How to get revenge on the person who ruined your life. How to take revenge on the person who offended you? Think about how important this is to you.

In life, it happens that some people offend others. This is not affected by status, gender, age - it all depends on the situation.

There are different situations, motives resulting in an unpleasant situation. Grievances can be conditionally divided into categories that are responsible for the degree and type of insult.

Note! A spiritually strong person decides to take revenge in such a way as to morally punish the offender, teaching the bastard a lesson.

Some people forgive the offense or simply do not pay attention to what happened. Others want to take revenge on the offender by defending themselves.

How to take revenge on a bad person without breaking the law and remaining within the framework of morality. If the victim was offended greatly, then the method of revenge should be sophisticated and complex.

How to take revenge on the person who offended you:

What did the perpetrator do? Ways of revenge
humiliated In this situation, a more effective option would be to ignore this person. This tactic can be used at school, at work, among friends. Such an environment will lead to the discomfort of the offender, the self-esteem of such a person will decrease significantly
Betrayed To take revenge on a loved one is the easiest, and most importantly, more pleasant. In case of treason, you can do the same. To demonstrate to everyone that the new partner is in every sense much better than the traitor.
A worse revenge is to start dating the traitor's best friend.
Beat Remove the beatings and write a statement to the relevant authorities.
Put up ads in the area where the bully lives, indicating the act - let everyone know
deceived The deceived person needs to make negative advertising as widely as possible among his entourage. You can repay with the same coin, but make the deception more jewelry way
Didn't repay the debt Launch the news about the optional person among friends. If you have a receipt, seek help from law enforcement agencies. Start a scandal on the grounds of debt in the presence of acquaintances
Committed meanness A vile person needs to ruin his reputation by all means, exposing a negative act. Tell about the meanness of the object to all acquaintances, friends and relatives

Ways of knowing his phone number

Revenge is a cold dish. Many, holding a grudge, are waiting for the right moment. Others take revenge immediately, but hidden. In today's world, making revenge covert is easy—many sources favor it.

The easiest way to get revenge is from a distance. It is almost impossible to prove the involvement of a person in negative actions.

In this case, the offender receives a crushing blow to his personal life, nervous system, career and peace of mind.

Ways to mark with the help of modern technological advances:

  1. How to take revenge on a person knowing his phone number? Install a program that performs automatic dialing.

    Calls will come at different intervals, at different times of the day.

    Submit an application to the site for the provision of sex services and indicate the phone number of the offender. A mixed way of revenge with the help of modern advances in technology.

    There are a huge number of various programs that connect an alert to a phone number.

  2. On the Internet, revenge is even easier, than by phone. If a person has framed, you can post a photo on social networks where the offender is compromised.

    All acquaintances and strangers will know about the negative side of the user.

    You can subject the page of the villain to hacking. Independently, but imperceptibly, manage a person's page on social networks.

    For insult, liquidate a person on VKontakte, classmates, Facebook, by the method of compromising in communities.

  3. The villain's address who meanly used you, will give unlimited opportunities for revenge. You can send letters with unpleasant content to the address.

    Redirect mail from questionable organizations. Unpleasant notes are left on the fence, door, asphalt near the house.

    The offender can pour valerian over the door, pour protein into the upholstery of the same door, pour a smelly liquid on the threshold.

If a person threw money, aggravated the financial situation, then more radical methods of revenge are used here.

For greater efficiency, you can use the services of special agencies that specialize in revenge.

Knowing personal data, it is very easy to annoy the villain for the offenses caused. It is important not to become a scoundrel yourself, justifying yourself.

Magic and conspiracies

To take revenge on a person cruelly, many resort to magic. This method often has terrible consequences for the offended and the offender. Magic provides many opportunities and ways to harm the offender.

Revenge with magic:

  • Conspiracy on the water. It is used to attract adversity and problems to the home of the offender. During the conspiracy, the address of the villain must be indicated.

    There are a lot of conspiracies of this type. Basically, they are simple, do not require a special set of herbs, occult items.

  • Rituals for deprivation of health. Used voodoo doll. The method is relevant in the case when there was a beating or serious damage was done.

    If the ritual is not performed correctly, then you can harm not only health, but also take life.

  • Antitalisman for a guy who threw it. Throw a charmed thing to a young man.

    As a result, there will be a deterioration in personal affairs. Anti-talismans are not very convenient to use: they are lost, re-gifted, thrown away.

Conspiracies worsen the state of affairs in any area of ​​human life: career, health, love.

It is impossible to deal with the complexities of conspiracies on your own, so they turn to specialists for help.

Important! The magical influence does not pass without a trace for the "customer". Part of the adversity will affect the avengers.

Often, with the help of magic, betrayal is punished, beautifully arranging adversity and failure for the offender. The method is effective, but too dangerous for both parties.

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You can take revenge on a person in different ways, but how to do it, knowing only his phone number, is a practically insoluble question for some. However, although small, the offended side has the opportunity to cause some trouble. That's just to act carefully, because there is always the possibility that the avenger will be calculated by IP or his phone number.

How to take revenge on a male offender, knowing his phone number?

The psychology of men has a certain peculiarity - they hate to give up, and will until the last look for an avenger for punishment. That is why you can take revenge on a male offender persistently, but carefully so as not to get caught.

The Achilles heel of almost any man is his car. Therefore, the first thing that can be done is to place advertisements for its sale on various resources for almost nothing. Not only will the phone be cut off, but also the self-esteem of the car owner will be greatly damaged. In the absence of a car, you can “sell” anything through ads.

The suspicion of non-traditional sexual orientation will also infuriate any normal man. To make this happen, you can place ads looking for a friend on the appropriate resources.

Many sites selling various potency products or sex toys ask buyers for a phone number to confirm the purchase. After ordering a lot of such goods on the offender's phone, just a flurry of calls will fall on him.

A rather cruel way to take revenge is to play the role of a troll on some resource, and then give the offender's phone number to the angry opponents.

Here are a few more ways to piss off an offender:

  1. You can torture a person with endless calls through the auto-dial service.
  2. Through the service alarm clock, the victim can be woken up every day by neither light nor dawn.
  3. Through the service of free messages, you can fill up the offender with an avalanche of SMS messages.
  4. A lot of different spam will come to your phone if you connect mailing lists on sites.
  5. Offering promotions, discounts, loans, etc.

How to take revenge on a woman by phone number?

Some methods intended for men, after making some adjustments, are quite capable of unbalancing a woman. For example, you can place a lady's number on a resource where "priestesses of love" offer their services. However, with a flurry of incomprehensible or frightening calls and SMS spam, a woman is likely to quickly change her phone number.

With the ability to endure and wait, revenge on a woman can be more sophisticated. For example, portray a secret admirer. Few women can resist the onslaught of a romantic and persistent gentleman who, by hook or by crook, got the number of his beloved and bombards her with lyrical and frank messages. And the correspondence that has become intimate can be demonstrated to the husband, friend or acquaintances of the lady.

How to take revenge on a person, knowing his phone number?

Events that appeal to your sense of justice can be related to fraud, conflict with neighbors, betrayal of a friend or girlfriend. Let's say you were deceived or you became a victim of a scammer. How can you take revenge on a person, knowing his phone number, while not arousing suspicion on yourself?

Revenge by phone number involves the use of various services and programs:

  1. Use a spammer autodialer. On the Internet, if you wish, you can find sites that offer programs for auto-dialing a phone number. When using such a service, the offender's phone will endlessly receive calls with various settings hundreds of times a day - playing a certain audio recording, a voice message, disconnecting or holding a call on the line. This type of revenge is called "spoofing" or, more simply, a flood attack on a phone number. This kind of revenge will not bring big troubles, but it will pretty much spoil the life and nerves of the offender. Such a service can be ordered as a mobile and landline phone number, as well as on a Skype nickname.
  2. Order SMS flood to a phone number. A kind of dirty trick that is similar to auto-dial, but instead of calls to a phone number, messages of the most varied content will constantly arrive. The text and frequency of the SMS attack is regulated personally using the program or by agreement with the service provider.
  3. Posting ads on various platforms for the sale of goods from hand to hand. Another way to take revenge on a person for an offense is to place an ad for the sale, for example, of a super-cheap car and indicate his phone number. Visitors to the site, greedy for cheap purchases, are tormented by calls, moreover, at any time of the day or night.

The above types of revenge without personal recognition can never lead to you. Naturally, when establishing contact with site managers and when launching flood programs, it is better to access the Internet not from your computer, not from your home or work network. It is better to use a one-time email address and carry out all actions in public places with wireless Internet.

How to punish a person, knowing his phone number, and not get into trouble?

Thinking about revenge, it should be borne in mind that some methods are far from harmless. According to the law, it is forbidden to disturb people's sleep at night, spread defamatory gossip over the telephone number, damage property, and offend. Legal revenge may consist of collecting evidence of the wrongdoing of the offender and filing a complaint with law enforcement agencies. You can report to the police for vandalism, theft, threats, harassment, etc.

And if the offender did not do anything that can be presented at the court session, it is best to refuse revenge altogether. Treat the dirty tricks of this person as the acts of a narrow-minded individual. And revenge, most likely, will be committed by life itself. After all, a person always boomerangs what he sends.

How to take revenge on a scammer, knowing his phone number?

Perhaps one of the most cruel and dirty methods of revenge, which already borders on meanness, is the use of various dating sites. Perhaps, for petty offenders, petty nasty things will be enough, but if you are seriously thrown, then you can cross the line of decency.

Submitting an ad on a dating site indicating intimate details or needs on behalf of your abuser and with his phone number will arouse great interest among a number of inadequate users who are active participants in such resources. Probably, after such an interest, your abuser will have to change his phone number.

Intelligent people use this type of reckoning as a tool. How to take revenge on a person? I used to dream about adding blue dye to the headmaster's shampoo. I thought this was the best way for me to get back at her. For the fact that she did not allow me to move to another class with a friend. Of course, it was pure fantasy and it was childish to think about it, but it made me feel better and stronger.

How to take revenge on a person?

Thinking about revenge and how to get back at a person stimulates an area of ​​the brain that becomes active when you expect pleasure or some kind of reward, such as sex, money, or eating a delicious meal. Research shows that while most people believe revenge will make them feel better, the opposite is actually true.

In one experiment, participants were divided into punishers,who could take revenge, who “killed” them twice during the game, and non-punishers whocould only think of taking revenge on those who “killed” them twice. Both punishers and non-punishers assessed their feelings immediately after the game, as well as 10 minutes later. Punishers felt worse than non-punishers , despite the fact that they got the opportunity to take revenge. And the punishers continued to feel worse at the 10-minute point in time. In some cases, the Punishers were left so distracted by their feelings that they couldn't focus on the next game.


10 smart ways to get revenge or How to get revenge on a person.

She cannot make you feel better, but sometimes it is necessary. There will be times in life when you must stick to what is right and stop people from trying to take advantage of you. When these people go too far, you will have to rethink your boundaries. Nobody else will do it for you.

Author and psychologist Professor Michael McCullough explains that revenge serves an evolutionary purpose. Thanks to her, you make the other person lessprofitable”, which helps them not to harm you and others in the future.

The main thing is to reasonably take revenge, without being too distracted from your overall goal in life.

Here are 10 smart ways to get revenge:

  1. Revenge through work.

How to take revenge on a person? Bestthe way to get revenge is to remain supremely rational. Don't let your emotions dictate your actions. And do not take revenge personally. Getting emotional and personal will distract you and force you to do things that will make you feel bad later. Instead, do it professionally.

Act like revenge is just a business decision. Someone has tampered with the cost-benefit ratio of your life and now you need to move the chess piece so they can't take it from you again in the future. The best way to do this is to pay attention to their behavior. But again, beprofessional.

How to take revenge on a person or company? Write a review about them online. Use them as an example in a professional article, book, or speech. Create a URL with their name and use it to report your tricky activities. Just make sure you're being honest and that it's really worth the effort.

  1. Transparency.

Most people hate conflict. But at the same time, most people have hidden aggressive desires. So, these people have learned to go underground and attack others passively.

There are always those in life who will talk about you behind your back, promise support that will never come, or have others attack you on their behalf. How to take revenge on a person? The best revenge against these passive aggressive actions is transparency.

Do not try to hide the conflict you are involved in. Show it off instead. Talk about your shortcomings and your conflicting feelings. Use what you have in mind to teach others. Such a vulnerability does not pass easily. It takes practice. The more you practice transparency and authenticity, the better you will position yourself against others who want to attack you.

In any battle, the person who can be the most vulnerable wins without losing his position.

  1. Grow your network.

When you are attacked, especially by someone nearby, one of your first instincts is to isolate. You will feel overwhelmed and unsure who you can trust. You will start putting up walls around you. It's always a mistake.

Isolating after an attack simply opens the way for further attacks. The best strategy is to move straight into the forces coming against you. Go into the obstacle, not around it.

Instead of turning away from people, open yourself up. Talk to friends and family members and make new friends. Create your network. The more connections you have, the more connections you have. Tautology - but it's true. And communication is the most important component of victory in any battle.

  1. Switch your attention.

Worst of all, they can get into your head and steal your focus. And once they're in your head, fighting them is like fighting yourself.

The best way to get someone out of their head is to redirect focus. Whatever the case, you think about how they hurt you and they think about how you could respond. So the best way out is to move your focus to another object.

  1. Take advantage of them.

Imagine that someone is taking advantage of you openly and you approached them for a gift, or a job, or for advice. Who will be strong in this scenario? Who will become weak?

Doing something nice for someone who offends you is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of intelligence. Turning the other cheek dissipates the strength of other people. This sharpens the contrast between you and them, highlighting their negative actions against your positive response. It also has a mind-boggling effect that allows you to take a deep look into how these people think and what they really want.

  1. Create a void.

When someone attacks you, your first reaction will be to develop them and figure out what is wrong. You will want to seek justice, hold a mirror in their face and show them why they are wrong. It's a waste of time.

No one will think that they are wrong, at least not immediately. By reacting to attacks, you add energy to the situation. You also reveal your position. The best strategy is to sit back and control yourself and let them speak. This is especially effective when someone is attacking you online. Show no signs of weakness or distress. Instead, slowly move out of the situation. Then wait to see how others react. Create a void and see what fills it. This will give you perspective and help you figure out how to best use this situation to your advantage.

  1. Create fog.

Start seeing people who are going against you. At least now you know where they are. And once you know where they are, you can start directing your next steps.

There are many people in life who will want to keep you from getting what you want.They will not hold you up because they want what you want.but because your growth highlights their inaction. When you encounter such people, just pay attention to who they are and don't tell them anything personal in the future. Without knowing who you really are and what you really want, these people will not know how to keep you.

  1. Get in shape.

People who work 2-3 times a week are more emotionally intelligent, make the right decisions, and maintain more balanced hormone levels. Plus, if you look great and feel great, who cares what else happens to you?

Your health is worth more than all the money or power in the world, which is why maintaining it is such a great way to get revenge. It replaces everything in life, but is often taken for granted. So, when you stay in shape, you stand out from those who are fading.

  1. Start a business.

Doing something for yourself is the best revenge.

Sometimes it can feel like the whole world is trying to hold you back. But this is just an illusion. In fact, very few people are concerned about you. Everyone is too busy trying to improve their lives, and rightfully so. A good way to get back into a world that will support you is to build something of your own.

Study art. Show initiative. Start a business, form a partnership, or start a non-profit. Don't overdo it, just start a business and see where it takes you.

  1. Include it in the WHY?

The desire to take revenge and how to take revenge on a person is a powerful, motivating force. This nagging feeling occurs when someone treats you badly.

Study after study shows that revenge, once done, is not sweet. So use this to your advantage. Turn the desire to take revenge on those who offended you into a question“ WHY?". The answer will show how obvious the benefits of revenge are to you.

Many beautiful, but invariably cruel words have been said about revenge. And, probably, there is no person in the world who could boast that he has never felt a thirst for revenge. Everyone has their own reasons for this. And, despite the fact that the soul is on fire, and the heart is eager to bring the offender pain, equivalent to the one that he caused us, you still want to remain a person, and if you really take revenge, then it’s beautiful.

What is revenge?

This is one of those questions that you can ask every person living on Earth, and never hear the same answers. Dictionaries state that revenge is just retribution for the inconvenience and suffering caused. In some cultures, this is considered a noble deed. But a large number of people sincerely believe that only fools, devoid of moral principles, take revenge. Who is right and how to choose your side in this matter? Perhaps the first step is to decide on your understanding of the word. In ancient times, revenge led to terrible and bloody consequences, as all family members and friends of the warring parties entered into a conflict. Each act, seemingly done out of good intentions in restoring justice, led to a new reason for revenge. It turned out a vicious circle from which it is impossible to get out. Think of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Is it reasonable to leave the blood feud after many generations? But is it fair to forget a long-standing grudge? How many people, so many opinions, but in our time, when progress seems to be on the alert, it is worth listening to the voice of reason and ethics in order to know how to gracefully take revenge on the offender.

Reasons for revenge

It so happened that, despite the fact that almost all sectors of society are subject to a thirst for revenge, it is still not customary to talk about it. Too deep in the soul, the offender cultivates his anger, and the offended - his indignation. Sometimes revenge is based on envy, and this suggests that such "retaliation" will definitely be a low act. But what if betrayal, betrayal, deep resentment happened? How to take revenge in this case? It is unwise to be ashamed of your desire for retribution. But before looking for ways to take revenge on the offender, listen to yourself: will it really make you feel better? Will your resentment really decrease? If the answer is an unequivocal "yes", then such a step, apparently, is really necessary. But be prepared for the fact that any of your actions will entail a response from the enemy.

Each of us has been faced with a choice between simple and correct, so it makes no sense to give clear instructions on behavior in the case when anger blinds our eyes. But there are some general recommendations that will help optimize the situation and mitigate the consequences.

So, the first and most important recommendation is to moderate your ardor and understand that it is difficult to assess the level of damage caused to you and respond with something similar. Don't just try to do a proportionate nastiness. Think about how to take revenge on the offender effectively, but fairly. Only in this case you will not lose face.

The second tip goes hand in hand with the first: be aware of the possible consequences! Your actions may go beyond the law, and the most annoying outcome of your revenge may be criminal punishment.

Do not involve strangers in your business. Then you yourself can repent of the fact that you offended or humiliated an absolutely innocent person.

Well, the last recommendation can be expressed in one catchphrase: "Revenge is a dish that is served cold." Wait a bit and let the feelings subside. Assess the situation from the outside, and you will find effective ways to take revenge on the offender.

Get down to business

If even after a while the heart cannot calm down, and you are drawn to repay the offender according to deserts, then start planning your actions.

Yes, revenge is not spontaneous, unless, of course, you want it to be remembered. Take a closer look at the object of your retribution, discover its weak points, decide where you want to strike. Let your hypothetical victim relax and forget about you. If the enemy is not waiting for a blow, then he loses his vigilance. The easiest way to figure out how to take revenge on the offender is by example.

If the beloved has changed

In most cases, revenge is done out of a great feeling. It is very painful to realize that a dear and beloved person suddenly turned out to be a traitor and literally dumped everything bright and good in your relationship in the mud.

Have you been changed? Have you been insulted? Humiliated? How to take revenge on the offender? Most often, the next stage is a scandal and a breakup. But there are more original ways to punish the offender. They cheated on you - answer with the same coin, but for this, become better, more confident, more interesting. Have an affair with your significant other's boss. It's more of a feminine version of revenge. With a successful development of events, the offended lady can achieve the reduction of her offender in the service and general reprimand. Unfortunately, this method of revenge cannot be called beautiful, although in women's novels it always causes violent emotions.

How beautiful to take revenge on the offender?

Let's remain human, even directing revenge for our own benefit. If there was a betrayal in a couple, is it worth fighting for this person? Everyone decides for himself, but it seems that the main nuance of the answer to this question is the depth of feelings. If they are, then the lover will give in to the beloved, allowing them to vent fear, pain and resentment.

A person in some aspects is the most unfortunate among the representatives of the living world, as he is prone to introspection and criticism. In other words, by hurting another, we harm ourselves, our integrity, and our soul. If we destroy a person's faith in ourselves, then we lose him, and others see this and understand that we cannot be trusted. So is there a worse revenge? Therefore, it is better to leave thoughts of retribution to a loved one. Let him go and let him judge his actions for himself.

In the case of a stranger

It is a completely different matter when an outsider, a passer-by, a neighbor, a work colleague or just a street boor who flaunts his bad manners in front of friends acts as an offender.

For them, maybe the act is not so important. They will forget it in a minute, and your mood is hopelessly spoiled. Who among us has not been in such a situation when a fleeting word thrown after us humiliates more than a thoughtful speech, and a sunny day suddenly seemed dull and worthless? Let's think, if we consider a person to be an outsider, then what weight do his words or actions have? Is it worth paying attention to them?

Are you thinking about how to get revenge on a bully at work? Yes, the situation when a colleague cannot behave correctly is very unpleasant. But retaliatory actions can harm you, so you should not be like your offender. Refrain from complaining to superiors and gossip among other colleagues. Instead, look at the actions of the employee, his behavior. Remember that careful observation is more likely to tell you how to take revenge on a bully at work. Does he laugh a lot and regularly spend most of the day in a smoking room? Maybe he has no friends, and so he tries to gain a foothold in society. After work, he invites the whole department to a bar? Isn't it a hidden problem with alcohol? Observing a colleague will force you to listen carefully to his presentations, ask incriminating questions and, accordingly, delve deeper into the topic. Searching for weaknesses in the enemy at work can quite logically lead to the fact that the authorities will pay attention to your composure and offer you to take a higher position with an appropriate salary and a comfortable office. So your revenge will come true, we note, very beautiful, during the implementation of which you remain a man!

Revenge in the virtual world

If in reality we can see the offender and at least guess what pushes him to such actions, then in the virtual world this is more difficult. For such people who provoke scandals all day long on various forums and pages of social networks, there is even a name - "trolls". They caustically notice the slightest mistakes, flaws in appearance or upbringing, instantly become personal and are happy to try, stretching the conflict over many pages with the involvement of new heroes.

First of all, you need to realize that this is a daily activity for them, almost work, and they may not experience any special negative feelings towards you. Are we offended by waiters when they treat us indifferently? Or do we want to take revenge on the security guard if he did not let us into the club? This is their job, and if trolls cause negativity, then they do it well. If, nevertheless, we are thinking about how to take revenge on the offender of VKontakte, then we should treat this with irony, with humor. If our opponent cannot cause us negativity, then he loses his strength and begins to weaken, like an energy vampire. Hit him with bright emotions and consider that your revenge has come true.

Let's dive into the wilds of magic

At the end of our article, let's talk about the most unexplored area of ​​\u200b\u200bvengeance - about magic. In the question of how to take revenge on the offender, magic offers a huge list of possibilities. Various healers, witches, sorceresses who place their advertisements in newspapers promise complete moral satisfaction, infliction of damage and retribution in justice.

No one can say with certainty that this is a fraud, and the conspiracy will not work, so why should you take responsibility for a possible sin? There is another relatively harmless, but terrible way of revenge - a doll. Everyone remembers voodoo magic? So, sew a doll of your offender, try to make it as similar as possible, dress it up in clothes and send it to him. No slander and prayers are required, you do not even need to turn to magicians who tell you how to take revenge on the offender. A conspiracy has no place here, but a person who receives an exact copy of himself in the package will be very scared and seriously think about his behavior. However, this method of revenge is still designed for people with strong nerves. So think about your actions and do them with a pure heart.

In the life of every person there are situations full of injustice. Everyone has faced betrayal, which caused not only the bitterness of resentment, but also gave rise to a desire to take revenge on the offender for his actions. But many offended people do not know how to take revenge on the person who offended you.

There are many ways to punish the offender. It is important that the methods are not illegal and do not entail criminal punishment. It is worth choosing humane methods of revenge that can morally “crush” a person without inflicting physical injury on him.

Variety of methods of punishment:

  • Through magical incantations.
  • Through actions.
  • Via internet/social network.
  • Through the oppression of a person's personality in moral terms.
  • By damaging personal belongings.

Each of the ways is unique and has its own emotional load. Which of the methods to accept, the offender decides. The choice of method depends on the type of offense and the situation.

Situation A way of revenge through actions and oppression of the individual
Beloved person betrayed/changed Betrayal is rewarded with the same coin. Change your loved one, clearly showing that your choice fell on a more attractive and wealthy partner.

After the betrayal, block him from entering your personal page on the social network.

A person humiliated at school / at work / in a circle of friends For such an insult, start ignoring the person. This will hurt his self-esteem and will not live up to expectations regarding the response.

So you save dignity, show the level of education.

Favorite person threw Start a new relationship with someone close to him.
Resentment from a manager/colleague Order in his name the delivery of intimate items to work.

Such an act will confuse a person and disgrace him in front of his colleagues.

The offender did not return the debt Put up a notice about a brazen, bad person who did not want to return the loan.

Come to work, make a scandal and embarrass the scammer.

Tell mutual friends about him, emphasizing that he is a scammer.

If you have a receipt, contact law enforcement.

It is necessary to spoil the reputation, to show others the insignificance of this act.

For offense of any nature, use the following methods:

  • Glue the wipers on the car with glue.
  • Paint the car with paint. It should be borne in mind that if you are caught by law enforcement agencies, then punishment cannot be avoided.
  • Pour a bottle of valerian infusion onto the front door. The night, accompanied by the cries of cats, will be provided to the enemy.
  • Express in his address impartial expressions. Subtly allude to the lack of style, qualifications, skills or abilities in a wide range of people. "Prick" the enemy in the most painful place with words.

If the offense is not strong, give up revenge. There will come a time when the villain will need your help. This will be a lesson to him.

Ways, knowing his phone number

How to take revenge on a person, knowing his phone number, not everyone guesses. Such methods will pretty much spoil the nerves and personal life of an evil person.

Table: methods of revenge.

Situation How to teach a lesson
loved one left Install a program with auto-dial to the specified phone number. A young guy / girl will regularly receive messages, voice notifications, and receive calls at different times of the day.

Such a program will not leave the villain alone. He can disable the program. But until he finds a way, he will begin to hate a mobile or landline phone.

The offender has committed a meanness Three options for revenge:

Order the sms flood service to a phone number. The villain will constantly receive text messages with content written by the victim.

Place a free ad for the sale of cheap goods that will create demand among those who want to buy them. People “torment” the villain with calls until the ad is removed.

Order the “alarm clock service” service on his phone number, which will help wake the scoundrel in the morning. Waking up in the morning for no reason is very annoying, and a sleepy person becomes apathetic and aggressive in society. This will affect his relationships with friends and the work process.

If the offense greatly hurt the offender, then you can:

  • Specify the villain's phone number as a confirmation contact in the online store of sex toys.
  • Indicate the number on the dating site with a note about non-traditional orientation.

Revenge over the internet

If a person has greatly offended, and does not repent of his deed, then you can teach him a beautiful lesson from a distance on social networks on the Internet (classmates, facebook, in contact).


  • If a person set you up, used you, then post compromising photos on a social network that will ruin the reputation of the offender among friends and acquaintances.
  • If a person has severely offended, then it is worth hacking his personal page. After hacking, write unpleasant things to friends of the enemy that will help to break up friendly relations.
  • Steal the community.
  • Create a group of enemies of the offender and invite all the victims to it.
  • Report the page to the administrator of the social network. After reviewing the complaint, the page will be closed. The culprit will have to create a new one or prove his case to the administration of the social network.


With magic you can:

  • Hurt a person in a career.
  • Mess up your personal life.
  • Influence well-being, health.
  • Influence material well-being.

But it is worth remembering that magic is not a toy. They resort to her help in difficult situations: a person beat, deprived of the most valuable, framed, etc.
For revenge on the loss of health, you will need to make a voodoo doll. Gradually mutilating the doll, the villain will begin to feel worse.

You can teach with the help of conspiracies.

A conspiracy to water is done to cause problems for the enemy. The victim will need to know the address of his residence.

To carry out the ritual, water is collected and placed on the bible in front of a mirror surface.

Then the words of the conspiracy are read: “Whoever has good thoughts, he will remain with them, whoever has evil thoughts, he will receive them, whoever has bad words, he will choke on them.”

Water pours out on the threshold of the enemy. When he steps into it with his feet, he will begin a series of failures.


The vile person needs to be avenged. It should be taught a lesson to prevent such actions against other people. But in the process of revenge, the deceiver should remember that it is impossible to go beyond certain boundaries.


  • The damage done to the offender must match the damage done.
  • Think about the consequences. Revenge should not give rise to eternal confrontation and enmity.
  • Don't involve strangers. Perform all procedures yourself.
  • If necessary, wait for the blow to become more crushing and painful.
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