Remote room thermostats for heating boilers. Room thermostat for a heating boiler Temperature controller for a boiler with a remote sensor

The thermostat for the boiler not only saves our money by reducing the volume of gas, but also increases the life of the equipment. Such a device is definitely worth having in service, but what should it be?

How does the operation of a gas boiler with a thermostat change?

The diversity today is simply amazing. They have many modifications, operate on various types of fuel. But it is very important to ensure the correct management of such units. This will reduce energy consumption, and therefore reduce costs, extend the life of the equipment and achieve an optimal microclimate in every room. All these tasks are within the power of special temperature controllers.

Gas boilers have a cyclic scheme and turn on after the temperature of the water or other coolant drops to a certain value. At the same time, the rate of heating and cooling of the water in the system and the air in the room is different. Often the room still has the right temperature, and the coolant in the system has already cooled down, so the gas boiler burner turns on. This leads to an undesirable change in the microclimate, excessive fuel consumption and wear of the heating equipment. It is inconvenient to regulate this process manually. By installing a special device, you will avoid such problems.

These devices are equipped with a sensor that measures the temperature in the room. You yourself set its optimal values, and as soon as it gets cooler in the house, the device immediately turns on the pump and starts the gas boiler. After exceeding the specified threshold, the heating equipment is automatically turned off.

What can be a thermostat for a boiler?

Today, the choice of such devices is quite large, you can find wired and remote models, programmable and simple, mechanical or electronic. Depending on the type and number of functions, the cost will differ. Now let's look at the main differences between existing thermostats.

The simplest and cheapest, of course, are mechanical models, and this is precisely their main advantage. Such equipment is easy to operate and relatively easy to repair. And the probability of failure is reduced to a minimum. The more expensive is electronic equipment, which is also very unpretentious.

But programmable temperature controllers are already complex devices. To install them, configure them correctly and change the parameters, you will have to tinker a bit. However, having done these operations 1-2 times, then you will easily cope with similar tasks. They provide more precise control, have many functions. For example, in some models, you can set the desired temperature in the "day" and "night" modes or program the heating system depending on the days of the week. The remote control is very convenient. True, all this will affect the cost of the device.

If you prefer wired thermostats, pay special attention to installation. It is important to ensure uninterrupted communication between the control device and the heating equipment. Wireless regulators provide start-up and shutdown of the gas boiler using a radio signal from the control point to the executive one. The first is installed in the selected room, and the second directly on the boiler.

Is it difficult to install the sensor?

The maximum efficiency of thermostats for gas boilers is possible only after proper installation. What is so difficult here? Let's run through the instructions.

How to install a thermostat for a gas boiler - step by step diagram

Step 1: Choosing a thermostat

It is desirable that the thermostat is of the same company as the boiler. This will greatly simplify the installation process. If you decide to use wired sensors, then they must be installed before the start of repair work, otherwise you will have to damage the finish in order to lay the cable. It is also necessary to calculate the heated area before buying a device, this will help to avoid equipment downtime.

Step 2: Choosing a Location

When it comes to remote devices that are installed anywhere, it is important to choose the right room. It is advisable to choose the most visited, for example, the living room. Sometimes it is placed in the coldest room, it all depends on the needs. The sensor must be located in an open area. It should be excluded from cluttering it with furniture, curtains and other household items. It is also not allowed to place in the vicinity of electrical and heating appliances. It is also undesirable to expose the device to sunlight or drafts. If valves with thermal heads are installed in the room where the control sensor of the thermostat is installed, then they must be replaced with ordinary ones with manual adjustment. Otherwise, they may distort the readings of the device, and the system will not work correctly.

Step 3: Connection

First you need to carefully read the attached instructions, diagram and act only in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. You can connect the device either using the terminal on the gas equipment or by connecting the cable. It all depends on the chosen model. The control element must be placed at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor and on the inner wall. This is due to the fact that warm air is at the top, cold air, on the contrary, is concentrated from below, and the outer walls are colder. Before connecting, be sure to de-energize the object, and then connect zero, phase and ground.

Step 4: Setting up

Now you need to set the required parameters. Usually there are buttons on the front panel of the device, with their help the necessary settings are made. In this case, the technical documentation of the device is again useful, which describes the programming process in detail. The step and heating temperature are set. There is also a thermostat delay function. For example, with short-term drafts, the device detects them and does not turn on. More expensive models may have a number of other options.


If you are in doubt whether you need to purchase expensive equipment, then you can always experience the effect on cheaper and simpler mechanical models. Avoid downtime and replace batteries in a timely manner.

When heating a house with a gas boiler, the issue of reducing the cost of electricity and fuel, increasing or extending the life of the equipment, and maintaining a comfortable temperature is always relevant. The thermostat for a gas boiler allows you to control the operation of the heating device, providing comfort in your home.

Room thermostat for gas boiler

Types of thermostats

Devices for controlling the operating modes of boilers are divided into two main types:

  • wired - the regulator is connected to the controller via a wired connection;
  • wireless - regulate the process of heating a house from a radio signal.

Functionally room thermostats for heating are:

  • simple;
  • programmable;
  • with hydrostatic function.

Simple devices can only maintain a stable set temperature in the room, do not have a direct effect on reducing gas consumption.

Programmers have a number of functions:

  • remote control of boiler operation parameters;
  • installation and configuration of day and night modes of equipment operation;
  • programming of the heating system by day of the week;
  • significant reduction in fuel consumption.

The hydrostat function allows you to control the humidity in the premises, reduce or increase it, depending on the preferences and desires of the owner.

Wired devices are distinguished by reliability and simplicity of design, low cost, and long service life. A thermostat for a heating boiler of this type is capable of maintaining only one temperature regime, which is set by changing the position of the handle located on the front side. On most devices, the range of possible temperatures is 10-30°C.

Depending on the brand, the room thermostat can be connected to the power supply from the mains, directly from the boiler controller or from a battery.

A variety of wireless thermostats

The main disadvantage of this type of device is that it is possible to set only one temperature value. To change it, you must reset the handle to a different position. In addition, cable laying causes certain inconveniences, therefore it is better to install a wired thermostat to a gas boiler during finishing work and installation of the heating system.

If the heating system is already installed, it is more convenient to install a wireless programmable thermostat for a gas boiler, during installation of which the aesthetics of the interior will not be violated.

The wireless thermostat for gas boilers consists of two blocks. One of them is placed at the heater and connected to the gas valve or controller using terminals. Another is installed in the room from which it is planned to control the operation of boiler equipment.

Communication between blocks is carried out by radio channel. The control unit is equipped with a miniature keyboard and a small LCD display for ease of use.

The wireless temperature controller for a heating boiler is installed simply and quickly, does not require any significant costs for the purchase of fasteners.

A significant disadvantage of devices of this type is the limited life of the batteries, which must be changed periodically. When the device is disconnected from the power supply, the sensors will stop transmitting a signal to the heating boiler, which will focus only on the readings of its meters and overheat the coolant.

All modern battery-powered thermostats for heating boilers have a battery warning function.

The room thermostat for a gas boiler allows you to fully automate the heating control process.

Purpose and principle of operation

Gas boilers operate cyclically. When installing automation, gas supply and burner activation occur only if the coolant temperature drops to the value set by the consumer. If the sensors are missing or defective, it is necessary to manually adjust the heating system, changing its parameters in one direction or another throughout the entire cold period. But even with daily manual adjustment, the stability of the temperature regime in the premises of the house cannot be guaranteed.

The principle of operation of a room thermostat

A room thermostat for a heating boiler is used to set and maintain a user-defined mode.

The thermostat works according to the following principle. The air temperature sensor allows you to set the thermostat in such a way that the gas heater turns on only when the temperature goes below or above the set temperature limit and only for the required period of time. If for the boiler the main parameter is the temperature of the coolant, then for the thermostat it is the air temperature in the room in which it is installed.

By setting the minimum comfortable temperature for yourself, you can no longer worry about controlling the operation of the boiler. As soon as the air temperature drops below the set limit, the remote thermostat for the gas boiler will automatically start the heater and the pump. The same principle of operation is implemented when the air temperature in the room rises - the boiler automatically turns off.

Device selection

The thermostat is not the most expensive thing, but not cheap either. On the modern market there are a large number of brands of these devices from various manufacturers, so you can choose the required device, both in terms of characteristics and functionality, and in terms of cost.

If the main criterion for you is the cost, then it is better to stay on the wired electronic version. Such devices are technologically advanced, have a good response, and their reliability does not depend on oxidizing terminals, which is often the fault of a mechanical room thermostat.

If, when choosing, saving energy resources is crucial for you, and with them in the near future, your own funds, then you should purchase a programmable device. Such a thermostat, which turns on and off strictly at the hours set by the owner, lowers the temperature in the rooms when no one is at home, and can significantly reduce heating costs. Programmable devices, as a rule, have several weekly and daily modes.

Programmers make it possible to simplify and optimize the operation of the heating system as much as possible, therefore it is necessary to carefully look not only at them, but also at boilers for non-volatile heat supply.

If the repair in the house has already been done, and there is no desire to ditch the walls under the channels for wires, the choice in favor of a wireless thermostat with an air temperature sensor is obvious.

Wireless programmer with air temperature sensor

When buying, be sure to consult a specialist and independently read the reviews on certain models of devices.

Many boiler manufacturers also recommend buying a thermostat of their own brand, explaining that installation and installation of the device in this case will be much faster and easier, and control over heating equipment will be more reliable. For example, for a Baxi gas boiler, you must also purchase a thermostat of the same brand. In practice, various devices do not conflict with each other in any way and there are no problems with their mutual connection and subsequent operation.

When choosing a thermostat, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which it will be installed, and the range of desired temperatures is no less important.

The price of the simplest devices is about $40. Despite the fact that the cost of devices is quite high, we must not forget about the cost savings due to the reduction in gas consumption - the thermostat will pay for itself in a short time.

The first and probably the most important advice is that before connecting the wired thermostat, you cannot start repair work in the room, otherwise, the interior decoration can be hopelessly damaged. The fact is that most often the laying of wires is carried out in the thickness of the walls, for which special grooves are created in them - strobes, and with an already completed repair, chasing can be quite a serious and unpleasant problem.

The installation of the thermostat must be carried out taking into account the fact that for the correct operation of the device, it is necessary to have free space around it. Before connecting a room thermostat, you should make sure that there are no obstacles or obstacles nearby that impede free access to it. Placement of the device is recommended in places where there is no furniture or other bulky interior items, as well as various decorations - carpets, furniture, decorative household items.

Wall-mounted mechanical thermostat

Connecting a room thermostat to a wired gas boiler and installing it in a room is not at all difficult. The most important thing is to follow the manufacturer's recommendations exactly and not deviate from the instructions and diagrams that came with the device. The method of connecting the cable in this case depends on the brand and type of thermostat.

The coldest living area in the house or a room in which households often gather is best suited for installing the appliance. Do not install the thermostat near household appliances and heating devices, as well as in places where there is a high probability of exposure to direct sunlight on the device.

When operating a thermostat, you should follow a few simple rules to reduce heating costs:

  • when leaving the room for a long time, reduce the temperature of the thermostat to a minimum;
  • at night, set the temperature 3-4 degrees lower than during the day, and when you wake up, raise the temperature and warm the rooms. Room temperature control is much easier if you buy a programmable thermostat;
  • the device must be constantly maintained in working condition, without waiting for the shutdown, the batteries should be changed in advance.

Conclusion on the topic

The use of room temperature controllers allows you to create the most comfortable conditions for staying in the premises and operating heating equipment, and significantly save money by reducing gas consumption. The temperature sensor installed in the room is sensitive to all changes, increasing or decreasing the heat supply, giving a signal to the heater controller.

However, you should be aware that fuel savings are possible only after the implementation of measures aimed at reducing heat loss at home. Otherwise, the flow rate may increase, since the thermostat will not be able to stop the boiler until the air temperature set by the owner is reached.

A constant consumption of fuel or electricity in heating devices is not possible when the temperature of the heated medium changes, as happens in a heated apartment during fluctuations in climatic conditions. Naturally, when it gets cold, to maintain a comfortable temperature, you will need a large capacity of the heating system, which is achieved by increasing energy consumption. Monitoring of the permissible temperature range is provided by special thermostats for heating boilers.

In another way, thermostats are called thermostats, temperature sensors, thermal relays, but regardless of the name, complexity, accuracy and functionality of the devices, their main purpose is to track changes in the temperature of the coolant or air in the heated room with the issuance of a signal to turn the heating on or off depending on the parameters measured by the sensors and preset operating temperatures.

An example of a thermostat designed to control the temperature of a warm floor

The fundamental principle of thermoregulation of heating systems

Many people who lived in the era of socialism remember gas billing according to the heated area, without the use of a meter. With this approach, the heating boiler could burn at maximum around the clock, and thermal control in the house was carried out by dumping too hot air through open windows. In our time, when every cubic meter of gas or a kilowatt * hour of electricity counts, such a wasteful expenditure of energy resources will be extremely unprofitable, so there is a need to adjust the power of heating systems depending on the need.

Uneconomical regulation of the temperature in the room with an open window

Since ancient times, manufacturers of heating systems have known about the dependence of the temperature in a heated room on fuel consumption, so they immediately began to install manual energy supply regulators and began to develop a thermostat for the boiler that operates in automatic mode. The principle of operation of such a thermostat has been successfully used so far - this is a reaction to the temperature of the coolant returning to the boiler after passing through the heating radiators. If the water after the radiators returns hot, it means that the radiators are warmed up, and the air in the room is warm enough and does not significantly affect the cooling of the coolant, so the fuel supply to the boiler can be reduced.

An example of a thermostat that regulates the gas supply to the boiler

These thermostats do not use electricity and work due to uneven thermal expansion in the bimetallic plate. When heated, the bending plate presses on the gas valve damper and the gas supply to the boiler decreases, and when cooled, the reverse process occurs. In the event of an intense flame or a sharp increase in temperature, the bimetallic thermostat will act as a thermal fuse, completely shutting off the fuel or air supply in solid fuel boilers.

Thermostat for solid fuel boiler. Supplied with lever and chain to control damper

Room temperature control

A modern boiler thermostat works in the control system of the heating device, which also monitors such parameters as the presence of draft in the chimney, gas pressure in the gas pipeline, circulates the coolant, etc. This comprehensive control of the parameters and programming of the boiler operation is possible when using electronic systems management. But even very “smart” and “advanced” electronics, which determine the change in temperature in the boiler, are not able to provide comfortable heating of the room if the heating system is not designed correctly, or the operating conditions have changed.

Electric draft sensor for gas boiler

For example, with bitter frost outside the window, accompanied by a gusty wind, heat loss through the walls and crevices of the room will increase, which will immediately affect the temperature drop in the house, even if the radiators and the return pipe are relatively hot. If it is not possible to reduce the heat loss, the only way to raise the room temperature is to manually increase the heating output.

Manual temperature control on the thermostat built into the boiler

In this case, the thermal sensations of the nervous system of the human body act as a temperature sensor for the heater, which are converted into a command to the body: get up and go reconfigure the boiler. It is logical that electrical devices appeared that controlled the temperature in the room and were connected to the boiler control system. Thus, the entire heating system will work to maintain the set temperature in the control zone, regardless of changes in external conditions.

Do-it-yourself determination of the heating intensity of heating batteries

Using a remote thermostat

The principle of operation of the remote temperature sensor practically does not differ from the functioning of the thermostat built into the boiler - when the threshold temperature is reached, team to increase or decrease power. The connection of the thermostat to the heater can be carried out using a cable or wireless connection, provided that the boiler supports this feature. Installing even the simplest thermostat that monitors only temperature changes will significantly reduce heating costs, avoiding excessive overheating in the room, maintaining the set temperature.

Setting the temperature regime on a thermostat remote from the boiler

Installing a remote boiler thermostat in the children's room will allow you to maintain the optimum temperature for children without fear of hypothermia due to changing weather conditions outside. Also, temperature stability is very important for the elderly, or suffering from various diseases, the treatment of which requires constant comfort in the stay room.

Installing a thermostat in the nursery will prevent children from hypothermia in the cold season

More functional and expensive thermostats have the ability to program various temperature modes for heating a room, depending on the time of day or days of the week. For example, on weekdays during the daytime, when the children are at school, and all the adults are at work, there is no need to intensively heat the nursery and the whole house, compensating for heat loss. Therefore, for the period of weaning family members, the thermostat can be programmed to lower the temperature, which will reduce heat loss and energy bills, and by the time the children return from school, the automation will again increase the heating power.

Programming the temperature regimes of the boiler

Thus, when using a programmed thermostat, it is possible to achieve significant energy savings by combining, depending on the need, various operating modes:

  • The absence of owners in the house - the minimum temperature necessary for the life of plants and domestic animals is maintained;
  • Intensive heating of the heating system before the arrival of residents in the room, carried out programmatically or using a remote command;
  • Installation and use of heating control templates at different times of the day on weekdays and weekends.

An example of a programmable thermostat

Connection and installation of thermostats

Manufacturers of modern boilers and heating systems equip their heaters with connectors or wireless ports for connecting additional temperature sensors installed at control points in the room. Also, many companies producing heaters offer their own additional control devices of various functionality as an option. In this case, find out how connect thermostat to the heating device, you can from its operating instructions.

Connecting a thermostat to a boiler that supports this feature

The figure below shows a generalized simple diagram for connecting a thermostat to a heater. There are several general rules and requirements for the installation and placement of thermostats of various functionality. It must be remembered that the operation of the control system will depend on the heating and cooling of a small thermoelement, and the speed of reaction directly depends on the rate of temperature change.

Generalized thermostat connection diagram

It is obvious that the thermostat blocked by furniture or curtains will react with a delay to changes in the parameters in the room. The opposite situation is also possible - when the temperature sensor is placed opposite the doors, when they are opened, a draft will appear every time, intensively cooling the heat-sensitive element, which will lead to an too frequent increase in power. The thermostat readings will be unreliable if it is installed too close to the radiating boiler.

Installing a programmable thermostat with a wired interface near a warm boiler will not allow you to reliably control the temperature in the room

Therefore, when choosing the place of installation of the thermostat, it is recommended to experimentally find the most acceptable point where the influence of heating and cooling convection flows is compensated, and thermal radiation from various household electrical appliances and the Sun is minimized. When installing the thermostat on an external wall that can freeze, you should take care of the thermal insulation pad to avoid false alarms of the heating system.

Drawings illustrating suitable and undesirable places for installing the thermostat

Implementation of separate temperature control in rooms

The use of a single thermostat will allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature in the most important room in the house, and in other rooms the temperature regime will differ from the control one, depending on the quality of insulation and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bradiators. For a full and independent regulation of the thermal climate in all rooms, it would be necessary to install an individual thermostat and a boiler (or a separate circuit) for each room. Obviously, this approach is too costly, so this problem is solved with the help of thermostats installed on heating radiators.

Installing a thermostat on a heating radiator will help save money

A more effective way of thermal regulation is to mix hot and cold coolant to achieve the optimal temperature of the heating radiator. This mixing of heat carriers is carried out by a special three-way valve. Installing such a valve in the heating system of each room will allow to control it has a predetermined temperature regime when controlling the thermostat installed in this room.

Installation and configuration of an individual thermostat for each heating radiator

Thus, the number of rooms in a house with independently controlled temperature will depend on the number of thermostats and three-way mixing valves. But, even installing one sensor and a three-way mixing valve in the heating system will help modernize an outdated boiler, with the built-in thermostat still working properly.

The principle of operation of the mixing three-way valve

In this case, the connection diagram of the thermostat and the three-way valve does not affect the internal components of the boiler in any way, and affects its operation only indirectly - when hot water is supplied from the mixer to the return pipe, the built-in thermostat will react and reduce the fuel supply. When the room cools, the thermostat will close the valve, and the hot coolant will circulate throughout the system with intensive heat transfer.

Scheme of a heating system with one three-way valve

Since the unauthorized introduction of gas equipment into operation is dangerous and punishable by law, the use of thermostats and mixing valves will increase the service life of an outdated boiler, without changes in the internal system, with the possibility of automatic temperature control. In this case, you need to select compatible thermostats and electric three-way valves.

When choosing any thermostat, you need to remember that it will be ineffective if the heating system is incorrectly calculated and the insulation is poor

The simplest thermostats have an adjustable temperature range, over which the output device can have two states - on or off. The phase, working zero and ground are connected at the input (the device must have the appropriate terminal markings), and the load is connected at the output - a mixing valve, an infrared emitter or an electric heating element.

Modular thermostat for an electric boiler with heating control circuits and a circulation pump

The thermostat for an electric boiler works according to the principle described above, with the difference that high current switching must be ensured, because an electric boiler consumes much more electricity than valve systems. Therefore, when buying a thermostat for an electric boiler, first of all, you should check the compliance of the switching currents and consumption, and also make sure that there are leads for connecting the circulation pump.

A device that regulates the operation of a gas boiler, focusing not on the temperature of the coolant in the boiler, but on the air temperature in the room - this is the temperature controller for the heating boiler. That is, this is an apparatus that provides not only control of the process of heating water with a gas boiler, but control of the process of heating it based on the final result.

Why buy a thermostat

When the operation of the gas boiler is adjusted manually, the equipment is forced to operate in a mode that involves constant short-term switching on and off. In this case, the start of water heating is performed for a short time - no more than 10 minutes. The constant circulation of water in the system is provided by pumping equipment, which operates regardless of the state of the heating elements.

Such an organization of the operation of the climate system is fraught with a significant consumption of electrical energy. In addition, this mode leads to rapid wear of all boiler systems. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that room thermostats have gained such popularity all over the world. In some Western countries, their installation is even considered mandatory. Since if the house is heated with a gas boiler, the presence of a “home controller” significantly reduces the cost of gas and electricity, and also helps to use expensive equipment more carefully.

The thermostat for the boiler has a certain response threshold (on average, about 0.2 ° C), when the air temperature drops or rises relative to the set parameters, it either turns on or off the boiler and the pump. Such a system guarantees the owner of the thermostat a number of advantages:

  • fully provides control over maintaining the required temperature in the home, which means that even on days of sharp temperature fluctuations outside the window, in a house where the thermostat works, coziness and comfort will always reign;
  • with the advent of this equipment, the owners of a house or apartment immediately have at least one less problem: not only the “weather in the house”, but also the level of operation and health of the boiler will now be monitored by this small device;
  • due to significant savings in fuel and electricity, the cost of purchasing the device pays off within a few months.

What are thermostats

Currently, the choice of thermostats is large, while they may vary depending on:

  1. Type of boiler operation modes control:
    • wireless;
    • wired.
  2. Functionality level:
    • simple;
    • provided with hydrostat function;
    • programmable.

The wireless room thermostat for a gas boiler is able to regulate the level of operation of the boiler and the heating of the air in the premises using a radio signal. For wired, only the method of connecting to the controller via wired connections is relevant.

The scope of possibilities of thermostats can be different. Less expensive - simple, reliable and durable wired thermostats do an excellent job with the list of basic functions, steadily maintaining the level of set temperatures in the room (usually in the range of 10-30 ° C), but only in one mode. In addition, the operation of the device does not affect the level of fuel consumption by the boiler.

A completely different matter is a wireless programmable room thermostat for a gas boiler.

By purchasing such a device, you can use the features:

  • remotely monitor and control the operation of the boiler;
  • installation and configuration of various operating modes of heating equipment depending on the day of the week or time of day;
  • control over fuel consumption and serviceability of gas heating boiler systems.

The list of possibilities for thermostats equipped with a gyrostat function is even wider. Such a room thermostat for a gas boiler is able to provide control not only over the temperature regime in the room, but also over the level of air humidity.

Connecting wireless option

The principle of operation of a room thermostat for a gas boiler is quite simple, but wireless thermostats remain the most convenient in terms of connection. Such a model, as a rule, consists of a couple of blocks:

  • block for installation near a gas boiler (by connecting to a controller or gas valve);
  • block with a set of control buttons and a display - designed for installation in a room from where it is planned to control the air temperature in a house or apartment.

Moreover, the connection of the thermostat to the boiler is carried out using the terminals, and the transfer of information from one unit to another is due to the use of a radio channel. Perhaps the only disadvantage of wireless models is their dependence on rechargeable batteries, which often need to be recharged or replaced. At the same time, the device itself informs the owner about the battery level, which, of course, is a plus.

Where to put the wires

The situation is much more serious when installing wired models. And although Experts recommend combining this procedure with repair work, since the wiring will most likely either have to be masked or laid in the body of the wall into the channel formed after it has been shredded.

Another disadvantage of wired thermostats is the need to allocate a separate room or a significant space in the house for placing the device. Since, according to the instructions, the correctness of their work may depend on the presence of sufficient free space.

It is also highly undesirable to install it near household, third-party climate control equipment and heating appliances, as well as in places where direct sunlight will fall on the device.

The process of connecting the thermostat, in principle, is not difficult. It is enough to follow the instructions drawn up by the manufacturer of the boiler and the thermostatic device.

About the mechanical thermostat

An important point, those who have chosen a more durable and reliable mechanical thermostat for their home, should remember that this device does not need to be connected to the mains and batteries. However, in the course of work on its connection, it will also not be possible to avoid fiddling with wires. But in this case, we are talking about wires that provide communication between the device and controlled climate technology.

The mechanical thermostat is connected to the boiler with a 2-wire connection.

The video shows how to connect the Ballu BMT-1 thermostat.

About the specifics of the setting

After you have successfully connected new equipment, you need to configure it, during which you can set the desired parameters, including the ability to:

  • Heating, and in some cases, air conditioning in the room;
  • Determination of the optimal delay period for the operation of the thermostat sensors (a window open for a short time or, conversely, the heat flow from the switched on hair dryer can “mislead” the device’s sensors, but turning on the response delay function will avoid errors;
  • Setting the temperature fluctuation step. That is, choosing a step of 1 degree means that the thermostat will turn the boiler on or off when the air temperature changes by 1 o C.
  • Determination of maximum comfortable temperatures. Some devices allow you to program the temperature regime depending on the time of day or day of the week (for example, on weekdays, when there is no one at home, you can lower the air temperature by several degrees, providing fuel savings, a couple of hours before the inhabitants of the house return, the device will turn itself on , will adjust the temperature until it rises to a comfortable level).

About compatibility issues

The method of connecting the thermostat to the boiler is largely determined by the choice of the thermostat model and can be performed both from the controller, from the battery, and from the network.

You can often meet the recommendations of boiler manufacturers when purchasing a simple or programmable thermostat for a gas boiler, focus on the boiler manufacturer and its recommendations. In principle, this advice is worth heeding, although, having looked through the pages of numerous forums where the issues of connecting climate equipment are discussed, one can often find the opinion that, for the most part, products from different brands “get along” perfectly without conflict.

But the parameter that is really worth considering when deciding to buy a temperature sensor for a heating boiler in a regular climate or household appliance store or an online store is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room heated by the boiler and the most preferred temperature regime.

TOP thermostats 2017–2018

Having studied the opinions of consumers and analyzed the information of several reputable online publications that annually compile rating lists of the most discussed models of climate equipment, it is easy to conclude that thermostats of such brands as are popular:


At the same time, the company believes that the best thermostat for a Bosch gas boiler is, of course, Bosch. And, although there is so much information on the network about the successful symbiosis of the climate equipment of this manufacturer with thermostats from other companies. However, for example, the Bosch software digital thermostat definitely deserves attention. The model is equipped with a digital display, has a temperature sensor calibration, has backup power options. The appliance can adjust the room temperature according to the time of day and the days of the week.

The video details the Bosch EMS series regulators.


Also, when choosing a room thermostat for an Ariston gas boiler, you should pay attention to the thermostats offered by this Italian company. Among them, you can also find models that can program the required temperature regime not only for the week ahead, but also for any hour of the upcoming week. There are also less complex, but cheaper options that “know how” to set the desired temperature regime for the next 24 hours. However, the availability of hourly programming helps homeowners solve a lot of problems, including saving gas and electricity.

We offer owners of Ariston boilers to take a closer look at the Sensys control panel.


  • full system control via bridgenet® protocol;
  • easy setup/management of system parameters;
  • temperature control;
  • display of parameters of the solar system (if connected);
  • display of energy audit report (kW), solar system performance, reduction of CO2 emissions, hot water storage;
  • electronic room temperature sensor;
  • easy-to-manage daily and weekly programming of the heating mode;
  • easy-to-manage daily and weekly programming of the DHW mode (in case of connecting an external boiler to a single-circuit boiler).


This company also recommends connecting the thermostat to the Proterm gas boiler only when using "native" models. There are a number of reasons for this. For example, thanks to a special eBus switching bus, the temperature controller can control the modulation of a gas burner. Thermostats from other manufacturers cannot be connected in this way to the Proterm boiler. In addition, on the display of some models from Protherm, you can see not only the set operating modes of the boiler, but also the error codes that occur. In addition, the system, if necessary, is able to restart the boiler itself. In this way, the temperature of the boiler is regulated.


Connecting a room thermostat to a Buderus gas boiler will also create fewer problems when it comes to a device manufactured by the same company. Moreover, the developers have provided a simple and intuitive interface for the device.

Programmable room thermostat Simple MMI 7 Days – with communication via OpenTherm™ protocol. Designed for complete boiler control and comfortable room temperature control


If you managed to purchase a room thermostat rq10, connecting to a boiler of the same brand is not difficult. Moreover, the quality of this technique is rarely satisfactory.


Room thermostat for gas boiler Ferroli very successful development of the Italian company.


The thermostat for the Baxi gas boiler has also become a trend, it is easy to install and manage, also featuring an intuitive adjustment system and providing significant savings to home owners.

The BAXI mechanical room thermostat is used to determine the room temperature and transmit data to the boiler, providing feedback. Regulates room temperature from 8°С to 30°С


The thermostats of listed companies successfully help to solve problems such as:

  • the problem of clocking the gas boiler and pump (unreasonably frequent switching on and off of devices);
  • setting the optimal thermal regime by day and hour;
  • simplification of the maintenance process of the heating device;
  • setting fine adjustments.

All these features will provide comfort in any home and a good mood for its inhabitants.