Landscaping 12 letters How to ennoble a summer cottage: a selection of the best tips for landscaping. The main goals of landscaping

Looking through magazines with picturesque illustrations on the theme of "landscape design", there is always a desire to decorate your suburban area, realizing your creative ideas and ideas in this way. But how to ennoble a summer cottage, having only a great desire to create a cozy corner, but without having great financial opportunities? As numerous examples show, it is not so difficult to design a homestead territory no worse than designers, it is enough to use elementary techniques. Today we propose to consider in more detail how to ennoble the site with your own hands.

To decide what exactly you need, first of all you need to make a list in which you list all the wishes of family members. Someone wants to grow record harvests and wants to set up garden beds. Someone plans to equip a pool and set up flower beds, and for children to equip a playground with a gazebo and a sandbox in order to be able to enjoy outdoor recreation.

Thinking over the arrangement of the site, it is important to focus on its shape and size: the smaller the area has a site, the more carefully you should approach the issue of its improvement

When arranging the territory, both professional designers and amateur gardeners always adhere to a number of universal recommendations, the implementation of which allows you to get an excellent result at minimal cost:

  • In the process of landscaping the territory, it is necessary to take into account and correctly dock all communications and lighting, compositions and paths, keeping them in the same style.
  • Plants for decoration should be in harmony with the green spaces already on the site and the general landscape of the area.
  • Successful combinations of elements of landscape design have a spectacular look. For example: stone and plants can be harmoniously combined in rockeries, on an alpine hill, when arranging a dry stream.
  • Decor elements, based on the same material of manufacture, should preferably be placed in one place, so that the composition will have a complete look.

What to consider at the design stage?

When you set the task of making the territory more convenient and attractive, first you need to put all your ideas on paper.

With the help of the plan, it is convenient to divide the territory into zones: entrance, front and utility, for the garden and vegetable garden, sports or recreation area

For greater clarity, it is better to outline elements of landscape design on the plan with colored pencils. This will allow at the design stage to prevent piling up of details and harmoniously combine all functional structures with elements of landscape design.

When designing the functional areas of the garden, it is important to take into account not only the convenience of work and the interests of each family member, but also the illumination of the site, the level of its groundwater, the direction of the winds and the orientation to the cardinal points. At this stage, the basis of future elements is also formed: a small pond or waterfall, a rock garden or an alpine slide and other landscape details, and the location of the paths is outlined.

Landscaping examples

There are more than a dozen methods of ennoblement: arranging flower beds and, decorating fountains and decorating existing buildings, etc.

So, for the fencing of the territory, metal or concrete structures, or capital buildings made of bricks are more often used. But deaf fences against the backdrop of a riot of colors of the green spaces of the site always look dull.

Using elements of vertical gardening, you can turn even the most ordinary fence into a real work of art.

Wooden fences assembled from a picket fence or solid boards also look original and stylish. Fences painted in variegated colors fit perfectly into the landscape design of the site.

Advice. To extend the life of a wooden building envelope, you can treat the surface of the wood with a chemical composition from mold, bugs and climatic phenomena.

Landscaping is one of the most effective and most popular methods of arranging a suburban area. All kinds of flower beds, and rabatki, dotted with many fragrant and unusually beautiful flowers, will become a real decoration of the site.

Even old broken furniture will fit under the arrangement of flower beds. Armchairs, cabinets, chests of drawers and chairs can act as original planters

In order for old interior items to find a “new life”, it is enough to repaint their juicy bright colors, fill the containers with fertile soil and plant plants.

Outbuildings, without which the arrangement of a single suburban area is not complete, are easy to decorate with tall or.

The original decoration of the walls can be vertical structures made of used car tires.

The area reserved for the garden is often also not very picturesque.

Miniature decorative wattle fences and wooden fences will help to improve the beds with greens and vegetables.

The real "highlight" of the recreation area can be. A gazebo entwined with clematis or climbing roses will not only be a spectacular addition to the design of the site, but a favorite vacation spot for the whole family.

Instead of the traditional design, you can equip an unusual "live" gazebo, the walls of which will be tree trunks or tall shrubs

Fans of the water element can complement the design of the site by arranging a small pond with water lilies or a waterfall murmuring between stones.

In the absence of the opportunity to equip a water source on the site, you can always equip. Lined with pebbles, sand and polished glass, the stream bed will create the illusion of a living source.

Plants planted along the banks of a dry stream will add more picturesqueness to the overall composition.

Here are examples with interesting decor ideas:

Site landscaping is a fascinating process that brings a lot of pleasure. But in the process of decorating the site, you need to know the measure so that the abundance of decor elements does not overshadow the natural beauty of nature.

Children's preschool institution- a place where the smallest and dearest creatures - children - spend a huge amount of time and should feel comfortable and joyful. Children spend a lot of time outdoors.

The perception of the world in a child is formed under the influence of the environment, including playgrounds where children walk in the kindergarten. Improvement and gardening of the territory of the kindergarten is a responsible and very important task.

The presence of trees, shrubs, a garden, a flower garden, fruit and berry plantations on the site is of great educational and educational importance.

A beautifully designed plot, properly selected ornamental plants are of great importance for aesthetic education.

Employees strive not to miss the time to ennoble the territory of our institution with green spaces that delight children and adults. You have to work hard to grow flowers in flower beds and flower beds. But not easy work pays off with beauty that will delight until late autumn.

Creative and enthusiastic people work in our kindergarten, who are not indifferent to how children feel, whether they are comfortable, whether they are interested. Thanks to the creative team of our kindergarten, fairy-tale heroes appeared on its territory. And most importantly, the beauty invented by adults has become a reality.

A big THANK YOU for your participation:

Suvorova Vera Evgenievna

Beiger Svetlana Viktorovna

Shulika Olga Stanislavovna

Meyrieva Natifa Savarbekovna

Zhukova Natalya Vasilievna

Lupashko Vera Alexandrovna

In Russia, the most common option for ennobling the area adjacent to the house is planting all kinds of berries and vegetables. However, in some cases, the presence of beds, bushes and trees on the site can spoil the appearance of the site. In such cases, the owners of the summer cottage, without realizing it, hide the facade of the wonderful house behind the thickets. Sometimes playgrounds are erected in front of the house, which can be a good option, since this kind of area with slides and a sandbox does not cover the facade of the house. However, it should be borne in mind that if there is a road even of small traffic nearby, then this option is not the best in terms of safety.

Landscaping of the territory

Based on the distance from the front door of the house to the entrance to the site, landscaping the territory can save the situation or, conversely, aggravate it.
If the house is located in the depths of the site, then only those invited will be able to admire its facade, since in this case it would be irrational not to use the territory of the site for planting bushes and trees.

However, this applies only to those cases when the owners of the houses themselves want to ennoble the site with the help of vegetation. If you wish, you can organize just an interesting and attractive landscape, which would consist of a garden with a mini-waterfall or other objects in an oriental style. Decor elements of this kind can look great both in a small suburban area and in large areas.

A decorated garden can be made with your own hands, having studied in more detail all the necessary information. If desired, you can always use the services of an experienced designer.
At the same time, it should be understood that the larger the house and the land plot are, the larger the elements should ennoble the free area. If this is not observed, then the mansion may have an ugly and bare appearance, and in some cases even repel.

The use of perennial bushes, flower beds and trees can help solve this problem.

Legislative standards can answer what landscaping is. The activities carried out have their own goals and require several types of work. Landscaping is the main activity of the Green Group landscape design studio. Our experts will help you competently draw up a plan for the design of the landscape of the area, taking into account the peculiarity of the relief, climatic conditions and your wishes.

What is landscaping? Landscaping is a set of works and measures to improve all environmental conditions, a well-groomed appearance of the house adjoining


a set of works and measures to improve all environmental conditions, a well-groomed appearance of the house adjoining area. Main Factors landscaping combine works: paving paths, the arrangement of flower beds and flower beds, the construction of architectural forms that come down to a single style solution.

The legislative framework

The very concept of "improvement of the site" in the regulatory framework appeared quite recently. Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 “On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” in paragraph 1 of Article 2 speaks of a set of measures that are aimed at:

  • maintenance of sites in proper condition, taking into account all environmental, climatic and sanitary standards;
  • placement of buildings and objects on the ground, according to the project plan;
  • providing comfortable conditions for living.

Improvement objects include: quarters, private and municipal courtyards, sites and other territories.

In addition to the main law, there is an order from the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation approved on December 27, 2013 No. 613, which spells out generalized concepts for the definition of the term "improvement", developed rules for caring for adjacent areas in accordance with the Guidelines. Clause 1.5 of the Recommendation states that – this is a consistent set of works aimed at:

  • ensuring the preparation of engineering systems;
  • establishment of security and landscaping works;
  • planning lighting and placement of monuments and forms of architecture on the ground.

Main elements site improvement are vegetation components, permanent and temporary structures, information stands and advertising, small forms of architecture, decorative elements. Improvement of the surrounding area involves a number of activities:

  • cleaning up areas of snow, debris, fallen leaves and broken branches, dirt, removing waste and garbage, sprinkling sand on slippery sidewalks and roads;
  • repair work of pedestrian areas (tile and stone paving, asphalting of the road);
  • maintenance of buildings and decorative elements in a well-groomed condition;
  • landscape gardening;
  • arrangement of fences and hedges, erection of monuments, installation of benches and street lighting with lanterns.

Landscaping of adjacent plots, repair and restoration of green areas, parks and squares are under the jurisdiction of municipal special organizations, but can be carried out privately with the involvement of specialists from the Green Group studio.

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The main goals of landscaping

Landscaping is important measures aimed at achieving order, improving the quality of people's living. Their goal is to give the area a well-groomed, attractive, aesthetic appearance. Landscaping includes work on the cultivation of natural areas. This approach allows you to competently and correctly organize the landscape design of space without causing damage to it.

So, landscaping has a main purpose - this is providing comfortable conditions for life and recreation in harmony with nature. It implies:

  • comfortable living conditions, ensuring the satisfaction of aesthetic needs - the territory has a well-groomed and beautiful view;
  • well-thought-out design of the area on which the given landscaping. The decor of the adjoining areas requires harmony with nature, a single style solution, and the functionality of the space.

These conditions can be achieved by creating the beauty of the surrounding area with skills for which one must possess. If you do not have such skills and knowledge, contact the professionals in their field. Company Green Group provides services for the beautification of adjoining areas, squares, parks and private courtyards.

Territory care work

Landscaping is a whole system of complex works. And it is better to entrust this matter to landscape design professionals, experienced gardeners, masters of engineering and geodesy specialists of the Green Group studio, who have ten years of experience in the field of landscaping and landscape design.

When the house adjoining area has an attractive design, then living on it becomes more comfortable and cozy. But before you start working on landscaping, you need to complete all construction activities:

  • lay communication systems - water supply, install, lay sewers and build additional structures;
  • pay due attention to cleaning the territory from construction and other debris;
  • install a site fence - fences, hedges, which will not only be able to protect residents from outside penetration, but also decorate the property. In addition, the fence serves as a separator between the boundaries of the property and the neighboring territory.
  • arrange a route grid on the ground, organize recreation areas, which are important elements of landscape decor.
  • the subsequent design of the area involves the location of parking spaces for cars and, of course, a children's area. How could it be without her? Landscaping is not only beautification of the area for the comfortable life of adults, but also for the entertainment of our children.

As you can see, in order to put the surrounding area in order, you need to spend a lot of time, effort, this requires the necessary knowledge and skills.