Glass work. Improving the tightness of windows

Glazing is the construction process of filling in the light openings of buildings. The product resulting from the completed process is called glazing.

Works on the glazing of window openings and balcony doors, bindings of lanterns of industrial and public buildings, greenhouse roofs, etc., are related to external glazing. External glazing also includes glazing shop windows and fences of cultural and community facilities, combined with window openings.

Quite common is internal glazing, for example, glazing of translucent partitions, doors, transoms, as well as fencing of shop windows and stained-glass windows indoors.

Materials and tools

Depending on the purpose of glazing, building glass is produced as ordinary window glass, thick display glass, corrugated, reinforced, profile glass, as well as glass blocks and double-glazed windows.

Ordinary window glass has a thickness of 2...6 mm. The thickness of the glass depends on the fineness of the segmentation of the bindings and the operating conditions of the glazing. Ordinary window glass is used in all types of mass construction.

Thick display glass is produced polished (with mirror surfaces).

Corrugated glass encloses openings of the second light, reinforced glass structures with increased vibration loads.

Profile glass (glass profile) is produced with closed and open profiles. Transparent fences without bindings are arranged from it.

Glass blocks fill vertical light openings, they are used to make self-supporting external and internal light-transmitting fences of various buildings and structures. The blocks are a product with a hermetically sealed cavity formed as a result of welding of two molded half-block boxes.

Double-glazed windows are two or more glasses connected by welding, gluing or soldering to each other so that an air gap is formed between them; they glaze window openings of residential and mainly public buildings.

Rice. one

Putty is an oily pasty plastic mass used in a cold or hot state and firmly adhering to various surfaces. Used for glazing bindings. It is produced in two types: thick pasty for coating the folds after laying and fixing the glass and semi-liquid, bed, applied to the folds before laying glass on them when glazing with double putty.

The usual chalk putty is prepared from ground chalk and natural drying oil (sometimes with the addition of whitewash), and for steel bindings, dry chalk is first ground with dry red lead.

Magnesia putty is prepared from caustic or calcined magnesite, magnesium chloride (or sulphate) or artificial carnolite and aggregate (finely ground limestone, dolomite, quartz sand, chalk sifted on a No. 02 sieve). This putty is used for glazing bindings in industrial and residential construction.

When glazing mesh coatings of public and industrial buildings and lanterns of industrial buildings, Portland cement, tripoli, chalk, ash, slag limestone and dolomite flour, sifted on a sieve, with a moisture content of not more than 4% (by weight) are used as a filler. To improve the quality of putties, it is desirable to add from 10 to 15% asbestos of the 6th or 7th grade in them. Solvents are kerosene, naphtha, gasoline, varnish kerosene, benzene and solvent naphtha.

Mastics are complex solid or semi-solid compositions that have adhesive properties and are waterproofing materials. They are used cold or hot. In glazing work, they are used to coat the folds of bindings when inserting glass. The most common are Portland cement and bituminous mastics.

Sealants are synthetic liquids, pastes or putties, which, after being applied to the surface, thicken immediately or after some time under the influence of temperature or other factors. For their preparation, liquid rubbers and special additives are used, which give sealants various properties. For sealing joints in glass works, thiokol sealants, liquids and pastes are mainly used.

Means of mechanization and hand tools used in the manufacture of building glazing can be classified into equipment for mechanical processing of glass by cutting and applying putties and mastics, as well as mechanisms, tools and devices for glazing bindings and mounting large-sized glass structures.

Tools and devices for manual and mechanized cutting and cutting of glass are used in the process of cutting sheet commercial glass into designed dimensional parts. This is cold machining (including polishing, grinding, drilling, etc.). At the same time, materials 1.5–2 times harder than glass, including diamond or roller ones, are used as cutting tools. Electric glass cutters are also used for cutting window glass, as well as diamond saws for cutting profile glass.

Diamond glass cutters are used for both manual and machine cutting of glass up to 10 mm thick. One of the designs of a manual diamond glass cutter, consisting of a cutter - a diamond, fixed in a steel or brass hammer with a locking screw, and a plastic handle. In the hammer on the end side there is a groove for breaking the narrow edges of the glass when cutting it. There are six numbers of diamond cutters: from small ones (No. 1, 2), used for thin glass (3...4 mm), to large ones (No. ..10 mm).

Roller glass cutters designed for cutting glass with a thickness of up to 4 ... 5 mm are structurally designed with one, three and six cutting rollers made of hard alloys, fixed in holder holders with a handle. Each roller provides cutting of 350 m of glass without sharpening. Glass 2 mm thick should be cut with a carbide roller with a sharpening angle of 120 ... 125 ° with a load on the roller of 40 ... 50 N, glass with a thickness of 3 mm - with a roller with a sharpening angle of 125 ... 130 ° and a load on the roller of 50 N .

The electric glass cutter consists of a wooden electrically insulated table, on which a ruler-limiter fixed and moved in the grooves is installed. The table is covered with an asbestos-cement slab, where a wire 2 made of nichrome with a diameter of 1 ... 1.25 mm is stretched across the table: one end of the wire is attached to the roller, and a load is attached to the other end of the wire thrown over the block to tension it during incandescence with an electric current voltage of 12 V, obtained by means of a step-down transformer.

An electrical installation of the ERS-1 type is used for mass centralized cutting of glass. It consists of a metal table, an asbestos-cement rail, a size ruler, guide rods, a stop ruler and a nichrome spiral. The principle of operation of this electrical installation is similar to the above-described electric glass cutter and differs from it in a higher work efficiency.

The universal ruler is used for cutting and cutting glass of small sizes on special tables. It consists of a rod, four sliders, which are fastened with screws and serve to fix the specified dimensions of the cut glass in length and width. During the cutting process, the sliders also play the role of guides that ensure the movement of the cutting device parallel to the glass edge. The universal ruler is made of wood or aluminum, 1350 mm long, 12 mm wide, 12 mm high.

The mechanical glass cutter for display glass is an aluminum rigid frame, to which single-plate vacuum grippers are attached from below. A carriage with a self-centering glass cutter moves along the frame by means of a rope wound onto a threaded drum of a winch 6 and enveloping two end blocks. The winch is driven by an electric motor with a V-belt transmission for movement with the help of a glass-cutter carriage rope. The carriage consists of a body, which has grooves for moving along the frame guides, and a cylindrical hole with a keyway for fastening the stem of the glass cutter holder.

Equipment for applying putties and mastics use the following:

Smearer SO-32 of pneumatic or mechanical action is designed for supplying and applying putty with a consistency of 4 ... The displacement of the putty through the nozzle from the cylindrical body of the pneumolubricator is carried out by a piston moved under the action of compressed air up to 0.6 MPa. One refilled coater can cover 20...25 m2 of seam.

Coater SO-117 provides complex-mechanized lubrication of folds when performing glass work.

Mechanisms and tools for glazing bindings. These are guns for fastening glass in folds by driving studs from wire or sheet steel, stamps of various designs for making studs, electric brushes, grippers for washing machines, etc.

Pistols SO-31 for driving triangular studs consist of a duralumin body, a striker with a spring, a drum for studs, a trigger, and a retainer. When driving the studs, the gun is placed close to the surface of the glass, rested against the folds of the binding, the trigger is pressed and the stud is driven into the fold.

A hand stamp in its design has a frame, on the upper part of which a lever is fixed, which drives the rod into a reciprocating action. At the lower end of the rod, a triangular punch is fixed, which is included in a through matrix of the same shape.

Cargo vacuum grippers are used for cutting, carrying and mounting window, lantern, large-sized glass and glass structures. Distinguish one - two - and three-plate vacuum captures. Several disk-shaped cargo vacuum grippers, if necessary, can be arranged on a traverse and transported to the place of glass installation by cranes, hoists or winches.

Washing pneumatic machine SO-73 is used at the final stage of glass production for glass washing. It consists of a drive, a brush, a tank, sleeves for supplying compressed air and cleaning solution, and two valves that regulate the supply of air and solution.

December 18, 2014

Glazing should be done before the start of finishing and other interior work. Glazing work consists of the following technological processes: cutting glass to size, inserting it and strengthening it. In order to reduce the laboriousness of glazing and better use of glass (its cutting), it is recommended to produce glazing in the factory.

For large volumes of work on the construction of typical buildings, glass should be ordered from the factory in such dimensions as are provided for in the specification.

In the event of a significant distance of the object under construction from the plant, with a small amount of glazing work, or under other circumstances that prevent the production of window frames glazed at the factory, a workshop should be organized at the construction site for cutting glass and inserting them into the frames.

The type, grade of glass and glass products used and methods of strengthening it must comply with the instructions for the design of the building or structure.

Window casings, doors and partitions to be glazed must be puttied and painted at the same time.

Before glazing the bindings, the folds must be cleaned, oiled and dried. Glass in bindings should overlap the folds by no more than 3/4 of their width. A gap of 2 mm is left between the glass edge and the rebate side.

The putty layer between the glass and the seam should be 2-3 mm thick and be applied evenly, without breaks along the length of the seam. The folds are filled with putty until the putty layer is completely compacted and the surface gloss is achieved.

In wooden bindings, glass should be strengthened with studs or glazing beads.

Studs are placed at a distance of no more than 300 mm from one another; pre-oiled glazing beads are placed on rubber gaskets or on a layer of putty and strengthened with screws or nails at an angle of no more than 45 ° to the glass surface.

Pistols are used to drive the studs, and syringes are used to grease the folds.

In metal bindings and skylights, window sheet glass is reinforced with wedge clamps, galvanized steel cleats, metal glazing beads on screws or studs inserted into pre-drilled holes.

Glass in reinforced concrete bindings is reinforced with galvanized roofing steel clamps or metal glazing beads on screws.

Joining glass, as well as using glass with cracks in the glazing of residential and civil buildings is not allowed.

"Builder's Handbook", M.S. Ekelchik

Group Coefficient of significance, K3 Designation of structural parts (types of work) of buildings and structures Residential and cultural buildings 1 1.5 Foundations, walls, ceilings, partitions, roofs, floors 2 0.5 Plastering, painting, exterior decoration, windows , doors, landscaping 3 1 Heating, water supply, sewerage, ventilation, electrical equipment, gasification Industrial one-story buildings 1 1.5 Foundations, frame, coating, step filling, roofing 2…

With the simultaneous work of several construction organizations at the facility under construction, the general contractor is obliged, with the participation of subcontractors, to develop software. in agreement with them, approve the schedule for the production of combined works and measures for safety and industrial sanitation, mandatory for all organizations involved in construction. Control over the implementation of these activities is assigned to the general contractor; responsible for the safe conduct of...

The legal norms of labor protection are established by articles 153-173 of the Labor Code of the Ukrainian SSR and 160-172 of the Labor Code of the RSFSR. The main legislative document that sets out the safety requirements in construction is the chapter SNiP III-A.11-70, which came into force on January 1, 1971, instead of SNiP III-A.11-62. It applies to construction and installation works, regardless of the departmental subordination of the organizations performing them. In addition to the specified chapter of SNiP, it is necessary ...

Design organizations are responsible: along with construction and installation organizations, for the quality of construction, for which architectural supervision is carried out; for the careful implementation of architectural supervision and the timely presentation of requirements to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Design organizations exercising architectural supervision have the right to demand from construction and installation organizations to suspend construction and installation works, if necessary (in case of their unsatisfactory quality, deviation from the project, violation of the established technological ...

Glass work include processes for glazing openings and partitions with glass of various types, as well as glass blocks, glass profiles, etc. For glazing window blocks and stained-glass windows, glass is first cut with a margin of 4 mm clearance between the edges of the folds of the bindings. Glasses are inserted and fixed with devices depending on the size and material of the bindings (putty, wooden and metal glazing beads). Glass blocks are installed on a solution, and glass profiles are installed in a metal strapping with a rubber seal around the perimeter, the seams between the blocks are filled with mastic. Glass work is carried out before the start of finishing work to protect workers from drafts and cold and to protect internal surfaces from moisture from atmospheric precipitation.

It is necessary to insert glass into the bindings in special workshops and deliver the bindings to the facility under construction glazed, painted and installed in the openings in finished form.

With a small amount of work and the impossibility of obtaining ready-made glazed bindings, a small workshop should be organized at the facility and glass should be cut, inserted into bindings and putty prepared in it. To cut glass, glass cutters with grain or with a cutting roller made of a hard metal alloy are used. The binding inserted into the fold is fixed with wire pins, after which the folds are smeared with a putty made from chalk mixed with drying oil. You can also use oil-free putty prepared with aggregates of chalk, fluffy lime and sand. When glazing steel or reinforced concrete sashes used in industrial buildings, the putty is prepared on lead or iron minium.

In the production of finishing work, it is necessary to strictly observe the safety regulations provided for by building codes and regulations.

Before starting, it is necessary to check the strength of scaffolding and scaffolding, and before each shift, check the serviceability of mechanisms, hoses and plastering equipment. It is forbidden to heat and dry the premises with open braziers and flamethrowers, as well as to dry plaster with them. People are allowed to stay in the room being dried for no more than 3 hours. Internal plastering works using chlorinated solutions are not allowed.

When performing spraying equipment and hoses, it is necessary to check and test for a pressure exceeding the working pressure by 1.5 times before starting work. The painter must work in a respirator or gas mask, or wear safety goggles (depending on the type of coloring composition). It is not allowed for people to stay for more than 4 hours in rooms freshly painted with oil or nitro paints. It is not allowed to smoke in the area of ​​application of nitro-paints. In rooms where painting is carried out with aqueous compositions, the electrical wiring must be de-energized.

Glass installation from 480 rubles
Glass dismantling from 280 rubles
Installation of glass on "crab" mounts from 1480 rub
Dismantling glass on "crab" mounts from 880 rubles
Installation of a clamping, decorative strip running meters from 28 rub
Dismantling the clamping, decorative strip running meters from 13 rub
Installation of double-glazed windows from 2980 rub
Dismantling of double-glazed windows from 1480 rub
Stained glass installation from 3800 rub
Glazing sealing and repair running meters from 980 rubles
Double-glazed window measurements PCS. from 1480 rub

Glass is an integral element of architecture, without which it is hardly possible to imagine any building. Recently, in cities, it is increasingly possible to meet shopping centers, the facades of which are a continuous showcase. High-quality glazing, carried out at a professional level, is the key to an exquisite appearance of the building, it is important from the point of view of functionality, and also provides ample opportunities to apply and implement various style solutions in construction.

Glass work with the involvement of industrial climbers

Works of this type can be divided into several types in accordance with the orders that are most often received by companies engaged in the provision of such services:

  • installation and replacement of glass on facades and showcases;
  • installation of new or replacement of damaged double-glazed windows;
  • installation or replacement of large-sized glass panels.

As a rule, the performance of all the above works involves being at high altitudes, so there is a need order glass works from a company in whose staff there are professionals in the field of industrial mountaineering. The advantage of attracting such specialists is that, if necessary, to carry out installation and dismantling, they can carry out work at that height and in those conditions of accessibility where it is not possible to use even expensive specialized equipment. The architectural topography and height of the building can create additional difficulties, but the use of climbing equipment allows you to overcome obstacles and complete even extremely difficult tasks.

Work with a reliable contractor

If you are going order glass works in Moscow and the Moscow region, contact our company, which has proven itself in the service market and confidently occupies a leading position in the region. We guarantee that only high-class professionals will work on your assignment, who will do everything accurately, without errors and shortcomings, and most importantly, in a short time. After all, we understand that the installation of glass is an important task, the speed of completion of which can depend on a lot. For example, how soon can you start the interior decoration of a glazed room, move into an office, or start settling in a new apartment.

Sheet window glass, depending on the thickness, is divided into thin (thickness 2; 2.5 and 3 mm) and thick (thickness 4; 5 and 6 mm), its maximum dimensions are 650x1200 - 1600x2200 mm.

Boxes with packaged glass should be stored regardless of the season in dry, unheated warehouses. When storing the boxes, it is recommended to stack them on edge with the lids up, in one row in height. It is forbidden to store glass in an open area, as this degrades the quality of the glass, leads to clouding and sticking of neighboring sheets under the influence of moisture and cracking them in winter.

Before using glass in a case, it is necessary to check its quality. Depending on the presence of defects and according to the requirements of the standard, window glass is divided into three grades. Glass defects that reduce its quality include cavities (irregularities on the surface), striae, bubbles, foreign inclusions and scratches. For example, inclusions in certain areas can reduce the strength of glass many times over.

The streak, which is a layer of glass with a different chemical composition, usually causes local stresses that reduce the strength of the glass. When using sheet glass, it should be taken into account that its strength depends not only on the degree of cleanliness of the surface of the planes, but also on the quality of the processing of the edges of the glass. Glass that is cut with a diamond has the least strength; to increase the strength of the glass, the edges are ground and polished.

In mass housing construction, where standard window frames, balcony and internal doors are used, it is advisable to obtain glass of the required size from glass factories or to prepare them in central workshops.

To mechanize the process of cutting and cutting glass, electric glass cutters of various designs are used. One of the most advanced is the ERS-1 electric glass cutter designed by P. P. Vyrodov. The working surface of the table is made of sheet steel 2 mm thick, on which an asbestos-cement strip is fixed. The ends of the spiral lying on the strip are connected to screw contacts inserted into ceramic insulators with return springs. A universal template is installed on the working surface of the table to regulate the glass blank of the required dimensions. It consists of two rods with a diameter of 12 mm and guide tubes connected by a stop ruler.

In addition to ordinary window glass in housing construction, sheet and corrugated reinforced glass, which is manufactured with pressing during its rolling of a metal mesh, is used. Armored glass is intended for glazing elevator shafts, stairwells, balconies, etc.

Hollow glass blocks are widely used, installed without bindings in the window openings of staircases and partitions. They are transported in boxes, and each block must be wrapped in thick or corrugated paper. Blocks should be stored in their original packaging, stacked in the correct rows by brand, in a closed dry room.

The glass industry produces square glass blocks of grades BK-98 (194x19x98 mm) and
BK-60 (194x194x60 mm), rectangular (semi-blocks) BP-98 (194x94x98 mm) and corner BU-98 (194x209x98 mm) and BU-60 (194x209x60 mm). Permissible dimensional deviations: for square and rectangular blocks -
±2 mm, for angular in height and thickness - ±2 mm, in width - ±3 mm.

Glass blocks must have smooth front surfaces without noticeable traces of drops and cuts of scissors and the correct geometric shape. Visible defects in the glass are unacceptable. Blocks must have a compressive strength of at least 4 MPa, in addition, they must withstand a sharp temperature drop of at least 30 ° C.

For glazing light openings of stairwells of residential buildings, glass profiles are used, manufactured by glass factories, channel and box section. The light transmission of glass profiles in the form of a channel is 52%, and of a box section - 58%.

In the production of glass works, putties are used, the main purpose of which is to seal the folds of the bindings in order to prevent moisture from seeping through them; otherwise, the thermal regime is violated and the operating conditions of the premises worsen, the wood rots or the metal of the bindings corrodes. At present, putty is produced centrally in special workshops serving a number of construction sites, which makes it possible to mechanize the production processes for the manufacture of putty, ensures exact adherence to recipes and, consequently, high quality putty.

The composition of glass putty is set depending on its purpose, the availability of material for its manufacture and the material of bindings.

Chalk putty for glazing wooden bindings (ground dry chalk - 80% and natural drying oil - 20%);

Putty for outdoor work when glazing metal and reinforced concrete bindings (ground dry chalk - 64%, dry lead red lead - 21%, natural drying oil - 15%);

Oil-free economical putty (ground dry chalk - 70%, lime paste - 5%, asizol - 20%, solvent gasoline - 5%).

Glass putty must have sufficient plasticity and provide dense filling of the gaps between the glass and the folds of the bindings. In addition, it should be soft and adhere well to glass, wood, metal and concrete, harden within no more than 15 days, and after hardening not crack along and across the seam. The putty should be workable, not stick to the knife or chisel, but also not slip off them, and also be well smoothed with them without gaps and roughness.

The quality of the putty is controlled by the construction laboratory. When testing putty, the laboratory assistant must check that the flexibility of its 0.5 mm thick layer applied to a thin rigid plate is at least 20 mm according to the TsNIILK scale. In addition, the putty must harden in a given time and be durable. The durability of the putty is tested in the laboratory by alternating freezing and thawing. The putty must withstand at least 30 freezing cycles at a temperature of -18 ± 2 ° C for 6 hours and thaw at a temperature of +18 ± 2 ° C for 18 hours.

Auxiliary materials used when inserting and fixing glass include metal studs, wooden and metal glazing beads, elastic rubber gaskets, nails, screws, etc.

To seal joints in glass profile structures, instead of putties, gaskets and the following sealants-mastics are used (in mass hours):

Mastic prop-lime mastic MBI (waste of prop film - 12, film solvent - 38, lime - 37, cement - 11, pigment - 2);

Mastic prop-cement-asbestos - MBCA (waste of prop film - 10, film solvent - 35, cement - 27, asbestos of the 6th and 7th grade - 28);

Mastic prop-gypsum MBG (waste prop film - 9.5, film solvent - 28.5, gypsum - 59, pigment - 3)
All these mastics are applied with a syringe.

Based on the materials of the reference book "Universal reference book foreman". STC "Stroyinform".