Snip laying of external sewerage networks. Internal cold and hot water supply systems. Design of external sewerage networks

DEVELOPED by Soyuzvodokanalproekt (G.M. Mironchik - theme leader; D.A. Berdichevsky, A.E. Vysota, L.V. Yaroslavsky) with the participation of VNIIVODGEO, Donetsk PromstroyNIIproekt and NIIOSP named after. N.M. Gersevanov of the USSR State Construction Committee, Research Institute of Municipal Water Supply and Water Purification of the Academy of Public Utilities named after. K.D. Panfilova and Gipromunvodokanal of the Minzhilkomkhoz of the RSFSR, TsNIIEP of the engineering equipment of the state ghostan, the Mosvodokanalniya Project and the Mosinzhproekt of the Moscow City Executive Committee, the scientific and research and technological institute of the city householder and the Ukrkomunniye Problem of the Minzhilkomkhoz, the Minzhilkomkhoz of the Minzhilkomkhoz, the Institute of the Miner, the Institute of Mechanics and the Seimachi resistance of structures named after M.T.Urazbaev Academy of Sciences of the UzSSR, Moscow Civil Engineering Institute named after. V.V. Kuibyshev of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute of the RSFSR Ministry of Higher Education.

AGREED BY the USSR Ministry of Health (letter dated 10.24.83 N 121-12/1502-14), USSR Ministry of Water Resources (letter dated 04.15.85 N 13-3-05/366), USSR Ministry of Fisheries (letter dated 04.26.85 N 30-11- 9).

With the entry into force of SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. External networks and structures", SNiP II-32-74 "Sewerage. External networks and structures" loses its force.

Change No. 1 was introduced into SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. External networks and structures", approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee of May 28, 1986 No. 70 and put into effect on July 1, 1986. Items, tables to which changes were made , are marked in these Building Codes with a sign (K).

These norms and rules must be observed when designing newly constructed and reconstructed external sewage systems for permanent purposes for populated areas and national economic facilities.

When developing sewerage projects, one must be guided by the “Fundamentals of water legislation of the USSR and Union Republics”, comply with the “Rules for the protection of surface waters from pollution by wastewater” and “Rules for the sanitary protection of coastal waters of the seas” of the USSR Ministry of Water Resources, the USSR Ministry of Fisheries and the USSR Ministry of Health, the requirements of the “Regulations on water protection and coastal strips of small rivers of the country" and "Instructions on the procedure for approval and issuance of permits for special water use" of the USSR Ministry of Water Resources, as well as instructions for other regulatory documents approved or agreed upon by the USSR State Construction Committee.

1.1. Sewage facilities should be designed on the basis of approved schemes for the development and location of sectors of the national economy and industry, schemes for the development and location of productive forces in economic regions and union republics, general, basin and territorial schemes for the integrated use and protection of water, schemes and projects for regional planning and city development and other settlements, master plans of industrial hubs.

When designing, it is necessary to consider the feasibility of cooperating sewage systems of objects regardless of their departmental affiliation, as well as take into account technical, economic and sanitary assessments of existing structures, provide for the possibility of their use and intensification of their work.

Sewerage projects for facilities must be developed, as a rule, simultaneously with water supply projects with a mandatory analysis of the balance of water consumption and wastewater disposal. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the possibility of using treated wastewater and rainwater for industrial water supply and irrigation.

1.2. The rainwater drainage system must ensure the purification of the most contaminated part of the surface runoff generated during the period of rainfall, melting snow and washing of road surfaces, i.e., at least 70% of the annual runoff for residential areas and enterprise sites that are close to them in terms of pollution, and the entire volume of runoff for enterprise sites, the territory of which may be contaminated with specific substances with toxic properties or a significant amount of organic substances.

1.3. The main technical decisions made in projects and the order of their implementation must be justified by comparing possible options. Technical and economic calculations should be performed for those options whose advantages and disadvantages cannot be established without calculations.

The optimal option should be determined by the lowest value of reduced costs, taking into account the reduction of labor costs, consumption of material resources, electricity and fuel, as well as based on sanitary, hygienic and fishery requirements.

1.4. When designing sewerage networks and structures, progressive technical solutions, mechanization of labor-intensive work, automation of technological processes and maximum industrialization of construction and installation work must be provided through the use of prefabricated structures, standard and standard products and parts manufactured in factories and procurement workshops.

1.6. When connecting sewer networks of industrial enterprises to the street or intra-block network of a settlement, outlets with control wells located outside the enterprises should be provided.

1.7. The conditions and places of release of treated wastewater and surface runoff into water bodies should be agreed upon with bodies regulating the use and protection of water, executive committees of local Soviets of People's Deputies, bodies exercising state sanitary supervision, protection of fish stocks, and other bodies in accordance with the legislation of the Union USSR and Union republics, and places of release into navigable reservoirs, watercourses and seas - also with the river fleet management bodies of the Union republics and the Ministry of the Navy.

1.8. When determining the reliability of the sewerage system and its individual elements, it is necessary to take into account technological, sanitary, hygienic and water protection requirements.

If interruptions in the operation of the sewerage system or its individual elements are unacceptable, measures must be taken to ensure the uninterrupted operation of their operation.

1.9. In the event of an accident or repair of one structure, the overload of other structures for this purpose should not exceed 8-17% of their calculated capacity without reducing the efficiency of wastewater treatment.

1.10. Sanitary protection zones from sewerage facilities to the boundaries of residential buildings, areas of public buildings and food industry enterprises, taking into account their future expansion, should be adopted:

From treatment facilities and industrial sewerage pumping stations not located on the territory of industrial enterprises, both for independent treatment and pumping of industrial wastewater, and for their joint treatment with household wastewater - in accordance with SN 245-71, the same as for production, from which wastewater is received, but not less than those indicated in Table 1.

FacilitiesSanitary protection zone, m, at the design capacity of structures, thousand m/day
up to 0.2St. 0.2 to 5St. 5 to 50St. 50 to 280
Mechanical and biological treatment facilities with sludge beds for digested sludge, as well as separately located sludge beds150
Mechanical and biological treatment facilities with thermomechanical treatment of sludge in enclosed spaces
Filter fields
Agricultural irrigation fields
Biological ponds
Structures with circulation oxidation channels
Pumping stations
1. Sanitary protection zones of sewerage structures with a capacity of over 280 thousand m/day, as well as in case of deviation from the accepted technology of wastewater treatment and sludge treatment, are established in agreement with the main sanitary and epidemiological departments of the ministries of health of the Union republics.
2. The sanitary protection zones indicated in Table 1 may be increased, but not more than 2 times if the residential development is located downwind of the treatment facilities, or reduced by no more than 25% if there is a favorable wind rose.
3. If there are no sludge beds on the territory of treatment facilities with a capacity of more than 0.2 thousand m/day, the size of the zone should be reduced by 30%.
4. The sanitary protection zone from filtration fields with an area of ​​up to 0.5 hectares and from mechanical and biological treatment facilities on biofilters with a capacity of up to 50 m3/day should be 100 m2.
5. The sanitary protection zone from underground filtration fields with a productivity of less than 15 m3/day should be 15 m2.
6. The sanitary protection zone from filter trenches and sand-gravel filters should be 25 m, from septic tanks and filter wells - 5 and 8 m, respectively, from aeration plants for complete oxidation with aerobic stabilization of sludge with a productivity of up to 700 m / day - 50 m.
7. The sanitary protection zone from drainage stations should be 300 m.
8. The sanitary protection zone from treatment facilities for surface water from residential areas should be 100 m, from pumping stations - 15 m, from treatment facilities of industrial enterprises - in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities.
9. Sanitary protection zones from sludge reservoirs should be adopted depending on the composition and properties of the sludge in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities.

2.1. When designing sewerage systems in populated areas, the calculated specific daily average (per year) drainage of domestic wastewater from residential buildings should be taken equal to the calculated specific daily average (per year) water consumption according to SNiP 2.04.02-84 without taking into account water consumption for watering territories and green spaces.

Correctly completed design and installation of external sewerage networks determines the duration and quality of their operation. The basic provisions and rules for the construction and repair of an external sewer network are determined by SNiP 2.04.03-85. The document regulates the full cycle of work on the installation of an engineering system from pipeline installation to construction of treatment facilities. SNiP sewerage external networks and structures will help you select the optimal material and build an effective system for draining wastewater and rainwater.

What is external sewerage

External sewerage includes branched pipelines and system elements necessary for transporting wastewater from residential buildings and other facilities to treatment facilities. The design of the utility network is carried out simultaneously with the preparation of water supply plans. The systems are interconnected by the need to maintain a balance between water consumption and disposal. Installation and maintenance of urban external sewerage is the responsibility of public utilities. Maintenance of autonomous sewage systems in private houses is carried out by the owners themselves.

There are two ways to transport wastewater:

  • non-pressure or gravity;
  • pressure, requiring the installation of pumping equipment.

Types of sewerage

To ensure the safe operation of external sewage systems, SNiP offers several methods:

  • duplication of communications - providing the ability in case of an emergency to switch the flow to a parallel pipeline or channel;
  • reliable power supply, availability of an alternative (backup) source;
  • allowing for reserve when designing network capacity

Attention. When installing sewerage structures, a certain sanitary zone must be observed to the construction sites of residential and public buildings.

Structural diagrams

According to SNiP, external sewerage is divided into several systems according to the installation method:

  • All-alloy - according to this installation scheme, all wastewater - domestic, storm, melt - is directed into one sewer collector or container.
  • Separate - the system is designed so that household wastewater and melt (rain) water are transported through different pipelines and end up in various treatment facilities or storage tanks.
  • Semi-separate wastewater and storm sewer are sent through different mains into one container.

All-alloy scheme

Attention. It is prohibited to discharge wastewater into water bodies that has not been treated to established standards.

Classification of sewer system

External engineering communications are installed in various places and have their own purpose.

Yard network – used to serve one building. It consists of the following elements: small diameter pipes (150 mm), building outlets, intake and inspection wells. This concept is used for a system connected to a central sewer system; it is not used for an autonomous system.

Yard network

Intra-block network - the network is arranged inside the block, it consists of the same elements as the yard network.

The street network is designed to transport wastewater collected from all neighborhoods. Such a pipeline is called a collector; its function is to collect wastewater and discharge it to a pumping station or treatment plant.

Attention. Ground laying of sewer pipelines in populated areas is not permitted.

Schemes of drainage networks

Depending on the characteristics of the terrain, one of the external drainage schemes is selected:

  • perpendicular - used for rainwater sewer collectors to quickly transport water to the general flow;
  • zone - a rare option, applied to objects with a significant difference in height; a pump is installed in the lower collector;
  • cross-section - the main collector is installed along a river or other body of water to intercept wastewater;
  • radial - wastewater is directed to various treatment facilities.

Components of an external sewer system

The utility network consists of several main parts:

The choice of method for disposing of domestic wastewater and rainwater depends on a whole list of factors that are taken into account at the design stage:

  • properties and nature of the soil;
  • climatic features such as freezing depth;
  • volume of transported wastewater;
  • groundwater level;
  • distance from the point of release from the building to the treatment plant.

Attention. The lowest permissible pipeline slope depends on the minimum sewer flow rate.

Selection of material for the pipeline

The materials used for the installation of lines and channels must be resistant to aggressive environments and the effects of abrasive particles contained in the liquid. To prevent gas corrosion of the upper part of the collector, ventilation is installed to prevent gas stagnation.

SNiP for external sewerage provides for the use of pipe networks made from the following materials for installation:

  • polyethylene;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polypropylene;
  • steel;
  • asbestos cement;
  • cast iron;
  • reinforced concrete.

Polymer pipes

Cast iron pipes

Reinforced concrete pipes

In rare cases, when installing a network, pipes made of ceramics and glass are used; such materials are allowed by the rules.

Polymer products are the best choice when installing external utility networks. They have all the qualities that ensure reliable and long-term operation of the system:

  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • frost resistance;
  • high throughput due to smooth surface;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • durability.

Rules for installing sewer networks

Pipe diameter

The capacity of the free-flow network depends on the size of the pipes. Building codes determine the minimum diameter of pipes of a gravity engineering system:

  • street network – 200 mm;
  • autonomous sewerage – 110-150 mm;
  • intra-block – 150 mm;

The size of the rain and all-alloy street system is 250 mm, the intra-block system is 200 mm.


SNiP presents tables that determine the speed of movement of wastewater depending on the size of the pipeline or tray. These indicators help to avoid silting of sewer networks. The flow contains suspended particles, which, if the speed is insufficient, settle on the surface of the line.

Basic calculation data:

  • diameter 150-250 mm – 0.7 m/s;
  • 600-800 mm – 1 m/s;
  • more than 1500 mm – 1.5 m/s.

The lowest speed of movement of clarified waste through trays and pipes is 0.4 m/s. Maximum wastewater transportation speed:

  • through metal and plastic pipes – 8 m/s;
  • for concrete and reinforced concrete – 4 m/s.

For rainwater drainage, the indicators are:

  • metal and plastic pipes – 10 m/s;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete – 7 m/s.

Pipeline slope

One of the basic rules when laying a pipeline is compliance with the slope norm. For systems where the fluid moves under the influence of gravitational forces, this parameter is critical. The negative consequences of installation errors in the direction of decreasing or increasing the slope lead to improper functioning of the network, blockages and breakdowns.

Attention. The standard indicator is calculated per 1 linear meter of pipe.

For autonomous sewerage pipes that are smaller in size than central networks, the following standards apply:

In special conditions related to the terrain, a decrease in slope is allowed:

  • pipes 150 mm up to 0.008;
  • pipes 200 mm up to 0.007.

Storm water inlets are connected to the general system with a slope of 0.02.

Network depth

The minimum depth of the sewer pipeline depends on the thermal engineering calculation. The practice of operating utility networks in the area is also taken into account. The pipes are laid 0.3-0.5 m below the freezing point of the soil. The maximum depth depends on several factors:

  • pipe material;
  • type of soil;
  • pipeline diameter;
  • laying method.

Requirements for wells

Wells are an integral element of the sewer network, therefore the norms and rules for their installation are described in SNiP.


To inspect the pipeline, special elements are installed - inspection wells. Their installation is carried out in two cases:

  • at pipe joints;
  • at the section where the direction of the pipeline changes.

SNiP determines the diameters of wells depending on the size of the pipes:

  • main line up to 600 mm – well 1000 mm;
  • pipeline from 700 mm and more - pipe size + 400 mm in length and 500 mm in width.

Inspection well

On straight sections of the gravity network, inspection structures are located every 35 m, for medium-diameter mains (500-600 mm) - 75 m, for large pipes (1500-2000 mm) - 200 m. The working part of the structure is equipped with a hanging ladder for descent.

Storm drain

Storm drainage serves to quickly drain rain and melt water. It can be open, closed or mixed. An open network consists of trays and channels, a closed network consists of stormwater inlets and an underground pipeline, a mixed network is a combination of pipes and trays. To reduce the length of the system, the discharge is carried out into the nearest body of water or ravine.

When installing rainwater drainage systems, it is necessary to provide for the installation of structures for cleaning the most contaminated wastewater generated during rainstorms. For this purpose, sand traps, sedimentation tanks and filters are installed. It is also recommended to design the possibility of using purified rainwater for irrigation and industrial needs.

Wastewater treatment devices

Storm water inlets

Storm water inlets are installed on slopes, pedestrian crossings and intersections. It is allowed to connect house drainage pipes and drainage networks to them. There are models with vertical, horizontal and combined grilles. Depending on the slope of the street, the distance between elements ranges from 50 to 80 m.

SNiP 2.04.01-85*

Building codes

Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.

Internal cold and hot water supply systems


17. Internal sewerage networks

17.1. Wastewater discharge should be provided through closed gravity pipelines.

Note. Industrial wastewater that does not have an unpleasant odor and does not emit harmful gases and vapors, if this is caused by technological necessity, may be discharged through open gravity chutes with a common hydraulic seal.

17.2. Sections of the sewer network should be laid straight. Change the direction of laying the sewer pipeline and connect devices using connecting parts.

Note. It is not allowed to change the laying slope on the branch (horizontal) pipeline section.

17.3. Installing indents on sewer risers is not allowed if sanitary fixtures are connected below the indents.

17.4. To connect branch pipelines located under the ceiling of premises, in basements and technical undergrounds to the riser, oblique crosses and tees should be provided.

17.5. Bilateral connection of drain pipes from bathtubs to one riser at the same level is allowed only with the use of oblique crosses. It is not allowed to connect sanitary fixtures located in different apartments on the same floor to the same outlet pipeline.

17.6. It is not allowed to use straight crosses when positioned in a horizontal plane.

17.7. For sewerage systems, taking into account the requirements of strength, corrosion resistance, and savings in consumable materials, it is necessary to provide the following pipes:

for gravity systems - cast iron, asbestos-cement, concrete, reinforced concrete, plastic, glass;

for pressure systems - pressure cast iron, reinforced concrete, plastic, asbestos-cement.

17.8. Pipeline connecting parts should be taken in accordance with current state standards and technical specifications.

17.9. The laying of internal sewer networks should include:

openly - in undergrounds, basements, workshops, utility and auxiliary rooms, corridors, technical floors and in special rooms intended for placing networks, with fastening to building structures (walls, columns, ceilings, trusses, etc.), as well as on special supports;

hidden - with embedding in building structures of floors, under the floor (in the ground, channels), panels, wall grooves, under the cladding of columns (in attached boxes near the walls), in false ceilings, in sanitary cabins, in vertical shafts, under baseboards in the floor.

It is allowed to lay sewerage from plastic pipes in the ground, under the floor of the building, taking into account possible loads.

In multi-storey buildings for various purposes, when using plastic pipes for internal sewerage and drainage systems, the following conditions must be observed:

a) the laying of sewer and drainage risers should be provided hidden in installation communication shafts, culverts, channels and boxes, the enclosing structures of which, with the exception of the front panel providing access to the shaft, box, etc., must be made of fireproof materials;

b) the front panel should be made in the form of an opening door from combustible material when using pipes made of polyvinyl chloride and from a fire-resistant material when using pipes made from polyethylene.

Note. It is allowed to use combustible material for the front panel with polyethylene pipes, but the door must not open. To access fittings and inspections in this case, it is necessary to provide opening hatches with an area of ​​no more than 0.1 square meters with covers;

c) in the basements of buildings in the absence of industrial storage and office premises, as well as in the attics and bathrooms of residential buildings, the laying of sewer and drainage plastic pipelines may be provided openly;

d) the places where risers pass through the floors must be sealed with cement mortar to the entire thickness of the floor;

e) the section of the riser 8-10 cm above the ceiling (up to the horizontal outlet pipeline) should be protected with cement mortar 2-3 cm thick;

f) before sealing the riser with mortar, the pipes should be wrapped with rolled waterproofing material without a gap.

17.10. Laying internal sewer networks is not permitted:

under the ceiling, in the walls and in the floor of living rooms, bedrooms of children's institutions, hospital wards, treatment rooms, dining rooms, work rooms, administrative buildings, meeting rooms, auditoriums, libraries, classrooms, electrical switchboards and transformer rooms, automation control panels, supply ventilation chambers and industrial premises requiring special sanitary conditions;

under the ceiling (open or hidden) of kitchens, premises of public catering establishments, trading floors, warehouses for food products and valuable goods, lobbies, premises with valuable artistic decoration, industrial premises in places where industrial furnaces are installed, which are not allowed to get wet, premises, where valuable goods and materials are produced, the quality of which is reduced by moisture.

Note. In the premises of the supply ventilation chambers, drainage risers are allowed to pass through when they are placed outside the air intake zone.

17.11. The following should be connected to the sewer network with a flow break of at least 20 mm from the top of the receiving funnel:

technological equipment for the preparation and processing of food products;

equipment and sanitary appliances for washing dishes installed in public and industrial buildings;

drainage pipelines of swimming pools.

17.12. Domestic sewer risers located in the upper floors of buildings passing through public catering establishments should be provided in plastered boxes without installing revisions.

17.13. The laying of industrial wastewater pipelines in production and warehouse premises of public catering establishments, in premises for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale and in utility rooms of stores may be placed in boxes without installing revisions.

From industrial and domestic sewerage networks of shops and public catering establishments, it is allowed to connect two separate outlets into one well of the external sewerage network.

17.14. To prevent revisions on the risers during hidden installation, hatches should be provided with dimensions of at least 30x40 cm.

17.15. The laying of outlet pipelines from appliances installed in restrooms of administrative and residential buildings, sinks and sinks in kitchens, washbasins in medical rooms, hospital wards and other utility rooms should be provided above the floor; In this case, it is necessary to provide for cladding and waterproofing.

17.16. The laying of pipelines transporting aggressive and toxic wastewater under the floor should be provided in channels brought to the floor level and covered with removable slabs or, with appropriate justification, in walk-through tunnels.

17.17. For explosion- and fire-hazardous workshops, a separate industrial sewage system with separate outlets, ventilation risers and water seals should be provided on each of them, taking into account the requirements of safety regulations given in departmental standards.

Ventilation of the network must be provided through ventilation risers connected to the highest points of the pipelines.

It is not allowed to connect industrial sewerage systems transporting wastewater containing flammable and flammable liquids to the domestic sewerage network and drains.

17.18. Domestic and industrial sewerage networks that discharge wastewater into the external sewer network must be ventilated through risers, the exhaust part of which is discharged through the roof or prefabricated ventilation shaft of the building to a height, m:

from a flat unused roof.......... 0.3

" pitched roof........................ 0.5

"operated roof................... 3

"cut of the prefabricated ventilation shaft....... 0.1

Exhaust parts of sewer risers located above the roof should be placed from openable windows and balconies at a distance of at least 4 m (horizontally).

There is no need to provide wind vanes on ventilation risers.

17.19. It is not allowed to connect the exhaust part of sewer risers with ventilation systems and chimneys.

17.20. The diameter of the exhaust part of the sewer riser must be equal to the diameter of the waste part of the riser. It is allowed to combine several sewer risers at the top with one exhaust part. The diameter of the exhaust riser for a group of combined sewer risers, as well as the diameters of sections of the prefabricated ventilation pipeline combining sewer risers, should be taken in accordance with paragraphs. 18.6 and 18.10. The prefabricated ventilation pipeline connecting the sewer risers at the top should be provided with a slope of 0.01 towards the risers.

17.21. When wastewater flows through the sewer riser exceed those indicated in the table. 8, it is necessary to provide for the installation of an additional ventilation riser connected to the sewer riser through one floor. The diameter of the additional ventilation riser should be one size smaller than the diameter of the sewer riser.

The connection of an additional ventilation riser to the sewer riser should be provided from below the last lower fixture or from above - to the upward-directed branch of the oblique tee installed on the sewer riser above the sides of sanitary fixtures or audits located on this floor.

17.22. To monitor, if necessary, the movement of wastewater from process equipment on pipelines discharging wastewater or waste chilled water, a stream break should be provided or inspection lights should be installed.

17.23. On internal domestic and industrial sewerage networks, it is necessary to provide for the installation of inspections or cleanings:

on risers, if there are no indentations on them - in the lower and upper floors, and in the presence of indentations - also in the floors located above the indentations;

in residential buildings with a height of 5 floors or more - at least every three floors;

at the beginning of sections (along the movement of wastewater) of outlet pipes when the number of connected devices is 3 or more, under which there are no cleaning devices;

at network turns - when changing the direction of movement of wastewater, if sections of pipelines cannot be cleaned through other sections.

17.24. On horizontal sections of the sewerage network, the largest permissible distances between inspections or cleanings should be taken according to Table. 6.

Table 6

Distance, m, between inspections and cleanings
depending on the type of wastewater

Pipeline diameter, mm

production uncontaminated
and gutters

household and industrial, close to them

industrial, containing a large amount of suspended substances

Type of cleaning device



200 or more

Notes: 1. Instead of inspecting suspended lines of sewerage networks laid under the ceiling, it is necessary to provide for the installation of cleaning systems leading to the upper floor with a hatch in the floor or open, depending on the purpose of the room.

2. Inspections and cleanings must be installed in places convenient for their maintenance.

3. On underground sewerage pipelines, inspections should be installed in wells with a diameter of at least 0.7 m. The bottoms of the wells must have a slope of at least 0.05 to the inspection flange.

17.25. The minimum depth for laying sewer pipes should be taken from the condition of protecting the pipes from destruction under the influence of permanent and temporary loads.

Sewage pipelines laid in premises where mechanical damage is possible due to operating conditions must be protected, and sections of the network operated at subzero temperatures must be insulated.

In domestic premises, it is allowed to lay pipes at a depth of 0.1 m from the floor surface to the top of the pipe.

17.26. On industrial sewerage networks that discharge wastewater that is odorless and does not emit harmful gases and vapors, it is allowed to install inspection wells inside industrial buildings.

Inspection wells on the internal industrial sewerage network with a diameter of 100 mm or more should be provided at turns of pipelines, in places where slopes or diameters of pipes change, in places where branches are connected, as well as on long straight sections of pipelines at the distances given in SNiP 2.04.03-85.

In domestic sewerage networks, installation of inspection wells inside buildings is not allowed.

On industrial sewerage networks that emit odors, harmful gases and vapors, the possibility of installing wells and their design should be provided in accordance with departmental standards.

17.27. Sanitary fixtures, the sides of which are located below the level of the hatch of the nearest inspection well, must be connected to a separate sewerage system (isolated from the sewerage system of the premises located above) with a separate outlet device and the installation of a valve with an electrified drive on it, controlled automatically by a signal from a sensor installed on the pipeline in sewered basement, and sending an alarm signal to the duty room or control room.

Behind the electrified valve downstream of the water, it is allowed to connect the sewerage system of the upper floors, while installing inspections in the basement on the riser is not allowed.

Outlets from the sewerage network of basements should be provided with a slope of at least 0.02.

Canalized basements must be separated by solid solid walls from warehouses for storing food or valuable goods.

Note. It is permissible to install a valve with a manual drive, provided that maintenance personnel remain in the basement 24 hours a day.

17.28. The length of the outlet from the riser or cleaning to the axis of the inspection well should be no more than that indicated in the table. 7.

Table 7

17.29. The outlet diameter should be determined by calculation. It must be no less than the diameter of the largest of the risers connected to this outlet.

17.30. The outlets should be connected to the external network at an angle of at least 90° (calculated according to the movement of wastewater). At the sewer outlet, it is allowed to install differences:

up to 0.3 m - open - along a concrete spillway in a tray, entering with a smooth turn into the external sewer well;

over 0.3 m - closed - in the form of a riser with a cross-section not less than the cross-section of the supply pipeline.

17.31. When the outlet crosses the basement walls or building foundations, the measures specified in clause 9.7 should be carried out.

Approved and put into effect
By order of the Ministry
regional development
Russian Federation
(Ministry of Regional Development of Russia)
dated December 29, 2011 N 635/11



SNiP 2.04.03-85

Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants

SP 32.13330.2012


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, and the development rules are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 N 858 “On the procedure for the development and approval of sets of rules ".

Rulebook Details

1. Performers - LLC "ROSEKOSTROY", OJSC "National Research Center "Construction".
2. Introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction".
3. Prepared for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy.
4. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 29, 2011 N 635/11 and put into effect on January 1, 2013.
5. Registered by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of SP 32.13330.2010 "SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and structures."

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet.


The update was carried out by 000 "ROSEKOSTROY" and OJSC "National Research Center Construction", responsible executors: G.M. Mironchik, A.O. Dushko, L.L. Menkov, E.N. Zhirov, S.A. Kudryavtsev (ROSEKOSTROY LLC), M.I. Alekseev (SPbGASU), D.A. Danilovich (JSC "MosvodokanalNIIProekt"), R.Sh. Neparidze (Giprokommunvodokanal LLC), M.N. Sirota (JSC "TsNIIEP engineering equipment"), V.N. Shvetsov (JSC "NII VODGEO").

1. Scope of application

This set of rules establishes design standards for newly built and reconstructed external sewerage systems for permanent purposes, urban and industrial wastewater similar in composition, as well as storm sewerage.
This set of rules does not apply to sewerage systems of higher capacity (more than 300 thousand m3/day).

This set of rules contains references to the following regulatory documents:
SP 5.13130.2009. Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems are automatic. Design standards and rules
SP 12.13130.2009. Determination of the category of premises, buildings and outdoor installations according to explosion and fire hazards
SP 14.13330.2011 "SNiP II-7-81*. Construction in seismic areas"
SP 21.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.01.09-91. Buildings and structures in undermined areas and subsidence soils"
SP 25.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.02.04-88. Foundations and foundations on permafrost soils"
SP 28.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.03.11-85. Protection of building structures from corrosion"
SP 30.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.01-85*. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings"
SP 31.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.02-84*. Water supply. External networks and structures"
SP 38.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.06.04-82*. Loads and impacts on hydraulic structures (wave, ice and from ships)"
SP 42.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.07.01-89*. Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements"
SP 43.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.09.03-85. Constructions of industrial enterprises"
SP 44.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.09.04-87*. Administrative and domestic buildings"
SP 62.13330.2011 "SNiP 42-01-2002. Gas distribution systems"
SP 72.13330.2012 "SNiP 3.04.03-85. Protection of building structures and structures from corrosion"
SP 104.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.06.15-85. Engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding"

ConsultantPlus: note.
SP 131.13330.2011 mentioned in this document was subsequently approved and published with the number SP 131.13330.2012.

SP 131.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-01-99*. Construction climatology"
GOST R 50571.1-2009. Low voltage electrical installations
GOST R 50571.13-96. Electrical installations of buildings. Part 7. Requirements for special electrical installations. Section 706. Confined spaces with conductive floors, walls and ceilings
GOST R 50571.15-97. Electrical installations of buildings. Part 5. Selection and installation of electrical equipment. Chapter 52. Electrical wiring
GOST 12.1.005-88. System of occupational safety standards. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area
GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Use and protection of water. Basic terms and definitions
GOST 14254-96. Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
GOST 15150-69*. Machines, instruments and other technical products. Designs for various climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions regarding the impact of environmental climatic factors
GOST 19179-73. Hydrology of land. Terms and definitions
GOST 25150-82. Sewerage. Terms and definitions.
Note. When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the referenced material is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3. Terms and definitions

This set of rules uses terms and definitions in accordance with GOST, GOST 25150, GOST 19179, as well as terms with corresponding definitions given in Appendix A.

4. General provisions

4.1. The choice of schemes and sewerage systems for objects should be made taking into account the requirements for wastewater treatment, climatic conditions, terrain, geological and hydrological conditions, the existing situation in the drainage system and other factors.
4.2. When designing, it is necessary to consider the feasibility of cooperating sewage systems of objects, take into account the economic and sanitary assessments of existing structures, provide for the possibility of their use and intensification of their work.
4.3. Treatment of industrial and municipal wastewater may be carried out jointly or separately, depending on their nature and subject to maximum reuse.
4.4. Sewage projects for facilities, as a rule, must be linked to their water supply scheme, with mandatory consideration of the possibility of using treated wastewater and rainwater for industrial water supply and irrigation.
4.5. When choosing a sewerage scheme for industrial enterprises, it is necessary to consider:
the possibility of reducing the volume of contaminated wastewater generated in technological processes through the introduction of waste-free and water-free production, the installation of closed water management systems, the use of air cooling methods, etc.;
the possibility of local treatment of wastewater streams in order to extract individual components;
the possibility of consistent use of water in various technological processes with different requirements for its quality;
conditions for the discharge of industrial wastewater into water bodies or into the sewerage system of a populated area or other water user;
conditions for the removal and use of sediments and waste generated during wastewater treatment.
4.6. Combining industrial wastewater flows with various pollutants is permitted if it is feasible to treat them together.
In this case, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of chemical processes occurring in communications with the formation of gaseous or solid products.
4.7. When connecting the sewer networks of non-residential subscribers to the networks of a populated area, outlets with control wells located outside the subscribers’ territory should be provided.
It is necessary to provide devices for measuring the flow of discharged wastewater from each enterprise if the subscriber has a significantly open water balance, at least in the following cases:
if the subscriber is not connected to a centralized water supply system or has (or may have) water supply from several sources;
if during the production process more than 5% of the water consumed from the water supply is added or removed.
Combining industrial wastewater from several enterprises is allowed after the control well of each enterprise.
4.8. Industrial wastewater subject to joint disposal and treatment with domestic wastewater in a populated area must meet current requirements for the composition and properties of wastewater accepted into the sewerage system of a populated area.
Industrial wastewater that does not meet these requirements must be pre-treated. The degree of such treatment must be agreed upon with the organization (organizations) operating the sewerage system and treatment facilities of the settlement (or, in the absence of one, with the organization designing this sewerage system).
4.9. It is prohibited to provide for the discharge into water bodies of rain, melt and irrigation water that is not treated to established standards and that is diverted from residential areas and enterprise sites in an organized manner.
4.10. When designing treatment facilities for combined and semi-separate sewerage systems that carry out joint disposal of all types of wastewater for treatment, including surface runoff from residential areas and enterprise sites, one should be guided by the instructions of this set of rules, as well as other regulatory documents regulating the operation of these systems, including including regional ones.
4.11. The most contaminated part of the surface runoff, which is formed during periods of rainfall, melting snow and from washing road surfaces, should be discharged to treatment facilities, in an amount of at least 70% of the annual volume of runoff for residential areas and enterprise sites close to them in terms of pollution, and total volume of runoff from enterprise sites, the territory of which may be contaminated with specific substances with toxic properties or significant amounts of organic substances.
For most populated areas of the Russian Federation, these conditions are met when calculating treatment facilities to receive runoff from low-intensity, frequently recurring rains with a period of one-time excess of the calculated rain intensity of 0.05 - 0.1 year.
4.12. Surface wastewater from the territories of industrial zones, construction sites, warehouses, motor vehicles, as well as particularly contaminated areas located in residential areas of cities and towns (gasoline stations, parking lots, bus stations, shopping centers), before being discharged into storm drains or centralized sewers The public sewerage system must be treated at local treatment facilities.
4.13. When determining the conditions for the release of surface runoff from residential areas and enterprise sites into water bodies, one should be guided by the standards of the Russian Federation for the conditions for the discharge of urban wastewater.
The choice of a scheme for the disposal and treatment of surface runoff, as well as the design of treatment facilities, is determined by its qualitative and quantitative characteristics, discharge conditions and is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the technical feasibility of implementing a particular option and a comparison of technical and economic indicators.
4.14. When designing storm drainage structures for populated areas and industrial sites, it is necessary to consider the option of using treated wastewater for industrial water supply, watering or irrigation.
4.15. The main technical solutions used in projects and the order of their implementation must be justified by a technical and economic comparison of possible options, taking into account sanitary, hygienic and environmental requirements.
4.16. When designing sewerage networks and structures, progressive technical solutions, mechanization of labor-intensive work, automation of technological processes, industrialization of construction and installation work through the use of structures, structures and prefabricated products, etc. must be provided.
Energy saving measures should also be taken into account, as well as the maximum possible use of secondary energy resources from wastewater treatment plants, recycling of treated water and sludge.
It is necessary to ensure appropriate safety and sanitary and hygienic working conditions during operation and performance of preventive and repair work.
4.17. The location of sewerage facilities and the passage of communications, as well as the conditions and places of release of treated wastewater and surface runoff into water bodies must be agreed upon with local authorities, organizations carrying out state sanitary supervision and protection of fish stocks, as well as with other bodies, in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation, and places of release into navigable water bodies and seas - with the relevant authorities of the river and sea fleet.
4.18. The reliability of the sewerage system is characterized by maintaining the required design capacity and degree of wastewater treatment when changing (within certain limits) wastewater flow rates and the composition of pollutants, the conditions for their discharge into water bodies, in conditions of power outages, possible accidents on communications, equipment and structures, scheduled repair work, situations related to special natural conditions (seismicity, soil subsidence, permafrost, etc.).
4.19. To ensure uninterrupted operation of the sewerage system, the following measures should be taken:
appropriate reliability of power supply to sewerage facilities (two independent sources, backup autonomous power plant, batteries, etc.);
duplication of communications, installation of bypass lines and bypasses, switching on parallel pipelines, etc.;
installation of emergency (buffer) tanks with subsequent pumping out of them in normal mode;
sectioning of parallel operating structures, with a number of sections that provide the necessary and sufficient efficiency when one of them is turned off for repair or maintenance;
reservation of working equipment for one purpose;
ensuring the necessary reserve power, throughput, capacity, strength, etc. equipment and structures (determined by technical and economic calculations);
determination of the permissible reduction in system capacity or efficiency of wastewater treatment in emergency situations (in agreement with supervisory authorities).
The application of the above measures should be considered during the design, taking into account the responsibility of the object.
4.20. Sanitary protection zones from sewerage structures to the boundaries of residential buildings, areas of public buildings and food industry enterprises, taking into account their future expansion, should be adopted in accordance with sanitary standards, and cases of deviation from them must be agreed with the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

5. Estimated costs of urban wastewater.
Hydraulic calculation of sewer networks.
Specific costs, unevenness coefficients
and estimated wastewater flow rates

5.1. General instructions

5.1.1. When designing sewerage systems in populated areas, the calculated specific average daily (per year) drainage of domestic wastewater from residential buildings should be taken equal to the calculated specific average daily (per year) water consumption in accordance with SP 31.13330 without taking into account water consumption for watering territories and green spaces.
5.1.2. Specific drainage for determining the estimated wastewater flows from individual residential and public buildings, if it is necessary to take into account concentrated costs, should be taken in accordance with SP 30.13330.
5.1.3. The amount of wastewater from industrial enterprises and the coefficients of unevenness of their inflow should be determined by technological data with an analysis of the water balance in terms of possible water circulation and reuse of wastewater, in the absence of data - by aggregated rates of water consumption per unit of product or raw material or according to data from similar enterprises.
From the total amount of wastewater from enterprises, costs incurred in the sewer system of a populated area or other water user should be distinguished.
5.1.4. Specific water disposal in unsewered areas should be 25 l/day per inhabitant.
5.1.5. The estimated average daily wastewater flow in a populated area should be determined as the sum of costs established according to 5.1.1 - 5.1.4.
The amount of wastewater from local industrial enterprises serving the population, as well as unaccounted expenses, is allowed (with justification) to be taken additionally in the amount of 6 - 12% and 4 - 8%, respectively, of the total average daily water disposal of the settlement (with appropriate justification).
5.1.6. Estimated daily wastewater flow rates should be taken as the product of the average daily (per year) flow rate according to 5.1.5 and the daily unevenness coefficients adopted in accordance with SP 31.13330.
5.1.7. The estimated total maximum and minimum wastewater flow rates, taking into account daily, hourly and intra-hourly unevenness, should be determined based on the results of computer modeling of wastewater disposal systems, taking into account the schedules of wastewater inflow from buildings, residential areas, industrial enterprises, the length and configuration of networks, the presence of pumping stations, etc. etc., or according to the actual water supply schedule during the operation of similar facilities.
In the absence of the specified data, it is allowed to accept general coefficients (maximum and minimum) according to Table 1.

Table 1

Estimated total maximum and minimum costs
wastewater taking into account daily, hourly
and intrahour irregularities

Overall coefficient
uneven inflow
wastewater Average wastewater consumption, l/s
5 10 20 50 100 300 500 1000 5000
and more
Maximum at 1%
security 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.75 1.7 1.6
Minimum at 1%
security 0.2 0.23 0.26 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.51 0.56
Maximum at 5%
security 2.5 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.55 1.5 1.47 1.44
Minimum at 5%
security 0.38 0.46 0.5 0.55 0.59 0.62 0.66 0.69 0.71
Notes 1. General wastewater inflow coefficients given in
table, it is allowed to accept the amount of industrial waste
water not exceeding 45% of the total consumption.
2. With average wastewater flow rates less than 5 l/s, the maximum
the unevenness coefficient is assumed to be 3.
3. 5% coverage suggests a possible increase
(decrease) consumption on average 1 time per day, 1% - 1 time per
for 5 - 6 days.

5.1.8. Estimated costs for networks and structures when supplying wastewater by pumps should be taken equal to the productivity of pumping stations.
5.1.9. When designing drainage communications and wastewater treatment facilities, the technical and economic feasibility and sanitary and hygienic possibility of averaging the estimated wastewater flow rates should be considered.
5.1.10. Sewerage structures must be designed to pass the total estimated maximum flow (determined according to 5.1.7) and additional influx of surface and groundwater, unorganizedly entering gravity sewer networks through leaks in well hatches and due to groundwater infiltration.
The amount of additional inflow, l/s, is determined on the basis of special surveys or operating data of similar objects, and in their absence - according to the formula

where L is the total length of gravity pipelines to the calculated structure (pipeline site), km;
- the value of the maximum daily precipitation, mm (according to SP 131.13330).
A verification calculation of gravity pipelines and channels with a cross section of any shape for the passage of increased flow must be carried out at a filling height of 0.95.

5.2. Hydraulic calculation of sewer networks

5.2.1. Hydraulic calculations of sewer gravity pipelines (troughs, channels) should be performed for the calculated maximum second wastewater flow rate according to tables, graphs and nomograms. The main requirement when designing gravity collectors is to skip the calculated flow rates at self-cleaning speeds of transported wastewater.
5.2.2. Hydraulic calculations of pressure sewer pipelines should be carried out in accordance with SP 31.13330.
5.2.3. Hydraulic calculations of pressure pipelines transporting raw and fermented sludge, as well as activated sludge, should be made taking into account the traffic mode, physical properties and compositional features of the sludge. At a humidity of 99% or more, the sludge obeys the laws of movement of waste liquid.
5.2.4. Hydraulic slope i when calculating pressure sludge pipelines with a diameter of 150 - 400 mm is determined by the formula

where is sediment moisture, %;
V - sediment movement speed, m/s;
D - pipeline diameter, m;
- pipeline diameter, cm;
- friction resistance coefficient along the length, determined by the formula

For pipelines with a diameter of 150 mm, the value should be increased by 0.01.

5.3. Smallest pipe diameters

5.3.1. The smallest diameters of gravity pipes should be taken, mm:
for the street network - 200, intra-block network, domestic and industrial sewerage network - 150;
for rain street network - 250, intra-block - 200.
The smallest diameter of pressure sludge pipelines is 150 mm.
Notes 1. In populated areas with a wastewater flow rate of up to 300 m3/day, pipes with a diameter of 150 mm are allowed for the street network.
2. For a production network, with appropriate justification, the use of pipes with a diameter of less than 150 mm is allowed.

5.4. Design speeds and fillings of pipes and channels

5.4.1. In order to avoid siltation of sewer networks, the design speeds of movement of wastewater should be taken depending on the degree of filling of pipes and channels and the size of suspended solids contained in the wastewater.
The minimum speeds of movement of wastewater in domestic and storm sewer networks at the highest design filling of pipes should be taken according to Table 2.

Table 2

Estimated minimum wastewater flow rates
depending on the highest degree of filling of the pipes
in the network of domestic and storm sewerage

│ Diameter, mm │ Velocity V, m/s, when filling H/D │
│ │ min │
│ ├───────────┬───────────┬───────────┬───────────┤
│ │ 0,6 │ 0,7 │ 0,75 │ 0,8 │

│150 - 250 │ 0,7 │ - │ - │ - │
│300 - 400 │ - │ 0,8 │ - │ - │
│450 - 500 │ - │ - │ 0,9 │ - │
│600 - 800 │ - │ - │ 1,0 │ - │
│900 │ - │ - │ 1,10 │ - │
│1000 - 1200 │ - │ - │ - │ 1,20 │
│1500 │ - │ - │ - │ 1,30 │
│St. 1500 │ - │ - │ - │ 1.50 │
│ Notes. 1. For industrial wastewater, the lowest speeds│
│accept in accordance with construction design guidelines│
│enterprises of individual industries or operational ones│
│data. │
│ 2. For industrial wastewater similar in nature to suspended water│
│substances for household waste, take the lowest speeds as for household waste│
│water │
│ 3. For rainwater drainage at P = 0.33 years, the lowest speed│
│take 0.6 m/s. │

5.4.2. The minimum design speed of movement of clarified or biologically treated wastewater in trays and pipes is allowed to be 0.4 m/s.
The highest design speed of movement of wastewater should be taken, m/s: for metal and plastic pipes - 8 m/s, for non-metallic (concrete, reinforced concrete and chrysotile cement) - 4 m/s, for rainwater drainage - 10 and 7 m/s, respectively .
5.4.3. The design speed of movement of unclarified wastewater in siphons must be taken to be at least 1 m/s, while in places where wastewater approaches the siphon, the speeds should be no more than the speed in the siphon.
5.4.4. The lowest calculated speeds of movement of raw and fermented sludge, as well as compacted activated sludge in pressure sludge pipelines should be taken according to Table 3.

Table 3

Estimated minimum speeds for raw materials
and fermented sediments, as well as compacted
activated sludge in pressure sludge pipelines

│ Sediment humidity, % │ V , m/s, at │
│ │ min │
│ ├───────────────────────┬───────────────────────┤
│ │ D = 150 - 200 mm │ D = 250 - 400 mm │

│ 98 │ 0,8 │ 0,9 │
│ 97 │ 0,9 │ 1,0 │
│ 96 │ 1,0 │ 1,1 │
│ 95 │ 1,1 │ 1,2 │
│ 94 │ 1,2 │ 1,3 │
│ 93 │ 1,3 │ 1,4 │
│ 92 │ 1,4 │ 1,5 │
│ 91 │ 1,7 │ 1,8 │
│ 90 │ 1,9 │ 2,1 │

5.4.5. The highest speeds of movement of rainwater and industrial wastewater allowed to be discharged into reservoirs in canals should be taken according to Table 4.

Table 4

The highest speeds of rain and permissible
to the discharge of industrial wastewater into reservoirs in canals

│ Soil or type of channel fastening │Highest speed of movement in channels, │
│ │ m/s, at a flow depth of 0.4 to 1 m │

│Fixing with concrete slabs │ 4 │
│Limestones, medium sandstones │ 4 │
│Turning: │ │
│ flat │ 1 │
│ against the wall │ 1.6 │
│Paving: │ │
│ single │ 2 │
│ double │ 3 - 3.5 │
│ Note. At a flow depth of less than 0.4 m, velocity values│
│wastewater movement is taken with a coefficient of 0.85; at depths above│
│1 m - with a coefficient of 1.24. │

5.4.6. The calculated filling of pipelines and channels of any cross-section (except rectangular) should be taken to be no more than 0.7 diameter (height).
The calculated filling of channels with a rectangular cross-section is allowed to be no more than 0.75 times the height.
For rainwater drainage pipelines, it is allowed to be completely filled, including for short-term wastewater discharges.

5.5. Slopes of pipelines, channels and trays

5.5.1. The smallest slopes of pipelines and channels should be taken depending on the permissible minimum speeds of wastewater movement.
The smallest pipeline slopes for all sewerage systems should be taken for pipes with diameters: 150 mm - 0.008; 200 mm - 0.007.
Depending on local conditions, with appropriate justification, for individual sections of the network it is allowed to accept slopes for pipes with diameters: 200 mm - 0.005; 150 mm - 0.007.
The slope of the connection from storm water inlets should be taken as 0.02.
5.5.2. In an open rainwater network, the smallest slopes of roadway trays, ditches and drainage ditches should be taken according to Table 5.

Table 5

The smallest slopes of the roadway trays,
ditches and drainage ditches

Name Minimum slope
Trays covered with asphalt concrete 0.003
Trays covered with paving stones or crushed stone 0.004
Cobblestone pavement 0.005
Separate trays and cuvettes 0.006
Drainage ditches 0.003
Polymer, polymer concrete trays 0.001 - 0.005

5.5.3. The smallest dimensions of ditches and ditches of trapezoidal cross-section are: bottom width - 0.3 m; depth - 0.4 m.

6. Sewer networks and structures on them

6.1. General instructions

6.1.1. Gravity (non-pressure) sewerage networks are designed, as a rule, in one line.
Notes 1. When laying gravity sewer collectors in parallel, the installation of bypass pipelines in separate sections (where possible) should be considered to ensure their repair in emergency situations.
2. It is allowed to transfer into emergency tanks (with subsequent pumping) or, in agreement with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities, into rain collectors equipped with treatment facilities at the outlets. When overflowing into rain collectors, valves must be provided that must be sealed.

6.1.2. The reliability of the operation of free-flow sewerage networks (collectors) is determined by the corrosion resistance of the material of the pipes (channels) and butt joints to both the transported wastewater and the gaseous environment in the above-water space.
6.1.3. The location of networks on master plans, as well as the minimum distances in plan and at intersections from the outer surface of pipes to structures and utilities must be taken in accordance with SP 42.13330.
6.1.4. Pressure sewerage pipelines should be designed taking into account the characteristics of the transported waste liquid (aggressiveness, increased content of suspended particles, etc.). It is necessary to provide additional measures and design solutions to ensure prompt repair or replacement of pipeline sections during operation, as well as the use of appropriate non-clogging pipeline fittings.
The removal of wastewater from the area being emptied during repairs should be provided without discharge into a water body - into a special container with subsequent pumping into the sewer network or removal by tanker truck.
6.1.5. The design of deep-seated collectors laid by shield tunneling or the mining method must be carried out in accordance with SP 43.13330.
6.1.6. Ground and above-ground laying of sewer pipelines in populated areas is not permitted.
When laying sewer pipelines outside populated areas and on the sites of industrial enterprises, ground or above-ground laying of pipelines is allowed, ensuring the necessary requirements for operational reliability and safety precautions, taking into account the strength characteristics of the pipe when exposed to wind loads on its supports, etc.
6.1.7. The material of pipes and channels used in sewerage systems must be resistant to the influence of both transported waste liquid and gas corrosion in the upper part of the collectors.
In order to prevent gas corrosion, appropriate protection of pipes and measures to prevent the formation of aggressive environments should be provided (network ventilation, exclusion of stagnant zones, etc.).
6.1.8. The type of pipe base must be taken depending on the bearing capacity of the soil and loads, as well as the strength characteristics of the pipe. Backfilling of pipelines must take into account the load-bearing capacity and deformation of the pipe.

6.2. Turns, connections and depth of pipelines

6.2.1. Connections and turns on collectors should be provided in wells.
The radius of the tray rotation curve must be taken to be no less than the diameter of the pipe; on collectors with a diameter of 1200 mm or more - at least five diameters with the installation of inspection wells at the beginning and end of the curve.
6.2.2. The angle between the connected and discharge pipes must be at least 90°.
Note. When connecting with a difference, any angle between the connected and discharge pipelines is allowed.

6.2.3. Connections of pipelines of different diameters in wells should be provided along the pipe shells. When justified, it is allowed to connect pipes according to the calculated water level.
6.2.4. The minimum depth of sewer pipelines must be determined by thermal engineering calculations or taken based on the experience of operating networks in the given area.
In the absence of data, the minimum depth of the pipeline tray can be taken for pipes with a diameter of up to 500 mm - 0.3 m, and for pipes with a larger diameter - 0.5 m less than the greater depth of penetration into the ground at zero temperature, but not less than 0.7 m to the top pipes, counting from the surface of the ground or layout (to avoid damage by ground transport).
6.2.5. The maximum depth of pipes is determined by calculation depending on the material of the pipes, their diameter, soil conditions, and method of work.