Installation of a cold roof from a metal tile. Cold roof device: material selection and installation. Waterproofing cold roofs - is it necessary?

Today, more and more developers are asking this question. The fact is that a cold roofing system allows you to build a residential building for relatively little money, when an insulated roof requires enormous costs both financially and in terms of time and effort. Realizing that such a system is in a sense better, many developers have wondered if a vapor barrier is needed under a cold roof?

Cold roof construction in a residential building

Many developers who want to save some money on construction tend to purchase the cheapest materials, but at the same time, so that the quality of the entire building does not suffer much from this. This is possible if primitive two slopes are used as a rafter system, corrugated board as a covering, and the roof is made cold.

The design features of such a roof can be listed on the fingers, since there is no need to lay heat-insulating material, a vapor barrier layer and other components that are often found on insulated roofs. If you all doubt the savings, then it is safe to say that the cold version will cost 50-60% less than the insulated design. In addition, the work can be carried out independently, therefore, the savings will increase even more.

A cold roof pie, in most cases, includes the following products:

  • rafter legs
  • waterproofing material
  • Control lathing
  • crate
  • Profiled metal sheet

Do I need waterproofing under the metal roof of a cold roof?

It is worth noting that all metal surfaces have one similar feature, they collect condensate. Waterproofing, which is part of the roofing pie with a cold roof, will correct this problem and protect the room from incoming moisture, both from the outside and from the inside. Many developers, when building an insulated roof, advise their friends not to lay a vapor barrier layer if they are building a building with a cold type of roof. They think that the cold will remove the condensation that is visible on metal products, but they are greatly mistaken.

Condensation occurs due to the temperature difference between the roof space and the external environment. Naturally, when the attic is not heated and not insulated with anything, the difference will be small, but still it is sufficient to provoke the release of moisture from the air. As you can see, condensate will form regardless of the type of roof, therefore, the question posed at the beginning of the paragraph can be answered unequivocally: yes, it is needed.

An example is outbuildings, the owners of which do not care much about their service life. In such buildings, the roofing cake is the most primitive and even violates building codes and regulations. Most often, a roofing cake consists of rafters, discharged lathing and roofing. All layers of vapor barrier and waterproofing were simply thrown out. Despite this fact, this building can stand for a significantly long period, or vice versa, fall apart after a couple of years. Here you are already lucky, but why take risks if you can do everything in a quality way?

Risks cannot be allowed on residential buildings, as someone's life may depend on it. I am not exaggerating, because if the condensate affects the rafter system and other roof elements for a long time, it will simply destroy them, which can lead to the fall of the entire roofing pie.

IMPORTANT: If at the beginning of construction you decided to build a cold roof, but later on after a certain period you will insulate it, then it is best to lay a microperforated film as a waterproofing product. Its properties are practically no different, but according to the price tag, it is much lower than membranes.

Waterproofing and ventilation of a cold roof

If you are laying a micro-perforated product, then such a layer will block moisture from the outside, but water vapor can pass through this area without problems. It can be said that the installation of vapor barrier products on roof slopes is not necessary in this case. After the steam penetrates inside, it is between the waterproofing material and the metal coating, from where it is removed by natural ventilation.

IMPORTANT: When a dense waterproofing film is used that retains water vapor, this leads to a significant increase in air humidity and, as a rule, dampness in the room.

With increased air humidity, condensation processes begin, so moisture accumulates on the reverse side of the film and penetrates into all roofing materials. In connection with this fact, it is not recommended to use materials such as polyethylene and polypropylene, roofing felt, and glassine for the construction of a cold roof.

The ventilation system of cold roofs is quite simple. To create it, gaps are left, which, as a rule, are located along the cornice overhang. Air masses pass through them, collect all the humidified air and remove it through a cold triangle located in the ridge part of the roof.

The counter grille is a design to provide additional ventilation. Most often it can be found on complex roofing systems, where products with a high degree of waterproofing are used as a coating, for example, metal, shingles and others. The gap that is created by installing the counter-batten allows fresh air to dry the roofing pie from both sides, so structures with such a pie last much longer than the others.

Cold roof. Do buildings need waterproofing?

First of all, it should be noted that outbuildings differ significantly from residential buildings both in their structure and volume. The vast majority of developers are trying to save on the construction of secondary structures, so the issue of waterproofing is more relevant than ever. Before answering the question posed, let's deal with the coverage. To date, corrugated board is one of the cheapest materials, so I will talk about buildings covered with it.

Manufacturers from different countries are striving to produce such products so that the whole world begins to use it. If you are a fan of corrugated board, then today, such material is a sheet of metal with an anti-condensation coating.

In its appearance, it practically does not differ from its counterparts. A synthetic composition is applied from the inside, it looks like felt. Due to the large number of pores, this material is able to retain up to 1 liter of water per square meter. After the surface has been saturated with moisture, ventilation comes into play and if it is done in accordance with all the rules and regulations, then the drying process will not take much time.

Thanks to the laying of such a "cunning" coating, the need for laying a vapor barrier and waterproofing layer is removed, but it should be understood that the weight of such a coating will vary depending on weather conditions. When making the necessary calculations, it is very important to take into account these parameters and use them in the calculations. It is worth noting that the finished roof will be much cheaper, because it will not have almost half the roofing cake.

Installation of waterproofing for a cold roof

So, based on the information obtained above, you realized that the waterproofing material is laid regardless of the type of roof and the functional purpose of the building. However, if you want to save money, you can use roofing with an anti-condensation layer, but not all people like metal coatings, so I will now tell you the general principle of laying waterproofing.

  • First of all, an inexperienced roofer must repeat the safety precautions and the principle of working at height. After that, he puts on a special uniform, which should include the following: personal protective equipment, good shoes with non-slip soles and a mounting belt.
  • After the rafter legs are fixed in place, you can start laying the vapor barrier layer. It is attached to the rafters with a construction stapler and pressed against the crate. With a small slope, the strips of material are placed across the slope, and along the strongly sloped slopes. To improve the quality of laying this layer, the joints are smeared with bitumen or glued with double tape.

IMPORTANT: Before installing the crate, it is very important to treat its elements with special protective solutions that will increase the degree of ignition of the wood and protect it from decay.

  • Next, the counter-lattice is laid. It creates the necessary air gap, thanks to which moisture will be removed from the roofing cake.
  • A waterproofing material is laid on top of the konroblattice.
  • After that, proceed to the installation of sheets of corrugated board.

Most developers strive to cover as much length as possible with one strip of profiled sheet. This is justified by the fact that in this way fewer joints are obtained, therefore, the waterproofing qualities of the entire roof increase significantly. You can do all the work yourself, but to increase efficiency it is better to invite 1-2 partners.

Most modern houses have a cold attic. Compared to a warm attic or attic, such a roof is less expensive in terms of materials and installation time, but don't let the simplicity of the device fool you. To avoid mistakes when constructing a cold roof, use the instructions from RMNT.

Thermal engineering of a cold attic

Warm air always moves upward, penetrating even the slightest cracks and gaps in the ceiling. To keep maximum heat inside the house, a sufficiently powerful heat protection belt up to 300-350 mm thick is arranged above the ceiling. Thermal insulation is laid as tightly as possible in order to slow down the ascending hot flow as much as possible.

The insulation needs to be protected from getting wet, so the steam that is carried by warm air needs to be blocked. For these purposes, the ceiling is covered from the inside with a vapor barrier - a special membrane that allows gases to pass through, but retains evaporated moisture, and has already talked about these materials in more detail in a separate article. On the inside, the heat insulator has a sufficiently high temperature and therefore condensate does not fall on the vapor barrier membrane.

The outer side of the heater is cold. It is ventilated with outside air, so that moisture does not accumulate in the insulation. The attic floor is the only stage of thermal protection; no other cold attic structures perform this function.

The main problem with a cold roof is that condensation forms on the back of the roof during temperature changes. Since the air in the attic remains warm for a long time after sunset, and the roof almost immediately takes on the temperature of the outdoor environment, the appearance of moisture drops is an inevitable phenomenon. Falling down, they fall on the floor cake, moistening it. This leads to the weighting of the filler, the loss of heat-insulating properties, the formation of dampness and mold. That is why, when installing the roof of a cold attic, it is mandatory to install under-roof waterproofing.

truss system

Since no insulation will be laid between the rafter legs, their pitch and section can be chosen absolutely freely. The service will help in this matter: in the “Roofs” section, it is possible to model and calculate load-bearing elements and sheathing for any type of roofs.

The most suitable lumber for rafter legs is a board 50-70 mm thick and 100-200 mm wide. Based on the weight of the roof and the predicted snow load, the step between the rafters of this section is adjusted in the range of 60-120 cm. It must be taken into account that during installation the rafters are reinforced with a counter-lattice 30-40 mm thick, so it is reasonable to initially choose a slightly smaller width of the board.

When installing the rafter system, it is imperative to set the legs in common planes in order to subsequently avoid problems with leveling the crate. For these purposes, it is recommended to rigidly fix the extreme rafters on the spacers, pull the cords in the upper and lower parts of the slope, and then put the rest of the legs along them. The rafters must be temporarily fastened from the inside of the roof until the waterproofing and counter battens with the batten are installed on the outside.

Roof waterproofing

Micro-perforated film is best suited for waterproofing a cold roof. This is one of the cheapest and easiest materials to install, which completely solves the problem of condensation. During installation, the roll of film is rolled out across the slope of the slope, starting from the bottom. Each subsequent sheet should be laid with an overlap on the lower one with a width of about 70 mm.

Installation of the hydrobarrier is best done in calm weather. Temporary fastening is carried out with brackets to the upper edge of the rafter legs, while adjusting the stapler spring force so that the bracket does not press close to the film, pushing it through, but forms a gap of about 0.5 mm. The film must be fixed in such a way that a sag of about 20-25 mm is formed between the rafters. This way, water will not soak the counter grille, collecting at the lowest point.

When the entire slope is covered with a hydro-barrier, you need to nail a counter-lattice - slats of the same thickness as the rafter legs. Before nailing the rail, the side with which it is adjacent to the rafters can be coated with any alkyd enamel. Lumber for counter-battens and battens should be pre-treated with fire-bioprotective impregnation. It is recommended to fasten the counter-lattice with either buffed nails or anodized screws. Black hardened screws are not suitable for this purpose.

The counter-lattice performs several functions at once. Firstly, it reliably presses the hydro-barrier, while blocking the punctures at the attachment points. Secondly, due to the increased distance between the coating and the waterproofing, a path for the upward air flow appears, due to which the formed moisture quickly evaporates.

Lathing installation

The type and method of installation of the transverse lathing depends on the roofing used. For a cold roof, both slate and profiled sheet, metal and bituminous tiles are well suited. It all depends on aesthetic preferences and the slope of the slopes.

In total, two types of lathing for a cold roof can be distinguished: solid and plank. A solid crate is well suited for, as well as materials like corrugated board, which make a lot of noise during rain. Tight pressing of the coating to a solid massive base eliminates the unwanted acoustic effect and greatly facilitates the installation of the roof.

A solid crate is made either from OSB of classes 3 and 4, or from moisture-resistant plywood on phenol-formaldehyde resins. The minimum thickness of plywood is 8 mm with a rafter step of 60 cm. OSB has a looser structure, for reliable fixation of fasteners in it, the thickness must be at least 12 mm.

It is recommended to install a continuous crate, starting from the front gable, laying solid sheets and shifting the extensions to the least visible part of the slope. Between the plates it is necessary to leave a deformation gap of the order of 10-15 mm. If the joint between the plates is not in the area of ​​​​the rafter leg, fastening through a backing rail 20-25 mm thick is allowed according to the same principle as fastening horizontal joints.

When all sheets are fixed, the joints must be filled with non-hardening bituminous mastic or special roofing sealant. After sealing, it is recommended to check the plane of the crate using a stretched cord, if necessary, installing linings of different thicknesses in the places of the main fastening.

The device of a plank crate is much simpler. Both edged and unedged boards are suitable for it, it is only important not to use materials that are not calibrated in thickness. Sheathing boards are nailed perpendicular to the rafters. In doing so, two factors must be taken into account:

  1. The main boards to which the coating of the selected format is attached should be located on the overlap line between the sheets. For these purposes, it is recommended to select the widest boards.
  2. In the range between the main boards, several additional boards should be installed, taking into account the degree of filling of the crate recommended by the manufacturer and the number of intermediate rows of fastening.

If you choose an unedged board, it must be placed with a wider plane up. For fastening it is better not to use screws and self-tapping screws, ordinary nails will work better than any other fastener.

Cold attic ventilation

The last question in the arrangement of a cold roof is the ventilation of the attic. It should be adjustable so that in the summer heat at the level of the attic floor the temperature is close to the air temperature, and in the event of a sharp cold snap there is no heavy condensation. In winter, the ventilation is blocked, which makes it possible to exclude intensive blowing of the insulation and save as much heat as possible.

As a rule, in a private house, an entrance door to the attic and one openable window in the upper part of the gable on the opposite side is enough. If the roof is hip, you need to make a small ledge under the window.

For roofs with an area of ​​more than 300 m 2, additional vents are recommended. They cut into the upper part of the slope and help to remove the air entering the attic in the Mauerlat area. To ensure full air circulation, when sewing spotlights, you need to insert perforated panels after 70-80 cm. It is possible to avoid the installation of vents when covering the roof with a material with a wavy profile. On the line of convergence of the slopes, you need to leave a gap of about 100-140 mm, which is covered with a wide ridge.

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Today, in the construction of a residential building, various options for roof structures are used, but the simplest is a cold roof. Such a device is great when the attic space is not used as a residential additional space. The very scheme of such a roof is very simple: load-bearing structures, waterproofing, lathing and counter lathing, plus roofing material.

The features of the installation of such a cold roof are that it is necessary to provide a ventilation gap for the removal of condensate in order to protect not only the supporting structures, but also the roofing in the form of a metal tile from the negative effects of moisture.

The installation of such a roof itself does not differ in any difficulties, the main thing is to correctly fix the profiled metal sheet so that precipitation does not penetrate through the joints under its surface. Before starting construction, you should make all the required calculations, calculate the angle of inclination, the step of the crate, decide on.

Features of a cold roof

A cold roof differs from a warm one in its design, although its design itself is extremely simple. The only thing to consider is the option of roofing. When using metal tiles, it is necessary to provide a ventilation gap for the correct removal of condensate from the under-roof space. This is done so that the steel sheet does not corrode.

The device of a cold roof is the installation of a truss system, on which a membrane or plastic film is laid for waterproofing. After that, a counter-lattice, a crate and a coating in the form of a metal tile are nailed.

The features of such a roof are the complete absence of a layer of heat insulator, the presence under the ridge and on the slopes to remove moisture. Design and installation are not difficult, the main thing is to correctly carry out all preliminary calculations.

The installation itself includes the following features:

  1. If it is planned in the future, then it is necessary to approach very carefully the choice of a membrane to protect against excess moisture. For the future attic, only specialized waterproofing in the form of membranes made of PVC is suitable.
  2. If further insulation is not planned, then microperforated waterproofing is used, designed specifically for cold roofs. Such a film does not allow thermal insulation materials to be laid next to it, that is, with further insulation, you will have to spend money on a new membrane. If this condition is not met, then the roof will practically not be protected from moisture in the future, the insulation will be constantly wet, and the roof covering will be subject to corrosion.

Sequence of work

To lay the waterproofing membrane, it must be remembered that its installation is carried out with some sag, approximately 20 mm. Such a device allows the condensate to drain, that is, the rafters and other roof elements are protected from moisture. In order for the water to evaporate effectively, and not to stagnate, creating an unfavorable atmosphere, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a ventilation gap, which is made between the waterproofing film and the roof ridge.

Such a gap allows air to circulate unhindered in the under-roof space, removing all traces of condensate. The roof protection membrane itself should not have ruptures or other defects; it should be fixed using a construction stapler.

Be sure to overlap, the edges of the film must be fixed with adhesive tape.

Of the features that distinguish a cold roof, it should be noted that it can be built for any climatic region. Many mistakenly believe that this type of roof is completely unsuitable for the northern region, but this is not so. It is here that a cold attic is a traditional solution for a residential building. The attic floor itself is insulated, that is, the use of a cold roof does not affect the internal microclimate of the upper floors. The attic itself may not even be used, since the installation of a layer of insulation between the upper floor and the under-roof space solves all problems regarding heat loss.

When constructing a cold roof, one should not forget about such a stage of work as the correct insulation of technological openings and exits. To do this, all ventilation shafts, chimneys, entrances to the roof surface must be insulated. This will avoid such troubles as icing, condensation, penetration of precipitation, heat loss.

To cover the roof of this design, you can use a variety of roofing materials. Most often it is a metal tile, the installation of which does not pose any problems. This option is considered optimal, since all laying work is carried out in the shortest possible time, no additional work is required. You can use other materials for coating, for example, flexible tiles. But here a number of technological difficulties already arise that can make installation more expensive and complicated. Therefore, the use of a metal profiled sheet is preferable in this case.

Roofing pie under the metal tile

The device of a cold roof under a metal tile is one of the simplest options. In addition to load-bearing structures, such a roof includes roofing material in the form of metal tiles, a crate, and a waterproofing layer. The installation of such a roof is very simple: a waterproofing film is attached to the rafter system using a construction stapler or small galvanized nails. After that, it is pressed with self-tapping screws on wood, with which the counter-lattice will be attached, the step of which depends on the type of metal tile sheet. The size of such boards should be 25 by 100 mm, in some cases a continuous coating of plywood or chipboard sheets is used.

A waterproofing film (it can be a special PVC membrane or a polyethylene film) should be laid on the roof with a slight sag. At the same time, gaps and other defects are unacceptable on it. The level of sagging of the roofing film should be from 15 to 25 mm. This will ensure proper ventilation of the underside of the waterproofing, removal of condensate from it to the eaves, and then to the gutter. If this is not done, it will be subject to the negative effects of moisture, and this will lead to destruction.

When installing a cold roof made of metal, it must be remembered that the metal sheet and a thin layer of waterproofing do not provide adequate protection against noise, which can occur during heavy rain. It is for this reason that cold steel sheet roofs are rarely made without insulation, which acts as an excellent sound insulator. The cold attic therefore turns out to be unused.

The structure of such a roof includes the following mandatory layers:

  1. From the side of the residential premises, first there is a layer of vapor barrier with one-sided permeability, that is, condensate is released from the room, but does not penetrate inside.
  2. Roof truss system, longitudinal runs, that is, the supporting structure.
  3. Waterproofing. The film should sag a little to allow condensation to escape.
  4. A counter-lattice, the installation of which is carried out parallel to the installed rafters. The boards of the counter-lattice press the waterproofing, providing its additional fastening.
  5. The lathing of the cold roof is made of a wooden beam, the cross section of which is most often 50 by 50 mm. Its installation is carried out in increments of 35-45 cm along the slopes. The step may vary, as well as the material for the crate, it depends on what type of metal tile is used, what slope for the roof was chosen.
  6. Sheets of metal tiles.

What else is required?

To install a roof with such a design, it is necessary to take the simplest tools and materials that do not differ in high cost. In addition to wooden boards for the device of the truss system, battens and counter battens, a vapor barrier, a waterproofing membrane, and an estimated number of metal tile sheets should be prepared. Staples, galvanized nails, self-tapping screws for wood and metal are used as fasteners. When calculating steel sheets, it must be remembered that various additional elements may be needed, for example, ridge tiles, valleys, cornices, and so on.

The device of a cold roof differs from a warm one in that in this case a layer of insulation is not used, that is, there is no layer of insulation between the vapor barrier and the waterproofing membrane. Such roofs are applicable in the case when the attic space under them is not used.

Today, a cold roof made of metal tiles is often erected. Such a product is perfect if the attic space will not be used as a residential building.

It should be noted that today metal tiles are not the market leader in roofing materials. However, the owners of private houses find a large number of advantages in this material, so the demand for it is constantly growing. Many companies make metal tiles, so every owner of a private house will find a suitable option.

If you follow the manufacturer's instructions and follow the advice of experienced craftsmen, then there will be no problems installing this material.

Features of the installation of a roof made of metal are that it is necessary to provide an outlet for ventilation through which condensate will be removed. This is necessary in order to protect the carrier rails and roofing from the negative effects of moisture.

Before carrying out construction work, it is necessary to perform calculations, determine the angle of inclination, the step of the crate and choose the method of fixing the material.

To install a roof of this design, the following elements are required:

  • wooden boards;
  • vapor barrier;
  • waterproofing;
  • metal tile;
  • staples;
  • twine;
  • nails made of galvanized metal.

Features of a cold roof

Such a roof has a simple design. It differs from warm in its device. It is worth considering the option of roofing. When using metal sheets, it is necessary to provide a ventilation slot through which condensate will be removed from the space under the roof. In this case, the metal sheet will not corrode.

The device of such a roof is the installation of a rafter system, on which a polyethylene film is laid. After that, you need to nail the counter-lattice, the crate and the coating material. It is best to use a metal tile.

The features of such a roof are the absence of a heat-insulating layer, as well as the presence of exits for ventilation under the ridge and on the slopes through which moisture will be removed. Design and installation are not complex processes, the main thing is to correctly perform all the calculations.

The installation process has the following features:

  1. If you plan to arrange a warm roof, then special attention should be paid to the choice of a membrane to protect against excess moisture. For the attic device, you can use a membrane that is made of PVC.
  2. If it is not planned to insulate the structure, you can use microperforated waterproofing, which is intended exclusively for cold metal roofing. Such a film does not allow materials for thermal insulation to be placed next to it, and therefore, in the process of insulation, a new membrane must be purchased. If this condition is not met, the roof cannot be protected from excess moisture, the insulation material will be wet, and the roof coating will begin to corrode.

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The sequence of actions for the device of the roof

In order to properly install the membrane, it must be taken into account that its installation is carried out with a slight sag.

Such a gap will allow air to move freely in the space under the roof, removing all the condensate. The membrane must not be damaged. The element is fixed with a construction stapler. Definitely need to do an overlap. The extreme parts of the film are attached with adhesive tape.

The features of the cold roof include the fact that it can be arranged in regions with any climate. Most people mistakenly believe that this type of roof is not suitable for the northern regions, but this is not the case. The attic floor will be insulated, so the use of such a design will not affect the indoor climate on the upper floors. The attic space can be omitted, since installing a layer of insulation material between the top floor and the space under the roof can solve all the problems that relate to heat loss.

In the process of installing a roof of this type, it will be necessary to properly isolate technological gaps and exits.

To do this, all ventilation shafts, chimneys and entrances to the roof base must be thermally insulated. Thanks to this, the following troubles can be avoided:

  • the appearance of condensate;
  • ingress of precipitation;
  • heat losses.

To cover this design, you can use almost any material for the roof. In most cases, a metal tile is used, which is very easy to install. This option is considered the most preferable, since all laying actions can be performed in a short period of time, and no additional actions will be required in the future.

Flexible shingles can also be used. However, in this case, some difficulties may arise, which will make installation more expensive and difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to use metal sheets.

Before mounting the material, several preparatory operations must be performed. The main one is the calculation of roof slopes for flatness and squareness. There may be several slopes, but in the end you should get a flat plane. Otherwise, the sheets will not converge at the junctions.

For marking, you need a twine of such a length that you can block the diagonal of the slopes. The rope should be stretched from the top corner of the slope to the bottom. At the intersection, they should slightly touch.

Most pitched roofs in our country have a cold attic in their design. This name is due to the air temperature in the attic, which should not differ much from the air temperature outside the house. With such an arrangement of the attic, a sufficiently large buffer air zone is formed, which allows you to effectively control the temperature in the attic with its proper arrangement.

Cold loft design

When building the roof of a house, many people think about making a cold attic or attic under it? The easiest way to organize a roof with a cold attic. Building an attic will cost several times more and will require more labor costs.. Although, it is undeniable that the attic will significantly expand the living space.

Cold loft roofs have the following main ingredients in their pie:

  1. roofing;
  2. attic outer walls (applicable for gabled roofs with gables);
  3. insulated ceiling between living space and attic.

Ventilation is provided by eaves and ridge ducts. The air passing through the cornice openings is called supply air, and the air exiting through the ridge is called exhaust air. Additionally, ventilation can be done through dormer windows on gables or roof slopes. Windows are equipped with louvered grilles for the possibility of adjusting the intensity of ventilation.

Dormer windows are located on opposite roof slopes so that there are no unventilated areas.

Dormer windows can be rectangular, triangular and semicircular. Their lower part should be at a height of no more than 0.8-1.0 m from the floor in the attic, and the upper part should not be lower than 1.75 m from the floor in the attic. They can also serve as an exit to the roof of the house to inspect the roof, ventilation and chimney elements.

Steam and thermal insulation of a cold attic

For a roof with a cold attic, it is most important to minimize heat loss through the attic floor. For both wooden and reinforced concrete floors, vapor barrier is mandatory. It is laid on the ceiling itself and protects the insulation from vapors that can condense in the heat insulator, passing through the ceiling of the living room. As a heater, plate and bulk materials can be used. The ceiling pie consists of a vapor barrier, floor beams and insulation.

The following types of heat insulators are often used in ceiling ceilings:

  • polystyrene and foam boards;
  • or mats;
  • expanded clay granules;
  • fuel or granulated slag;
  • sawdust with lime or clay;
  • pumice.

The thickness of the required insulation layer is selected depending on the calculated winter temperature using the table below.

Winter temperature is calculated according to SNiP 2.01.01-82 (construction climatology and geophysics) or is selected by regions of the Russian Federation from the corresponding climate maps.

Insulation is placed between the joists or beams of the ceiling, and a plank flooring is made on top for attic passages. Logs are usually 50 mm thick, and deck boards are 25-35 mm thick.

For ventilated attic spaces, soft or semi-solid heat-insulating materials are considered the most optimal.

Attic waterproofing device

Waterproofing roofs with a cold attic, according to many experts, is a controversial issue. Some say that waterproofing must be present under the roofing material, and someone categorically recommends abandoning it. Much here depends on the type of roofing material and the angle of inclination of the roof slopes.

Metal roofs are most susceptible to corrosion that occurs with possible small leaks or from condensation. Therefore, once again we draw your attention to the fact that ventilation plays one of the main roles in the fight against condensate.

For flat metal roofs, experts recommend installing superdiffusion membranes. It will prevent moisture from entering the outside of the roof when blowing snow or rain. No matter how well the roof is laid, there is always the possibility of minimal leaks. That is why, having overpaid a little, you will receive additional protection against moisture ingress on the insulation in the ceiling of a cold attic.

Possible leaks or condensate when it gets into hydrophobic heaters significantly reduce their heat-insulating properties.

If, for example, slate is used as a roofing material, then waterproofing can be abandoned. There is also a corrugated board with an anti-condensation coating on the market, which can hold up to 1 liter of water per 1 m 2. For our part, we recommend that you always use waterproofing membranes, because this is the cheapest and easiest additional way to protect your roof from possible leaks.

When installing waterproofing membranes, a counter-lattice is used. It performs the function of a fixing rail and, due to its height, provides the necessary clearance for ventilation of the under-roof space. The device of the crate of a cold attic is no different from insulated roofs. The dimensions of the crate and its pitch determine the type of roofing to be installed.