First aid for bites of poisonous insects and features of a poisonous substance. First aid for insect bites Poisonous snake and insect bites

On the eve of the May holidays, the advice of Dr. Leonid Roshal on how to recognize the bites of domestic and wild animals dangerous to health and how to provide first aid in such cases is more relevant than ever.

Bites from wild and domestic animals lead to the formation of so-called bite wounds. Their peculiarity is that there is a high risk:

  • infection of the wound, caused by bacteria in the saliva of animals;
  • tetanus infection;
  • rabies infection.

Action algorithm:

  1. stop bleeding;
  2. treat the wound;
  3. apply a bandage;
  4. Seek medical attention.

A bite wound is a good reason to seek medical attention. A rare exception is those cases when the bite is shallow, superficial and it is reliably known that the animal is healthy and vaccinated.

Wasp, bee, hornet, bumblebee stings: symptoms and first aid

The venom of these insects contains biologically active amines, the action of which can cause a severe allergic reaction.


  • A sharp pain reaction with redness and swelling in the affected area.
  • With multiple bites, vomiting, convulsions, loss of consciousness are possible.
  • Perhaps the development of an allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock, urticaria).

Action algorithm:

  1. If a sting remains in the skin, remove it with tweezers, grabbing as close to the skin as possible.
  2. To reduce pain and swelling, apply ice to the bite site for 10 minutes.
  3. Apply antiallergic ointment.
  4. If the swelling at the site of the bite is very pronounced, the area of ​​redness is more than 10 cm, there is pronounced itching, give the child an anti-allergic agent of general action.
  5. If severe itching persists, swelling increases and the diameter of the redness increases, enter a hormonal anti-inflammatory agent.

Excellent article! God forbid, of course, someone to face such serious bites and no less serious health consequences.
As for jellyfish burns, I can recommend Lioxazin. We took it with us on vacation this summer as a remedy for sunburn and abrasions. We climbed into the sea to swim and a jellyfish stung me right in the stomach. Give, I think, Lioksazin I will try or taste. Is that a burn? Burn. Here is the napkin. The redness began to subside rather quickly, the pain too (there is lidocaine in the composition).
Hope this information helps someone!

14.08.2014 01:23:17, lisa_krasa

Very important information. It seems to me that it is simply necessary to know it for every person, and especially for those who have children!!! I have a daughter and we often go for walks in nature, go fishing, or just relax somewhere in warm places and such troubles may well happen there. As they say, no one is safe from this! Thank you very much for the information. Very useful and important!

07.06.2014 18:13:34,

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Summer is the season for barbecues, hiking in the forest, walking near rivers and lakes. When going to nature, it is very important to remember that not only picturesque places are waiting for you there, but also a lot of “locals”. And the main part of the inhabitants in the forest are insects and reptiles, which can be dangerous and very poisonous.

You need to behave very carefully, try to avoid contact with unwanted inhabitants of forests and fields. Always take insect repellents with you - sprays, fragrances, fumigators and ointments, they will help drive unwanted "guests" away from you and your parking lot.

When collecting a camping first aid kit, be sure to put hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and a box of matches there - this will help you provide urgent first aid in an emergency. These three items, for sure, can help you with dangerous bites of poisonous insects and reptiles. How?

When bitten by a snake

If there is no qualified doctor among you, and your friend or acquaintance has been bitten by a snake, then, first of all, remain calm and inspect the bite site. If possible, take a picture of the snake that attacked - this will come in handy in the clinic, when assisting the victim and choosing an antidote syrovat.

Your action is to urgently wash the bite site with hydrogen peroxide, as it oxidizes any organic matter and stops the action of the poison. After that, apply a bandage and apply cold, immediately go with the victim to the nearest ambulance station.

When bitten by hymenoptera insects

This category includes such insects as bees, wasps, bumblebees, gadflies, etc. When bitten by hymenoptera, you need to wipe the bite with ammonia and apply a compress on it from the same ammonia, its main component is ammonia, and it perfectly neutralizes the poison of these insects.

Additionally, you can give the victim an antihistamine - an allergy pill, especially if the person suffers from allergic diseases. After providing first aid, depending on the condition of the victim, if necessary, send him to the doctor.

When bitten by arachnid insects

If you were bitten by insects that belong to the category of arachnids, then you must act immediately - immediately, within one or two minutes, you must urgently burn the bite with an ordinary match. This will drastically reduce the percentage of poison entering the body.

To do this, you need to attach the sulfur head of one match directly to the bite site, and then set it on fire with another burning match. This is necessary so that the high temperature is as close as possible to the wound, and since the poison decomposes from high temperature and plus, the burned areas of the capillaries and tissues will not allow the poison to spread in the blood.


For any bites of poisonous reptiles and insects, you should immediately consult a doctor! First aid, which you can provide on the spot with the help of improvised means - ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and matches, only in order to have a beneficial effect on the victim, in the absence of an antidote (antidote).

These actions will limit the amount of poison that could enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. It is also an opportunity to get the necessary amount of time to get to the nearest ambulance or hospital, where it will be possible to transfer the victim to a doctor and receive qualified assistance.

Bites of snakes and poisonous insects without urgent action often end in failure. Well, if there is an opportunity to introduce an antidote. But more often it happens that there is no serum with you. Moreover, insects and snakes bite a person even where there is not a single first-aid post nearby.

In poisonous snakes, arachnids, centipedes, venom glands are connected to the jaws or teeth. They can be located on the tail spike. Animals need such a "weapon" in order to inject poison into the body of their victim. Sometimes poison is needed only for protection. The methods used for this are very different. For example, you can get a jet of caustic liquid from a bombardier beetle.

In the Crimea, in Ukraine (especially in the steppes of Askania-Nova), in Central Asia (in the steppe zones), in the Caucasus and along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, you need to beware of the bite of the karakurt spider. Usually this shiny black spider with bright red spots on the upper part of the abdomen is found among stones, on the slopes of ravines, near ditches and on virgin lands. It is not uncommon for this representative of arachnids to visit rooms where people or pets are located. In some years (with a frequency of about 12 years), especially a lot of spiders are born. Tiny karakurtiki attached to the threads of the web are carried by the wind for many kilometers. Most bites occur in June and July, the time of female migration. It is believed that the male is less dangerous for humans than the mature female karakurt. It is smaller than the female (male - 4 - 7 mm, female - 10 - 20 mm).

While working in Kazakhstan to study soils, flora and fauna in the valley of the Kurchuma River, I dug out a shallow mink in the steppe, at the bottom of which a black spider was sitting on a large white cocoon. The disturbed spider did not run away, but, raising its front paws, prepared for defense. A formidable spider rolled up in a web, together with a cocoon, was shoved into a matchbox. It turned out to be a kara-kurt, near whose mink I found dead fillies and even one takyr lizard.
The spider soon died, and the cocoon with many testicles was left at home, from where I again had to leave for a long time. In the middle of winter, I was informed that many small spiders crawled on the paper in which the box was wrapped, then they crawled around the house, hunting for cockroaches. Subsequently, the spiders safely disappeared along with the cockroaches (P.A. Manteuffel “Notes of a Naturalist”). Note: Spiderlings that have nothing to eat usually devour each other.

The bite of a karakurt is deadly for a person. Even such large animals as a horse or a camel perish from it. The poison of a karakurt is 15 times stronger than the poison of a rattlesnake! A small red spot that appears at the site of the bite disappears soon. After 15 minutes, the stomach, chest, legs become numb. There is mental excitement. It is accompanied by severe headache, dizziness, convulsions, suffocation, arrhythmia and blue face. The pulse slows down, the arms and legs go numb. After 1 - 2 days, a person may die if doctors do not help him. Occasionally, people recover on their own, having survived a few terrible days. A characteristic rash appears on the body, after which a slow recovery begins, which stretches for 2-3 weeks or more.

Spider karakurt, photo from Wikipedia

Spider tarantula

Everyone has heard of large (almost 4 cm long) furry tarantula spiders. They live in the steppes, hide under stones, can sit in any recesses. Tarantulas crawl into courtyards and buildings where people live or work. A meeting with them (bite) can occur while cleaning a house or apartment. There are species that prefer to live in swamps. There tarantulas perfectly swim, dive and move on the surface of the water. The spider looks intimidating. It has a bulge on its back that resembles a cone. The eyes are arranged in three rows. The legs have claws. A large and strong Apulian tarantula (habitat - the Iberian and Apennine Peninsulas) easily digs vertical holes up to 60 cm deep, in which it sits during the day. At night, tarantulas hunt.

The bite of a spider is very painful, but does not pose a mortal danger. I was told that tarantulas are increasingly found in places where they were not before.

Tarantula, photo from Wikipedia

field scorpion

The field scorpion is always ready to attack. Many traditions and legends are associated with this animal. There is a lot of fiction in them, but there is also some truth. So, a "cornered" scorpion tries to sting itself. The female is an incredibly caring mother, she is ready for anything for the sake of her offspring. The scorpion carries her cubs (they are born alive) on her and takes care of them until her children grow up. During this time, the female scorpion is so exhausted that having prepared the matured shift for life, she herself dies from exhaustion. A fairly common field scorpion is found throughout southern Europe.

For an injection, a scorpion uses a sharp poisonous spike, which is located at the end of an elongated abdomen. This tail has 6 members. The scorpion has strong claws that usually act like jaws. Scorpions vary in size, shape of claws, tail, and number of eyes. The color of the scorpion varies from light yellow to almost black. Scorpions hunt at night. During the day they hide.

A painful sting from a black scorpion (found in humid places in the Transcaucasus) can lead to partial paralysis. But the injection of yellow scorpions (they live in arid places in the Caucasus and in the desert areas of Central Asia) is considered less painful.

Black scorpion, photo from Wikipedia

Phalanges (solpugi, bihorki, camel spider)

Phalanges (solpugs, camel spider, bihorks) look intimidating and live up to the reputation of a deadly animal. These large (up to 7 cm long) high-speed spiders live in many desert areas. They are found in Central Asia (the Transcaspian solpuga is a brownish-yellow spider with a gray belly), among the sands of Turkmenistan (smoky solpuga up to 7 cm long with a black-brown body), in the Caucasus, in Transcaucasia (small yellow solpugs), in the Crimea and in steppes that stretch from the lower reaches of the Don to the Urals. The camel spider is covered with hairs, bristles and has a pair of claws. The movements of the attacking spider are lightning fast. Excited salpugs chirp, squeak or make shrill sounds. Not all salpugs are nocturnal. Among them there are those who are more active in the daytime. In Spain they are called "solar spiders". With an abundance of food, the phalanges gorge themselves so that their “tummy” bursts, but the spider continues to eat until it dies.

At night, salpugs often crawl into the light of a lantern, lamp or fire, so they often end up near people. Experts say that the bites of this spider are very painful. But the main problems arise not because of the poison (the phalanx has no poisonous glands), but because of the further suppuration of the wound. The consolation is that only large spiders bite, and smaller ones are not able to bite through or injure human skin.

Phalanx, photo from Wikipedia

Wasps, hornets

A wasp sting can lead to bad consequences. You can read about it and about rescue measures in the articles: and.

The hornet, or hornet wasp, is a very large wasp from the family of paper wasps. In Russia, there is an ordinary hornet (the length of the uterus is about 3.5 cm), which is smaller than the Asian hornet (up to 5 cm long). The overwintered queen in the spring creates a nest in which the whole family will live. Nests can be found under the roofs of buildings, in cracks, hollows in trees and other similar places. The family is created as follows: the hornet queen builds cells from the bark of trees (or wood) chewed, soaked and glued with saliva. The result is a paper-like material. The uterus lays one testicle in each of these cells. After five days, carnivorous larvae hatch, which in 9 days eat the food stored by the uterus (various dead insects, including headless bees) and pupate. It takes about two weeks, after which a young hornet appears from each pupa. He cleans his cell so that a new testicle can be placed in it. In autumn, the hornets die, only the fertilized uterus remains alive, which overwinter, and in the spring builds a nest and lays eggs.

August and September are the time when the number of hornets grows noticeably. They live in families, protecting themselves and all family members in any danger. If you kill a hornet near its nest, then a massive insect attack on a person can occur. In addition, any odorous substances stimulate the appearance of rage in these insects, which leads them to an aggressive state.

A person who has been stung by a hornet feels disgusting. First of all, it's a lot of pain. Swelling, headache, shortness of breath and palpitations quickly occur. The most unexpected allergic reactions are possible. Hornets (like wasps) do not leave a stinger. Sometimes a part of a broken sting remains in the wound, which needs to be pulled out. The poison is immediately squeezed out of the wound and the bite site is disinfected. Take a pain reliever. Validol and suprastin (tavegil, diphenhydramine) can support the heart and prevent or reduce allergic reactions (they appear after about 15 minutes). Among the remedies that improve the condition is a gauze bandage moistened with vodka or salt water (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water). It is advised to neutralize the poison with lemon juice, apply a slice of cucumber or plantain leaves to the bite site. Calling an ambulance is necessary to avoid serious consequences. A hornet bite is a serious test for the body. Not every person will cope with this without urgent qualified medical assistance. Especially if a hornet or wasp has bitten in the head or blood vessels. A bite in the tongue or mouth is deadly. It often happens when a wasp quietly gets into a cup of kvass or compote.

Hornet, photo from Wikipedia

Poisonous snakes

The bites of poisonous snakes (primarily vipers, gyurzes, cobras, efas) pose a real threat. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to distinguish a harmless snake from a poisonous viper ().

Our poisonous snakes: ordinary vipers, muzzle, viper and others, whose eyes are distinguished by a slit-like rather than a round pupil, hunt not during the day, but at night. During the day, they bask in the sun and seem lazy, apathetic (P.A. Manteuffel "Notes of a Naturalist").

In our region, snakes bite more often in spring and early summer, especially during their "weddings". Poison glands have a cavity inside in which poison accumulates. A powerful muscle allows you to instantly deliver poison (protein substances) into the dental canal. The poisonous teeth are in the upper jaw. They are hard, curved, long and sharp as a needle. Easily pierce human skin. The broken tooth is soon replaced with a new one.

Soon after birth, they (vipers) already have the habits of an adult snake, and if they are disturbed, they get angry, threaten and try to bite with their small but poisonous teeth. A person suffers greatly from viper venom: large tumors often form, and blood in the vessels often coagulates (P.A. Manteifel “Notes of a Naturalist”).

The wound left after the bite of a poisonous snake is double, i.e. two rounded wounds are clearly visible on the skin. Around the bite, inflammation with edema quickly begins to spread. It becomes more and more painful, the body temperature rises. If a non-venomous snake has bitten, then the wound looks different: it has one “puncture” and jagged edges. The bite of a venomous snake is very painful. People who have been bitten by snakes compare it to an electric shock. The bitten place swells, after which the edema quickly spreads throughout the human body. The poison causes a general breakdown, dizziness, a series of fainting spells, vomiting (even with blood) and bleeding from the nose, mouth, ears. The sensation of pain is gradually dulled, a state of insensibility sets in, which can end in the death of a person.

Snake venom can be neurotoxic, i.e. destroying the nervous system, and hemolytic, which destroys the blood, vessels of the circulatory system and tissues. The first type includes the poison of cobras, sea snakes, etc. The second type includes the poison of vipers, muzzles, rattlesnakes, zhararak, etc.

Scheme of actions in cases of snake bites and poisonous insects

We have already printed an excerpt from the instructions for the behavior of a person who finds himself in a dangerous situation (). This is the Intersectoral Instruction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation "On the provision of first aid in case of accidents at work." It was prepared by a group of competent professionals. There is a page in the brochure that clearly describes how to save people who are at risk of being poisoned by snake and insect venom.

Scheme of actions in cases of snake bites and poisonous insects:

  • Remove the sting from the wound.
  • Apply ice to the bite site.
  • Apply a sterile bandage.
  • Drip 5 - 6 drops of galazolin or sanorin into the nose and bite wound.
  • For bites in the arm or leg, be sure to put a splint.
  • Give plentiful and preferably sweet drinks.
  • Carefully monitor the patient's condition until the doctor arrives.
  • If you lose consciousness, turn on your stomach. If the heart and breathing stop, start resuscitation.


  1. In case of loss of consciousness, leave the patient to lie on his back.
  2. Use a heating pad or warm compresses.

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A snake, a bumblebee, a wasp, a bee, and in some areas a tarantula, a scorpion and other poisonous creatures can bite a person. From such bites, the wound is small and looks like a needle prick, but poison penetrates through it, which, depending on the number and strength of the bite, first acts on the area near the bite itself, or immediately causes general poisoning.

Bites of poisonous snakes and insects

Snake bites, but only poisonous ones, are life-threatening. Snakes, as a rule, bite a person in the leg when he steps on them. Therefore, in areas where snakes are found, walking barefoot is prohibited. Snake bites are considered the most dangerous when the venom enters the blood or lymph nodes. If the poison enters the skin, intoxication increases from one to four hours. The venom and its toxicity depend on the species of snake. Cobra venom is the most dangerous for humans. Under the same conditions, poisoning is more difficult in women and children, and also in people who are in a drunken state.

Symptoms from bites of poisonous snakes are: burning pain in the affected area, two stab deep wounds, swelling and redness, pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin, fluid vesicles, dizziness, necrotic ulcers, sweating and nausea, tachycardia and shortness of breath. After thirty minutes, the leg can double in volume. With this, the following symptoms simultaneously appear: muscle weakness, loss of strength, weak pulse, pressure drop, fainting and collapse.

What help should be provided after a venomous snake bite?

  • Above the bitten zone, a tourniquet should be applied and twisted so that the poison does not get into other organs (only with a cobra bite for thirty or forty minutes).
  • It is necessary to lower the bitten leg and try to squeeze the blood out of the wound where the poison is located.
  • Start immediately intensive suction of the poison from the wound by mouth for fifteen minutes (you must first squeeze the area of ​​​​the bite and “open” the wound) and spit out the contents. Next, you need to draw the blood out of the wound along with the poison using a medical jar, glass or glass. To do this, in the selected dish, you need to hold a lit cotton wool or a splinter for some time, and then cover the wound very quickly with it.
  • Keep the affected limb immobile. You will need to rest in a supine position and drink plenty of water.
  • You also need to put cold on the wound, rinse the wound with a solution of potassium permanganate, inject adrenaline, diphenhydramine into the wound, then deliver the victim to a medical institution.

It is impossible to suck out blood with poison if there are destroyed teeth or scratches in the mouth through which poison penetrates into the blood. It is forbidden to cut the bite site, give alcohol of any kind.

Bites of poisonous insects (bumblebees, wasps, bees) can lead to local symptoms, to general poisoning, and also cause an allergic reaction in the body. One bite of such insects does not pose a particular danger. If the sting remains in the wound, it must be carefully removed, put on the wound lotion with ammonia, a cold compress of potassium permanganate, or ordinary water.

Bites of poisonous insects are very dangerous. Their poison can cause, in addition to burning and severe pain in the bite area, general poisoning. The symptoms are very similar to snakebite symptoms. If general toxic phenomena are strongly expressed, then this indicates a high sensitivity of the body to insect poisons, the occurrence of allergies, which can cause death.

First aid for the bite of poisonous insects

  • The bee sting must be removed quickly and the poison squeezed out of the wound.
  • Apply cold to the affected area.
  • Moisten, drip with validol, alcohol, galazolin the bite site.
  • Take antihistamines inside: pipolfen, suprastin, diphenhydramine.
  • Hot drink.
  • If the asthmatic syndrome begins to develop, it is necessary to use a pocket inhaler.
  • If complete asphyxia - apply tracheotomy.
  • Call an ambulance.

First aid for animal bites

From the bite of a rabid wolf, fox, cat, dog and other animal, a person develops rabies. Usually, the bite site bleeds slightly. If a leg or arm is bitten, it is necessary to lower it quickly and try to squeeze blood out of the wound.

Bleeding should not be stopped for a while. Then the bite area is washed with boiled water, a sterile bandage is applied to the wound, the victim is immediately sent to the hospital, where he will be given a special vaccination, thereby saving him from a deadly disease - rabies.

It must also be remembered that you can become infected with rabies not only from the bite of an animal, but also if its saliva gets on the mucous membrane or scratched skin.

1. Animal bites.

If the victim was bitten by a healthy domestic dog or cat and the wound is small, then it is washed and a sterile bandage is applied. Extensive wounds are packed with sterile napkins.

If bites are received from an unknown dog or cat or other animal, it is necessary to contact a medical institution, because the bite of rabid animals is a great danger to life .

2. Bites of snakes.

According to the mechanism of action, snake venoms are divided into three groups:

- poisons that coagulate blood, causing local swelling and tissue death(poisons of muzzle, common viper, gyurza, etc.);

- poisons that act on the nervous system, causing muscle paralysis, respiratory and cardiac depression(poisons of sea snakes of tropical waters, cobras, etc.);

- poisons that act simultaneously on blood clotting and the nervous system, causing local swelling and tissue death(poisons of Australian asps, rattlesnakes).

When bitten by a cobra or other snakes of this group, pain occurs, a feeling of numbness in the bite area, spreading to the entire limb and body. The victim develops dizziness, fainting, cramps, a feeling of numbness in the face and tongue, swallowing is disturbed. Ascending paralysis develops rapidly, starting from the lower extremities (unsteady gait, it is impossible to stand on your feet, and then complete paralysis).
The rhythm of the heart is disturbed. If the poison enters the blood vessels, then death occurs in 15 to 20 minutes.

When bitten by snakes of the viper family, deep puncture wounds, redness and swelling are visible at the site of the bite, the skin is shiny, becomes purple-bluish, blisters and ulcers can form. Characterized by excitement, followed by weakness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, shock may develop.

When providing first aid from the very beginning it is necessary to ensure the rest of the victim. Can intensively suck the poison with your mouth (if there is no wound in the mouth). This can be done by the victim himself or by an outsider. Suction time - 10-15 minutes with constant spitting.

Cauterization of the wound is unacceptable.

The application of a tourniquet is permissible only with a cobra bite, but not more than 30-40 minutes.

3. Insect bites.

Multiple stings of bees and wasps can be dangerous for humans, and even more so for a child.

Tissue swelling occurs, the temperature rises, a sharp headache appears, convulsions are possible.

When providing first aid it is necessary to apply a cold compress to the bite site, give a glass of sweet tea, 1 gram of acetylsalicylic acid, a diphenhydramine tablet to drink, then consult a doctor.