Types of fine water filters for plumbing. Coarse and fine water filters Fine water filter for water supply

Today, the issue of water quality worries many people. Considering the poor environment, I would like to somehow protect my health, especially since the quality of the water we drink is not always good. Coarse filters in front of the meter are precisely designed to solve such issues; they purify the water from impurities, bacteria, chlorine, and so on.

Today there is a wide selection of filters on sale, the most affordable of which are flow-through filters. This type of coarse filter in front of the meter is considered the best because it is capable of providing quick and high-quality cleaning, while it is very convenient to use since it has a separate tap. In the photo below you can see how a flow-through coarse water filter, which has a separate tap, is designed.

Types of filters

All water filter devices on the market today are very similar in design. If you look inside the body, you can see the filter element, which is made in the form of a small metal mesh; it filters out rust, grains of sand and other contaminants in the water. Also, the design of a fine water purification filter for plumbing must include a drain; this is where the contaminants that were previously retained by the mesh will settle.

If the sump tank becomes clogged, then you will need to turn off the water supply, clean the outlet thoroughly and then rinse it thoroughly. It is better to do preventive cleaning of the outlet four to five times a year. In this video you can get acquainted with the types of filtering devices for plumbing that allow you to clean water well:

Now let's talk about what kind of coarse water filters exist in front of the meter, there are several of them:

  • Mesh type.
  • Cartridge or cartridge type.
  • Pressure high speed.

There are also fine filters, these include:

  • Sorption type filter.
  • Reverse osmosis type filter.
  • Ion exchange type filter.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each of the above filtering devices has its own pros and cons, we will talk about them below.

The mesh filter has the following advantages:

  • Small size.
  • Ease of use.
  • Easy to install.
  • Low price.

The photo above shows a coarse mesh filter.

A cartridge or cartridge filter for coarse water purification has undeniable advantages:

  • Relatively low price.
  • Provides high cleaning efficiency.

As for the shortcomings, there are none as such, so they can be called one of the best among analogues on the market.

In the photo you can see cartridge and cartridge filters.

The high-speed pressure filter for coarse water purification in front of the meter has multiple advantages, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • Provides better purification of water, which contains a lot of different impurities.

Among the disadvantages of this type of coarse filter, perhaps, one can highlight its higher price compared to mesh and cartridge filters for coarse water purification and more complex installation of the system.

As you can see, Folter filter devices have no major disadvantages.

The photo shows a high-speed pressure filter.

The fine sorption filter is different:

  • Small size.
  • Simplicity and convenience of its installation.
  • When replacing the cartridge, it is easy to dismantle.
  • Affordable price and long service life.
  • The price of the cartridge is low.


  • The water filtration rate is low.
  • The filter cartridge needs to be changed very often.

The photo shows a sorption filter.

Reverse osmosis coarse filter. Among the advantages of this type of coarse filter are:

  • Provides better water purification efficiency.
  • Reasonable cost and ease of use.


  • The minimum water pressure should be three and a half atmospheres; if the pressure is lower than this, then a pump will need to be installed.

The photo above shows a reverse osmosis filter.

Ion exchange fine filter. Among the advantages I would like to note:

  • The quality of water purification is very high.
  • Affordable price and ease of use.


  • It will be necessary to additionally install regenerating tanks.
  • Regular use of saline solutions.
  • The need to recycle components.

Device and principle of operation

Mesh type filter for water filtration

The most important filter element here is the mesh, which has very small cells, their size ranges from twenty micrometers to five hundred micrometers (µm). There are several types of mesh filters: flushing and self-flushing. In this video you can learn more about how the filter works:

It should also be noted that such coarse filters for plumbing come in several types: non-rinsing and self-rinsing. The first type of coarse filter is intended for plumbing fixtures and household appliances. To remove debris, rust and other dirt, you will need to disconnect the coarse filter from the pipe, remove the mesh from it and rinse it thoroughly.

The second type of coarse water filter. An automated system is used here, which significantly simplifies cleaning tasks, since all kinds of dirt from the mesh will be regularly cleaned automatically.

To perform better and faster cleaning from various contaminants in cold water, it is recommended to use a mesh-type coarse filter installed for plumbing, which has a plastic transparent body, this will allow you to determine the degree of dirt accumulation. But in order to filter hot water, it is recommended to use a filter whose body is made of metal.

Also on sale today are models of coarse filters for plumbing, which are equipped with a special valve; they can provide longer service life to devices and are considered one of the best among numerous analogues. The role of the valve is to regulate the inlet pressure. When installing a mesh filter for coarse water purification under the sink with your own hands, it is advisable to have an additional drainage line; water will flow into it after the cleaning process.

Cartridge or cartridge type filter for plumbing

In these types of coarse water filters, the filter element is presented in the form of a replaceable cartridge, which is located in a special housing. The advantage of such a water purifier is that it provides better retention of particles and contaminants that range in size from 0.5 micrometers to thirty micrometers.

It should also be especially noted that installing a coarse filter of this type is reasonable in the case when a mesh-type coarse filter for plumbing and household appliances cannot cope with cleaning the liquid in the water supply. It can also be installed on pipes with low hydraulic pressure.

As soon as the cartridge becomes contaminated, it must be replaced with a new one. It should be noted that replacing the cartridge is very simple, so even a housewife can handle such a job. Today you can buy replacement cartridges with meshes inserted into them, which can be removed and cleaned at any time; the cost of such a coarse filter is not so high.

In order to carry out high-quality cleaning of cold tap water, it is best to use a coarse filter for plumbing, the body of which is made of transparent plastic, but to filter hot water, install a coarse filter, which is made of high-quality steel.

To be able to clean large volumes of tap liquid, you can buy coarse filters for plumbing that are larger in size, although their price will be higher, but if you decide to install a larger coarse filter, its operation will be much more efficient. It should also be noted that the cartridges can not only retain mechanical impurities, but also remove chlorine from the water; such cartridges are impregnated with carbon.

There are also models of coarse filters that provide effective protection even from clay and mud, for example, the Honeywell filter, its price is higher than many other analogues, but it is worth it because it is the best among all analogues on the market. By the way, Honeywell cleaning systems can vary in size and characteristics, which greatly affects their price and installation.

High-speed pressure water filter

This type is a container - a column, which is large in size. The container contains filter material. The best high-strength anti-corrosion materials are used to manufacture the column. During the passage of water through this system, a very high level of purification is achieved - up to thirty micrometers.

This type of coarse filter is very often used when there are a lot of different impurities and particles in the water. At the top of the system is an automated water hydrotreatment process unit. Important: installation of a coarse filter of this type must be done correctly, so if you do not understand anything about this, then entrust this work to specialists.

Pressure filters for coarse water purification are recommended for use in heated rooms. According to the principle of operation, such coarse filters are very versatile and can be used for mechanical water purification. After installing the system, you will need to make a highway. On the market, the cost of this type of filter is in an attractive price range, which makes the product quite affordable for all consumers.

Photo: high-speed pressure filter

Sorption filter for fine water purification

This type of coarse filter allows you to filter water from heavy metals, various microorganisms and other contaminants present in it. This coarse filter consists of a small plastic tank filled with sorbent. You can buy it in any store, the cost is not that high, and the system works at the highest level.

In the photo you can see the sorption filter.

Reverse osmosis filter

This fine water filter consists of a certain number of tanks that are connected to each other. Tanks can be made of plastic or steel. The active component of this type of filter for fine water purification is a membrane, which is highly sensitive to the composition of water and can very quickly collapse from exposure to chlorine. That is why for this type of fine water purification filters you will definitely need to install a system that will provide high-quality pre-purification of water.

In the photo you can see a reverse osmosis filter.

Ion exchange filter

This model is successfully used to remove various organic compounds from tap water and also to soften it. Inside the plastic or steel housing there is a filter tank containing an ion exchange resin.

In the photo above you can see a fine ion exchange filter.

Installation and assembly: video

Installation of all types of coarse and fine filters is carried out differently. However, there are rules that apply to almost all models of water purification filters:

  • The Folter coarse filter will need to be cleaned regularly, so a sealant will need to be wound around the threads of the cover; it will provide reliable protection to the system from leakage. The seal also needs to be wound in the place where the fine filter connects to the pipe.
  • The cleaning element must be placed at the bottom, but if it is not possible to install it this way, then vertical installation can be done, although in this case it is recommended to install an oblique-shaped fine filter.

Photo: oblique fine filter

  • Before you start installing the fine filter, you will need to turn off the hot and cold water, and also check the condition of the communication system in general.
  • It is better to attach the fine filter itself to the wall using clamps.

To understand how to choose and how to install a water purification filter, you can learn from this video:

How to clean it properly

To replace or clean the Folter coarse filter, you will need to do the following:

  1. First you need to turn off the cold and hot water.
  2. Open the lid of the mud trap; for this purpose, use an adjustable wrench. Sometimes you have to use force to open the lid. There is only one reason for this - cleaning of the mud tank was carried out extremely rarely.
  3. As soon as the lid is open, you need to remove the mesh from the body and rinse it thoroughly. You can clean the mesh from dirt using a regular toothbrush.
  4. As soon as the mesh is cleaned, you need to insert it back, then screw on the lid.
  5. At the last stage, turn on the water and see if there are any leaks.

Replacing the filter

If it happens that the filter has become unusable, then it will need to be urgently replaced with a new one. Work to replace the Folter coarse filter is carried out in several stages:

  • We need to turn off the water. Next, open all the taps in the house. This is necessary in order to get rid of residual liquid and reduce the pressure in the pipes. The main thing is to close the taps again.
  • We unscrew the coarse filter with a wrench; if there are clamps on the walls, they also need to be removed.
  • At the place where the new filter for coarse water purification, Folter, will be attached, you will need to remove the old seal, then replace it with a new one.
  • When attaching the coarse filter to the wall, you will need to carefully ensure that the installed gaskets do not move out of their places.
  • At the next stage, after the replacement has been made, you will need to turn on the water again and see if there are any leaks.

How to replace cartridges with your own hands in cartridge-type coarse filters:

  • First we turn off the water.
  • At the next stage we will need to drain the remaining water.
  • Then you will need to close the tap well, which provides access to the tap fluid to the filter.
  • We take out the cartridge and replace it with a new one.
  • We connect the water and see if there are any leaks.

To better understand how to replace the filter, watch the video presented here:

Help in choosing

The choice of a coarse filter must be approached responsibly and based on certain goals. The fact is that it is neither reasonable nor economically profitable to purify all the water supplied to the house until it is drinkable. To get rid of large particles in tap water, you can buy a filter - a flask or a coarse mesh filter. But if you want to purify drinking water efficiently, then choose a multi-stage purification system that is installed under the sink.

Also, do not forget to remove a separate tap for supplying already purified water. This system is one of the best and most affordable. To provide better protection to household appliances and plumbing fixtures, then purchase Folter fine filters; they will significantly reduce water hardness. Today on the market the cost of such filters is within reasonable limits. Installing and replacing such a filter is quick and easy.

The video presented here will help you decide on the choice of filter:

Review of the best filter models for water purification

Today, filters from Honeywell have gained enormous popularity. The company offers only the best models that can provide effective water purification not only from algae, sand and other contaminants, but also provide protection for equipment during pressure surges. Honeywell filters are high quality, easy to install and easy to use.

Also worth highlighting are the filters from Arkal. These models are in no way inferior to Honeywell filters in functionality and quality. In our country, this manufacturing company is not so widely represented yet, but in Europe, coarse filters from this company are very popular. There is another manufacturing company whose products are in wide demand and are considered one of the best on the market, this is Rusfilter.

The company offers models of coarse filters that provide high-quality water purification from mud, sand particles and other contaminants. It is also impossible not to mention Valtec engineered plumbing products. This is an Italian and our domestic joint project. Valtec, like Honeywell, offers a fairly wide range of filters for water purification.

In the photo above you can see what the Honeywell F76S wash filter looks like, providing fine water purification.


The price of water filtration equipment will depend on the manufacturer, size, type and purpose. Below is a table showing prices for filter systems.

It's no secret that the water that comes to our apartment from the central water supply is undrinkable. Even household tasks such as washing dishes or washing clothes require a certain level of water quality. Qualitative improvement of tap water is only possible by using filters to purify tap water. There is a huge selection of filter systems, from the most inexpensive to the most productive, bringing water parameters to almost ideal. In this article we will tell you how to choose a water filter, tell you about the existing varieties and operating rules.

From this article you will learn:

    What are the features of a coarse water filter?

    What are the features of a fine water filter?

    What are the features of a main water filter?

Coarse water filter: types and maintenance

Any owner of his own home that is not connected to the central water supply system does not even have questions about the need to install a filter on the water pipe. Water from a well or well must undergo a purification cycle to remove impurities of dirt, sand, harmful microorganisms, etc. This situation does not even require discussion. A filter for tap water is a necessary attribute in the private residential sector. But apartment owners are not so categorical in their beliefs, and many of them have doubts about the need to install a water filter.

Of course, a central water purification system involves the presence of mechanical filters that trap solid particles and chemical treatment that neutralizes the effect of pathogenic microorganisms on the water. But water, passing through the entire plumbing system, absorbs rust, mineral deposits and fungal formations from the inner walls of the pipeline. In this form, this liquid enters our apartment. In order for the quality of water to improve to drinking level, it is necessary to install a multi-stage purification system.

The absence, for example, of a coarse water filter will lead to the need to quickly replace seals on all plumbing fittings. A coarse filter is required for the normal operation of household appliances connected to water. Without its presence in the home plumbing system, faucets will quickly fail, becoming clogged with dirt and debris.

A coarse water filter is often equipped with a metal mesh with small cells that trap all solid impurities. Next, the water can flow to a fine filter or go directly to the mixer.

Filters for tap water in an apartment work on a similar principle, but may differ in the material of manufacture, shape, method of insertion into the pipe, type of filter element and method of removing accumulated residues.

One of the most popular types of water filters for rough cleaning. The filter element is a micro-mesh stainless steel mesh. The cell size can vary depending on the model in the range of 50–400 microns. It has a long service life and does not require replacement of consumables (they are simply not available in this type of filter). The models differ from each other only in the method of insertion into the pipe, the cleaning method and the location of the filter elements relative to each other.

The only differences here are in the method of inserting into the water pipe. If the diameter of the water pipe is equal to or greater than two inches, then a flange type of filter is installed. Due to their large diameter, such filters are installed on water supply mains and at junction points of apartment buildings.

The flanges are mounted on bolts or studs, which greatly facilitates their dismantling without the need to disassemble other elements of the plumbing system. The presence of such flanges must be included in the house design at the very beginning of construction.

The apartments use coarse water filters with threaded connections. Such a filter is mounted directly on a water pipe or connected to it with American nuts (quick-release nuts).

A coarse water filter consists of two pipes (inlet and outlet) and a reservoir (sump) in which the water is filtered. The direction of the tank relative to the axis of the water pipe divides filters into two categories: oblique and straight.

The reservoir of water filters with a direct arrangement “looks” down (perpendicular to the water flow). The size of the tank affects the speed at which the water flows (the larger it is, the lower the speed). Heavy particles remain at the bottom of the sump, and the water is directed further to a mesh with microcells that trap smaller impurities.

It is not difficult to determine a filter for a water pipe with an oblique location of the tank. This option is preferable when there is a minimum distance between water pipes or between a pipe and a wall. A plug or flange cap is screwed onto the end of its reservoir.

Mud collectors with flushing system

The method of cleaning the filter element divides such filters into two categories: non-washable and filters with a flushing system. Oblique filters, as well as some straight ones, are classified as non-washing filters. Cleaning such filters involves disassembling the housing by unscrewing the plug or lid.

Cleaning systems for filters with a direct reservoir location have a drain valve to drain sediment from impurities.

In apartments, flask type filters are often used with a plastic housing on the outside and a filter element (replaceable cartridge) inside. There may be several such flasks in the filter, depending on the degree and level of filtration.

The cartridge can be made of polyester, in the form of threads twisted together or compressed fiber. The degree of filtration of each cartridge is determined in microns. For example, for coarse water filters this figure is 20–30 microns.

In most cases, flask filter cartridges are not maintained, but are replaced with new ones when they become clogged. The flask filter by default should be the second stage of water purification after the coarse filter.

Installation and Maintenance

The installation and further operation of a household water supply filter has its own characteristics, which should not be forgotten.

It is advisable to install a coarse filter at the water inlet to the apartment, in front of the meters. Due to limited space, filters are usually installed with an oblique arrangement of the tank. In any case, such a filter will be able to protect the meter and other elements of the system from rapid clogging and failure.

For proper operation of the filter, it is mounted horizontally, pointing the tank down, which will simplify the cleaning procedure. The arrow on the product body will indicate the correct direction for installing the filter. In some cases, oblique water filters are also installed vertically, and the direction of water movement should go from top to bottom.

Filters with a direct flask arrangement are mounted exclusively on horizontal sections of the water supply system. The installation must take into account the possibility of unhindered servicing of the filter.

For filters with a direct flushing system, it is possible to equip a system with reverse flushing. This is done by adding a bypass loop with taps to the water supply system with the ability to switch the direction of water flow from direct to counter.

In any filter, you periodically need to remove the filter element to replace or clean it. This is especially true for filters that do not have a washing system. This procedure involves blocking the water supply (close the inlet taps), thereby relieving the pressure in the system.

For filters with an oblique connection, the removable nut has hexagonal slots for easy unscrewing with a regular wrench.

Advice: To simplify dismantling and maintain the tightness of the plug fastening, it is necessary to replace the complete paronite gasket with a tow winding.

For filters with vertical placement of flasks, the filter element can be removed using a shaped wrench (usually included in the filter kit) or standard wrenches. When replacing the filter element, you need to pay attention to the condition of the gaskets and seals.

The oblique filter on the water pipe is disassembled, having previously prepared a container for draining the dirt. At the same time, the filter element (mesh) is thoroughly cleaned, rinsing it with water pressure or air from the compressor. As necessary, the mesh is replaced with a new one.

In water filters with a direct reservoir, unscrew the flask and pour out the accumulated sediment. The cartridge is changed when clogged.

Filters equipped with a flushing system do not require disassembly. To clean such a plumbing system from dirt, it is enough to regularly flush with water under pressure by opening a special tap.

Fine water filter

Coarse filters do an excellent job, but the presence of mechanical impurities in the water is far from the only problem. Tap water contains, in various forms, compounds of mineral salts and organic matter. In most cases, the quality of such water does not meet drinking standards.

Modern filters for purifying tap water can change the composition of water to a state that does not require boiling.

Sorption filters for cleaning

Sorption-type cleaners are capable of retaining microparticles of rust, sand, clay and other impurities measuring 20–40 microns. They usually have a long service life and high throughput per unit of time. Some of these purifiers can disinfect tap water using silver, fluoride or iodine.

The sorbent most often is activated carbon (in granules), sometimes aluminosilicates. The ability of activated carbon to absorb substances such as pesticides, heavy metal salts, excess calcium, chlorine and radioactive compounds makes this absorbent one of the most versatile. Aluminosilicates absorb heavy metal salts, harmful microorganisms, and normalize the pH level of water.

The scope of application of sorption-type water filters is very wide, ranging from household devices (jug type and stationary) to high-performance systems mounted on main water pipes. Their restoration occurs due to the reverse direction of water flow.

The body of ion exchange purifiers is made of plastic or stainless steel. Inside there is a reservoir for saline solution and ion exchange material. Tap water is passed through several filter elements, leaving ions of heavy metal salts in them.

The productivity of such purifiers depends on a number of indicators:

    chemical composition of tap water;

    filter element;

    ambient temperature.

Some of the main disadvantages of such cleaning systems are:

    short service life of the filter element;

    the need for disposal of consumables;

    difficult maintenance procedure (requires regeneration tanks).

Tap water in such filters is passed through a membrane with cells up to three microns in size. This cell size allows only water molecules to pass into the next filter compartment. All harmful microorganisms and chemical compounds of any form remain on the membrane. This type of purifier has a fairly long service life of the main filter element (membrane).

A pressure pump supplies tap water to the membrane through the inlet pipe. At the outlet, the water is divided into two reservoirs. The first contains permeate (water with the highest degree of purification), and the second (drainage collector) contains a solution with impurities filtered by a membrane.

The level of filtration can be determined by the size of the cells (micropores) of the membrane:

    no more than 1 micron – microfiltration level;

    no more than 0.1 microns – ultrafiltration level;

    no more than 0.01 microns – filtration at the nano level;

    up to 0.001 microns – reverse osmosis.

Molecular purification of reverse osmosis systems allows you to remove all microorganisms from tap water, including pathogenic bacteria and heavy metal compounds. The water leaving such a filter has a minimal degree of mineralization (about 20% of the original). In some cases, low-mineralized water is necessary, but this is also a disadvantage of such filtration systems.

Filter maintenance

Each type of filter installed on a water pipe has its own maintenance rules:

The sedimentary type requires regular washing of the metal mesh (filter element). The procedure involves relieving water pressure by turning off the taps at the entrance of the water supply to the apartment. The frequency of checking the tank depends on the degree of contamination of the incoming water.

Disc-type filters are removed from the water supply system, the housing is unscrewed and all filter elements (discs) are washed. If necessary (high degree of contamination), a brush is used for cleaning.

Cartridge-type polypropylene cleaners are replaced with new ones after their service life expires. Most manufacturers of filter elements mark them with the throughput of the purifier, measured in liters. But when calculating the service life of the filter element, the initial quality of the water must also be taken into account. The service life of the cartridge can be measured in several months, but if the water quality suddenly deteriorates, the filter instantly becomes clogged.

Reverse osmosis purification systems have different types of fillers, which largely determines their replacement time. Pre-cleaning cartridges are changed approximately every six months, the carbon filter (at the output of the system) is changed once a year, and the membrane itself can last from two to two and a half years. Before replacing cartridges, you should remember their order to ensure proper installation. After replacing one or all filter elements, water from the storage tank can be used by running several liters of water through it empty.

If the filter has not been used for a long time (three or more months), then the water should be disinfected. In the case of a large accumulation of microorganisms on the water pre-filter, the water is exposed to ultraviolet light.

Types and purpose

    Additional purification of tap water. The water coming to our taps from the central water supply is often treated only by chlorination. It is known that chlorine cannot remove all bacteria in water, heavy metal salts and carcinogens.

    Improving the taste properties of water. The taste sensations are affected by various substances contained in tap water, such as chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, and ferrous compounds. The use of a main purifier allows you to improve not only the taste of the water itself, but also the food prepared with it.

    Reducing water hardness. The quality of tap water is also affected by such a parameter as hardness. High values ​​of this indicator lead to negative effects on human skin and hair. With constant use of such water, skin rashes may appear and the hair structure may be damaged.

    Increasing the service life of household appliances. Additional purification of water from the central water supply allows you to get rid of suspended solid impurities in the water, including rust, which significantly reduce the life of plumbing fixtures and household appliances that come into contact with water.

Main water filters have their own classification according to the degree of filtration. They may be:

Rough(primary) cleaning. As a filter element, they are equipped with a mesh with small cells, which traps solid impurities contained in the water. It must be cleaned as it gets dirty to maintain the throughput of the line. In more advanced types of main filters, a multi-stage cleaning system consisting of several meshes is installed. Each subsequent mesh has a smaller cell size. Thus, the water is purified to a level quite sufficient for technical needs.

Fine cleaning. The design of such a cleaning system is as follows: an inlet mesh filter is placed in front of a flask cartridge capable of absorbing the smallest particles ranging in size from 1 to 20 microns. The established standard for such cartridges is the retention of impurities up to 5 microns in size.

As a rule, main filters are installed in conjunction with other filtering devices, for example, with a water softener. This makes the water suitable for cooking and extends the life of household appliances. The softener can be a magnetic (reagent-free) filter that retains mineral salts in the form of sediment. Fine filters are installed exclusively after the coarse cleaning system, otherwise dirt residues will quickly “clog” such a filter, and it will need to be changed frequently.

There is also such a category of equipment as a cleaning system with granular loading. Essentially, this is a main filter with a full cleaning cycle. This system allows you to get rid of chemical and organic impurities and harmful microorganisms. In appearance, it is a large container with a throughput capacity of 16 to 400 l/min. Installing this type of main filter on a water pipe can significantly reduce water hardness and carry out a full cleaning cycle. The only drawback of these systems is their large dimensions.

How to choose a main filter

Do not forget that apartment buildings are equipped with two water mains (for cold and hot water). In private houses where a local heating system is provided, an additional cold water filtration system is required.

Types of inline filters designed for hot water can withstand high temperature loads, but they can also be used for cold water. But reverse interchangeability is unacceptable!

For guidance when choosing a main filter for a water pipe, it is worth considering:

    The amount of nominal pressure loss in the system. It can range from 0.1 to 0.6 bar, and in some cases more. Low water pressure may require the installation of a mains pump.

    Filter capacity.

    Planned volume of water consumption(more is better than less).

    Filter housing size and form factor. Most manufacturers produce filters in the Slim Line and Big Blu series. One of the best water filters for apartments is the 10’’ Big Blu model. It has a blue body with a diameter of 184 mm and a cartridge measuring 10 inches. Filters of this type do an excellent job of retaining chlorine compounds, heavy metal salts, organics, and soften water. Slim Line type systems have a smaller diameter - from 114 to 130 mm. Main filters with a red or orange body color (or stainless steel) are designed for hot water, blue or transparent filters are for cold water.

    Properties of the filter element. For each type of pollution there are corresponding neutralizers.

Modern coarse mesh filters for the main line have a multilayer design located in a steel pipe. They are capable of trapping particles up to 50 microns in size. The most preferred filter models are those with a flushing function. They are more productive and less troublesome to maintain. It is also worth paying attention to the correspondence of the diameter of the water pipe to the pipes on the filter.

The main filter is installed on the water pipe, and in sectors with water supply and drainage it is recommended to install a bypass and shut-off valves. For ease of maintenance, the cartridge should be placed in a convenient place.

When choosing a particular water filter system, it can be difficult to take into account all the nuances. Therefore, we recommend turning to professionals. There are many companies on the Russian market that develop water treatment systems. It is quite difficult to choose one or another type of water filter on your own, without the help of a professional. And even more so, you should not try to install a water treatment system yourself, even if you have read several articles on the Internet and it seems to you that you have figured it out.

It is safer to contact a filter installation company that provides a full range of services - specialist consultation, water analysis from a well or well, selection of suitable equipment, delivery and connection of the system. In addition, it is important that the company provides filter maintenance.

Our company Biokit offers a wide selection of reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment that can return tap water to its natural characteristics.

Our company’s specialists are ready to help you:

    connect the filtration system yourself;

    understand the process of choosing water filters;

    select replacement materials;

    troubleshoot or solve problems with the involvement of specialist installers;

    find answers to your questions over the phone.

Trust water purification systems from Biokit - let your family be healthy!

Much has been said about the quality of the water flowing from our taps. At the same time, the vast majority of reviews are completely negative. And this is not surprising, because the plumbing system for the most part consists of old rusty pipes, abundantly supplying the water flowing through them with particles of rust, silt, and sand.

All this slag, called mechanical waste, is not only harmful and dangerous for the human body, but often leads to the breakdown of expensive plumbing equipment.

The only way out in this situation remains. Coarse (mechanical) impurities are successfully screened out using coarse filters.

However, the quality of water still remains low, since all kinds of undissolved chemical compounds, organic matter, salts, and microorganisms remain in it in large quantities.

The use of a fine water purification filter for plumbing allows you to sift out this suspension, resulting in high-quality water suitable for drinking and household use.

How they are structured and what they are

The category of fine water purification filters includes cleaning devices with various technological characteristics that perform the functions of disinfection, iron removal, and water softening.

Before connecting a fine water filter, you need to take care of preliminary rough mechanical cleaning. Modern urban planning provides for the installation of stationary mechanical filters, the so-called mud filters.

The throughput of the metal mesh barrier in such filters is 100−200 microns. In other cases, you need to take care of installing them yourself.

The fine water filter is capable of retaining particles measuring 5 microns. Such deep filtration is important not only for obtaining drinking water, but also for the full operation of such modern equipment as:

  • instantaneous boilers;
  • washing machines;
  • dishwashers;
  • shower cabins;
  • hydromassage baths;
  • other plumbing.

Important! To filter hot water, it is necessary to install a filtration system designed specifically for hot water. The maximum permissible values ​​are indicated in the technical documentation.

Fine filters are sensitive to sudden temperature and pressure changes in the water supply. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally install a pressure regulator or purchase a filter model with a built-in regulator.

Operating principle and device

The operation of a fine water filter is based on the characteristics of the filter material. By passing water through itself, the filter barrier traps unnecessary impurities and suspended matter. In this case, the quality of the output product depends on the size of the filter cells or the chemical composition of the reagent.

The following components are used in various fine filter models:

  • mesh metal barriers;
  • sorption filters that actively purify water from chlorine, heavy metal salts, microorganisms and bacteria;
  • reverse osmosis membranes;
  • ion exchange resins;
  • woven filters;
  • mineral filters.

All types of filters

Reticulate metal filter is the most common, affordable and reliable. The fine-mesh structure of the mesh, made of anodized silver or stainless steel, allows you to obtain a fairly high-quality product.

Included sorption filters usually contain activated carbon or aluminosilicates, which can attract excess material at the molecular level. With the help of sorption filters, the smallest chemical elements, their mixtures, and microorganisms are eliminated from water.

Sorbents add freshness to water and eliminate foreign odors. The disadvantage of such filters is the need to periodically replace the filler. In addition, sorption filters can reduce the operating pressure in the water supply.

Membrane filters provide the highest quality of water purification (5−10 microns), but have a number of design features. A filter with a reverse osmosis membrane consists of several adjacent reservoirs (metal or plastic).

The entire system contains a special filtration element that protects the main filter - a polymer nanomembrane. An inconvenience when installing a membrane filter is the need to maintain special pressure. In this regard, it is necessary to supplement the system with a reservoir for filtered water.

Ion exchange filters operate on the principle of hydrolysis. Anionic and cationic resins that attract elements and compounds of opposite polarity in a liquid medium are used as filter materials. This allows you to reduce the hardness of water and free it from heavy metal salts.

Fabric filters are in high demand among consumers. A multilayer fabric membrane is installed in the cartridge as a filter material. This material has a high degree of filtration, is environmentally friendly, but, unfortunately, is designed for a certain operating cycle. Used material is recycled and replaced with new material.

In mineral filters Usually the natural mineral zeolite or shungite is used as backfill. Such filters simultaneously perform the functions of both mechanical and chemical water purification, providing a high degree of purification. Mineral fine filters are considered the best and are deservedly in high demand.

In fine water filters, cartridges or filter material must be changed periodically. A signal to action is a decrease in the salt balance in purified water, which must be kept under control.

Design features

The industry produces two types of flow-through filters for fine water purification:

  • stationary (mounted in front of the tap);
  • nozzles (attached directly to the faucet).

They vary significantly in both price and quality. The final choice of one design type or another depends, first of all, on the purchasing power of the consumer and, of course, on the requirements put forward for the filter.

The most common models are made of stainless steel, but you can purchase a system with a transparent tank made of high-quality heat-resistant plastic.

In addition, models are produced that combine several filtration principles at the same time.

Which one is better to use in an apartment?

For installation in a city apartment, flow-through ones with any filtration material are, of course, suitable. They are usually installed in a secluded place under the kitchen sink, are practically invisible and easy to use (replacing cartridges).

Their discreet presence ensures the supply of high-quality, purified water without hassle. The average throughput of such a system is 2 liters. per minute. This is quite enough for the average consumer.

We select for a dacha or country house

A mobile filter jug ​​is ideal for a country holiday. This cleaning device does not require any connection, is compact and extremely easy to use. To obtain clean water, simply pour the required volume into the flask, which has a special replaceable filter module built into it.

The filtering capacity of one such module is 300 liters. For a family of 1-2 people, one module is usually enough for 2-3 months.

If there is a large amount of water consumed in a country house, it is still preferable to install flow filters in the form of attachments on the water tap. Their advantage is not only a higher degree of purification and reliability, but also mobility.

Such a filter is connected only if necessary using a small hose, after which the filter attachment is removed and put away in a storage place.

Choosing the best

Despite the abundance of domestic manufacturers and a huge range of cleaning systems, more and more positive reviews are addressed to world leaders recognized on many continents.

Such a manufacturer is, of course, the German company Honeywell, which produces water purification filters using the latest technologies.

Honeywell water purification systems have gained popularity in European and American markets. Honeywell filters are equipped with a reverse self-cleaning system, which allows you to use filter materials much longer without resorting to preventive measures or completely replacing them.

In addition, thanks to this system, the quality of filtered water is an order of magnitude higher than in conventional filters.

Comparative price review

The price range of fine water purification systems from various manufacturers is very wide. It’s safe to say that a huge assortment, combined with a flexible pricing policy, is attracting more and more buyers of all ranks and classes.

Thus, the most popular fine filter from Honeywell, depending on the modification, number of cleaning stages, type of system and type of connection, can cost from 3,500 to 21,000 rubles.

Similar domestically produced systems from the Barrier Profi BB company, due to their affordable prices and high quality of cleaning, are also in great demand among the population. The system will cost the buyer from 2800 to 6800 rubles. Cassettes for this filter can cost from 1700 to 2800 rubles.

Domestic filters of the Geyser brand will cost from 2,500 rubles. for a country version of a treatment system up to 5,000 rubles. for a compact reverse osmosis system, and Ecodoctor filters - 4,500 rubles.

Filter systems from the Aquaphor company have a fairly wide price range: from 1000 rubles. for a jug-type filter up to 75,000 rubles. for a water purification system extracted from wells with a filtration rate of up to 30 liters per minute.

Among foreign manufacturers we can note the well-known companies Grohe, Rumxin, ITAFilter, Pentair Water.

We check the operation of the fine filter under experimental conditions. The video shows how the filter works in real conditions.

The water we use in everyday life must be purified. In this case, the source of water intake is not so important. This could be water from a well that you drilled on your property, or from a water supply system with a centralized water supply.

It necessarily contains various impurities: rust, scale, grains of sand, silt or other substances, the presence of which can have a negative impact on our health and on the operation of plumbing equipment and appliances. To prevent these negative consequences, you need a water purification filter for plumbing. In this article you will learn what filters are and how exactly they work.

A healthy person, in ideal conditions, when he is neither hot nor cold, can live without water for no more than 5 days. Humans need fluids because our bodies are 70% water.

It is not surprising that we place high demands on the quality of the liquid we consume.

It's not just people who contribute to water pollution. This can also happen naturally: dirt gets into water streams even in the event of prolonged rains, for example

Meanwhile, environmental threats are getting worse, as we know well. From year to year, gas pollution and smoke levels in the atmosphere are increasing. Finding organic food and quality water is becoming increasingly difficult.

Even the water that is centrally purified and comes to us from the water supply cannot be considered truly clean.

Its contamination is facilitated by the inherent properties of the liquid itself: it perfectly dissolves some harmful chemicals. During the cleaning process, only the most toxic contaminants are removed from it. The chlorine or fluorine used in this process are themselves toxic elements that negatively affect human health.

The water that comes to us through the water supply system may not meet drinking status due to old, outdated water mains.

Specialists involved in centralized water treatment are responsible for its quality until it leaves the water distribution station. But it will not reach the end consumer soon.

And no one controls the sections of water mains through which it will pass from the inside. At the same time, the age of water pipelines suggests that it is in them that the greatest contamination can occur.

The negative impact of untreated water on the human body is obvious:

  • increased hardness promotes salt deposition;
  • excess manganese has a negative effect on the skeletal system;
  • the presence of excess iron threatens liver disease, reproductive failure and the development of a heart attack;
  • other negative consequences also arise.

But dirty water harms not only our body, but also our wallet. Expensive plumbing equipment and fixtures can break because they are not designed to withstand extreme loads.

The most obvious damage may be the following:

  • lime deposits clog the holes of the nozzles and shower head;
  • Under the influence of high temperatures, magnesium and calcium salts form scale, which causes water heating devices to quickly fail.

Modern special plumbing fixtures are designed in such a way that the water that enters it must be pre-treated. And people who care about their own health prefer to drink either already purified bottled water or use special household filters in order to protect tap water.

Poor quality water can not only negatively affect the health of any person, but also damage plumbing equipment and appliances

To purify water from substances and elements harmful to humans and plumbing, water filters are used. With their help, you can get rid of heavy metals, particles that do not dissolve, impurities, bacteria, viruses, chlorine, etc.

Water filters are classified according to a variety of criteria. For example, you can divide them by scope. After all, they are necessary and in demand in a variety of places and for various purposes: for private homes, for domestic use, for aquariums, for industrial needs and as camping equipment.

Filters for water purification are used everywhere: they are needed in industrial facilities, in everyday life, and even for purifying water in aquariums

According to the cleaning method used in the device, the following filters are distinguished: mechanical, electrical, physicochemical, biological, ion exchange and reverse osmosis.

According to the degree of purification of water from harmful impurities, filters are divided into fine and coarse purification products.

Coarse filters

Coarse water filters to protect plumbing provide a minimum level of purification, which is called coarse. They are able to filter out only large impurities: sand, rust, scale, etc. Their device is based on the same principle of mechanical cleaning, so they are all similar.

Most often, they are installed at the very beginning of the distribution, where water is distributed in the directions of its final consumption: to the kitchen, to the toilet and to the bathroom. There is a filter element inside the device: usually a metal mesh located in the direction of water movement.

In this coarse filter, the filter element is a mesh made of stainless steel: it is capable of trapping pieces of rust, scale, silt, sand, etc.

A mandatory part of it is a settling tank, which is needed to accumulate filtered particles. It needs cleaning periodically. At least three to four times a year, the water is turned off and the sump is cleaned.

However, various coarse cleaning devices also have distinctive features. They differ in the methods of cleaning settling tanks, the method of installation in the pipeline, the shape of the settling tank and the type of filter element.

By type of filter element

A mesh filter can be considered the simplest device designed for rough cleaning. It uses a stainless steel mesh with a mesh size in the range of 50-400 microns. It is attached using a threaded connection so that the inspection cover is at the bottom. The undoubted advantage of these devices is their durability.

A replaceable cartridge is placed in this flask. The bulb cannot simply be screwed onto the pipe; it must be fixed to the wall

The bulb of the cartridge device is attached to the wall. It contains a cartridge inside. Its filtering capacity depends on the material from which the cartridge is made. These can be pressed fibers, twisted polypropylene thread or polyester. To perform rough cleaning, you need a cartridge of 20-30 microns.

After the cartridge has served its intended period, it cannot be washed and reinserted into the flask. It just needs to be replaced with a new one. The only way to increase its service life is to additionally install a mesh filter in front of the cartridge filter.

According to the shape of the sump

Strain filters are simple in design: they have inlet and outlet pipes and a settling tank that needs to be cleaned periodically. If the pipe on which the filter is attached is located vertically or too close to the floor, you need to choose oblique devices in which the sump is made at an angle to the watercourse.

In all other cases, choose straight models with a sump, which is located perpendicular to the watercourse. Straight filters are more massive than oblique filters. When choosing this device, you need to make sure that there is enough space under the pipe not only to secure it, but also for further work with its sump.

These two coarse filters differ from each other only in shape: the left filter is straight, and the right one is oblique

It is believed that a direct filter does its job more efficiently because its settling tank has a larger volume. It is sealed using a flange cap or threaded plug.

According to the method of installation in the pipeline

The filter can be inserted into the water supply in different ways. Depending on the installation method, there are threaded (coupling) and flanged devices.

  • Flanged. Using a stud or bolted flange connection, the filters are mounted on junctions located in the basements of multi-storey buildings, or on main water pipelines. Such devices are easy to remove if necessary. Other elements of the water pipeline are not involved.
  • Threaded. Such filters are installed on pipes with a diameter of up to 2 inches. They can be screwed on or connected to pipes using American quick-release nuts.

According to the method of cleaning the sump

All oblique models and those straight ones that have removable sump covers are considered non-flushing and are called mud tanks. To rid the sump sump of accumulated dirt, you need to disassemble the device and clean it.

Some straight filters have an outlet valve and a flushing system. When the tap is open, the resulting sediment is drained into the sewer system, and cleaning is carried out by direct or reverse flow of water.

What else you need to know about rough cleaning

The coarse filter is sold ready for use. The only thing you need to do before installing it is to clean the new plumbing from rust and scale. Sometimes the filter may receive additional load from the pipeline in the event of its skew, vibration and other similar influences. This should be avoided by providing compensation or support elements.

The filter is installed so that it is turned downwards with the inspection cover. If water flows from bottom to top, the device should be installed on a horizontal part of the pipeline. It is necessary to ensure the reliability of threaded connections to prevent leaks.

When it is impossible or impractical to install filters directly on the water supply, you can purchase this elegant nozzle that attaches directly to the tap

In modern new buildings, filters are installed simultaneously with the water supply, but in other buildings they are also easy to install, since they are sold in any plumbing store. If installing the device on a pipe is impossible for some reason, you can buy a nozzle model that fits onto the faucet and is also capable of coping well with rough cleaning.

We invite you to get more information by watching the video:

Fine filters

It is impossible to make water absolutely pure with the help of rough cleaning. Fine filters for tap water are needed to protect plumbing equipment and our health.

The following are used as filter materials in such devices:

  • ion exchange resins;
  • reverse osmosis membranes;
  • sorption materials.

Replacement of working elements in any of these models occurs quite often: their service life depends on the volume of purified water or on the duration of operation.

A fine filter turns any water into drinking water, but its very presence is almost invisible: it is hidden from view in the space under the sink

Degrees of water purification

Depending on the depth of water purification, filters may consist of several stages of protection. Each stage provides a specific type of protection. For example, in a three-stage filter, the first stage performs mechanical cleaning, the second - chemical, and the third stage is responsible for conditioning the water, improving its smell, color and organoleptic properties.

For more information about the three-stage filter and additional cleaning in filters with a large number of stages, see the video.

Cleansing at the molecular level

Only one percent of impurities may be present in water that has passed through a reverse osmosis filter. After all, the pore size in its thin-film membrane is only 0.0001 microns. Only a water molecule can overcome such a hole.

Perhaps someone will think the price that they have to pay for this luxurious five-stage filter is too high, but health is generally priceless

As a rule, cleaning systems that include such protective barriers consist of five stages of protection:

  • 1st stage– mechanical purification of water from coarse impurities is carried out using a cartridge (15-30 microns);
  • 2nd stage– gases, chlorine and its compounds are removed using activated carbon;
  • 3rd stage– compressed activated carbon retains the smallest mechanical impurities;
  • 4th stage– purification is carried out using reverse osmosis;
  • 5th stage– a carbon post-filter is used.

The only disadvantage of reverse osmosis is that the water loses not only the harmful substances it contained, but also the useful ones. Therefore, mineralizers are usually used with such a filter.

Application of Woven Filter

A woven type filter looks like a cylinder with a rope wound around it. It is capable of purifying water from salts, metal oxides and some chemicals that are added, for example, to hot water to maintain its high temperature.

The condition of this filter must be monitored. If its color has changed, it should be changed or cleaned. You can clean it by boiling: if the original color has returned, you can continue using it.

Secrets of the mineral filter

If the filter element is a mesh-shaped cylinder with mineralized crumbs inside, then this is a mineral filter. It perfectly protects against chemical additives and salts. But when salt appears on its own surface, it should be replaced.

A mineral filter will purify the water from salts and various chemical additives that can seriously harm us, but you also need to remember to change it on time

The adhesive filter has proven itself well. Its active component reacts with fractions dissolved in water, neutralizing them. As a result, the drum gradually changes its color. Over time, the drum needs to be replaced.

What happens if you don’t make a timely replacement? Water contaminants accumulated in the filter will be released back into the water. The function of the device will change: instead of purifying water from impurities, it will saturate it with them.

Which device do you need?

The choice of a specific filter to install in your apartment or country house depends on the tasks that must be solved with its appearance. Most likely, there is no need to turn all the water into drinking water. It would be too expensive and impractical.

The final goal will be achieved if your child can drink unboiled tap water even at the dacha, and you will be sure that he will not get sick

Water that is used for heating and some similar purposes only needs rough cleaning. But in the kitchen it is better to use a multi-stage filter, with the help of which you will obtain high-quality water that you can drink without boiling.

Located on your site, the water quality in it will still not be ideal. And in order to ensure that the water supply system is not contaminated with all sorts of impurities (from iron to sand and silt), it is important to install a cleaning system that will prevent the entry of dirt.

This will have a beneficial effect both on the taste and quality of drinking water, and on the condition of the equipment (boiler, washing machine, shut-off and control valves, pipeline), which also suffers from contaminated liquid. And the very first step in getting rid of impurities is cleaning the water using a coarse filter.

1 Purpose and features of filters

As the name suggests, a coarse filter is necessary to capture the largest suspended particles that may be contained in the water entering the house (apartment). This is, first of all, sand, silt, and various organic matter. For this reason, the device is installed at the very beginning of the cleaning system - before other types of filters.

Its installation is necessary for the following reasons:

  • the filter prevents solid suspensions from entering the plumbing and heating systems;
  • The following filters (fine filters, aeration filters, softeners) receive less load - due to the fact that fewer impurities simply reach them.

As a consequence of the first point, dirt is prevented from getting into the equipment:

  • inside the washing machine;
  • toilet cistern;
  • water heater;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • cranes;
  • dishwashers

Each of the devices listed above has a specific water quality requirement. For example, the installation of a washing machine (as well as dishwashers and boilers) should be carried out only if available - this item is separately indicated in the instructions.

Otherwise, the operating life of the washing machine is significantly reduced - since its design is quite complex, and solid impurities can damage individual parts.

And a regular water tap in your kitchen is also unlikely to withstand the presence of dirt in the water well - its shut-off and control device (a ball with a hole) may become clogged or begin to open and close worse. This nuance especially applies to expensive devices - the same washing machine from some well-known brand, in the first place.

In addition, poor water quality can also harm meters – the purchase and installation of which are also expensive.

As for filters of other types, their work (if there is a stage of rough water purification) is significantly simplified, since they will receive fewer impurities. As a result, you will have to change cartridges less often, which means you will save money.

In addition to use in apartments and houses, the use of devices of this type is no less important at production facilities - an industrial coarse filter in this case performs the same function:

2 What types of coarse filters are there?

The filter itself is extremely simple: in fact, it is a metal filter that traps impurities from the water. It is enclosed in a housing (usually metal), which has an inlet and outlet pipe.

Below the pipes there is a part called the settling tank - the department where, in fact, filtration occurs. Initially, the water speed in this part decreases, which allows impurities to settle to the bottom of the body rather than be carried away further. Then the liquid passes through a mesh, which traps dirt.

The design of the coarse filter may differ in a number of parameters, which should be considered separately.

First of all, we should mention the material from which the mesh is made. Most often it is steel, less often bronze or brass. These durable connections are resistant to mechanical damage and withstand pressure changes.

The difference is in the connection method - the filter can be mounted in the system using a coupling or flange connection. This difference is determined by the dimensions - with a diameter of 2 inches or more, a flange is used, if smaller, a coupling is used.

The industrial version is usually mounted using these methods; in other cases, threaded filters are used. Such household models are relevant for pipelines running inside apartments and residential cottages. In this case, the installation can be done either directly with the pipe or through the “American” one.

Pore ​​size is, in fact, a key quality parameter that affects how well the filter can clean water. The smaller the size of the mesh cells, the more dirt it can naturally hold. For a coarse filter, this parameter varies from 50 to 400 microns.

Based on the location of the sump tank, products can also be divided into two categories:

  1. Direct.
  2. Oblique.

In the first case, the sump is located perpendicular to the water flow, forming a T-shaped body with inlet and outlet pipes. Thanks to this solution, this department can be quite large in size. Therefore, a direct settling tank will be able to better purify the water passing through it.

The oblique design of the body is easy to determine visually - in this case, the sump is installed at an angle to the water flow. This reduces efficiency compared to a straight filter. Not by much, of course - household filters of this type will also cope with the task successfully.

However, they are best used where installing a straight model is simply impossible due to lack of free space (for example, when the pipeline runs too close to the floor or to another pipe).

One of the relatively new and very useful nuances is also the method of cleaning the filter itself - after all, sooner or later the sump tank will overflow with accumulated dirt, which will need to be removed from there. In this regard, products are divided into two categories:

  1. Sump.
  2. Filter with washing system.

The first option is non-flushing. This category includes oblique devices and some straight ones. In this case, the sump is closed with a removable lid - through which you can clean the device from dirt.

Its disadvantage is that cleaning in this case requires disassembling the device - the cover will first have to be unscrewed and then installed back.

The second option is more convenient - in this case the body is equipped with a tap. Cleaning is extremely simple: the tap opens and the sediment is drained into a substitute container.

You can find an even more advanced option on sale - a self-cleaning coarse filter. Such a device is equipped with two sensors - one is installed at the input, the second at the output. By measuring pressure, sensors record its difference - if at the outlet (after cleaning) it decreases, it means that the self-cleaning filter is dirty.

It is cleaned through a valve that opens and releases sediment. The good thing about a self-cleaning filter is that you don’t have to monitor the condition of the unit - it will automatically be able to determine the need for cleaning and perform it.

The most famous representative producing such models is Honeywell. Honeywell filters are most often used in industry, but for domestic purposes the company also produces a number of models suitable for water supply.

Of course, Honeywell devices are an order of magnitude more expensive than simpler options - this, in fact, is their only drawback.

3 Installation rules

Correct installation of the filter is a fairly important question (it does not matter which option will be installed - a regular cheap mud filter or an expensive self-cleaning one). Let's look at where and how to install this unit correctly:

  1. Installation must be carried out before the meter.
  2. The filter should be positioned correctly on a horizontal section (relevant only for straight models - oblique models can also be installed on vertical segments of the pipeline).
  3. Installation of the oblique filter is carried out with the sump facing down.
  4. To install the unit correctly, pay attention to the direction of the arrow on the body: it must coincide with the direction of fluid flow.

As an option, filters can be installed separately in front of each device. First of all, this is relevant for the washing machine and dishwasher - this equipment is the most demanding on the quality of the water used.

3.1 Filter cleaning steps

If you have a non-self-cleaning filter installed, the unit will require cleaning from time to time. You can clean it properly with your own hands. Moreover, this should be done regularly - otherwise the water pressure into the system will weaken.

The easiest way to clean is for devices that have a tap - in this case, just open it and drain the sediment into a nearby container. For mud collectors, the procedure will be a little more complicated:

  1. The water supply before and after the filter should be shut off.
  2. You need to unscrew the nuts on the filter cover (using an adjustable wrench).

Be prepared for water to flow out from under the lid when the fasteners are loosened. So before unscrewing the nuts, prepare some container and place it under the filter.

After the water has drained, you can remove the mesh from the filter. It should be cleaned of rust, plaque, and scale - simply by rinsing it under running water. After that, you can rinse the filter itself by slightly opening the water supply tap. Then you can put the mesh in place and screw on the lid.

3.2 How to disassemble the coarse filter? (video)