Grinding epoxy resin products - instructions and tips for the master. How to sand epoxy glaze products Processing epoxy resin products

Epoxy resin is a type of synthetic resin that is widely used in both household and industrial production. This material is so popular due to its universal consumer properties.

Epoxy resin - what is it?

Epoxy resin is an oligomeric compound that is not used in its pure form. Its miraculous characteristics become noticeable only after polymerization as a result of contact with a hardener.

If you use different ratios of substances, you can get a lot of materials that will not be a bit similar to each other.

Epoxy is distinguished by its strength and no acids, alkalis and halogens are terrible for it. This substance does not have an unpleasant odor and has insignificant shrinkage.

What is a hardener?

Epoxy worktop

Epoxy contains 2 ingredients that polymerize when in contact with each other. It is this polymerizing substance that is called the hardener.

The proportional ratio of the resin and hardener has many variations, and their polymerization reaction is irreversible (after contact, the resin can no longer be dissolved or melted).

What affects the rate of hardening?

If too much or too little hardener is put into the epoxy mortar, this will adversely affect the texture of the material. Such negligence can lead to a decrease in strength, resistance to high temperatures, moisture, etc.

With a lack of a component, the mixture will have a sticky consistency, and with an excess, a hardener will be released on top of the polymer. During work with the substance, the proportion of 1:2 or 1:1 is most often observed.

There is an erroneous opinion that if you take a much larger amount of hardener, the mixture will harden faster, but this is absolutely not the case. To speed up the process, it is enough to increase the temperature of the reacting mass. If the temperature indicators rise by 10 0 C, the process will go faster by 2 or even 3 times.

Now on the construction market you can even find a ready-made mixture, which already contains the necessary accelerators for the curing process. There are also compounds that are designed specifically for curing at low temperatures.

As you can see, the main factors that affect the rate of hardening of the material are the temperature and the composition of the hardener itself.

Advantages and types of epoxy resin

The advantages of this material are more than enough:

  • high level of strength;
  • very low percentage of shrinkage;
  • low level of moisture permeability in the frozen state;
  • hard to wear;
  • has the best physical and mechanical characteristics.

The temperature range at which the resin begins to harden has a very large range: from -10 0 C to 200 0 C. In more detail, the temperature and time frames are displayed in the table.

There are resinous masses of 2 types: cold and hot curing. The cold type is most used in everyday life and in those conditions when it is not possible to work with highly heat-treated material. The hot type is used in the manufacture of products that can withstand high thermal loads. There are also mixtures that harden easily in close contact with water, even sea water.

Where is the material used and how is it applied?

Epoxy worktop

The first use of the substance was recorded in the last century, and today there is no limit to the use, and the material is used:

  1. for gluing glass fabrics (used in electrical engineering, automotive and aviation industries, in shipbuilding);
  2. for waterproofing purposes;
  3. for coating chemically resistant coatings (to increase the level of durability of building finishes);
  4. in construction for the manufacture of fiberglass products;
  5. in design projects;
  6. in the household, etc.

Preparatory work

For the correct application of epoxy to the surface, there is a certain instruction and a number of rules:

Stage 1 - disinfection of the surface;

Stage 2 - polishing the glossy finish;

Stage 3 - coating (each new layer must be applied to a slightly sticky surface that has not yet hardened).

Technology for the preparation of epoxy paste

For pouring epoxy resin

Before buying materials, it is better to consult with the seller what kind of work the mixture is intended for.

The technology for preparing a large amount of pasta is different from preparing a few grams. Before you combine the components, the substance must be heated, which will reduce its viscosity.

In no case do not allow the resinous mass to overheat! Its boiling leads to the fact that the mixture acquires a white, cloudy color, and such a substance cannot be used for work.

The same can happen as a result of water entering the finished solution.

Mixing of all components occurs only after a plasticizer is added to the solution, and so that all the ingredients are well connected to each other, you can use a construction mixer.

In order for the resinous mixture to come out of high quality, the hardener must be poured in in a thin stream and kneaded well all the time to avoid inhomogeneous curing.

How long does resin "live"?

Epoxy coated table cover

"Life" is a relative term. This is the name of the time period during which the mass is in a liquid viscous consistency and is suitable for use.

The duration of this interval is influenced not only by the type of material used, but also by the amount of hardener added, as well as the temperature at which the mortar is mixed.

Subject to the instructions and mixing technology, the finished mass can be used for 30-60 minutes.

How to change color?

At home, do-it-yourself epoxy can be made in a certain color. But, do not forget that the addition of a coloring pigment will reduce its transparency, and sometimes it can even darken.

Very often, combinations of epoxy mass and polyester are used. Remember that before applying the epoxy, the polyester resin must be in a well-cured form, only in this way they can contact each other. If the combination of epoxy and polyester paste is done in the reverse order, then in order for the layer to be better fixed, you need to clean it with your own hands with sandpaper or use a solvent.

Precautionary measures

If the mixture is in liquid or viscous form, it can be dangerous to humans, and some mixtures can cause dermatitis. It is especially dangerous when the mass is very hot, because this leads to frequent burns and damage to the respiratory tract.

When working with this substance, you must follow the following safety rules:

  • work with the material is possible only in special clothing and gloves;
  • when grinding the surface, it is necessary to wear a respirator and goggles;
  • if the mixture needs to be stored, pick up a container with a tight-fitting lid;
  • if a drop of the finished paste gets on the skin, immediately wash it off with running water and soap, or use denatured alcohol;
  • work only in a well ventilated area.

As you can see, epoxy does not just occupy a leading position among finishing materials. This substance is distinguished by its strength, long service life and resistance to damage and wear.

Designers and needlewomen have learned to preserve entire worlds frozen in glass. In fact, all these shells, tiny buds, leaves and insects are forever frozen not in glass or amber, but in a simple and accessible to everyone epoxy resin. And you do not need to have a laboratory or a separate room to create it yourself. Today we will learn how to create epoxy resin with your own hands, and then make your own masterpiece with it.

Advantages of epoxy resin and its difference from epoxy adhesive

Despite the fact that the word "resin" is present in the name, you will not find natural components in its composition, because it is a completely synthetic product created in laboratories for many areas - from construction to needlework.

Epoxy resin- This is a mixture of two components: a hardener and the resin itself. Depending on the ratio of parts of the hardener and resin included in it, it can be thick, liquid or even dense. Therefore, it is very important to follow the instructions on the labels when mixing epoxy at home.

Epoxy resin properties

Epoxy resin is great for making jewelry, decorative items, and even covering large surfaces. It has the following properties:

  • she is very strong
  • not subject to abrasive wear,
  • transparent
  • well waterproofed,
  • absolutely non-toxic after curing.

Do not forget that you can also find epoxy glue on store shelves, which is completely unsuitable for us. Let's start with the fact that the glue itself is a derivative of the resin. It includes not only epoxy resin, but also a solvent, plasticizer, hardener and filler. Therefore, it is also durable, not subject to wear and firmly holds the parts to be glued.

Differences between resin and glue

There are significant differences between resin and glue, which reveal disadvantages that are unacceptable for our purposes:

  1. The adhesive has a specific curing time that cannot be controlled, while the curing of the resin can be accelerated.
  2. The resin retains transparency for a long time, while the glue quickly begins to turn yellow.
  3. Epoxy glue is less flexible and cures faster, while resin is more pliable and allows you to work with it more accurately.
  4. Glue can only be used to connect parts, while resin is suitable for making beads and other shapes of a given shape.
  5. Depending on the proportion used when mixing resin and hardener, we can get the right consistency that suits our needs, while the adhesive is sold as a ready mix.

Resin Safety Rules

In order not to be harmed by the vapors that are formed when mixing the hardener and resin (the polymerization process entails a significant release of heat), some safety rules must be observed.

  1. Arm yourself with gloves.
  2. Wear a protective mask or respirator to protect yourself.
  3. Ventilate the room while working.
  4. Warn household members not to enter the premises while you are busy, or be sure to wear a mask.
  5. Before starting work, organize your workplace so that there are no distractions afterward.

If you do not have a special surface for work, you can use a film or a simple file so as not to worry about the table and what can happen to it during the work.

How to make DIY epoxy resin

After reading the instructions, having prepared all the materials and the workplace, as well as following the safety precautions, you can begin to create an epoxy resin for your ideas.

So, to create an epoxy resin with our own hands, we need:

  • resin and hardener
  • disposable syringes or measuring cups,
  • stirring stick (toothpick, skewer or other piece of wood of suitable length).

Carefully read the instructions for the components of the epoxy resin

First, mix the components in one small container.

It is necessary to mix the components while observing the temperature regime not higher than + 25 ° C.

It is most convenient to measure the right amount of resin and hardener with disposable syringes, so you will know the exact proportion and will not lose a drop when pouring them into a common vessel. Or use measuring cups, given that from now on they cannot be used for anything else.

Do not try to stock up, as polymerizing, the mixture becomes unsuitable for further use.

Gently mix the resulting composition in a circle to reduce the likelihood of bubbles, because they can ruin the appearance of the epoxy craft.

If the bubbles could not be avoided, then they can be dealt with. To do this, you must first let the mixture settle, and then warm it up. The bubbles will definitely rise to the surface, allowing us to gently remove them. After that, the mixture can be used for your ideas.

Resin processing after curing

Once the resin has cured, it may need to be processed as the compound may appear cloudy or uneven. Due to the elasticity of the composition, we can bring it to mind, and not disappointedly throw it into the trash, believing that we did not succeed.

Resin becomes cloudy after curing

Sandpaper is suitable for grinding the product, or even a milling cutter for polishing nails.

Since there will be a lot of dust during grinding, it is worth putting on a respirator, and it is best to moisten the sandpaper with water.

In this DreamWorkshop tutorial, you will find step by step photos of the resin making process and some great tips on how to make cured resin transparent and smooth using the simplest tools.

DIY Epoxy Resin Crafts

So, we learned how to get epoxy resin on our own, talked about precautions and organization of the workplace. It's time to try your hand further. After all, creating crafts from epoxy resin with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

To begin with, it is worth noting that a material such as epoxy resin is quite versatile and can be used in needlework in different ways. It is used to create both separate decorations and accessories, which are complemented by works made in other techniques. It is great for figurines, cabochons and even stained glass.

Creating crafts using molds

The most common use of resin is to fill silicone molds with it. The resulting blanks can later be used as pendants, beads, pendants on or, key rings, etc. A variety of molds allows you to create even rings and bracelets from epoxy resin.

Such molds should be made of high-quality platinum silicone, which will be resistant to the poured solution and make it easy to remove the frozen product from it.

Benefits of molds

The advantages of such casting molds are that:

  • You can buy them at any craft store these days.
  • they are plastic
  • do not react with resin
  • don't stick to it

What decor to use when creating crafts

Molds are great for pouring dried flowers, foliage, moss or shells into them - any volumetric element. To do this, you only need epoxy resin, a suitable silicone mold, as well as pre-prepared decorative elements.

Be sure to pay attention to preparation! Leaves, flowers and buds must be thoroughly dried so that they do not turn black over time, spoiling the finished product with their appearance. Shells, crystals and stones are best degreased with alcohol or solvent, and then dried too.

Not only dense decorative elements can be added to the resin, but also potal, gloss and even stained glass paint, but not much (so as not to spoil the ratio of the main components and not disturb the desired consistency).

Epoxy resin crafts can be decorated with plants…

... sequins ...

With this method of pouring, decorative elements are most often unevenly distributed over the shape of the product. This is clearly seen in the bracelet example:

In the case when the decorative elements are small, heavy and / or you just want to place them in the center of the mold, it is first recommended to fill the mold with resin, and then dip the necessary decor into it - leaves, small shells, dried berries - whatever your heart desires!

Method 2. When the resin settles, pour it into the mold in a thin stream, evenly distribute it throughout the mold, and then immerse the selected decorative elements in it, helping yourself with a toothpick.

If you are limited in time or are afraid of the appearance of bubbles, you can send the form to the oven, preheated to 80 ° C (turned off and ventilated) for 15-20 minutes. After that, let the workpiece stand in the mold for at least a day, so as not to damage the surface of the resin. Carefully remove the bracelet, sand it from the top side and varnish it for better preservation.

First, prepare the clay - roll or twist the strips of the desired length using a pasta machine, rolling pin or extruder. After that, wrap the form you like with the resulting blank to make a frame, and send it to the oven, following the instructions indicated on the clay pack.

When the frame for your future jewelry has cooled down, free it from the mold and you can start pouring epoxy.

More details about the technology of making polymer clay frames can be found in the master class by the author Rusalina.

Method 2: wire frame

If you are familiar with the basics of the Wire Wrap technique, then a wire will come to your aid, which can be twisted into any frame or base to surprise those around you with your author's vision of jewelry.

Method 3: working with wood

Working with home-made molds allows you to go beyond the limits invented by the hardware manufacturers. But still, such a combination of techniques requires more perseverance, accuracy and time, because now you create frames and frames yourself, which is a laborious, but at the same time very interesting process.

Natural wood is naturalness ...

…the beauty…

…and style

However, such products are not so easy to make, besides, they require a whole arsenal of special tools, because the tree itself needs to be fully processed and cleaned so that the result does not disappoint.

But if difficulties and painstaking work are your passion, and there are already tools for woodworking in the house, then be sure to try yourself in a unique technique for creating crafts from epoxy resin of various sizes and purposes.

Jewelery is all that epoxy can do?

And yet, despite the fact that these days we most often meet epoxy only as decorations, it continues to be popular in other directions. So it is used to fill the handles of knives, to decorate flash drives, key rings and even pens.

And experienced craftsmen went even further, using epoxy to fill large surfaces. Tables with an incredible imitation of water in the middle or a simple and even surface, from under which the original image protrudes, no longer subject to fading - this is a reality created by those who love to challenge their talent.

Wooden top with transparent epoxy resin insert

The tabletop is completely filled with epoxy resin.

Those who remain faithful to small forms have also found their own style: pocket mirrors and even articulated dolls! It turns out that resin can realize any of our ideas.

As you can see, epoxy resin is capable of a lot and is limited only by the imagination of those who are seriously interested in working with it. Try it and you will go from your first cabochons and beads to masterpieces worthy of world museums of epoxy crafts!

Firstly, the silicone mold for casting was matte, respectively, the casting of epoxy resin also turned out not glossy, but matte. This often happens, by the way.

Secondly, the surface of the epoxy resin decoration is uneven. In this video, we will show you how to fix all these flaws!

Stages of work:

  1. Rough surface treatment of an item made of transparent resin jewelry. This step is used in case of very obvious defects, as in our video! We used a polishing machine, the speed is approximately 1000 rpm. For polishing clear epoxy, this frequency is usually the highest!
  2. A flat surface is ready, we removed waves, growths from it, made it smooth. Now our task is to polish it. to make the surface clear and transparent! For this purpose, we used the finest grit professional polishing pads and professional automotive polishing pastes.
  3. Lubricate the wheel very carefully with polishing paste. The paste is liquid and easy to apply. MAKE SURE that the wheel is clean, free of scratches, defects, grains to obtain a perfect surface.
  4. ATTENTION. The polishing video is in real time, which is exactly the time you need to get a perfectly polished epoxy surface.
  5. Thanks to the use of such circles and pastes, in a short time we received a transparent, even, shiny epoxy resin casting - our decoration, correcting all major and minor flaws.
  6. The last step, not shown in the video, is the coating of the epoxy resin product with a special UV-resistant varnish. Remember that any, even the coolest and most expensive epoxy resins, turn yellow over time, be sure to cover them with special varnishes.

How to work with jewelry resin: grinding and polishing jewelry

The word "epoxy" is known to almost everyone. But epoxy resin, the use of which is quite common today, is a type of synthetic resin. She appeared in the 50s. of the last century and immediately gained popularity due to its universal properties.

Today, epoxy resins are used in industrial production and households. The possibilities of application are constantly expanding due to the development of formulations with improved characteristics.

Description of epoxy resin

In terms of chemical composition, epoxy resin is an oligomeric synthetic compound. These materials are in demand today in almost all industries. In free form, epoxy is not used, but in combination with a hardener, it is able to show unique properties after the polymerization reaction. If epoxy resin is combined with curing agents, then you can get:

  • hard solid materials;
  • soft and durable products;
  • rubbery materials.

Epoxy resins are resistant to the following substances:

  • halogens;
  • acids;
  • alkalis.

However, dissolution occurs in esters and acetone without film formation. After curing, the epoxy resin composition does not emit volatile substances, and shrinkage is negligible.

Features of dilution of epoxy resin

If you are wondering how to dilute epoxy resin, then you should know that a lack or excess of hardener in the composition can adversely affect the quality of the polymer, while it remains resistant to heat, but its strength is reduced, the ability to resist chemicals and water is preserved . If not enough hardener is added, the product may be sticky due to unbound resin.

Before diluting epoxy resin, it must be understood that excess free hardener is released on the surface of the polymer during operation. To obtain different compounds, curing components and resin are used in different proportions, this can be found in the instructions. If we are talking about a modern compound, then the ratio most often looks like this: 1 to 2 or 1 to 1.

To date, there is an opinion that when using a hardener in volume, more polymerization will occur faster. This thought can be considered delusional. The easiest way to speed up the process is to increase the temperature of the reacting mixture.

If you want to speed up the process three times, then the temperature should be increased by 10 °C. If you are thinking about the question of how to dilute epoxy resin, then you should know that today special compounds are known that contain curing accelerators in their composition. Epoxy compounds can also be found on sale, which harden at a low temperature. The type of hardener and the temperature of the mixture act as the main factors that affect the rate of cure.

Dilution of epoxy resin: compositions with different polymerization temperatures

Epoxy resin can be cured at temperatures ranging from -10 to +200 ° C, everything will depend on the type of composition used. To date, resins of hot and cold curing are known. Cold hardener and epoxy are the most commonly used in the home. You can meet such a composition in production conditions with low power, as well as where heat treatment is unacceptable.

To obtain high-strength products that will be able to endure high loads and temperatures, as well as exposure to chemicals, hot-type curing components are used. During hot polymerization, a dense network of molecules is formed. There are also compounds and their oxides that are able to polymerize in sea water and in a humid environment.

Application area

Epoxy materials are now widespread throughout the world, they have been known since the middle of the last century. The nature of the application of these materials has undergone significant changes in recent years, but the use remains traditional in several areas, among them:

  • impregnation of fiberglass and glass fiber;
  • waterproofing coating;
  • creation of chemical-resistant coatings;
  • production of a transparent solid material for fiberglass products.

Epoxy resin, the use of which is quite common today, can act as an impregnating agent for gluing parts in electrical engineering, automotive, aviation, radio electronics and industry. In this case, the composition is used in the production of fiberglass in machine and shipbuilding, construction, in the conditions of workshops for the repair of car body elements and boat hulls.

Work with epoxy resin is carried out where there is a need to waterproof the walls, as well as the floors of basements and pools. With the help of epoxy resin, it is possible to produce materials and paints for exterior and interior decoration of buildings, as well as impregnation, which will provide waterproofing of porous materials and their increased strength, among them wood and concrete should be distinguished.

For reference

Epoxy resin can form the basis of a transparent solid material, which is made by pouring into a mold. At the next stage, the products are processed mechanically, such as: grinding and cutting. Used for fiberglass products in design work, electronic industry, construction and household.

Working with Epoxy: Surface Preparation

Working with epoxy involves the need to prepare the surface before applying the composition. Only then will it be possible to achieve high-quality adhesion. Therefore, before diluting the epoxy, first prepare the surface. To begin with, the base degreases. The surface must be free of traces of oil and grease. The surface is cleaned using solvents or effective detergents. It is important to make sure that there is no gloss.

The top layer is removed by grinding. Small surfaces should be prepared by hand using sandpaper. The bases, impressive in area, are processed by grinders, and the resulting dust should be removed with a vacuum cleaner. In the manufacture of fiberglass or layer-by-layer laying of varnishes and paints, each subsequent coating should be applied on a not completely cured, still sticky previous layer.

If the technology and requirements for the finished product allow, then the bottom layer, which is the substrate, should be sprinkled with fine sand. After curing, excess sand will need to be removed and a new layer of epoxy applied.

Preparation of a large volume of epoxy

If you don't know the specific properties of epoxy resin, you may run into problems making the material in bulk. As the volume of epoxy increases, more heat is released. When boiling, the resin will foam, become cloudy white. This composition cannot be considered suitable for use. Thinners and solvents may be added to the resin to reduce viscosity. Even a small concentration of them can cause a decrease in the strength and heat resistance of the product. The consequence is the exudation of the diluent from the polymer, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of the material.

Epoxies and hardeners must not contain water. If this happens, the composition will become cloudy and lose its properties. Today, a water-borne epoxy is produced. Similar compositions are diluted to achieve dispersion with distilled water. The two part epoxy must be mixed with a plasticizer. The resulting mixture is slowly heated, which is true if DBP is used. When using DEG-1, the composition must be mixed.

For thorough mixing, use a special nozzle on a drill or construction mixer. The proportions of resin and plasticizer are selected depending on the required plasticity, but most often the proportion of plasticizer varies from 5 to 10%. A hardener is added to the mixture. The resin is cooled to +30 °C to prevent boiling. The standard ratio of resin to hardener is 1 to 10. To achieve uniform dissolution of the hardener, mixing should be ensured. Otherwise, the composition will turn out to be heterogeneous, and subsequently it will sweat.

resin crafts

Quite often, craftsmen make crafts from epoxy resin. These works may be accompanied by certain difficulties. The product should be transparent, there should be no air bubbles inside it. In the thickness and on the surface, the curing must be uniform. If the thickness is more than 2 mm, then the material is applied in layers after primary polymerization. Resin can be poured into molds. In order for the product to separate, the mold is lubricated with technical petroleum jelly or fat.

Epoxy resin dye will allow you to give the product any color. After completion of work, the product is kept at a temperature slightly above room temperature. After 3 hours, primary polymerization will occur, curing until peeling off, after which the product must be heated to accelerate the curing process for 6 hours. If you decide to make crafts from epoxy, then it is quite possible that you will not be able to use a special oven.

At room temperature, polymerization will last 2 weeks. If triethylenetetramine is added to the ingredients, the surface may remain sticky. The cast product must be processed mechanically in the future. Epoxy resin of domestic production is not so suitable for casting massive products, because it is characterized by uneven hardening of the thickness.

Adding color to epoxy

Dye for epoxy resin will allow you to get a composition painted in a certain color at home. Manufacturers use dozens of surfactants to ensure that the pigment is evenly distributed. Pigmentation can reduce the transparency of the resin, sometimes it changes color, the resin darkens. The addition of the pigment should be done before the catalyst, but after the addition of the wax.

Technical characteristics of epoxy resin on the example of the composition of the brand ED-20

Epoxy resin, the characteristics of which will be listed below, is a honey-like yellowish liquid that is easily colored. The density at 20 ° C of the external environment is the limit of 1.16-1.25 kg / m 3. Tensile strength is 40-90 MPa. Bending strength is equivalent to 80-140 MPa. The compressive strength is 100-200 MPa.

The polymerization temperature is 20 °C and above. If you are interested in epoxy resin, the proportions of the mixture when combined with the hardener should be of interest to you. The latter should be used in the amount of 7 parts, while the resin is added in the amount of 1 part. The polymerization time of the composition is 1.5 hours. Water absorption in 24 hours is equal to the limit of 0.01-0.1%. Heat resistance varies from 55 to 170 °C. The impact strength is 5-25 kJ/m 2 .

The main properties of epoxy resin

Before you decide where to buy epoxy resin, you need to know its basic properties. Among others, low resistance to cracking should be highlighted, as well as more impressive toxicity compared to acrylic resins. The properties of the epoxy resin indicate that the composition is highly viscous and should be used in conjunction with solvents. To reduce the viscosity of the resin, you can heat the mixture or add a solvent to it. In both cases, the resin will become more fluid. It can be applied with a roller or brush, it will quickly impregnate fiberglass and penetrate porous surfaces such as wood.


Quite often, consumers are wondering where to buy epoxy resin. Today, this material is offered by many companies, among others, the Karbo composite supermarket, which is located in Moscow at the address: Volgogradsky Prospekt, 42, should be highlighted.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

In addition, transparent epoxy is used at different stages of construction and installation work in the construction of objects of various directions. The industry produces epoxy resin in a liquid and solid state, which determines the sequence of work with its use.

At what price to buy epoxy resin for creativity

Epoxy resin for creativity is a specific product that cannot be bought in a supermarket or convenience store. The sale of such goods is carried out by trade organizations specializing in goods of the chemical industry, selling paints and varnishes and goods for creativity. The price of epoxy resin in different organizations can vary greatly, therefore, before purchasing, it is necessary to study the market for these products, both when selling them live and through Internet resources.

The following table shows the cost of various types of epoxy used for creativity, when sold through the Internet, as of the beginning of the 2nd quarter of 2018.

Resin brandPackaging, kgContents of deliveryPrice (as of April 2018), rub.

"MG-EPOX-GLASS" (jewelry)
0,3 resin + hardener560

jewelry resin MG-EPOX-GLASS

"ArtLine Crystal Epoxy" (for jewelry and decor)
0,1 resin + hardener + beaker + gloves390