Types of elements of wells. Wells for water: types of structures. How much will it cost to build a well in the country

Seasonal life in the country or permanent residence in the private sector involves work on the land in one volume or another. Green spaces require water, even a grassy lawn with watering will look much nicer than rare islands of withered grass, and it is impossible to solve everyday household problems without water. There are two ways to solve the problem of irrigation or water supply:

  • connect to the central water supply, if any;
  • either dig a well or drill a well.

Central water supply is a priority for cities and urban-type settlements, but what to do if this is not possible. In this case, the way out is to dig a well, or drill a well. Today we consider the types of wells, as well as the general rules for their construction and equipment.

Even from the school curriculum, we know about the water cycle in nature. Water has the ability not only to circulate in the soil, but also to accumulate in certain layers of the earth, where clay or basalt deposits create a natural shield for further movement of moisture. This shield has its own name - a water-resistant horizon. From the depth of its formation and accumulation of moisture, there is the following division, which has practical significance:

  • Verkhvodnaya - in this case, the water actually lies in the soil no lower than 4 meters from the surface of the earth;
  • Subsoil - the depth of finding is not more than 10 meters;
  • Ground - up to 40 meters;
  • Artesian - more than 40 meters.

Note! In some cases, artesian water is at a depth of hundreds of meters.

General requirements for wells

A little later, the varieties of wells and the features of their construction will be disassembled, but there are general rules both for choosing a construction site and for the rules for operating and maintaining these structures. Here they are:

  • Wells are built at a sufficient distance from outdoor toilets, cesspools, and sewer pipes;
  • It is desirable to build wells on a hill, to prevent the ingress of atmospheric moisture and other possible pollution;
  • Construction work is carried out in the summer, best of all in July-August, when the level of groundwater is the lowest;
  • The use of water for domestic needs is possible only after laboratory tests, with mandatory microbiological testing;
  • Regardless of the type of well, an earthen castle is built near it to a depth of at least 3 meters, the width of this castle, as well as the depth of the cushion of crushed stone and gravel that lines the bottom of the structure, is 25 centimeters;

  • Cleaning the well involves checking for gas contamination of the mine or shaft. This is done as follows: a burning candle falls inward, if the flame burns evenly - everything is fine, there is no gas. Otherwise, the gas is burned out either by burning torches or bundles of lit straw;
  • Disinfection of a mine or shaft, as well as water of dubious quality, is carried out once a quarter, in the summer it can be carried out monthly with 2-3% of a clarified chlorine solution, with an exposure of 24 hours. Consumption - a bucket of solution per cube of water.

Types of structures and possible materials

The equipment of places where water accumulates involves several construction techniques, as well as the use of all kinds of materials available in a particular region, as well as at a price. Types of wells:

  • Ascending structures are key;
  • Downstream counterparts are key;
  • Mine wells;
  • Pipe wells.

By type of materials used. Apply:

  • Clay, crushed stone, sand and pebbles- these natural materials are used to form castles and lining the bottom of the structure;

Our help! When using pumps to supply water to a house, bath, or other building, these components can be used to fill a coarse water filter, except for clay, of course.

  • Wood. Here, a rounded log of at least 12 cm in diameter is used, while oak, larch will be the optimal species for contact with water, but cheap conifers are quite suitable for laying an external non-contact superstructure;

  • Stone, brick, reinforced concrete structures, the latter, as a rule, are tubular in nature to form the trunk of the structure.

Note! When drilling a well to obtain artesian water, in most cases, you will not need anything other than steel pipes, but here the technology involves special machines and equipment, and pricing goes for each meter of land passed, though everything is invested in the price per meter - both the cost of work and the price of material .

Rising type of spring water

In this case, it is assumed that there is a key whose strength is sufficient to fill the tank. In this case, the general rules for the construction of such a well are as follows:

  • The trunk is formed from any material;
  • The space between the trunk and the ground is filled with clay - a castle is formed;
  • The bottom of the structure is lined with a cushion of gravel and rubble;
  • If the source fills the entire tank, then a special chute is provided to drain excess water, which is equipped with a fine mesh from the inside to avoid debris and the penetration of animals and insects;
  • The top of the structure, called the head, is completed with a special cover.

Downstream analog

It is assumed that the source itself is not too deep and its strength is not enough to raise the water to a sufficient height. Unlike the previous structure, there are two features:

  1. First Feature- before entering the well shaft, a sump is formed, which is separated from the main shaft by a partition;
  2. Second feature- the bottom of the shaft is lined with the same material as the shaft. If it's a wooden shaft, then it's a tree, if it's a stone structure, then it's a stone.

Mines for water

These structures have several basic components that are present regardless of what material the well itself is built from. These include:

  • Head - the outer part of the well, which is equipped with a protective cover, formwork (30-40 cm wider than the lock diameter), as well as a bucket lowering system, a canopy;
  • Shaft - a part of the mine that can temporarily come into contact with water;
  • Water intake - up to 2 meters deep - this part of the mine has constant contact with water and is formed by materials with increased water resistance;
  • Zumpf - this block can be called emergency, it is designed to receive water when it comes "intermittently".

Features when using different materials for construction:

  1. Wood - in this case, there are several features of laying the material:
    • The formation of a well resembles the construction of a house from logs, the same pins, the same techniques for forming corners “in the paw” or “in the corner”, the same check of the laying level with a plumb;
    • Caulking is not used - it quickly rots and spoils the quality of water, protection against moisture infiltration from the ground is provided by a clay castle;

Note! There is one feature that is very difficult to implement without skills. To avoid distortion of the structure, it is recommended that every 5th or 6th row be laid with logs 20 cm longer than usual. A pit for a log house is dug wider than the protruding log parts. The difficulty lies in the fact that when lowering the log house, it can be led to prevent this from happening, the logs are fixed with temporary brackets.

  1. Reinforced concrete rings. It is not difficult to recruit the body of the structure with them, the installed ring is leveled, then they dig under it and install 4 identical supports and the earth is completely removed until the ring evenly sits on the supports. Rings are lowered lower in a lowering way.
  2. Structures made of stone and brick. The technique of their laying is very similar, while the thickness of the layer depends on the depth of the structure and can be from 25 to 40 cm. The nuances here are as follows:
    • In addition to laying the walls, three frames are being prepared, which will play the role of a frame. For greater similarity, they are fastened to each other using metal rods with nuts, 6 from the bottom to the intermediate and from the top to the intermediate. As a result, we have 6 holes in the upper and lower structures and 12 in the intermediate;
    • Bricklaying takes place in a circle, for which a pattern of the required size is prepared, you can use plywood for its manufacture;
    • Each 4-5 layer is reinforced with metal wire with a diameter of 4-5 mm.


Wells can be equipped with filters and pumps for supplying water to the house, but in this case you will have to worry about additional insulation, especially at the head.

In almost every suburban area where there is a residential building, wells for water are being built. They help to carry out the correct water supply and ensure normal life activities away from the city.

Varieties of wells in a suburban area

Wells for water can be of different sizes and shapes. It all depends on the free space in the suburban area and on what type of water supply will be used.
Types of wells for water:

  • Ascending.
  • Tubular.
  • Mine.

Let's take a closer look at the designs:

  • The ascending type can only be used where a spring or any other source of water comes to the surface.
  • Most often it is used in reserves rich in springs and other reservoirs. It is a not too complicated structure that comes to the surface of the soil in the form of a small pipe.
  • A filter station is installed on it, a pump (see) may not be needed, since the water itself rises to the surface.

Advice. It does not make sense to install this type of well on suburban areas of the modern type.
It will take quite a lot of effort to get to a certain layer of the earth. In some cases, ascending sources can be at a depth of up to 150 m.

Mine and tube wells are considered more in demand for water supply to a suburban area. The photos show examples of them.

Shaft structure and its functions

Functional features

This type is the very first that was used by man to supply water to his home.
Its size and shape can be varied:

  • Square.
  • Round.
  • Oval.
  • Rectangular.

Water enters through the bottom or partially through the walls.

Advice. If groundwater in a suburban area does not lie too deep, then it is most rational to use a mine well for water supply.

It can be built on any soil, as it is reliably strengthened from the inside of the structure.
Walls can be:

  • Wooden bars.
  • Stone (but or brick).

Application of materials:

  • Wood was used when there were no other materials. At the moment, they often began to lay out wells for water with the help of bricks or rubble stone.
  • For a longer time of use of the structure, concrete rings are used, which also have different sizes and thicknesses.

It will be mandatory to use natural filter materials on the bottom and walls of this design:

  • Sand.
  • Rubble.

The depth of such a well can reach 8-16 m. It all depends on what quality of water you need.
The video in this article shows the process of digging and building a shaft well. It will also be necessary to finish the mine structure.

Finishing the shaft well

Types of structures

Such work is necessary because in appearance the well resembles a deep pit and for safety reasons it will be necessary to limit it with any modern building material.
For this, houses are being built, which can be from:

  • Brick.
  • tree.
  • Foam blocks.
  • Foam concrete.

Let's take a closer look:

  • If brick or other similar material requires additional decoration, then wood does not.
  • Brick is almost always finished with natural agglomerate or artificial stone. For such work, it is necessary to prepare a flat surface.
    The wood is simply varnished.

Advice. To give sophistication and attractive appearance to the outer structure of the shaft well, quite often various patterns are carved on the wood, which looks original.

It will be mandatory to build a roof, which is made of:

  • Wood.
  • Decking.
  • Metal tiles and other roofing materials.

Advice. To prevent debris from getting inside, you need to close it with a lid made of wood or corrugated board.

tubular well

This type is a well. It is not large in size, but its depth can be quite impressive.
Used for its arrangement:

  • Concrete pipes.
  • Plastic pipes.


  • If a shaft well is dug with a shovel, then a tubular well is drilled with a special drill. The most important thing when choosing this type of well is to establish the location of groundwater so that it does not clog the source of water supply.
  • The tube well must be well equipped, as water will not collect in it. Various automatic devices are used to raise the water out.
  • The well can be simple or artesian. What is the difference? The latter type of water is cleaner and healthier.
    It lies quite deep underground and very often such a depth is at least 15-20 m.

The price of a tubular well is much more modest than a mine well. In the process of its construction, much less building material and forces are spent.

How to choose a place to build a well

Both options for a water source can be built with your own hands. You just need to choose the right place for it on a suburban area.
Let's take a closer look:

  • For this there is a specific instruction. According to it, a reservoir with water supply should not be too close to a residential building, since if the well itself is flooded with groundwater, the structure may begin to deform (destruction of the foundation, walls will crack, and so on).
    All this can lead to the complete destruction of the house.
  • It is also worth considering that a well of any type should not be located near sewage sewer pits, compost pits, and other things that can pollute groundwater. The distance from them must be at least 20 m.
  • How to determine the water level? To do this, you can make an analysis of reservoirs that are located near a suburban area.
    You can ask your neighbors about the depth of their well. But, here it is worth considering that each needs its own type of water.

Advice. This method can only help if it is planned to build a tubular well with artesian water on the site.

How to detect water

How to find water

Water detection for a well can be done in a variety of ways. You can use any desiccant that is previously buried in the place where it is planned to build a well.
The depth of burial should be at least 0.5 m.

Advice. Brick or silica gel can be used as a desiccant. They are pre-dried and weighed.


  • After 24 hours have elapsed, the desiccant is dug out and weighed again. If it has acquired a fairly large weight compared to its original one, then a well can be built in such a place.
  • The second method is based on natural phenomena. After a hot day at dusk, you need to carefully examine the site.
    If there is a gray haze (fog) in any place, then it is there that the well will need to be built.

Advice. According to legend, if smoke rises in a column or swirls, then it is in this place that the most fertile structure will be.

  • You can find water for a well by studying the topography of the site. If it has hills or hills, then there is definitely a lot of water between them, since the water underground relief exactly repeats the ground relief.

Advice. If the terrain is flat, then there will probably be quite a few places with enough water on it.

  • Various plants can also be shown, which require quite a lot of liquid to grow. These are sedge, spruce, birch, alder.
    Please note that if a pine tree grows on a suburban area, and in order to be saturated with water, it has a rather long taproot, which means that the water is very deep.
  • They help determine the location of water and nearby water bodies. You need to take a special device and measure the pressure with it right on the shore of the reservoir.
    Then the same actions are done on the site. If the pressure has a deviation of 0.5 mm Hg, then the water will be at a depth of 6-8 m.
  • Pets are also good at locating water. In most cases, on hot days, they dig holes in a place where there is water and lie down in it.
    Water is very close to the surface and in sufficient quantity.
  • There is another way to detect water - exploratory drilling. To do this, a well is drilled and, as soon as water appears in the well, drilling can be stopped.
    But here it’s already worth deciding which is better, leaving a well or building a well.

Advice. Exploratory drilling is carried out at a depth of 5-10 meters.

There is a certain conditional depth. It is 10-15 m.
If the water is at a greater depth, then it is most rational to make a well.

Automation to ensure the normal functioning of a well or well

Water stations play an important role in the water supply of a residential building in a suburban area. They help to pump water into certain reservoirs and thereby make its reserves.

  • They also provide a normal supply of water to the house and with their help, irrigation is carried out on the site.
  • At the moment, pumping stations are of different sizes. They can be installed directly in the well or outside (in the house or in any utility room).

Advice. To ensure the supply of water to the house, you need to run pipes from the well.

The main task will be to conduct electricity on the site, since without it the pumps do not work.
There are several types of pumping stations:

  • Surface.
  • In-depth.
  • Deep.

The first two types are used to provide shallow wells. And the latter is able to extract water from a very great depth, which reaches 80 m. Pumping stations can be turned on automatically or using special panels.
It all depends on the flow of water in the area. With a large consumption of liquid, it is best to opt for automatic pumping stations.

In many cases, a well in the yard is the best way to solve the problem of water supply if there are no centralized communications. Finding a suitable aquifer is only part of the challenge of creating comfortable living conditions. It is important to decide which types of wells are optimal for a particular site. The choice is influenced by the type of soil, the depth of the underground source and other important factors.

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in the device of the well. Many beginners believe that the main problem is to find an underground source. In practice, it turns out that it is necessary to build a hydraulic structure in compliance with engineering standards.

Violation of technology is fraught with the fact that the water will turn out to be of poor quality, with unwanted impurities, or even go into the soil. Before starting work, you should figure out what types of water wells are, how they differ. The main classification includes:

  • key well;
  • tubular (Abyssinian) well.

In parallel, experts rely on data regarding the soil that has to be passed on the way to the water:

  • clay;
  • sand;
  • peat.

The best organoleptic indicators have water in sources hidden in clay soil. It goes through multi-level filtering regardless of the layer type:

  • groundwater formed due to infiltration of atmospheric precipitation;
  • interstratal waters located between impermeable soil layers.

The exception is clay quicksand, which adversely affects water quality.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Wells are placed at a distance of about 30 m from cesspools and sewers to prevent sewage from entering the water.

The shaft well is built by hand. As you move deeper into the soil, the walls are reinforced with concrete rings.

key well

The construction does not require significant time and material costs. A prerequisite is the exit of an underground ascending or descending source to the surface. Next, it's a matter of technique:

  • a round or square platform (1 sq. M.), "drowned" by 10-20 cm, is being prepared;
  • in the place where water comes out to the surface in the ground, an additional recess is made for a wooden or concrete frame;
  • the log house is equipped with a drain hole to drain excess water, a storage tank is installed;
  • lay drainage communications;
  • the bottom is covered with rubble or pebbles;
  • the site is concreted.

If the key is downward, the site is leveled and filters for water purification are installed.

Scheme of the key well device. A distinctive feature is the presence of a drainage system

The most common type of wells - its device involves the occurrence of water at a depth of no more than 20-25 m. It consists of the following structural elements:

  • head - above-ground part;
  • the trunk (mine) of the well;
  • water intake level.

The water intake part of the well can be of two types:

  • imperfect;
  • perfect (complete).

They differ in that in the first case, water enters the log house through the bottom or side walls, in the second case it passes through the water-resistant layer. In arid areas, an additional sumpf is being built - an underground water reservoir.

The shaft well is the most widespread, because. is the optimal solution for groundwater at a depth of up to 25 m

tubular well

This species is also called the Abyssinian well. It is used for shallow groundwater - up to 8 m. When carrying out work, a drilling rig is used or a pipe with a tip is clogged with a "headstock".

The diameter of the "needle" does not exceed 2 inches. A pointed mesh tip is immersed in the aquifer, through which water is pumped to the surface using a pump. The capacity of such a well can reach 4 cubic meters. m per hour, fully meet the needs of the whole family and provide water for household plots.

The full functioning of the Abyssinian well is possible when a surface pump is connected

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: If the thickness of the aquifer is more than 2-3 m, a tent is made in the shaft well for additional accumulation of water - the underwater part of the structure is expanded.

Shaft well device options

Different types of water wells in the pictures look almost the same. The upper part of the building is largely a decorative element. The functional purpose is to protect the trunk and the water mirror from the ingress of various litter: dust, leaves, branches or fruits, if a tree grows nearby.

In practice, each type has its own characteristics - primarily constructive. The materials used for the log house differ, and in the shaft wells - the device of the trunk. The main requirement is durability. The service life of the source can be 30-50 years or more. Good care, periodic pumping of water and timely cleaning of the bottom are the key to many years of “delivery” of water from the bowels.

Previously, wood was used for the mine - linden, oak, pine. The biomaterial is still used today, but the primacy belongs to brick and concrete.

brick mine

For laying out the shaft, only high-quality bricks are used, which are not exposed to the external environment. The features include the performance of facing works after the complete excavation of the trunk. Therefore, with a significant depth of the well, the use of this material is impossible.

A mandatory requirement is the round shape of the mine. Thus, the pressure of the soil on the walls of the structure is reduced. When preparing the solution, it is necessary to use only environmentally friendly materials, otherwise harmful impurities will enter the water.

Walls are laid in one brick

concrete mine

A concrete shaft is the most rational and common way to construct a well shaft. Typically, mass-produced rings are used. The optimal diameter is up to 1 m.

Additional convenience is provided due to the fact that as they go deeper into the ground, the rings “put on” one another. This allows you to easily go "into the bowels" to the desired depth, which can reach 20-25 m. For reliability, the rings are interconnected to prevent violation of the vertical of the trunk.

If the well is shallow, a monolithic concrete pour is used.

The installation of concrete rings is preceded by a complete pumping of water from the mine

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: To strengthen the walls of the well, natural stone is used, which is laid using a cement-sand mortar.

How to equip the bottom of the well

Regardless of what kind of wells there are, everyone has a bottom that also needs a certain device and subsequent care. This is an important element of the entire system; its condition determines how intensively water enters the mine. If the well is abandoned, the bottom will silt up and the source will die.

Therefore, a mandatory element is a bottom filter. As a rule, it consists of several layers:

  • lower - natural stones or shungite;
  • medium - smaller fragments;
  • top - pebbles.

The bottom is also covered with coarse quartz sand. The thickness of the filtration layer is 10-15 cm. It performs the function of water purification, protects against quicksand, which, as a result of soil displacement, may be under the well. A wooden filter will prevent the negative impact of quicksand, which can be made independently or purchased at a specialized store.

However, the most reasonable thing is to turn to professionals in the construction of hydraulic structures at the stage of making a decision on the installation of an individual water supply system. Qualified specialists examine the site, choose the best place, determine the type of well that best suits the characteristics of the soil, the type of groundwater. The source, equipped by specialists, will last a long time and will not cause operational troubles.

Video: well or well

Concrete rings are very popular in the construction of the sewer system. Concrete is one of the most durable building materials, so its use guarantees the durability of the structure. Wells are constructed from concrete rings, which act as a sump or drainage element. The technology has not changed even after a long time, it has minor flaws, but remains in demand.

What elements does a concrete well consist of?

Installation and installation are the main actions when working with concrete wells. But equally important is the correct equipment of this element of the system. Ignoring the equipment of the well can lead to improper operation of the system, reduced service life and violation of safety regulations.

The first thing any concrete well consists of is its foundation. The base can be either round or rectangular. For the drainage system, a hole is made in the base, which contributes to better contact with the ground.

This is followed by the installation of concrete rings, plates or monolithic pouring. You should be aware that the outer surface of the base must be perfectly smooth, otherwise this may lead to installation difficulties. The hull will constantly slow down due to too close contact with the ground. The right decision is to install wooden formwork, then the installation process will be faster.

An overlay is installed on top of the system. Many manufacturers create ceilings that initially have a regular hole for the hatch. Usually this hole has strictly regulated dimensions.

The last element of the well is the manhole cover, which can be made of any material. Now the most popular is the polymer material. Previously, cast iron and various types of metals with impurities were used. Due to the high cost, metals are gradually being phased out.

The main advantages of concrete rings

Concrete wells are more practical than brickwork, since it is required to install a finished product. Even the use of lifting equipment does not force you to choose other materials.

Advantages of concrete rings:

  • Quick installation. If you have equipment of a suitable category, you will not need more than two people to install the rings. Products are transported to the construction site already in the finished state, it is enough to install them and properly fix them together.
  • Affordable pricing policy. Concrete rings are qualified as a product; only high-quality and high cement grades are used for production.
  • After installation, the design becomes a single whole element of the site. Concrete wells do not require fixing with additional elements (cables, brackets or fittings).
  • Long period of operation. Even a low cement grade only gets stronger over time. Therefore, concrete wells have a very high durability.

The main disadvantage is the need to use lifting equipment. Without it, the installation process is possible, but requires excessive effort and a large number of people. Concrete rings of large diameter and thick walls cannot be installed without a crane.

Types of concrete wells

Concrete wells do not have too broad a classification. They are divided into 3 main types:

  • monolithic structures. Too long installation process. As an initial stage, a well of suitable size is dug. Next, the formwork is installed in which it is necessary to place the reinforcement. After all the operations performed, you can start pouring concrete. After completing the pouring, it is necessary that the concrete is infused (at least one week) and the formwork can be removed.

The main advantage of this method is that it is not necessary to use heavy equipment. All operations are carried out directly in the place where the concrete well will be located in the future.

  • With the use of concrete rings. This type of building material is very popular because of its ease of installation. Often concrete rings are made independently, but it is better to use factory products. Concrete rings should be installed evenly and without distortion. Without lifting equipment, you should use the old method. The ring is set on the ground and is undermined from all sides. Under its own weight, the product sags until its upper part is level with the ground. You can install a second ring on it and repeat the process.
  • With the use of concrete plates. The process is similar to the above, with the exception of joining the plates. You can install them with an overlap so that one overlaps the other a little, or you can use welding. In addition to welding, for better bonding of two plates, it is necessary to additionally coat the joints with a solution. It also helps to reduce the penetration of sand and dirt.

The choice of the type of well directly depends on the pricing policy and the area. For example, a bottleneck under the sewer will make the process of installing concrete slabs difficult. In some places, only filling the well is possible. In all other cases, convenient and inexpensive concrete rings are used.

Detailed classification of concrete wells

Concrete wells are used in various industries. Their design and composition imply use in the area where it will create all the conditions for long-term and high-quality operation.

Classification of concrete wells:

  1. Operating conditions of a certain network:
  • In sewage disposal structures. Wells can be of both domestic and industrial importance.
  • in drainage systems. They have a special design, a distinctive feature of which is a cushion of sand and gravel.
  • Storm systems. They are easy to install and use less building material.
  1. What function are they for:
  • Variable. It may consist of several levels and have great depth.
  • Lookout. It is purely observational. Such a well may be small.
  • Changing the direction of the flow. They have the most complex design, since access to the structure from all sides is necessary.
  • Turning. Installed where the system has a turn. Serve for ease of maintenance of the turning point.
  • Linear. Installed in a place where the system is straight. Serves for quicker access for the purpose of cleaning or troubleshooting.

Each type of well has certain features during installation and installation. It is necessary to know how the environment for which a concrete well is installed is used in order to maximize its durability.

What are the criteria for making a mixture for a concrete well

Most often, concrete is used in the installation of monolithic wells. But a certain amount of grouting material will also be needed when installing concrete rings. In order for the product to serve for a sufficiently long period of time, in the manufacture of a concrete mixture, it is worth adhering to certain rules and not violating the sequence.

The main parameter of a good solution is a sufficient amount of water. If you slightly exceed the norm, then too liquid material will not be able to give the correct shape. After the final drying, the concrete will begin to delaminate and crumble.

A special cone, which is used by concrete pourers, helps to determine the degree of plasticity of the mixture. Plasticity is also an important indicator and requires strict adherence to the criteria. The cone does not require special operations, it is enough to place it on the solution, press it and measure the distance over which the concrete will settle.

Do not use gravel, crushed stone and sand if it contains dirt. Such debris will result in poor quality mortar with a short service life. Even ordinary building dust can interfere with setting. To avoid such consequences, all materials are thoroughly washed.

To make rings with the correct parameters, you should adhere to the following indicators:

  • Height - no more than one meter. This height is standard.
  • Wall thickness - no more than 10 cm. Allows you to lay reinforcement inside the solution.

Particular attention should be paid to the reinforcement, which must be laid in concrete. You can use rods from 8 to 12 mm. Smaller products will not create the necessary shrinkage of the solution, and rods with a large diameter will provide a cost overrun.

Summing up

Properly installed and equipped concrete well can last a long period of time. This design is only getting stronger every year. Also, concrete products are distinguished by affordable prices, which makes them very popular in construction.

Concrete wells are mounted by many owners of private houses on their own, only lifting equipment is ordered. This product is used in many construction areas.

Following the recommendation and some rules, you can quickly install a concrete well, which will be distinguished by increased strength and other high performance characteristics. In the absence of extra time, you can use the services of specialists who will perform the required work quickly, efficiently and for an affordable fee.

An individual water source is today a necessary element of a private plot. Ever-increasing water prices, frequent pipeline breakdowns, a clear sense of bleach and other impurities cannot please homeowners. Many owners resort to drilling a well, but such an action requires significant costs and special equipment. It is more accessible to dig a well, but for this you need to know not only the technology for building a water source, but also some standards that it must meet.

What is a mine well

In order to create a source of drinking water, the mine method of construction is usually used. The essence of the method is simple: a pit is dug, the depth of which is determined by the appearance of water. Shaft wells are used most often, since this method is simple and allows water to be replenished naturally.

The walls of the mine are strengthened gradually, otherwise the collapse of the soil is possible, which is a direct threat to human life. The main difference between drinking wells is the material from which they are built. Another advantage of this design is that the well rarely dries up completely, this is only possible during long periods of drought.

Materials used to build a well:

  • Wood. With proper processing, this material is in excellent contact with a humid environment. Now a wooden frame is very expensive and the construction of a well from it is unprofitable. The part where the wood is in close contact with water is usually lined with elm or oak. For the rest of the mine, ordinary pine is suitable.
  • Stone. Now natural stone has a cost several times more expensive than wood. But, for example, in mountainous areas, this material is most popular due to the constant lack of wood. A well built of stone has amazing durability. Before the construction of this structure, a metal frame is usually welded, between the elements of which stone blocks are laid.
  • Brick. Wells made of this material do not have such a long service life as stone structures, but they are several times cheaper. Brickwork in 1 or 1.5 bricks has a long service life. During construction, the brick is laid according to a predetermined pattern. This material also requires the creation of a metal frame. Without it, over time, water can wash out the solution and the structure will sag.
  • concrete rings. The most popular type of material. Has an ideal ratio of quality and price. It does not take much time to install concrete rings, the availability of lifting equipment is sufficient. It is possible to install the rings manually, it is installed on the ground and dug in from all sides until the ring sags.

Features of plastic frames for drinking wells

In modern construction, practical and inexpensive plastic frames are used to create drinking wells. Installation of such structures is quick, they have less weight than concrete rings, which significantly reduces transportation costs and simplifies the installation process.

The main advantages of plastic structures:

  • Plastic rings are produced up to 1.5 m high. This makes the installation process easier and faster.
  • They have less mass than concrete rings, wooden frame or brickwork.
  • The corrugated surface ensures a secure connection between the rings. Rings are screwed into each other at a certain distance. For greater tightness of the system, various types of building sealants are used.
  • The service life of plastic structures is more than 50 years. These materials are not only durable, but also completely safe for humans.
  • They have an affordable pricing policy.

With loose soil, the usual installation of plastic rings is not possible. First, one ring is installed, all soil is removed from under it, and the ring is pushed further into the trench. A second one is installed over the first ring and the process is repeated until the shaft is completed.

What are the sanitary norms and rules for drinking wells

Each owner of a private plot should know some standards according to which the construction of a drinking well and its further operation should take place. These requirements are determined by the chief state physician.

The main stage of the well is the place where it should be installed. Exploratory drilling is used to select a location. Its cost is much higher than natural methods, but this method is able to provide almost 100% results. Exploratory drilling also provides data on the sanitary conditions of the place where the well will be located in the future.

If chemical industry facilities, plants or factories are located at a distance of 50 m from a private house, then the installation of a well is prohibited. At the same distance should move away from cesspools and toilets.

There is such a thing as a source debit. It allows you to determine how many people the drinking well is designed for. Usually, the owners of private houses do not pay too much attention to this condition.

Mandatory installation of the head of the well (the part that rises above the surface). The cap serves as a protective element and prevents the penetration of debris and dirt into the water. The minimum height to which it must rise above the surface is 0.7 - 0.8 m. It is also necessary to install a roof or hatch.

To protect water from the appearance of dirt and turbidity, a filter element should be made at the bottom of the drinking well. For it, a mound of clean sand or pre-washed gravel is usually used. According to some regulatory documents, the height of the filter should not be less than 60 cm.

It should be remembered that each well requires cleaning. Also sometimes it is necessary to make repairs to the mine. For ease of descent, metal or cast-iron staples are installed in the walls of the well during construction. To prevent corrosion, they are coated with a primer.

When to Clean a Drinking Well

The well is cleaned depending on the contamination of the source. On average, this occurs every 1.5-2 years. Strictly regulated rules do not exist. The most convenient period for holding this event is late spring, due to the departure of the leash waters.

During cleaning, other operations are also carried out: covering the seams with a special solution, strengthening the metal frame. In addition to the water intake part of the well, attention should also be paid to the base of the mine. On the walls of concrete rings or masonry, dirt may form, which must also be carefully cleaned.

After the cleaning is completed, it is necessary to qualitatively disinfect the water intake part. To do this, use various reagents that contain chlorine concentrate. After adding this substance, the well should be thoroughly rinsed. Drinking water without flushing the well is prohibited.

How to control the quality of drinking water wells

When checking the quality of water in drinking wells by the relevant authorities, the adjacent territory is also subject to inspection. The main types of water quality control:

  • Planned. It is carried out after a certain period of time. It includes a set of basic measures to determine the quality of water from all sources of water supply (wells, wells,).
  • Selective. It can be carried out in regions where problems with water supply systems were noticed earlier.
  • According to one-time requests. The initiator of such a check is the direct owner of the land. It is carried out in order to check the suitability of water.

It is not uncommon for the readings of the first water intake to include too many harmful bacteria and micro-organisms. Then a deeper examination of the water is carried out, which determines the cause of the deterioration of the water. All indicators are compared with the standards of the relevant instructions.

To improve the quality of water, the drinking well can be cleaned and then disinfected. If after this the problem has not been eliminated, then the quality of the water is improved by using special preparations with a high content of chlorine. If the pollution is of a chemical nature (especially pollution with aggressive substances), then a decision can be made to eliminate the source.

Choosing the right place

The right place is the main indicator of the durability of the well and the presence of water of the appropriate quality in it. To select a place, in modern construction, the method of exploratory drilling is used. The advantages of this method are in 100% determination of the water layer. The disadvantages include the high pricing policy of this process.

Where should a drinking well not be installed:

  • Nearby cesspools, septic tanks, utility rooms. Waste can seep into the ground, and subsequently into the water.
  • On the side of a river or in a ravine. The vertical direction of the well will reduce the flow of water.
  • Less than 5 m from the house or any outbuildings. A well located so close to the house will cause gradual washing out of the soil from under the foundation. This threatens with an early subsidence of the bearing wall.

Also, do not build a water source near water bodies. This can lead to contamination of the well and damage to the health of the user.