A page of denarii. Page of Pentacles Tarot: meaning and interpretation. Meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot in relationships. The total value of the card in a straight position

1 Family dream book

An almond seen in a dream is a good omen. It means wealth, abundance.
But if the tonsils are spoiled, you will be completely disappointed in achieving your goals, unless some new circumstances arise.

2 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

To see blooming almonds in a dream - to thoughts of distant and exciting trips.

3 Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Almond - Sweet - success and prosperity; bitter - disappointment and sadness; spoiled - disappointment.

4 Psychotherapeutic dream book

Sleeping with almonds means:

There are almonds - an obstacle; buy - deprivation or loss; eating macaroons is a hoax.

5 Big dream book Phoebe

The meaning of sleep almonds:

What does Almond mean in a dream - to a rich abundant life. Imagine a table with a whole plate of selected peeled almonds. Near a vase with honey. You take a saucer or plate, put almonds in it and pour honey over it, and then eat with gusto. Then imagine how you invite your family and friends to the table and eat together.

6 Slavic dream book

Almonds are a symbol of pleasure and wealth if they are sweet, and vice versa if they are bitter.

7 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Seeing almonds in a dream - to bad, bad-smelling deeds.

8 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Almonds, in a dream means:

Sweet almonds - success, well-being; bitter - disappointment, sadness.

9 Old Russian dream book

Almonds - And eating all kinds of nuts or seeing a tree that bears these fruits means confusion in business and work, subsequently rewarded with happy success, collecting such fruits portends tears about something, this is how you decipher what you dream about in a dream.

10 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Crush almonds - to failure in business.
There are almonds - to great grief.
You watched someone eat almonds - one of your distant relatives in the family will experience great grief.
Collecting or buying almonds is in trouble.
You dreamed that you were selling almonds - in the near future, voluntarily or involuntarily, put a pig in one of your distant relatives.
The dream in which you cut down, burned almonds - you have to make a serious choice, on which your career may depend in the future.

11 Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

Why does a woman dream of almonds:

sweet - success and prosperity; bitter - disappointment and sadness.

12 Dream Interpretation 2012

Seeing almonds in a dream means:

Almonds are a reminder that a bitter residue remains from a misperception of something (someone), including oneself.

13 Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

A dream with almonds in a dream book is interpreted as:

Almond tree - loss of a beloved person / poetic nature, a person with pretensions.

14 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Sleeping with almonds means:

Almond - You are dreaming of an almond tree - a dream promises you great wealth, which will increase every year; you will be able to set up your house well. You see almond flowers in a dream - a dream suggests that the period of prosperity in your life will not be half-term. It is as if you are eating an almond - you will set a worthy goal for yourself, but you will not be able to achieve it. You came across a spoiled almond - this dream is disappointing.

15 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

The meaning of sleep almonds:

You dreamed of Almonds for what this is wealth and abundance. Imagine that you are eating almonds, dipping them in honey. You also treat all your relatives with almonds.

16 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

What does it mean if a woman dreams of almonds:

Almonds - to a flattering interlocutor.

17 Modern dream book

What almonds can dream of:

Almond is good dream. It brings wealth and prosperity, although a period of short-term sorrows and sorrows is also possible.
If the almonds are spoiled, you will experience disappointment in achieving the goal, but this state will pass as soon as new favorable conditions are created.

18 Modern dream book

Almonds, in a dream means:

Almonds are an auspicious dream, promising wealth and prosperity, although a period of short-term sorrows and sorrows is also possible.
If you dreamed that almond nuts spoiled - it means that you will experience disappointment when you achieve your goal, but this state will soon pass.

19 ABC of dream interpretation

If a girl dreams of almonds, then this means:

To see a dream There are almonds - An obstacle; buy - deprivation or loss; eating macaroons is a hoax.
The Almond Tree is dreaming - Blooming - the aspirations of your heart will be fulfilled; eat sweet fruits - they will praise you; bitter - fear.

20 Women's dream book

Why does a woman dream of almonds:

To dream about Almonds - Almonds in a dream is a good omen. It portends security for some time. Spoiled almond grains dream of complete disappointment in achieving your goals, unless some new, more favorable circumstances arise.

21 Dream Interpretation Hasse

Blooming almond tree - the aspirations of your heart will be fulfilled; eat sweet fruits - they will praise you; bitter - fear.

22 Dream interpretation for a bitch

Almonds - a prosperous period in life will be replaced by sadness and material difficulties for some time.
Sweet almonds - well-being, abundance, prosperity.
Gorky is a disappointment if you cannot predict such a turn in business in advance and do not take appropriate measures.

23 Miller's dream book

This dream is a good omen. It means wealth, abundance. However, sadness will follow them after a short period of time. If the tonsils are spoiled, then you will be completely disappointed in achieving certain goals, unless some new circumstances arise. "

24 dream interpretation modern woman

Almonds in a dream are a good omen. It portends security for some time.
Spoiled almond grains - dream of complete disappointment in achieving your goals, unless some new, more favorable circumstances arise.

25 Jewish dream book

What is Almond dreaming of:

What does Almond mean in a dream - There are almonds.
For a woman - Dreamed in the spring, this dream promises an unusual adventure; in the summer - it means that you will do something that will be very useful; a dream that occurred in the fall warns: a stranger and an unpleasant person will begin to interfere in your affairs; and in winter - to grief and despondency.
For a man - In the spring - to dreams for which there are no grounds; in summer - to bad luck; in the fall - to disappointment; a dream in winter says that the coming days are an unfavorable time for you. To peel almonds from the shell - to achieve the desired result with perseverance and great exertion. brain To see the brain of your interlocutor - to receive money or to have a successful business conversation.

26 Miller's dream book

A good omen, wealth, abundance, but soon happiness may be replaced by sadness;
spoiled almonds - you will not achieve your goals, unless circumstances are extremely successful.
See also Walnut.

27 English dream book

If in a dream you eat candied almonds - wait pleasant surprise. Maybe you have a trip to distant countries. If the taste of almonds in a dream gives you special pleasure, then success will favor you in everything. If the almonds are bitter - your business may burst and you will go bankrupt.

28 Dream interpretation for women

The woman who dreams of almonds can consider herself lucky, since in most cases similar dream is a good omen and promises wealth and abundance. Although you will not have to rejoice for long, because after a while fortune will turn its back on you, and then there will come a time of sadness and disappointment in former hopes and expectations. This is especially true for those dreams in which the almonds were spoiled.

29 Dream interpretation alphabetically

Seeing blooming almonds in a dream portends fulfillment cherished desire. Breaking almond branches with flowers means that you will be showered with compliments from men at an evening where you will make a strong impression on them with your new outfit. There are almonds in a dream - in reality you will experience a strong shock from unpleasant news from afar.

A lot of almonds in a dream means wealth and abundance, luck in everything, which, however, after a while will be replaced by sheer bad luck. Bitter almond portends that you will lose faith in the person who was trusted as yourself.

Large, small ... You have no time to disassemble. Order almond cakes for sleep: the almonds have already been ground, and the deliciousness is indescribable!

33 Astrological dream book

A symbol of pleasure and wealth if it is sweet, and vice versa if it is bitter.

34 Dream Interpretation of Lovers

The dream in which you see almonds portends wealth and love.
Spoiled almonds - portends disappointment in a loved one.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Almonds in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Almonds

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream and what does Almond mean?

A mystical symbol of purity, hidden truth, immaculate conception, which has both pagan and biblical roots. If you just see a flowering almond tree, then this is a sign of love and expectation of a pleasant meeting with your chosen one or chosen one. And if you dreamed in a dream how you eat the nuts of this tree, then this is a sign of gaining power over the situation thanks to wisdom and other personal qualities, this is how this dream is interpreted in which Almonds are dreamed.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Sweet - success and prosperity, bitter - disappointment and sadness, this means the dream that you had, for more details on why Almonds are dreaming, see below.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What does Almond dream about for a woman:

Blooming almonds portend the fulfillment of a cherished desire. There are almonds - you will experience a strong shock from unpleasant news from afar. A lot of almonds - wealth and abundance, good luck in everything. Bitter almonds portend disappointment in a loved one

Summer dream interpreter

It was a dream that blooming almonds - to thoughts of distant and exciting trips.

Autumn dream interpreter

We saw almonds in a dream - to bad, bad-smelling deeds, as it is said in the dream book about this dream, for details, if you dream of Almonds, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why does Almond dream in a dream?

auspicious sleep, promising wealth and prosperity, although a period of short-term sorrows and sorrows is also possible. If you dreamed that the almonds were spoiled, it means that you will be disappointed when you achieve your goal, but this condition will soon pass.

Modern dream book

Why dream of Almonds in a dream book?

An almond seen in a dream is a good omen. It means wealth, abundance. But, if the tonsils are spoiled, you will be completely disappointed in achieving your goals, unless some new circumstances arise.

Spring dream interpreter

To a flattering interlocutor.

Slavic dream book

I dreamed of Almonds in a dream, what is it for:

Almonds are a symbol of pleasure and wealth if they are sweet, and vice versa if they are bitter.

Jewish dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed of Almonds:

What does Almond mean in a dream - There are almonds.

For a woman - - Dreamed in the spring, this dream promises an unusual adventure; in the summer - it means that you will do something that will be very useful; a dream that occurred in the fall warns: a stranger and an unpleasant person will begin to interfere in your affairs; and in winter - to grief and despondency.

For a man - In the spring - to dreams for which there are no grounds; in summer - to bad luck; in the fall - to disappointment; a dream in winter says that the coming days are an unfavorable time for you. To peel almonds from the shell - to achieve the desired result with perseverance and great exertion. brain To see the brain of your interlocutor - to receive money or to have a successful business conversation.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

I dreamed of Almonds - what does a dream mean?

You dreamed of Almonds, what is it for - Wealth and abundance. Imagine that you are eating almonds, dipping them in honey. You also treat all your relatives with almonds.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

I dreamed of Almonds in a dream, interpretation:

Almond - Sweet - success and prosperity; bitter - disappointment and sadness; spoiled - disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed of Almonds, why:

Almonds - You are dreaming of an almond tree - a dream promises you great wealth, which will increase every year; you will be able to set up your house well. You see almond flowers in a dream - the dream suggests that the period of prosperity in your life will not be half-term. It is as if you are eating an almond - you will set a worthy goal for yourself, but you will not be able to achieve it. You came across a spoiled almond - this dream is disappointing.

Phoebe's big dream book

Had a dream and what does Almond mean in a dream?

What does Almond mean in a dream - to a rich abundant life. Imagine a table with a whole plate of selected peeled almonds. Near a vase with honey. You take a saucer or plate, put almonds in it and pour honey over it, and then eat with gusto. Then imagine how you invite your family and friends to the table and eat together.

, shrub , amygdala, praline, flower

Almonds in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita:

Almond - sweet - success, well-being - bitter - disappointment, sadness

Interpretation in Modern dream book sleep almonds:

  • Seeing almonds in a dream is a favorable sign. Such a dream promises wealth and prosperity, although a period of short-term sorrows and sorrows is also possible. If you dreamed that the almonds were spoiled, then you will experience disappointment when you achieve your goal, but this condition will soon pass.
  • Why dream of Almonds Miller's dream book?

  • This dream is a good omen. It means wealth, abundance. However, sadness will follow them after a short period of time. If the tonsils are spoiled, then you will be completely disappointed in achieving certain goals, unless some new circumstances arise.
  • AT Family dream book if you dream of Almonds:

  • But if the tonsils are spoiled, you will be completely disappointed in achieving your goals, unless some new circumstances arise.
  • An almond seen in a dream is a good omen. It means wealth, abundance.
  • If you dream of Almonds? AT Eastern dream book:

  • A favorable dream, promising wealth and prosperity, although a period of short-term sorrows and sorrows is also possible. If you dreamed that the almonds were spoiled, it means that you will experience disappointment when you achieve your goal, but this condition will soon pass.
  • Interpretation of Almond's dream Noble dream book:

  • Almond tree - loss of a beloved person / poetic nature, a person with pretensions.
  • Seeing Almonds in a dream Schiller's dream book:

  • sweet - success and prosperity; bitter - disappointment and sadness.
  • What does it mean to see Almonds in a dream Dream interpretation for women?

  • The woman who dreams of almonds can consider herself lucky, since in most cases such a dream is a good omen and promises wealth and abundance. Although you will not have to rejoice for long, because after a while fortune will turn its back on you, and then there will come a time of sadness and disappointment in former hopes and expectations. This is especially true for those dreams in which the almonds were spoiled.
  • Alternative interpretation:

    Seeing almonds in a dream is a favorable sign. Such a dream promises wealth and prosperity, although a period of short-term sorrows and sorrows is also possible. If you dreamed that the almonds were spoiled, then you will experience disappointment when you achieve your goal, but this state will soon pass.

    This dream is a good omen. It means wealth, abundance. However, sadness will follow them after a short period of time. If the tonsils are spoiled, then you will be completely disappointed in achieving certain goals, unless some new circumstances arise.

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Canonite

    sweet - success, well-being; bitter - disappointment, sadness

    Miller's dream book

    This dream is a good omen. It means wealth, abundance. However, sadness will follow them after a short period of time. If the tonsils are spoiled, then you will be completely disappointed in achieving certain goals, unless some new circumstances arise.

    Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

    Why dream of Almonds - Seeing almonds in a dream - to bad, bad-smelling deeds.

    Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

    Why dream of Almonds - To see blooming almonds in a dream - to thoughts of distant and exciting trips.

    Women's dream book

    Why Almonds are dreaming - Almonds in a dream are a good omen. It portends security for some time. Spoiled almond grains dream of complete disappointment in achieving your goals, unless some new, more favorable circumstances arise.

    Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams

    Dream Interpretation Almonds - And eating all kinds of nuts or seeing a tree that bears these fruits means confusion in business and work, subsequently rewarded with happy success, collecting such fruits portends tears about something.

    Dream interpretation for the whole family

    Seeing Almonds in a dream - That woman who dreams of ALMONDS can consider herself lucky, since in most cases such a dream is a good omen and promises wealth and abundance. Although you will not have to rejoice for long, because after a while fortune will turn its back on you, and then there will come a time of sadness and disappointment in former hopes and expectations. This is especially true for those dreams in which the almonds were spoiled.

    Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

    Why Almonds are dreaming - To a flattering interlocutor.

    Miller's dream book

    Why dream of Almonds - This dream is a good omen. It means wealth, abundance. However, sadness will follow them after a short period of time. If the tonsils are spoiled, then you will be completely disappointed in achieving certain goals, unless some new circumstances arise.

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Dream Interpretation Almonds - Sweet - success, well-being - bitter - disappointment, sadness

    Explanatory dream book

    Why do you dream of Almonds - An obstacle; buy - deprivation or loss; eating macaroons is a hoax.

    Almond tree - Blooming - the aspirations of your heart will be fulfilled; eat sweet fruits - they will praise you; bitter - fear.

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Dream Interpretation Almond Tree - Blooming - the desire of your heart will be fulfilled - eat sweet fruits - you will be praised - bitter fruits - fear

    • Seeing blooming almonds in a dream portends the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
    • Breaking almond branches with flowers means that you will be showered with compliments by men at an evening where you will make a strong impression on them with your new outfit.
    • There are almonds - in reality you will experience a strong shock from unpleasant news from afar.
    • A lot of almonds in a dream means wealth and abundance, luck in everything, which, however, after a while will be replaced by sheer bad luck.
    • Bitter almond portends that you will lose faith in the person who was trusted as yourself.
    • Almonds are spoiled - you will be completely disappointed in achieving certain goals, unless some new circumstances arise.
    • Crush almonds - good luck in business.
    • Collecting, buying or eating almonds is a big nuisance.
    • Watching someone eat almonds - one of the distant relatives in the family will have big trouble.
    • Selling almonds - soon, voluntarily or involuntarily, you will plant a pig for one of your distant relatives.
    • Cut down (burn) an almond (tree) - you have to make a serious choice, on which a career may depend in the future.

    Eastern female dream book

    • A favorable dream, promising wealth and prosperity, although a period of short-term sorrows and sorrows is also possible. If you dreamed that the almonds were spoiled, it means that you will experience disappointment when you achieve your goal, but this condition will soon pass.

    Family dream book

    • An almond seen in a dream is a good omen. It means wealth, abundance.
    • But if the tonsils are spoiled, you will be completely disappointed in achieving your goals, unless some new circumstances arise.

    Modern dream book

    • Seeing almonds in a dream is a favorable sign. Such a dream promises wealth and prosperity, although a period of short-term sorrows and sorrows is also possible. If you dreamed that the almonds were spoiled, then you will experience disappointment when you achieve your goal, but this condition will soon pass.

    Mayan Dream Interpretation

    • If in a dream you eat candied almonds, expect a pleasant surprise. Maybe you have a trip to distant countries. If the taste of almonds in a dream gives you special pleasure, then success will favor you in everything. If the almonds are bitter - your business may burst and you will go bankrupt.

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    • Almond tree - loss of a beloved person / poetic nature, a person with pretensions.

    Women's dream book

    • Almonds - Almonds in a dream are a good omen. It portends security for some time. Spoiled almond grains dream of complete disappointment in achieving your goals, unless some new, more favorable circumstances arise.

    Old Russian dream book

    • Almonds - And eating all kinds of nuts or seeing a tree that bears these fruits means confusion in business and labor, subsequently rewarded with happy success, collecting such fruits portends tears about something, as the dream book says about this dream.

    Dream interpretation of the XXI century

    • There are almonds - an obstacle; buy - deprivation or loss; eating macaroons is a hoax.
    • Almond tree - Blooming - the aspirations of your heart will be fulfilled; eat sweet fruits - they will praise you; bitter - fright

    Autumn dream book

    • Almonds - Seeing almonds in a dream - to bad, bad-smelling deeds.

    Spring dream book

    • Almonds - To a flattering interlocutor.

    Summer dream book

    • Almonds - To see blooming almonds in a dream - to thoughts of distant and exciting trips, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

    Miller's dream book

    • This dream is a good omen. It means wealth, abundance. However, sadness will follow them after a short period of time. If the tonsils are spoiled, then you will be completely disappointed in achieving certain goals, unless some new circumstances arise.

    Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

    • Almond tree - Blooming - your heart's desire will be fulfilled - eat sweet fruits - you will be praised - bitter fruits - fear
    • Almond - Sweet - success, well-being - bitter - disappointment, sadness