Do-it-yourself floor flower stands for the home. Do-it-yourself pots for indoor flowers from scratch, decor of flower pots, coasters and shelves for flowers. Variety of solutions and materials

Indoor plants are considered the key to coziness and comfort in the home and in many institutions. They are able to saturate the air with oxygen, reduce the level of noise coming from the street. Some plants are protection against microbes and dust particles that cause allergic cough and runny nose. Sometimes there are much more flowers than window sills can accept. In this case, wall-mounted or floor-type flower stands are practiced. They can be purchased in the distribution network, or you can make flower stands with your own hands.

The easiest and most affordable way to make DIY flower stands

Let's start with the simplest option (Figure 1). It can be built by any woman, teenager. To make a stand, you will need a piece of board with any size, but not more than 80 cm. Such waste often remains when sheathing a balcony and carrying out other construction work. The board must be finished on both sides. For a better look, it can be additionally “sanded” with large sandpaper, oiled, varnished.

As hanging structures, you can use a tape for safety or car seat belts, old leather belts, and other strong material. On the wall in a convenient place, we make two holes at a distance less than the width of the board by 10-16 cm. We cut off two strips of the same size from the safety belts. To determine the size of the tape, you should estimate at what height you want to have a shelf. Having a board width of 25 cm and a height of the attachment location of 35 cm, we can calculate the total length based on the Pythagorean theorem. First, we look for the sum of the squares of the legs 25x25 + 35x35 \u003d 1850 cm. The square root of 1850 is approximately 43 cm (the size of the hypotenuse). Therefore, the length of one mounting strip is 25 + 35 + 43 = 103 cm.

If you want to run the shelf lower or higher, then you can independently calculate the length of the tape. We fold the tape in half and fasten it to the wall in two places. We thread the board into the loops, align it, the stand is ready. Such a shelf can withstand sufficient weight. However, being a suspended structure, it does not give a 100% guarantee of reliability. It should not be hung at school, kindergarten.

hanging shelf fig. 2
shelves made of tree branches eight

For a children's room and their main characteristics.

Shelf from the remnants of OSB or chipboard

A more reliable do-it-yourself flower stand is considered to be a shelf made from the remnants of OSB-3 (Fig. 2). Such material is not afraid of moisture in case of accidental overflow of water and spraying of flowers. To complete the shelves, you will need, along with the remnants of OSB or chipboard, fasteners and a processing tool. Such work is within the power of a man who is friends with carpentry. We will not indicate the exact dimensions, since the house may have the necessary remnants from which such a shelf can be made.

Stand for two flowers

It differs little from the previous version of the shelf for flowers for two pots. It is also made from the remnants of OSB, chipboard or lining of certain sizes. Shelves are attached to the main board using metal corners. For the strength of the shelves and the entire structure, it is reinforced with an additional screed, which is made of plywood or other material.

floor shelf in the form of a ladder (stages 1-2) pic4a
floor shelf in the form of a ladder (stages 3-8) pic4b

floor shelf in the form of a ladder (steps 8-13) pic4c
driftwood stand fig. 5

Living plants in the house are a wonderful decoration, which can be complemented by a metal floor flower stand. Together they are able to make the room more comfortable and improve the atmosphere of the house. As for flowers, some of them are of great benefit. They can help with various diseases, as well as purify the air. The latter is very important for children's rooms, so often their interior is complemented by pots with houseplants.

Most often, flowers in apartments live on window sills. However, this is not always a good option. Firstly, not all indoor flowers tolerate a large amount of sun, and secondly, some specimens really do not want to be hidden from prying eyes behind curtains.

And here such a simple but useful solution will come to the rescue, like buying a flower stand. They can be made from a variety of materials, but the most sophisticated options are made from metal. Such coasters are successful elements of decor and they can be placed on the floor or hung from the ceiling.

Floor metal flower stands will not look like an ordinary item that simply takes up space in the room. Nowadays, designers offer such a variety of options that even the most demanding buyer will choose the right option for himself.

In modern stores, you can buy metal flower stands inexpensively, and these are designs in the form of high or low stools, openwork whatnots, forged ladders, pyramids. It all depends on the manufacturer, or rather, his imagination. And having certain skills and special tools, you can make a metal flower stand yourself.

Professionals recommend that when choosing metal shelving for indoor flowers, first of all, determine the place for this element. Depending on how much free space in the room can be given under the flower stand, the size of this decor element will also depend.

Metal openwork flower racks are perfect for many interiors, best of all they will fit into a Provence style room. At the same time, the metal frame should be painted white, as it is considered optimal for French country music. Metal flower stands, photos of which can be seen below, can be made not only in the form of ordinary tables or ladders, but also in the form of carts and bicycles to create a rustic atmosphere.

There can be a lot of varieties of such decorative elements. It all depends on the design imagination and the manufacturer. Floor options are very popular, which can sometimes occupy floor-to-ceiling space. On such racks it is very convenient to place a large number of plants on a minimum of square centimeters. Saving space is relevant for many city apartments, so high floor shelving is very popular.

Often, for interior decoration, the owners of houses opt for low metal supplies with legs. They can be both for one pot and for several.

It is very important to adhere to the general style of the room, for example, if the room is decorated in the Provence style, a floral metal floor stand for flowers in the form of a barrel, a bicycle or a cart is suitable here. In general, absolutely everything that emphasizes the rustic orientation of the interior will be relevant. But for classic design ideas, it is better to choose a stand for indoor plants in the form of openwork stools or shelving. Antique bronze flowerpots look very original.

As for the color design, it can be completely different. Here you need to focus on the overall design solution and color scheme. For classics, a black metal stand with gold elements is best suited. In French country, light colors are welcome, so it is better to paint the florist white. For a modern high-tech style, where metal is often used, you can completely leave the product in its original color.

Benefits of metal coasters

Professional designers believe that floor metal flower stands are the element of decor that gives the room a certain completeness. Often it is florists who are used as the final touch in order to make the room more comfortable.

A huge plus of metal shelving is that they are very durable, so you can choose high specimens and not be afraid that they will fall apart due to the large weight of flower pots. For practical people who are not accustomed to wasting money, metal plant stands are just perfect. Such decorative elements have high strength and durability. The metal construction will look like new even after years of use. At the same time, its shape and dimensions will remain unchanged, as if the stand had just been brought from the store.

If desired, you can significantly save space in the room. High floor racks make it possible to place a large number of flower pots, allocating only a few tens of square centimeters for this . In this case, each plant will be clearly visible and presented in the most favorable light.

Sometimes metal flower stands are chosen not only by apartment owners, but also by people living in private homes. Good options will perfectly complement the interior of the yard and at the same time last a very long time, unlike their wooden or plastic counterparts, which can be extremely susceptible to the effects of the external environment and will quickly become unusable. Floor metal flower stands look very good on terraces.

Welcome dear readers! We are happy to help you with another question in the field of decorating your own apartment. Today you can learn how to make a flower stand with your own hands, made of metal. Photos of finished products will be attached so you know what you get in the end.

If you have live plants in the apartment, you get great decorations that, together with the stand, will look just incredible.

Such a tandem will make your room more comfortable, and the atmosphere will immediately become more peaceful.

As you understand, the fauna benefits a person. So, they are great at purifying the air of carbon dioxide, and some species help with certain diseases. Such a dignity is simply necessary for a children's room, so it will never be superfluous to complement the design with a flower pot.

Window sills are a frequent habitat for plants. But, such an arrangement is not always useful. For example, some flowers should not receive a lot of sunlight, while others, on the contrary, should not be hidden behind curtains.

Buying plant stands can be a very rewarding purchase. The materials from which they are made are varied. The most sophisticated option is metal. Such decor will successfully complement the design of your room.

In addition, they are universal - they are placed on the floor or hung on the walls.

This solution does not look like an ordinary object, just standing in the room. A variety of shapes and varieties of coasters allow you to choose them for the most seemingly unusual design.

Modern markets offer inexpensive items. In addition, they are made in the most diverse form - from stools to unusual forged stairs. This range can only be limited by the imagination of the manufacturer. In addition, having certain skills, creating this element will not be difficult alone. It is only necessary to find drawings and a sufficient amount of material.

First of all, decide where the stand will be. The scale of the final product depends on the amount of free space.

The most optimal style for metal additions is Provence. Also, if you paint them in snow-white colors, you can combine them with French country. Next, you will get acquainted with the photo coasters, made and suitable for many types of design.

Varieties of coasters

Immediately, we note that there are a lot of types of such additions for an apartment. Everything is limited by design fantasies. Today, products placed on the floor have gained particular popularity. Often such coasters take up space up to the ceiling. Such racks are convenient in that many flowers are placed on them, and the area is occupied to a minimum.

This problem is relevant for a city apartment.

You can also often find low stands located on the leg. There may be several pots located at different heights.

Try to follow the style in which the whole apartment is made.

  • For example, for the Provence style, metal floor stands that have the shape of a barrel or cart are suitable. Any element that emphasizes rustic motifs will come in handy.
  • If your room is made in a classic motif, use openwork stools or shelving. Also, take a closer look at the bronze florists sharpened in the old style.

Color design is not limited to a few sets. The main thing is that it should be focused on the design of the room and other color shades.

  • The classic style loves the golden elements present in the little things.
  • French country is ideally complemented by light colors, which means that a white florist will do.
  • The product without painting will perfectly fit into the modern style, metallic tones fit very well into such a design.

Advantages of a metal flower garden

With the help of such an element of scenery, the room can get a certain complete look. Often, a flower stand is used as a finishing touch to give coziness to an apartment.

The undeniable advantage of such metal products is mechanical strength and durability - choosing them, you can not worry that they will break due to a large number of plants. Those people who value every coin spent, this option is the best.

Even after many years, the stand is unlikely to lose its original appearance.

Different rooms - different flower beds

Each room, decorated in a certain style, will require different approaches to decor. The difference can be both in shapes and colors, and in dimensions. For example, a tall and narrow floor product is suitable for filling the hallway.

The living room is perfectly complemented by a small table that can accommodate one pot.

For the best effect, arrange them in each corner of the room.

The children's room will look good if you place metal flower beds in it. Thus, a joyful atmosphere is created. Just remember to paint them in a nice shade and take care of safety. Choose a product that will stand "on its feet" confidently. As an example, we offer a stand made for an animal that rests on 4 paws, it is difficult to turn it over, even if you want to.

For the bedroom, take a closer look at the elegant forms. By the way, many experts believe that this particular room should have several plants. This addition creates a cozy and romantic atmosphere. The best option are plants that will hang from the rack.

Such a solution, by the way, will decorate your room.

Try to choose wisely. If you take a very elaborate product, it can overlap the plants themselves, and such a heap will spoil the interior very much. Do not forget that if you have a dacha, metal shelving for the street will also add sophistication. We wish you good luck with your choice!

Often there are so many pots with plants in the house that you just have to think about the construction. Moreover, these can not only fit perfectly into the interior, but also allow you to place much more green pets. Consider the most popular variations on this theme that designers and just home craftsmen can offer us.

DIY flower stand

Of course, there is a big difference when choosing a model do-it-yourself flower stands what are you doing it for. Some models are ideal for urban apartments, they are extremely compact and take up all the space offered. Others will look great in larger apartments with large windows, large glass areas, and therefore plenty of sunlight. In this case, you can first think about the aesthetic side of the craft. And one more option, when it comes to decoration, special models are already used here, often using improvised materials that are simply impossible in urban apartments. But, no matter what task you face, in the publication you can find models that are suitable for solving a particular problem.

Let's start, perhaps, with the classification that absolutely all do-it-yourself flower stands for the home are subjected to, wherever they are. All of them can be divided into groups, for example, wall and floor, which serve to support plants of various types. For example, it will be very difficult to keep ampel varieties with lianas or branches hanging down on a single or multi-tiered floor stand, it would be much more rational to put them on a special wall structure or even pick them up on a mount driven into the wall (specially designed for hanging).

In the photo you see a variety of wall structures that will perfectly perform their functions even in the smallest room, absolutely without interfering with other interior furnishings.

In turn, floor are divided into stationary or mobile, which are equipped with wheels or other means of transportation. Each solution has both strengths and weaknesses, and again, we must judge the rationality of the choice in terms of the needs of the plant itself. If you want to give a particular flower or a small number of them the opportunity to receive uniform sunlight, fresh air, for which they will need to be moved from time to time over short distances, then you can choose a mobile model. On the other hand, on a stationary, durable one, in which many parts are fixed to each other and they can withstand significant loads, several times more pots will fit than on a mobile one, which cannot leave a real grower indifferent when making a decision. You can see many examples like this do-it-yourself tall flower stand, it can occupy not only the entire window space, but also the entire wall or a designated corner from the floor to the ceiling itself. At the same time, the shelves are equipped with electric lamps for uniform illumination, as well as convenient trays for cleaning and caring for plants.

DIY floor stand for flowers

Convenience do-it-yourself floor stand for flowers lies in the variety of forms it can take. From small decorative planters for one pot, to whole trees with outstretched branches. The rules that need to be taken into account when arranging such a floor decor are no less than when we were, because all plants on a common structure should be convenient and comfortable to grow in high quality, delight you with flowering and healthy foliage.

Be sure to observe the correct overall dimensions of any type of floor DIY flower stands. A photo The ones you see above show plant placement options. It will be easiest for you to develop a model and its drawing when you initially understand what kind of plants you are creating a craft for, what size the main pots will be, what height the stems and leaves will grow about. The minimum height between tiers is 40 centimeters, even when it comes to growing miniature cacti or violets. All the same, plants need fresh air, light, and the convenience of watering plays an important role. Therefore, with a limited height of the overall structure, it would be advisable to place places for pots not in even rows, but in a checkerboard pattern.

The photo shows the simplest options for floor models. For the manufacture of do-it-yourself metal flower stands you may need metal profiles or even pipes if such a design fits into the design of your apartment. Such profiles are interconnected using standard fasteners, and the tops, stands, are made of wooden boards. To make the craft look no worse than the one bought in the store, carefully cover it with paint of one tone, which will make it look more strict.

If we are, then wood will be the ideal material for work. In the photo you can see an interesting option do-it-yourself wooden flower stands, which is perfect for such a vintage style. At the same time, working with wood will not differ much from the construction of a banal rack. It is only necessary to pay more attention to the legs, on which the main decorative load lies. It is their bent shape that makes a simple stool a vintage stand. In the end, you can not only cover the craft with white paint, but also rub it a little with sandpaper to artificially age it, and you can also decorate it with decoupage patterns and pictures.

How to make a DIY flower stand

For the arrangement of a large country house or summer cottage, a craving for large scales is characteristic, even if it concerns a task, how to make a flower stand with your own hands. Indeed, if there is a lot of space in the rooms, then the design does not have to stretch only upwards, you can make it quite voluminous, not only convenient to use, but also representing a certain decorative value.

So, today, models are very popular DIY wooden flower stands, which are in the form of a stepladder or ladder. They look very appropriate in country interiors or in gentrification. Moreover, you can easily find tips on making such crafts on sites for summer cottage construction, use drawings of standard stairs and stepladders. The beauty of this particular model is that the plants will be quite comfortable on different tiers, they do not close the light from each other, it is convenient to take care of them without removing the pots from the shelves, and so on.

Use in the construction of a country house do-it-yourself flower stands from improvised materials will always be very appropriate, so you save the perimeter from unnecessary things, and make a new decorative and useful object on the site. Such improvised materials can be not only car tires, but also old boxes, wooden pallets, even old garden tools that have served their purpose and the like. You can see interesting examples of such from improvised materials in the photo.

Do-it-yourself flower stand on the windowsill

Stationary structures that are compactly installed within the window sill represent a separate group. After all, it is necessary not only that it looks beautiful, is convenient to use and suitable for growing green pets, but also that do-it-yourself flower stand on the windowsill would not interfere with your normal use of the window, keep it clean, would not prevent sunlight from entering the room.

The smallest options are simply decorative for one or two pots. This placement is intended to slightly change the appearance of the flower arrangement, which is located on the windowsill. But still, most often there is a need to make a solid and rational assembly that would fit several pots at once. You can see such options in the photos in this section. It is very important in this case to strike a balance between strength and stability, but at the same time the stand must be mobile. After all, it will need to be cleaned from time to time when you need to wash the window, window sill, change the curtains and so on.

As for the decorative design, then, of course, collections of plants of the same species will look most impressive, such as, for example, several phalaenopsis orchids in transparent pots or baby violets in multi-tiered racks.

Do-it-yourself flower stand

original ideas do-it-yourself flower stands you can also find a lot. Of course, forged, metal figurines look very nice, which you can buy in a store or order in a blacksmith's workshop. If you have certain tools, you yourself can build similar ones, but for this, of course, you also need a certain skill. Among other photographs, you can see one not quite ordinary one - this is a combination of a flower stand and in one product.

Such an idea may only seem strange at first glance, because cats really love trees, climb them, rest in the shade of foliage, and sometimes, to be honest, bite off a leaf or two. Here you are simultaneously given the opportunity to please the cat and optimize the cumbersome cat attraction, which (cat lovers know) literally takes up half the room. The base will be a standard house with a scratching post, but the superstructure can be thick branches, sanded and processed, to which rings are attached to accommodate pots. It is important to securely attach the structure to the floor or wall using standard fasteners, so that in the midst of violent cat games, the flower does not fly to the floor and break, and, even worse, does not injure the fluffy robber.

There are different ways to decorate apartments, summer cottages and garden plots. One of the most popular is the cultivation of flowers. Most women are engaged in plant seedlings, as this allows you to radically change the interior, make it more colorful and interesting. But sometimes there are too many pots in the house. Then you can not do without special stands that allow you to more rationally place flowers. There are various types of these products on the market. But it is better to create a design yourself.

A flower stand is a design element that makes the atmosphere in the house more comfortable. At the same time, the design is practical, able to withstand heavy pots. Flowers thanks to stands receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. If multi-tiered specimens are used, more free space appears in the house. The advantages include the fact that a home-made stand can be made in different forms, from different materials, even improvised ones. Interesting options add sophistication to the interior of the apartment.

Types of flower stands

The stores offer a wide range of flower stands. A good model can be bought or made independently. The main thing is to know the classification of such structures in order to determine the most suitable option.

Floor stands

The floor stand is designed for pots and vases with flowers, which are located on the floor. In the classic version, they are designed for one flowerpot. Their height varies between 10-70 centimeters. Tall trellis options are suitable for growth plants with long, curly leaves. The stand allows the flower to grow without taking up much space.

For visual zoning of the room, flower stands-screens and racks are used. Install them in large living rooms. Multi-tiered specimens take up little space, but allow you to place a sufficient number of flower pots. If there are several flowerpots in the house, it is recommended to build a tower structure. There are straight and spiral models. Both options are made simply and are able to withstand heavy loads.

Wall stands

Wall-mounted flower stands are the best solution when there is not enough free space on the floor to place a plant pot.

Such designs look attractive and allow you to hide small wall defects. It is not difficult to make a similar element of the interior of an apartment. For this, metal is usually used. Forged models look especially impressive. The product can be made straight and angular. The floor stand is designed for the weight of several medium-sized pots.

Mounted structures

A variety of wall structures is considered a cache-pot. This is a wicker mount in which a flower pot is placed. The size of the product is usually small and designed for one flowerpot. Mounted stands are less popular than floor counterparts. Since for their installation it is necessary to punch holes in the wall, install brackets. Usually they are hung from cornices, used on terraces and balconies.

In decorative terms, hanging options look good, decorate the walls. But if you need to move the product to another place, there is a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, before deciding to create a hinged stand, you need to weigh all the positive and negative points.

Tiered coasters

Tiered models are stationary. They are represented by slides, racks and whatnots. Allows you to place a large number of flowerpots. An excellent variant of the cascade for ampelous flowers and plants with large, long leaves hanging down.

Multi-tiered home-made coasters are made if:

  1. Garden flowers are low and because of the grass they are hard to see.
  2. There is no possibility to create a flower bed. For example, in view of the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe personal plot.
  3. It is necessary to create a small shadow in the garden.

Unusual and original designs

There are many decorative forms of coasters. Unique options are obtained by creating the design yourself. Flower stands in the form of a bench, a car, a bicycle, a cart and a carriage, and even on wheels, are distinguished by their originality. Decorate the model with interesting curls. Sometimes covered with silver, white or gold plating.

Such coasters are well suited for marigolds, asters, nasturtiums and obelias. Forged products look expensive and stylish. Many make glass and wood coasters. To place flower pots in the corner of the room, create corner models. Such options save space, but have one drawback - a small distance between the shelves.

For street, cottage and garden

Certain requirements are put forward for flower stands that are planned to be placed on the street, in the garden or in the country house in the garden. The material for their manufacture should be chosen strong and durable, able to withstand the negative effects of the external environment. At the same time, street structures should look original. Usually, iron or plastic structures are used in the yard.

Forged products in the form of a cart or bicycle, stands that imitate a stepladder are suitable for a summer cottage. Racks designed for several pots give the gardener the opportunity to create a flower garden in a hanging position. In this case, the design should correspond to the stylistic direction of the garden. For example, if there is a forged vine in the design of the gazebo, it is better to use a similar element when creating a plant stand.

For home and apartment

In apartments and private houses, special stands for indoor flowers are used. Typically, structures are suspended from the outer or inner side of the window, balcony railing. Such models are recommended to choose when growing such houseplants that need a lot of sunlight. For example, for pelargonium, geranium and petunias. Designs are created for small pots.

There are expansion options that are attached to the ceiling, window sill or floor. They can be placed anywhere in the room. As a rule, spacers rotate around their own axis. When creating balcony, window or wall stands, special attention should be paid to the reliability of fastenings. Otherwise, the structure may fall to the floor and cause injury.

DIY Flower Stand Ideas

Ready-made coasters are presented on the market, which differ in material, shape, design, but a hand-made product always looks more expensive and original.

After all, this design is a unique design solution. Drawings can be found online.

The positive aspects of self-production are as follows:

  • There are many materials on sale that are suitable for making a stand on your own.
  • Designs are easy to give the desired look that best fits into the overall interior.

Metal constructions

Many flower growers for the beautiful design of plants create welded metal structures with their own hands. How to do it? Any design of iron stand with chrome legs can be realized. It all depends on the ability to work with metal and imagination. Products made from such material can be fragile and massive. The choice depends on the location and interior of the apartment.

Do-it-yourself wall stands for giant stems are made from rods of different thicknesses and decorated with elements from thin metal sheets. On the pots of the loggia, coasters made of reinforcement curved in the form of a frame look good. In this model, you can put a pot of any shape. Bases for flowerpots are usually made in the form of rings. What can you make yourself an arch for a climbing rose?

To begin with, they determine the size of the product, create its sketch. The legs are usually wavy. For their manufacture, 4 metal bars are bent and two waves are welded. Then make holders for pots. A regular shelf will do. The simplest option for creating a base is welding flat metal plates. The legs of the structure are connected with reinforcement. Holders for flowerpots are welded in the upper part. Cover the product with golden or silver paint, decorate with decorative elements.

Wooden solutions

For the manufacture of do-it-yourself wooden stands and supports for plants, plywood, chipboard, and boards are more often used. These materials are easy to process, environmentally friendly. Consider how to make a stand that is suitable for installation near a window or on the floor.

You will need: pine board, template, stencil, pencil, slats, self-tapping screws, sandpaper, varnish, paints, brush. For crafts, you need three countertops (about 16-20 centimeters in diameter) and two walls (about a meter long). The template is transferred to the boards with a pencil. Cut out the details with a jigsaw. The edges are processed with a milling cutter. Connect the two walls with slats. The workpiece is treated with an aerosol. On the reverse side, screw the countertop. Coated with varnish. After drying, the product is ready for use.

To give a more interesting look, some decorate the design with artificial roses. To create them you will need: artificial leaves, wire, fresh rowan branches, paint and a candle. The branches are sharpened to obtain round shavings (this will be the corolla of the rose). The wire is bent at one end and a whisk is inserted into the hole. Light a candle and dip the flower blank into the melted wax. Next, the rose is painted. Artificial leaves are fixed on the wire. Small holes are drilled in the slats and roses are inserted into them.

Pipe stand

And how can you make a structure from pvc pipes? Pipe stands are used to protect garden plants from strong gusts of wind and rain. It is easy to create such a design with your own hands, using a minimum of details. You will need: a metal-plastic water pipe, trimmings from lining, two pieces of garden hose, self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

The algorithm of work is the following:

Pallet shelf

Wooden pallets (pallets) are used for transportation and storage of various materials. The product looks rough, as it is not processed. But it is made of high quality wood, so it is durable. Many pallets end up in landfill. But they make an interesting plant stand that can transform the landscape design of the site. Do-it-yourself wooden pallets, made according to a special scheme, look original.

Some install a pallet on the balcony. In this case, you can build an interesting stand for the garden. This will require one pallet, two bags of earth and plastic boxes for indoor flowers. Arrange pallets vertically. Thanks to this, it is possible to place a large number of flowerpots on one design. At the same time, it is important to correctly install and fix the pallets in a certain position.

Before making a pallet from pallets with your own hands, you need to prepare them in a special way. How to do this is described below:

  • Grout. Use a grinder or sandpaper.
  • putty. Eliminates minor defects, chips and cracks. The product is primed.
  • Lacquering or painting.

Wire construction

Do-it-yourself wall-mounted stand models are usually made of thick wire. Such a product looks sophisticated and elegant. Compositions of different styles, drawings give decorativeness and uniqueness. The staircase for indoor flowers looks interesting. To make crafts, you will need metal rods and a welding machine. For the base of the stairs, you need to use thick and durable metal, and thin rods are suitable for decorating the steps.

The algorithm of work is given below:

  1. Take a metal rod with a length that is equal to the height of the stand. Add a margin of 15 centimeters.
  2. Make a leg by bending it in the form of a ring.
  3. Attach a rod perpendicular to the base.
  4. Repeat the procedure for the second rack.
  5. Attach two more legs.
  6. To decorate the first step, use thin rods.
  7. Make the second step less wide to give the shape of a staircase.
  8. Create the last third stage.

Also from the rods it is possible to make a stand stylized as a bicycle. On the Internet there are many interesting options and schemes with a detailed description.

Bead stand

Do-it-yourself beaded coasters look original. But such work is painstaking, it requires a serious approach, skills and abilities to work with such material. Weaving a simple stand for a flowerpot is easy. Detailed master classes can be viewed from photos and videos on the Internet. A few centimeters of beads are strung on the wire. Four such blanks are made and fastened together in the form of a square. Then they take multi-colored beads, string them and carefully wrap them, alternating in a square. It must be fastened very tightly. In appearance, the stand will look like a carpet.

There are many patterns for creating wickerwork. There are options on the Internet for woven round napkins made of beads. Having spent a little time and effort, you get an exclusive, beautiful and functional thing that will allow flowers to be conveniently placed on the windowsill.

Conclusions about the above information