Types of silicone sealants and their scope. Silicone sealant Where sealants are used

The agent used for sealing must be flexible and at the same time able to withstand temperature fluctuations. Before choosing a particular option, it is worth considering the characteristics of several types of such pastes.

Types of sealants

All described compounds harden after application and can be used in the temperature range of 200-300 degrees. Some sealants can be used to seal places where the temperature rises to 1500 degrees. Such compounds are used for sealing chimneys and heating systems.

Joint sealants are a paste-like mass that is applied to the surface and then hardens. The ability of a certain composition to withstand high temperatures depends on the polymers on the basis of which the sealants are made. All such compounds are divided into silicone, bituminous and silicate. They can also be divided into the following types:

  • automotive sealants;
  • construction sealants, which are often used when joining wall panels;
  • special (for example, plumbing pastes used to seal threads).

The purpose of a particular paste can be found from the information that is indicated on the package. For example, on many pastes you can see the inscription roofing sealant. This means that it should only be used for roofing work. If a small amount of the composition is required to perform the work, it is worth purchasing a sealant for outdoor work with a volume of up to 100 ml. to use the described compositions, it is necessary to squeeze them onto the surface and evenly distribute them over the seam or crack.

If a heat-resistant sealant is needed in large quantities, you need to buy a composition packaged in tubes. For accurate application, it is worth using a mounting gun. During application, make sure that the paste is evenly distributed over the seam and completely covers it.

According to the degree of heat resistance, the described compositions can be divided into high-temperature and heat-resistant. Heat-resistant compounds are able to withstand temperatures up to 1500 degrees. If a sealant is chosen for a log house, it is worth choosing pastes that can resist fungus.

During construction work, thread sealants are often used, which are necessary to seal pipe joints.

High Temperature Sealant Features

The advantages of silicone pastes include:

  • ability to resist moisture;
  • elasticity after hardening;
  • resistance to ultraviolet;
  • good adhesion to various materials;
  • resistance to high temperature;
  • long period of use.

Due to these characteristics, sealants can be used during various works. Often they are used when installing wall panels. Due to frost resistance and resistance to ultraviolet rays, the sealant can be used both indoors and outdoors. Moreover, such compounds are used in places that may be subject to deformation. Such compositions are necessary for sealing joints in rooms with a high level of humidity. Some sealants come with additives that prevent the spread of mold and mildew.

Compounds are also being created that can be used both for sealing and for bonding materials. They perfectly glue ceramics, glass and wood. According to the composition, silicone compounds are divided into two types:

  1. One-component. These sealants are ready to use, so they are more popular than two-component sealants. They are applied to wall panels with a layer thickness of 2 to 12 mm. It is worth remembering that too thick a layer can harden for a long time. Before applying, you should study the features of a particular sealant and follow the recommendations that are indicated on the package.
  2. Two-component. Such sealants consist of a polymer base, which hardens only after the addition of a catalyst. Usually such compositions are used for industrial purposes. When using such mixtures, it is necessary to accurately determine the number of parts, since the characteristics of the sealant depend on this. It is worth remembering that the prepared sealant can be used for only a few hours, after which it loses its properties and becomes unusable.

High temperature sealant is often used to seal pipe joints.

Types of sealants for roofing

All compositions used in sealing the roof can be divided into several types:

  1. Silicone. Such sealants are used not only when creating a roof, they are often used to seal joints between ceramic elements, wood and glass. They are often used during the installation of window frames and when joining wall panels. Such mixtures are resistant to temperature extremes and exposure to sunlight. That is why they are often used for sealing roofs.
  2. Acrylic. Such mixtures are usually used to smooth the joints of walls and floors. They are also used for leveling cracks. The peculiarity of such compounds is good elasticity, so they are rarely used during outdoor work. Such pastes are suitable for sealing wood.
  3. Polyurethane. Similar mixtures are used during outdoor work. They are also used to bond materials such as wood, concrete, stone and metal. Roof repairs are rarely carried out without the use of such a sealant.
  4. Bituminous. Bituminous sealant is toxic, so it is applied only outside the building. Such pastes are resistant to moisture and various substances.

It is worth highlighting such a type as liquid sealants, which are used for sealing various surfaces. They are commonly used when installing wall panels.

Features of different types of sealing pastes for roofing

In order to accurately determine the choice of a particular composition, it is necessary to know exactly about the features of different types of such substances.

Silicone pastes are resistant to sunlight and other atmospheric influences. They are also able to resist fungus. If desired, you can choose the most suitable color of the composition. It should be noted that such sealants have good adhesion to various materials. The disadvantages include poor adhesion to wet surfaces and incompatibility with conventional dyes.

The advantages of acrylic compositions include the absence of smell and the presence of a variety of colors. It should be noted that they do not contain solvents. After hardening, the sealant can be painted and varnished. It is important to remember that the surface must be dry when applied. In this case, do not use acrylic pastes at sub-zero temperatures.

Polyurethane based pastes are UV resistant and resistant to alkalis and acids. Once applied, these pastes set quickly and can be dyed. It is worth noting that such pastes have practically no disadvantages, except for the content of some harmful substances. But if you use paste when doing outdoor work, it does not matter.

Bituminous sealant is resistant to low temperatures and has high adhesion. It is also worth noting that it is sold at a relatively low price and can be applied to wet surfaces. The downside is that the sealants are black. They also do not tolerate high temperatures well.

How to work with sealants

To work with any sealing paste, you must have the following materials and tools:

  • rubber gloves;
  • spatula, which is made of rubber;
  • masking tape;
  • mounting gun.

Before starting work, the mounting gun must be properly charged. To do this, cut off the nose of the tube, and then put on the cap. Only after that the balloon is inserted into the gun.

It is worth remembering that if a plumbing sealant is applied, it must be evenly distributed over the surface.

Before applying, prepare the surface. This step removes dust and contaminants. If there is polyurethane foam, it must also be removed. Worth remembering. That if the surface is too smooth, it needs to be cleaned. This is necessary to improve adhesion. All sealing work should be done at positive temperatures.

Important! Many compounds are not suitable for use on a wet surface. That is why, before starting work, it must be dried or wait until it dries due to environmental conditions.

All preparatory work before applying a refractory sealant is carried out in exactly the same way as when using other types of similar pastes. After preparation, masking tape is glued on both sides of the gap. Then the sealing paste is applied. Excess composition that has fallen on the tape must be removed using a rubber spatula.

After the bituminous sealant has hardened, it is worth removing the masking tape and waiting for the joints between the wall panels to dry completely.

A few years ago, in order to repair various cracks, joints, seams, glue parts, builders used putties, bituminous mixtures and home-made mastics. To date, the use of silicone sealant has greatly simplified and increased the efficiency of repair work.

Silicone-based sealant is a universal material that protects the treated surface from moisture and prevents its destruction. People use it to seal window frames, repair cracks, and give strength to workpieces.

According to the chemical composition, silicone sealants consist of complex elements. For their manufacture, the following components are needed:

  • silicone rubber - is the basis of the material;
  • enhancer - gives the composition strength;
  • vulcanizer - necessary for viscosity and elasticity;
  • adhesion primer - improves reliable contact with the surface;
  • silicone plasticizer - gives the composition additional elasticity;
  • filler - necessary to create the volume and color of the material.

Depending on the vulcanizers included in the composition, silicone adhesives are of two types:

  • Acid. This silicone sealant has a characteristic smell, as it contains acetic acids. Not recommended for marble, aluminum and cementitious materials. It is very harmful to humans, as its fumes can cause dizziness, various allergic reactions.
  • Neutral. Silicone sealant of this type is alcohol, amine, amide. No harsh odor. Applicable to any surface without limitation.

Silicone sealants are divided into two groups: one-component - used mainly in the domestic sector; two-component - have a complex composition and are used in production.

The main properties and characteristics of the composition allow it to be used for any surfaces with different textures, these include:

  • resistance to changing weather conditions (frost-resistant, water-resistant);
  • increased adhesion with various parts and building materials;
  • resistance to UV rays;
  • plasticity, which confirms the high accommodation of movement (above 20%);
  • heat resistance (can be used at temperatures from +300 to -50 ° C).

Types of sealants and their scope

Silicone sealant is a necessary, or rather, indispensable material when performing repair work. There are several types of such adhesives that are currently on the market for the construction industry. In appearance, we can distinguish:

  • Colorless sealant. It is used in the repair and installation of plumbing, at the junction of shower cabin panels, at the junction between the bathroom and the wall. Due to the fact that the material is sufficiently waterproof, it is possible to avoid water leaks, as well as the appearance of mold. Also, a transparent sealant is used in the assembly of kitchen furniture.

  • The surface treated with silicone is poorly painted. To avoid defects, purchase adhesive material with colored pigment. In construction stores, such products are presented in the following tint range: white, red, black, yellow, beige, brown, etc.

Depending on the field of application, the following types of products are distinguished:

  • bituminous sealant. Designed to eliminate cracks in the basement and foundation, in case of damage to the roof of tiles and slate. The scope of the material is different. Surfaces and parts can be plastic, metal, wood. The main characteristics of the material: moisture resistant, resistant to temperature changes, creates adhesion of high strength.

  • Universal sealant. Allows you to effortlessly install glass tightly into wooden window frames. Due to the increased adhesion, a complete absence of drafts can be achieved. Material for outdoor work should be chosen colorless so that it is not noticeable on the wood.

  • The composition should not be toxic. It has flexibility and elasticity, high adhesion, waterproof, does not spread, dries quickly. It can be used for processing joints of shower cabins, ceramic and glass products. This is the best option for an aquarium.

  • This is an indispensable universal assistant for processing rooms with high humidity. Its main difference from other materials is that it contains antifungal and antibacterial substances.

  • It is used for industrial work, assembly of pumps, motors, furnaces, for sealing heating pipes, chimneys. Due to its composition, the material is used at temperatures from +300 to -50 °C. At the same time, its elasticity and elasticity are completely preserved. High-temperature sealant is also indispensable for electrical work.

Among the most popular products are Moment and Soudal sealants. Both manufacturers have different types of silicone-based adhesives in their assortment, designed for different purposes. So, for example, Moment Germent is designed for outdoor and indoor use. It is a fast-setting polyurethane foam.

Moment germent is used to install mirrors and various panels. The material has a universal composition, which allows it to be used on any surface.

For minor repairs, it is better to use Soudal silicone sealant. It is used for sealing double-glazed windows. Its main characteristics: heat-resistant, elastic, resistant to UV rays.

Soudal produces a white or colorless sealant. The material does not leave bubbles on the treated surface.

On the video: types of sealants.

How to apply silicone sealant

Consider a step-by-step process of how to use a sealant. As an example, take the silicone Moment Germent:

1. Before starting work, put on overalls, be sure to use protective gloves so that the material does not get on the skin of your hands.

2. Wipe the surface from dust, degrease and dry it. Seal the decorative surface with masking tape to avoid getting silicone compound.

3. It is more convenient to apply silicone moment using a mounting gun. How to install it is usually written on the packaging of the sealant itself.

4. Cut the edge of the cartridge at an angle, such a section will allow the sealant to drain evenly.

5. Apply silicone while holding sealant at a 45° angle. Try to make each strip thin, so the material dries faster. For complete adhesion, connect both sides. Remove excess material with a spatula.

As for drying, everything will depend on the type of sealant, as well as on the thickness of the applied layer. On average, the material hardens in about 24 hours, a hard film appears on the surface after the first 20 minutes.

To make the edges of fiberboard and chipboard products durable and waterproof, use a rubber spatula to apply a thin layer of moment sealant. But if you want the surface to be perfectly even, you can dilute the silicone sealant with gasoline or a small amount of mineral spirits. At the same time, after complete drying, it will not lose its heat-resistant and water-resistant qualities.

An exact description of the use of silicone sealant can be found on the packaging. As a rule, it indicates what this material is used for, how to apply it to the surface, the time for its complete drying, and the expiration date. Do not purchase glue-sealant at a promotional price with an expired shelf life. Such material loses its properties, it should not be used during repair work.

How to remove excess sealant from the surface?

In the process of work, there are times when the material was applied in large quantities or dripped onto the surface. There are several options for removing the sealant moment:

  1. If the surface is not susceptible to mineral spirits, soak a cotton pad in the liquid and carefully wipe off excess adhesive. This method is acceptable if the material has not yet had time to harden.
  2. You can purchase Penta-840 silicone remover at a hardware store. Under the influence of this tool, the dried moment of the sealant will simply dissolve.
  3. To remove excess adhesive, soak a cloth in soapy water and wipe over the surface.
  4. If the sealant has hardened, it can be removed with a knife or spatula. But this can scratch the coating.

It should be noted that solvents can remove a thin layer of material, the remaining excess silicone is eliminated mechanically.

The scope of silicone sealant is wide and varied. It will perfectly cope with any task, and most importantly provides a high-quality waterproof connection.

How to work with silicone correctly (1 video)

Sealants are substances used to seal joints in building or any other structures. They protect surfaces from moisture, steam, gas, pollution. Sealants are used for construction and repair, as well as in everyday life for various needs. They are the easiest to seal any holes and cracks. To choose the right type of sealant, you need to understand their varieties and the scope of each.

What are

All sealants are divided into classes according to distinctive features, among which are the chemical component, purpose and degree of elasticity. They allow you to indicate the need to use one or another type of sealant in various situations. Construction sealants are divided into:






Thiokol sealants

These are polysulfide sealants containing thiokol in the base. This type is considered the most durable, elastic and durable. Their validity period is approximately 30 years. Widely used in mechanical engineering, light industry, shipbuilding, radio engineering. Due to its strength and reliability, such material is considered an ideal sealant for a log house. Therefore, they are increasingly used in the construction of houses. Thiokol sealants according to their composition are divided into two- and three-component. The composition is kneaded immediately before use and fully vulcanized within 10 days.

Sealants of this type are excellent for sealing a variety of forms, almost do not shrink and do not emit solvent. Construction sealants , containing thiokol, can be freely used in all weather conditions. They have a high level of elasticity, oil-resistant, able to withstand aggressive substances and ultraviolet radiation. They are produced mainly in black and grey.

Polyurethane sealants

They are used in the construction of large-panel buildings, as well as facade sealants in the construction of large structures. The most popular sealant company "TechnoNIKOL". It is used for gluing and sealing various surfaces from:


Lacquered tin;


Polyurethane sealant "TechnoNIKOL" is a sealing, adhesive and elastic substance that retains its original consistency for a long time. The main area of ​​application of polyurethane sealants is the sealing of interpanel joints under conditions of increased deformation load. Sealant is suitable for log cabins, as well as for all joints subject to vibration or deformation. Thanks to its strong bonding ability, it can even withstand an earthquake of up to 5 points.

Also, TechnoNIKOL polyurethane sealants are known for their resistance to frost, acids, corrosion, ultraviolet, weak alkaline and saline solutions. They can be applied to damp surfaces and painted over.

Acrylic sealants

They are very popular due to their low cost. Acrylic sealant is used exclusively for domestic, domestic work, as it is more plastic than elastic. He is completely incapable of recreating his form after the transferred mechanical impact.

Acrylic sealants are used to seal holes and holes that are not subject to vibration. For example, it can be a small space between a window sill and a window, floor boards, a door frame and part of a wall. Acrylic is well diluted with water, so it is convenient to apply it in narrow openings. Also, unlike other building sealants, acrylic can be easily washed off, the main thing is to have time to do this before it hardens.

They do not contain hazardous and toxic substances, they are easy to paint and plaster. Sealant is applied using a special gun or from a tube. The final hardening of the material occurs after 24 hours. Among the shortcomings can be identified fragility, inability to endure too high and low temperatures.

Silicone sealants

Known for the leading percentage of distribution in the field of repair and construction. Suitable for industrial and domestic use. Silicone sealants are used for outdoor work (sealing the seams of a house, chimneys, sewer and drainpipes), as well as internal work (installation of mirrors, ceramics, double-glazed windows).

This group of substances is characterized by the following advantages:

  • resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • ability to withstand temperature changes;
  • high level of adhesion;
  • resistance to aggressive environment;
  • durability.

Silicone sealants, although they are not painted, have their own varied palette. According to their structure, they are divided into one- and two-component. The latter are used in the field of industrial production. Single-component sealants are divided into neutral and acidic sealants. Acid ones are much stronger, but during vulcanization, acetic acid is released from them, which leaves an unpleasant odor and causes inconvenience during work. Due to the presence of acid, they should not be used with materials containing metal and cement. Otherwise, there is a huge risk of corrosion. But acid silicone sealants have a significant advantage - this is their reasonable price.

Butyl sealants

They are a thermoplastic mass based on synthetic rubber (polyisobutylene). It is extremely resistant to bleach, alkalis, acids and many other chemicals. In its structure, vulcanized sealant is very similar to rubber.

Among the advantages of building sealants made of polyisobutylene, one can single out its absolute safety for human health, a high level of adhesion to glass, as well as aluminum and steel, galvanized structures. Important factors are elasticity, plasticity, durability and low price of the sealant. Its main area of ​​use is the manufacture of double-glazed windows.

In the domestic sphere, they are often used to seal cracks, gaps and joints between structures. They glue heat-insulating panels with it, seal air ducts, air conditioning systems. The shelf life of these sealants is about 20 years. Among the shortcomings, only the black color of the substance and a narrow scope can be distinguished.

The choice of materials for sealing

Repair of a panel house, and especially its finishing work, will not proceed properly without sealing bathrooms, windows, doors and various seams. Therefore, it is very important to choose high-quality building materials with a long service life, paying attention to the country of origin, the company, the type of polymerization (acidic or neutral), as well as the scope. The time of film formation on the sealant, the period for which it must dry, the permissible temperature changes, not only during the application of the substance, but also during the entire operational period, should not be overlooked.

Sealant is a pasty, viscous or tape material based on polymers or an oligomer. Designed to protect against leakage of the working medium through the gaps of the structure and waterproofing. In this case, the sealing layer is formed directly on the connecting seam as a result of the hardening of the polymer base or the evaporation of the solvent.

Acrylic sealants

Acrylic - is a polymeric material made on the basis of acrylic acid derivatives, as well as materials from them.

Acrylic sealant is nothing more than a mixture of acrylate polymers. This option of sealants is suitable for external and internal works. However, one should take into account the factor that the sealant under the sun's rays (intense heat) becomes plastic and soft, and hardens in the cold. This can lead to its delamination from the surface.

The next property of acrylic sealant is moisture resistance. Yes, it is moisture resistant, but with constant contact with moisture, it loses its adhesive (adhesion to the surface of the material) properties, which again leads to its delamination.

Based on the above factors, we conclude that acrylic sealant can be used for such works as

  • sealing cracks and seams between logs or in wooden structures;
  • sealing of seams (in concrete and reinforced concrete structures, at the junction of window blocks, etc.).

Before applying the sealant, the surface is first prepared: it is cleaned of grease and oil stains, cleaned of dust, and moisture is removed (condensate, the effects of rain, etc.). Then, on the already prepared dry and clean surface, the sealant itself is applied. In this case, either a special gun is used, or squeezed out of a tube. After 15-20 minutes after application, the sealant is covered with a film, but for another hour it can peel off the surface. And although after a day this material seems to be frozen, nevertheless, the total time of its polymerization is 15-20 days.


  • Elasticity
  • Good adhesion to concrete, brick, plaster and wood
  • Retains its properties in a wide temperature range - from -20 to +60°С
  • The composition of the sealant does not include organic solvents (there are no smells when working with it)
  • The formed seam is not subject to UV rays, does not fade and is not afraid of water
  • Over the seam can be plastered, as well as painted


Among the shortcomings, one can only single out that outdoor work using acrylic sealant must be carried out in the absence of rain, and also that it is better to choose other types of sealants for use in rooms with high humidity.

Silicone sealants

Silicone sealants - compounds where the silicone polymer acts as a base - silicone rubber (about 45% of the composition), which harden at room temperature.

These sealants are:

  • One-component - the most common sealants (they are called silicone), which harden due to air moisture.
  • Two-component - sealants, the basis of which is cured by reaction with a catalyst when they are mixed. They are mainly used in industry.

According to their chemical composition, silicone sealants are divided into:

  • Acid curing - have good adhesion to even surfaces, increased resistance to moisture and high temperature.
  • Neutral - are used, in particular, for sealing plastic surfaces. There is no strong odor.

At the same time, the first sealants (acidic) have a specific smell of vinegar, and when interacting with metal, they can cause corrosion. However, acidic silicone sealants are more common than neutral silicone sealants, are much cheaper, and are often the best solution for household problems. Accordingly, neutral sealants are more expensive than acid ones, but they do not have a specific smell.

According to the scope of application, silicone sealants can be divided into

  • construction;
  • automotive;
  • special.

In order to determine the scope of application when buying, or to check whether the seller is “selling” the wrong product, it is enough to read the purpose on the package. We will consider only building sealants.

So building silicone sealants (high-quality) can be used for both external and internal work. It can act as a sealing and waterproofing material, as a filler for gaps and cracks, and also as a gap filler between various elements. In other words, silicone sealants act as insulation from external influences, i.e. where it is necessary to provide protection from external factors.

Before using these sealants, as in the case of acrylics, it is worth carefully preparing the surface to be treated, and then applying the sealant to this area in the same way. At the same time, work can be carried out both in frost and in heat. However, it is worth knowing that at negative temperatures, vulcanization will take longer. The primary setting of the sealant occurs after 30 minutes, the time of complete polymerization will depend on the thickness of the seam (layer).


  • Durable. The service life of silicone sealants is 15-20 years
  • Resistant to UV radiation and most aggressive environmental influences
  • It has and retains elastic properties in a wide temperature range - from -50 to +200°C
  • They have increased adhesion to almost all types of building materials, while not requiring the use of primers
  • Easily deformed (displacement, turns), repeating its new shape without breaking the tightness


  • Not recommended for wet surfaces
  • This type of sealant cannot be painted
  • Freshly applied silicone sealant has low adhesion to the surface of the old, already vulcanized (it is not recommended to lay the new sealant on top of the old one), as well as to plastics
  • Acid curing sealants can be corrosive to metal and concrete

Polyurethane sealants

Polyurethane is a synthetic material that is widely used in many areas, and also acts as a substitute for rubber, rubber and plastic.

Polyurethane sealants - a material designed for sealing joints and seams in building structures. However, due to its properties, this material has acquired a wide scope.

There are two types of polyurethane sealants - one- and two-component.

Sealants of the second type consist of two different components that must be mixed before use in certain proportions. They are recommended for sealing expansion joints with high deformation, as after vulcanization, it is a rubber-like material with a relative elongation at the moment of rupture - not less than 400% (5772-001-50002263-98). The resulting material has good water resistance, elasticity, strength and excellent adhesive properties to almost all types of surfaces.

One-component polyurethane sealants are more often used in private construction and households. This is the best material of its kind for sealing seams and joints, roofing elements, for gluing any materials (metal, wood, stone, plastic, etc.). They can act as an "ambulance" when repairing the seams of silicone sealants.

To start using a one-component polyurethane sealant, it is enough to clean the repaired surface from grease, dirt, dust and moisture, after which it can be applied to the repaired area. Within an hour, a surface film is formed, protecting the seam from contamination, and after 6-7 (the time also depends on the thickness of the seam) hours, the sealant is completely polymerized. After that, its elasticity index will be from 400% to 900%, and hardness - from 25 to 55 Shore A.


  • Fast grasping
  • Have high elasticity - up to 1000%
  • Withstand mechanical stress and are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, moisture, as well as weak acids and alkalis
  • Frost resistance from -60°С to +80°С, as well as the possibility of working at negative temperatures (up to -10°С)
  • Resistant to corrosive agents
  • They have good adhesion, and also provide strong bonding of surfaces made of various materials.
  • Can be dyed with any color
  • Solvent Free
  • Does not emit harmful substances after polymerization, as a result of which it can be used in residential premises
  • Polymerizes under the influence of air humidity


  • Contain harmful, caustic substances in their composition, which requires the use of protective equipment when working with them
  • After opening the package, the sealant quickly loses its properties.
  • Cannot withstand constant exposure to high temperatures (above 120°C)

Thiokol sealants (Polysulfide)

Thiokol is a substance that externally and structurally resembles rubber, therefore its second name is polysulfide rubber.

Thiokol sealants are sealants in which liquid thiokol and a thiol-containing polymer are used as the base.

These types of sealants have a two or three component structure, consisting of a base (sealing) and hardening paste and a vulcanization accelerator. After mixing all the components in clearly defined proportions, a material with high elasticity and resistance to various acids is formed. However, the resulting composition must be developed within a maximum of two hours. In this case, complete curing occurs (depending on the composition) from several hours to a day.

The main purpose of thiokol sealants is the sealing of joints in concrete and reinforced concrete structures with a maximum deformation of 25%. The procedure for cleaning the prepared surface is the same as for other sealants.


  • Possess the greatest strength, elasticity and durability of all types of sealants
  • moisture resistant
  • High resistance to various acids and alkalis
  • Resistant to UV radiation and most aggressive environmental influences
  • High petrol and oil resistance
  • They have a high operating temperature range - from -55°С to +130°С
  • Have good adhesion
  • Good permanent deformation
  • Service life over 20 years


Among the disadvantages of these sealants, one can single out the fact that they must be developed in a short time after the preparation of the composition. And also the fact that when working with them you need to use personal protective equipment, avoiding contact with the skin.

Bituminous and rubber sealants

Bituminous sealant - is a paste based on a bituminous binder, modified using modern methods and additives, as well as a filler inert to external influences.

Rubber sealant is a material based on synthetic rubber.

Both sealants are widely used for sealing and waterproofing, repair work, deformation or splits, roofing, repair in areas with high humidity, and even for the repair of rubber products (boats, rubber boots, etc.). They can also be used for fixing and repairing roofing material and other bituminous coatings, as well as fixing insulating materials (polyurethane, expanded polystyrene) to various bases.

Carrying out repair work using these sealants is carried out at a positive air temperature. It is worth noting that these are the only sealants that do not require mandatory cleaning of the repaired surface before using them. This is due to the high adhesive properties of these sealants.

The sealant applied to the repaired area hardens, forming a protective membrane resistant to weather conditions, ultraviolet rays and mechanical damage, which, if necessary, can be painted to match the color of the treated surface.


  • High elasticity
  • Has excellent adhesive properties with most building materials
  • Resistant to various weather conditions
  • Creates an anti-corrosion layer
  • They have a high operating temperature range - from -50°С to +150°С
  • Rubber sealant can be painted
  • The service life of these sealants is about 20 years


  • Not suitable for certain types of plastics (deformation may occur)
  • When in contact with mineral oils, they soften
  • Bituminous sealant cannot be painted

Butyl rubber sealants

Butyl rubber is a product of low-temperature copolymerization of isobutylene and 1-5% isoprene.

Butyl rubber sealants - a material based on butyl rubber, and which has high moisture and air tightness.

These sealants can be attributed to high-quality non-curing materials, which can also be produced in the form of seals, mounting tapes and / or tape material of various widths and thicknesses, cords of various diameters, briquettes and mastics of various viscosities.

So, for example, tape butyl rubber sealants, which have a two-layer structure, and their width ranges from 10 to 180 mm, began to be widely used. Such tapes can be used for gluing seams or cracks, during the installation of roofing materials - their connection.

Over time, tape sealants do not lose elasticity, do not crack and do not lag behind the surface, but, on the contrary, increase their adhesion. This is especially true with materials such as:

  • glass;
  • concrete;
  • metal;
  • wood;
  • most polymeric materials.

By the way. All butyl rubber sealants retain their properties in the temperature range from -45°C to +150°C.

This type of sealant is used for the installation of a new roof and for the repair of an existing one, for sealing seams and joints of various roofs and building structures, interpanel seams, as well as for the installation of vertical and roof windows.

The use of butyl rubber sealants is similar to the use of double-sided tape. That is, a protective film is removed from the tape and it is attached with its sides to one and the other product. If it is necessary to increase the tape, then it should be done with an overlap.

The use of butyl rubber sealants in the form of mastics occurs according to the same technology as the above sealants.


  • Paste-like sealants with temperature differences are able to repeat the deformation distortions of roofing materials
  • They have good adhesion to concrete, wood, glass, metal and other materials, which allows them to easily and firmly stick to their surface.


  • Low tensile strength
  • Shrinkage, short service life - maximum 5 years

Any sealant is a complex composition of polymeric materials that serves to seal and seal the joints of products. They are made mainly on the basis of rubber, which allows them to be elastic. Another rather significant property of sealants is high adhesion to the widest range of materials: from wood to iron. Here you need the right choice, and for this you need to carefully study the types of sealants and their properties.

Classification of Sealants

On sale at the moment you can notice a huge number of varieties of sealants, each of which is designed for a specific operating environment and has its own characteristics.

That is why it is worth considering the classification of the material, and then the individual types.

The compositions themselves are classified according to two criteria:

  1. The number of components.
  2. Depending on the base.

By number of components

In turn, considering the first class, we can distinguish single-component and two-component.

It also has its own peculiarities. If we talk about single-component formulations, then their use (application) is possible immediately after purchase. But with two-component is somewhat more complicated.

Such compositions include two components, the first is the material itself, the second is the activator. In this case, the second can be different substances, and even certain conditions. There are three types in total:

  1. Vulcanizing under the influence of moisture, heat or catalysts, they change viscous plasticity to an elastic rubber-like state.
  2. Non-drying when heated, they become fluid and viscous, soften. When cooled, they again change their state to the original solid state.
  3. Drying sealants during operation, as a rule, they are in an elastic, rubber-like state, but if they are exposed to a solvent, they pass into a liquid viscous state.

For the most part, such compositions are not very popular, therefore, it is one-component substances that are most often used.

Types depending on the basis

According to the polymer, which is the basis of the composition, there are

  1. Silicone
  2. Polyurethane
  3. Hybrid MS-polymers
  4. Siliconized
  5. Thiokolovye
  6. Acrylic
  7. bituminous
  8. Butyl sealants.

Each type has its own specific properties, advantages and disadvantages, and can only be used under certain conditions that should be considered.


Silicone sealants are universal due to their unique characteristics. They are the most popular type of sealants and are cheap in cost.

Among the advantages of this type:

  1. First of all, they have high performance over a wide temperature range. Thus, it can be used at temperatures from -30 to +60 degrees, without losing its properties.
  2. The polymer forms a monolithic coating, which has good elasticity and durability.
  3. There is a wide range of colors to choose from.

But it is worth noting a few significant drawbacks:

  1. Although such a sealant creates an ideal surface, however, they are not painted, since the composition of the paints contains a substance that destroys the structure. Thus, in the case of staining, the paint peels off when it dries.
  2. Such compositions are not expensive.
  3. And the main problem is the inability to apply an additional layer after drying. Since in this case both the new and the old layer will peel off and the surface will have to be completely re-sealed.

In turn, this type of material is further divided into two types:

  1. Acid.
  2. Neutral.

Each of the subspecies also has its own characteristics.

Acid cannot be used to seal metal surfaces, as it is based on acetic acid, which in turn will corrode metal over time. It is also not recommended for cement surfaces.

Neutral compositions, in turn, are unique, and can be applied to any type of surface. In addition, a large number of different additives are available with them. For example, a fungicide additive is able to create an airtight coating that prevents mold, which is important when used in rooms with high humidity.

Heat-resistant sealants are also noted, which, thanks to special additives, are able to withstand temperatures up to 400 degrees.


Sealants of this type are a unique adhesive composition, which has a lot of advantages, among them:

  1. They have high adhesion to building materials of any type, therefore they can be applied on any surface.
  2. Since the material is not affected by temperature, and can withstand significant temperature changes, it can be used for both outdoor and indoor work.
  3. The cover can be painted.
  4. The composition is not subject to corrosion, and is also resistant to precipitation.

The only significant drawback of the material is destruction under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Most often, this kind of sealants are used in the arrangement of roofing, ventilation, air conditioning and working with PVC boards.

Hybrid MS polymer sealants

Today, polymers of this kind are part of most modern adhesives, as well as sealing compounds. As the latest developments in the field of elastomeric materials, hybrid adhesive-sealants combine the best properties of silicones and polyurethanes, while surpassing them in physical and technological characteristics.

Due to this connection, they acquire a large list of advantages:

It has a number of advantages:

  • high resistance to weather conditions and UV;
  • maintaining high elasticity and stability of properties in a wide temperature range (from -40°C to +120°C);
  • excellent adhesion to many bases without the use of a primer;
  • accelerated time of formation of the primary film and fast curing;
  • absence of silicones, isocyanates and solvents;
  • neutral curing type.

Hybrid sealants serve mainly for sealing interpanel seams, which is due to the mass of the advantages of the material. It must also be said that it is quite expensive, because its use in all areas of construction and repair is not always possible.

One-component hybrid MS polymers and two-component formulations are widely used in industry.

This sealant polymerizes under the influence of air humidity: the higher its value, the faster the curing process. The ambient temperature also has a factor influencing the rate of polymerization. Simultaneously increasing these parameters significantly reduces the curing time. The average polymerization rate is 3 mm per day. Two-component hybrid MS polymers

The diagram clearly demonstrates the advantages of hybrid formulations on
MS polymer base over polyurethanes and silicones. This allows MS-
compositions to meet the high requirements for
technological materials during production and operation
lighting devices.


The next type of sealants is thiokol. This is one of the highest quality and durable compositions. When used in the required environment, and for him this is an extreme environment with frequent exposure to chemical compounds, it has practically no drawbacks, but at the same time, a number of characteristic advantages can be noted:

  1. High level of resistance to continuous exposure to solvents, kerosene, gasoline, acids and oils.
  2. Weather resistant.
  3. Withstands temperature extremes in the range from -50 to +130 degrees.
  4. There is a low level of throughput of steam and moisture.

Speaking about the use of the composition, as already mentioned, it is resistant to aggressive environments, and therefore is used in places where constant exposure to chemical elements is typical. For the most part, these are parking lots, garages, gas stations, stations, etc.

An additional place of application is the repair and arrangement of the roof, where it is used due to good adhesion to metal, as well as a low level of moisture permeability.

It is also worth noting that thiokol- high quality, difficult to use.


One of the cheapest and lowest quality. They are used only for interior work, mainly for painting. Although it is worth noting separately that there are also separate special types of acrylic sealants with decent performance properties.

Among these advantages are:

  1. They have high adhesion to porous substrates, such as wood, concrete, plaster, etc.
  2. Easy to handle.
  3. Coating with varnish or paint is allowed.
  4. It is possible to prime the coated base.

But there is also a fairly wide range of disadvantages:

  1. Not very elastic
  2. Afraid of moisture
  3. They do not tolerate exposure to atmospheric precipitation.
  4. Cannot withstand large temperature fluctuations.
  5. Turns yellow.
  6. Easily exposed to damage, and does not tolerate mechanical stress.

Given all the pros and cons, such a composition finds its application in the installation of skirting boards, doors, floors, as well as when working with drywall. Those. the main area of ​​​​application is internal work. Acrylic can also be used to repair small cracks in wooden furniture and brick walls.


Bituminous compositions good for waterproofing rooms, as it has good adhesion to different types of materials, especially concrete, bricks, metal, wood, roofing and waterproofing materials.

The only drawback is that bitumen is afraid of high temperatures, and when exposed to them, it takes a liquid form.

Bitumens are most popular in the construction of houses, basements, garages, etc. They are mainly used in the construction of foundations, installation of roofing systems, waterproofing pillars and roof repairs.


Such material is a thermoplastic mass, which is created on the basis of polyisobutylene rubber.

The material has quite a few advantages, including:

  1. The absence of volatile components in the composition.
  2. High level of adhesion to aluminium, glass and steel.
  3. Not susceptible to UV rays.
  4. Retains its properties at significant temperature fluctuations.
  5. It sets quickly and forms a thick, elastic layer.
  6. Have high vapor permeability
  7. Small cost.
  8. Long operational period (up to 20 years).

Among the shortcomings of the material.