult a pediatrician about strengthening the child's immunity. A girl from early childhood is required to observe the daily routine. She also needs a lot of sleep and fresh air.

In adulthood, Alina will also often get sick. Due to the frequent intake of tablets, the stomach and intestinal microflora will suffer - a woman needs to pay attention to this.

Business and career

The only profession that Alina should not do is pedagogical activity. Character traits do not allow her to become a good teacher or educator. In addition, a woman is completely indifferent to all children, except her own. In all other areas of activity, Alina can achieve great success.

Ali has an excellent ability in the humanities, she can easily become a philologist, journalist, translator, secretary. Also, she may not have a hefty artistic and literary talent.

The vital energy and talent of a speaker will help Alina become a good politician. She knows how to stand her ground and has the gift of persuasion. She will always strive for career growth, and no moral principles can stop her on this path. Having taken a leadership position, she will become a bitchy and despotic boss. Alina does not know how and does not consider it necessary to find an approach to people, to adapt to circumstances. In essence, Alina is a born careerist.

Talismans for Alina

  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • Lucky colors are blue and blue.
  • The most successful day of the week is Thursday, the most successful time of the year is spring.
  • Talisman stone - topaz and jasper. Topaz attracts good luck in business, helps in concluding profitable deals, protects from betrayal and betrayal. Jasper cleans everything Negative influence applied to a person warns against trouble and protects from danger.
  • The totem animal is the praying mantis, it symbolizes strength, adaptability and ease of communication. The animal teaches to keep a long immobility in order to think everything over, and then deliver a sharp blow.
  • Totem plant - verbena and maple, considered a symbol of fertility, life and protection.

Horoscope for Alina

Aries- impulsive and independent nature, with a touch of adventurism. She is almost devoid of sensuality, so she is not very popular with men, but she can make a successful career in business. It attracts weak-willed and unsettled men.

Taurus- gentle and good-natured Alina, with a strong character. Principle, skepticism and pragmatism are the main qualities of her character. For her, material wealth is very important, so she will choose only a wealthy man as her husband. At the same time, she is a sensual and kind nature, to whom no earthly pleasures are alien.

Twins- a creative and curious person, always open to new acquaintances and knowledge. She loves male attention and really needs it. Happy marriage possible with a congenial person who will share her craving for knowledge and new sensations.

Crayfish- a young lady whose character is characteristic frequent drops moods. She is very vulnerable and suspicious, her capriciousness borders on hysteria. Alina-Rak is a very insecure person who really needs praise and encouragement. The main place in her life will always be occupied by a family, not a career.

a lion- a narcissistic and domineering nature, ready to endlessly spend time and money on creating his own unique image. Natural modesty and insecurity are carefully disguised under the mask of pride and arrogance. Marriage goes exclusively by calculation, and most often this marriage turns out to be successful.

Virgo- a secretive and silent person who is constantly engaged in introspection. Very unsure of herself, lives in constant expectation of betrayal and deceit. But at the same time she has a sharp mind, hardworking and conscientious. With external coldness, serious love passions can boil in her soul.

Scales- a charming, kind and sociable person, living in harmony with himself and the world around him. She is respected by colleagues and relatives, her children and husband love her very much. But Alina-Libra does not know how to handle money at all, so her husband needs to keep finances in his hands, otherwise the family will never get out of debt.

Scorpion- a woman with an independent and very controversial character. For her, there is only one correct opinion - her own. Because of such categoricalness, she has very few friends, and in her personal life she is also often lonely. But at the same time, kindness and cordiality are not alien to her, which are especially pronounced in relation to her loved ones.

Sagittarius- an easy and pleasant young lady who does not walk, but flies through life. She is very lucky in life, luck is always turned to face her. She absolutely does not accept injustice, lies, vanity and self-interest. Thanks to her natural optimism, people are drawn to her, she easily finds mutual language with both men and women. Only a man who is easy on life is suitable for her as a husband.

Capricorn- very smart, restrained and ambitious Alina. Under the mask of coldness hides a sensitive, kind and shy woman who is in great need of love and approval. She is very hardworking and diligent, all her decisions are weighed and considered. Her love and friendship is always sincere and disinterested.

Aquarius- a purposeful and assertive personality, but at the same time kind and sympathetic. She can be irritable and overly emotional. Alina-Aquarius sincerely despises all life cliches, is always ready to embark on any adventure, loves everything new and non-standard.

Fish- a very cautious woman who does not like surprises. But at the same time, she is selfless, knows how to empathize and sympathize. Negative qualities are melancholy, irritability and secrecy. She is prone to idealizing her man, so she is often disappointed and depressed.

The history of the name Alina and its meaning is very interesting. This name came to us in Russian only in the 20th century. In languages Western Europe the name Alina is written like this: in English and French - Aline, and in German - Alina. It came to these languages ​​from France, and there from Germany. In ancient Germanic, it sounded like Adela. But this is not the end! In Old German, this name is short for Adelheid (Adelaide). given name is formed from two words: adal (noble) and heid (genus). It's so long and interesting story name. As you probably understood can be considered the meaning of the name Alina "noble family", although this is rather arbitrary.

Another version of the meaning of the name Alina is in the famous Oxford dictionary of personal names. There, a hypothesis is put forward that the name Alina came into English from Arabic and meant "noble". Another option was the meaning of "noble", because depending on the context, this word has several meanings in Arabic.

Which of these hypotheses is true is unknown and of course it is up to you to decide which meaning of the name to use.

The meaning of the name Alina for a girl

Little Alina has several characteristic features. Let's start with the good ones. She has an excellent memory and absorbs incoming information like a sponge. Here the task of parents is to ensure the quality of information and its intensity. If Alina is not given sufficient mental stress, then her natural talent will quickly come to naught.

Of the unpleasant characteristics, stubbornness can be called the most pronounced. In addition, showing stubbornness, the child becomes irritable and immune to any arguments. The most important thing for parents is not to bring her to such a state. Just like that, she rarely shows stubbornness and you need to look for the reasons for her behavior.

Little Alina's health is unfortunately weak and he will have to pay a lot of attention. Often girls suffer from weight problems. And this is both underweight and overweight. Proper nutrition and related physical exercise, although they take a lot of time, usually solve the problem. Be sure to consult with experts.

Abbreviated name Alina

Diminutive names

Alichka, Alchik, Alinchik, Linusik, Linochna.

Alina's name in English

On the English language Alina's name is spelled Aline. This name is very similar and slightly different in other Romano-Germanic languages.

Alina's name for a passport- ALINA.

Translation of the name Alina into other languages

in Belarusian - Alina
in Bulgarian - Alina
in Hungarian - Alina
in Italian - Alina
in Chinese - 阿琳娜
in German - Alina, Aline
in Polish - Alina
in Romanian - Alina
in Ukrainian - Alina
in French - Aline
in Finnish - Alina
in Czech - Alina
in Japanese there is no difference between Alina and Adeline - アリナ

Church name Alina(in Orthodox faith) has no equivalents in the holy calendar. Therefore, in the church, Alina will have the name received at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Alina

As in childhood, Alina is capricious and often prone to conflicts. This affects her environment and often she has few or no friends. The most painful period can be called adolescence. Over time, Alina outgrows "childhood illnesses", becomes more restrained and calm. However, restraint does not mean the absence of inner experience. She may not say much, but it's better for you not to know what's on her mind.

Alina's success is fairly predictable in places where diplomacy is a weakness and out of place. A career as an actress, doctor or project manager for her can bring success in life. In the same place where you need to look for an approach and be able to adapt to others, there Alina has very few chances. Professions of psychologists or teachers are undesirable for her.

The secret of the name Alina

One of the secrets can be called the memory of Alina. Very often, her magnificent memory creates both pleasant moments for others, and minutes that are better not to remember. She will remember all the birthdays and memorable dates of all employees and friends. She will congratulate you on the day of the angel and the birthday of your beloved dog. But in a litter she can remember so much that her memory will immediately become not a joy to you.

Planet- Sun or Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Libra and Aquarius.

totem animal- Mantis.

Name color- Lilac.

Wood- Eucalyptus.

Plant- Lily.

Stone- Pearl.

Guardian angel named after Alina and his patron will depend on the name chosen at baptism. If you know this name, find it in the list of female names, and from there to the article "name patron".

Alina - beautiful name, the origin of which has not yet been determined with certainty. Some historians believe that it has Latin roots and in translation means “alien”, “other”, “other”. It is also associated with the Latin name Albina (Latin albus), which translates as “white”, “light”, “fair-haired”.

A number of sources believe that the name Alina has French roots and is derived from Aline (Aline), and some researchers believe that this is a form of the Scandinavian name Adeline, the meaning of which is interpreted as “generous”, “noble”, “majestic”. And, finally, the secret of the name lies in its ancient Germanic origin with the interpretation of "noble."

The name is widespread in Russia, the peak of its popularity among newborns was in 1998.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Ruler Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: beryl, sapphire, tin
  • Color: blue, raspberry
  • Tree: eucalyptus
  • plant: mint, lavender, violet, jasmine
  • Animal: elephant, ram, deer, dolphin, swallow
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character traits

From childhood, Alina grows up as a sickly, stubborn and rather impudent girl who does not tolerate even constructive remarks in her address, having inherited both her character and appearance from her father. She is simply overly proud, manages to spoil relationships and scandal with everyone around, preferring, in the end, to communicate exclusively with men. True, in these respects she lacks purely feminine flexibility, although everyone, without exception, considers her very cunning and prudent.

Excellent memory allows Alina to easily grasp any information, so the girl studies more than well. In addition, she knows how to "keep a face" and look perfect in different situations. She has excellent taste and follows fashion, managing to become a trendsetter in her mother's old dress, turned into a spectacular outfit.

The characterization of the name Alina gives her many negative features: she loves to show off, is straightforward to the extreme and is very conflicted. Strives for leadership at any cost, is sure that her every opinion is the truth and gives advice to the right and left.

The owner of the name Alina, born in the summer, is an extremely businesslike, ambitious and prudent person. Winter, on the contrary, is impulsive and scattered, tends to lead a hectic lifestyle.

Interests and hobbies

Alina - artistic, for real creative nature, fond of drawing and reading chivalric novels. She likes music and various types creativity, so she often turns a hobby into a profession.

Profession and business

Alina is a capable, quick-witted individual who is capable of working in a wide variety of fields. She can find herself in the field of an engineer, medical researcher, artist, talented journalist and musician. But professions that require constant communication with people (teacher, medical practitioner, seller) are simply contraindicated for the young lady, since the unrestrained character of the girl will become a source and provocateur conflict situations which is costly for the employer.


Alina's health is not so good: she often suffers from respiratory diseases, and her weak points are kidneys, lungs and bronchi, heart. Prone to chronic depression. It is extremely important that she be in a normal emotional and mental state. To improve her health, she is shown long walks, breathing exercises, yoga, anaerobic exercise, ballroom dancing.

Sex and love

Alina radiates 9-point waves of sexuality that attract men like a magnet, but her libido is not developed to such an extent. She knows about her attractiveness, and the undisguised desire of the representatives of the stronger sex amuses the ego and pride of a woman. But this young lady, rather, has fun with men than has a real intention to get close to someone intimately.

Despite the detachment and coldness, the bearer of the name Alina loves sex, easily reaches orgasm, but close relationships never capture her to the very bottom. She is an egoist with very big claims, rather constrained and clamped, never thinking about a man. Often, sex serves as a tool for her, which the girl deftly uses for her own purposes.

Family and marriage

Alina marries late, sorting through the options and, as a rule, gives birth to girls, to whom she conveys her difficult temper and charm. She is a hospitable hostess, but her character does not allow her to coexist normally with her mother-in-law. In relation to children, she is very kind, fills the marriage with a spiritual beginning, although she does not like to deal with household chores and the family budget.

In the family, he can be outright despotism, demanding maximum spirituality from his spouse and children and preferring to speak rather than act. The combination of these two qualities - the desire for spirituality and fear of everyday problems leads to the fact that, having divorced her first husband, Alina remains herself. Loneliness becomes an impetus for excessive religiosity. Therefore, she can enroll in an organization associated with communication on spiritual topics.

Brief and diminutive options: Alinochka, Alinka, Alyusha, Alechka, Alisha, Alinusya, Alinushka, Alinulya, Alishenka, Alinusichka, Alyunya, Alenka, Alinyonochek, Alinchik, Lina, Alinusik, Alya

Analogues of the name in other languages: n/a

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport - Alina

Origin of the name "Alina"

The name Alina, translated from the ancient Germanic language, means "noble", and from Latin - on the contrary, "alien, different." All these features in the character of the bearer of the name are fully manifested.

There is no such name in the Christian calendar, and the patroness of all Alina in Orthodox tradition considered the great martyr Alevtina of Caesarea or Palestine, also known under the name of Valentina. Together with the martyrs Paul and Chionia, she, a native of Egypt, suffered during the persecution of Christians during the reign of Emperor Maximilian (300 AD). Being brought to the court in the Palestinian Caesarea, all three recognized themselves as Christians without the slightest fear. In 308 the sisters Alevtina and Chionia after cruel torture burned, and Paul was executed by beheading.

In childhood Alina often get sick, are stubborn, irritable and impudent. Alina usually looks like her father and inherits his character. She is a good student thanks to her good memory and abilities that allow her to quickly grasp any new information. Alina loves to draw, reads a lot, and most of all she likes historical novels, but she has few friends. The fact is that Alina is wayward, quarrels with teachers and classmates, and prefers to choose boys as friends.

Even adult Alina is intolerant, harsh, stubborn, although, of course, her character softens with age. Alina is a person of extremes, but at the same time, although she seems cunning, she lacks tact and the ability to remain silent to turn the situation in her favor.

Always surrounded by men, Alina is still in no hurry to get married. Most often, Alina gets married late, but her daughter will definitely inherit her character. The sharpness and independence of character lead to the fact that Alina, a tender mother and a good housewife, cannot get along with her mother-in-law, and it is better for her to live apart from her own parents. Only then peace and harmony reign in Alina's family. It is very pleasant to come to Alina's house. She elegantly furnishes the home, and vanity makes her excellent at receiving guests. Alina loves to show off, so most often she is a fashionista. It costs nothing for Alina to create the most original outfit literally from nothing, and those around her will definitely pay attention to her, which is what a wayward beauty needs.

Alina can work almost anywhere, their abilities are as versatile as they are. Alina can easily cope with the work of an architect, salesperson, journalist, musician, engineer, artist, doctor.

True, she should not be a teacher, although she often strives to work with children. Too harsh and unrestrained character in many ways spoils the impression of the work of Alina the teacher, and may even lead to unpleasant consequences.

Horoscope named "Alina"

Alinas, noble and furious, are patronized by Leo and Mars. Their totem plant is gorse and their totem animal is termite. Yellow- favorable for women who bear the name Alina. Pearls can become a talisman for Alina.


Woman's name Alina according to the main version is a derivative form of the name Angelina. It is interpreted in the same way as such names as Evangeline, Angelina, and Angelica. It could have come from the Greek word "angelos", which translates as "angel". According to another version, it is also interpreted as "angelic" or "messenger".

The female name Alina is in demand in many countries. former USSR. It has the strongest energy, promises a lot good qualities and is Russian Orthodox name. On the this moment firmly entrenched in a hundred of the most popular Russian female names.

Popularity: This is not a very popular name in modern times. It usually occupies from 29 to 31 positions in the ranking of popular names. It accounts for no more than 13 girls out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Alinka, Lina, Alya

Modern English counterparts : Aline, Aliina

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Alina is interpreted in different cultures differently. But this happens with many other Russian names. But in all cultures, this name promises a girl named by this name, such traits as commitment, responsibility, nobility, punctuality, energy, emotionality, devotion, vigilance, caution, activity, honesty and justice.

Alina can make great strides, both in her career and in her personal life. She can achieve anything she dreams of. Her diligence and inability to give up will play into her hands. But there is one “but” - all Alinas are too powerful, they love to dominate people, they crave power, respect, universal recognition. Unfortunately, this feature can cause a lot of problems in the future.

Advantages and positive features: fair and honest, never takes advantage of people's weaknesses, tries to act solely according to conscience, will not deceive for the sake of achieving her own selfish goals, will always help, advise, and will not refuse support even to a little-known person.

Alina treats badly traitors, morally and psychologically weak people, selfish and deceitful individuals, people who have no goals and only crave profit.

It is believed that the name Alina was originally short form the female name Angelina, and only after a while it was assigned to independent Orthodox names.

The nature of the name Alina

The character of the name Alina is one of the most important parameters, a factor that has been studied in turn by many experts, but has not been completely solved. Although, it was also not without success in terms of his research, in particular, it is known that he assumes that a girl named Alina has such qualities as integrity, good nature, goodwill, justice, attentiveness, tenderness and caring. But in each bearer of this name, these factors manifest themselves in different ways, and in general, everything, including character, depends on the season of birth according to the Eastern calendar and the sign of the zodiac that patronizes the owner of such a variant of the name form as Alina.

Well, otherwise, such an important parameter as character also depends on the season of birth, which we will discuss in more detail later ...

Early childhood

The meaning of such a variation of the name as Alina speaks primarily of those promising in early childhood such qualities as unpredictability, inconstancy, capriciousness, lack of sociability, irritability, persistence, importunity, exactingness, disobedience and inattention. As a baby, Alina can bring an incredible amount of trouble to her parents - with all this, the upbringing of this girl can be difficult even for her mother and father, she is practically not amenable to education, and this is, first of all, the impact that has the meaning of this name form. Another bad factor is friendliness against the background of the inability to recognize someone's leadership and give in - the meaning of the name form Alina is also to blame for this. But this girl has the ability to quickly learn everything, and this is worth something, isn't it? In addition, in the course of growing up, Alina will succumb to re-education, and under the influence of various astrological factors on her, some characteristics may increase and other characteristics disappear.


Alina, who has become a teenager, is already a slightly different person, but all with the same shortcomings - the meaning promises the bearer of this name even in adolescence a bunch of shortcomings, including the inability to admit one’s own wrong, the inability to give in, the desire to be the first, the willingness to argue, straightforwardness and much other. But she has one important feature, and this is a gift of persuasion - Alina can easily convince the interlocutor even in what he does not want to concede. She always wins in disputes, however, sometimes in dishonest ways, and thus achieves what she wants. Things are going well with studies - commitment and diligence play into her hands, academic performance high level, and thanks to this, relationships with teachers are at a high level. However, all this is temporary, and already at the adult stage of life, everything can change dramatically, for example, under the influence of an elemental patron, a talisman stone, and a patron planet.

grown woman

Adult life is full of surprises - Alina will become the owner of such qualities as impulsiveness, intolerance, irascibility, stubbornness, intrigue, jealousy and rudeness. She clearly lacks diplomacy, as well as eloquence. That is why, in adulthood, she may have problems with having friends and like-minded people - such is the meaning of the name, so it has her future. But in work, everything can turn out just super - if Alina follows the right path, she will not only gain good luck and success, but also quickly reach the top career ladder, and this is already very good ...

The interaction of Alina's character with the seasons

Winter - this period, with its significance, brings charm, sociability, thriftiness, perfect taste and a sense of perfection into the character of the owner of the name Alina. This will become an excellent housewife, wife, caring and loving mother. But also career will be impressive - she is successful in everything, and hence popular in society. With such it is easy to communicate, make friends, share problems.

Summer - on the contrary, we are talking about a contradictory nature, not very sociable, insecure, unable to defend their own opinion. It has a fine mental organization, smart and affectionate, attentive, but weak and vulnerable. Resentment is too obvious - criticism can offend her and drive her into depression. She needs a defender, a knight on a white horse, reliable, responsible.

Spring - due to the combination of the origin of the name and the season, such traits as talent, confidence in deeds, diligence, ability and desire to improve themselves will reign here. This is a strong and domineering girl, and her character is quite strong, but vulnerable and receptive, sensitive, guided by emotions and mood. Hesitant to accept important decisions, afraid of responsibility - will rarely bring things to an end. Suspicious and distrustful - can lead, but does not want to, afraid to make a mistake.

Autumn - the autumn months endow Alinochka with a prudent and reasonable nature, assertiveness, practicality, determination and perseverance. She is gentle and kind, has a good character and disposition, but she will reveal these features only to the chosen one - outwardly she wants to appear victorious, unbroken and tough. He does not know how to compromise, argues to the last, his opinion will prove even through conflict. Moderately mercenary, envious, and strict.

The fate of the name Alina

The fate of the name Alina in love, relationships with men and marriage is quite serious and at the same time difficult topic, but has long been investigated will and across. So, it is known that fate presupposes that a girl named Alina has the ability to teach herself correctly, the ability to look good, and the ability to create such an impression of her in men, which is required in one or another specific situation. And yet, her fate can end up with a happy family life, but until that moment, everything can turn out far from the way we would like ...

So, from adolescence to maturity, Alina will suffer from a lack of reciprocity in love, from failures in her personal life, and from betrayal. But here the fault of everything will not be fate, but inner world this girl and her character. Alina is too emotional and impulsive, and this will be the point. main reason all her love failures.

But having reached maturity, becoming softer and more compliant, she will become an excellent wife, an excellent mother, and an exemplary housewife. Although, with regard to the economy, there is a huge chance that she will choose a career instead of the role of a housewife, and will shift women's duties to her husband - it is not her destiny to sit within four walls.

Love and marriage

Alina can be a very sociable girl and have many friends. But as for marriage, she will pull with him to the last. Most Alyns enter into official marriages only in maturity, when the ground already appears under their feet, when there is a foundation, both financial and in terms of experience.

The choice of a future spouse for Alina is one of the most important issues. She will choose a potential husband for a long time, and she will not evaluate men by clothes or financial situation. Other factors are important to her. For example, Alina's husband must respect her opinion, not be afraid of her dominance and power. And in no case should the husband be the owner - Alina will definitely not tolerate encroachments on freedom and personal space.

She herself can become an excellent wife. Accurate, responsible, obligatory, diligent, attentive and caring - this is what kind of wife Alina can become, who married in adulthood. True, she and her husband need to live in a separate territory. The parental home in this woman's marriage should be excluded.

Alina as mother

Alina can be just a wonderful mother. Caring, fair. Attentive, gentle, moderately soft and will not allow the child to sit on her neck - here she is, mother Alina. She will never leave a child in trouble. Always help, advise, prompt, support. He devotes himself entirely to the upbringing and development of the child. At the same time, it will not be against it if the husband does not interfere at all in the upbringing of the child.

Alina's maternal love will not dry up even when the child reaches the teenage stage. And she will not leave a mature son or daughter to the mercy of fate either. Until the last, she will remain a mother, the same as she was at the very beginning. Even as an adult, the child will be able to count on her help, support and advice.

By the way, Alina can be more attached to her son than to her daughter. This does not fit into the framework of the standards, but such is she, Alina-mother.

Compatibility with male names

The topic of compatibility of the name Alina with male names is very complicated, but it is carefully studied by astrologers around the world, and today, thanks to their research, there are several important unraveled facts ...

The best connection in terms of feelings and passion is achieved through relationships with men with the following names: Nikita, Dmitry, Semyon, Peter, Artemy, Anton ..

An unsurpassed combination in marriage only with Vyacheslav, Elisha, Vasily, Stepan and Fedor.

Negative combination with Ilya, Matthew and Gregory.