Sea air in the apartment. We equip the salt room in the apartment. Why is it good to live in the mountains

How to make a sea climate in your home? The recipe is provided by a new generation interior decoration company. Now you will not only be beautiful and comfortable, but also healthy!

Now everyone can create a sea climate right at home thanks to BioViT fiber panels developed by Shrim. BioViT fiber panels are a unique development that brings finishing materials to a whole new level of perception! Thanks to the special filling BioViT fiber panels will not only give the room a pleasant aesthetic appearance and will have a beneficial effect on people's health, providing stable humidity and a microclimate similar to the sea.

An integrated approach requires attention to the bathroom - this is a modern trend for creating coziness and comfort.. Even furniture for bathrooms and themselves baths- quite complex items that are environmentally friendly and practical. You can also choose high-quality solutions on the Internet. Many chain stores are huge specialty departments that have everything, including baths - . Shower cabins save space, and acrylic bathtubs last a long time. It has become more difficult to choose furniture and equipment for the bathroom - the assortment is so rich that it takes a long time to make a choice.

The River Stone sink is an oval-shaped natural stone ensemble that traces back to the tradition of placing one stone on top of another as a symbol. Dsignio found an image that is common to all world cultures, and, for this reason, turned to the natural world, the theme of water and river stone. The oval shape of the stone washed by water reminds of a water source, the stones around which, as if polished by its waters, have taken on the most natural and pleasant to the touch shape.

Back to tiles:

The main raw material component is natural crystalline salt, formed as a result of the evaporation of the waters of the ancient sea, which is used in medicine in the treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and arthritis.

Salt deposits were discovered as a component in the famous Stasfurt salt-bearing deposits of Germany by the German geologist and chemist Karl Oxenius. In the first decades after the discovery, they were considered a rare mineral, but in the 1930-50s, extensive deposits were discovered in the Volga region. The salt component is easily soluble in water and therefore is extracted by dissolving artesian water - leaching - a dry underground mineral layer at a depth of occurrence. Well workers washed their hands with this brine and noticed that the joints of the hands stopped hurting after that. A curious fact interested physicians, the mineral was successfully tested for its use for medical purposes, and permission from the USSR Ministry of Health was obtained for this.

In many cultures, salt was considered precious, even sacred. The healing balneotherapeutic properties of the salts of the ancient sea have been known since time immemorial. Even the Jews and Romans built hydropathic baths on the banks of its banks. In the Middle Ages, the price of salt was so high that it played the role of money like other valuable items. “For a kilogram of salt - a kilogram of golden sand. This is how the peoples of saltless Africa regarded salt, ”wrote Academician Fersman. Among the pagan Slavs, who worshiped many gods and made all kinds of sacrifices to them, salt, like other peoples, was considered sacred. The ritual significance of salt and belief in it as a magically sacred object developed among the Slavs in bygone times in the same way as among other peoples. The only difference was that salt, in those cases where it was a symbol of fidelity, friendship, wealth and prosperity, was inextricably linked with bread. Among the Slavs, bread and salt were equally revered as a source of wealth and life. Therefore, bread and salt has become a symbol of fidelity, on the one hand, and a symbol of wealth and abundance, on the other.

The therapeutic use of salt is booming these days. The use of BioViT Fibro-panel in the decoration allows maintaining the humidity balance in the room. With a high moisture content, part of it is absorbed, with excessive dryness, the moisture evaporates, the material seems to “breathe” and creates an atmosphere in the room close to the atmosphere of the sea coast due to natural air ionization. Sterility and bactericidal action of "living" air, the presence of salt air ions have a beneficial effect on humans. At room temperature, the wood composition of the tiles controls humidity and saturates the air with valuable elements such as iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, bromine, iron and selenium. Every breath in a room finished with "BioViT" provides valuable minerals and trace elements to the human body.

Staying indoors, finished with BioViT Fibro-panels, has a particularly positive effect on the following diseases: asthma, allergies, pulmonary and bronchial diseases (for example, allergic or chronic bronchitis), diseases of the cardiovascular system, rheumatic diseases, headaches and migraines , skin diseases (for example, acne, psoriasis, eczema), psychosomatic disorders, depression and fatigue, insomnia - and also useful for people with increased sensitivity of the respiratory tract. Salt Therapy is suitable for all ages. has a general strengthening effect on the body. The presence of unique natural components makes "BioViT" a natural antiseptic, blocks the reproduction of mold fungi in the thickness and on the surface of the walls, and it is also not edible for rodents.

The scope of BioViT fiber panels in interior decoration is extremely rich. This is a tile of any size, incl. non-standard for walls and ceilings. It can be used to produce window sills and steps, countertops for bathrooms and kitchens, bar and administrative counters, it can be used as a facing artificial stone for pools and fireplaces, as skirting boards, cornices, framing portals, elements of stairs, columns and much more.

Fiber panels "BioViT" have a set of outstanding qualities: low sound transmission, high abrasion resistance, low thermal conductivity, low weight, easy to process. In BioViT Fibro panels, you can saw, drive in nails and screw in self-tapping screws. Appearance - solid material of white sometimes cream color.

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We no longer breathe clean air in the city. And in your own apartment, too, even when nothing seems to smell, does not smoke. It is impossible to remove everything that works, puffs and pollutes the atmosphere in the city. But at home you can arrange an oasis of clean air.

On the streets of large cities "try" cars that emit up to 80% of the total amount of pollutants into the atmosphere. The harmfulness of industrial enterprises depends on the type of production and the level of technology. In the list of elements that pollute the atmosphere in Russian capitals, nitrogen oxides (NO2 and NO) are in first place, followed by ammonia and formaldehyde. The level of pollution by the latter is constantly increasing with the increase in the number of cars.

“Indoors, we breathe the same mixture of chemicals that we breathe outside. The differences are in the concentration and lack of air purification agents,” say Anatoly KRASNUSHKIN, a leading researcher at the Department of Environmental Management of Moscow State University, and Elena KRASNUSHKINA, teacher of special ecology courses at Moscow State University. “Sources of pollution in any You can find a lot of apartments.

Walls, ceilings, furniture (especially from chipboard), carpets, all kinds of artificial coatings, varnishes and paints emit substances hazardous to health: formaldehyde, phenol, styrene, etc.

Some chemicals we bring into the house ourselves - on clothes, including freshly cleaned ones (mainly perchlorethylene). So hydrocarbons from automobile exhausts also get into the apartment.

Organic matter produced by insects and pets, household chemicals, tobacco smoke, mold, fungi and bacteria all contribute to air pollution. A health hazard occurs when their concentration in the air exceeds the maximum permissible level. However, even if a small concentration acts on the body constantly, it will still lead to trouble. Feeling unwell is usually never associated with moving into a new apartment or buying furniture. And it rarely occurs to parents that a child's allergies are closely related to the air in the nursery that he breathes from birth.

Indoor air quality affects well-being and performance. After passing through the filters of ventilation and air conditioning systems, the air loses its "freshness", and the level of ozone and ions decreases by 90%. As a result, the "syndrome of closed rooms" can work - a person often has a headache, he feels weak and feels unwell.

Find and neutralize

WHEN AIRING the room, remember that the air outside the window also leaves much to be desired, so it is advisable to do this in the early morning, when traffic is minimal and the evening dust has settled. Even better is to ventilate the room after rain, especially after a heavy thunderstorm.

Try to eliminate sources of pollution in the apartment.

If possible, replace the gas stove with an electric one.

Adjust the burner in the gas stove: the flame should be blue.

Install burners with high ribs in the gas stove. This will ensure more complete combustion of the gas.

Install an air purifier above the stove (gas or electric).

If finances allow, decorate the apartment with natural wood and select furniture made from environmentally friendly materials.

Seal (paint over, seal, varnish) cracks and cracks in the veneer or finishing film, the back ends of furniture boards where there is no decorative coating on the chipboard.

Carrying out "European-quality repair", do not abuse synthetic materials. Often it turns out that they create the most polluted atmosphere in the premises.

For thermal insulation, use fiberglass instead of asbestos and foam.

Keep household chemicals hermetically sealed in non-residential areas (in a barn, garage, on a loggia).

Green Rescuers

The MOST natural and pleasant way to improve the air in the apartment is indoor plants. They also have to survive, so they are sensitive to changes in the state of the environment and adapt to them. And creating favorable conditions for existence for themselves, the flowers take care of us. They destroy harmful elements in different ways. Some substances are bound by the cytoplasm of plant cells and become inactive. Others undergo transformations in plants and become non-toxic, after which they are included in the metabolism of plant cells and used for the needs of the plant. Still others, such as sulfur-containing compounds, are released by root systems into the soil. As a result, the air in the room will be on average 40% cleaner than where there are no plants (with the same volume and quality of room cleaning).

The main thing is not to use flowers as an automaton. They do not work from the outlet, they live! Therefore, they need to provide all the conditions for life (optimal lighting, temperature, humidity, soil composition) and love them. Flowers need to be fed on time and partially, up to half the volume, replace the earth with a new one. It is especially important to regularly wash off dust from plants, as this not only gives them the opportunity to grow and develop better, but also cleans the air of the smallest dust that is not captured by vacuum cleaners and air conditioners.

Moist leaves absorb gases 2-3 times more intensively than dry ones. But the pubescence of the leaves contributes to the removal of dust from the atmosphere, while preventing gas absorption. At a temperature of more than 25o C, plants absorb gas two times more intensively than at 13o C. Woody plants carry out gas exchange 3-10 times more intensively than herbaceous plants. However, for flowers there is a limiting saturation with a certain harmful substance, after which the processing in the roots and leaves decreases or remains at the same level.

Ethylene can be removed from the air with the help of not only plants, but also soil microorganisms, which are most abundant in humus-rich soils. The lack of negatively charged oxygen ions is well compensated by conifers, cereuses, crotons and indoor fountains. All plants reduce the dryness of the air inherent in apartments with central heating.

Here is a list of indoor universal plants that cleanse our home: spathiphyllum, syngonium, philodendron, crested chlorophytum (preferably several specimens), pinnate epipremnum, three-lane sansevieria, common ivy, peperomia, conifers, rhombic rocissus, dwarf ficus, ethereal (geranium, myrtle), nephrolepis, kalanchoe, tradescantia zebrina, ever flowering begonia.

For offices, it is better to use Benjamin's ficus, dracaena, dieffenbachia, chamedorea.

Instrument subtleties

A HOUSEHOLD air conditioner regulates the air temperature, and of the cleaning devices it has only an anti-dust filter. At the same time, air is taken from the room and returned to it: no purification from harmful gases and vapors! And the internal volume of the air conditioner is an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Ventilation systems supply atmospheric air to the room, it can be heated (or cooled), humidified and cleaned of dust. Dust is absorbed using a porous paper or fabric filter, which traps the smallest dust particles - less than 5 - 10 microns, which can penetrate deep into the bronchi and lungs without lingering in the nasopharynx. However, these filters do not absorb vapors and gases. To purify the air of impurities, sorption filters are needed, but they are expensive and inconvenient to use. The disadvantage of paper, cotton and fabric filters is that the air completely loses light ions.

Professor A. L. Chizhevsky experimentally proved for the first time that animals cannot live in clean (filtered through cotton wool) air. After filtration, the air must be subjected to ionization, in which negatively charged oxygen ions appear in the same concentration as in the air of sea and mountain resorts.

The operation of ionizers may be accompanied by the formation of ozone. A side process occurs when the voltage on the needle electrodes is too high, which emit electrons to ionize oxygen molecules. In the dark, there should be no glow near the needle electrodes! If you notice it, this is a sign of improper use of the device.

In enclosed spaces, ozone does not form naturally, so its concentration must be maintained with the help of special devices - ozonizers, which create ozone due to electrical discharges in the air. When installing an ozonator, remember: ozone, useful and necessary in small quantities, is harmful to health when a safe concentration is exceeded. If you feel a specific smell of ozone, then its concentration has already crossed the safe limits and you need to reduce the power of the device. The electromagnetic fields created by the ozonator around the device are also harmful, so it should be located away from beds and the workplace.

When operating at maximum load, the device can only be used for sanitization, when there are no people and animals in the room, and after it it is necessary to ventilate the room. It is necessary to install the ozonator at a height of at least 170 cm, in places not accessible to children. When buying, pay attention to the passport data of the device: maximum ozone output; area (cubic capacity) of the room for which this type of ozonator is recommended; the presence of an automation system with an ozone sensor; Possibility of manual control of ozone output.

How dangerous...

Formaldehyde. A colorless gas with a pungent odor. Natural concentrations do not affect health in any way, but high concentrations of artificial formaldehyde are dangerous. They cause headaches, loss of attention, pain in the eyes. The respiratory tract and lungs, the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract are damaged. Allergic reactions to formaldehyde disrupt the activity of internal organs and can cause chronic diseases.

Phenol. aromatic compound. Burning one-fourth of the surface of the body with it is fatal. Constant inhalation of its small concentrations leads to respiratory diseases and nervous disorders.

Styrene. Solvent. Styrene accumulated in the body stimulates the development of liver cirrhosis.

Perchlorethylene. Found in carpet cleaners. Irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

For a comfortable life, a person needs not only a comfortably furnished place in the form of an apartment or house. The microclimate in the home is also important. And for this it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature and understand how to humidify the air in the apartment.

Why is air humidification so important?

Everyone knows that dry air in an apartment is bad. This will dry out the flowers. It's even worse with people. The skin dries, itches in the throat, the mucous membranes of the nose and lungs dry out, an abundant secretion of mucus begins as a protective mechanism against dust, and its excess is a risk of disease due to pathogenic bacteria that can multiply in it. The eyes dry up and become inflamed. A lot of bad things can happen to the human body due to dry air. You can solve the problem if you humidify the air in the apartment with your own hands or with the help of special devices.

In addition to the detrimental effect on all living things, parched air also spoils all wooden furniture. Musicians are most familiar with this when the material of the instrument dries up - consider the instrument irrevocably damaged.

Otherwise, when the humidity is too high, this is also not good. However, the consequences are less terrible, and the problem is solved by simple ventilation. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the problem in more detail than moistening the air in the room.

For a normal and comfortable life in an apartment or house, relative humidity should be maintained in the range from 40 to 60%. It is very important to keep it within this limit all year round.

A bit of theory

When thinking about the microclimate of your apartment, it is important to ask yourself not only why humidify the air, but also to understand what this process depends on. When discussing the microclimate of an apartment, they operate with such concepts as air temperature and its relative humidity. Everything is clear with the first one. Relative humidity is defined as the percentage of moisture in the air. Changes from 0 to 100%. At 100% humidity, water can no longer evaporate, since there is nowhere to go. If there is still evaporation, then the excess in excess of 100% immediately condenses. The value of relative humidity is inextricably linked with air temperature and pressure. To display this dependence, there is even a complex and intricate i-d diagram invented by L.K. Ramzin.

It is important to understand that the lower the air temperature, the less moisture it can hold and the less it needs to reach 100% (dew point). Conversely, as the temperature rises, more water vapor is needed. For example, if the humidity at 15 degrees is 60%, then when the temperature rises to 25C, the humidity will already be about 35%, and all this with the same amount of water vapor.

In the winter period of the year, when the cold air from the street in the apartment is heated to the desired temperature due to heating means, the air humidity drops to catastrophically low values.

How to raise the humidity in the room?

The answer is simple - it is necessary to evaporate a sufficient amount of water in a room with dry air. An effective option would be to purchase a special device - a humidifier. However, you can still humidify the air in the apartment without a humidifier. There are a number of activities that you can do with your own hands and at the same time achieve the desired goal.

  • The easiest is to place water tanks around the room. It can be jugs or vases with water. Slowly but surely the water will evaporate.

However, this may not be enough. Then the next option would be a wet thick towel, which should be placed on the battery. Evaporating due to heating from the battery, the water will quickly enter the air in the form of vapors and will humidify the air in winter. As the towel dries, it must be moistened again.

  • If you do not want to constantly run to the bath and back, then you can act drastically. Place a container of water on the battery. It will take a long time before the water completely evaporates. As a result, you only have to add water once every few days.

The second option involves a whole host of implementation methods. You can put the container on the floor, and hang a several times folded bandage on the battery, the end of which will hang down into a container of water. The water will rise through the material of the bandage, and evaporate due to the heat of the battery.

You can cut a glass with a tail from a tin or plastic bottle. Using the tail, attach the cup to the pipe that goes to the battery, and constantly fill it with water.

  • The third option is to make a humidifier with your own hands. The easiest way is to use a computer power supply, fans and improvised means for this. An example of such a humidifier in the video below:

What else can help with hydration?

Simple household trifles and nuances will also help to facilitate air humidification in the apartment. If you dry clothes indoors, then from this the humidity will rise to a sufficient level. Also, indoor plants moisturizing the air, distributed throughout the apartment, will reduce the problem to nothing. For example, cyperus is able to evaporate up to 3 liters per day. Yes, and the process of regular spraying of plants will also significantly help.

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    Hi all! I ordered decorative soil for flowers on aliexpress. I filled it with water, they swelled, filled the vases and Voila)))) it seems like nothing more, and the air in the room is always humidified)))

    I bought myself a humidifier and I’m not worried ... and I advise you. Blows out 8 liters of water in 24 hours! In addition, I bought a salt lamp, I don’t know if it’s good or not, but let it work too.

    Why not just ventilate the room in winter? Or rather, make a good hood (30 cubic meters per person) and a good supply (in the form of a breather, or just an open window). Relative humidity in winter outside reaches up to 75%. Our son loves to sleep in any weather with the window open and the batteries off. You pass by his room as if you were passing through the North Pole, but no problems with humidity!

    When I was concerned about the problem of dry air in the room, a clothes steamer came to my aid, by the way, unfairly rarely used in our family for its intended purpose. For 1 hour of work from 30% to 80% on a hygrometer.

    None of these methods, except for an expensive humidifier, raises the humidity to normal levels.
    All sorts of bells and whistles such as spray bottles, water containers, flowers, linen, etc. a maximum of 10% improve the situation, tested repeatedly. And how much fuss with them and spoil the interior. Of course, all these activities convince us that it has become easier to breathe and in fact it is getting a little easier. But the underlying problem is not solved.
    Therefore, let's talk about high-quality and inexpensive humidifiers.

    After the heating season began, dry air settled in the apartment, there was simply nothing to breathe. I tried to arrange jars of water, cover the batteries with a damp towel, etc., but there was no result. You can't do without a humidifier in a city apartment!

    My situation is this: the humidifier works all night, the steam jet is directed at me, however, I wake up at night because the entire mucous membrane dries up, the skin in the nose bursts, etc. I just don't know what to do anymore!

    Oh no, I stumbled upon this article. Thanks for the cheerleader! Moved to new housing. 16th floor, sunny side. Prior to that, he spent on a business trip in a country with a maritime climate with a very humid climate. Of course, there are costs there, especially in winter, when, due to moist air, a slight cold began to ache straight away. On the other hand, unlike Moscow, I got sick much less and easier there.
    As I moved, here in the apartment dandruff appeared on my eyebrows, a dry cough from nowhere (I don’t smoke). Sinned to change the water, ate vitamins. Apparently, the body really does not have enough moisture. I went to direct the sea air at home.

    Just a modern iron with steam can easily replace any humidifier. If you feel uncomfortable, put water containers on the batteries and you can steam the room with an iron for 15-20 minutes by placing the iron with water horizontally on a metal stand or on a deep plate.

    For me, humid air in the apartment is an integral part of comfort. In order to humidify the air in the room, I use a conventional atomizer (sprayer). I think this is a very efficient way. In addition, it does not require large expenditures. And I have no problems with humidity. Air dries up as a result of air convection through radiators or heaters. I made underfloor heating in all rooms. Now I'm warm and no one gets sick.

    She started solving the problem of dry air in the room after the birth of her son. He was born in the summer, and when we turned on the heating in the fall, his skin became irritated. The best solution, of course, is a household humidifier. But you can also raise the humidity level yourself - dry the clothes in the room, put more living plants, and plastic containers with pebbles next to them, and regularly fill the stones with water. Not as effective as a moisturizer, but still better than nothing. And for control it is worth buying a hygrometer, they are sold in pet stores.

    Yes, we had a humidifier, but there was not much sense from it. Either the company is such no, or it may have done something wrong. They took it mainly for indoor plants, I really like flowers. Now, really, from my own experience, I was convinced that it is better to arrange containers with water, it will be more useful than spending money on a humidifier and electricity.

    Air humidification is a very exciting topic for me personally, I didn’t think about it before, but recently I became a mother and now humidified air is a very important factor in our apartment. At first I ran with wet towels and hung them everywhere, but this method is not very suitable, so how it creates an unattractive look. you also hang all sorts of furniture, and it deteriorates from this! In general, you need to spare no money, buy a good humidifier, and feel normal, not worry about the health and safety of furniture

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In winter, the humidity level in the apartment drops to 15-20%. And that's bad. Why?

Firstly, because dehydrated air dries out the skin and mucous membranes, contributes to a decrease in immunity and the development of diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis. By the way, young children are especially sensitive to its effects.

The second reason - insufficient humidity harms plants, books, wooden furniture and musical instruments.

The optimal level of humidity in the apartment is about 40-60%.

You can measure the humidity of the air using a special device - a hygrometer. If you don't have it, use the following method. Fill a glass with cold water and leave it in until the temperature of the liquid drops to 3-5 ° C. Then take out the glass and place it in the room away from the batteries. Observe the surface of the glass for five minutes. Evaluate the result like this:

  • If the walls of the glass are foggy at first, and dry after five minutes, the air in the room is dry.
  • If the glass remains foggy after five minutes, the humidity is moderate.
  • If streams of water appear on the glass, the humidity is increased.

Is the air dry? Then use one of the following tricks to restore normal moisture levels.

1. Use the bathroom

Probably one of the easiest ways. Leave the door to your room open every time you take a shower or bath. Evaporation will penetrate into the apartment and humidify the air.

You can also not immediately drain the water from the bath, but let it cool first: this will increase the amount of steam.

2. Dry things in the room

Another way that does not require any effort from you. Just put the dryer with the washed things next to the radiator: the clothes will dry faster and the air will be saturated with moisture.

The main thing is that there are no cleaning products left on things. Otherwise you will breathe chemistry.

A similar way to humidify the air is to hang wet towels on a radiator. You can extend the life of this humidifier with a bottle of water.

How to build such a structure is described in detail.

3. Boil

All you need is a stove and a pot or kettle.

  • Option 1. Bring water in a saucepan to a boil and put it on a table or window sill so that the steam humidifies the apartment.
  • Option 2. Boil the kettle and leave it on low heat for longer evaporation. This technique can be used when you are cooking (often the air is dry at this time).

You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil to the water. Their aroma is soothing, and the vapors kill germs and reduce the risk of colds and flu. In addition, cinnamon sticks, herbs or other spices can be thrown into the water to make the air fragrant.

4. Arrange water containers around the apartment

You can do without boiling. Simply fill vases, bottles and other containers with water and place them near heat sources. If you add stones and flowers, you get a beautiful composition - guests, most likely, will not even guess that these are not decorative elements, but homemade humidifiers. Just do not forget to periodically wash the containers and change the water.

5. Get houseplants

Home flowers not only humidify the air, but also ionize it. Some are also excellent and disinfect.

The following plants give especially a lot of moisture:

  • nephrolepis (house fern);
  • fatsia;
  • cyperus;
  • sparmania (room linden);
  • ficus;
  • dracaena;
  • hibiscus.

6. Set up an aquarium or fountain

Both of these decorative elements also humidify the air. Of course, buying them specifically for this purpose is irrational. But if you want to get fish or decorate your house with a small fountain, you should not forget about this additional property.

7. Ventilate and do wet cleaning

Even in winter, it is not superfluous to ventilate the apartment 2-3 times a day in order to maintain a comfortable level of humidity. Well, you probably know yourself that from time to time you need to wipe the dust and wash the floors.

8. Build an Electric Humidifier

Option for owners of crazy hands. This air humidifier cost Lifehacker about 300 rubles. An ultrasonic steam generator can be ordered on AliExpress for 180 rubles, a fan for 50.

Important to remember

High humidity in the apartment (more than 70%) is not better than dry air. It contributes to the appearance and occurrence of allergies. Yes, and it just creates an unpleasant feeling of dampness. So do not overdo it with moisturizing - and the force will be with you!

If your vacation at the seaside spa resort is still far away, and
there is no strength to be in a stuffy city, arrange your own sea at home. We
tell you how to create an atmosphere
resort at home.

yourself at home. Stock up on sea salt

Go to the supermarket and buy
several huge bags of sea salt at once - multi-colored, fragrant,
reminiscent of the sea.

Every evening when I come home
take a full bath of warm, even slightly cool water, without sparing, pour it into
her whole bag of salt, and take a little swim. But this, of course, is not

Find or buy some beautiful
flat bowls of colored or transparent glass and in each of them a mound
fragrant salt, and then arrange them throughout the apartment.

This will give you several
effects: firstly, every day you will feel the amazing sea
unobtrusive aroma. Secondly, salt has the property of absorbing all unpleasant
smells, so you can forget about the greasy aroma of yesterday's turkey.

Thirdly, the salt will make the air in
your apartment is truly marine, and therefore - healing. As a result -
good mood and no colds. Well, in the end, it's just

How to create a resort atmosphere
yourself at home. Buy a humidifier

Humidifier - Buy #1
for the entire summer season. A humidifier is many times more important than even an air conditioner, because
it is he who will help you create the atmosphere of a resort at home.

Moist sea air
a distinctive relaxing feature of any good resort. maritime climate
makes your hair softer and your skin radiant. It's all about the percentage of moisture,
floating in the air.

Let your humidifier be
turned on all the time. Put one above the bed, for example, on the closet, and then you
the sea breeze will dream all night.

Diversify every day
constantly add various essential oils to the humidifier: eucalyptus, citrus,
lavender… Discover new countries every day!

How to create a resort atmosphere
yourself at home. Hang thin curtains

To complete the atmosphere
resort at home, change the textiles in the room. Instead of dense heavy curtains,
that covered you from cloudy days all winter, hang on thin windows
curtains made from natural materials. Definitely white.