Deleting posts in a VK group. How to clean a wall in VK in a few clicks - detailed instructions. Mass deletion of VKontakte entries

Sometimes we have to delete posts from the walls of VKontakte groups. There can be many reasons for this: false information, publication violates the rules of the social network, etc. AboutHow to delete entries in a VK group, read the article. Of course, it’s better not to break all the known rules, so that later you don’t

One example of why a public had to delete publications is a community dedicated to new movies.

At that time, the group had more

They can not only add records, but also delete them.

Every day, 40-45 posts were posted on the site, 5 of which were of an advertising nature, including links to third-party resources.

It is for this reason that the VKontakte administration applied sanctions to the public by blocking the possibility of posting links in the community. The blocking period was 2 months.

This was a big blow for the group's owners, as it meant they were no longer able to post as many advertisements as they previously could. To clarify the situation, they turned to the VK administration with the question of what needs to be done in such a situation and how to solve the problem.

The answer from the admins was extremely simple - delete all publications containing links to third-party resources, which will increase the likelihood that the possibility of posting new links will appear earlier.

After the public wall was cleared of posts with links, the blocking was lifted 2 weeks later. In order to avoid such sanctions in the future and not violate VK rules, community admins do not publish more than 5 such advertising posts per week.

Deleting VKontakte entries manually, script and application

Now let's look in more detail at how to delete one or more entries in a VK group.

To do this, go to your community and select the entry you want to delete. In the top right corner of the post, click on the three dots icon.

In the recording management menu, select “Delete recording”.

This way you can remove any amount

To delete one or more publications from mobile devices, you must:

  1. Log in to the mobile version of VKontakte and open your public account.
  2. Select the desired post.
  3. Click on the record management menu.
  4. Select the “Delete” item.

But what if you need to clean an entire wall? To do this, you need to consider all the ways to delete all entries in the VK group. One of the simplest and most effective ways is to use a simple script

We go into the group and scroll through the wall a little. After that, right-click on any area of ​​the page and select “View code”.

In the code editing menu that opens in the browser, go to the Console tab.

After all the entries in the code area, enter the following script:

(function () ( 'use strict'; if (!confirm(' Delete all entries from the wall ?’)) return; vardeletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll(‘a.ui_actions_menu_item’); for (vari = 0; i

You will get this picture:

Press "Enter" to activate the script. A confirmation window will pop up in the browser.

Click on “OK”.

To delete all entries, you need to scroll through the wall until 5-10 entries appear and use this script again, since it does not clear the entire wall at once.

An alternative to this script are programs that allow you to clear the wall of all notes.

VKbot – wall cleaning application

Install the utility on your computer and run it. Log in from your VK page. The main thing is that you are the administrator of the community in which you are going to delete posts from the wall.

In the main menu of the program, open the “Profile” section and go to the “Cleaning” menu.

Select "Clean Wall".

After this, the program will prompt you to select whose entries should be deleted.

Check the boxes next to the options you need and click the “Let’s go” button.

This completes the process of clearing the wall of all notes.

Deleting entries from mobile devices

If you use an Android device, then you need to download an application from PlayMarket, which is called “VK Wall Cleaning” from the developer LeEnot.

On average, this application deletes about 4,000 posts in 13 seconds.

If you use a device running iOS, then you will need an application called “Wash for VK”. You can download it from iTunes absolutely free.

So, using these applications for smartphones, you can clear the wall of your group on VKontakte without any problems.

Possible problems when deleting entries

When deleting posts from a VK group, you may encounter a number of difficulties. To avoid them, you need to consider all possible problems in more detail.

Deleting the wrong post. It often happens that users accidentally delete the wrong post that they intended. The solution to this problem is extremely simple. After you clicked the delete button and realized that you made a mistake, do not refresh the browser page and do not go to other sections of the social network.

Click on the “Recover” button that appears in place of the previously deleted message.

Also, try to save backup copies of your content on your PC or in any cloud storage. This way, if you accidentally delete the wrong post, you can always publish it again.

The script for cleaning the wall does not work. Sometimes it happens that after entering a script to completely clear a wall into the browser console, nothing happens or various errors appear.

To resolve this issue, try restarting your browser. If after restarting the script still does not work, then try doing the same steps in another browser. Very often similar problems arise in Opera. Therefore, it is recommended to use GoogleChrome or MozillaFirefox to perform such actions.

Bottom line

The methods described above will allow you to delete one or several publications at once from the wall of a VKontakte group. All methods are completely free and

Good day, today we will talk about how you can quickly clean the wall on the social network VKontakte, that is, how to delete all posts from the wall in VK. After all, sometimes you really want to start life from scratch, and in this case from the wall.

Visiting your personal VKontakte page has become an indispensable attribute of every day. We read news there, correspond with friends, listen to music, watch movies. Thus, our real life is fully or partially reflected in the social network.

Sometimes users, for some reason, want clean your wall. For example, for some people it becomes too long. It would take them several hours to delete each entry individually. This means that it is impossible to quickly clean a wall in one click using standard methods. It’s good that there were craftsmen who had already asked similar questions and shared their answer to it.

Special programs have been developed that can perform this task. Whether to trust them is up to each person to decide for themselves. Entering a username and password, putting your account at risk, is a vague idea, to say the least. But if you are still in favor of using programs, then choose only the most reliable ones. And yet, before you erase all the notes from the wall, think again whether you will regret it in the future. If not, then get to work!

You need to go to, then download and install the extension for the browser you are using on your computer. After installing the extension, restart your browser (otherwise the extension will not function), go to the VKontakte website and open your wall (by clicking on the blue panel).

  1. Get links to all photos from the wall;
  2. Clean the wall.

Choose the second item. A window will pop up in front of you with a proposal:

  • delete all posts from page 1 (every single post on the wall will disappear);
  • delete entries from page 2 (entries on page 1 will be saved, and the rest, starting from page 2, will disappear).

If you want to clean the wall completely, choose the first option. After which the process of deleting records will begin. In a few minutes you will see that your wall is completely clean. This method allows you to clean your VKontakte wall at once, instantly, quickly and easily.

Clean the VKontakte wall using programs

Let's take another look at how programs work that carry out various VKontakte actions on your behalf. The program, reading your username and password, logs in to the social network. Next, it communicates with the social network servers using a specific language called an API. The whole difficulty is that you cannot know 100% that the program, as you expected, erases posts on the wall, and does not send spam of unknown content to your friends. Therefore, let's look at a safer method - removing a wall using a console.

Deleting posts from a VKontakte wall using the console

For this you only need Internet access (Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are suitable). Go to your page and use your mouse wheel to move the scroll bar down until you reach the first post on the wall. After that press F12. If you are using Google Chrome, go to the "Console" tab. Mozilla Firefox displays the Console tab by default.

Place the following set of characters and words on the bottom line of the console and press Enter:

for (var i=1;i<530;i++){document.getElementsByClassName(‘post_delete_button fl_r’)[i].onclick();}

That's all the manipulations, nothing difficult or dangerous, and there was no need to download programs.

Clear a VK wall using a script

  1. To do this, go to your VKontakte page;
  2. Enter this script into the address bar of your browser:
  • java***script:var h = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = h[i].getElementsByTagName("div").onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split("(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == h.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall,1000);

You will need a computer with a browser and a small piece of code, which is given in the article. The cleaning time will depend on the total number of records.

At one time, you can only delete those posts that the system displays on the wall. Therefore, it is important to get to the very bottom.

It may take a while to scroll through the page, but in any case everything will be much faster than deleting it manually. To speed up the process, hold down Spacebar or End.

If you're using Chrome, press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows) or Cmd + Opt + J (macOS). In Firefox, the combinations Ctrl + Shift + K (Windows) and Cmd + Opt + K (macOS) are provided for this. If you use another browser, you can easily find the keys to launch its console using Google.

4. Copy this script, paste it into the console and press Enter

(function () ( "use strict"; if (!confirm("Delete all posts from the wall?")) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

5. When the browser displays a dialog box, confirm the deletion

After this, the script will erase all visible publications from the “” wall. The more there are, the longer the cleaning will take.

If after this old posts appear on the wall that you simply did not scroll to, they can be deleted in the same way.

VKontakte is the most popular social network in Russia. For many, the wall on the page is a real personal space, which users strive to fill with various videos, audio, reposts and simply interesting materials. Over time, an active user of the social network has more and more information on the VKontakte wall. But what if you suddenly need to erase all posts on a user’s wall? There is a simple way to delete all posts on a VK wall, and this can be done in just a few clicks of the mouse. Moreover, there is more than one such method, and now we will tell you about them.

Preparing to delete all posts on the VKontakte wall

Before you begin the process of completely cleaning your VKontakte wall, we recommend that you think again about whether this is really necessary. In addition, using social media tools you cannot quickly erase all posts and reposts from VK, so you will have to use a third-party extension or special java-script.

The VKontakte administration strives to protect the accounts of its users from the actions of intruders. In this regard, it has various security measures configured that allow it to recognize unusual behavior patterns on the part of users. Due to the quick deletion of all posts on the wall, the security system may suspect that your account has been hacked. Therefore, before you start completely clearing the VK wall, we strongly recommend that you make sure that you remember the login and password for the account, all entries from which wall will be deleted. This will allow you to restore your account from the social network if it is unexpectedly blocked.

How to delete all posts on a VKontakte wall using a script

The easiest way to completely clear a VK wall is to delete all entries using java-script. It has a number of advantages over other methods for clearing a VKontakte wall; in particular, the user does not need to install additional programs or delve into the “depths” of the social network’s code.

Simple instructions on how to delete all posts on a VK wall:

  1. Go to your page on the VKontakte social network. If you need to erase all entries from a public page or VKontakte group, go to this page. Attention: To delete all posts from a public or group, you must be its administrator.
  2. Next, you need to copy the code presented below and paste it into the address bar of your browser on the page from which you want to delete all records. Please note that the three letters “zh” that appear after the word “java” must be removed from the code. Code:

java LJJ script:var h = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = h[i].getElementsByTagName("div")onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str .split("(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == h.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval (del_wall,1000);

It is worth noting that this script has a 1 second delay between deleting records. This is done on purpose so that the posts have time to load if they are not all displayed on the page at the same time. The process of completely clearing a wall on a social network can take a few seconds, or it can last for several hours - its duration depends on the number of posts on the wall.

How to delete all posts on a VKontakte wall using the VkOpt extension

Many users try to avoid browser extensions that begin to take up additional computer memory while the program is running. However, there are extensions that can greatly simplify the performance of various tasks in the browser, and VkOpt occupies a worthy place among them.

The VkOpt extension can be downloaded from the official website of the developers if it is required for the Opera, Safari, Mozilla or any other browser. If VkOpt is required for Google Chrome, you can download it from the official browser extension store. VkOpt is completely free, and it is perfectly capable of coping with the task of deleting all posts from the wall on the VKontakte social network.

To completely clean a VK wall using VkOpt, you must perform the following steps:

The method of deleting all posts from the VKontakte wall using the VkOpt extension has one significant advantage compared to using the script that was described in the first method. This advantage is speed - the VkOpt extension deletes all posts from the VKontakte wall much faster, which is important if you need to delete several hundred or thousands of posts in the shortest possible time.

The social network VKontakte offers users only one way to clear the wall of all messages - deleting one at a time. It’s good if there are a dozen messages on your wall, but what if there are hundreds or even thousands? We suggest that you do not waste time, but use proven methods for quickly and conveniently deleting absolutely all messages on the wall. In detailed instructions we will analyze each method.

Why do you think the developers of the social network did not provide for the quick deletion of all posts from the wall? This is done for security purposes: suddenly an attacker, an ill-wisher, or just a random person wants to destroy everything with one keystroke.

Before you start deleting records, take security measures: make sure you have linked your cell phone number and have not forgotten your password. The social network "" can be very suspicious when users commit some unauthorized actions. If you delete all entries en masse, this may raise suspicions of hacking, which will be followed by instant blocking. That’s why, before carrying out the deletion procedure, remember your password and keep your mobile phone handy.

How to delete all posts on a VK wall in Google Chrome

In a similar way, you can clear the wall in the Yandex and Opera browsers. But we will show using the example of a browser from Google.

Clearing your records is not difficult, even if you find the steps we've outlined to be confusing and confusing. This procedure can be performed even by a novice computer or social network user. Just follow the sequence of steps and all entries will be deleted quickly and seamlessly. Well, perhaps you may be blocked, but this is not a fact. And in case of blocking, you always have your phone at hand.

Depending on your browser version, developer tools open either in the bottom bar or in the right corner of the screen. Find the item " Console" This item may be hidden behind the top line. Click the right arrow and all items will be displayed on your screen.

Now you need to copy and paste the following javascript code, a scripting programming language, into this found item:

Var z = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = z[i].getElementsByTagName("div").onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split( "(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == z.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall, 1000);
After pasting, press the Enter key. This script will run a script to automatically clear all posts on the wall. Each message will be deleted in order, and the intervals between them will be seconds. This script, unlike similar ones, allows you to actually remove all messages from the wall, and not just those that are visible on the first page. The one-second interval allows the script to load all entries, making them visible, and delete them after that.

When the wall is completely cleared, the console will continue to look for messages to delete and will generate errors. To stop the console, you need to close it and reload the VKontakte page itself.

A note for those who are wary of all kinds of scripts! This script operates in the code of your page: it searches for messages and erases them one by one, manually. Exactly a second later, he performs the same actions until the last message is removed from the code. The javascript code will not cause any harm to your page.

Cleaning the VKontakte wall in Mozilla Firefox

There are five simple steps for this browser that will allow you to delete messages on the VK wall.

Step one Open the VK page.

Step two Open the item (by clicking on an empty space) “element research”

Step Three In the Console, enter the same javascript code.

Step Four Ignore the browser warning and paste the code.

Step five Repeat the third step (entering a special code).

That's it, the procedure for removing notes from the wall has begun. Upon completion, do the same actions as we already wrote above: close the console and go to the VKontakte page again.

Using the VkOpt extension to clear a wall of recordings

There are many proven methods, but the most effective and fastest is installing a special browser extension.

After you install the extension, the browser must be restarted, otherwise the script will not work. After restarting, go to your page