Gray color in the interior (84 photos): beautiful combinations and bright accents. Gray walls in the interior - stylish and cozy design (55 photos) Gray flooring

It has always been believed that the gray floor, gray walls in the interior evoke melancholy and monotony, however, the work of modern designers and technologists has turned this idea upside down. Today, the market offers a huge variety of artificial surfaces with almost unlimited color options, so interior designers have the opportunity to expand their palette.

Gray laminate flooring and gray tile flooring quickly became popular and proved to be a great addition to any design project.

  • Opportunities and features of the gray floor
  • What interior styles suit gray flooring?
  • How to combine a gray floor with other colors?
  • Common mistakes with gray floors
  • gray kitchen floor
    • For small kitchens
    • For spacious kitchens
    • The combination of the gray floor in the kitchen with walls and furniture
  • Gray floor in the living room
  • Gray floor in the bedroom
  • gray bathroom floor

Opportunities and features of the gray floor

  • A dark gray floor in an interior can visually reduce the space of a room or make it narrower, while a light gray design can cause the opposite effect.
  • Not too dark shades of gray help to unload the interior cluttered with furniture, bringing a little freshness and lightness into it.
  • In a room with a gray floor, a calm and cozy atmosphere is felt, conducive to proper rest and recuperation.
  • If you can find on sale a laminate that has an unusual color (a mixture of gray with beige or brown), then with the help of such material you can decorate such an unusual gray floor in the interior that its appearance will turn the whole idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe interior.

But the feeling of relaxation and harmony of space that arise in people who stay in such interiors for a long time often prevents them from concentrating, their efficiency decreases and it becomes difficult to do any painstaking work. It is for this reason that the same designers do not recommend laying gray parquet or laminate in study corners and offices.

But rooms in gray tones allow you to harmoniously collect your thoughts and tune in to a philosophical mood.

The gray color of the floor will look great in the interior of a bedroom or living room. No less attractive may seem gray in the kitchen or in the dining area, provided that the owners are not afraid of a certain coldness of the atmosphere he created. However, the last drawback is easy to fix by adding bright colors or beige shades to the interior palette.

What interior styles suit gray flooring?

When designing the interior, you should take into account which color of the walls suits the gray floor and that it is not suitable for all styles equally.

It is best to fit a gray floor in the following interior styles:

  • strict classic;
  • high tech;
  • modern.

In addition, gray laminate will look good in some ethnic styles, such as Scandinavian.

Photo of a gray floor in different interior styles (hi-tech, modern, Scandinavian):

In order not to get a too cold, deathly gray interior, it is better to dilute it, experimenting with a warm palette of wall coverings, or add furniture from correctly selected types of wood to it. The color scheme of furniture can be quite rich, the light gray floor in the interior looks great with furniture of color:

  • vanilla;
  • zebrano;
  • wenge.

If it seems to the owner that the room lacks special softness and comfort, then this impression can be softened with the help of objects painted in warm colors, close in texture to wood.

How to combine a gray floor with other colors?

  • The extreme options for gray are white and black. Linking them, gray shades greatly soften their contrast, making the interior less flashy and defiant. But to create compositions with this color, you need to have practical experience and professional knowledge. After all, it is not so easy to understand which walls are best combined with a gray floor, so that later there will be less problems with the selection of furniture.

  • The combination of gray and blue colors looks very harmonious, this composition will fit perfectly into the interiors of a bedroom, living room or office.

  • Gray pairs well with cool color palettes, including blues and purples.

  • The combination of gray and yellow is quite rare, while an abundance of yellow blotches should not be allowed, but light yellow-gray stripes will be appropriate.

  • Wallpaper for a gray floor is best suited for beige or light green, they will keep the interior cozy and make it elegant at the same time.

Common mistakes with gray floors

In a gray floor, the main drawback is its coldness. If the interior is not given warm accents, then it will turn into a completely unattractive lifeless desert. In addition, monotony cannot be allowed here, therefore, if gray doors with an incorrectly selected texture complement the gray floor, then such an interior can be doomed to failure in advance.

If the project has a light gray floor, what walls can harmonize with it? For example, not too bright, dark wallpapers are quite suitable, as well as introducing rather popular metallic-colored furniture into the interior. However, in no case should you rub everything in a gray room to a shine, turning it into a chrome box.

To revive even a hopelessly “gray” interior, you need to boldly use unusual patterns and ornaments, work with shades, glossy and matte surfaces, combine fur, silk and other textures.

gray kitchen floor

No less attractive may seem the color of the floor in the gray kitchen or in the dining area, provided that the owners are not afraid of a certain coldness of the atmosphere he created. The gray floor in the kitchen not only looks presentable, but also extremely practical, since traces of dirt, grease and stains are much less visible on a gray background.

For small kitchens

A gray-white floor in a small kitchen will be acceptable no less than a combination of gray shades of different saturation, as well as gray-beige and gray-blue. In general, for small rooms and tiles need a modest size.

If at the same time the task is to visually increase the space, then it is better to lay either a tile with a simple, inconspicuous pattern, or without it at all, plain, because the more complex and noticeable the pattern, the more it hides the space. On the contrary, a kitchen with a floor that has a smooth surface texture will appear more spacious and lighter.

For spacious kitchens

In spacious kitchens, ceramic tiles of any size can be laid, although large elements look better here. Irregularly shaped tiles look great, for example, hexagonal or with rounded edges. Here you can try a bunch of shapes and sizes, as well as various laying methods (diagonal, herringbone, and others) to achieve an unusual look for the interior.

You can, abandoning stereotypical solutions, wipe the tile joints with a grout of a contrasting color. Then the grid of tile rows will appear more strongly, which will draw attention to the flooring. If you use a darker grout, the tile will appear cleaner and lighter.

Photo of the gray floor in the kitchen:

The combination of the gray floor in the kitchen with walls and furniture

It is very important to find a harmonious combination of floor, ceiling and wall design. Also, do not lose sight of kitchen furniture and accessories. However, you should always remember the functional features of this room, therefore, even if you make a gray floor in the kitchen, it is hardly worth arranging white walls in it, since they will get dirty very quickly.

But if you add a white ceiling and light (but not white) walls to the gray floor, then visually the kitchen will turn out to be more spacious and lighter.

You should not try another option, where a light tone is left on the ceiling, but the walls are made darker than the flooring. With this combination, the general background becomes too dark, the room fades, becomes gloomy, and visually shrinks in volume.

When choosing wallpaper or tiles for walls, combining the color of the floor in the gray kitchen, you must definitely build on the degree of natural light in the kitchen:

  • On the sunny side, it is wiser to use cold or neutral tones (green, blue, turquoise), so that even a hot stove does not seem so hot.
  • If the kitchen faces north, then it is better to warm its atmosphere with the warm color of the walls (orange, yellow, peach). The warming color palette of the walls will make the perception of the gray floor more pleasant.

A gray plinth framing the floor of the same color will visually make its area larger, creating the illusion of its continuation.

White kitchen facades will look bright against the background of a dark gray floor, forming an elegant interior. Fans of perky combinations may think: if you make a gray floor in the kitchen, what color set should you choose in this case? They can combine gray with acid lemon or yellow, bringing yellow chairs to the interior of the dining room, for example, and hanging thin lemon organza on the windows. An excellent combination with a gray floor will form cutlery, crockery and stainless steel appliances, since all this does not require a long search for sale.

And it’s even better to use gray porcelain stoneware for the floor instead of ordinary tiles, which is its relative, but has a better design and physical and mechanical characteristics. Porcelain stoneware gray for the floor in the interior of the kitchen can be perfectly combined with the most diverse furniture in color. A neutral gray floor will be perfectly enlivened by the colored spots of the furniture, no matter what they are: metallic, wenge, pine or even white.

Psychologists say that the presence of warm tones in the kitchen stimulates appetite, while cold ones, on the contrary, reduce it. This property is especially important to consider for those who seek to lose weight.

Gray floor in the living room

You can choose a combination of gray with warm wood tones to enhance this impression.

Shades of gray can perfectly emphasize the elegance of high-tech style. Here you also need to be guided by the rule of five colors: in the interior, in addition to the main one, one additional color and no more than five different shades of gray can be combined.

If the gray living room lacks lighting, then to make it visually more spacious, you need to highlight its walls with spotlights, and to make it look more sunny, you can use yellow elements in the floor and wall decoration, for example, a large yellow panel or the same color floor carpet .

Color is an important characteristic of the interior and a fundamental part of the design of any room. In the process of furnishing, we carefully select colors for the entire environment of the apartment: walls, floors, furniture, etc. The shade of all these elements plays a significant role in the perception of the entire space, as well as creating a comfortable and cozy room. When choosing, not everyone will remember the gray tone, associating it with boredom, completely forgetting about its elegance and sophistication. Therefore, let's get acquainted with the nuances of design in this palette. Next, we will consider what color of the floor to choose for gray wallpaper and, in general, the design of a room with gray wallpaper, floor and furniture and the features of their combination.

Gray color in the interior

They do not dare to decorate a room in gray tones because of the fear of this cold color, and also because of the stereotype about its weak expressiveness and gloom. However, everything is decided by the selection of an original and beautiful shade, correctly placed accents and accessories.

The following advantages speak in favor of this color:

  • Neutrality.
  • Excellent combinatorics with other shades.
  • Versatility, as it is suitable for interiors in any style and direction.
  • Serves as a great backdrop.

Important! In terms of psychological perception, this color promotes inner balance and concentration.

The design of the room in this color is used in two methods:

  1. Monochrome design. In this case, mainly black, white and gray colors are used. In such an interior do not make bright accents. And they “saturate” the monochrome environment with original textures and materials, their combination with each other.
  2. Design with accents. In this interior, gray is the background, and a variety of bright elements complement the design style. It can be textiles in rich colors, a beautiful carpet, vases, paintings, green plants, etc.

Different rooms in gray

The design with gray wallpaper is suitable for almost every room. Let's dwell briefly on some of them. If you have not yet decided how to apply and where to use canvases of this color, then below are the main design ideas for different rooms.

Living room design with gray wallpaper:

  • A small room is recommended to be decorated with a light, cold tone with a simple geometric ornament.
  • Large furniture should have a color several levels lighter than the background of the interior.
  • Accents can be a small armchair, a coffee table or a TV, the tone of which will be dark gray, as well as elegant cushions.
  • For a spacious room, you can use darker furniture.

Important! An interesting technique is the creation of an accent wall, which can be pasted over with wallpaper of a darker shade.


If you like to relax in a bright room, then choose an amazing pearl color finish. We recommend combining a plain canvas with companion wallpaper pasted at the head of your bed.

Important! The furniture of the room may have a darker tone than the walls, but it is better to lay a light-colored bedspread on the bed.

Another option would be a bedroom with a pleasant twilight. For such an interior, the gray color of the wallpaper with a shade close to brown will be optimal. And dark textiles and light furniture will complete the idea.

Design with gray wallpaper in the kitchen

In this room, this palette brings a sense of brilliance and cleanliness. You can use gray with a bluish tint or a pure neutral tone. Kitchen furniture in silver or metallic colors is a great option, and chrome details of the headset will make the room shine even more.

Important! An interesting technique is a single palette of walls and floors. And so that the interior does not merge, for contrast, install a table and chairs that will differ in their intensity of gray. Kitchen utensils can add color.


This room of the house is characterized by its small dimensions, so gray wallpaper in its pure form is not used so that there is no feeling of a gray closet. How to be?

Use materials that are fairly light in color. Interior doors of light and warm colors can also smooth out the possible gloom of the hall. And the original picture with a color image on one of the walls will add color.

Important! An interesting technique is glossy surfaces in the hallway. They can be mirrors, a stretch ceiling, a large number of lamps.

Design with gray wallpaper in the bathroom

Of course, if wallpaper is glued in the restroom, then they take up little space, as they are combined with ceramic tiles. In any case, regardless of the finishing material, it is better to choose the gray color of the walls in delicate or silvery tones. White plumbing will be in contrast with the background.

Important! An additional effect can be created by an original frame near the mirror or an extravagant lamp.

Spectacular and stylish combination of colors in a gray interior

In the color design of the interior, the rule of combining 2-3 shades always applies. Therefore, let's find out with what shades gray wallpapers are in harmony:

  • White and black. These colors are versatile and therefore ideal for gray walls. On the other hand, such a monochrome design is slightly rustic and strict. Therefore, it is advisable to use it in the hallway, office.

Important! For living rooms, this design is justified if the rooms are designed in the style of Hi-tech and Minimalism. And also for a classic interior, if the gray wallpaper has a pattern of white flowers, stripes or patterns.

  • The design of the room with gray wallpaper will be perfectly diluted with purple and red touches. Bright elements will make the room more emotional and alive. Wallpaper is better to choose light colors.

Important! The main thing is to maintain a balance: gray is the basis of the interior, bright elements are relaxed accents.

  • Pink color in a gray interior looks very gentle. The harmony of these shades helps to relax and tune in to rest, so feel free to decorate a living room or bedroom in such a range.

Important! Opt for the lightest shade of pink that will keep the walls from looking dull. And if on gray canvases there is a pattern of pink flowers with neat green leaves, then the room will breathe freshness at all.

  • Yellow and orange are sunny and warm shades. The combination of these colors is most often used in the kitchen and living room, as these tones charge us emotionally and awaken our appetite.

Important! Living room design with gray wallpaper can contain an unlimited number of these color accents in the interior.

  • Wall decoration with gray-blue canvases will not make the room too bright. Blue, like gray, belongs to the cold range, so the room will have a fresh look, in such a room there will be a feeling of airiness and cleanliness.
  • It is possible to combine gray walls with other colors: green, gold, brown. However, such a combination will require the addition of another shade: beige, cream or white.

Important! When combining colors, it is essential not only to determine the harmonious shade, but also the degree of its saturation. Gloomy wallpapers need to be lightened with a pastel palette, light wallpapers should be enriched with bright details.

Gray floor and wallpaper

After you have made a choice in favor of gray walls, the next question arises: what color of the floor to choose for gray wallpaper? The color performance of the floor covering is also quite diverse, but we recommend starting with its shade. There are two design options: light and dark floor. You can choose the right one based on the effect they create:

  • Light floors. Such a coating will be an excellent reflector, in addition, it visually enlarges the space. And the joint design with gray wallpaper makes the room fresh and clean.

Important! A light-colored floor is not recommended to be combined with walls of cold shades, especially if the windows face the north side of the world. Such an interior will look a little uncomfortable, although adequate bright and warm accents will help overcome this problem.

  • Dark floors. They look solid, stable, serve as a contrast to light walls and room furnishings. We do not recommend combining the dark surface of the floor and the same design of the door, as this will already look gloomy.

The execution of the floor and walls in the same shade will look more than unsuccessful, the interior will simply merge into one featureless spot.

Important! The rule for combining the colors of the floor and walls is their contrast.

Any of the surfaces should be darker: either the floor or the walls.

Important! Pay special attention to the plinth that connects the walls and floor. It is desirable that its color be white.

Furniture color: correctly combined with the floor and walls

After finishing the surfaces, it is necessary to solve the following question: how to match the furniture in color to the floor or to the color of the walls? We advise you to pay attention to the following rules for combining with walls:

  • The color of the furniture must be different from the decoration of the walls. Its color can vary in a darker or lighter side by several tones.
  • Finishing in a cold tone perfectly harmonizes with furniture equipped with glass surfaces and the presence of chrome elements.
  • The interior in a modern style allows for glossy furniture in milky or white.
  • Natural wood furniture with gray wallpaper is more difficult to combine. First of all, you need to carefully choose the color of the finish. Optimally - a fairly light wallpaper with brown notes. Next, we move on to furniture - it is better to give preference to light wood.

Important! Connect the wooden furnishings and gray walls with a brown carpet.

  • Natural wood makes the gray interior softer.
  • Laconic furniture in black or white. As we already mentioned, the combination of these three tones is very versatile, but the austerity of the interior is suitable for an office or living room.
  • Original ideas. Furniture items can act as contrasting accents. A soft orange sofa will successfully harmonize with gray walls, which will radiate warmth and comfort in the room.

Important! Red leather, luxurious black velvet, tweed or velor in gray tone will be combined very extravagantly with gray wallpaper.

Next, we will find out which color to choose for furniture to match the color of the floor. The basic principle of the combination remains the same as when choosing for wall decoration - the shade must be at least a couple of tones lighter or darker. Consider the following combination options:

  • Greyish white finish. Install wenge-colored furniture on such a floor; dazzling white objects will also be a stylish option.
  • Light wooden floor in a warm shade. Such a coating will be decorated with chocolate-colored or white furniture. We also allow the design of a room with gray furniture, as it creates a contrast effect: the floor has a warm tone, and the decor is cold.
  • Dark cover. If your floor is made under walnut wood, then a pastel palette for furniture is preferable: beige, white, milky, soft peach. A bright setting is also allowed, the main requirement is its warm tone, because the use of a cold shade will make the interior unnecessarily strict.

Important! To combine the walls and floor in a single tone will help a carpet of a contrasting color.

Original gray tones of furniture

The design of the room with gray furniture looks very stylish and impressive. At first glance, the strict upholstery of soft sets, made in dark or light gray, actually seems quite cozy. And cabinet items, cabinets, cabinets, chests of drawers and so on, in this range produce a feeling of balance and cleanliness, and with the right light they even create the effect of a marble surface or stone.

Manufacturers of various furniture use such original colors for their products:

  • Deep and strict color of wet asphalt.
  • Universal metallic.
  • Concrete color.
  • Light and dark colors.

It would be appropriate to complement the design of a room with gray furniture with decorative bright pillows of various sizes. Another trick is gray pillows.

As a result, a competent combination of wall and floor surfaces among themselves, as well as with elegant furniture, will make the interior of the room incredibly stylish and complete. The result of such harmony will be a comfortable atmosphere of the room, which will give you comfort and warmth.

How to choose the right floor color, taking into account the maximum number of factors, how it can affect the interior of the room? Most developers are faced with these issues, not only the appearance of the premises as a whole, but also the indicators of living comfort depend on their solution. Before moving on to the design of individual rooms, you should learn the general rules.

A very important factor during the selection of the color of the floor is how it will be combined with the color of the walls, ceiling and furniture, which shade will be dominant and which one will complement it. Developers solve issues in different ways, some take pieces of wallpaper or examples of paints used, photographs, etc. with them to the store. But this approach cannot be considered optimal, it is very difficult to make an optimal decision based on these elements alone. Indeed, the choice of floor color is influenced by many factors, including the number and size of windows, their location in relation to the cardinal points, the purpose of the room and the personal preferences of the residents. Based on a piece of wallpaper, no professional can create the final design of the room.

During the choice, the peculiarities of the work of the human brain also play an important role, optical illusion occurs at a subconscious level. Pay attention to the drawing.

It seems to us that the top half of the square is much darker than the bottom. But this is not the case, this is how both squares would look without the influence of the color of the floor and walls.

They suddenly turned out to be exactly the same. This is how our brain perceives information, surrounding objects can completely distort reality. Conclusion: the selection of colors should be done only in a complex way, it is impossible to choose the color of each element separately. The fact is that after their connection, the end result may differ significantly from the expected.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the human brain, professionals have developed general recommendations for choosing color solutions. They can be slightly adjusted depending on the wishes of customers and the characteristics of the premises, but too large deviations are not welcome.

Floor colorDesign and performance characteristics

Floors of this color are associated with cleanliness and conciseness, and are often used during the creation of modern styles of interior decoration. The white floor makes the room much brighter, which allows you to compensate for the lack of natural light. The combination of a white floor with green walls creates an atmosphere of calm and freshness, without straining the eyes. White with purple emphasizes the prestige of the room, in combination with crimson gives them lightness and optimism. White floors and yellow walls are an excellent solution during the creation of a classic style, with brown walls the rooms look more strict, the option can be used to decorate large living rooms.

Gives rooms a serene yet elegant look. Gray with blue can be used during the design of bedrooms and offices, gray with orange can calm the activity of the nervous system. It is not recommended to combine gray with green, these colors depress each other, but it looks great with purple. To visually expand the room, white shades can be added to this combination, but gray should remain the main one. Women like the combination of gray and pink, this combination makes the room airy.

The colors are reminiscent of natural wood of various species, and this material will always be in fashion. With such a floor, almost all colors of wall and ceiling decoration can be used, in some cases the premises become businesslike and strict, in others elegant and festive. To increase the volume, the amount of white increases, to give nobility to severity, add more brown.

Noble expensive wood has such colors. Accordingly, the use of orange and red floors gives the premises an expensive and exclusive look. Almost the entire range of colors can be used with them, the only limitation being blue.

A very original color, able to simultaneously give the room sophistication and rural simplicity. It is often used during the design of country-style rooms. But it is recommended to use such color schemes only when there is enough natural light in the room.

The color of bohemia, it is necessary to apply very carefully and carefully. It looks great in combination with golden decorative elements, black and yellow emphasizes the extravagance of the tastes of the apartment owners.

These are general tips for choosing the color of the floor, but each room has its own rules related to the appointment of rooms.

kitchen floor color

The kitchen is a room in which housewives spend a lot of time. But they not only work in it, but also rest, in addition, the size of the room is often much smaller than in the hallway. These features require increased care when choosing the color of the floor. The main rule - you can not approach the choice of floor color separately from linking it with the design of the walls and the type of furniture. All these elements should be combined and complement each other as much as possible.

Color should not cause irritation or other negative emotions. Do not forget that due to the correct color design, you can visually enlarge the space, it becomes wider and lighter. But you can get the opposite result - and so the small kitchen becomes lower and smaller.

Another option for color schemes is not to make the floor plain. True, not all floor coverings allow you to use this recommendation, this should be borne in mind when choosing a specific material. The easiest way to implement such a solution is with ceramic tiles - the most common flooring material in the kitchen. The room is divided into several working zones, in each of them a decision is made. The working area and the sink can have a dark floor, the rest of the area is lighter.

The dark floor makes it possible to create contrasting solutions for the design of the room. The ideal combination is a dark floor, light walls, dark furniture and household appliances. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the size and location of windows and doors. In low light, a dark floor is not recommended, such an environment causes rapid eye fatigue. We have to constantly use artificial lighting, and none of them can completely replace the sun.

Bathroom floor color

The bathroom begins and ends the day, it should both stimulate you to work and calm you down after a busy day at work. Properly selected floor color helps to solve these mutually exclusive tasks. The subjective perception of the room depends on the color of the floor by 40%, the walls and ceiling have another 50%, and the remaining 10% depend on accessories.

Currently, most designers do not support the widely held belief that bathrooms should have the maximum amount of white. This rule existed 20–30 years ago and was explained by a small assortment of materials for floor coverings. Excess white color makes the room boring, it does not cause any positive emotions, but is always associated with a hospital ward. The only advantage of white is that it increases illumination. But today's lighting fixtures easily solve this problem with any color scheme. The time spent in bathrooms is very limited, so you should not pay attention to the safety parameters of artificial lighting for vision.

Dark, gloomy bathroom floors are considered inappropriate. Such premises may look stylish on the pages of glossy publications, but there are hardly any people who want to use them all the time. Dark colors, in principle, cannot evoke the positive emotions needed in the morning and evening.

Light green, blue, light gray and lavender colors are considered the best flooring solutions.

The color of the floor in small rooms can match the color of the walls and ceiling, in large bathrooms you can experiment with different combinations. Although the use of more than three shades is considered a lack of taste.

Fans of bright and saturated colors are somewhat limited in their choice. Red should not be used, it is too active on the nervous system. But yellow and pink look natural in the rooms and do an excellent job. Of course, the choice of floor color should take into account the style of the bathroom. The classic style calls for a sand-colored floor, for Japanese a brown floor is recommended. The French prefer white, and the Mediterranean countries are fond of light green and blue floors.

Hallway floor color

The entrance hall is one of the smallest and most loaded rooms in the apartment. It is she who significantly affects the final opinion about the apartment and the tastes of the residents, and the first impression is very difficult to change. The color of the floor in the hallway plays an important role in solving complex specific problems.

Many developers prefer dark floor colors, their argument is simple - dirt and mechanical damage are the least noticeable on such surfaces.

The excellent performance of modern flooring materials enables designers to break with tradition and choose from a variety of light colors and color combinations. But there are certain general patterns of influence of floor color on the design of the hallway.

Small spaces should have light-colored floors. Small patches of dark areas are allowed in the form of paths in the middle of the hallway. Due to this technique, it is possible to combine all the advantages of both colors. Light areas make the hallway more spacious, and dark areas hide pollution in the places where people pass.

The spacious entrance hall makes it possible to implement many ideas, including those with different shades. The dark floor looks great with white walls. The general rule is that the floor should always be darker than the walls.

The bright floor is combined with light plain walls. This option is best suited for rooms that do not have natural light.

The choice of color in the hallway is greatly influenced by the number, type and placement of fixtures. If spotlights are planned, then the color of the floor must be chosen in such a way that it scatters the rays and makes the lighting uniform. Furniture should always be slightly darker than the floor.

What color is the most practical

Above in the article, we considered the rules for choosing the color of the floor from the point of view of designers. It should please the eye, go well with the colors of the walls, ceiling and furniture, with the style of decoration, etc. And what color can be considered the most practical for each room?

The corridor. On dark, dust from clothes, dirt from shoes after slushy weather are clearly visible. In terms of the labor intensity of cleaning, a dark floor is almost in no way inferior to a light one. Practitioners advise choosing brick, terracotta colors, various shades of natural wood in the hallways. An excellent way out is a motley floor of several colors, with stains and spots.

Bedroom. Both very dark and very light colors are not recommended. It should be borne in mind that light dust collects on the floor in the bedrooms, and it is least noticeable on a transparent varnish. That is, you need to choose not so much the color as the materials of the finishing flooring.

Hall. If this room is the least visited, you can use any color for the floor in it. The main attention should be paid to design, the cleaning process is not difficult. Since there are few people in the room, there is nothing to clean.

Bathroom and toilet. Professionals recommend blue and light blue tones, they do not leave stains from dried water. As for cleaning, in bathrooms you need to use moisture-resistant materials with smooth surfaces.

Of course, no color guarantees that the premises can be left uncleaned, it simply masks dirt, and the floors do not become cleaner from this.

The color of the sex and the psychotype of a person

Choleric people feel calm in rooms with a predominance of orange, but such an environment has a depressing effect on phlegmatic people.

Sanguine people are better suited for light green walls and a light floor.

Science has proven that the color in the room has a serious impact on the mental state. This is very important due to the fact that most of our lives we are indoors. Red color causes a rapid heartbeat, can cause anxiety, sometimes a person becomes unreasonably aggressive. This color is categorically not recommended in bedrooms, kitchens and nurseries. It is allowed to use it only in living rooms, and then in limited quantities.

Red furniture as a bright accent of the living room. Floor - light-coloured laminate

The yellow floor brings energy of activity, but without aggression and anxiety. It stimulates the activity of the brain, it can be chosen in the offices and in the premises for the preparation of school assignments.

Purple and blue are recommended to be used in limited quantities, a long stay in rooms with a predominance of these colors can cause depression. The pink floor gives the room a romantic character.

The green color is considered the most friendly for the human body. Make it the main one during the design of the premises and, depending on the shade, choose the color of the floor.

Always strive to have color balance, gender plays an important role in it. But do not forget about human psychology.

Floor color combinations and existing furniture

The main rule for these elements is that a significant difference in tones and shades is required, but not colors. In the first case, the furniture becomes invisible against the same background of the floor, in the second, on the contrary, it looks like unnatural sharp inclusions in the style. If such a mistake has already been made, then it can be partially corrected by a contrasting floor carpet - put it under the furniture, and it will look more organic against the background of the floor. Professionals recommend such color combinations for floors and furniture:

There are options for dark furniture and dark floors, they have the right to life, but they look very unusual.

And the last. In any combination, furniture cannot have more than three colors, otherwise any room turns into a playroom for preschool institutions.

Organically designed children's room. The color of the floor is in harmony with the wallpaper, curtains, furniture, bedspread

Only two options for combining shades and colors are used: a contrasting option and in one color. If the floor and doors are the same color, then choose the second one a few tones lighter. Due to this, the space is logically perceived in the direction from above, from the light ceiling to the dark floor. If white doors are installed in the room, then transitions should be made through the use of structural accessories on the walls and furniture. Doors of dark tones are recommended in cases where the floor is pastel.

There are two universal rules during the selection of floor, wall and ceiling colors that can be used in 90% of cases.

There is no need to read articles about what color and how to choose the floor, what is combined and what is not recommended for use. Remember that not a single adviser will live in your apartment, respectively, he will not "enjoy" the results of his recommendations. And since you live in it, then the decisive and last word is only yours. All clever words about which color is friends with which and which is not, should be taken only as recommendations, and not a prerequisite.

The main rule is that colors should be friends with you and you personally like them. If your tastes coincide with the opinions of designers - great, if not - do not pay attention to them, do what pleases you.

The color of the floor should match your favorite shades and fit the psychological portrait. These are two factors that have the maximum impact on the comfort of living in an apartment.

Conclusion - you can combine any color of the floor with any walls and ceilings. But you can do this not only with pleasure, but also according to the rules.

First you need to familiarize yourself with two color characteristics.

  1. Lightness. Hue gradually changes from standard to lighter or darker - the process of a smooth transition of color to white or black is called lightness change.
  2. Saturation. Changes when gray is added to the base color. As the concentration of gray increases, the saturation changes and eventually the color becomes gray.

Colors blend well if they have the same lightness, saturation, or both lightness and saturation.

To simplify the choice of floor color, you can use special color fans, they are sold in specialized stores. Each tab of the fan has a separate color with different saturation options. For ease of use, all shades have an international classification.

Tarkett laminate flooring prices

tarkett laminate

How to use color fans?

Step 1. Choose a wall shade that already exists in the room. Determine its location on the fan tab.

Step 2 Expand the fan and pay attention to what colors the selected shade is combined with. All options are located at the same height of the fan.

Step 3 Stop at the right floor color option.

This is a theory, but in practice it is necessary to take into account the materials of the floor finish that exist in the implementation. You should know their shades and dwell on real options.

Video - Options for combining colors in the interior of the premises

Imagine that you have entered a room where the walls, floor, ceiling and all the furniture are gray in the same shade. And even the vase that is on the table is also gray. Boring. The eye has nothing to “catch on” and therefore, discomfort begins to be felt. I want to leave as soon as possible or fall asleep, the main thing is not to see this dull interior.

Of course, this is a critical case, but it is always worth remembering if you are developing an interior design yourself and want to use gray and its shades as the main one.

Gray is a very interesting color. On the one hand, it is neutral, especially its light undertones and shades, and on the other hand, it can become overwhelming and annoying if only dark shades of gray are used in the interior or there is too much of it, as in the case described above.

Proper use of gray and its shades in the interior allows you to create a cozy and comfortable design of any room, from the living room and bedroom to the kitchen and hallway.

  1. Background color
  2. Only furniture or decor items will be gray
  3. A mixed option, when the walls and the sofa are gray, as the central object of the interior.

Gray color in the interior as a background

The main advantage of this use of gray in the interior is to create a neutral base that will emphasize the elegance of soft muted colors (like beige or soft pink) and smooth out the aggressiveness of bright colors (like red or purple).

This is the background against which furniture and decor elements look the most advantageous. First of all, it concerns the color of the walls.

Gray walls in the interior

Depending on the shade used, gray walls will play different roles. The darker the shade, the more significant the participation of the walls in the overall picture. Although their main function is the same - it is "support" by the color of furniture and decor.

When choosing a shade of gray for walls, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • If the room is on the sunny side, use dark shades;
  • If there is not enough natural light in the room - we take light shades;
  • Dark gray walls require light furniture and bright decor items (pillows, vases, paintings)
  • Light gray walls go well with both dark and light furniture, but it is the furniture that will play the first violin.
  • For contrasting interiors, dark, muted gray tones are most suitable, for calm and light ones, light ones.

The light gray floor is the link that completes the look of the room. Its main task is not to attract attention. If you look at the following photos from this point of view, you will notice that the decor and furniture are mostly visible here. An additional bonus of the light gray floor is that dust is not visible on it.

A dark gray floor requires a more careful approach and thoughtful harmony with the color of the walls and furniture. Here are some good examples of using dark gray flooring in interiors.

Option 2 - gray furniture and decor

Unlike walls and floors, gray furniture, such as a sofa in the living room or a bed in the bedroom, will not be invisible even if they are light gray.

Usually the color of the upholstery is selected last, but if you already have a sofa or bed in mind that you really like in a particular color, then this option is for you, and in this case we will build the interior design from the largest piece of furniture.

Gray furniture will be in perfect harmony with almost all colors, but combinations with:

  • white,
  • beige,
  • light brown
  • light yellow,
  • blue,
  • pale pink.

3 option. Mixed: gray walls and furniture

It must be clarified that in this case we are considering a room in which the walls are painted in one of the shades of gray and there is a large piece of gray furniture (sofa, sofa, bed)

With this option, it is necessary to choose the right shades of gray so that the furniture does not merge with the color of the walls. The rule of 3 semitones works here. Simply put, the difference in the color of the walls and furniture upholstery should be slight, but noticeable. See what it looks like in the following photos.

In order to avoid monotony, bright spots must be introduced into such an interior. These can be curtains, contrasting decor items such as pillows, bedspreads, vases, paintings.

Depending on the chosen colors of these items, the interior will look different. So, for example, to create a cozy and comfortable space, you will need warm colors (beige, pink, light brown), colors of the cold spectrum (white, blue, green) are suitable for a stylish and presentable interior, yellow will come in handy for a bright and slightly defiant interior. , purple, bright green. And at the same time, the main color of the walls remains the same. That's the uniqueness of the mixed use of gray in the interior!

Combinations of other colors with gray in the interior is a separate big topic, but to understand the essence, refer to the following table. This is a cheat sheet in which rooms combinations of gray with other colors will be most appropriate and attractive.

Successful gray color combinations and their use

Primary colors for combination

Auxiliary colors

Living room

Light brown



Pale pink

Pale blue


bright green



dark green




"Wooden" colors


In modern interior design, gray is becoming more popular day by day. This is primarily due to the return of minimalist interiors to fashion, the growing appeal of high-tech and loft styles. At the same time, in other interior styles, gray is used no less actively.

We hope you were inspired by the ideas and found a solution on how to use gray in your interior!