All in Space! Overview of space projects from the near future. When will man set foot on an asteroid? Tanzania is an East African country

Anatoly Perminov addressed the members of the Federation Council in connection with the new space exploration programs planned for the near future by the Russian government. The head of Roscosmos informed about the current state of the industry and the prospects for its development in the current decade.

In his speech, Perminov criticized not only the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, but also its head, Mr. Kudrin. The head of the Federal Space Agency on the work of the Ministry of Finance said the following: “Today we are conquering markets only through our technologies in the field of space exploration, the policy followed by the Ministry of Finance does not allow us to in full carry out projects to conquer new foreign markets. We need to look up to China. In this country, a specific task has been set: in five years to occupy all the markets in Asia and South America Moreover, to invest in these promising markets on the basis of the financial component, Beijing has set the task, even despite the obvious damage to the national economy. In conquering markets, the main factor of victory is the financial component. Today we cooperate with Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Cuba. Together with these countries, we will create spacecraft.”

According to Perminov, Russia will gradually move away from the use of heavy Proton launch vehicles that operate on poisonous fuel. But this will happen only if the new Angara launch vehicle passes successful flight tests. The Angara launch vehicle uses environmentally friendly fuel. Its first launch is scheduled for 2013.

According to the head of Roskosmos, the leading space powers have not yet found components that could provide the same thrust as the fuel on which Proton runs. “All over the world, demethylhydrazine, as well as its various variations, TG-02, is used as fuel in heavy rockets. There are no other compromise components. The whole world continues to exploit these heavy missiles. If we abandon the Proton rocket, we will get a complete halt to the launches of dual-purpose and military vehicles, and commercial launches will be reduced by 50 percent,” Anatoly Perminov said.

In his report to the Russian senators, Anatoly Perminov also touched upon the prospects for the development and testing of the new Russian spacecraft Rus. In particular, he pointed out the following: “At least fifteen accident-free test launches in unmanned mode will be required. After a thorough analysis, a decision will be made to send the crew.” Unmanned test flights could take at least two years to complete. The first launch of the Rus rocket from the Vostochny cosmodrome will be carried out in 2015, and the launch with the crew will take place in 2018. The head of the space agency of the Russian Federation also said that after the completion of construction, the Vostochny cosmodrome will be operated for some time in parallel with the existing Baikonur and Plesetsk.

Anatoly Perminov is confident that an expedition to Mars will become a reality in a quarter of a century. “Of course, it is necessary to prepare for the flight. This is a long and gradual process. But we have nothing to fly yet. It is absurd to make a flight to Mars on those spacecraft and engines that are operated by us today, ”said the head of Roscosmos. “We are talking about the fact that we need to build a new ship with a completely changed megawatt-class nuclear installation, and only in this case it is possible to fly to Mars. Taking into account the use of new engines, the flight will take about a month, but this is realistic only after 2035. All this empty and absurd talk - like I agree to a one-way flight, just let me go to Mars - is just nonsense. What will be the result for science from such a flight? Obviously, none,” said the head of Roscosmos.

Vitaly Davydov, Deputy Head of Roskosmos, also spoke at the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, who told the senators about the results of testing the naval strategic missile Bulava. In particular, he said: “It would seem that the difficult period of the Bulava is behind us, we have now eliminated the shortcomings that were, and, in general, with some confidence we share the optimism of the developers in the sense that the work will be completed.”

The problems identified during the tests were solved thanks to state support measures. For the most part, the approval of the program for the development of the military-industrial complex contributed. Reserved in the budget necessary funds to finance the projects that have begun, including the allocation of funds for the preparation of production, which is associated with the Bulava.

Vitaly Davydov noted that rocket and space technology is one of the priorities in the adopted State Armaments Program-2020, funding for it has been increased, and this gives confidence in the development of space exploration in the future.

Juno. The Juno interplanetary station was launched in 2011 and is due to orbit Jupiter in 2016. It will describe a long loop around the gas giant, collecting data on the composition of the atmosphere and the magnetic field, as well as building a wind map. Juno is the first NASA spacecraft not using a plutonium core, but equipped with solar panels.

Mars 2020. The next rover sent to the red planet will in many ways be a copy of the well-proven Curiosity. But its task will be different - namely, the search for any traces of life on Mars. The program will start at the end of 2020.

Space atomic clock for deep space navigation, NASA plans to launch into orbit in 2016. This device, in theory, should work as a GPS for the spacecraft of the future. The space clock promises to be 50 times more accurate than any clock on Earth.

InSight. One of the important questions related to Mars is whether there is geological activity on it or not? The InSight mission, planned for 2016, should answer this with a rover with a drill and a seismometer.

Uranus orbiter. Mankind has only visited Uranus and Neptune once, during the Voyager 2 mission in 1980, but this is supposed to be corrected in the next decade. The Uranus orbiter program is conceived as an analogue of Cassini's flight to Jupiter. The problems are funding and a shortage of plutonium for fuel. However, the launch is planned for 2020 with the arrival of the device to Uranus in 2030.

Europa Clipper. Thanks to the Voyager mission in 1979, we learned that under the ice of one of Jupiter's moons - Europa - there is a huge ocean. And where there is so much liquid water, life is possible. The Europa Clipper will take off in 2025, equipped with a powerful radar capable of seeing deep under Europa's ice.

OSIRIS-REx. Asteroid (101955) Bennu is not the most famous space object. But according to astronomers from the University of Arizona, it has a very real chance of crashing into Earth around the year 2200. The OSIRIS-REx will travel to Benn in 2019 to collect soil samples and return in 2023. Studying the findings could help prevent a future disaster.

LISA is a joint experiment between NASA and the European Space Agency to study the gravitational waves emitted by black holes and pulsars. The measurements will be carried out by three devices located at the tops of a triangle 5 million km long. LISA Pathfinder, the first of three satellites, will be sent into orbit in November 2015, with a full program launch scheduled for 2034.

Bepi Colombo. This program got its name in honor of the 20th century Italian mathematician Giuseppe Colombo, who developed the theory of gravity maneuver. BepiColombo is a project of space agencies in Europe and Japan that will start in 2017 with an estimated arrival of the device into Mercury orbit in 2024.

The James Webb Space Telescope will be launched into orbit in 2018 as a replacement for the famous Hubble. The size of a tennis court and the size of a four-story house, worth almost $9 billion, this telescope is considered the main hope of modern astronomy.

Most of the missions are planned in three directions- a flight to Mars in 2020, a flight to Jupiter's moon Europa and, possibly, to the orbit of Uranus. But the list is not limited to them. Let's take a look at ten space programs in the near future.

People are already accustomed to space flights of automatic and manned vehicles. Today, fifteen years after the release of mankind into space, they cease to be a sensation. Indeed, after the creation of the first manned orbital station, the flights of the Soyuz series spacecraft of various types, photographing the Moon and Mars with the help of interplanetary automatic stations, direct research of the atmosphere of Venus, walks on the Moon by American cosmonauts, triumphant raids of automatic stations "Luna-16 ”, “Luna-17” and “Luna-20” and, finally, the implementation of a soft landing of spacecraft on the surfaces of Venus and Mars, it seems that there is no longer such a spectacular task in space exploration that would now capture the attention of mankind. Now, if the astronauts flew away for years and far, far away, somewhere, say, to Mars, to Saturn or to the satellites of Jupiter, then this, apparently, would again strike the imagination of earthlings.

And yet, isn't the tone in the assessment too casual? modern level space exploration? How could people two hundred, one hundred and even fifteen years ago imagine what events would disturb the world in the early seventies of our century? After all, we have achieved what our ancestors dreamed of, who created legends and fairy tales about flights to the sky, to the moon, and also to the nearest planets.

Practical accomplishments, as we see it today, outstripped their boldest forecasts, which even yesterday seemed unrealistic to us. This is the heroism of our everyday life. Or rather, heroism and everyday life are inseparable. And so today, astronautics needs to be looked at both through the prism of history, analyzing the chain of achievements on the way to it, and through the prism of the future. Then our labor today will appear before us in its true grandeur. The time of enthusiastic surprise at cosmic exploits is replaced by sometimes serious reflections on the cosmic future of our century. We are talking less and less about records and more and more about how space flights will help us, earthlings, in our most difficult and longest business: the knowledge of the nature around us.

How does the development of astronautics look like in the near future? Answering this question, Academician B.N. Petrov, in his article “Looking into the Future”, in particular, wrote: “The main tasks of the study of near-Earth space will remain the further study of the Earth’s upper atmosphere, magnetosphere, solar-terrestrial relations, cosmic rays, extragalactic sources of radiation and other issues of interest to modern science. The practical aspects of using space technology. Space communications and television will begin to develop rapidly. Over time, there will also be a worldwide system of space meteorology with effective means processing information from wide application computer science. In the more distant future, at least partial control of the weather will undoubtedly become a reality. Earth navigation satellites will yield important practical results. »

Thousands of scientists, engineers and technicians are already today looking for new solutions, laying the foundations of spacecraft, which in a few years will replace those already plowing the Universe.

Launch of Glonass satellites in Pacific Ocean due to underfilling of fuel, once again shows that the factor of power supply plays a crucial role in the exploration of near and far space, so the next 10-20 years will be spent on the development and search for new engines and energy sources without which flight within solar system with a guaranteed return is simply unrealistic.

So far, technology and technology allow us to explore only near space within the orbit of the moon. And then, the existing equipment has severe restrictions on the masses of transported goods.

Now, and in the future, the power supply is the first sign of the level of development of civilization. In everyday life it is comfort, information. In production, these are new materials, new industrial products and Appliances. But not only. If you think about it, these are also successes in the exploration of near and far space and other planets.

The first flower blossomed in space - the astronaut posted such a caption under a photograph of a blooming aster-zinnia flower.

An experiment on growing vegetables and plants in space has been carried out aboard the ISS for about a year now. The first cabbage sprouts were successfully grown and frozen at the station last year, after which they were sent back to Earth in October 2014. After scientists made sure that space cabbage is safe for the human body, NASA approved another experiment - for the first time they ate a crop grown in space.

The Veggie plant is a set of special capsules with seeds of cabbage and other crops, soil and special blue, green and red LED lights that stimulate plant growth in zero gravity and in the absence of visible light.

This time, not edible vegetables were grown in Veggie, but ornamental plants- asters-zinnias. The crew of the ISS will observe how the aster flowers bloom, and also try to check if they are capable of pollination in space conditions and if they can give offspring.



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At the Paris Air Show taking place these days in Le Bourget, Chinese representatives invited Roscosmos to participate in the Chinese space station project. According to the head of the state corporation Igor Komarov, there is no agreement or plans: the stations have different orbital inclinations. So far, Russia has no plans to join the project. The plan of the station in question is relatively finalized. The manned Chinese astronautics itself is young - the first Chinese taikunaut appeared less than a decade and a half ago.

However, after the closure of the ISS project in the 1920s, the PRC may become one - if not the only - of the countries with a functioning station in Earth's orbit.

Closed club ISS

Both projects stretch back almost half a century into the past of the Cold War. Plans for an international multi-module space station called "Freedom" ("Freedom") were announced in 1984 under Reagan. The 40th President of the United States inherited from his predecessor one of the most expensive orbital carriers in the history of the Space Shuttle and not a single permanent orbital station, and the new leadership in the United States always likes to assign new areas of space exploration.

Fortunately, Mir-2 did not remain just a fantasy of the modelers of the Orbiter simulator: the Zarya modules and the Mira-2 base unit, which became Zvezda, were attached to the American segment through the PMA-1 adapter.

For eighteen years in orbit, the ISS has acquired its current scope. The station, which has become one of the most expensive structures of mankind, has been visited by citizens of several dozen states, many countries are conducting experiments on it - it is enough just to be a partner.

But only the United States, its allies and Russia, which has joined, have membership in the project. Does not participate in the ISS on an equal basis with the rest, for example, India or South Korea. Other countries have real barriers to participation. Most likely, not a single citizen of the PRC will ever visit the station. Probable Cause similar - geopolitical motives and political hostility. For example, all researchers of the American space agency NASA are prohibited from working with Chinese citizens associated with Chinese public or private organizations.

Fast start

Therefore, in space, China walks alone. It seems that this has always been the case: the Sino-Soviet split prevented borrowing from the experience of early Soviet launches. All that China managed to do before him was to learn from experience when creating the R-2 rocket, an improved copy of the German V-2. In the seventies and eighties of the last century, as part of the Intercosmos program, the USSR launched citizens of friendly states into orbit. And there was not a single Chinese here. Technological exchanges between China and Russia resumed only in the 2000s.

The first taikunaut appeared in 2003. The Shenzhou-5 apparatus launched Yang Liwei into orbit. Albeit much later, but China became the third nation in the world after the USSR and the USA, which created the possibility of putting a person into Earth's orbit. The answer to the question of how independently this work was carried out is the lot of those who like to argue. But the Shenzhou ship, both externally and internally, resembles the Soviet Soyuz, and one of the world-famous Russian scientists received 11 years in prison on charges of transferring space technology to China.

in 2008, the PRC worked out an exit to outer space on Shenzhou-7. The taikunaut Zhai Zhigang was protected from outer space by the Feitian suit, created in the likeness of the Russian Orlan-M.

China launched its first space station, Tiangong-1, into orbit in 2011. Externally, the station resembles the early devices of the Salyut series: it consisted of one module and did not provide for expansion or docking of more than one ship. The station arrived at the specified orbit. A month later, an automatic docking of the Shenzhou-8 unmanned spacecraft was carried out. The ship undocked and re-docked to test the rendezvous and docking systems. In the summer of 2012, two crews of taikunauts visited Tiangong-1.


In world history, the launch of a person is 1961, spacewalk - 1965, automatic docking - 1967, docking with a space station - 1971. China was rapidly repeating space records, which the US and the USSR set generations ago, he built up experience and technology, albeit resorting to copying.

Visits to the first Chinese space station did not last long, only a few days. As you can see, it was not quite a full-fledged station - it was created to work out rendezvous and docking technologies. Two crews - and they left her.

On the this moment Tiangong-1 is gradually de-orbiting, the remnants of the apparatus will fall to Earth somewhere at the end of 2017. It will probably be an uncontrolled descent, since communication with the station has been lost.

Basic module "Tianhe"

The design of the 22-ton Tianhe shows similarities with basic module"Mir" and "Star" of the ISS, which are descended from the "Salyuts". A docking station is located in the front part of the module, a robomanipulator, gyrodines and solar panels. Inside the module is an area for storing supplies and scientific experiments. The crew of the module is 3 people.

Scientific module "Wentian"

The two science modules will be about the same size as the Tianhe, about the same weight - 20 tons. They want to put another smaller robotic arm on Wentian for conducting experiments in outer space and a small airlock.

Scientific module "Mengtian"

The Mentian has a spacewalk and an additional docking port.

Due to the paucity of information available,'s illustration takes liberties with speculation and conjecture, but gives a good idea of ​​the future station. Here, in addition to the station modules, there is a cargo ship of the Tianzhou model (in the left upper corner) and the crew ship of the Shenzhou series (in the lower right corner).

Perhaps these plans could be combined with the Chinese project. But on June 19, the head of Roskosmos, Igor Komarov, said that so far there are no such plans:

They proposed, we exchange proposals for participation in projects, but they have a different inclination, a different orbit and somewhat different plans from us. While agreements and plans are in the future, there is nothing concrete.

He recalled that the Chinese space station project is a national project, although other countries may participate in it. On the other hand, to representatives of RIA Novosti, the director of the department international cooperation The Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) Xu Yansong said that the project could become international.

The problem cited in the location of the station is the inclination, one of the most important characteristics orbit of any satellite. This is the angle between the plane of the orbit and the plane of reference - in this case, the Earth's equator.

The orbital inclination of the International Space Station is 51.6°, which is curious in itself. The point is that when you start artificial satellite It is most economical for the Earth to add the speed that the rotation of the planet gives, that is, launch with an inclination equal to latitude. The latitude of Cape Canaveral in the USA, where the shuttle launch pads are located, is 28°, Baikonur is 46°. Therefore, when choosing a configuration, a concession was made to one of the parties. In addition, from the resulting station, you can photograph much more land. Baikonur is usually launched with an inclination of 51.6 °, so that the spent stages and the rocket itself do not fall into the territory of Mongolia or China in the event of an accident.

The Russian modules that separated from the ISS will retain an orbital inclination of 51.6 °, unless, of course, it is changed, which is very energy-consuming - it will require maneuvers in orbit, that is, fuel and engines, probably Progress. Claims about the Russian National Space Station also hinted at operation at an inclination of 64.8 degrees, which is needed to launch vehicles to it from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

In any case, all this is different from the voiced Chinese plans. According to the presentations, the Chinese space station will be launched at an inclination of 42°-43° with an orbital altitude of 340-450 kilometers above sea level. Such inclination discrepancy excludes the creation of a joint Russian-Chinese space station similar to the ISS.

According to current lifetime estimates, the ISS will last until at least 2024. The station has no successors. NASA does not plan to create its own space station in low Earth orbit and is concentrating efforts on a flight to Mars. There are only plans to create a Deep Space Gateway module as a transit point between the Earth and the Moon on the way to deep space, to the red planet. Probably, for a new round of international cooperation, the geopolitical climate of the early nineties and our days is significantly different.

When creating the ISS, the Russian side was invited not only for the sake of technology, but also for experience. At that time, in the United States, orbital experiments were carried out on short-term flights of the Spacelab reusable laboratory, and experience on long-term orbital stations was limited to three Skylab crews in the seventies. The USSR and its specialists had unique knowledge of the continuous operation of stations of this type, the life of the crew on board and the conduct of scientific experiments. It is possible that China's recent proposal to participate in the Chinese space station project is precisely an attempt to learn from this experience.