Attic interior with photo examples. Attic floor design: interesting interior options Design of a small attic room

In the middle of the 17th century, a young French architect Francois Mansart came up with a brilliant idea: to include an interior in the attic floor in order to use this space for residential purposes. The idea went off with a bang, and the attic room got its official name - "mansard". True, at the dawn of his career, the attic was used as a servant's dwelling.

Attic floor today

In the modern realities of life, any piece of living space is priceless and is used to the fullest. Attic interior design can turn these rooms into a standard of style and family comfort, if you approach the design correctly. In the process of determining the future purpose of the attic space, it is desirable to maintain a natural balance: the living room is ideally combined with the kitchen, the bedroom with a workplace, and the nursery with a cozy bedroom.

Living room in seventh heaven

What is important for the living room? In order for guests to feel comfortable, the room for them must be spacious and representative. Careful study of the design of the attic will allow even a small room to be turned into a comfortable guest room.

Advice! The use of an "invisible" interior (decoration of the room in light colors: white furniture, transparent tables and chairs made of plastic or glass and lightened walls) will help to visually enlarge the attic space.

Step 2. Faithful furniture. For the attic living room, choose only the most necessary furniture, it should not clutter up the space. It is better to use compact elements, include wall and built-in shelves. Place furniture at some distance to allow free movement. Without fail a soft sofa with pillows.

Advice! To create harmony, place shelving, shelves in the corners of the attic room - this will make the room more voluminous and deep.

Step 3. Accessories. When creating a living room in the attic, you need to try to choose accessories that can create unity between the rest of the interior details. For example, paintings hung vertically on the walls. Stop your choice on souvenirs, elongated vases, striving upwards.

Step 4. Window decoration. The living room needs an abundance of natural light, so consider installing panoramic windows or skylight window systems in the attic with mounting on roof slopes. Curtains, curtains choose from light, light fabrics. will look good and blinds. Choose a window decoration that will allow you to fully open the windows.

Advice! If the roof windows are small in size, choose long curtains of a single-color pattern for them - this will visually enlarge the windows.

Bedroom surrounded by stars

The attic bedroom can be an ideal place to relax, a corner where you can hide from the hustle and bustle of the lower floors. Arrange bed near the windows, and you will be provided with enchanting comfort under the reflections of magical sunsets and sunrises, accompanied by bird trills.

Advice! Visually add volume to the attic bedroom will help a large floor mirror and Wall lights elongated shape. Try to repeat the motif of the pattern in the curtains in the bedspread on the bed.

The ideal design of the bedroom on the attic floor will be made by lining the attic ceiling, especially if the room is not large. beams, which are often found in this place, in combination with a clapboard will help to arrange a small bedroom in a cozy provence style.

A lot of bleached, artificially aged wood in combination with a summer landscape palette (cornflower blue, lavender, lemon, sky blue and green) will make the attic bedroom especially cozy, saturated with rustic romance.

How do you like the trendy loft? A slightly chilly style will emphasize the brick wall decoration, the presence of gray concrete. You can’t hide communications here - put all pipes, ventilation ducts outside and add various industrial lamps. Small windows will bring color to the original design.

Magic nursery

Designing and renovating the interior of the attic for a nursery is to fulfill the kids' dream of their own fairy-tale house, where fairies, sorceresses can fly in or look at Carlson's "jar of jam". When designing a nursery, consider some of the nuances that will help you make the best use of all the small space:

  • If the ceiling height allows, install a loft bed under which you can equip a play area. Place it next to the end wall.
  • The opposite wall is the ideal area to place a closet.
  • Desk give a seat near the window.
  • Place a place for active games away from the stairs.
  • Use smaller walls for miniature children's furniture, or install open cabinets for storing toys there.

Do not forget that the nursery should be absolutely safe for kids! Walls, floors and all furniture should not have sharp corners, be very reliable and durable. Pre-impregnate wooden elements with compounds that increase their fire safety.

Advice! When choosing a color scheme, be guided by the psychotype of the baby. Too active do not need to be even more excited with bright shades. Intense colors in the decoration are better suited for leisurely phlegmatic people.

For boys, the most suitable colors are khaki, blue, light gray or blue, little princesses cream, pale green, olive, white or pink tone in the design of the attic nursery.

Does the private house have an attic? Do not litter it with unnecessary things. It is better to turn into a beautiful and cozy room.

But what will be there (living room, gym or something else), fantasy will tell.

We offer several ideas for the design of the attic. Our photo gallery of the interior of this attic space will show how they can be realized.

By the way, we have material about the design of the attic with a gable roof. If this is the case for you, we suggest you follow the link and read it.

And so, a list of premises for which you can arrange or equip an attic.

  • Bedroom.
  • Children's room or playroom.
  • Gym.
  • Husband's office.
  • Bathroom.
  • Workshop for the mistress of the house.
  • Library.
  • Rest zone.
  • Billiard room.
  • Guest room.

In the attic, you can even equip an observatory. You just need to make a glass ceiling or put huge skylights. It all depends on financial capabilities and imagination.

Requirements for the attic

Drawing the interior of the attic in a country house, do not forget about the requirements.

  • Soundproofing. Without it, the whisper of the wind, the sound of rain, the rumble of passing cars will be heard in the room. Soundproofing work must be given attention.
  • Warming. Living it will be a room or a library, it should be warm. And in the summer it should be cool. Therefore, both ventilation and thermal insulation are very important.
  • Daylight. Sunlight is either too much or not enough. It all depends on where the attic window looks. In the first case, curtains will help, which are also very specifically attached to the windows. In the second case, you will need lamps, floor lamps.
  • Window . Do not make them too small, otherwise the room will be gloomy.
  • Beams and slopes. If you hide them behind drywall constructions, the room will become miniature and all the charm will disappear. It is better to think over the design of the attic in such a way as to beat these sloping walls.

What style to choose for decorating the attic, we will not tell. There are many of them: classic and provence, hi-tech and art deco, country, marine, eclectic and others. Let's talk about decoration, lighting, walls, ceiling, windows.


This is the most important element of the attic. They can be on the roof (inclined) and on the gable (vertical). The first type is much more common.

If possible, you can install large panoramic windows.

The larger the windows, the more sunlight enters the room. Of course, it depends on the season and time of day - the higher the sun is above the horizon, the brighter it will be in the room.

There are windows, they need “clothes”. It can be blinds, Roman blinds, Japanese and others in the same laconic style.

To prevent the curtain from dangling, it is pulled along the entire length of the window and fastened not only from above, but also from below. Or use a crossbar installed across the window.

Finishing materials

The attic a priori cannot be as spacious, with high ceilings, as the rooms on the first floor. It happens, but this is an exception.

Therefore, finishing materials should be chosen "breathable", environmentally friendly and non-toxic.

  • Wallpaper.
  • Plaster.
  • Water based paint.
  • Wooden lining or panels.
  • Drywall or mineral fiber sheets.

It is important to take into account the weight of finishing materials - they should not create a large load on the floor or roofing system.

Important! Fabric canvases, stretch ceilings, stone, plastic, oil paint - all these materials are beautiful, but they are not suitable for finishing the attic, except for decorative elements.

The walls of the attic are, in fact, its ceiling. Therefore, it is worth choosing materials carefully.

If this does not contradict the design style, beams, rafters can be left uncovered. Make it unique and comfortable.

Wooden parquet or laminate is laid on the attic floor. The use of linoleum, tiles is justified when there is a bathroom or kitchen in the attic.

Color variations

In the interior of the attic, a plain background will look equally good, and with a print, light colors and dark ones.

Again, it all depends on the chosen style.

  • Provence prefers light shades.
  • Loft, classic, rustic style tends to muted shades of brown.
  • Minimalism, art deco, hi-tech - this is monochrome. Black and white tones are diluted with color splashes.

There are unspoken rules.

If the walls are patterned, then the floor is made plain. Printed wallpapers should be interspersed with plain ones.

In addition, large patterns will look ridiculous and disadvantageous in a small room, and dark walls in a gloomy one. You need to play with color to balance the interior.

The most optimal colors for finishing the attic:

  • coffee with milk;
  • grey;
  • pink;
  • pearl;
  • beige;
  • mint;
  • Ivory;
  • sand;
  • chocolate;
  • sky blue.

Of course they need to be diluted. Then at any time of the day the room will look advantageous.

Disadvantages to merits

The design of the attic in a private house is quite complicated due to the dramatic difference in height. With an illiterate arrangement of furniture, decor elements, the choice of finishes, colors, the room can “put pressure” on those present.

Some secrets will help to avoid this.

  • Tall objects will visually make the room appear taller.
  • Pictures, photos placed vertically, tall indoor flowers, a floor lamp, vertical stripes will cope with this task.
  • Playing with color and light will allow you to adjust the space. You can make the ceiling a little darker or paste over the sloping walls, cabinets with the same wallpaper as the gables.
  • Mirrors, glass surfaces will reflect and multiply the light.

Not all furniture is suitable for the attic - there is simply nowhere to put it there.

Follow these tips:

  • The center of the room, where the height is greatest, should remain free.
  • A bed, armchair, ottoman can be placed at the edges or in the corner.
  • The lowest place is not a "dead zone". It will fit low furniture, a rack for storing things and small things, a cache.
  • If the attic is residential, then a wardrobe can be made on the side of the front door. You don’t need a wardrobe, just hang a trempel rod, make shelves and fence everything off with a screen or curtain.
  • The front wall can be turned into a bookcase, make it a kind of home library.

It is advisable to choose multifunctional furniture: a bed with drawers, an armchair-bed, a desktop on wheels, a wardrobe that turns into a work area, a dressing table that also serves as a coffee table, etc.

The attic space is small in area and volume, but you can develop such an attic design in a country house to turn it into one or even two full-fledged living quarters. And there is no need to build a second floor.

Other photos of the attic

Oh, those attics! How often, when building their own house, people make many plans regarding the arrangement of the under-roof area. As a result, most often, the attic turns into an ordinary dump for mountains of things that do not seem to be needed, but it is a pity to throw them away. Whether it's a matter of equipping a full-fledged living room here, for example, a bedroom. How to do it? We will talk about this in today's article, and also look at many examples in the best photographs.

Features of the attic bedroom

Arranging a bedroom in the attic is one of the best options for the rational use of an empty attic. Its advantage lies in the fact that under the sloping vaults you can easily install a bed (and more than one), while larger furniture simply does not fit here. In fact, an additional living space appears in the house, where you can not only organize a bedroom for family members, but also a guest room. If the area allows, several beds are installed here, the necessary storage systems and a dressing room are equipped. Since the bedroom is located on a territory remote from other rooms, here you can truly fully relax, retire and escape from everyday worries.

The attic can be turned into a full-fledged children's corner. Since the furniture for the child is small in size, it will successfully fit into a non-standard layout. Children love everything unusual - secluded corners, attics, cozy rooms filled with their favorite toys. This is what the attic children's bedroom will look like, where the sloping ceiling will replace the vault of heaven.

The attic bedroom equipment has another additional bonus - the ability to implement a variety of unusual design solutions using architectural features, the naturalness of ceiling materials, and sloping window openings.

What should be taken into account?

Taking the attic space under the bedroom, you need to understand that now it is becoming a living space, therefore, it will require high-quality arrangement. In particular, this applies to the insulation of the room - the arrangement of additional thermal insulation of the walls, the installation of heating radiators. Often, during the construction of a house, the owners do not pay much attention to providing the attic with electricity - a maximum of one or two light bulbs are installed here, which will save if a warehouse of any unnecessary items is organized here or repairs are needed. When arranging the bedroom, you will need to carry out high-quality electrical wiring, which will create good lighting.

Color solutions for the bedroom in the attic

Most often, an attic bedroom is dressed in a light palette that compensates for the lack of light. Against its background, dark-colored furniture and textiles will look beautiful, and bright colors of decor and accessories will help to revive the design. However, this is not the only solution - the owners may well decorate the room in any color at their discretion.

Since the geometry of the room itself is quite compressed, it is important not to overdo it with gloomy shades, which will further aggravate the situation. The bedroom in light gray, cream, blue tones will look original and cozy. The wall and ceiling area above the head of the bed are often decorated in accent bright colors, thus emphasizing the territory of sleep.

The choice of color can be dictated by the style of decoration, for example, a Scandinavian bedroom will look great in a snow-white design, a room in a rustic style (Provence, country) will not do without green, blue, pink natural colors, and in a classic version, brown can be taken as the basis, beige, burgundy shades, giving the room a special sophistication.

To equip a child’s bedroom in the attic, choose a palette that matches the age and gender of the child (pink, blue), or neutral tones, complementing them with bright decorative elements.

Finishes and materials

To date, there is a huge selection of finishing materials. When choosing them for arranging a bedroom, you need to pay attention to such indicators as beauty, environmental friendliness and practicality - after all, any owner wants the renovation to please with its novelty for a long time.


To finish the surface of the bedroom floor, it is important that the material is warm, pleasant to the touch (often they move in this room without shoes), create additional sound insulation and, of course, harmonize with the surrounding design. There are many such materials. It can be soft, warm carpet. It has a variety of colors, which allows you to choose a canvas for any style direction. Modular carpet tiles, which have a stronger base, look especially beautiful. Parquet board and laminate will greatly simplify the cleaning process, and the cork floor will last for decades, giving the room the warmth and comfort of natural material.


The choice of finishing materials for the walls is also quite extensive - they are painted, whitewashed, wallpapered, plastered. PVC panels are now widely used - they have many variations in execution, can be colored or imitate natural materials, are easy to install and last quite a long time. With their help, you can create absolutely any design - from a calm classic to a daring loft. Often, a significant role is given to drywall, with which you can correct the shortcomings of the walls and the layout as a whole. Finishing materials are often combined, choosing light and dark colors. Canvases with patterns, photo wallpapers, which give a special dynamics, look advantageous.


In the attic bedroom, the issue of ceiling design occupies a special place, due to its non-standard, inclined surfaces, the presence of beam ceilings and other nuances. Often drywall panels come to the rescue, which help to align too pointed corners, hide protruding structures, electrical wiring, giving the room a more comfortable look. Finishing can be done using painting, stretch fabrics, lining, wallpaper. Depending on the style of the room, the beams can not be masked - after all, the more complex the interior, the more interesting it is.

Furniture and lighting

Since the bedroom does not need a lot of furniture, it is enough to place a bed, a couple of bedside tables, armchairs and a storage system here. The bed is most often installed under the lowest bevel of the roof, near the window through which you can sometimes watch the starry sky in the evening. In order to optimally use the territory, built-in wardrobes of a non-standard shape are often made, which are successfully placed under inclined vaults. Also, the best storage systems can be drawers, bedside tables under the bed base.

Bright lighting is unacceptable in the bedroom, but it should be diffused enough to illuminate every necessary area. Large chandeliers are not welcome here - it is better to replace them with compact lamps on the walls and bedside tables. You can arrange the wiring in such a way that the lamps turn on in groups, illuminating different zones.

Interior styles

Any room will look luxurious if you decorate it in a certain style. The attic bedroom is no exception! The style direction should be chosen in such a way that it matches the preferences of the owners and the overall design concept of the house.

Bedroom in the attic in a classic style

For those who prefer respectable elegance to excessive pretentiousness and eccentricity, it is better to decorate the bedroom in a classic style. Here, the color scheme of noble shades, such as burgundy, cream, olive, sulfur, etc., is perfectly combined with impeccable details of palace luxury. The surface of the floor is decorated with expensive natural materials, the ceiling is a matte surface, and the furniture made of wood has rich decorations in the form of carvings and precious fittings. An important role in the classic design is played by textiles - draped curtains, a canopy over the bed.

Bedroom in the attic in Provence style

The style of a provincial French village is best suited for decorating an attic bedroom, combining comfort and tranquility. There are no bright colors here - the design is based on pastel colors, combined with small floral prints, landscape compositions in wall decoration and textiles. Furniture made with the effect of artificial aging or using decoupage technique, which is adequately complemented by handmade accessories, gives a special atmosphere to the atmosphere.

Loft-style attic bedroom

This style, also referred to as "attic", has every right to be implemented in the attic bedroom. There is practically no need to invent anything here: brick, concrete walls, open communications and ventilation pipes, rough beam ceilings, carelessly applied plaster - all this will make up the general picture of the direction. Modernity will be given by such details as multifunctional furniture, appliances, high-quality lighting.

Bedroom in the attic in the style of minimalism

The minimalist design looks quite concise and restrained. In the interior, made in light colors, there are only the necessary furnishings. Finishing, as a rule, has a plain white, gray, beige color, which can be diluted with bright blotches in the form of paintings, posters, photo collages, contrasting elements of furniture or textiles that create an accent.

Chalet style loft bedroom

This is a special style that allows you to create a spectacular design with a stunningly cozy atmosphere. The ubiquitous presence of natural wood helps in this, which can be found in the decoration of walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, and even window frames are made of this material. Most often, the layout assumes access to a vast terrace located under a gracefully protruding roof vault. A warm fireplace made of stone, subdued soft light and a fur blanket on a spacious bed - what could be better for a good rest?

Attic bedroom interior design - photo

In conclusion, we invite you to visit our gallery. Here we have collected for you the best photos that will demonstrate the various options for arranging a bedroom in the attic. Looking at them, you can create your own design project, making your home more functional and attractive. Happy viewing!

The abundance of ceiling beams, the sloping vault and the floor-to-ceiling windows give the attic rooms a visual spaciousness. Attic spaces in small country houses are used as additional storage spaces: dressing rooms, pantries, rooms for seasonal sports equipment.

Styling of the attic floor

The design of the attic room depends on the tastes of the owners, the total area and materials of the house, the available budget.

Installation of washing machines and dryers, massive steam generators in the attic saves space on the ground floor, allows you to choose more massive and functional appliances.

The owners of spacious houses arrange libraries, children's rooms, billiard rooms, second living rooms in the attic. Such premises are combined with the "second world" architectural solution, which combines common rooms on several floors into a single space.

The design of the attic involves an emphasis on the structural elements of the building:

  • beams;
  • window openings;
  • ceilings.
  • Roof. Finishing with metal tiles, soft slate or roofing felt creates the appearance of a building in a classic style, combined with natural or artificial stone cladding, facade panels. The owners of houses in the style of constructivism and minimalism prefer flat roofs covered with metal tiles.
  • A chimney completes the look of the home, allowing owners to install a working fireplace or stove for cooking. Usually pipes are masked behind one of the roof slopes, the owners of chalet-style houses place it in the center of the roof.
  • Window openings. The shape and size of the windows depend on the climate zone, the architectural solution and the functions of the attic. For example, small attic storage spaces are equipped with round "dormer windows". The owners of spacious bathrooms and children's rooms in the attic prefer high rectangular or Venetian windows. If the attic is used to relax and spend time together with the owners and guests of the house, panoramic glazing is used.
  • Balconies and terraces. Windows in small attics located above garages and utility blocks are decorated with bars, a small ledge allows you to design a "French balcony" for plants in pots and pallets. Spacious attics provide terraces, balconies and glazed loggias.

Inside: upper half of the room

The location of the attic space depends on the layout of the building, its functions and the total area. For example, side attics for storage are located above living rooms, kitchens and boiler rooms. Such an attic involves small windows, full-fledged doorways, insulated walls. The style of the interior consists of the design:

Window openings. Most of the attics are decorated with dormers - sloping openings in the height of the wall, which are smoothly plastered, complemented by roman blinds. Gable ceilings exclude the installation of cornices and curtains, so the window serves as the main source of light. Asymmetric roofs with high slopes allow you to install windows without tilting. In this case, it is allowed to install cornices, curtains, design bay windows with windows.

Ceiling finish. Depending on the materials of construction, roof beams can be wooden, concrete, metal. Aesthetic elements made of natural wood make up the accent of the interior, such ceilings are painted with stains and varnishes in contrasting shades, the rest of the interior is formed around them. The owners of houses built from concrete and cinder blocks, using monolithic technology, suggest masking the floor elements.

Classic attic - a room under a gable roof with decorative wooden beams, window openings are joined to the ceiling and finished with textured plaster. The hue and style of loft decor builds around these elements.

Inside: bottom half

The walls and floor in the attic are finished depending on the level of illumination of the room, the chosen interior style and the method of finishing window openings. For example, rounded Venetian windows in wide wooden frames are combined with light-colored stucco, parquet and darker-colored laminate.

Wall decoration. Attic rooms have a high level of natural light, so textured wallpaper in contrasting shades, MDF panels and natural wood are used to decorate the walls. Damask wallpaper, frescoes, imitation brickwork, plaster moldings and carved wooden elements are suitable for decorating a spacious room. Exactly plastered walls create a minimalist interior of laundries, bathrooms, pantries, dressing rooms.

Floor finishing. You can increase the sound insulation and insulate the room with the help of natural materials: parquet, laminate, engineered board. Such decoration in light shades visually expands the room. The use of cork floors, linoleum, ceramic tiles increases the strength of the coating, it is used for utility rooms.

The attic room can be used all year round, but care must be taken to install a heating system. Owners of suburban housing in harsh climatic zones prefer to leave the floor unheated.

Owners of modest houses use attics for seasonal living, and no heating system is installed. Apply frost-resistant finishing materials (tiles, panels, plaster).

Utility rooms

Laundries, smokehouses, pantries, carpentry workshops in the attic are distinguished by small windows, an abundance of built-in wardrobes and tables for storage. Finishing such a room involves the installation of additional sockets, the arrangement of a small workplace.

The design of furniture for utility rooms is most often built-in, cabinets and shelves are used to the height of the ceiling, baskets and containers with tools are placed in open spaces. Such attics are decorated with a separate door, the entrance is masked behind a flight of stairs.

Dressing room and storage space for seasonal items

Miniature attics and rooms with small roof slopes are used to create built-in storage systems for clothes, sports equipment, and Christmas tree decorations. Finishing the room involves the installation of LED lamps, modular boxes and transformer shelves.

Attic-cloakrooms are placed in the center of the second floor, sometimes the owners equip a nursery or guest bedroom nearby. The interior of such a room is made neutral, the convenience of finding the right things, compactness and strength are important.

Modular storage systems with drawers and sliding shelves are located on both sides of the entrance. The central wall is occupied by a large mirror mounted on the front of the built-in wardrobe. This solution is suitable for large families permanently residing in a country house for several generations.

Bathroom or sauna

Insulated houses for permanent residence have spacious bathrooms, saunas, hydromassage installations. The room on the top floor is suitable for a guest bath, creating a small relaxation area.

The room is finished with ceramic tiles, moisture resistant panels or wood treated with non-toxic varnishes. Double-glazed windows, cornices and thick curtains made of materials with the function of protection from direct sunlight are installed on the windows.

The floors are finished with an engineered board, laminate or linoleum, resistant to temperature changes. If the attic is given over to the sauna, the flooring can be made of refractory bricks, ceramic tiles, epoxy linoleum.

The choice of interior design style depends on the materials chosen. For example, soft wood (birch, alder) has a honey hue and, in addition to floral ornaments, creates an interior in retro, Provence styles. Lighter materials and dense woods (oak, maple, acacia) create an English-style room, point sources of lighting should be installed.

Guest or master bedroom

Placing a zone for daily rest in the attic room saves space on the ground floor. This solution is used by the owners of miniature houses with a combined kitchen-living room:

Sleeping place. The bed is traditionally placed opposite the window, in the center of the room. It should be convenient for each of the inhabitants to get to their place. Bedside tables or chests of drawers are placed on both sides, nightlights are fixed above the headboard.

Storage space. High ceilings in the attics allow you to build in wardrobes, install rails for storing clothes, and arrange chests of drawers along the walls.

The interior is decorated in bright colors, they strive to make the lighting pointy, divide it into zones. For example, several nightlights, LED lamps and floor lamps allow you to adapt the level of illumination to the season, day, and tastes of the owners.

Children's room

The nursery in the attic requires the installation of a heating system. Choose large windows for better illumination of the room. The interior style for children is chosen in bright colors, materials are used natural, resistant to pollution. For example, wall decoration with gypsum plaster is convenient for regular repairs, hypoallergenic for kids. The furnishing of the room consists of a working area, a place for rest and storage areas.

  • Work zone. Depending on the age of the baby, the space may be limited to a playpen or a desk with a computer. This zone is recommended to be located next to the window, the light should fall from the left side. If a schoolchild lives in the nursery, it is advisable to install a modular transforming table that will adapt to the rapid growth of the child.
  • Place for rest. Depending on the size of the attic, the sleeping place can be a folding sofa, an armchair or a full bed. Sizes are chosen for growth so that the baby feels comfortable indoors as they grow up. Such furniture is placed opposite the entrance to the room, additional lighting is installed around.
  • Storage space. The abundance of built-in wardrobes, shelves and baskets will teach the baby to orderly storage of things, free up space for relaxation, games and receiving guests. Modular systems installed in the room allow you to compactly place toys, clothes, books and equipment for a growing baby.

Owners of multi-storey buildings can arrange several rooms in the attic:

  • library;
  • billiard room;
  • cabinet.

Multi-storey buildings with an attic

The layout of such houses is less compact, they are designed for several generations of the same family, frequent reception of guests, and the location of several functional rooms. The attic in such a house is used as several full-fledged rooms.

A feature of the interior of the attic is the abundance of natural light, which allows the use of dark furniture, wall decoration with natural wood panels, an abundance of metal accessories.

The interior is finished in contrasting art deco styles, classic French, English, colonial. If the roof slopes form high ceilings, the Empire style, palace interior, eclecticism look appropriate. The rules for arranging furniture and lighting depend on the purpose of the room.

Living room (the only one in the house or the second one)

The first floor of country buildings is traditionally occupied by utility rooms and a kitchen-living room designed for receiving guests. The second floor consists of several bedrooms and bathrooms, so the attic is used as an additional room for family members to relax.

Owners of houses with several floors with a compact layout create a rest room or living room in the entire width of the attic space. This saves space on the first floor, the premises are isolated from common utility areas. The interior of the room is built around the main pieces of furniture.

  • Places for rest. Sofas, armchairs, couches and pouffes are recommended to be placed in the center of the living room, around to install additional lighting items (floor lamps, chandeliers, sconces). Upholstery made of light artificial or natural leather will extend the life of the furniture, it is combined with most styles. The choice of bright contrasting shades requires wall decoration in light, plain colors.
  • Storage spaces. Tables and chests of drawers in the living room are located next to the sofas so that guests can use them comfortably. Cupboards, cabinets and showcases are installed along the walls to visually expand the space.
  • Decor. Depending on the style of the interior, the center of the living room in the attic can be an original chandelier, a fireplace (acting or installation), a coffee table, a bar counter.

Residents of suburban buildings with three and four floors often arrange rooms for a narrower purpose in the attic.

billiard room

A lounge with a massive table covered with green cloth is suitable for a country house in classic, English or retro styles. Such attics are finished with oak panels, windows are decorated with blackout curtains, lighting is limited to small lamps with fabric lampshades. The upper part of the walls and the ceiling are complemented by textured plaster, stucco, wallpaper made of dense natural or artificial fabrics.

  • The size of the billiard table is determined by the area of ​​​​the room, most often the piece of furniture is placed in the center, and the remaining zones are along the walls. A chandelier is placed above the table.
  • The recreation area in the billiard room includes a row of chairs, tables, sometimes the room is decorated with a fireplace or a bar counter. Upholstered furniture is placed next to the windows, in the corners of the room.
  • Zoning of the billiard room is carried out with the help of screens, bookshelves, lamps on long suspensions, placement of furniture in groups. For example, several sofas are placed around a coffee table.

Furniture is chosen from natural wood, accessories - from metal of warm shades (bronze, brass). The traditional idea of ​​a billiard room is an English-style room, complemented by massive decor, textured materials, and natural wood. A common option is to combine a billiard room with a video game room, while a large TV is installed in the room.


A more versatile version of a recreation room combined with education is a library in the attic. High vaulted ceilings and slanted windows create a traditional gloomy space with floor-to-ceiling shelving. A more modern version of the Scandinavian-style library includes white stucco, light wood furniture, and textiles in contrasting shades.

  • Bookshelves. The central element of the library is recommended to be placed along the walls, the width of the shelves should allow you to fit two volumes in a row. The glazed version makes cleaning easier and looks more respectable. The center of the room is suitable for the installation of low tables and bedside tables in which magazines and newspapers are placed.
  • Reading place. A desktop and a reading chair are placed opposite the window; in large houses, several such zones are installed. It is recommended to use lightweight modular structures that can be easily moved around the room.
  • Rest zone. The free space of the library is used for the installation of upholstered furniture, floor lamps, voluminous chandeliers and lamps. Massive vases, figurines, candelabra, indoor fountains look appropriate in rooms decorated in retro, empire, American classic styles.

The owners of the houses equip the library for the professional needs of one of the family members, transform it into an office or a common living room.


A workplace on the territory of a country house is necessary with a free schedule, remote work, irregular hours. The location of the office in the attic allows you to retire, work in natural light most of the day, comfortably store massive equipment near the workplace. The atmosphere of the room is based on the basic principles:

1 Convenience. The choice of furniture, equipment, amount of lighting reflects the features of the owner's work. For example, architects and seamstresses require massive tables with spacious tops to accommodate drawings, fabrics, materials. Engravers work with abundant local lighting.

2 Mobility. Items in the office should be easy to move. For example, tables on wheels, light shelves, collapsible chests of drawers and cabinets with pull-out baskets make it easy to store equipment and materials.

3 Neutrality. The situation in the office should not distract from work tasks, so it is recommended to moderately use bright decor, contrasting wallpapers and dark colors. It is better to choose a material for curtains that is light, freely transmitting light.

Most of the day is spent in the office, so the furniture should be comfortable for long-term use, finishing materials should be natural, non-toxic.


Miniature attics with a small number of windows are suitable for creating a gym.

  • Strength training room. Such a room is equipped with an additional ventilation system, bright lighting is installed, the walls are decorated with posters, finished with textured wallpaper, complemented by TVs and a stereo system.
  • Relaxation area. In the interior it is recommended to use green, blue shades, focus on natural colors and natural materials. The hall for yoga, Pilates or meditation is complemented by large windows, curtains in neutral shades.
  • Cardiozone. The interior of such attics includes a space for relaxation, sometimes a refrigerator is installed for ice and fresh fruit. Classes on cardio machines are long, a comfortable environment is needed.

The gym in the attic involves the storage of equipment, classes at different times of the day. It is necessary to ensure a comfortable temperature, it is recommended to provide the room with climate control and additional sound insulation.

Advantages of attic rooms

Most owners of multi-storey buildings and one-story buildings with an attic tend to use the room as a full-fledged room. The interior of the attic space depends on the interior of the whole house. Most often, the decoration is performed in neutral colors, using natural materials:

  • Saving space on the first floor. Regardless of the purpose, the room under the roof is located in the private area of ​​the house, has a relatively large footage and allows you to place seasonal items and equip guests. The areas of the first floor are freed up for recreation areas, additional bedrooms, and the installation of more massive and comfortable furniture. For example, moving the storage area to the attic frees up space on the ground floor for a garage.
  • The isolation of the room. Depending on the chosen layout, the entrance to the attic can be located inconspicuously, without attracting the attention of guests. If the attic space is used as a study, its location allows you to focus on work tasks. Sometimes the attic is provided with a separate entrance via an external staircase, creating a completely separate area in the common house.

  • Plenty of natural light. Large windows, located at an angle to the rest of the walls, allow you to do without additional lamps and chandeliers, decorate the interior in dark shades. For example, billiard rooms and libraries in the attic are decorated with dark panels made of natural wood, giving them a rich color.

Despite a number of advantages, the attic is not suitable for every country house, it requires additional costs.


Seasonal homeowners and residents of spacious buildings do not regularly use roofed spaces, some prefer to turn them into an unheated pantry.

  • Relatively high heating costs. Depending on the materials of the house, the area of ​​​​the attic and the climate zone, the cost of heating it can be very significant. For example, a room with panoramic windows in central Russia needs to install additional heaters. If the attic is used as a bedroom or children's room, the costs will be regular.
  • The need to install and assemble furniture to order. Most homes are built with steep pitched roofs, so the cabinets and shelves have unusual configurations. Delivery and installation of furniture on the upper floor requires additional costs, it is better to choose the furniture as a team.

Many people are accustomed to considering the attic a kind of second-class room, or an auxiliary purpose, from which it is very difficult to make something worthwhile. Well, it is really difficult to beautifully equip the interior of the second floor of the attic type, since this room has non-standard dimensions, and usually suffers from a lack of natural light. However, modern designers have proposed a lot of interesting ideas and recommendations on how to decorate the attic interior beautifully. If you want to know how stylish and functional a modern attic can be, the photos in our article, of which there are more than two dozen, will clearly demonstrate this and inspire you to arrange your own cozy corner under the roof.

The interior of the attic of a wooden house and cottages in the photo

Country houses and cottages made of natural wood are distinguished by a special rural flavor, in addition, they have a surprisingly harmonious and comfortable atmosphere, so over the years there are no less lovers of wooden buildings. The interior of the attic in the country is usually arranged in such a way as to emphasize the provincial charm of a wooden house. This can be done with the help of suitable furniture, souvenirs, paintings, textiles and other decor items. However, the cozy interior of the attic of a country house does not begin with furniture and curtains, but with the right lighting.

Important A beautiful and cozy attic (the photo below proves this) is impossible without good natural light. Therefore, at the first stage of repair, take care to install additional skylights between the rafters if there is not enough light from the main window.

Usually, the interior of a country attic is decorated using a large number of natural materials. The floor and walls, and sometimes the ceiling, are sewn up with wooden clapboard, block house or imitation timber. Here you can learn more about the installation of sheathing in the attic. Furniture is also chosen from natural wood. Rattan and bamboo home furnishings look great in country interiors: tables, wicker rocking chairs, baskets for storing clothes. Textiles for curtains and bedspreads are also preferably natural, such as cotton, linen or wool. Animal skins, blankets and other attributes of hunting life fit very organically into the interior of the attic, see the photo below.

The interior design of the attic floor does not have to be filled with rural pastoral motifs. Most modern owners will tell you that this technique, although very successful, is already boring. We offer you separately. You can develop a very modern, stylish and functional attic interior, the photo gallery above shows the most interesting options. Despite the fact that this room is rarely spacious, with the help of space zoning techniques, you can give it a completely different look. And for this it is not at all necessary to divide the interior into parts with the help of partitions or screens. It is much more efficient to use the original backlight.

Idea Emphasize individual areas of the attic interior with a different color finish, an insert of wallpaper with a pattern, a large picture or decorative lighting. So you can select a bed, a work area or a relaxation area.

Photo example of zoning a wooden attic using a niche, natural stone trim and lighting on the ceiling beams

The best interiors of attic rooms: bedroom, nursery, living room

The idea usually visits us if the family needs another separate bedroom. A small room under the roof of the house is the best suited for such purposes. Even a very modest interior can be made cozy and beautiful if you properly manage the space. The main element of any bedroom - the bed - must be placed so that you can get up from it freely without hitting your head on the ceiling. If there are slanted windows between the attic rafters, the bed can be placed under them to admire the clouds and stars.

Advice Place the bed with the head of the bed against the lowest part of the walls, and closer to the middle of the room. Then the room will not "press" on you, and the bed will be comfortable to get up.

Beautiful interior of the attic bedroom with functional furniture and a good location of the bed headboard to the window

Successful means not only the correct location of the bed, but also the competent use of free space near the walls for organizing storage places. Ordinary cabinet furniture rarely fits into such a room due to the sloping ceiling. The only way out in this case is to independently manufacture or order built-in furniture according to your standards. A carefully thought-out interior of a bedroom with a mansard roof will allow you to take away special lockers and shelves for storing clothes, bed linen, cosmetics, books, souvenirs and other attributes of sleeping life.

An example of how you can successfully arrange furniture in a small attic of a country house when arranging a bedroom

Under the roof of the house, you can create a cozy corner not only for yourself, but also for your children. To plan the original interior of a children's room in the attic, you need to show imagination, abandon stereotypes and trust your instincts. After all, only you know how your child wants to see his bedroom. A lot depends on the age, gender and preferences of the future little owner or hostess. In addition to a bed, most likely, you will need convenient boxes for toys and clothes, shelves for books, a desk and a corner for games.

How to brightly and beautifully decorate the attic inside to get a full-fledged bedroom and a playroom for a baby

If there are two children in the family, and especially if they are of different sexes, the task of planning the interior of the attic for them is much more complicated. Even kids have a need for personal space, and when there is very little of it, as in the case of a nursery in the attic, it can be very difficult to correctly delimit the interior.

Idea If you have two children of different sexes, divide the attic in two exactly in the middle with the help of a small plasterboard partition, and decorate the resulting halves of the room in accordance with the wishes of your children.

View of the attic from the inside, divided into separate zones for a boy and a girl with a plasterboard partition

The interior of the attic room for a teenager is usually designed taking into account the tastes and hobbies of the owner. In such a room, it is important to organize a comfortable workplace with good lighting, where the child could do homework. In addition, special shelves or racks for storing books, CDs, sports equipment will probably be required if a teenager leads an active lifestyle.

Cozy and stylish attic room in blue and purple tones for a teenage boy who is fond of hockey

Living rooms in the attic are relatively rarely equipped, because the interior of such a room should be representative, spacious and functional. However, if we are talking about an attic-type apartment, then there are simply no other options but to organize a guest room under the roof. The main thing here is to try not to clutter up the space with numerous details, and make the most efficient use of every corner. Limit yourself to installing a sofa, a coffee table and a small built-in wardrobe, and it is better to choose a flat TV and hang it on the wall.

Classic living room with skylights, light wallpaper and a winning combination of dark wood and light upholstered furniture

Such pictures clearly confirm that a modest area is not an obstacle in creating a beautiful attic interior, no matter what room you decide to equip there.

What does a modern attic look like: an unusual style

The interior of the attic room can be decorated in one of the popular styles so that every detail fits perfectly into the overall concept. This approach is a kind of "aerobatics", it is the most time-consuming and costly, but the result is worth it. Our material "" is specifically devoted to this issue. And here we invite you to take a look at the style in which the attic is most often designed, the photo below will show the best examples of interiors.

Bedroom in the attic, decorated in the popular Provence style using light furniture, pale green textiles and wall frescoes

The Provence style is very popular because it is ideal for small cozy rooms under the roof of the house. French Provence is the twin brother of the well-known country style. However, carved and forged elements, bright and light floral ornaments, as if taking away into a sunny summer, are added to shabby and whitewashed wooden furniture and natural stone trim. Another variation on the theme of provincial romance is an Alpine chalet. This style manifests itself in tapestries, plaids, hand embroidery, wooden beams on the ceiling and an indispensable fireplace.

The interior of the attic living room of a wooden country house, decorated in the style of a chalet with a fireplace, leather furniture and cushions