What does garlic dream about: ambiguous interpretations of dreams. Garlic interpretation of the dream book

Dream interpretation garlic

Night dreams are often visited by images of food and everything related to its preparation and consumption. Seasonings are much less common. Therefore, it is quite difficult to understand why garlic is dreaming.

On the one hand, this is a wonderful seasoning and very healthy vegetable. On the other hand, its inept consumption can lead to very unpleasant sensations. That is why, explaining why garlic is dreaming, dream books can give such conflicting interpretations.

Seeing fragrant white garlic in a dream - to receive news. They will be very unexpected, because in this moment you needed information from a completely different source.

Basic symbolic interpretation

I dreamed of a fragrant spice

There are two fundamental different interpretations what does garlic dream about. One of them draws attention to the fact that this spice is very spicy and grows from the ground. Based on this, the ancient dream book considers garlic a harbinger of an imminent funeral visit. Planting garlic heads in a dream - to the loss of the head of the family.

Miller's dream book gives a completely different interpretation. He believes that seeing garlic in a dream is extremely favorable. After all, the spice is quite expensive. This means that the dreamer will soon be enriched.

Garlic as a plant

In order for the interpretation of what garlic is dreaming of to be the most reliable, one should remember in what particular way this spice appeared in a dream. If the emphasis was on growing, you can expect a quick income. And harvesting portends the receipt of all previous debts.

Plant or care

Planting fragrant spices in the ground - not very good sign. Most likely, you will have to disentangle the consequences of your own incontinence. Your words will be perceived in the worst possible way, and relations with offended person will be irretrievably damaged.


If you dreamed of garlic, which gave a bountiful harvest, get ready to receive a new solid position. But it must be remembered that it was not received thanks to one's own mind and insight, but only due to the fact that the dreamer was in the right place at the right time.

Explaining why the collected garlic is dreaming, which I had to see in a large purse, it is worth remembering what quality it was. The dreamed product was white and beautiful - for profit. And to see an ugly spice in the dirt is a disease.

Dreaming of collected spice in a basket

A huge garlic seen in a dream is explained by the dream book as a possible affair. For married people, this is a warning about adultery.

spicy seasoning

If you dreamed of sharp garlic, the dream book believes that unexpected news will soon visit the dreamer. They may not touch the dreamer directly, but they will hit him in the very heart and will burn severely.

To use a dreamed spicy potion for refueling a dish in a dream is to be too unrestrained with loved ones. The desire for thrills may be due to the fact that family life the dreamer already seems like a routine. However, having given a little time to his loved ones, the dreamer will be surprised at the true deep intimacy with his loved ones.

    • Eating garlic from dreams without feeling a sharp taste is a long period of difficulties at work. You will have to work at an unbearable pace, not noticing either the desires or the difficulties of those close to you.
    • When you offer other people to eat garlic as an additional seasoning to a dish, you can count on the fact that you will be given a surprise that you will never forget. It is possible that the dreamer's reputation will suffer significantly.

Sell ​​spice in a dream

  • Cooking sauce with an abundance of spicy vegetables - your plans may be disrupted by the "innocent" antics of colleagues. Offering garlic at the table in this form is a complex task that can only be solved by non-standard methods.

Commodity-money relations

If in a dream you had to not eat garlic, but trade it, get ready for a solid cash bonus. The more this fragrant vegetable was for sale in a dream, the more significant your profit will be.

    • Strives in a dream to a more prominent bazaar or a place on it - the ability to accurately notice the details and put your knowledge into practice. This will definitely be noticed and appreciated.
    • Buying a huge batch, seeing it in stock - you have every opportunity to make a solid fortune.
    • Selling several heads directly from your hands - you will have to organize your own business from scratch.
  • Walking around the market with a huge purse, loudly offering goods - rumors will spread about you. But good or bad - the dream is silent.

Own sensations and feelings

For correct interpretation it is very important to remember what sensations or feelings the image from dreams caused.

  • Enjoy the spicy aroma - know exactly in which area you can make significant money.
  • Feeling a sharp taste in your mouth is gossip. Perhaps rumors are spreading about you, although it is possible that the dreamer himself is not opposed to "washing the bones" to anyone.
  • Look for water in a dream to drink spice, feel a strong burning sensation - experience a real feeling. It is quite possible that it will be unanswerable.
  • Eating a very spicy dish, but not feeling a burning taste is a temporary loss of interest in life. However, things will change very soon. better side. Perhaps you will get the desired position or change jobs. If depression is caused by a routine in your personal life, then a fateful acquaintance is quite likely.

Our reality is filled with various signs and symbols. For some, this is an occasion for reflection and the search for answers to questions of interest. And some do not pay any attention to the other side of reality and lead a mundane lifestyle. But the everyday world has nothing to do with dreams, which are filled with various symbols, riddles and secrets. Here, hidden meaning is hidden even in the most ordinary things. This article will help you figure out what garlic is dreaming of. After all, such a dream can be an important warning or good advice.

Garlic and dream

Garlic is a familiar and accessible thing to everyone. People often see it in reality, as it is used by many in everyday life and cooking. But in a dream, garlic becomes strong symbolic meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to such a sign Special attention. Why does garlic dream, what can such a dream mean? When remembering this vegetable, associations often arise with a bright smell and rich taste. Thus, garlic is an eloquent symbol of sharpness, prudence, rigor and common sense. The interpretation of a dream depends on its storyline as well as important details.

See from the side

One of the dream options with this herbaceous plant- see it from the side. If in a dream a person does not eat, does not take or even sniffs garlic, then this indicates imminent unexpected news. In addition, the dreamer is most likely not ready for possible new changes in life. But such dreams do not mean at all that the upcoming news will be of a bad nature. They can be both good and neutral. The main thing is that something unforeseen definitely awaits a person. Therefore, it is important to mentally prepare in advance for possible news, pleasant or not. Often such a dream is dreamed of by those people who are waiting for the outcome of any cases or problems.

garlic cloves

There are many options for how a person can see this vegetable crop in your dreams. Why dream of garlic with cloves? The interpretation of such a dream is unambiguous. A person in the near future will have to experience some kind of thrill. Most likely, the dreamer will decide to go on something risky or do something exciting. The main thing is not to forget about health. Go crazy and risk your life is not worth it. In any case, you need to maintain common sense and remain a prudent person.

Collection of garlic

This symbol, seen in dreams, can serve important advice. For example, why dream of picking garlic? Basically, such a sign serves as a warning. If a person sees himself in a dream picking garlic from the garden or picking up scattered cloves from the floor, then you need to beware of unfriendly and unpleasant people. In addition, the dreamer must listen to his intuition, which can tell which acquaintances are not worthy of attention. If you dreamed of picking garlic, a person needs to believe in inner feelings, and it is also better to avoid unpleasant companies.

Count teeth

If a dreamer sees a picture in his dreams, as he himself considers garlic cloves, then this indicates a person's tendency to calculate and plan. A person who has a dream is a lover of putting everything in its place. The interpreter of dreams advises to continue this way of life. Clear planning will help to achieve success and prosperity. But feelings should not be forgotten. In relations with friends and relatives, it is better for the dreamer to be responsive and attentive.

Peel the garlic

Are you wondering why dream of peeling garlic? As the dream books say, this dream has a good interpretation and promises profit. If a person sees himself in his dreams peeling many heads of garlic, then this is a wonderful sign. Most likely, in the near future, the dreamer will have a decent financial profit. Probably, a person is waiting for additional material payments for the work done or good surprises from close relatives. Also, such a dream can be a symbol of good luck, for example, winning the lottery.

buy garlic

If the dreamer sees himself buying garlic, then such a dream does not bode well for the material side of life. Perhaps a person will soon face big expenses. After such a dream, you must constantly be on the alert. After all, unforeseen expenses can lie in wait at every step. The dreamer must behave as rationally as possible. It is extremely important to carefully consider all purchases.

eat garlic

It happens that a person says: "I dream that I eat garlic." This is a very good sign. In the near future, the dreamer expects good mood and improving physical condition. Moreover, such a dream is a symbol of the prudence of a person who has a dream in which he eats garlic. It is this character trait that can help the dreamer achieve considerable success both materially and in his personal life.

green garlic

When green garlic is dreamed, this is a sign that the dreamer's affairs will soon improve. Everything that bothers a person will certainly go away. Problems and obstacles will be resolved. Perhaps the one who sees the dream will be forgiven for any debt or misconduct. The main thing is not to despair. In the near future, all adversity will dissolve, and life will improve.

Large heads of garlic

Why dream of garlic with large heads white color? If a woman saw such a dream, this indicates that she is guided by common sense in matters of love. Most likely, she will be prudent and will not go on about unbridled emotions. Between blind passion and cold reason, she will choose the latter. Being a reasonable and realistic person is great. However, do not forget about the voice of the heart. After all, the inner voice can also suggest a lot of useful things.

buy garlic

Why dream of buying garlic? Such a dream will serve as a warning to a person. Probably, the dreamer has ill-wishers who want to destroy his plans or interfere with their implementation. One needs to remain vigilant and avoid unpleasant people and conflict situations. From all of the above, we can conclude that garlic is a multifaceted symbol. Dreams in which there is given sign, contain useful and wise advice. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to "garlic" dreams.

Quite often to the question: “How are you?” people answer: “Like soot is white!” Therefore, the soot seen in a dream will most likely portend you an unfavorable or difficult period in your life.

If you get dirty with soot in a dream, then do not rush to interpret your dream as something unpleasant and hopeless.

In old times unmarried girls they put a pot of soot at the head in order to tell fortunes about the groom.

It was believed that if a girl marries, her face will be stained with soot. The peasants did not throw away the soot from the yard, so as not to anger the brownie guarding the house and the household.

If in a dream you clean some object of soot, this means that you will have to face troubles alone, solve problems without relying on the help of others.

Get dirty with soot - bad dream. It means that a difficult period of your life will bring even more serious consequences, an unpleasant aftertaste on the soul from which will remain for a long time.

If soot is easily washed off or erased, then this is a sign that the black streak of your life will be short.

If in a dream you stained your face with soot, this means that in reality you will receive an interesting and unexpected offer.

To dream of a bucket full of soot is a sign that in reality, thanks to your ingenuity and perseverance, you will achieve complete well-being.

The dream in which you saw soot-stained clothes means that in reality you will become a victim of unpleasant rumors and this may affect your business affairs.

If in a dream you stepped into the soot and got dirty - this is a sign that you should be more careful, as your ill-wishers will try to cause you a lot of trouble.

Seeing in a dream how you throw soot out of your house means a warning, since in real life You will destroy your well-being with your own hands.

The dream in which you saw loved one, stained with soot, means that in the near future you will hear interesting news from this person.

Wash off the soot with water - in reality, refute false rumors.

If you saw white soot in a dream, it means that in reality an absurd and amazing event will happen to you.

A dream in which you throw out soot and try to mix it with the earth means that all your attempts to change a person close to you for the better are futile. "On the soot, at least smooth surface, at least beat - everything is black."

To see soot-stained dishes in a dream is a sign that in real life you will finally appreciate everything. best qualities their loved ones.

Cleaning the stove from soot in a dream is a sign that your family squabbles and quarrels will become known to others.

A dream in which you sweep soot out of your house predicts that in real life your work will remain unrewarded.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Garlic

I dreamed that weeding a bed of garlic - you will take a fairly prominent position in society.

A young woman who sees such a dream will marry not for love, but for convenience.

If in a dream you ate garlic, then you will have to abandon your former ideals and take a more prudent position in life.

This dream also means that thoughts about a possible betrayal of a partner visit you more and more often. And this happens because married life seems too insipid, ordinary for you. Try to bring something new into your relationship yourself, and they will stop being so boring.

They ate garlic and felt its taste and smell - a long, but not very aesthetic pleasure ahead.

If you felt the smell of garlic in a dream or saw someone eating it - in reality some person is nice to you, and you believe that he has reciprocal feelings for you. However, in reality, he is completely indifferent to you.

Interpretation of dreams from

Almost everyone knows what garlic is in practice. But what is this plant of the lily family dreaming of? The dream book gives several explanations for this dream at once. To predict your future for sure, try to remember what exactly you did with this plant.


If in a dream you planted garlic, then, most likely, in real life you are distinguished by excessive religiosity. Faith in God protects you from many troubles and from committing bad deeds. Only Modern dream book advises not to put pressure on loved ones in their desire to introduce them to Christianity. Otherwise, you can easily lose contact with a person dear to your heart. Especially if you dream that during landing you show extraordinary activity and perseverance.

Grishina believes that planting garlic in a dream is an extremely negative sign. waiting for you big problems with health. The dream indicates that the long-awaited recovery will not come soon and it will be quite long. The main thing is to be patient and follow the doctor's recommendations consistently.

If in a dream this fragrant plant grows in the garden, you will receive bad news. Dreamed of thick tall stems? This means that the news will come from afar and make you pretty nervous.

The universal dream book is convinced that planting garlic in a dream is a forced need to change something in life. Throw away fears and doubts and then the changes will only benefit.

If in a dream on the same ridge you saw both garlic and onions at once, then in reality many problems have to be solved.

If you dream that you are carefully burying heads of garlic in the ground, then in reality you will be able to forget about sorrows and troubles and live a happy and peaceful life.

Take care of the harvest

If you dream that you are picking garlic, this means that in reality you will have to deal with ill-wishers. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation is convinced that such communication requires maximum caution and prudence from you. Remember - one wrong statement threatens with big troubles.

Did you dream that you were collecting onions and garlic in a large wicker basket? Most likely, you will be able to get rid of the fears and emotional experiences that have tormented you all this time. Finally, you will be able to understand what you did wrong and how you can correct past mistakes.

Aesop's dream book believes that digging up heads of garlic is a dispute with enemies. What was richer in a dream harvested crop the more acute the conflict will be.

Use in cooking

If you had to cut heads in a dream, be prepared to experience defeat in the fight against your competitors. A modern dream book predicts a worsening of things at work and even a possible separation from a loved one due to the intervention of third parties.

An explanation of why one dreams of cleaning fragrant slices is given by Miller. Miller's dream book promises to receive a monetary reward, and it will be quite solid.

If you dreamed that you first peeled garlic and then ate it, be prepared to be responsible for the consequences of a previously committed act.

In a dream, take one garlic head and carefully clean it - to receive money. Have you peeled enough garlic? Get a big amount.

Buy and Sell

The universal dream book is convinced that buying fragrant garlic in a dream means receiving bad news. Most likely, you will hear rumors about the trouble or illness of relatives living quite far away. Do not rush to get upset, it is better to help them cope with the trouble.

If you leafed through the dream book, then you know that it contains transcripts and interpretations of the most different dreams and symbols, even those that sometimes seem insignificant to us. For example, garlic. It would seem that such a familiar, well-known product. But you will be surprised, because seeing garlic in a dream is a real sign from above, and this dream can portend many interesting events in the near future.

To find out, nevertheless, why garlic is dreaming, you need to remember what it was, where, how. What did you do with it, and so on. In a word - all the details that, believe me, mean a lot. So, "garlic" dreams can be divided into such plots:

  • Seeing just garlic in a dream is from the side.
  • It grows in the garden.
  • see him in large quantities.
  • Plant, weed or harvest it.
  • Peel, buy or eat garlic in a dream.

Lots of options - different nuances, little things, details. Take into account everything that you remember and decipher, the dream book will help you find the answers.

Dream vision

If you do not remember your own actions, and only saw garlic, or in your dreams, you need to remember what and where it was. This is the key to deciphering the dream.

So, what does garlic dream of, what does it indicate? The symbol is ambiguous. Interpreters indicate that this portends news - but not what you expect, but unpredictable. This does not mean that bad news should be expected. But in order to avoid disappointment, it is better to just live in this moment and do not build illusions about what the events of your future should be like.

If you dreamed of onions or garlic in the garden, all dream books, including Miller's dream book, promise big profits soon. Or to be more precise, soon you will profitable business, or get a good offer that will bring you a lot of money. If you dream of garlic in large quantities, this is a very auspicious sign. Prosperity and an excellent financial situation await you. In addition, you will be valued and respected, you will take a good place in society.

If you dreamed of a garlic smell, then perhaps soon you will experience strong sympathy for someone, an attraction that can even develop into a feeling of love. But if your heart is already taken, then this dream can mean a new friend, a person with whom you will have a real spiritual connection.

Green, young garlic in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, portends you good events in reality, in the near future. Your business will start to improve. If you have problems in any area or area of ​​​​life, you will soon find an easy solution to fix and resolve them. Everything will get better!

If garlic was heads in a dream, or one head was dreamed, you will soon experience the thrill that you miss so much in reality. Allow yourself some vivid experiences, but know the measure and do not do what you will regret later!


And if you remember what you did in a dream, if you had to peel, buy garlic or onions, or do something else, then be sure to check what the dream book says. After all, each such action is an interesting metaphor.

What is the dream of the garlic that you had to collect in your dreams, Miller's dream book will tell. He warns that your activities will begin to bring great success, but do not be careless and remember that you can cause the envy of ill-wishers. Be careful, do not trust your plans to just anyone.

The dream in which you had to garlic promises you good health . You will make a full recovery soon if you are sick now. If you have psychological problems and stress, this too will pass soon. Take care of yourself and take care of your health, and the Universe will definitely help you! If you are healthy now, you will soon feel a new surge of incredible strength and vigor.

What is the dream of the garlic that you weeded in the garden, or somehow looked after the seedlings? This is a symbol of a good position that you have to take. And buying it is a warning. Avoid dishonest, unkind people, flatterers and gossipers. Surround yourself only with those you trust.

As the dream book says, the garlic that you happened to plant in a dream indicates a good deed. You can make a wonderful contribution to the future, start a business that will bring excellent results. If you have cleaned it, know that great and even hard work will pay off in full and bring you many benefits.

Dreams do not control your destiny, only you control it. But let the dream help you not to stumble and take the right step towards happiness!