Loft in a one-room apartment. Studio in loft style. Decoration: textiles and accessories

In the forties of the last century in the United States, which at that time was experiencing a period of the Great Depression, economic and industrial recession, people began to occupy the empty buildings of workshops of factories and factories for housing. They had neither the opportunity nor the great desire to change something in these production facilities.

For this reason, many elements characteristic of industrial buildings remained unchanged and became the basis of the emerging style. Plumbing and ventilation pipes and unplastered brick walls, with crude lamps hanging from them, imperceptibly "flowed" into a new style, which was called the loft. But no matter how hard it is for a person to live, he tends to decorate and equip his home, and over time, people began to create original, stylish and unusual interiors in such apartments.

Style Features

Often this style is called "attic". That is how it is translated from English. Its characteristic features include the following features:

  • The simplicity of the environment.
  • High ceilings.
  • A minimum of partitions (only a bathroom is allocated separately).
  • Lack of luxury items.
  • For zoning the premises, furniture or movable partitions are used, which should be opaque from below.
  • No drapes.
  • Loft-style wallpapers are not used.
  • Maximum use of natural light.
  • Engineering communications are open - these are elements of the loft style.
  • An abundance of metal is welcome.

Many fans of the loft style, after reading its characteristics, will be upset. It is quite obvious that in a small modern apartment, which is located in a multi-storey building, these requirements cannot be met. But do not despair, nothing is impossible for modern designers.

A one-room loft-style apartment can be decorated today, although, in fairness, it must be said that it will be more a stylization than a style in its purest form. But this does not at all upset the owners of tiny apartments who dreamed of such an interior.

Loft style in the interior of a small apartment

Today we will look at the two most common options - a studio apartment with high ceilings, but a very small area, and the legendary Khrushchev with ceilings of about two and a half meters.

In the first case, modern loft-style interiors are quite suitable, and you can even increase the area by organizing a sleeping place on the newly created second floor. To do this, you will need to equip the site, which must be taken out to a mark of at least 1.8 meters. Such a reconstruction is possible if the ceilings in the room are not lower than three and a half meters.

Under the platform, they usually equip an office, a library, or simply organize a recreation area with an armchair and a coffee table. This ceiling height allows finishing in white (standard for a loft) or darker. You can use stylized wooden beams to decorate the ceilings in such a room. Small metal lamps installed on them will look organic.

What if the ceilings are low?

Undoubtedly, this option is more difficult to implement, since the free space that is typical for this style is limited by the size of tiny rooms and low ceiling heights. Therefore, redevelopment in this situation is indispensable.

The first step is to get rid of partitions and walls (not load-bearing). This is how a loft-style studio is created. But you need to know that such work must be agreed and documented in the city departments of architecture.

If you are not planning such a large-scale reconstruction, then you can limit yourself to the demolition of light partitions - built-in wardrobes, pantries, mezzanines, which can often be seen in hallways or tiny corridors between them and kitchens. Such designs make the premises even more cramped and low. And now let's look at how this or that loft-style room might look like.


If you live in a brick house, it is better to leave the walls in their original form, but the masonry seams should be slightly lightened, thereby emphasizing the structure of the wall. In an old house, it is extremely difficult to restore the brickwork, which has been plastered, painted, pasted over with wallpaper for many years. Therefore, you can use loft-style wallpaper that imitates brick or stonework.

If the walls in the hallway are concrete, then you can use rough plastering (without finishing grinding). As a rule, the hallway is a dark room, so you can prepare a plaster mortar from ordinary (gray) and white cements. Such a composition will somewhat brighten the room.

What should be the furniture?

In such a hallway, the furniture should be "Spartan", simple. It can be a wooden bedside table without any frills in the form of twisted handles, polished surface, etc. and a mirror mounted on the floor.

For lighting, the simplest hanging shades and sconces are suitable. It is desirable that they be made of metal. It should be noted that the loft style in the interior of a small apartment, and the hallway in particular, does not provide for any items hung on the walls. An exception can only be an open shelf of a simple form.

Living room

A loft-style brick wall is an indispensable element of this style. In the living room, at least one of them should be framed this way. To decorate other walls, you can use textured plaster.

It is desirable that the floor in a small living room be wooden. You can use a floor covering that imitates concrete or stone. Both porcelain stoneware and monochrome tiles fit into this style.

window decoration

It is known that windows in industrial buildings differ from residential ones in their large size. In old Khrushchevs, they are standard, and they cannot be increased. But to increase them visually, perhaps by ordering frames with vertical mullions. It is better if the loft-style windows are wooden, since there should be no plastic in such an interior.

We select furniture

The loft style in the interior of a small apartment is attractive to many young people because a wide variety of furniture can be used in the room: both in color and in size. If you like a large sofa "under the skin", then add one chair, a floor lamp and a TV to it - and the room is furnished.

It is very important that furniture is not adjacent to the walls. Style is a must. The distance to the walls should be at least thirty centimeters.

Should not have more than two companion colors in its interior. For example, they can be black and white, sand and brown, which are further played up with various shades. A few bright accents can only be textiles - a small rug by the sofa, decorative pillows on it.


For interior design in the loft style in the bedroom, cold natural tones are used, and light shades predominate. will look more spacious due to the contrast of shades. Most commonly used:

  • grey;
  • white;
  • red (individual elements);
  • dark brown;
  • blue (accessories).

Loft-style furniture for the bedroom is selected in accordance with some rules. Interior items should be as multifunctional as possible and at the same time embody the most original and bold design ideas.

The bed must certainly be made of metal. Fabric upholstery is allowed. You can choose a completely wooden model. But in this case, the wood should not be varnished. In such a bedroom, a minimum amount of furniture is allowed:

  • spacious closet;
  • a large bed;
  • pedestal.

The bed is set against the wall, with elements of unfinished decoration. The rest of the furniture is arranged randomly. As a rule, interior items become bright accents against the background of light walls.


Even such an ascetic style as a loft is not complete without textiles. True, it is limited to its minimum amount. We have already said that curtains are not welcome in this case, so textiles are represented only by a bedspread on the bed and bed linen. A carpet on the floor can also be used, but a small, rich bright shade.


The main task when designing a small loft-style kitchen is to create the most functional room in a limited space. When the shape of the kitchen and its area are not your pride, you need to use some design tricks that will help visually and functionally, at least a little, change the space.

It is important to pay attention to the correct zoning, which is achieved not only with the help of furniture, but also thanks to the well-chosen color of the walls. For a loft-style kitchen, its maximum lighting and furniture arrangement is very important.

Many consider it dark and gloomy. But this is a delusion. Today, designers are proving the opposite by creating kitchens in warm and light colors. Often in the interior next to the brick wall you can see glossy white tiles and textiles in soothing colors.

But most design experts believe that in a small apartment, the kitchen should be combined with the living room. In this case, they recommend equipping the kitchen in the most inconspicuous place and beating it unusually. So you can visually expand the space. For example, in the living room to make a wooden floor, and for the kitchen area - from tiles. Practice proves that a loft-style kitchen-living room is the most profitable solution for owners of modest-sized apartments.

In a small loft kitchen there should be a lot of household appliances, and among them there should be both modern models and rare samples. For example, an old stove can coexist with the latest model of a refrigerator with a built-in computer.

Bathroom, bathroom

And these rooms should be decorated as simply as possible. But given their size in small apartments, it becomes clear that the owners simply cannot afford any frills.

In these rooms it is undesirable to use bright tiles with a pattern. A monochromatic or white-and-black mosaic that does not have a clear pattern is more suitable for the loft style. A lot of glass and metal is welcome. The sink can be made of stainless steel. A chrome-plated large heated towel rail will perfectly complement the interior.

Plumbing, even modern, should be simple forms. Bath - necessarily on the legs.

Style Benefits

As you can see, the loft style in the interior of a small apartment, being, in fact, minimalist, allows you to rationally organize the available space. However, it does not become lifeless and cold. For those who like to bring bright accents and original solutions to the interior of their home, the loft allows you to experiment, show your imagination, perhaps more than any other interior direction. Therefore, if you like strange, and sometimes ambiguous accessories, surreal paintings, sculptures from scrap metal, then go for it: the loft is your style.

04.10.2017 Read in 8 minutes.

The loft style, which originated in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century, remains popular today thanks to non-standard and original features, interiors with a touch of democracy, brutality and secular gloss at the same time. Interior design in the loft style can be safely called modern and fashionable, despite the fact that a whole century has passed since its inception. During this time, the loft design has undergone various modifications, but the main message - the desire for open spaces, industrial style - has remained the same. In a modern typical apartment with a regular ceiling height and small windows, loft style features can be added in various ways: brickwork, wooden and unfinished surfaces, housing redevelopment.

Brickwork in the loft space of the living room

In the photo: Living room interior with a wicker chair from the portfolio

In loft-style interiors, various wicker furniture, brickwork, as well as objects with the effect of “raw wood” will organically look. With the help of such elements, you can easily create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere of a country house.

Unplastered concrete surfaces

In the photo: Living room interior in the style of a brutal loft

The more surfaces left "raw" - the better. Wall sections with masonry may be interspersed with concrete surfaces. With the help of posters with inscriptions or drawings and special accessories, comfort and a special mood are created in the room.

Interior for creative bohemia

In the photo: Living room interior with a hookah in dark colors with country and loft elements

At one time, the loft was extremely popular with creative bohemia: artists, artists, decorators ... After all, large windows and high ceilings, originally characteristic of these interiors, invariably attracted artists and people of other creative professions. Over time, loft prices have risen significantly, and this type of housing has become affordable for a few.

Loft as a lifestyle

In the photo: Interior of a musical living room in a loft style

Today, the loft style is also preferred by many creative people. To bring the charm of a loft into your apartment, decorate the wall in the living room with brickwork, hang stylish black and white posters and unusual lamps. Add some vintage accessories or furniture.

bright days

In the photo: Loft-style kitchen-living room interior in bright colors

In order for the interior to give a good mood, it is not enough to decorate it in light and bright colors. A professional designer will be able to correctly select colorsbased on the laws of combination of colors and shades.

Communications in plain sight

In the photo: Open communications in the interior

Modern interiors in the loft style are characterized by the desire to reproduce the very atmosphere that reigned in the loft spaces of the early 20s of the last century. Open communications, chrome-plated air ducts left “in plain sight” are bright signs of style.

Loft and high-tech

In the photo: Loft-style living room interior

Loft is combined with other modern styles. In particular, the elements of hi-tech, constructivism and avant-garde - most organically fit into the style of the loft.

Small living room in loft style

In the photo: Loft-style living room interior

The interior of a small loft-style living room will be decorated with a stylish black and white photo or poster. With the help of wall images, you can set the right mood for the interior: in the case of photography, especially in retro style, the look of the room will turn out to be vintage and a little romantic, and the poster will give the interior a more modern and youthful look.

Wooden beams and caissons

In the photo: Loft-style living room interior with coffered ceilings

Wooden beams, all kinds of ceilings are welcome in the design of a loft-style living room. Coffered ceilings with spotlights, rough brickwork with black and white posters - this living room is ideal for watching modern films.

A haven for musicians and moviegoers

In the photo: Loft-style musical living room in an apartment

Light brick walls, a movie projector, a drum set in the corner - the mini-living room has been turned into a real refuge for a musician, where there is everything you need and you can stay in solitude.

One-room studio apartment in loft style

In the photo: Interior of a small loft-style living room

In the photo: Small loft-style kitchen with brickwork

A multi-level table in the interior of the kitchen is a functional and stylish solution. It can be used not only as a dining table, but also as a work surface, as well as a bar counter.

Posters in the dining area

In the photo: Dining area in a small loft-style kitchen

The dining area in the kitchen is brought to life with black and white posters that create the feel of an outdoor cafe. Thanks to this technique, even a small kitchen looks stylish and original.

Floor mirror in the hallway

In the photo: Hallway with a loft-style floor mirror

A large floor mirror leaning against the wall is a feature of the loft-style hallway design. It reminds of the times when most of the items in the loft interior were hand made. "In place" of the mirror can be panels, posters, paintings and paintings, symbolizing a small "creative mess".

Small brick kitchen

In the photo: Interior of a small kitchen with loft style elements

In this small kitchen in a typical apartment, brickwork is played twice: tiles with imitation of masonry are used in the backsplash area, and on the walls there is a characteristic finish in its “classic” version.

Black and white monochrome & brickwork

In the photo: Loft-style hallway interior from the portfolio

Interiors in which terracotta brickwork is adjacent to black and white monochrome look especially stylish. A black and white tiled floor, a minimum of furniture, a large mirror and brick walls - such an interior will look stylish and modern for a long time.

Design of children's rooms and office in loft style

In the photo: Children's room for a boy with a car bed

Children under 5-6 years old will especially like unusual experiments, and turning an ordinary bed into a favorite racing car will delight the baby!

Loft and eco design elements

In the photo: Interior of a children's room for a teenager with loft elements

In the photo: Interior of a loft-style office with brickwork

Leather sofas and armchairs, wooden furniture and brickwork will help create an environment that will suit both the young specialist's office and the manager.

Loft elements in a neoclassical interior

In the photo: Loft-style office interior from the apartment renovation portfolio

Contrasting combination of flawless whiteness and brickwork

In the photo: Loft-style bedroom interior from the portfolio

In this project, all interior items are designed in a minimalist style - even a round clock above the bed, creating a subtle reference to art deco. A minimalist wardrobe with a mirrored door visually expands the space.

Vintage and classic

In the photo: Loft-style bedroom with vintage furniture

Vintage and classic elements are combined in the interior of the bedroom with loft features. Loft masonry is perfectly adjacent to the boudoir console table on curved legs.

Concrete walls and plain textiles

In the photo: Loft-style bedroom with concrete walls

Another, less popular technique for creating a loft-style interior is concrete surfaces. “Rough” concrete with traces of formwork looks especially impressive. To create a special loft atmosphere, one or two untreated walls in the interior are enough.

Accent walls and black and white panels

In the photo: Bedroom with loft elements in the apartment

Black and white panels leaning against the wall will create the effect of "creative chaos" that often reigns in the artist's studio. Black monochrome walls and wooden panels complement the bedroom's democratic and modern decor.

Brickwork painted white

In the photo: Bedroom interior with brickwork and posters

A spectacular technique for decorating a loft-style bedroom will be walls lined with brickwork and painted white. The more careless the paint, the better. Small chips, cracks and unpainted sections of the wall are the main highlight of such an interior.

Gray-beige gamma

In the photo: Beige and gray loft-style bedroom

The natural gray-beige scale is especially suitable for the design of a loft-style bedroom, since the brightness of the stylistic direction itself needs to be “muted” a little. Pastel and neutral tones will make a brutal interior with brickwork softer and more harmonious.

There are many projects in the loft style in the portfolio of the Fundament Group of Companies, and this is no coincidence: this design direction remains at the peak of popularity, experiencing a new birth. The specialists of the design studio will develop a unique interior design project, taking into account the characteristics of your apartment, and the repair and construction teams will carry out high-quality renovation of the apartment at the highest level.

A loft-style studio is a room that is distinguished by the maximum amount of light and free space. Such an interior, due to the striking combination of the incongruous, is distinguished by a truly unique design with a touch of magnificence and negligence.

Interior design features

A few design details:

  • This style solution is distinguished by a free, open layout and minimal use of partitions.
  • The loft room basically has fairly high ceilings and undecorated communications, such as pipes, ventilation and load-bearing beams.
  • In the cladding there are more rough and raw materials, in the form of concrete, brick or unevenly applied plaster, emphasizing the original appearance of the attic space.
  • Loft furniture is highly functional and is done in mostly neutral colors. In this style, modern, designer pieces of furniture combined with antique elements are easily used.
  • This direction, despite the rather brutal look, involves the use of not too dark, light-absorbing shades and the creation of bright accents of red, yellow, orange and other saturated colors.

Studio decoration

The concept of this direction uses certain materials and methods of surface treatment. For walls, they mainly use plain paint, plaster or wallpaper for painting. The main elements of decoration here are brickwork and concrete surfaces. To make the room more decorative, choose a brick or white paint. With the help of cladding of different shades and textures, most often they separate the living area from the kitchen.

The photo shows a loft-style studio, decorated with light painted walls and ceiling in combination with wood-colored parquet flooring.

For the ceiling, paint or plaster is also preferred. A fairly popular solution is the design of the ceiling plane, wooden or metal beams, various communications in the form of pipes, ventilation or wires.

In the finishing of the floor, a parquet or laminate board is especially appropriate, which should have the most natural look. The layout of this coating is often carried out in a straight line, and not in a diagonal direction. No less harmonious, the design can be supplemented with ceramic tiles with a matte surface. In the case of a two-tiered room with a staircase, the most successful material for such a design would be metal or wood.

The photo shows a loft-style studio with a concrete floor and ceiling.

When choosing cladding for a studio, it is important to consider that the central idea of ​​urban style is the ability to combine raw surfaces with modern finishes and other interior elements.

The windows in the room should have a large height and width, which will contribute to the maximum amount of light entering the room. To decorate window openings, roller blinds, blinds, light and transparent curtains are used, or they are simply left without decoration.

The photo shows a loft-style studio, decorated with large floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows.

The choice of furniture in the loft style

For a loft-style studio, only the most necessary pieces of furniture are chosen. The room is completed with a sofa, a TV stand, a coffee table, a dining table, a bar in combination with high chairs. If necessary, the interior is decorated with chairs and shelving. When choosing furniture for a loft space, you can safely experiment, the main thing is not to clutter up the room so as not to spoil the overall picture.

This direction involves the use of vintage and antique furniture or even items with luxury elements, which are mostly arranged in a chaotic manner.

In the guest area in the center, you can place a large sofa with velvet or leather upholstery and complement it with a wooden coffee table, install a metal or wooden bed with a wardrobe in the bedroom, and choose a mobile island or a functional and organic set with built-in appliances that provide a significant savings in square meters.

In the toilet and bathroom, the most simple white plumbing, which has a monosyllabic rectangular or square shape, is appropriate.

The photo shows the interior of a loft-style studio apartment with a large leather sofa located in the middle.

This design is characterized by the use of unusual items and non-standard furniture, for example, chests or suitcases are chosen as a place to store things. In the loft studio, the aesthetic contrast of modern technology and vintage furniture elements against the background of raw brick walls is especially appropriate.

Most often in the urban direction there are massive chandeliers or multifunctional pendant lamps, which can be equipped with wires or chains that allow you to adjust the length of the lighting fixture. To add more comfort to the studio apartment, floor lamps are preferred.

The photo shows a ceiling lighting option in a loft-style studio.

Also, quite often, bright lighting and LED bulbs are used here, thanks to which it turns out to visually enlarge the room, give it volume, focus on certain areas or highlight niches. A simple metal table lamp with a flexible leg will complement the interior no less favorably.

  • It is better to divide a small-sized studio into functional areas, using different finishes or the correct arrangement of furniture, rather than partitions.
  • Light colors should preferably be present in the decoration, so it will be possible to visually erase the corners of a limited space.
  • It is better if large-sized furniture is made in neutral and muted shades, which will give it a less bulky look.
  • For compact ottomans, chests of drawers and other decorative elements, you can choose a brighter design that will distract attention and visually expand the room.

The photo shows the design of a small loft-style studio combined with a balcony.

With high ceilings, it is appropriate to use a design in the form of a mezzanine, which can become an excellent small wardrobe, library, work place or even a bed. With the help of such an element, it will be possible to endow the design of the studio with special functionality and increase its usable area.

The photo shows a sleeping area located on the second tier in the interior of a small loft-style studio.

Studio Design Examples

Due to the open layout and the possibility of combining favorite objects in one room, this style is especially appropriate in the design of a studio for a bachelor man. Such an interior is simple, distinguished by rationalism, practicality and the absence of unnecessary decorations.

The atmosphere acquires special masculinity due to the concrete surface, brickwork, metal communications, chipped plaster and massive furniture made of wood or metal. For greater effect, large posters are placed on the walls, paintings in simple frames or decorate the surface with graffiti.

The photo shows the design of a spacious loft-style studio apartment for a bachelor.

In the design of an apartment for a girl, in order to soften the appearance of the space, they use furniture in warmer colors or decor in the form of beautiful pillows, blankets, laconic vases, mirrors that have different geometric shapes or light textiles that give the room some liveliness.

The photo shows the interior of the studio for a young girl, made in industrial style.

A fairly common option are projects with redevelopment, which results in an area with a separate bedroom. This isolated closed area, despite its small size, with proper arrangement of furniture, can be made as functional as possible. Often the sleeping section is separated by a partition, for example, in the form of a glass block or double-sided shelving, which allows you to fill the space with an abundance of air and light.

The photo shows a zoning option for the sleeping area using a glass partition in a loft-style studio.

Photo gallery

The studio, made in the loft style, is distinguished by unlimited freedom and the spirit of adventurism. Such a creative interior solution is an indicator of excellent original taste and an active life position.

Modern designers offer a huge number of apartment interior styles, each of which is good in its own way and can radically change the space due to its features. One of the styles that are gaining popularity in recent years is the loft. A loft-style studio is a room whose main concept is the absence of any partitions and the maximum amount of light and space possible.

Translated from a foreign language, the word "loft" means nothing more than "attic". Accordingly, this style is as simple and functional as possible. It is based on white colors, large windows with no curtains, brickwork, plaster on the walls and much more.

This style of interior came to us from the forties of the twentieth century from the United States of America. In those days, there was a very strong economic crisis and people began to take rooms in various workshops and factories for living. The condition of these places was appropriate, but the residents did not have special financial resources and physical strength to repair the building and bring something more elegant and beautiful to the design, so everything was left as it was. That is why many elements that characterize industrial and factory buildings remained in their original form. Gradually, such home improvement flowed into a separate stylistic direction in design and took its place in this niche.

By the way, the loft style is popular not only in apartments, but also in many modern restaurants, where brick walls and hanging pipes are combined with soft, dim light and cozy sofas with tables. Water pipes and the absence of any kind of plaster are also common in loft-style rooms. Of course, the designs of modern apartments imply a more rational and attractive design than the original, rough loft, which was just born in American factories.

Style Features

As a rule, this style is used in the interior of a small apartment in order to try to visually enlarge its space and organize it as competently as possible. It is not necessary to do everything in one color scheme, the loft allows you to bring a variety of bright colors and accents to the interior design with original objects that will not only decorate the room, but also bring its own special zest to it.

This style has its own special characteristics that accompany its best performance. The most important thing is the simplicity of the interior. No luxurious details in the form of heavy curtains made of expensive materials, large classical furniture with various curlicues and other elements of wealth. The loft style also implies the absence of various draperies, as well as wallpaper, which is replaced by brickwork or plaster.

High ceilings are also another hallmark of the loft, and the number of partitions is kept to a minimum, with the exception of the bathroom, which stands out separately. To somehow mark the boundaries and zone the premises, furniture or movable partitions are used. When creating a loft-style design, they try to make the most of natural light and open engineering communications a little.

Of course, in small modern apartments, it will not be so easy to fulfill all of the above characteristics, but you can make a really good loft style.

How to organize in a small apartment

There are two types of small apartments: a studio with a small area and high ceilings and an apartment with low ceilings. Each of them has its own characteristics and, with a competent approach, will become an excellent place to live in the "attic", as it is also called, style.

Of course, the first option will adapt much better to the loft style. High ceilings provide more space for designer fantasy. If the ceilings of your studio apartment are not lower than three and a half meters, then a small area can be made two-story by building a platform in the middle. On the upper part, as a rule, they equip a sleeping area, where you can place a TV with a small cabinet. In the lower tier there is a small library with a bookcase, soft sofas and a coffee table.

High ceilings allow you to equip the apartment both in light colors with white brick, and a little in dark ones. Metal lamps will hang from above. To create a loft-style studio in an apartment with low ceilings, you will need to tear down walls and partitions to open up the space and make it visually larger. After that, by adding a few characteristic elements and cozying up the rooms, you can become the owner of a beautiful studio apartment with a modern loft-style interior design.

Interior and furniture

The apartment begins with the hallway, respectively, from the very entrance you need to make it clear in what style everything else is designed. In a brick house, the wall can be left in its original form, only lightening the joints a little to give it a more pleasant look. When it is difficult to get to the bricks due to a thick layer of plaster, you can simply stick wallpaper in a loft style with imitation of brickwork. If you are not satisfied with the natural color of this material, you can paint it in white or gray tones.

There is a second design option for the hallway: in this case, all walls are plastered with a light mortar, but without finishing grinding. In small rooms, designers strongly recommend painting the ceilings in white, as it visually enlarges the space and expands it.

As furniture in such a hallway, you can put the most simple wardrobe or cabinet without any decorative elements. Everything should be restrained and tasteful. The mirror is usually placed directly on the floor or it comes with a wardrobe. This style does not involve any additional decorations, so wall paintings or framed photographs will have to be abandoned.

As lighting in the hallway, metal shades and sconces are most often used, which are also very simple in design.

In order for the living room to maximally resemble the loft style with its interior, one of the walls must be brick, at least outwardly. The brick wall is a hallmark characteristic of this direction. The remaining walls can be decorated with plaster. The floor in the living room should be wooden, made of boards. You can also use a coating that imitates natural stone.

In the loft style, designers try to make the most of natural light, so the windows in the apartment should be large. If they are small, and this is most often the case in apartments with a small area, you can order window frames with vertical imposts that will visually lengthen them. It is desirable that the frames are made of wood, or at least brown plastic.

Curtains are not welcome, as they add luxury to the interior, so in this case you will have to limit yourself to roller blinds, which can be easily raised and lowered at the request of the owner.

Furniture for the living area, as a rule, is also the most simple and ordinary. A small soft sofa and a couple of armchairs with a coffee table will immediately complete the territory.

In this style, two main colors are chosen, which are later played up with various details and bright accents as plants on the table or cheerful pillows on the sofa.

The requirements for the design of the bedroom area are similar to those for other places: simplicity and one brick wall. The bedroom is made in light and pleasant colors so that the owners can comfortably relax and fall into a soft sleep. A minimum of furniture is selected: a metal or wooden bed, a large closet and bedside tables. All this should be multifunctional and easy to use.

No matter what anyone says, but even in a limited space, you can recreate an interior with “character”.

In the literal sense, the English word "loft" means the top floor, the attic, the place under the roof itself. This style in interior design came to Europe from America. It is typical for old abandoned warehouses and similar premises. At first, people from the lower strata of society lived in this type of premises, but soon wealthy people became interested in such apartments. Old brick houses have found a new life.

Style Features

The loft is characterized by:

  • the presence of white color, visually expanding the available space;
  • the minimum amount of furniture, decorative elements and visually heavy details;
  • the presence of an interesting "zest", for example, a bright abstraction on the wall or hand-made;
  • modern technology - computer, music center, home theater and so on.

In order to play with the loft style as brightly as possible in the interior of a small apartment, you can demolish extra internal partitions or walls that are not load-bearing. The front door, if possible, should be camouflaged and not immediately visible. The best option is retractable, like a barn. Unlike swing, it does not take up much space in a narrow corridor.

A loft-style dwelling is bare walls and exposed brickwork. Feel free to use horizontal surface combinations, leaving a light coating below and a dark stone below. One of these walls should be opposite the window to visually expand the room. You can install a TV on it to save space.

As for the ceilings, you should not specifically level the existing irregularities on its surface. The original move will be the use of beams. You can bring them to one point by making sure that the wooden beams taper towards the center. So you visually raise the ceiling and add some zest to the interior.

The list of materials ideal for decorating an apartment includes plaster, brick, stone, stainless steel, concrete, wood, glass, crystal, leather, suede, vinyl, aluminum, plastic. To figure out how to play with them for different rooms, check out the list below of the rooms that make up a standard apartment.


It is from this room that guests begin their acquaintance with the apartment, forming an idea of ​​the tastes of the owners. Arranging a small space in a loft style is easy. The main principle of the studio is no wall decoration. If reinforced concrete elements are present in the design of the apartment, it is better to roughly plaster them.

To brighten the room, use a special mixture of gray and white cements. The ceiling can also be painted white. The floor surface is left the same or finished with an imitation of a board - tiles or laminate.

A loft in the interior of a studio apartment should have a minimum of furnishings. Their appearance should be simple, antique, without mirror surfaces and artsy handles. A possible option is a bedside table painted in gray or black and white like a chessboard. As lighting fixtures, small sconces, spotlights or simple pendant lights are suitable.

Living room

Leave some corner or one of the walls of the room in the so-called "original" form, covering the rest of the surface with paint or plaster. If desired, you can imitate brickwork through decorative panels or paint. Don't forget to seal the joints between the tiles on the ceiling and paint it with a water-based material.

Put wooden window blocks with double-glazed windows. Replace all textile curtains of the studio with compact blinds. As for interior elements, here you have complete freedom of action in the design of the apartment. In the available space, use objects with a variety of dimensions and colors. Place the sofa in the center, surrounding it with several soft ottomans instead of massive chairs. Photos in frames and panels will complement the overall picture well.


The principles of arranging a kitchen within a small apartment practically do not differ from the requirements for other rooms. All modern household appliances (microwave oven, dishwasher, and so on) can be placed on the niches of the kitchen set without any problems. Do not forget that the loft style, among other things, is characterized by the presence of a large number of different miniature shelves where you can arrange all the used utensils.

Place the hood over the stove without hiding the outlet pipes - they will give the room a special flavor, reminiscent of the interior of industrial buildings. In some areas, make spot lighting, conditionally breaking even a small space into separate zones - for cooking and eating cooked food. In addition, you can do this with a small bar with shelves and glasses hanging on it.


You can separate the bed from the rest of the zones of a one-room studio apartment by means of a folding screen. If your small apartment still has a separate sleeping room, its design is maintained in the general style. For small bedrooms, “loft beds” are especially popular with many spacious drawers that make it possible to make the most efficient use of the available space. It is good if the bed - the main element of the interior - is wooden, but the presence of metal parts on it is quite acceptable. If desired, the construction material can be artificially aged.

Remember that all bedding and bedspreads should be plain. If you do not want to install blinds on the windows, as in the living room, hang translucent tulle or Roman blinds that can be easily rolled up. Taking into account the specifics of this room, you have every right to deviate somewhat from the usual loft standards. For example, you can paste over the walls of the bedroom with photo wallpaper. The only restriction is the ban on various landscapes with flower fields, waterfalls and the like. The main guidelines for choosing should be strict lines and plain colors.


To prevent this room in the interior of a small apartment from becoming too gray and gloomy, dilute the dark palette with bright splashes - colorful posters on the walls, unusual armchairs, multi-colored rugs. However, try not to go overboard with rainbow hues. If possible, mount a two-story bed above the child's desk.

To pay tribute to the classics, hang on the wall an integral part of industrial street culture - a bicycle. An active child who loves to explore everything around will definitely appreciate this idea that helps save space in a small apartment.

Try to put as much of your imagination into this room as possible. No matter how small this room is, you can always fit a designer bath on graceful legs in a retro style. Walls and floors should be covered with ceramic or plastic tiles. A good option is imitation wood. In addition, you can experiment with a combination of metal and glass on the example of plumbing, chrome accessories, mirrors.


Here the matter is somewhat more complicated than it would be with a loggia. The latter could be insulated and made part of the room by demolishing the wall. The best option for a balcony is insulation and installation of the largest possible windows. The purpose and functionality of this place in the apartment is determined solely by the owners. The balcony can serve as an office, a seating area, and a place for children to play.

Thus, this is a huge scope for the development of fantasy, a combination of new and old, natural and artificial. Possessing conditionally strict limits, it is very beneficial in economic terms. If you really want to live in a loft apartment, you can always find such an opportunity!