Scenario of the festival of national cultures. Scenario "Festival of Peoples. Tatars" Scenario for amateur performances in Tatar

Presenter 1:Good afternoon! We are starting the Festival of National Cultures of the Peoples of Russia

Presenter 2 On our big, blue planet Earth there is the most wonderful country in the world - Russia! Russia is a multinational country. In total, people of 160 nationalities live in the country, 23 nations numbering over 400,000 each.

Presenter 1.And children of various nationalities study at our school. And for all of us, Russia is the Motherland, despite the differences in national culture, faith, language and traditions.

Friendship of peoples is not just words,
The friendship of peoples is forever alive.
Friendship of peoples - happy children,
Ear of corn in the field and strength in bloom

Presenter 2

At our festival today, participants will introduce us to their national culture and delight us with their talents. Well, since this is a competitive program, there must be a fair jury that will evaluate the merits of all the performers on this stage.

Presenter 1

Students’ performances are assessed by a competent jury consisting of:




Presenter 2

Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars and Armenians,
We are black, and blond, and dark, and white.
In Russia - on our native land,
We all live as a big and friendly family.

Presenter 1

Oh, Armenia, you are the decoration of the planet -
You have been sung by poets a thousand times.
You are like a dream of a divine miracle.
You are inhabited by beautiful people,
Their skin is dark and their eyes are shining.
Armenian nights are full of aromas,
Armenian days are like a handful of gems.
There is sun, there are mountains, there is eternal summer.
Presenter 2 We invite 9th grade to the stage (class teacher Natalya Nikolaevna Kapralova)

(9th grade performing)

Presenter 1 Our festival in a single round dance

    1. People from all sides will gather here
    2. Dear people's land,
    3. What we call homeland with you.

Presenter 2 Different peoples have lived in Russia for a long time. Some like the taiga, others like the expanse of the steppe.

Each nation has its own language and dress.

One wears a Circassian coat. The other one put on a robe.

One is a fisherman from birth. The other is a reindeer herder.

One is preparing kumiss. The other one prepares honey.

Presenter1 Ukraine is a country of soulful lyrical songs, the birthplace of Nikolai Gogol and Taras Shevchenko. The culture of Ukraine has ancient roots.

Presenter 2 Oh, how beautiful UKRAINE is!

Her Taurian fields,

Its meadows, forests, hillocks

And fertile land.

We invite 8th grade to the stage (class teacher Olga Vladimirovna Pestova)

(8th grade performs)

Presenter 1 How many of us, non-Russians, does Russia have?
And Tatar and other blood,
The names of those who bear them are not simple,
But ordinary Russian sons!
Let others not favor us,
But forever - neither tomorrow, nor now -
It is impossible to separate us from Russia -
The homeland is unthinkable without us!..

Presenter 2. We invite 8th grade to the stage (class teacher Sulaeva Svetlana Nikolaevna) who will introduce us to the culture of the Kazakh people

(8th grade performing)

Presenter 2 Jews lived in harmony with Russians in ancient times,

Evidence - morals, habits, vocabulary.

And we became close friends with the Russian people for a long time,

They stand together in all trials.

Such kinship can never be forgotten -

We are tightly connected by a thread of history!

Fortunately - with any people on an equal basis -

We have the right in our native country!

Presenter 1 We invite 11th grade to the stage (class teacher Olga Petrovna Razumova)

(11th grade performing)

Presenter 2 For a number of centuries, Gypsies remained a kind of mystery to science. Centuries have passed since they left their ancient homeland and scattered throughout the world. Gypsies are the collective name for about 80 ethnic groups, united by a common origin and recognition of the “Gypsy law”.

Presenter 1 At the river mouth there are colorful tents.
The horses were hobbled and fires were lit.

It’s strange to meet a free camp under the trees -
With the ancient nomads of the living gypsies!

Presenter 2 We invite 10th grade to the stage (class teacher Anna Vladimirovna Glebova)

(10th grade performing)

Presenter 1 Russia! Rus! My native country!

I share pure love with you,

You are the only one who is forever sacred to me.

I bow to you low to the waist.

Presenter 2 You have raised many generations,

You always led the people,

You believed with all your heart without a doubt,

She did good deeds with people.

Presenter 1 We are Tatars and Russians, Georgians and Karelians.

We are black and blond, We are dark and white,

We are schoolchildren of the same age, good friends!

We live in Russia together - We have one family!

Presenter 2 Our Festival ends with 9th grade (class teacher Irina Valerievna Kosycheva). The guys introduce us to Russian national culture (9th grade performs)

Presenter 1 Tolerance is a foreign word,

But it’s been clear to everyone for a long time,

Be tolerant of the distant or the strange,

Detached, as if in a movie.

We're not talking about indifference here.

And no one talks about callousness.

Delicacy and patience towards the living

Close by, it won't hurt us at all.

Presenter 2:

Be tolerant of everything else:

To faith, views, thoughts and clothes

And then, perhaps, it is clear to everyone,

Quiet hope will glimmer.

That we can live so different,

In this world of perpetual motion

And to gain tolerance

You just need a feeling of respect.

Presenter 1 We thank everyone who took part in our event. We are waiting for the jury's decision

Jury table


Compliance of the content with the given topic;

Style decision;

Musical arrangement;

Artistry, sincerity, connection with the audience, simplicity, active position of the performer;

Stage culture, props, costumes, matching musical material

Performance culture (participant’s appearance, aesthetics)

Presenter: Good afternoon dear friends! It is no coincidence that we have gathered today. Today we have a big holiday - International Mother Language Day. And in this hall representatives of different nationalities gathered to sing the praises of their great native language.

Each nation has its own characteristics, traditions, and culture. All this distinguishes each nation from each other. This is what makes people proud of their language.

It has become a good tradition in our kindergarten to celebrate Mother Language Day, where pupils of each nationality fascinate us with the culture of their people and envelop us in the warm air of friendship. After all, our republic is the most multinational in Russia.

And I will be the first to invite representatives of Tatar nationality to join us.

1 point . Hәerle kөn, isәnmesez kaderle kunaklar!

2 points. Isanmesez diep suz bashlyimyn

Tanyshular shulai bashlana.

Isanmesez diep suz bashlasam

Bakhetem arta, kүңlem shatlana.

3 points: Without Tatarlars! Shushi isem belan

Җirdә yashәү үze ber bәkhet,

Yashibez without bu җirda

Bar halyklar belen berlishep!

Presenter: Rәkhmat. Representatives of Russian nationality are invited.

1 child. Good afternoon dear friends!

2nd child. Hello, dear parents!

3 child. Our Tatarstan

Famous for friendship

We should live in Tatarstan

I really like it.

1 child. Today is a good day for us

Everyone around is having fun

They dance and clap their hands

Well, we are not lagging behind.

Leading: Thank you. And I invite the next nationality. Meet the baptized Tatars.

1 child: Isanmesez, kaderle kunaklar!

2nd child: Salam, duslar!

3rd child: Duslar bulyp yashik gөrlәp

Ohshash bezneң tellur, gadatlar

Tynychlyk һәm duslyk chәchәk atsyn

Urtak bezneң җirdә telәklәr.

Leading: Thank you. Representatives of Udmurt nationality are invited

1 child : Zech bures, gazhano eshos!

2nd child. Shundy sweat, shundy sweat

Military nanny is very reliable,

Syaska derem kuzmalo.

Shundy-mummy, sweat, sweat,

Pilem-uncle, cat, cat.

Leading : Thanks everyone. The great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai was right when he wrote:

We sang songs with the people of Russia

There is something common in our everyday life and morality,

Years passed one after another -

We joked, we always worked together

Our friendship cannot be broken forever.

We are strung on a single thread.

People's memory stores a thousand melodies. They are the priceless heritage of our ancestors. Every nation is rich in songs. In the old days they said, “Where many songs are sung, life is fun.” And the Tatar folk music page openssong “Ommegolsem”

Presenter : Rәkhmat. The next word is given to the Russians.

Song "In the Blacksmith"

Presenter: Thank you. Meet the baptized Tatars.

Song “Argy yaktan kildenme”

Presenter: Thank you. Now let’s listen to an Udmurt folk song

Song "Kinyos lyktilyam"

Presenter: Well done! Dance is a special kind of art. It reflects feelings; through dance we understand the world. Dancing is also an excellent cure for many diseases, blues and boredom. It's time for folk dancing.

Your attention Tatar folk dance

Presenter: Thank you. MeetRussian folk dance.

Presenter: Well done. For you Tatar-Kryashen dance “Chyn-chyn әitemen”

Presenter : Rәkhmat. And ends the dance page

Udmurt folk dance

Presenter: Thank you everyone for the wonderful dance performance

Magic wand, please

Let us in through the gates, open up miracles.

My friend, wand, look

Don't lead us and the children down!

Games are ahead of us.

Let's play Tatar folk game “Tubәtay”

Russian folk game “Burn, burn, clear”

Folk game of baptized Tatars “Plague Urdak, Plague Kaz”

Udmurt folk game “Water”

Presenter: Tatarstan is a multinational republic. In this regard, culinary traditions are very diverse. Every nation has its own culinary traditions. And today we will see what our guests will delight us with..

Tatars: Chak-chak is a symbol of the hospitality of the Tatar people and a sweet gift for any occasion. After celebrating the millennium of our capital, almost the whole world learned about this wonderful, delicious delicacy. On the one hand, it symbolizes “sunny Tatarstan” with its bright color, on the other – the cordiality, friendliness and unity of the Tatar people, and all peoples living on the fertile land. However, the most important thing in any dish is the taste. As they say, it's better to try once. Bon appetit!

Russians: Pelmeni is a traditional Russian dish, hearty and tasty. There are many recipes for making dumplings, which differ in size, filling, and cooking method. But classic dumplings are a win-win option, simple and tasty, a way to feed the whole family. Dumplings are a mysterious and almost magical dish; it is no coincidence that in some areas dumplings were called sorcerers. Learning how to cook them is quite simple, just like becoming a connoisseur and a real dumpling gourmet. Believe me. the taste of real dumplings is worth it

Baptized Tatars: The national cuisine of baptized Tatars is rich in its cultural traditions, dating back centuries. Over the centuries-old history, unique customs of national cuisine have developed, which have retained their popularity to this day. Tabikmek is the national dish of baptized Tatars. Traditional tabikmek is a lean flatbread stuffed with mashed potatoes or millet milk porridge, generously greased with butter. It is very tasty and satisfying, can be served as an independent main dish, and good for breakfast with sweet tea. Bon appetit!

Udmurts: The cuisine of Udmurtia is rich in its national traditions. A pronounced national flavor of Udmuurt cuisine is given by milk-flour mixtures, which are baked with the addition of meat, mushroom or vegetable fillings. A striking example of this is perepechas - dough baskets with various fillings. Perepechi in Udmurtia are considered a festive dish. They are prepared for a big guest, on a celebration or holidays. This dish is only served hot, straight from the oven, because they are prepared in front of the oven in the old fashioned way, hence the name rebake.


Tөrle-tөrle telә soylәshsәk tә

Tөrle-tөrle millәt bulsak ta

Tik ber beznen tugan ilebez

Shunda dus һәm tattoo yashibez


Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars and Armenians,

We are black, and blond, and dark, and white

In Tatarstan on our native land

We all live as a big and friendly family.

Baptized Tatars:

Friendship of peoples is not just words

The friendship of peoples is forever alive.

Friendship of peoples, happy children,

The ear is in the field and strength is in full bloom.


There are few of us Udmurts,

Our Motherland is small.

But today is our road

Wide as the Kama River.

Presenter : Today we saw how children of different nationalities sing and dance. They speak different languages, but they all love their home, family, their homeland, they want to live fun, friendly and peacefully.And we will finish our holiday “Round dance of friendship.”

Scenario of the Festival of the Peoples of Russia

“We are different, we are together, Russia is our common home”

Presenter 1:

I love you, Russia!

I want you to bloom!

Presenter 2:

Like a bird in the blue sky,

Having opened two wings,

You warmed half the planet -

A hundred nations! A hundred tribes!

Presenter 1: We are your own children

Presenter 2: Let the sky turn blue!

Presenter 1:

Germans, Russians, Bashkirs,

And Kazakhs and Mordovians,

We live in a good world

Like leaves on a tree.

Presenter 2:

And dozens more different

Nations, villages and cities!

Presenter 1: This day is our common holiday!

Presenter 2: This region is our common home!

Presenter 1:

Our common home is called Russia -
Let everyone be comfortable in it,
We will overcome any difficulties together,
Our unity is our strength

Performance by the teachers' choir with the song "Khokhloma"

Presenter: 1

Hello, dear friends! Today there is a holiday at our school - the festival of the peoples of Russia. Russia is a multinational country. In total, people of 160 nationalities live in the country, 23 nations numbering over 400,000 each.

Presenter: 2

These are Russians (115,869,000 people - 80% of the country's population), Tatars (5,558,000), Ukrainians (2,943,500), Bashkirs (1,673,800), Chuvash (1,637,200), Chechens (1,361,000), Armenians (1,130,200), Mordovians (844,500), Belarusians (814,700), Avars (757,100), Kazakhs (655,100), Udmurts (636,900), Azerbaijanis (621,500), Mari (604,800), Germans (597,100), Kabardians (520,100 ) , Ossetians (514,900), Dargins (510,200), Buryats (445,300), Yakuts (444,000), Kumyks (422,500), Ingush (411,800), Lezgins (411,600).

Presenter 1
At the same time, there are 60 small peoples, of which 39 are northern. The total number of indigenous peoples is 500,000 people, including the northern ones - 200,000. About 140 thousand residents of Russia call themselves Cossacks. We have 11 peoples of Russia represented at the festival.

Presenter 2

Friendship of peoples is not just words,
The friendship of peoples is forever alive.
Friendship of peoples - happy children,
Ear of corn in the field and strength in bloom

Presenter 1

Russians, Tatars, Adygeis and Armenians,
We are black, and blond, and dark, and white.
In Russia - on our native land,
We all live as a big and friendly family.

Presenter 2. It is up to our esteemed jury to evaluate the performances of our guys.

    Zharenova Tamara Nikolaevna -director of our school, honored teacher R.F.

    - Deputy Director for Educational Work.

    Perfilova Yulia Vyacheslavovna -Deputy Director for Research.

    Filatova Irina Genadyevna - Deputy Head of the City of Lakinsk

    Zharenov Nikita Evgenievich -teacher-organizer

    Gogoleva Vera Genadyevna - social teacher

    Rodichkina Olga Vladimirovna - librarian

    Alekseeva Olga Nikolaevna - Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

Presenter1: In the competition estimated:

Compliance of the content with the given topic;

Style decision;

Musical arrangement;

Artistry, sincerity, connection with the audience, simplicity, active position of the performer;

Performance culture (participant’s appearance, aesthetics);

Preserving traditions.

Stage culture, props, costumes, matching musical material

Presenter 2:

Culture is what justifies the existence of a people and a nation, it is the shrine of the nation, which it collects and preserves. Today we will get acquainted with different national cultures.

Presenter 1:

Russia! Rus! My native country,

You are the only one who is sacred to me forever,

I bow low to you.

She led her friendly people,

You believed them with your heart without a doubt,

She did good deeds with people!

Presenter 2: We start our festival with a presentation of Russian culture

Presenter 1:

We are Tatars and Russians,

Georgians and Karelians.

We are black and blond,

We are dark and white

We are schoolchildren of the same age

Good friends!

We live in Russia together -

We have one family!

Presenter 2:

Tatar land...

We can't count your traditions.

We don't know any other land

Where would they also be revered.

Tatar national culture is represented by students_______________

Speech by _____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

Armenia, beautiful country,
There is a great mountain there
And the lake is where the water is as clear as the blue sky.

There is a bright country in the world,
It's full of wonderful days there.

Presenter 2:

Armenian people are one of the most ancient modern peoples. The Armenian nation is represented by students________________

Speech by _____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:
Uzbekistan, star of the East -
Country of smiles, songs, light.
It's so sad and lonely in the distance
Without the hot kisses of summer!

Presenter 2:

_______________________ will introduce us to the culture of Uzbekistan

Speech by _____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

Who lived and grew up in Kyrgyzstan,
He will never forget
In spring - blooming tulips,
And the taste of a river spring. :

Presenter 2:

Meet us! Students __________________ will introduce us to the people of Kyrgyzstan.

Speech by _____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

How many of us, non-Russians, does Russia have?
And Tatar and other blood,
The names of those who bear them are not simple,
But ordinary Russian sons!
Let others not favor us,
But forever - neither tomorrow, nor now -
It is impossible to separate us from Russia -
The homeland is unthinkable without us!..

Presenter 2:

When the Almighty distributed the land,

Tajiks drank tea.

But we realized

Someone came running first:

“Where is ours?”

“Here’s what’s left – take it!”

Others came here too:

“Where are the meadows, fields, where is the forest?”

Yes, there is essentially no land here.

There are only mountains to the sky.”

“Friends, Tajiks, it’s not my fault,

In this matter, don’t yawn.

Who got Ploskograd?

Well, who wants green tea?

The class will talk about solar Tajikistan

Speech by _____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

If you were in Kazakhstan, but have not seen the white Kazakh yurt on the green meadows of Dzhailau, you will not be able to feel the real full life of the Kazakhs.

Yurt- one of the oldest and greatest inventions of the Eurasian nomads. At all times it was practical and comfortable housing
Kazakh yurt. A snow-white dome in the greenery of the foothill jailau, the fabulous shimmer of carpets and tekemets, the ideal prefabricated structure of a nomad’s dwelling, what is this - a legend or reality? Perhaps all together and many other miracles and mysteries comprise the unique, centuries-honed phenomenon of the traditional portable house of the Kazakhs.

Presenter 2:

What, besides wonderful portable housing, do the Kazakhs have? We will tell you about this guys from ________________________________________________

Speech by _____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

Azerbaijan country of fire
Country of Igids and Friends
The land of open doors
Country of Babek, Korogly,
The land of Novruz and spring

The Azerbaijani people, being one of the most ancient peoples in the world, are rightfully proud of their historical monuments of material culture, their rich literature, art and musical culture.

Presenter 2:

Quite interesting information. I wish I could see something from the culture of this people.

Presenter 1:

Your wish will be fulfilled. Now the students of _________________ class will introduce us to the culture of the people of Azerbaijan.

Speech by _____________________________________ class

Presenter 2:

And now we’ll tell you the poems of the wonderful Russian poet A.S. Pushkin

The darkness of night lies on the hills of Georgia;

Aragva makes noise in front of me.

I feel sad and light; my sadness is light;

My sadness is full of you...

Presenter 1:

Georgia– a country with the oldest and richest original culture, the thickness of which extends back thousands of years. Knowledge about it and recognition of its wealth has long crossed national borders and reached the international level, as it is a cultural heritage and heritage of all humanity.

Presenter 2:

Yes, this people, I heard, has a very interesting culture. It wouldn't hurt to take a look . Students are invited to the stage __________________________

Speech by _____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

Gypsies for a number of centuries remained a kind of mystery for science. Centuries have passed since they left their ancient homeland and scattered all over the world, and now you can hardly find a state

Presenter 2:

At the river bend -
Colorful tents.
The horses are hobbled,
Bonfires are lit.

It's strange under the trees
Meet the free camp -
With ancient nomads
Living gypsies!

Gypsies are the collective name for about 80 ethnic groups, united by a common origin and recognition of the “Gypsy law”. The guys will tell us about this and much more

Speech by _____________________________________ class

Presenter 1:

We love the steppes, their free space
And the trill of a grasshopper in the evening hour.
And you are the bulk of the snowy mountains,
The Caucasus raised up to the sky with its ridges.
And who can blame us?
That you and I are not singing about the same thing, -
Steppe expanse and threads of snow ridges -
Isn't this what we call Motherland?

Presenter 2:
How many backgammon do the Caucasus have?
Proud Yezidis, Ossetians

Strict Chichens, Ingush
You cannot be separated from Russia

It’s not for nothing that Russian poets

We dedicated our poems to you!

Meet _________________________________________________

Speech by _____________________________________ class

Presenter 1
We were united in the struggle for freedom,

Together we take care of our work and our home,

Both in days of celebration and in times of disaster

We are united, we walk shoulder to shoulder.

Presenter 2

Chuvash (self-name - chăvash) are the indigenous population of the Chuvash Republic. The Chuvash are divided into two subethnic groups - northwestern (viryal, “upper”) and southeastern (anatri, “lower”), which have their own cultural and dialect differences.

And he will tell about the rituals and customs of our Chuvash people_________________________________

Speech by _____________________________________ class

Presenter 1

Now let's talk about the Kalmyks. Before the beginning of the 20th century. Traditional Kalmyk settlements (khotons) had a family-related character. They were characterized by a circle-shaped layout of portable dwellings; cattle were driven into the center, and public gatherings were held there. The basis of the traditional Kalmyk economy was nomadic cattle breeding.

Presenter 2

Fishing played a significant role in the Volga region and the Caspian Sea. Hunting was of no small importance, mainly saigas, but also wolves, foxes and other game. Some groups of Kalmyks have been engaged in agriculture for a long time, but it did not play a significant role. Only with the transition to settled life did its importance begin to grow.

Presenter 1

Yes, Kalmyks are smaller in number than Gypsies, but I think they, like every nation, have their own customs and traditions, which the students of the __________________________________________________________ class will tell us about

Speech by _____________________________________ class

2 presenter:

Among the Don steppe fields

And Kuban feather grasses,

Where Kuban and Don flow

Cossacks have lived for a long time.

1 presenter:

Proud and dashing people

Earned honor:

Bravery, courage, bravery

He carries it on his shoulders.

Children from __________________ class are invited to the stage.

Speech by _____________________________________ class

2 presenter:

My Yakutia is a spacious region of Russia.

And he spread out, mighty and wide, -

With green taiga and dark blue sea, -

Far, far away in the northeast.

In Yakutia, dawn is like a red fox’s tail,

And her evenings are like sable fur.

In spring, the smoke of leaves hangs in the clear sky,

In winter, the snow sparkles like an arctic fox.

1 presenter:

Although they say that our region is harsh:

Blizzards, frozen ground and few warm days -

But I say that our region is healthy,

There is no better land and no more generous land.

Like a swallow to its nest, like a sailboat to its pier,

So my heart reaches out to my native land.

Sometimes it seems to me that this is where it begins

Russia is my great homeland

Speech by _____________________________________ class

2 presenter:


I see in this word

The expanse of green forests and meadows

And the singing of birds flying freely,

The murmur of rivers carrying their flow.

1 presenter:

People here love to help each other

Together we will overcome many troubles.

I live in Mordovia and I’m proud of it!

After all, there is no better region in the world!

Speech by _____________________________________ class

2 presenter:

Russia! Rus! My native country!

I share pure love with you,

You are the only one who is forever sacred to me.

I bow to you low to the waist.

1 presenter:

You have raised many generations,

You always led the people,

You believed with all your heart without a doubt,

She did good deeds with people.

Presenter 2:

Tolerance is a foreign word,

But it’s been clear to everyone for a long time,

Be tolerant of the distant or the strange,

Detached, as if in a movie.

We're not talking about indifference here.

And no one talks about callousness.

Delicacy and patience towards the living

Close by, it won't hurt us at all.

Presenter 2:

Be tolerant of everything else:

To faith, views, thoughts and clothes

And then, perhaps, it is clear to everyone,

Quiet hope will glimmer.

That we can live so different,

In this world of perpetual motion

And to gain tolerance

You just need a feeling of respect.

Song "I, you, he, she..."

Leading 1. So our journey through our large and not embraced country of Russia has ended! The results will be announced on line.

Presenter 2. We wish everyone peace, happiness, friendship, harmony. Clear sky, bright sun.

Leading: Many thanks to the participants and organizers of our festival. See you again!


“Vatanym Tatarstan!” “My homeland is Tatarstan!”

Decor. Projection screens on which state symbols of Tatarstan, ornaments of the peoples of Tatarstan are demonstrated throughout the program,

It is advisable to hold the holiday in the two state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan - Tatar and Russian, or in one of them, depending on the national contingent of participants in the holiday.

Children enter the hall to the sound of a Tatar folk melody.

Dear guys, dear teachers! We have gathered today to celebrate the holiday of the commonwealth of nationalities living on the land of Tatarstan. Our Tatarstan is a wonderful land. Many people of different nationalities live on its territory: Russians, Tatars, Chuvash, Mari, Udmurts and others.

Kaderle ukuchylar,khөrmәtle ukytuchylar!Sezgәbugen Tatarstanda yashәүche

tөrle millet vәkillәrenen nichek yashәүlәre, nәrsә beәn shөgyllәnүlәren, ostalyklaryn soylәp kitәsebez kilә.

Without ber ilneң balalary

Barybyz and duslar without.

Tatarlar, Udmurt, Marilar,

Bashkort, Chuvash, Ruslar without.

Khazer suzne ukuchylarga birәbez

Ved: Kherle kon, kaderle ukuchylar, khurmatle ukytuchylar, kunaklar!

Ved: Good afternoon, dear students, dear teachers, guests!

Ved: Tatarstan!

Bugenem sin minem, үtkәnem sin,

Kilәchkkә baryr yulym sin.

Ayak terәp basar zhirem dә sin,

Susavymny basar suym da sin!

Ved: Today the colors shine brighter

A weaving of songs and centuries!

My Tatarstan, I’m proud of you,

Your glory, your destiny.

You - my beautiful Motherland,

Nowhere in the world are you sweeter!

Sin tәүge kat baskan җirem

Koyashim, tanym mine.

Min shat bulyp үskәn җirem

Tatarstan - given mine

Is it possible to describe my region with a pen?

And how about sketching it on canvas with a brush?

Is there such an artist in the world?

So that he could convey in the picture

Your beauty, O Tatarstan, my dear.

Sin saf hisem, yakty yazym

With a cotton hammer

Sin donda tinsez ber il

Kanatym - Irkem Minem.

Sin – Vatanym, birden nuryn

Yashәvem өchen minem!

Tatarstan! You are no more wonderful day,

Factories smoke, fields rustle,

We sing to you, my Motherland!

Song “Tugan Ilebez” (lyrics by Tufailova, music by Zaripov)

(Without bәhetle shat balalar)

Vedas: Tatarstan - a republic rich in resources, but its most important wealth is, of course, the talented, hardworking, multinational people who have lived and worked on this territory in peace and harmony for centuries.

Ved: Tatarstan - fat asty baylyklars belen danlykly, ә in zur baylygy - talently, ungan kүpmillәtle halky: Tatarlar, Ruslar, Chuvashlar, Udmurtlar, Mariylar hәm Bashkalar.

Ved: All these years, the peoples of Tatarstan, overcoming incredible difficulties, strengthened their statehood and economy, developed science and culture, opened new educational institutions, theaters, and built the largest factories and industrial enterprises.

Tugan hirem minem Tatarstan

Uz irkendә mәnge shat yashә

Koshlaryn da sinen golem diep

Saf tatarcha bezgә endәshә.

My native land,

You are famous today

The miracle of its underground storerooms

Difficult to obtain gold oil -

And the beauty of young cities!

Tatarstan – uz өebez,

Bezneң yakty ilebez.

Yanygyz yes, kөegez dә,

Ilebezne soegez.

Komesh sularyn, zәңgәr urmanyn

Yakyn kүңelgә, Tatarstan.

Sin - tugan yagym,

Sin – minem tanym, Tatarstan!

My native land,

Where it becomes reality

Daring flights of a winged dream,

Feat-song of the poet Jalil-

The whole planet remembers you

Yashar өchen betmas kөch alyrga

Olysyna һәm dә kechegә.

Mәrkhәmatle, yamle, mәkhәbbәtle

Tugan yagy kirәk keshegә.

Dus yashibez bez fat yozenda,

Duslar kirәk hәrber keshegә.

Duslyk bulsa yashәү dә kүңelle,

Unay bula hәrber eshen dә.

Ved: Our republic has historically established “ friendship model" between peoples, the core of which is respect for the traditions of the peoples living in our republic.

Ved: Kaderle duslar! Maktabebeznen kupmillatle Paradyn karshi alygyz!

Ved:(music background) Dear friends, welcome the multinational parade of peoples of our school.

Һәр кайы үз toldәrenдә isәnlәshәlәr.



Arumy sez karendәshlәr!

Wash yourself!

(in Chuvash)

Ved: Bugen Tatarstanda 115 millat halky yashi.

Ved: Today, more than 115 nationalities live in our republic.

Ved: Idel yarlaryna nurlar sibep,

Matur bulyp ata bezdi tan.

Tan shikelle yakty, kup millatle

Tugan and beznez Tatarstan!

Ved: How many of us, the peoples of Tatarstan?

And Tatar and other blood,

Those who bear names are not simple,

Your daughters and sons...

Ved: Each nation has its own language, traditions, songs, dances, national dishes. (Now we will get acquainted with national dishes, over to you)

TOEach one offers its own national dishes to guests.

Khalkybyznyn bai, hәm danly tarihi bar, elekton oli street dәulәtlәr tөzep yashәgan, bөek mәdәniyatle bulgan. Kurshe halyklar belen dus-tatu homer kichergan.

Ata-babalarybyz bezgә “Bergalektә kөch!” deep atep kaldyrgan.

Ved: And today, every resident of Tatarstan understands that the more diverse the melodies and colors of our republic, the brighter and more interesting our life.

Ved: (music background)

Donyanyn nigeze - maturlyk

Berdamlek, һәm Vatan,

Chәchәk ata golbakchadai, –

Duslyk or Tatarstan!

Ved: One family, in one impulse

We create and create

In the unity of souls and friendship of all peoples

Our world is beautiful and unique!

Ved: Tatarstand tudyk without,

Chuvash, Tatar, Mari, Rus,

Mordva, Bashkort, Udmurt,

Yashibez bergә, yashibez dus!

Ved: Slightly less than half of the residents of Tatarstan are Russians. An amazing fact is noted by scientists who have studied the national composition of villages and cities of the TASSR. It turns out that only on the territory of the TASSR, even before the revolution, there were villages with a mixed Russian, Tatar, and Chuvash population. They all lived like one family, respecting each other's culture and traditions. There were no such villages and hamlets with a mixed ethnic population anywhere on the territory of the USSR. Isn’t this the roots of our friendship and tolerance?!

We give our word to Russian beauties

No. ___(Russian)

Poem "Motherland"

Russia, Motherland, Fatherland,

Native blooming Tatarstan.

My words come from the heart.

You have become my homeland.

There are villages and towns here,

There are big cities here

And there is nothing nicer than Tatarstan,

After all, this is my homeland.

I write poems about you,

I sing songs about you

I love you with all my soul,

I love my native Tatarstan.

Russian folk dance "Valenki"

Song: _______________________----

Ved: Mange yashә Tatarstan,

Kup millatle, olug halkym

Ved: Its history, culture,

We saved, saved,

Through centuries, hard times

Like a treasure saved.

Tatar Kyzlaryn withuz birәbez

№___(Tatar group)

Millie moң nar” G. Tukay shigyre

Tatar halyk biyuye.

Tugan tel" hyry

Ved: And today we all love Tatarstan, are proud of our republic and can say: “We are all your children, Tatarstan!”


Poem in Chuvash language ________________

Chuvash folk floods

Ved: All the peoples of our wonderful republic live in peace today

No._____ (Mari)

Poem in the Mari language._____________________

Mari folk dance.

Ved: My native country expanses

Slender birches, lakes and fields

We lived as one family for centuries in Russia,

And Tatarstan is our native land!


Poem in the Udmurt language_________________________

Floods of the Udmurt people

Ved: My Tatarstan, my republic,

Let the pages of your story be bright,
Let the ancient land be friendly,

Fly over the world as a strong, free bird!

Song: Let it alwaysthere will be sun!

You have become unrecognizable, Tatarstan!

You have become a happy land, Tatarstan!

Hail, Tatarstan! Golden edge

Hail to the people inspired by dreams!

Glory to our multinational Republic of Tatarstan! Blossom eternal and forever young Kazan!

Ved: And may our republic always be an example for every person!

Ved: Mange yashasen bezneң il!

Bezn Vatan - Tatarstan!

№ –song “Min yaratam sine, Tatarstan”

Ved: Sau bulygyz, duslar!

Sezgә nyk selamәtlek, bәhet һәm uңyshlar telebez!

Ved: Goodbye, dear friends!

Good health, prosperity, peace to everyone!

Thank you for your attention!!

Subject: Festival of the Peoples of the World. Tatars.

Target: Introduce students to the culture of the Tatar people.


Enrich students' knowledge about the culture, customs, and traditions of the Tatar people.

To cultivate tolerance and aesthetic taste.

Promote the development of a sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, speech, attention.

Equipment: presentation of “Tatars”, national costumes (male and female), traditional dish.

The performance lasts 5-7 minutes and is accompanied by a presentation.

Slide 1.

The anthem of Tatarstan sounds. Everyone stands still.

Slide 2.

Kazan is our ancient city
Already a thousand years old
One of the best
In Russia there are cities.
Always with all the cordiality
Ready to meet friends.

Here our city stands on the Volga,
Surrounded by pine forest.

Slide 3.
And this is our ancient Kremlin,
Enclosed by a white wall.

Slide 4.
And this is Kul-Sharif shining
There are a thousand lights in the sky
And at the same time he protects us
From gray and aimless days.

Slide 5.
And next door, updated,
Our Annunciation Cathedral,

Slide 6.
And the Syuyumbike tower bowed
In their stone agreement.

Slide 7.
Everything is in harmony here, here is the heart
Our capital, our Kremlin.
And a city grows nearby,
The story will be told about him in verse...

There are many people living in our city,
Peace and friendship are forever present here.
Together in sorrow and in joy they are together
They share their own holidays for everyone.

Song "Tugan Yak".

Slide 8.

We have many traditions:
For the bride and groom - Nikah,We slaughter sheep on holiday,
So that there is no war in the world.

Slide 9.
Kurban Bayram and Ramadan,
There is still a rush,
And in the summer the Sabantuy holiday
Everyone is walking! Sing and dance!
Slide 10.

Sabantuy is a fun holiday!
Show yourself horseman,
Be both dexterous and brave,
And prove your skill.

Slide 11.

Our costumes are good!
They were embroidered from the heart
Kalfak is on our head,
And on the feet are boots.

The girls have an apron,
The guys have a vest.
We keep traditions
We will pass them on to our grandchildren.

We are the ancient Tatar people,
We have many traditions.
We all know how to welcome guests,
We sing and dance, just great!
We have fun here and there
The legs dance on their own!

Tatar dance.

Slide 12.

You have never seen such deliciousness anywhere,
We have a kystyby,
We have Gubadiya.
The famous chak-chak is served to all guests,
Everyone loves ballish
Everyone bakes echpechmak.

Dear jury, don’t take it for a bribe,
Respectfully accept gifts from the people.

Slide 13