German private gardens. Gardens of Russia: a garden near Peterhof Three directions for the development of German private gardens

I hasten to announce the new August issue of Sadovnik with an article by Sergey Kalyakin.
The garden he will talk about is really worth reading about.
And the magazine in order to buy it!)

This garden is much more debated than many of the herbaceous creations of today's landscape designers. Grassy in the sense that I hint at the cow and the chewing gum that she chews))
I won't be distracted.
Sergei, apparently, was offended by my words about the folk and primitive, but I really appreciate this garden as a wonderful example of this particular trend in art.
And this direction is called naive art!
Vivid representatives of naive art are Pirosmani and Primachenko. The bar is high and it is precisely this level that we can talk about when looking for analogies for this garden.

It is clear that amateur folk art is diverse, but few rise to such heights.
The fact that this garden has been awarded several times as the best garden in England only says that everything is in order with artistic understanding in the UK, at least in the field of gardens. I am very interested in such a naive garden art, especially its domestic direction.
A few years ago, I gave a presentation at a conference with the theme Marginal Garden. At the conference, by the way, we met Natasha Podlesnaya, or rather, we developed virtualization.
So marginal, this is a replacement for the word naive, primitive.
And I chose a replacement also because naive art is obstructed in our country to such an extent that they don’t even see this art in it.

And it is! Yes, my physiology is all right, and the symptoms that come over me when I see petunias in a bed of tires correspond to the reflexes of so many people involved in the gardening process.
But not to see in these tires and rutaria, a manifestation of folk art, it means to become like an ostrich. Here is the link from 0xymoron
Naturally, tires, just because of their mass character, will never become classics.
But the fact that this is a manifestation of folk art, folk amateur performance is a fact
It seems to me that our craftsmen lack just the courage that the British have. Courage to defend your artistic principles to the end.
It seems that he began to plant juniper in a ring of tagetis, and then once he got scared. I looked into "My Beautiful Garden", and they say that it is not kosher. Hands dropped.
And courage for such gardens is needed serious! and for this I also have great respect for their owners.
And so that there are no doubts about the belonging of this garden to English culture, moreover, I throw pictures here of modern English culture. It is impossible to live in society and be free from society))
Of course, I have not been to England, but what I can judge from the Internet and publications, the authors respond precisely to the modern popular understanding of classical regularity. When in the anamnesis - classical gardens + garden shopping centers + mass culture + free time, and much more can be listed, and it is with an English bias. It is almost impossible to imagine such a garden in France. Purely English murder! In France, the reflection on classic regular gardens is completely different) In a sense, it is kinder and more philistine. Kissing doves (swans, sheep, bears, you can substitute at will).


"Now this is no longer your father's garden -he is yours. And you are responsible for all:and for the beauty that people loved so much, and formistakes,” wrote one of the visitors inMarianne Forster's guest book.

The famous German breeder Karl Forster established his garden on the outskirts of Potsdam in 1912. For almost a century of history, this picturesque corner has experienced both prosperity and almost complete desolation. But thanks to the efforts of the city council in 1981, it was reconstructed and opened its doors again. Later, the daughter of the great gardener, who worked in Belgium and created about nine hundred “green projects” there over 30 years, returned home. We met her in a cozy "drowned" garden in front of the house.

— Mrs. Forster, your father went down in the history of horticulture as one of the founders of the natural garden. Recently, there has been a lot of arguing about what is the "real" naturgarten ...

— How much has changed in your garden since you returned from Belgium?

- You traveled a lot. Is it possible to say that the national color is inherent in the gardens?

Have you ever argued with your father? Did he have a difficult personality?

Karl Forster was an outstanding breeder. How many varieties does he have?

Now it is difficult to say, it is believed that from 300 to 600. The father sowed the seeds, selected the best seedlings, and the rest went into compost. Selected specimens he observed, observed and observed again. If they remained just as good after 5 years, they were multiplied and put on sale. Karl Forster never patented new cultivars, he wanted them to be available. If the variety diverges all over the world, then it is really popular. However, in our time, even the translation of the name often becomes a problem. But how can you translate ‘Eva Foerster’ into English? But it also happens worse. If you carefully look at some catalogs, you will find Karl Forster varieties under completely different names. Be careful: old well-known cultivars are sold as novelties.

You mentioned a variety named after your mother. Are there plants named after Marianne Forster?

- And translated into Russian "If so, then so". By the way, do you have Russian varieties growing in your garden?

— We grew Gaganovsky phlox ‘Success’. Blue in the morning and evening, and purple in the afternoon. And there's nothing you can do about it.

“Since my father’s time, only trees and shrubs have remained here. I plant a lot of flyers. In perennial plants, there may be gaps in flowering from time to time, here annuals come to the rescue. In addition, the whole season I want to have flowers for home bouquets.

What color combinations do you find the most beautiful?

- I like everything, but there is one thing: in this garden you will not find orange plants. I still have one poppy that I tried to get rid of even with the help of a roundup, but it still grows every year. Orange just doesn't suit my garden, it doesn't go well with anything.

— Your garden is beautiful at any time. What season seems to you the most decorative?

- Father believed that there were seven seasons in the garden: winter, pre-spring time and spring, early and high summer, autumn and late autumn. Seven very different natural landscapes. I love autumn - it's the most beautiful time. The beginning of the year is very dull: dried cereals have already been cut, bare ground ...

- Definitely not in rockeries, I'm not fond of plants for a rocky garden. Rather, in the "drowned" garden in front of the house. I like to sit on a bench between birches and a pond. Or admire the beautiful view from the terrace: the garden and the house should be one. By the way, an artificial island in a pond on styrofoam plates is a very practical find. Thus, the water practically does not freeze. In summer, self-sowing rudbeckias bloom on this small piece of land.

- Light sand on top, slightly improved with compost, clay underneath. There is no question of any fertility, so we have two golden rules. First, with any transplant, my gardeners always throw away the old soil. It can be infested with diseases and pests and depleted. Secondly, we try to use only organic fertilizers.

- At the same time, you have achieved such a stunning decorative effect and such a variety of plants ... And what would you never plant in a garden?

I don't want to have bamboo in my garden anymore. If only with a seven-millimeter rubber limiter, not a single root will break through it. Besides, nothing high: I already have enough shade. Prickly plants can also become problematic, they can be seriously injured. Despite this, my Juliana barberries on the spring path are the most beautiful in the world. Evergreen, blooms yellow, with blue berries and charming autumn colours.

- The most interesting story happened in the early 90s with a grape snail. My mother was lying on the terrace, she was bored and I wanted to cheer her up. I found a snail in the garden, planted it on a tray and planted hosta flowers. She devoured them very quickly. Mom became so attached to her that she decided to call her Carl. We wrote the name on the house to distinguish this snail from others. Sometimes visitors met Karl in the garden, he was very funny. And there are really a lot of birds here. I feed them balls of oatmeal and fat. One day a friend gave me a bundle of dog hair. I put it in the bird house. And now titmouse constantly fly into it for wool for nests. Have you ever seen a titmouse with a mustache? I constantly try to photograph them, but, unfortunately, I never captured this moment.

— You have so many flower vases…

- This is our common passion with my father. Everything is filled with vases. There used to be three hundred of them, now there are only 250 left. But there is still no suitable vase for bouquets.

“Karl Forster once said: “If I come into this world again, I will become a gardener again…”

“..because for one life this profession is too big”, this must not be forgotten!

Would you like to be a landscape architect again?

— I would become an architect, I like good houses. And I can get terribly angry when I see the bad ones.

- And finally, a wish to our readers ...

“Father used to say: “He who is satisfied with his garden does not deserve it.” Don't be afraid to be dissatisfied!


- If you pinch a third of the phlox buds before flowering, the bush will bloom longer. White and pink phloxes respond well to this procedure, red ones are the worst.

- For all too tall herbaceous plants (gelenium, tall rudbeckia), you can remove the growth point. The bush will take on a more lush appearance, and the flowers will be better distributed in height.

- Cut off faded flowers in a timely manner, this stimulates the flowering of neighboring ones. Scissors can prolong the flowering of each plant.

Garden address: Potsdam-Bornim, Am Raubfang 7. Open daily from 9-00.

Mrs. Forster, your father has gone down in horticultural history as one of the founders of the natural garden. Recently, there has been a lot of arguing about what is the "real" naturgarten ...

- In such a garden, plantings look natural, color combinations do not hurt the eyes, and the stone does not dominate. Even a classic symmetrical base can be filled with plantings in a natural style, like here. Once a tourist from England said to me: "Your garden looks like every plant has chosen the place where it would like to grow." This is a big compliment. You shouldn't be afraid to experiment. Father always joked that harps and timpani were playing in our garden. Harps are sun-loving air grasses, and timpani are hostas that prefer partial shade. However, they grow well together for me. Karl Forster worked more by eye.

— How much has changed in your garden since you returned from Belgium?

“Eighteen years ago I didn't find a single grain here. It was so sad to see the restoration plantings when the garden became a historical monument. That plan offered easy-care but insanely boring autobahn-inspired borders. I decided to change everything. People should be surprised to meet a new plant every couple of meters. Now I have twenty-seven different cereals. This is indeed a successful outcome. My favorite is miscanthus. Graceful in summer, bright in late autumn, they endure any conditions. Miscanthus is a plant for all situations, endures any conditions.

- You traveled a lot. Is it possible to say that the national color is inherent in the gardens?

- How can I say ... In France, for example, there are much more regular gardens than in Germany. And even in private there are differences. In France, they do not plant anything special at the entrance, for passers-by. Only upon entering the territory, you receive an invitation to inspect the garden. In Germany, everything is different: we show everything in the front garden, we start already from the street. And the garden behind the house is boring. The lawn usually occupies the lion's share of space and time.

Have you ever argued with your father? Did he have a difficult personality?

- Yes. He was mainly engaged in tall plants, because he himself was two meters tall. I told him: “We, little people, must always turn our heads up. Please put something down." He answered: “But it’s beautiful when tall plantings create the background.” I resisted: "It's a pity that you can not see the flowers." But in matters of color, we always coincided: blue is our favorite color. My father was a very trusting and friendly person. He always expected the best from people and believed only in the good. “A person cannot be bad at all, this does not happen,” he always said. Only once did I see him get very angry when the gardener scattered fresh pig manure right on the beds. From a careless attitude to work, he could explode.

Karl Forster was an outstanding breeder. How many varieties does he have?

— Now it is difficult to say, it is believed that from 300 to 600. The father sowed the seeds, selected the best seedlings, and the rest went into compost. Selected specimens he observed, observed and observed again. If they remained just as good after 5 years, they were multiplied and put on sale. Karl Forster never patented new cultivars, he wanted them to be available. If the variety diverges all over the world, then it is really popular. However, in our time, even the translation of the name often becomes a problem. Although how can you translate ‘Eva Foerster’ into English? But it also happens worse. If you carefully look at some catalogs, you will find Karl Forster varieties under completely different names. Be careful: old well-known cultivars are sold as novelties.

You mentioned a variety named after your mother. Are there plants named after Marianne Forster?

- Once I told my father that my mother has "her" phlox, but I have nothing. Then he showed me a yellow chrysanthemum: "We'll call it 'Gold Marianne'", he said and I agreed. In general, there were many curiosities with the names. Do you know how the Wennschondennschon variety appeared? When my parents were standing near the phlox patch, one said “Wenn schon”, the second “Denn schon”. And so this name was born. I don’t know why, but it is written without fail in one word.

October 2008 No. 11 (46)



"Happy birthday, Mr. Brooks!" In September, the most famous landscape designer in England turned 75 years old. SergeyKalyakin congratulated John Brooks on his anniversary in his own garden.

Special project

« Family and school: fun holidays» How to decorate a pond beautifully? Can a playground be fun, cozy and safe at the same time? Where can you barbecue without damaging the garden? Landscape architect and dendrologist Alexander Sapelin together with Tulip family seeks and finds answers to these questions.

My garden

School of Design

"At the right height" Stage, podium, podium - we usually raise above a flat surface what deserves our close attention. Flowers deserve it too, says candidate of biological sciences Andrey Lysikov and offers you several options for raised beds.

A simple solution

"About the gate" Gate - a portrait of the owner of the garden, considers Olga Ivanova. And he presents you a work of garden art, the creator of which is endowed with a sense of humor, artistic flair and an unconventional outlook on life.

garden culture

"Die Hard 5" A lot has been written about the walnut, and absolutely everyone knows it. Other representatives of the walnut genus are much less frequently discussed - and there are about twenty of them! PhD in Agricultural Sciences Alexey Antsiferov recommends five of them for growing in our gardens.

All living things

« Song about rabbits» As a child, it seemed to us that they were all sweet and kind, like Stepashka. And only when we ran into them in the country, we began to doubt: are the hares really white and fluffy? A song about hares is performed by a biologist from St. Petersburg Andrey Ganov.

Everyday life of a gardener

"All sleep" Unpredictable winters in our latitudes are a serious test. And for heat-loving plants, and for inexperienced gardeners. Especially after such a wet summer as the last one. How to help plants prepare for winter Irina Bochkova.

We do together

"Rose in a cattail" In order for climbing roses to survive the winter cold without loss, you need to take care of shelter. Let's build it together with the designer Elena Buevich from the well-known cattail, the thickets of which are found in swamps, along the banks of lakes and rivers.

Rose garden

"Strokes to a portrait" The stripe is the simplest and at the same time the most complex pattern for a couturier, an interior designer, and a gardener. A collector writes about the best "variegated" roses Tatyana Zhirkova.


flower of the month

"Oktyabrinki" We all dream of flowers that do not require our constant attention. About flowers that, after planting, you can safely leave to fate, completely without fear for this very fate. And such plants exist. Marina Vasilyeva from St. Petersburg professionally deals with perennial asters and shares his experience with us.


"Most Unique" Where can you see the hottest garden novelties? Of course, in Holland, at the international exhibition Plantarium, which was recently held in the city of Boskop.


"Neither from the rain nor from the sun" Tasty and poisonous, rare and growing everywhere, these plants attract attention with their unusual appearance and pleasant aroma. Lelya Golovanova talks about the most decorative umbrellas for your garden.


"No blues!" What to do if autumn garden landscapes make you feel sad? Englishman John Cock, the owner of the famous English garden Bury Court in Surrey, advises: play in contrast.

"Green" alphabet

Trypsakum dioecious, southern reed, medium shaking, large hakonechloya, whose reed grass and sprawling roughness are described by a collector of ornamental grasses Tatyana Zheltovskaya.


vegetable patch

"Such a parsley" You can not grow cucumbers and tomatoes, forget about potatoes and completely neglect carrots. But parsley ... There is always a place for this vegetable in the garden, says Tatyana Kazakova. If not in the garden, then maybe in the flower bed. In extreme cases, in a pot on the windowsill.


"Bitter spirit of wormwood" Vermouth, absinthe... Don't think that Olga Ivanova decided to write about alcohol. We will talk about wormwood, which bears these names, respectively, in German and French.

Green collection

"Thick and Beautiful" Many people dream of such a houseplant that blooms beautifully, does not require special care, can put up with both the lack of light and the dry air of a city apartment. Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexey Bobrov confirms that the choice is not so great. But, undoubtedly, one of the first on this list will be Kalanchoe.

Winter Garden

"Laws of the Home Jungle" Perhaps it is because of the long dull autumn and gray-white winter that the most popular type of winter gardens has become tropical. But there are other reasons, he says. SergeyIsaev and tells how to arrange a "jungle" at home.

home doctor

"The Cold: Myths and Facts" The cold season, open in October, reaches its peak by November. A rare gardener will avoid an acute respiratory scourge after planting bulbs in freezing rain or covering roses on frozen ground. Ekaterina Savostyanova advises: prevention is the best way to avoid trouble.

gardener's kitchen

"Sit on a stump, eat a pie" If you don’t know what to do with pumpkins grown in your own garden, try making placinte according to the recipe from the new book “About Pies” - the most delicate moldovan cakes with juicy minced meat.



"Third Eye" To protect their home from intruders, people have come up with locks, a variety of sensors that give signals about ongoing violations, and cameras that allow these same violations to be observed and recorded. Gennady Sytnik and Tatyana Eremenko assessed the CCTV camera market from a consumer point of view.


"Snow is falling" Just a few years ago, snow removal in a suburban area was perceived as an inevitable labor service, performed manually. Now the shovel is no longer needed. Snow blowers have become available to almost everyone. A tour of modern snowplows Andrey Krotkov.

Convenient for life. So for ten years they raised the level of the site - somewhere by half a meter, somewhere by one and a half. I even had to buy an old dump truck: during all this time they brought 150 sand trucks to their 30 acres, and they didn’t even count how much land. To ensure dry, the house was placed on an artificial hill.

They dug a length of about 20 m, the deepest place is now 1.7 m. It is without -. The plot is planned so that all the water flows into the pond. And from it, through the drainage ditch, after heavy rains and melting snow, excess water goes into the common channel. , rushes, feel great. The pond has completely switched to self-sufficiency - even weeding is no longer necessary.

weeping gnome- very flexible. Local winds constantly rocked the tree along with props, and after severe weather weeping gnome always lay in the pond. The problem was solved by a metal pipe driven one and a half meters into the ground. The tree is 9 years old, all the years it was formed to get an openwork crown on a thick trunk. After a strong pruning, she "shot" with new shoots and grew taller than usual.

It is believed that drought-resistant do not tolerate stagnant and groundwater. This is mistake! They grow well on the banks of the pond. More than ten years ago, Olga bought seedlings, dug small holes in the clay, poured loose earth and planted at random. Now all the guests of the garden are surprised by these luxurious coastal specimens of mountain pine.

The soil taken out of the bed of the pond went to the slopes around the house, fertile soil was poured over it and made of three. Installing stones and planting alpines is a creative job. To achieve harmony, you have to redo it more than once. However, the first steps of the stone staircase are already overgrown with plants and look very natural.

Among the 25 cubic meters of stones brought for rolling pins, unusual specimens came across. A table was "composed" from a large flat stone, a chair was picked up for it. Now only a chair is missing - maybe there will be more.

Olga and Vasily choose plants that do not need to be "pulled by the ears": they should enjoy life themselves and please the owners. Therefore, evergreens are a logical choice as the basis of the northern garden. Year-round decorative effect, undemanding care, winter hardiness and a wide range - everything speaks for them.

It was not planned to plant, but a friend gave me several varieties, and they fit into the flower beds. Now favorites have appeared: absolutely unpretentious and abundantly blooming Cinderella , blue blue paradise , smoky Ural tales , capricious, but beautiful blue joy and gentle blush girl .

There was no separate place for it, so it was made an extension to the barn - it turned out very convenient.

Honored in this garden. For example, spartina is unpretentious, large, but graceful. They say that this plant sits, sits, and then explodes, but its aggressiveness is not manifested on local clay. Siberian spodiopogon feels great. Although it has one significant drawback - the leaves lose their decorative effect early, quickly becoming rusty yellow. But the lightning, which turns bright yellow, is decorative all autumn.

4 small discoveries of Olga Kobets

1. The best way to save your favorite varieties of lilies is to plant them in containers and dig them into the flower garden.

2. Golden cob new - very tasty! It has a dry-teared stem, but it is more convenient to cut branches and disassemble them on the veranda. Berries directly with short branches - into a meat grinder, squeeze the juice. This one has no offspring at all, at least on local clay.

3. Driftwood is good not only for design, but also for creating a good microclimate. Spread them in places where there is a constant draft, and the plants will feel better.

4. Wangutta Gold Fountain provides an attractive yellow "spot" in the flower garden and at the same time it winters well.