What is Minecraft: where to start? My son plays Minecraft all the time. Who knows what the meaning of Minecraft is

minecraft,- more than just cubes.

Many people ask, what kind of game is this? What is its meaning? Why is she so popular and why is she still winning the hearts of millions of people?
Everyone is just friends, the whole point is in the absolute freedom that this wonderful game gives us.

Remember at least one game where you could run forward - and each new step opened up more and more new and unknown for you? Or where you could build absolutely anything you could think of?

There are no usual restrictions in MineCraft, and you yourself determine what and how you will do.

You can dig, you can cut, you can build, you can extract resources and dig deep underground, creating entire networks of tunnels and catacombs, or you can, on the contrary, build castles, houses, entire cities, both alone and together with your friends.

You are limited only by your fantasies and the availability of the necessary resources to implement all your ideas!

The developers have made sure that MineCraft is not monotonous. Every night you will be attacked by zombies, spiders, skeletons and creepers if you leave your house or a lighted place. And if you suddenly hear a hissing sound - know that you have become a victim of a creeper - the most mysterious and mystical creature of MineCraft :)

Of all the resources that you will find during the game, you can make various items. They will help you make your ideas even more beautiful and interesting, and some of them will help you get the resources you need even faster. For example, by extracting a stone with a wooden pick, you can easily make stronger stone picks out of it, and if you suddenly find an iron vein, you can make even stronger tools out of iron, which will last you even longer.

There are several modes in MineCraft. The two key ones are building and survival.

The first one is absolutely free. It lacks mobs and a number of features that are in survival, but you can build, and are not afraid that your resources will run out. This mode can be played directly through the browser by going to the official Minecraft website.

Survival is a more dynamic and interesting mode, but in order to immerse yourself in this exciting world, you need to purchase a license. It will give you the opportunity to receive all MineCraft updates at the moment they are released, as well as give you the opportunity to update your server without any time delays, and immediately begin to discover all the delights of innovations.

Having built your first house in Minecraft, you will begin to treat this wonderful game in a different way.
At first, graphics always scare away, but here they play a secondary role, because there is nothing better than the opportunity to be truly free.

I think many people caught themselves thinking that they want to be stupid and useless, but it's so nice to kill time for some exciting game. And the more tasks, little things and levels in the game - the better. But how to choose among the many offers something really worthwhile? We will help you by opening the world of the game for you.
It seems to me that many, if they have not played, then know or have heard about the games of the Minecraft series - this is a common and popular game that the creators tried to make as simple as possible. Intuitive interface, the most easy control, goals in the game and appearance- as easy as pie.

Before us is a world created from multi-colored blocks: everything around, from landscapes to character tools - all this is made in the form of pixel squares, a recognizable Minecraft feature.

And if you have heard a lot about Minecraft games, but have never launched and have no idea what the essence of the game is, then we will tell you.

To get started, you should choose one of the following game modes:

Creative or "Creative"

In this Minecraft game mode, you have an inexhaustible number of blocks, so you can create whatever comes to mind. Plus, in this mode, the player can fly, which means it is easier for him to move and move blocks, and as a bonus to this, the character’s strength is increased, which allows you to destroy the block with incredible impact force.
In the Creative mode of the Minecraft game, the character cannot die.

survival mode
This mode will be interesting for those who like to face difficulties. In Survival mode, you need to build by finding inventory and do not forget about survival: carefully monitor the levels of hunger and health indicators. One day of the game lasts only 10 minutes, during which time you need to feed the character, find supplies for yourself, build something from blocks to hide or protect yourself from monsters that appear at night.
Will you be able to secure your character?
In this mode, it is worth considering many nuances, for example, that wooden door won't stop zombies. And if the character dies, then the time to collect things at the place of death is no more than 5 minutes - then they disappear. Be careful, fast and thrifty. And most importantly - build reliable housing.

It would seem that in Minecraft it can be more difficult than Survival? But maybe it's Hardcore. At this level, you have only one life and any, the smallest, mistake leads not only to the death of the character, but also to the destruction of the entire created world.
This mode will be interesting for those who are self-confident as well as like to take risks.
We advise you to pump in Minecraft at other levels before trying yourself in Hardcore.
Adventure Mode
In this mode, you need to correctly approach the choice of instrument. After all, if a Minecraft character has the right tool, he can both receive and destroy blocks.

Beginning of the game

All this is wonderful, the levels have been deciphered, but where should you start after starting the game? Let's talk about the most simple and fundamental things:
  1. If you are in the forest - get wood. Do not overdo it - 15-20 blocks will be enough
  2. If the area around is nothing like a forest, and resources are needed, you should not waste time turning and running in circles. Go forward - in this case, the chance to meet the forest is much higher
  3. Saplings for the day of the game grow into trees, which means they become a resource - do not forget about it
  4. Watch for hunger and health indicators. Getting carried away collecting resources, you can forget about the state of life of the character
That's all. It's easy, isn't it? But the essence and interest in Minecraft lies in the fact that in such a simple game a character can become both a warrior and a peasant, both a hunter and a builder.
Will you be able to develop by choosing your path and not forgetting a few simple rules? Try Minecraft and answer this question yourself!

Very often I am asked What is the essence of Minecraft? Probably, not only me, but also others are asked about this, and this often leads to a stupor, because according to the idea, there is no essence in Minecraft. And it's a simple sandbox game. But What is the real meaning of Minecraft? In this article I will try to analyze the game itself and understand why this game was created and what its essence is. Let's get started.

What is the essence of the game Minecraft?
If you are interested to know, then go to the main page of the site or click on the link. After reading the history of minecraft, we can conclude that the game appeared quite by accident and there was no essence in it. You just had to run, but after the updates everything became much more difficult. The first purpose of the game is just to have a good time. Playing Minecraft you have to mine minerals, build a house, and also escape from monsters. So we found the second essence - survival. You can also add a life simulator here, but, in my opinion, this game still falls short, because you are just one and the laws of physics are violated in the game.
Probably, everyone already knows that in addition to survival, Minecraft has Game Mode Creative, in which you can fly and build whatever you want. Those. 3 essence - this is what you need to build any objects. By the way, some people really like it, and every now and then they only build all kinds of maps for minecraft, which, by the way, you can find on this site. In addition to this, it is worth noting that Notch (the creator of the game) in one of the interviews said that in his opinion the main essence of this wonderful game is to change the game world through direct contact with the world. In other words, he said that the essence of Minecratf is just to play. J That's it...
Let's try to analyze further. Minecraft is full of servers, but, in my opinion, this has nothing to do with the game itself. Although, if you think about it, minecraft is an opportunity to play with friends.
Also, do not forget that there are many different mods for this game. Some are developing them. Later, some of them become programmers, although this cannot be attributed to the essence, since programming does not apply to the game itself.
Approaching the end, I would like to note that I said the most obvious (yes, I'm a cap). I also want to know your opinion. What the essence of minecraft ? Write your opinion in the comments and do not forget to write why you think so, and I will definitely add your opinion to the article. Let's try together to find the essence of this game.