The concept of social progress. Social progress, its criteria and features in modern conditions. Philosophical view on the development of society

14.1. Theories of social change. 14.2. Process. 14.3. Modernization.

14.4. Social progress concept

Basic concepts: social change, social field, process, modernization, rationality, social progress

Until now, we have considered relatively stable social phenomena that do not seem to change over time. However, it is absolutely obvious that everything in the world is changing, and this stability is only our theoretical assumption necessary for their purely scientific analysis. In this section you will become acquainted with sociological theories, the creators of which are trying to study society as a mobile, continuously changing substance.

14.1. Theories social change

Attempts to interpret social reality as a continuously ongoing social change have been made by sociologists since ancient times. Currently, there are a number of theories that have different understandings of the essence of social changes, their driving forces and social consequences. Let's look at some of these theories.

Social conflict theory (K. Marx, R. Dahrendorf) is based on the fact that the main source of social change is tense situations between competing groups. According to K. Marx ()