Adjustment of technological equipment. Adjuster of technological equipment Adjustment of technological equipment

In various industries, special machines and mechanisms are used to create blanks, various options for influencing materials, transportation and other technological processes. These include the press, machine tools, for example. Together they are called technological equipment. At the same time, qualified specialists are needed not only to control these devices, but also to prepare them for operation. A similar list of responsibilities applies to the adjuster of technological equipment.

Description of the profession

A process equipment adjuster is a worker who has the necessary level of education to work with industrial equipment: carry out inspections and repairs, adjust operating modes, make the necessary changes and adjustments, and, if necessary, instruct employees on the specifics of using equipment.

At the beginning of the shift, the adjuster must first check the equipment in the off state, if no faults were found, start it up. Next, it is worth checking the levels of liquids to be filled: oil, coolant, serviceability of electrical systems. If necessary, the installer can interact with the services that are involved in commissioning.

The specialty is in high demand in the market, however, the requirements of employers are also growing.

Therefore, in order to obtain a permit to work, the adjuster must have extensive knowledge of the equipment that is used in production. The specialist's responsibilities may include the following:

    diagnostics and troubleshooting;

    selection of the optimal mode of operation;

    understanding of the principles of working with materials, its features

    formation of technological programs;

    reading electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic circuits;

    understanding of regulatory documents that coordinate the work of the adjuster.

In addition, to work in the specialty, you must have an appropriate education in the field of industrial equipment, be of legal age, and successfully pass a medical examination for possible contraindications to work.

In order to start independent work, the adjuster already on the basis of the enterprise must undergo training in safe work with electrical installations and labor protection.

Typically, the training course also includes:

    Fire safety;

    first aid;

    behavior in emergency situations;

    production instructions.

Where to learn the profession of a process equipment adjuster?

To work as an adjuster, you will need special education, which can be obtained at specialized colleges or technical schools. It is worth noting that you can study in this specialty after the 9th grade, enrolling in a college or technical school in the corresponding direction. In this case, the duration of education will be equal to three or four years. And if you enter after 11, then only two years.

There are also special courses, the duration of which is about a year, and the curriculum is quite similar to the plan of a secondary specialized educational institution. But you can become a student of courses only after 18 years. At the same time, the educational centers on the basis of which they operate do not provide state-funded places.

And after a certain amount of time, the adjuster of technological equipment needs to improve his level of qualification, receiving a new category.

Ranks of the profession adjuster of technological equipment

The skill level of a worker determines not only what type of work he can do, but also what machines and devices to work with.

Technological equipment adjuster 2nd category

Performs configuration and verification of the functionality of simple equipment. It includes automatic machines, semi-automatic devices, stands that are used in the production of radio components.

Adjuster of technological equipment 3rd category

Sets up and regulates special technological equipment: vacuum drying cabinets, washing machines without automatic control, winding machines.

Technological equipment adjuster, 4th category

Can carry out adjustment and regulation of equipment that has various nodes, circuits and switches. For example, an automatic machine for the production of a belt getter, equipment for casting and pressing ceramics, a leak detector.

Adjuster of technological equipment of the 5th category

Works with equipment equipped with complex assemblies, circuits and switches. These include manipulators and loaders, as well as diffusion, oxidizing, conveyor, hydrogen furnaces.

Adjuster of technological equipment of the 6th category

Engaged in the adjustment and regulation of complex equipment with control, which is used to manufacture complex devices: rectifiers, power amplifiers, precision power stabilization units, temperature controllers.

Adjuster of technological equipment of the 7th category

Works with equipment that has program control and kinematic, electrical, radio-electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic, vacuum circuits. The equipment he deals with includes: automatic and semi-automatic pumping lines, a photo repeater, a hydraulic press, a plasma cleaning and microplasma welding unit.

Adjuster of technological equipment of the 8th category

He has the necessary qualifications for complex work with unique and experimental equipment.

Personal qualities of the profession technological equipment adjuster

Representatives of this profession value the following qualities:

    responsible approach to work duties;

    performance at work;


    willingness to solve non-standard tasks;

    interest in the operation of mechanisms and equipment;

    desire to learn and improve yourself;

    resistance to stressful situations.

Salary level of the profession technological equipment adjuster

Depending on the industry, the salary level can vary from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Pros and cons of the profession of a process equipment adjuster

To pluses professions include:



    wage level.

A to cons:

  • high requirements for knowledge in the field.

The adjuster of technological equipment of modern metal-cutting machines is a highly qualified specialist. The demand for such positions is constantly growing due to the development of manufacturing technologies. The wishes of employers have changed in recent years, the legislative part of the industry lags behind the requirements of the real situation.

General requirements for professional knowledge

A CNC machine tool technician must have extensive knowledge to work efficiently in a manufacturing environment. The versatility of the profession lies in the ability to find competent solutions and take responsibility for primary repairs before the arrival of the relevant services.

The installer is required to:

  • proper selection of cutting tools;
  • compliance with cutting conditions;
  • programming both technological programs and user data;
  • carry out competent and quick diagnostics of malfunctions of the mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic parts of the equipment;
  • have a complete knowledge base in the field of metallurgy: steel grades, manufacturing methods, processing modes;
  • be able to read diagrams fluently: electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic.

Education and other criteria

With all the requirements, the position of the adjuster belongs to the category of workers. The place is intended for persons over 18 years of age with a secondary specialized education in the field of industrial equipment. To perform their duties, the assigned category of medical examination with the “Good” column is required.

For admission to the workplace, training is provided or the applicant is provided with a ready-made electrical safety certification. In Western companies, servicemen are trained to work with electrical equipment up to 1000 V.

The specialty "CNC Machine Adjuster" provides qualifications in the field of IT:

  • programming experience in C++ languages;
  • creation of databases;
  • knowledge of graphic editors;
  • knowledge of SCADA systems for working with graphical interfaces;
  • fluency in PC operating systems.

With the existing electrical safety certification, in any case, you will have to undergo retraining for the specifics of the enterprise. To do this, courses for adjusters are held in the organization of employment.

What regulations do you need to know?

The basis of safe work is the timely informing of workers about the rules of conduct with electrical installations. To systematize approaches to emergency situations, they are guided by intersectoral labor protection rules in existing electrical installations and standards for their operation.

The basic course includes training:

  • Fire safety.
  • Rules for first aid to victims.
  • Instructions for the use of protective equipment.
  • Ways to free a person if he is under stress.
  • When using crane equipment, all employees should familiarize themselves with the principles of slinging loads and operating mechanisms.
  • A lecture is held directly at the enterprise, including the daily routine.
  • To perform work in the order of current operation, the

Additional requirements

The instruction of the adjuster of technological equipment includes the obligation of each worker on CNC machines to understand the principle of operation of multi-axis systems of a particular manufacturer. The level of communication with the electronic parts of the PC should be above average. Technological programs are formed directly by the employee.

He is in charge of all the time characteristics, the choice of tool mounting dimensions, the task for the movement of all axes, and the observance of the program processing cycle. Responsibilities include all the necessary actions to reconfigure the production line for new product sizes.

At the beginning of the shift, the employee must inspect the received machine and line for the serviceability of all parts. Check fluid levels: oil, coolant, electrical systems. Conduct periodic inspections of fixed equipment during long production downtimes. Guided to follow the step-by-step instructions for changing the machine. The duties of the employee include interaction with the services that produce on the site.

Experience in electrical

The adjuster of technological equipment must have the knowledge of workers from parallel services engaged in servicing production. Direct participation in user work lies on the shoulders of the operator, and the adjuster performs the function of the main regulator for the performance of all parts of the machine.

It is necessary to carry out diagnostics of the health of measuring systems, which are replaced by an instrumentation and automation fitter. Participate in the determination of automation failures together with electrical service specialists. With a floating fault, cyclic testing of mechanisms and lines is carried out, which is implemented by the process equipment adjuster through the use of a software interface.

Diagnostics is carried out according to the catalog of errors included with the CNC machine. The instrumentation and automation fitter cannot carry out all the work alone, so the adjuster provides all possible assistance: checking the indication of measuring systems, monitoring the level on the monitor screen, temperature conditions are set in masks of the machine's software interface.

It is also necessary to participate in the replacement of the mechanical parts of the machine, as well as unscheduled maintenance after repair and commissioning.

Current moments of work activity

Under the direct supervision of the adjuster are:

  • integrity and operation of all level gauges, thermocouples, high-speed meters;
  • methods for primary diagnostics of the performance of engines, pumps, transmission systems, hydraulic cylinders;
  • methods for diagnosing backlash on axial screw pairs using a micrometer;
  • the use of a measuring tool to determine technological gaps, roughness of the treated surface;
  • timely report to higher authorities on unscheduled repair of the machine, providing information about the cause of the malfunction and the culprit of the incident;
  • introduction of new processing programs during the debugging period, making corrections to achieve the specified dimensions of the product.

In addition to the above functions, the duties of the process equipment adjuster include initial instruction to new employees on maintaining documentation containing all stages of the work shift, periodic inspections of equipment and scheduled repairs. Also, journals are kept to record finished products, defects and accepted blanks.

What can an employee do on their own initiative?

The adjuster of technological equipment, as well as each employee of the enterprise, can make suggestions regarding the improvement of overall production:

  • machine and line design;
  • methods and modes of processing parts;
  • optimizing the working time of the shift personnel, if, as a result of the measures, there will be a decrease in unscheduled downtime;
  • make urgent demands for the elimination of fire safety violations or threats to workers;
  • at the risk of material damage to the enterprise, report to the management;
  • stop the workflow if there are deviations in the quality of the finished product.

What rights does an employee have?

The installer can put forward a disagreement on the work in the following cases:

  • in the absence of protective equipment;
  • if the tool is faulty;
  • in the absence of the necessary documentation;
  • overtime;
  • performance of work not related to the position of the employee;
  • if the order of the head leads to material damage to the enterprise or creates a threat to the health and life of others;
  • the employee has not been retrained on the new equipment.

What can be the responsibility for violations?

The profession of a process equipment adjuster implies not only the performance of duties at the workplace, but also responsibility for rash actions in the form of material compensation or administrative punishment.

The job responsibilities of an employee include the following:

  • minimization of labor costs in the production process;
  • compliance with established norms and rules for the industry;
  • keeping company trade secrets;
  • responsibility for the collection of funds on the site;
  • upon detection of theft, inform the head or security service;
  • an appropriate permit for the use of information media;
  • do not accept rewards from strangers in the workplace.

Adjustment of mechanical and heat engineering equipment

1. Installation, start-up, regime adjustment, inspection and examination of heat power and auxiliary equipment:

Boiler units, water treatment plants, heating networks, oil treatment and stabilization plants, etc.

2. Commissioning and diagnostics of mechanical equipment:

installation and adjustment of compressor, pumping, ventilation installations and units;

· start-up, adjustment and testing of ventilation and climate systems of buildings and workshops of enterprises;

equipment vibration diagnostics.

3. Balancing of rotors, impellers, drums and pulleys in their own bearings, without dismantling the equipment.

Adjustment of technological equipment

1. Organizational and technical preparation for conducting a comprehensive testing of equipment in working environments:

Consideration of projects for new construction and reconstruction of oil, gas, petrochemical industry facilities for compliance with applicable rules with the issuance of proposals, comments and recommendations

Development of commissioning schedules, justification and development of combined construction and commissioning schedules

· Development of start-up instructions, programs and technological schemes for commissioning

· Control of construction and installation works for compliance with the project in the technological, mechanical, energy, instrumentation and A direction. Issuance of comments and control of execution

Control of strength and density tests of equipment and pipelines

Revision of equipment and preparation of commissioning

Carrying out work on individual testing of equipment on inerts

Carrying out work on purging and checking pipelines for patency

Carrying out work on additional testing of systems for tightness

Carrying out inertization of systems

2. Carrying out a comprehensive testing of equipment in inert media:

Reception of the product at the facility

Purging systems from inerts, filling pipelines and equipment with the product

Run-in of dynamic equipment on the product

Implementation of the start-up of the technological process at minimum loads and the release of the first batch of marketable products

Debugging of technological process and systems of automatic control of parameters

Bringing the technological process to the scheduled technological mode

Practical training in the operation of the facility for the customer's personnel at the workplace

3. Mastering the power. Carrying out a fixed mileage:

· Stage-by-stage development of capacity, debugging of systems of regulation by technological process Training of replaceable personnel of the customer on workplaces; selection of optimal consumption rates of raw materials and reagents

· Carrying out a fixed run; identification of bottlenecks in the project; preparation of a technical report on commissioning and proposals for improving the operation of equipment

4. Development of operational documentation:

· Coordination of lists of critical pipelines and pipelines of steam and hot water;

· Development of passports for technological pipelines and pipelines for steam and hot water;

· Development of operational passports for PPK (MPU);

· Development of passports for buildings and structures;

· Development of schemes for switching on pressure vessels;

· Development of forms for compressor equipment;

· Development of passports for smoke and industrial ventilation pipes;

· Development of passports (magazines) on the furnace.


Characteristics of the discipline, its relationship with other disciplines

curriculum, role in the development and improvement of energy reliability.

The main achievements and development prospects in the technique of setting up electrical equipment



On the main methods for measuring the parameters of electrical networks, methods

da test insulation high voltage electrical equipment and se-

The student must know:

The main types of measuring and testing equipment

The main acceptance parameters of measurements and tests according to

Topic 1.1 Types of tests, measurement of insulation resistance, verification

temporal characteristics

Methods and methods for measuring and testing electrical equipment;

General arrangement and principles of operation of instruments for measuring resistance

Measurements and tests of electrical equipment in a stationary state.

Measurements and testing of electrical equipment in working order. measurements

insulation resistance. Megohmmeters. DC resistance measurement

current. Bridges.

Time measurement. Electric stopwatch. Temperature measurement.

Topic 1.2 Measurement of the main parameters of electrical circuits

As a result of the training, the student must

Methods for measuring grounding, current, voltage, power;

Principles of operation of devices for measuring electrical quantities.

be able to: - determine the sequence of phases;

Determine the polarity of the windings.

Checking grounding devices. Grounding meter. Measurement

dielectric losses. Determination of the degree of humidity of the windings. Measurement

magnitude and phase of current, voltage, power. Definition of phase sequence.

Measurement of capacitance, inductance. Determining the polarity of the windings.

Independent work of students

Complete devices for testing relay protection.



The student must be aware of:

On the purpose of inspections and certification, identifying possible defects in electrical

equipment both in terms of technical condition and suitability for operation,

and according to the compliance of its technical characteristics with the project and other


The student must know:

Methods for assessing the possibility of switching on new and repaired electrical

equipment to normal operation.

Topic 2.1 Preparation for the inclusion of electrical equipment in operation

As a result of the training, the student must

Methods for calculating the parameters of electrical measurements.

Carry out characterization of the magnetic system of measuring trans-


Common structural components of electrical equipment, defects

and methods for their detection.

Practice #1

Calculation of parameters of electrical measurements.

Lab #1

The study and removal of the characteristics of the magnetic system of the measuring trans-

formator. Topic 2.2 Measurement and testing of the insulation of current-carrying parts

electrical equipment

As a result of the training, the student must

Insulation test methods;

Safety rules for high voltage testing;

Connection diagrams of test transformers.

Assemble the high voltage insulation test circuit.

Testing the insulation of electrical equipment with increased voltage

niem. Test equipment.

Studying the schemes of series connection of test transformers

Topic 2.3 Checking Wiring Diagrams

As a result of the training, the student must

Schemes for switching on the windings of electric motors.

To check the conformity of the marking of the cable cores;

Check the polarity of the windings of a three-phase electric motor.

Checking the marking of the cable cores with "continuity". Checking the polarity

windings of a three-phase electric motor.

Independent work of students:

The study of schemes for checking the polarity of the windings of electric motors.

Topic 2.4 Checking circuit breakers, contactors, starters,

capacitor units

As a result of the training, the student must

The device and principle of operation of switching and protective devices up to

Check the performance of devices. Content of training material

Checking circuit breakers. Checking contactors and

starters. Checking capacitor installations.

Lab #2

Checking the operation of the A3700 series circuit breaker release.

Independent work of students:

Studying the circuits for checking the pull-in and drop-out voltage of contactors.


The student must be aware of:

On the types of verification and testing of power and measuring transformers

ditch, switchgear equipment, electrical machines

belt and direct current, grounding devices, electrical

tey and cable lines.

The student must know:

Appointment of certain schemes for checking and testing electrical equipment;

The norms of the measured parameters of insulation resistance, transient resistance

tivleniya contacts;

Methods and norms for regulating the technical parameters of the operation of electrical equipment

The student must be able to:

Make calculations and assess the state of insulation of electrical equipment; pro-

to exhaust the choice of schemes for checking and testing this or that equipment.

Topic 3.1 Inspection and testing of instrument transformers

As a result of the training, the student must

Types and device of measuring transformers.

Carry out characterization of measuring transformers;

Calculate the transformation ratio.

Revision, test of the main insulation. Determining the polarity of the windings

current and voltage transformers. Removal of characteristics of magnetization

current and voltage transformers. Measurement of transformer coefficients

tsii current and voltage transformers.

Lab #3

Determination of the characteristics of the magnetization of current transformers. Practical lesson No. 2

Studying circuits for checking the transformation ratio of current transformers

and stress..

Topic 3.2 Inspection and testing of switchgear equipment

As a result of the training, the student must

Types of switchgear devices (RU);

Methods for checking and testing equipment RU.

Make measurements and calculate the time characteristics of the operation of devices.

Checking the condition of the insulation. Checking and testing of arresters. Change-

rhenium transition resistance of contacts. On-time measurement and

shutdown of oil switches, removal of vibrograms. Check and adjustment

switch drives; adjustment of auxiliary contacts of switches, disconnection

threads. Features of adjustment of air switches. Setup Features

load break switches, short circuits and separators. Resistance measurement

insulation resistance, overvoltage test and phasing of power

Practice #3

Measurement of closing and opening times of oil circuit breakers.

Topic 3.3 Inspection and testing of power transformers

As a result of the training, the student must

The device and principle of operation of power transformers;

Winding connection groups.

Perform phasing of power transformers;

Calculate the parameters of the transformer.

Checking the condition of the winding insulation. Inspection and testing of tie rods

bolts and consoles of power transformers. Testing the insulation of si-windings

high voltage transformers. Resistance measurement

DC windings of transformers. Checking the coefficient of trans-

formation, polarity and winding connection groups. Removal of circular diagrams of the switch under load. Phasing of power transformers. Incl.

putting power transformers into operation.

Lab #4

Phasing of power transformers using voltage transformers.

Practice #4

Calculations of transformer parameters

Independent work of students:

The study of the scheme for removing the circular diagram of the switching device.

Topic 3.4 Inspection and testing of AC electrical machines

As a result of the training, the student must

The device and principles of operation of electric machines of alternating current.

Perform winding resistance measurements;

Calculate winding resistance based on measurements.

Checking the condition of the winding insulation. Winding insulation test

elevated voltage. Measurement of winding resistance to direct current.

Checking the polarity of the windings of electric motors and the phase sequence of the synchronous


Lab #5

Calculation of the DC resistance of the rotor windings of electric motors with

phase rotor.

Independent work of students

The study of schemes for checking the determination of the polarity of the windings of electric motors.

Topic 3.5 Inspection and testing of DC electrical machines

As a result of the training, the student must

The device and principle of operation of electrical DC machines.

Perform characterization and calculation of the parameters of the DC generator

Checking the condition of the winding insulation. Winding resistance measurement

DC current. Polarity check, winding matching. Installation

brushes to neutral. Checking ballast resistances. Removal of characteristics of generators. Testing of electric motors.

Lab #6

Removing the characteristics of idling and the load characteristics of the synchronous

generator type VT170-3000.

Topic 3.6 Inspection and testing of grounding devices

As a result of the training, the student must

Meaning and device of protective grounding..

Check and calculate the resistance of the "phase-zero" circuit

Procedure and test methods for grounding devices. Resistance measurement

circuit resistance phase - zero. Checking fuses.

Lab #7

Connecting the M 416 device to a complex ground electrode.

Independent work of students:

The study of the circuit resistance test circuit phase - zero.

Topic 3.7 Inspection and testing of electrical networks and cable lines

As a result of the training, the student must

Test methods for cable lines.

Determine the location of damage to cable lines.

General information. Testing of cable lines. Determining the places of damage

in cable lines.

Practice #8

Studying the circuit for determining the short circuit between the conductors by the induction method.

Lab #5

Methods of line probing with the R 5-10 device


The student must be aware of:

On the methods of setting up simple and directional maximum current,

differential and gas protection; - on the adjustment of automation devices in power supply systems.

The student must know;

Schemes for checking protection by primary current from the load device;

Switching circuits for current circuits to simulate short circuits and other

some deviations from normal regimes.

Topic 4.1 General principles and methods of adjustment

As a result of the training, the student must

Composition of equipment of secondary circuits;

Methods for checking secondary circuits.

Check and calculate the characteristics of the relay.

Analysis of secondary circuits. Element revision. Checking and configuring the app

ratura. Checking secondary circuits.

Practice #9

Studying the circuit for checking the relay operation time.

Lab #6

Topic 4.2 Adjustment of relay protection of electrical equipment and automation

power plants and substations

As a result of the training, the student must

Types and principles of operation of the main relay protections.

Calculate the parameters of relay protection.

Checks required when setting up relay protection devices and auto-

matics. Adjustment of simple and directional overcurrent protections.

Adjustment of protections using reverse sequence filters.

Adjustment of directional protection networks with high ground fault current.

Adjustment of remote protection. General principles for setting up directional pop-

river and longitudinal differential protection lines. Device setup

AVR and APV. Adjustment of gas protection. Adjustment of relay protection on a variable

operational current. Practical lesson No. 10

Calculations of resistances and currents of operation of the relay.

Lab #7

Checking the operation and return parameters of the DC and AC relays

Independent work of students:

Prepare abstracts on topics:

1. Adjustment of simple and directional overcurrent protections;

2. Adjustment of remote protection;

3. Adjustment of gas protection.