Analysis of Severyanin's poem "Do not envy a friend." Analysis of the poem "Do not envy a friend" "Do not envy a friend" Igor Severyanin

One of the founders of Russian ego-futurism, Igor Severyanin, in his work really mixed the accents on his own person and often created odes for himself, not stinting on epithets. All this gave rise to a false perception of the poems of this poet, who had a very subtle artistic nature and was able to notice not only his own shortcomings, but also the vices of other people. True, he very rarely touched on this topic in his work, and one of the few poems that have a pronounced critical coloring is the work “Do not envy

Friend”, rendered in 1909.

It is still a mystery to whom this poem is dedicated. There is an opinion that the author simply turned to himself in the third person, as if warning against actions that he would later regret. If this is so, it is not difficult to guess what the poet feels about Konstantin Fofanov, whom he considers his teacher. However, the author pulls himself up and tries to extinguish in his soul not the brightest and best feelings that are caused by the friend's higher social position, his success in the literary field and material well-being.

To cool his own ardor, the northerner notes: “May his wealth, may his luck not erase the straps of your sandals.”

He encourages not only himself, but also those around him to confidently follow the chosen path and not look back at other people's achievements that cause envy. “Maybe bliss is at your doorstep, and perhaps need and crying await him,” indeed, these lines turn out to be prophetic, since in a few years Fofanov will die due to alcoholism, having squandered all his fortune, having lost his family and loved ones friends. Only Severyanin will be devoted to him until the very last moment, believing that it was thanks to this person that he managed to achieve at least some success in the literary field. However, compassion is not at all the feeling that, according to the poet, one should feel towards a friend. After all, it is much more important for him that close people do not express their sympathy in difficult times, but know how to rejoice when a person is at the top of fame and prosperity.

Therefore, Severyanin emphasizes: “Do not prevent a friend from rejoicing in success: this is a crime! This is an overkill!” In the understanding of the author, envy can destroy the strongest friendship, and there is no forgiveness for the culprit of this.

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What artistic devices make the poet's advice especially persuasive?
In this short poem, epithets and comparisons, metaphors and hyperbole are actively used: move more cheerfully, smile wider, noisy laughter, full heart, super vice. Almost each of the words of the poem is an artistic device that helps to understand the meaning of the work.

What words and expressions seem to you a deviation from the usual sentence structure?
Almost all the phrases of this short poem deviate from the usual structure of our everyday colloquial speech. Call-phrases tend to actively interfere with the reader's thinking, they declare the author's beliefs and sound like an oratory, like a slogan that should be firmly remembered.

What role does the imperative form play in the lines of the poem? Find the most accurate definition.

The imperative form in the lines of this poem determines its character. In the poem, there is an appeal addressed to the reader about the observance of moral standards, an appeal that is very clearly designed and purposeful. The poem is directed against envy, it supports honesty and nobility. It is a kind of order from the author to himself and to all readers.

What elements of the form of a poem seemed unusual to you for poetic speech?

Most striking is the categorical and imperative tone of the address to the reader. The author is obviously convinced that he is right, and this dictates his categorical tone. But it is the tone of the order that seems strange in a lyrical work.

How could you define the genre of this poem: an appeal, an order, a declaration, a message? Find your definition of the genre and try to prove your point.

Perhaps it would be correct to attribute this poem to the genre of epistles. You can make such a decision because every word of the poem is addressed to the reader, filled with a desire to influence his behavior and even the direction of thoughts and feelings.

The poem “Do not envy a friend” was written by Igor Severyanin in 1909. And it occupies a special place in his work.
The poem is called "Do not envy a friend" on the first line. And already from the first line alone, we can guess what will be discussed further.
The main theme is the instruction given by the author, i.e. Severyanin insists and urges readers not to envy a friend, to rejoice for him (“Smile wider from his successes”), not to impede his success, and says that you will still be ahead, and he

Maybe not:
Maybe bliss is on your doorstep
And he, perhaps, is waiting for need and crying.
The author is the lyrical hero here. It is he who calls and gives instruction, and the second participant is the reader, his role is to accept these words.
“Do not envy a friend” is small in its volume, there are only 3 stanzas. It is easy to read, it is musical, all the lines are interconnected, there is a good rhyme here. It is not rich in means of expression. But, after reading the poem, you can immediately notice the repetition of words:
Do not envy a friend if a friend is richer
If he is more beautiful, if he is smarter.
May his wealth, may his good luck ...
This gives an additional impact of the author on the reader.
The position of the author is expressed here very clearly, clearly. After all, it is the author who acts as a hero who gives instruction (! Do not envy a friend, ”0, proves, and concludes with the last line: “This is a crime! This is a super-vice!” Thus, he shows his attitude to this feeling - “envy”.
This poem continues to sound today and will be relevant in the future. After all, this feeling (envy) will always be. There will always be people who envy another person because of his social position, level of wealth, because of anything.

That is, envy was, is and will always be, and the author I. Severyanin is trying to rid us of it.

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  33. By nature, Lermontov was a true romantic. He has a lot of poems dedicated to love lyrics. This poem was written in 1830. At that time, the poet met Ekaterina Sushkova. Catherine, believed that Lermontov was not worthy of her, she mocked him. He had deep and sincere feelings for her. She was his first […]
  34. The poem "Seeing off at the military registration and enlistment office" was written in 1988. First published in Ogonyok magazine. It is dedicated to the poet's friend, artist Boris Birger. The poem opens with the motive of separation, farewell: a brass band is playing, its sounds are delightful (they pour like honey in the air) and at the same time piercingly aching. Here comes the lyrical hero – a young boy, “young and in trouble”, “with a black forelock”, […]...
  35. The poem was written in 1818. At this time, the poet was in St. Petersburg and was in the service of the sovereign - the emperor as a teacher of the Russian language with the Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna. Survived the marriage of M. Protasova in 1817. For the 24-year-old Zhukovsky, this is the heyday of creativity. The personal drama of the poet and the disappointment associated with it in [...] ...
  36. Bunin's poem "Evening" was written in 1909 and refers, at first glance, to landscape lyrics. Here the author describes a beautiful autumn evening filled with the last warmth of the sun: a bottomless sky, white clouds, clean air ... But this is not the main thing in the work - the evening is only an occasion for the lyrical hero's inner reflections. There are elements of the plot in the poem - we understand [...] ...
  37. Hope is sometimes the only thing that always remains with a person. No matter what hardships occur in his life, no matter how much pain the next day brings, you just need to believe in the onset of the best. Then it becomes at least a little easier to cope with difficulties. It is about hope that Alexander Blok tells in the poem “The girl sang in the church choir”. However, the author [...]
  38. A poem that became a well-known romance. This is about letting go of completed love. If you remind about it, then it will not be reborn, but only anxiety will appear. However, it is common for women to tease, to attract even former lovers - just out of female pride. But the lyrical hero asks not to lead him astray, to leave alone what has already become obsolete. […]...
  39. The works created by M. Yu. Lermontov over the thirty years of his work include not only the glorification of the Borodino victory and love for the motherland; in them he speaks of freedom, the fate of generations, the appointment of a poet, senseless bloodshed, the search for truth. And between these verses, sharp epigrams, poetic jokes, kind poems about love, and stories about [...] ...
  40. This poem is called "Creativity", and it is taken from A. Akhmatova's cycle "Secrets of the Craft". Of course, here Akhmatova talks about creativity itself, and in the very first poem of this cycle about how inspiration comes to the poet. In my opinion, this poem can be divided into three parts. The first part speaks of the very beginning of the creation of a new poetic [...] ...

One of the founders of Russian egofuturism, Igor Severyanin in his work he really mixed the accents on his own person and often created odes for himself, not stinting on epithets. All this gave rise to a false perception of the poems of this poet, who had a very subtle artistic nature and was able to notice not only his own shortcomings, but also the vices of other people. True, he very rarely touched on this topic in his work, and one of the few poems that has a pronounced critical coloring is the work.

It is still a mystery to whom this poem is dedicated. There is an opinion that the author simply turned to himself in the third person, as if warning against actions that he would later regret. If this is so, it is not difficult to guess what the poet experiences to curl, whom he considers his teacher. However, the author pulls himself up and tries to extinguish in his soul not the brightest and best feelings that are caused by the friend's higher social position, his success in the literary field and material well-being. To cool his own ardor, Severyanin notes: “May his wealth, may his luck not erase the straps of your sandals.”

He encourages not only himself, but also those around him to confidently follow the chosen path and not look back at other people's achievements that cause envy. “Maybe bliss is at your doorstep, and perhaps need and crying await him,” indeed, these lines turn out to be prophetic, since in a few years Fofanov will die due to alcoholism, having squandered all his fortune, having lost his family and loved ones friends. He will only be devoted to him until the very last moment, believing that it was thanks to this person that he managed to achieve at least some success in the literary field. However, compassion is not at all the feeling that, according to the poet, one should feel towards a friend. After all, it is much more important for him that close people do not express their sympathy in difficult times, but know how to rejoice when a person is at the top of fame and prosperity. Therefore, Severyanin emphasizes: “Do not prevent a friend from rejoicing in success: this is a crime! This is an overkill!” In the understanding of the author, envy can destroy the strongest friendship, and there is no forgiveness for the culprit of this.