Kitchen design with gas stove. Kitchen design with a gas column: types, placement ideas, installation, real photos Kitchen design in Khrushchev with a column

Not all city apartments have a centralized gas supply - many use gas water heaters. Most often they are installed in the kitchen, because there are more opportunities for air exchange. And although manufacturers produce modern compact and small-sized gas equipment, it also takes up a lot of useful kitchen space in Khrushchev, and it is already small. But what a window sill might look like in a kitchen in Khrushchev, you can see

Layout features

The lack of usable space is the main problem of kitchens in Khrushchev-built houses of the 60s of the last century, and although the city authorities annually report on their demolition, their share in the housing market is still quite large.

Therefore, every housewife wants to equip her kitchenette in such a way that it would be possible not only to cook food for the whole family, but also to have a place for eating and installing the necessary household equipment. How can such a result be achieved? There are some rules and tricks that, with a skillful approach, will help to equip a small kitchen with maximum convenience. But what are the design features of a small kitchen with a geyser, you can see

On the video - a description of the layout of the kitchen:

Skillful design solutions

These simple tricks will help to significantly increase the usable area of ​​​​a small kitchen, but how to hide a gas water heater, and what options are there for this?

The column can also be installed

How to hide a gas water heater

Before choosing a place for installing a gas column, the following points must be considered:

  • The kitchen must have a good ventilation system.
  • Flammable objects should not be located near it.
  • Mounting close to the ceiling is prohibited: a decent gap must be left for oxygen access. It is also necessary to leave free space at the bottom of the device for blowing air and ensuring gas combustion.

If the installation is supposed to be in a cabinet, then the device is attached to the wall, and a gap of at least 3 cm is left between the walls of the cabinet and the device. The lower, rear and upper deaf parts must be absent. The cabinet walls can be mounted on other kitchen furniture, such as a dryer or other wall.

  • Mounting the device near a window opening. This placement option will go well with hidden storage places: drawers or baskets.
  • Open variant. This method is considered the safest. In stores you can find very compact and functional water heaters, they can be placed between cabinets in the kitchen and not violate a single design solution.

Practical advice. The best place for a column would be above the sink, because usually a metal apron is installed here to prevent the spread of dampness, and it can also act as a fireproof protection.

But how to choose facades for the kitchen and which are the best and most beautiful, you can understand by clicking

Space Saving Options

In a small kitchen, every centimeter is important, which should be used to the maximum benefit, for example:

  • To equip a comfortable work surface, you can equip a retractable cutting board. Moreover, it can be used as a stand for coffee or a laptop, if you need to organize work at the computer.

    Retractable board is the best option for a small kitchen

  • Instead of a traditional dining table, you can purchase a folding option, when the whole family gathers, you can decompose it, and then put it in the pantry.

    A folding table in a small kitchen can even be made screwed to the wall

  • If there is no place for him, then you can consider the option with a wide window sill, you can not only cut food on it, but also eat, equipping it with folding retractable chairs. Or put shelves on wheels under it - at any time you can pull them out and get the necessary items or long-term storage products, and a lot of space is saved!

    The window sill can be used as an additional table

  • If there is free space between the wall shelves- will buy a cargo according to its dimensions: on an open shelf it will be possible to place a mixer, a watch, wine glasses or other necessary utensils.

    Additional dishes can be placed on such shelves.

  • Also, don't forget the corners.- this is a great place to equip cabinets in them, and what to put there already and how to use it with benefit, of course, is up to you.

    It is best to use custom cabinets

In many kitchens in Khrushchev, a geyser is the only source of hot water. Despite all the functionality of this device, it can be very difficult to fit it into the interior. Today we will tell you about three ways to disguise gas equipment and additional recommendations for the design of a small kitchen.

A kitchen for Khrushchev with a column should be selected taking into account fire safety rules and overall design

Types of geysers

The project of a kitchen in Khrushchev with a geyser, first of all, begins with the choice of the geyser itself. The same type of units remained, albeit not very distant, but, nevertheless, the past - today, gas water heater manufacturers pay due attention to the appearance of the device. There are various modifications of the case - in most cases this is quite enough to match the speaker to the general interior of the room.

According to the principle of operation, gas appliances are divided into automatic and semi-automatic

According to the principle of operation, gasified units are divided into 2 types:

  • Automatic. The principle of their work is quite simple. After turning on the valve for hot water, a special igniter is activated, which provokes the ignition of the burner. At this time, cold water enters the unit, already hot water flows out of the tap.
  • semi-automatic. In this case, the heater wick burns constantly, the burner turns on only after the water pressure is turned on.

The modern design of the devices greatly simplifies the process of their arrangement in the interior.

When choosing a column according to dimensions, it should be borne in mind that in most cases the size of the column is directly proportional to its power. It may happen that a compact column will not meet your needs for hot water.

How to organically fit a gas column into the decor - 3 options

When developing a kitchen design with a geyser in Khrushchev, it is necessary to consider all possible planning possibilities. We offer you three options that will help you organically fit gas equipment into the interior of the kitchen.

There are three options for masking gas equipment in a small room

Leave as is

Due to the fact that modern models have a very stylish design, if desired, they can not be hidden deep into the headset. In this case, you can use one of the two proposed options.

The appearance of modern appliances allows you not to hide them behind the facades of the headset

  • Buy the right model. Thanks to a wide range of equipment, you can choose a speaker whose appearance is ideal for the existing headset and interior. Give preference to miniature options - they are much easier to place even in a small kitchen. It is quite possible to decorate the column with your own hands - using a stencil will greatly facilitate your task.

Some models of speakers are not much different from cabinets, pencil cases, which allows you not to hide them

  • Paint the appliance. If you could not find a model that suits your design, or its price seemed excessive to you, you can simply paint the device you have. Most often, the unit is tinted to match the color of kitchen furniture, an apron or wall decoration. Please note that during operation, the geyser will heat up, so for its coloring it is necessary to choose a heat-resistant paint.

Painting the unit to match the color of the walls is one of the most budgetary options for disguising equipment

Place between cabinets

This is one of the most effective tricks that will help you harmoniously fit the column into the overall interior. The column can be located both between two cabinets, and be the final element of the top row of the headset. There are two main points to consider before proceeding with the column installation.

To have constant access to the device, it can be placed between two upper cabinets

  • Select main element. It is necessary to decide which element will be the leading one - a column or hanging cabinets from a headset. If you first of all purchased a kitchen set, then the size of the gas column must be selected for the cabinets already available, or vice versa. It would be best to draw up a Khrushchev kitchen design with a gas water heater in advance, in which all the nuances will be taken into account.

If you purchased the headset before the column, then its dimensions should be selected from the dimensions of the main furniture

  • Take care of fire safety. At least three centimeters of free space must remain on each side of the gas column. This is necessary for natural ventilation. Failure to comply with this point is a direct violation of fire safety rules.

There must be a free space of at least 3 cm on the sides of the gas unit

  • Pick up materials. All nearby planes must be made of non-combustible materials. Since the speaker heats up during operation, it can cause overheating, charring, and fire in objects in close proximity. It is not necessary to make fireproof cabinets - it is quite enough to simply protect the surface that comes into contact with the column with a sheet of non-combustible material.

Reading 8 min.

If you live in a house without centralized hot water supply, you are forced to put a gas water heater in the kitchen. The presence of this water heating element often spoils the design ideas of the hostess, frightens the residents of the house because of the alleged "danger" of use.

In our article, you will learn how to choose a speaker, place it without compromising the beauty of the room, and about the rules for safe use.

Why install a column

A geyser in an apartment and a house is necessary for comfort. The lack of hot water can infuriate any housewife. The geyser will make the process of cleaning, washing dishes, cooking, taking a bath convenient and simple.

Unlike old generation water heaters, modern water heaters are safe and easy to use.

The main function of the geyser is water heating. On some models, an electronic thermometer is installed, which displays the water temperature on the device screen.

Types of geysers

The principle of operation of all columns is the same. Units for heating water differ from each other in the way the burner is ignited in the column. Several varieties can be distinguished.

Columns with manual ignition

This type of column is obsolete. These were used back in Soviet times. The gas was lit with matches, the fire flared up after turning the knob for turning on the gas supply.

Speakers with piezo ignition

The column starts working by pressing the start button. By pressing it, you apply a spark to the burner using the built-in piezoelectric element. Then you can open the faucet and get hot water.

Automatic speakers

The water in them begins to heat up immediately after opening the tap with water. The spark is fed automatically to the burner. Pressing buttons and matches are not needed here at all. The spark supply is powered by finger batteries. Energy consumption is minimal, so they rarely need to be replaced with new ones.

Speakers also vary in power. The more powerful the column, the more water it will heat in a certain time. If you have a large family, then choose a device with the highest power. For example, a column with a power rating of 24 kW heats 14 liters. This volume is enough for a shower for several people and washing dishes.

Naturally, appliances for heating water vary in price and quality. The most expensive models are automatic, with the highest power, capable of heating water up to 50 degrees. Such a model will cost you 13-15 thousand rubles without installation.

How to use a gas water heater safely

The opinion that the use of a gas column in the house is very dangerous has the right to exist. Accidents, of course, sometimes happen. Almost always, the tragedy was a consequence of non-compliance with the elementary rules for the safe operation of the device. Knowing the rules and not breaking them, you will protect your home and your family from misfortune.

Rules for using the kitchen geyser

Before using the column, be sure to check:

  • The presence of flammable objects near the burner;
  • The presence of a gas leak;
  • Correct burners. If she smokes, you can not use the device;
  • Pay attention to the color of the flame. If it has a yellow or red tint, call the master, most likely the surface near the burner is clogged.
  • In case of malfunction or defects in operation, unplug the appliance from the mains. Do not smoke near the column, do not use lighters and matches.
  • If a gas leak is detected, call the gas service immediately. Open windows. Before the arrival of the gas workers, it is impossible to repair the device on your own.

Before installing the device, read the rules for installing speakers in an apartment or house.

  1. Good ventilation is the first rule when choosing a room for installation. The best option would be a kitchen, a bathroom.
  2. Blocking the air supply to the water heater is prohibited.
  3. Do not place the speaker near flammable objects.
  4. Provide access to the device for inspection and verification of its operation, repair work on site.
  5. Do not hide the column in plasterboard structures, do not lay it with tiles or bricks.

There is an opinion of manufacturers that only old Soviet speakers can lead to an explosion. If you regularly check the gas duct, calling the master for a routine inspection of the device, you should not be afraid of an explosion.

Let's dispel another fear. People who install columns in the house are afraid of gas leaks. Modern appliances have a pilot burner. It does not allow gas to enter the room, since it begins to go through the pipe only after a spark or fire appears.

After the fire is turned off, the tube shuts off the gas with a valve. If, for unknown reasons, the gas goes out, the valve also works. Designers and manufacturers always think about the safety of people when developing new speaker models.

Advice! It is better not to install aluminum corrugation from the column to the gas duct, since it has a very short service life. Use steel pipes for this purpose. Breakdowns of this part of the burner design lead to accidents and fires.

Installing a geyser in the kitchen

The popular opinion that the presence of a column in any kitchen, and even more so in a small one, spoils the appearance of the room, can be easily refuted. Modern speaker models are different from Soviet-era models.

They look like a small cabinet, the color can be chosen individually. Consider the algorithm for installing the column so that it does not spoil the look of your kitchen.

  1. Unless you're an experienced gas and column installer, don't try to do it yourself in your home. Call a team of experienced craftsmen.
  2. Before buying an appliance, think about the place of its future location in the kitchen. From this envy the size and model of the column you choose.
  3. It is necessary to determine the location of the column before installation exactly. Moving it even a couple of centimeters later is a very big problem. For such a movement, you will need to contact the installation team again, coordinate your actions with Gorgaz.
  4. The ideal place for a column in a kitchen, especially a small one, is a kitchen cabinet. It will be great if you order a headset after purchasing the device. Then a separate cabinet for the column will be provided in advance.

If you already have furniture, and you only have to install the column, proceed as follows:

  • Choose a column in white, as the standard refrigerator and stove are in this color scheme.
  • Order an additional cabinet for the heater to match the rest of the furniture.
  • Sew the pipes into a drywall construction, so the kitchen will look more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Hide the column in the closet and you can use it.

When ordering a place for a speaker in a furniture salon, consider the following recommendations:

  • The size of the locker must be different from the size of the appliance. The closet needs to be a little bigger. The distance between the column and the wall of the cabinet should be at least 3 cm. This is necessary for ventilation, to prevent fire, since the water heater heats up its walls too.
  • Remove the top and bottom covers of the cabinet. They create an unnecessary problem when the device is heated. Holes at the top and bottom will serve as additional ventilation.
  • Glue the cabinet walls with reflective tape. So they will heat up less from the device.
  • You can decorate the cabinet with a painted film, hang magnets and photographs on it. Make any other manipulations to fit it into the interior.
  • There is an option with blinds. They will close the column, but it does not look as beautiful as the option with additional furniture.

Interior options with a geyser in a small kitchen

To create a cozy atmosphere in a small kitchen, use the services of an experienced designer. He will advise you on how to arrange the furniture and all the necessary appliances.

There are several options for the interior of kitchens with gas water heaters. The most common option would be a complex and expensive solution to the problem of a small kitchen, this is to connect it with a living room or another room. The space will become larger, options for the location of electrical appliances and furniture, too. Unfortunately, this is not always legally possible.

Consider options that do not require the transfer of walls. They are performed by choosing furniture, determining a less conspicuous place for a speaker and decorating the device itself.

The column becomes part of the headset

We considered this option very similarly above. It remains to give advice: change the old column to a new one if the previous one is too outdated. Modern models are smaller, take up less space, they are easier to hide in the kitchen of a Khrushchev-type apartment.

Create a comfortable work area

Corner kitchens are easy to use. Everything is at hand. And the gas column can be hidden in the corner of the room. The rest of the lockers will hang on the sides. So the additional cabinet will be less noticeable.

Placing a speaker between cabinets

This is a very practical option. Does not require costs. The column is located above the stove, and on the sides are the cabinets of your headset. You can decorate the column with paintings or other decorative elements as you wish. By the way, this option is the most convenient and due to the small length of the tubes from the plate to the column. They are easy to hide under the construction of finishing materials.

The column becomes an element of the interior

There are many styles of decorating rooms. The loft style is dominated by technical motifs. That is, column pipes become part of the design idea. They do not interfere with the owners at all, but only complement the style of the kitchen.

Country style

The country-style kitchen provides for the presence of curtains, rustic-style furniture. On the sides of the column, you can hang additional shelves made of wood, put pottery on them. And on the column itself, draw such shelves with dishes or stick a photo, a film with an image.

People have been using gas water heaters for a long time and successfully. You should not refuse this device in the country, in the apartment, even if you have a centrally supplied hot water. Sometimes the water is turned off due to accidents, as planned. In such situations, a gas water heater will help you out.

Do not forget that gas is the cheapest energy source in our country. Geysers are cheaper than electric water heaters.

Geyser in the kitchen real photos

The presence of hot water in the apartment is one of the main factors that ensure the comfort of human life. However, not all houses have this privilege from the state, directly from the water supply.

Modern equipment involves many options for heating water, one of which is the installation of a gas column.

Design solutions for a kitchen with a geyser

Despite the fact that modern geysers have a rather aesthetic design and often harmoniously fit into the interior of the apartment, the option with its placement depends on the location and size of the rooms, as well as the wishes of the customer.

Basically, column placement comes down to three options:

1. Removal of the geyser outside the kitchen. This option is most popular in cases where it is already finished, or does not imply the presence of a water heater in the room.

Such a decision is very troublesome, because the room must comply with all the requirements of gas and housing services (the volume of the room is at least 7.5 m3, the ceiling height is from 2.25 m, a suitable chimney, etc.).

Performing such a transfer is advisable only if the presence of a column in it would be extremely inconvenient.

2. Leave everything as it is or move to another place in the kitchen. The least time-consuming option, because in the case of transfer to a distance of less than one and a half meters, special approvals and costs will not be required.

It is important to consider that the transfer cannot be carried out on the space above the gas stove. This solution will help organize the workplace in the kitchen in a new way, making it more convenient.

3. Hide in furniture. To do this, when ordering a kitchen set, it is necessary to work out a place with a false cabinet that will hide the column from prying eyes. The cabinet must be made without a top and bottom, as well as provide for the distance between the door and the column cover.

Otherwise, such a design will not comply with the rules of gas and fire safety.

We hide the column correctly

The simplest option is kitchen furniture, but in order for the water heater to harmoniously fit into the set, its design must immediately take into account the location and size of the column.

Given the peculiarities of the interior of the room, it is possible to install the column in cabinets, as well as between them.

Column between cabinets
Speaker hidden in the closet

Also, the option of installing a column under a fake metal hood looks quite interesting. Experts advise using this option in the case of an open combustion chamber of a geyser.

Geyser in the kitchen in "Khrushchev".

The happy owners of the so-called "Khrushchev" do not need to be explained what it is. At the time of repair of such apartments, their owners are desperately fighting for every free centimeter of space, trying to gain on every little thing.

Therefore, first of all, the geyser for such a kitchen should have a minimum size. Secondly, it is almost inevitable to install a water heater in one of the cabinets, since
finding additional space for the column will be quite problematic.

Solution for the corner kitchen

Small kitchens, in which the furniture is located in a remote corner of the room, also have several design solutions for installing a gas column.

As in the case of Khrushchev, this can be a locker, which, although it steals space for storing items, can hide the column and communications connected to it.

Another interesting option involves a well-chosen color scheme of the headset and speakers.

It is also possible to additionally decorate the column with a variety of stickers or paint it in a suitable color. In this case, it can be installed anywhere, for example in the corner, outside the cabinets. The main thing is that this would not happen over a gas stove.

The main types of geysers

There are three main types of columns:

With manual ignition. The most outdated option, which at the same time is the least secure. Ignition occurs in two stages - first, the gas supply to the wick opens, which is ignited with a match. Then the supply of the main gas is turned on, which is ignited by the flame of the wick. This type is practically no longer produced, however, it can still be found in many old-style apartments.

With piezo element. Ignition is carried out at the touch of a button. The piezo is triggered and the water heater starts its work without further human actions. These models are already considered modern, have excellent functionality and design, as well as a relatively affordable price.

Automatic. The most modern variation of the gas column. Switching on and ignition occurs when a hot water tap is opened, switching off when closed. The principle of operation of the mechanism is similar to the ignition system in a car. The advantages of automatic water heaters are convenience, safety, economical gas consumption. The disadvantage is the relatively high price compared to other models.

Security measures

Safety measures when transferring the column must be fully coordinated with the relevant authorities, but do not forget about technical safety in matters of operation of gas water heaters.

The geyser should not be closer than 3 cm to any surface. Painted wooden walls should be even further away, especially when it comes to water heaters with an open combustion chamber.

In the case of an old manual ignition column, in no case should the water be turned off without first turning off the gas and allowing the system to cool down. Failure to comply with this instruction may result in an explosion.

It can be summed up that the use of a gas column for heating water in an apartment is a rather inexpensive and constructive solution. The modern home appliance market is full of models that are diverse in size, appearance, functionality and pricing, so everyone can make a choice for themselves.

Kitchens with a geyser real photos