How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true. How to make a wish for the New Year? How New Year's wishes come true

Nothing controls our heart as much as belief in miracles. On New Year's Eve, even the most inveterate skeptics are transformed.

Someone rustles a bill in their pocket, trying to catch a wave of financial well-being, someone stirs paper ashes in a glass, and someone kisses a stranger, just so as not to be left alone. Adults for an instant turn into real children, because they believe that New Year’s Eve is special, it will definitely bring success and fulfillment of desires! And even though there are no Snow Maidens, and the Santa Claus costume has not been meeting at the waist for a long time, the universe is multifaceted, it fulfills not only children’s dreams.

How to make a wish for the New Year and have it come true? We have collected for you 7 of the simplest and most effective methods that will not leave anyone indifferent. But first, let’s clarify the rules for formulating goals so that they will definitely please you in the coming year.

How to correctly formulate a desire?

When you say it to yourself or write a wish on a piece of paper, use the present tense form: not “I want,” but “I got it” or “I already have it.”
Talk about your dream in an affirmative form, without any “no” particles: instead of “I don’t want to be alone anymore” or “I don’t want to get sick,” it is better to use a positive form in the vein of “I am desired and loved,” “my body is healthy.”
When thinking about your cherished desire, concentrate not on the visual picture, but on the emotions of owning your dream. Do you want a new home? Don’t imagine it to the smallest detail, it’s better to imagine yourself inside this house, feel with your skin that it is yours, that you are happy in it.
Your desire should concern only you; you cannot tie your dreams to the actions and actions of other people. What will come true is what depends on you, and not your friends or bosses. You are unable to influence the will and feelings of strangers.

So, 7 amazing ways to make a wish for the New Year

1. Red envelope

If you like to keep a personal diary, you have good literary inclinations, a sure way to achieve your desired goals in the new year is to write a letter of wishes to yourself in the future. To do this, half an hour before the start of the holiday, try to be alone with a pen and paper. Answer the questions: how do you see yourself in the new year, what do you look like, what do you do, who surrounds you, how do you feel? Describe everything in as much detail as possible, then put it in a red envelope, hide it in your pocket and drink champagne with everyone! The red color helps to attract the energy of good luck, and everything written will definitely come true if your intentions were serious.

2. Surprise boxes

Sincere generosity towards others always returns a hundredfold! The more we give, the more we receive in the end - these are the laws of the universe. This method of making wishes takes this principle as a basis. So, prepare 12 surprise boxes in advance. You can put anything inside - candies, nuts, New Year's balls, handkerchiefs and even perfume, it all depends on your financial condition. When the chimes strike 12 times, go outside and hand out boxes to the first people you meet with wishes for happiness in the new year. Just don’t forget to think about your desire! Very soon the world will respond with the same generosity, the main thing is to do everything with a pure heart.

3. Ashes in champagne

To help your dream come true, prepare in advance thin strips of paper, a pen and light a candle. When there is a minute left until the New Year, and everyone around you is keeping a second-by-second account, quickly write a wish, so that you can then burn the leaf and drink it with sparkling champagne. This method is phenomenally truthful and works flawlessly, the main thing is to clearly formulate the goal and be prepared for unforeseen consequences. After all, sometimes wishes come true in a completely different way than we imagined.

4. Collage drawing

For lovers of the visual component, a suitable method for making a wish for the New Year is to draw a dream picture with your own hands or make a collage of wishes from photographs. So, an hour before the striking of the holiday chimes, hand out a piece of paper to everyone, lay out the paints and pencils, and then start visualizing your dream on paper. At this moment, think only about the desire and emotions about its fulfillment. Roll the finished drawing into a tube, wrap it with satin ribbon and hang it on a pine branch. At 12 o'clock drink to your wish, it will definitely come true!

5. 12 grapes

At all times and in all cultures, grapes have been a symbol of fertility, health and wealth. That is why in Italy they decided to combine the myth of his divine origin with the New Year celebration. In order for the goal to find material embodiment, with each strike of the clock you need to have time to eat a grape, thinking about your desire. Sparkling wine will consolidate the magical effect of the ancient ritual, the universe will definitely hear you.

6. Magic toy

For this ritual, it is best to make a New Year's toy with your own hands in order to invest your energy in the holiday decoration. It could be a snowflake, a painted pine cone, a snowman made of cotton wool, or even an old Christmas tree ball, remade in a new way. Hide a note with your wish inside or next to the toy, then hang the decoration back on the tree. On the night of January 1, repeat your wish to yourself once again - and it will definitely come true!

7. Romantic kiss

This method of making wishes is perfect for lovers or married couples who celebrate a holiday in the company of friends and have one wish for two. For example, having a baby, buying a house or going on a romantic trip. So, with the onset of the festive countdown, the lights in the room turn off, lovers need to have time to find each other in order to merge in a kiss. If they succeed, they will succeed!

Don't be afraid to dream, don't be afraid to fight - and even the most incredible goals will find you in the new year. The universe is abundant and therefore on your side. Have patience, think positively, don't be afraid to give. With coming!

So, how to make a wish correctly

1. In order for wishes for the New Year to come true, they need to be formulated/pronounced as if everything has already happened - clearly, briefly, in the 1st person and in the present tense. That is, if you want a new car, your desire will sound like this: “I drive a new car/Bentley/Mercedes...”. If you dream of visiting another country: “I’m on vacation in Paris.”

2. You must also understand that when making a wish, you cannot use the particle “not”, since it is not perceived by our consciousness. If your desire is formulated like this: “I no longer want to suffer from love/separation...” - this is wrong. Remove the particle. What will happen? You are programming yourself to continue to suffer.

3. You cannot use the word “want”. You will continue to want to buy a car for years, make repairs, go on vacation.

4. You must also remember that only clearly formulated wishes for the New Year come true, do not make them in the abstract. For example, you write “I am a leader!” Be sure to add what exactly, for example, enterprise. Otherwise, on New Year's Eve, the stars will align for you so that you will lead cleanup days in your yard.

5. Don't try to imagine the unreal. Your mind simply won't believe you.

6. And lastly, do not prescribe restrictions for execution. It looks like this: “I earn money and buy a car.” But maybe they could just give you a cool car for the New Year.

How to make a New Year's wish for fulfillment (ritual actions)

In the New Year's bustle and gifts, don't forget to buy beautiful paper and pen. When you write a wish, be sure to write “Thank you” at the end. By doing this, you let the higher powers know that you want your desire to be fulfilled in a safe and kind way. You don't want, for example, to take over a management position after your predecessor gets into a car accident. After the words of gratitude, write: “So be it” and put a number and signature.

When New Year's Eve comes and you sit down at the table, do not forget to put the piece of paper with your wish next to it, turn it over so that no one sees what you wrote. During the chiming clock, take a glass of champagne and confidently say your wish to yourself 3 times. Place the glass on the scribbled piece of paper to charge the drink with your energy. Then, thinking that everything will certainly come true, slowly drink champagne.

By the way, psychologists say that it is not desires that actually come true, but intentions. Therefore, if you feel that you have enough confidence, strength, and energy for 2-3 intentions, you can write everything at once. But most likely, one will be implemented, and the rest will catch up.

I wish you the fulfillment of your dreams, desires and intentions.

Be happy! And believe me - New Year's wishes come true! *give_rose*

On New Year's, Christmastide, birthdays, and just when dreaming, we make a lot of all sorts of wishes for ourselves. Big and small. Realistic, not very realistic and “not very realistic”... And, of course, we all want these wishes to come true. Even the most unrealistic... It turns out that this is possible. Basically…

Well, the easiest way to make wishes for the New Year is during the chimes. True, you can’t think of much at these moments, and by this time many people had already drunk a fair amount. So very strange, if you look at it with a sober head, desires come true.

So, wishes exist for this reason, to come true. You just need to guess correctly. First, the general rules.

1. Never use the particle “not” when formulating a desire. For example: the desire “I don’t want to be fat!” It’s better to formulate this way: “I wish you to be slim, blooming, attractive and charming!” Something from this set will definitely come true!

2. A very important point is to think about how this desire will be realized. For example: “I want to go on a round-the-world cruise.” But you can also work as a cleaner on an ocean liner! Therefore, it is better to formulate the desire like this: - I want to go on a river cruise to relax and... - complete the phrase with other details. The more there are, the better!

3. Having made a wish, you must firmly and unconditionally believe that it will come true. There should be no doubt about this! Just make a wish and let go of it for a while. Let the energy of desire “cook” in your subconscious.

4. It is necessary to visualize the result as often and completely as possible, that is, to present the results of what has already been accomplished.

For example, if you want a luxurious apartment, imagine not only the interior, but also how you will celebrate a housewarming, how to watch TV in the living room, how to have dinner in the dining room, etc.

5. It is necessary to pronounce affirmative sentences silently or out loud (out loud better) as often as possible. These statements are especially effective in the evening before bed and in the morning, while still half asleep. The mind at this time is still (or already) dormant, and the words seem to be imprinted into the subconscious. In this case, all actions should be only in the present tense: “I have (do) this and that.”

6. Make yourself a symbol of a fulfilled desire. For example, a coin. And carry it with you until your wish comes true.

7. Make a plan to achieve what you want.

Many people neglect this simple rule. But what’s easier: to write or even just imagine all the steps necessary to implement your plan!

But the process of wishing to effectively (quickly and easily) obtain a result will be different for all people. Let's turn to classical Western astrology.- your main assistant is fire. Choose a time at dusk when no one will disturb you. Light a candle. Make a wish while looking into the candle fire. Write it down on paper. If you want to get rid of something, burn your notes immediately. If you want to purchase something, read your entry often by candlelight. And when your wish comes true, you can burn this paper with gratitude to the Higher Powers.

. Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces- your main assistant is water. On the shore of a pond, looking at the water, you need to make a wish. Write it down on paper. Then make a boat out of the note and set it sailing. It is better to be in the boat or on the bridge at this moment.

. Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn- your main helpers are money and food! You need to make one wish at a time and carry the treasured coin in your pocket until this wish comes true. Do not lend money to anyone at this time! When making a wish, it is good to chew a few grapes or chewing marmalade.

. Gemini, Libra or Aquarius- your main assistants are a cheerful company and... clouds. Invite as many of your friends as possible and make a wish during a noisy party. Or desires. You can make several wishes at once. You can also make wishes while walking, looking at the clouds.

These are the simple rules. I hope they make your life a lot easier. Good luck!

New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve itself are the most magical time of the year. This is the time when not only children, but also adults begin to believe in miracles and make cherished wishes. How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true for sure and as soon as possible?

In fact, the technical side of the issue, that is, how exactly to formalize a desire, what ritual to perform to make it come true, is secondary. First you need to decide on the desire itself, its essence and content. Exactly correct definition and formulation desires are the key to its fulfillment in the near future.

You can always make wishes, not only on New Year's Eve! But still this night - one of the best moments for making wishes. This is the time when all people in one impulse ask for something from fate, from the Universe, from God, from Santa Claus (depending on who believes in what) and this joint direction of thoughts and feelings enhances the probability of fulfillment of each of your wishes!

Psychologists, esotericists, physicists, and religious people explain this magical effect in different ways, but the essence is the same: wishes made by people together and at the same time are more likely to be translated into reality.

Precisely because a wish made on New Year's Eve has special power, it is very important to make it correctly.

How to correctly formulate a desire

Rules for making wishes:

Psychologists have long proven that what a person imagines in his imagination clearly, vividly, emotionally and in detail is perceived by the brain as really happening!

For example, psychologists have found that athletes who, in addition to regular training, train in their imagination and imagine themselves as winners in a competition, show better results in this very competition than those who train without resorting to visualization.

Actually, this last rule - Visualization - already exists first excellent technique, ritual of making wishes. But besides her, there are others.

Magical rituals of making wishes

Toy on the Christmas tree

Spruce, a symbol of the New Year, was considered a sacred tree in ancient times. The ancient Slavs believed that an evergreen tree is a symbol of continuous life; it unites the energies of the past, present and future. Our ancestors decorated the Christmas tree not just for beauty. Jewelry is an offering to the spirits of nature. Gifts were always presented with a request for a better, happier life. Spruce is a symbol of the transition from one life cycle to another.

By decorating a Christmas tree, you can help improve your own life. It should be decorated with symbols of what you want to see in the new year.

You can also make a special, secret decoration. Taking the most beloved and beautiful Christmas ball, remove the top mount from it and put a note there with your deepest desire, then hang the ball back on the spruce branch, closer to the top of the tree.

Letter to Santa Claus

It is a mistake to believe that writing a letter to Santa Claus to an adult is pointless. Firstly, this is an opportunity to record on paper in the correct form the most important and expected events in the new year, and accordingly, tune in to their implementation. And secondly, this is a great way to cheer yourself up and make it festive.

The letter can be sealed in a beautiful envelope and placed under the tree or hung on its branch. At the end of next year it will be interesting to print it out and see what of your wishes came true!

Well, who is the Santa Claus to whom the letter is addressed? Its author himself! This is a letter to yourself!

If dreaming is very useful, then making your dreams come true on your own is the most useful thing you can do.

Wish card

Usually on pre-holiday winter evenings you don’t want something specific, but something large-scale and comprehensive - . I want everything to be great in the new year on all fronts of life: at work, in my personal life, with health, and with personal growth and development.

The “Wish Map” technique is primarily focused on visualizing a holistic ideal lifestyle. Here you need to select and paste onto whatman paper pictures from magazines, newspapers, photos that are suitable for your new life (a slender body, a cozy home, a wealthy husband, and so on), and not write down these images in words (although you can combine the first and second).

You will find a scheme for drawing up a “Wish Card” in the article

A glass of champagne

This magical ritual is already a New Year's classic. The method is very popular, many consider it effective. It is very simple, but requires efficiency, since you need to manage to carry out several actions in a very short time, as one New Year’s song says: “While the clock strikes twelve!”

You need to think over and memorize your wish in advance, and a few minutes before the New Year, fill a glass with champagne, put next to it a small and thin piece of paper (but one on which you can write the wish), a pencil, matches or a lighter.

It is curious that the tradition of writing down a wish during the striking of the Chimes is so popular that today in stores you can find magic paper designed specifically for this ritual!

When the Chimes start chiming, you need to write a wish on a piece of paper, set it on fire, throw the ashes into a glass and in the last seconds, or better yet, drink to the bottom at exactly 00:00. It’s good if there is still time to clink glasses with your family and friends and wish them happiness!

There doesn't have to be champagne in the glass! It can be juice, compote, plain water - it doesn’t matter.

Message from the Universe

On New Year's Eve, while the Chimes are striking or after, at night or even in the morning of January 1, go out onto the street or onto the balcony (another option is to open the window), raise your eyes to the sky and whisper or shout your cherished desire, as if sending it upward.

The moment when everything seems to breathe newness, as if starting from scratch, when the frosty air is invigorating, and before your eyes there is a starry or clear blue sky, it is difficult not to feel the strength and energy of life.

If there are many desires?

This method could be classified as New Year's fortune-telling, but since it involves recording desires on paper, it is also suitable as a technique for making wishes.

This is a method for those who have a lot of desires and can’t decide which one to take on first.

All wishes should be written on small pieces of paper, mixed thoroughly and placed under the pillow (you can first place them in a bag). When you wake up in the morning, put your hand under your pillow and pull out one of the leaves. The desire that comes first has priority, and it will come true the fastest (if you make an effort, of course).

Turn your dream into a goal

A dream framed as a goal comes true more often and sooner!

May all your dreams come true in the New Year!

Many books have been written about how to make wishes and set goals correctly! We recommend that you read some of them:

  1. R. Berne “A Mystery for Every Day”
  2. V. Levi “Genius of Desires”
  3. I. Makarenko “Textbook of wish fulfillment”
  4. E. Hicks, J. Hicks “The energy of desire that changes the world. Law of Attraction"
  5. N. Pokatilova “Born to desire. Feminine power in realizing desires”
  6. M. Svetlova “Thought creates reality”
  7. A. Calabrese “Any whim - with the power of thought. The sure way to get everything and quickly”

Did your New Year's wishes come true?