A cherry tree is a berry or fruit where the cherry bush grows. Cherry: planting and care, pruning and grafting Cherry belongs to the mahogany

Sweet cherry has become widespread in the domestic climate, it develops well and bears fruit. Its berries are not only eaten raw, but also added to pastries, and they are also used to prepare blanks for the winter. The question arises, is the cherry a tree or a shrub?

Differences between a tree and a shrub

The tree is a perennial plant. Unlike shrubs, it has 3 parts:

  • root system. Holds the plant in the soil, and also absorbs water and minerals from it.
  • Main stem. Carries minerals and water to the fruits, and with the help of the bark protects the plant from the negative effects of the environment.
  • Crown. This is the total number of branches and leaves located on them. Necessary for the process of photosynthesis.

A shrub is a perennial plant that has several woody primary branches. The life expectancy of a shrub is 20-25 years, which cannot be said about a tree (100-150 years).

Thus, we can conclude that the sweet cherry is a woody plant, not a shrub. It reaches a height of 9.5 meters.

Benefits of cherries over cherries

Sweet cherries are beautiful not only during flowering in spring, but throughout the summer period. The tree has a majestic crown and berries, distinguished by their brightness. Cherry berries can have a different color - from pale white to dark purple.

Cherries are often affected by moniliosis and coccomycosis, which cannot be said about cherries.

Unlike cherries, the gardener does not have to protect cherries from insect pests, since they rarely attack this plant. The only thing is that small birds love cherries, capable of destroying most of the crop. And finally, sweet cherries are much sweeter than cherries.

Cherry planting

After acquiring a tree, you need to choose a place for planting it.

Advice! This should be an area that is not affected by northerly winds.

It is advisable to choose soil that is located on a slight elevation. You can create a small ledge on the ground yourself by pouring an additional 0.5 m of soil.

The soil should be fertile, moisture-permeable and moisture-intensive, well aerated. It is worth remembering that the tree does not like watery terrain, so it is not recommended to place it near groundwater.

To create cross-pollination, at least 2 varieties must be planted on the site. A good solution would be to plant cherries next to a cherry tree. They should bloom at the same time.

Planting seedlings takes place in the first month of spring, but it is necessary to prepare for this in the autumn. The first step is to dig a hole 60 cm deep and pour 1.5 buckets of humus into it. In the spring, 350 g of superphosphate is added to the pit and mixed.

When planting seedlings, a hole is made, a roller is formed along its edges and a bucket of water is poured into it. Cherries are planted and mulched with humus or peat. The distance between adjacent trees should be at least 3 meters.

Sweet cherries need pruning, which should be done annually. The plant has a high shoot growth rate. All work should be carried out in early spring, immediately after the snow melts. It is recommended to remove up to 20% of the grown trunk in the first 5 years. You should also remove all dead branches.

In autumn, the tree is whitewashed and covered with spruce branches to protect it from mice.

tree care

For 3 summer months, three additional waterings should be organized for sweet cherries. With each such process, it is necessary to loosen the soil. When pruning a tree, its central trunk should be 20 cm longer than the skeletal branches.

In the first years after planting, strawberries or strawberries can be planted between the trees. But it is worth remembering that the cherry crown grows very quickly and will soon create a shadow.

Due to the fact that the sweet cherry begins to bloom and bear fruit early, it needs minerals. That is why it is necessary to prepare for the process in the fall and fill the soil with organic and mineral elements.

Advice! Fertilizer is placed in the soil to a depth of at least 25 cm.

For sweet cherries will be especially useful for winter watering. This will help to saturate the soil to full moisture capacity. If this fails, the tree should be watered before flowering in the spring.

Increase in the number of trees

The plant can be propagated by seeds and grafting. However, it is worth remembering that cherries propagated by seeds have fruits that are not intended for food. This method is intended for wild varieties to obtain rootstocks that are compatible with all species.

According to experts, in order to get a better supply, you should take an ordinary sweet cherry. This is a low plant, characterized by increased fruiting and frost resistance. Among the shortcomings, an increased formation of root shoots can be noted.

In early spring, seeds are planted in the ground. Between the lines there should be a distance of no more than 10 cm. As soon as shoots have appeared, they should be thinned out so that the distance between the nearest ones is about 3.5 cm.

Cultivars are propagated by grafting. At the end of July, budding is done. To do this, shoots of about 40 cm are taken from a fruiting plant, there must be at least 6 buds on the cut. You should not take short shoots.

Cherries can be grafted with or without wood. Wood is still recommended to be excluded in order to get the best result. Due to the fact that a tree may not have accustomed eyes, several of them are taken for each supply.

Protection of fruits from birds

It is not enough to plant a tree or shrub and carefully look after them. It is important to keep the harvest. Basically, sparrows and starlings like to eat fruits. There are many ways to protect a tree.

An old grandfather's method is to protect the crop with the help of rustling objects. It can be plastic bags or film from old cassettes. These items are attached to the branches. Their rustle scares away the birds.

A famous method is gleaming, thanks to which birds will be scared away by refracted sunlight. For these purposes, you can use New Year's rain, foil, damaged computer disks. They are also hung on branches.

A reliable method is to cover trees and shrubs with non-woven material, such as sheets or sheeting. But there is a minus in this method - it is only suitable for young trees that have a low height. Otherwise, covering a tall cherry will be quite problematic.

A modern method is the acquisition of meshes having a fine-mesh structure. According to the gardener, in this way you can almost 100% protect your crop. Also, modern methods include the use of gels, the smell of which repels birds. Electronic repellers that make unpleasant sounds are gaining great popularity.

The Latin name of the genus comes from the name of the city of Kerak, now Kerasunt, on the Black Sea coast of Asia Minor, from where, according to legend, it was first brought to Rome.

Contains about 150 species growing in East Asia, Europe and North America.

Deciduous trees or shrubs with oblong-ovate leaves; white, sometimes pink fragrant flowers, collected in umbellate inflorescences. The fruits are drupes, juicy, mostly edible, red or black. Most of the species are cultivated for both food and medicinal purposes. Due to the high decorativeness during flowering and fruiting, they can be widely used in ornamental gardening.

Grow fast. Photophilous, drought-resistant, tolerate urban conditions well. Wild-growing species reproduce by seeds, root offspring, garden forms - by grafting. With seed propagation, crops are produced in the summer, immediately after harvest, with washed, non-dried seeds, as well as in autumn and spring. For spring sowing, stratification is required throughout the winter. Used singly or in small groups in well-lit areas.

Cherry Bessey. It comes from the southern states of North America.

It grows in the form of a low shrub up to 1.2 m with a spreading crown; bare, reddish shoots; with graceful, oblong, dense leaves up to 6 cm long. In autumn, the leaves turn bright red, drawing attention to themselves. The flowers are white, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, adorn the plant for 15-20 days; fruits are purple-black, edible.

Fast-growing, cold-resistant, undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant shrub, ornamental throughout the season. It is used on sandy, dry slopes, in group plantings, forms beautiful borders, looks colorful on the edges, especially against the background of conifers. In culture since 1805.

Felt cherry. It grows on mountain slopes in Japan and Northwest China.

A tree or shrub up to 2-3 m tall with a broadly ovate, dense crown. The bark of the branches is grayish; annual shoots densely pubescent. The leaves are oval or obovate, pointed at the top, grayish-green above, felt-pubescent below, corrugated, on small, gray felt petioles. In autumn, the leaves turn reddish or yellow. The flowers are pink-white, fragrant. Flowering is very colorful and abundant, within 7-10 days. The fruits are spherical, scarlet-red, on short stalks, pubescent, with a pleasant delicate taste. Fruits in 3-4 years. With good fruiting, the branches are covered with fruits, as it were. During this period, it is difficult to compare with its decorative effect.

Winter-hardy, surpassing the common cherry in this indicator. Propagated by seeds, summer cuttings, varieties - by grafting. Due to early and abundant flowering, beautiful and tasty fruits, it is of undoubted interest for both landscapers and amateur gardeners. Good in single and loose group plantings, on the edges. Widely cultivated in central Russia and the Far East. Has several garden forms. In culture since 1870.

Ferrous cherry. Grows among shrubs, singly or in small groups, in the south of Primorsky kral, in Northern China, Korea and Japan.

Shrub up to 1.5 m tall. Flexible, thin, smooth, dark red or brownish, sometimes with a bluish bloom, the branches, arching towards the ground, give the bush the shape of a miniature tent. Graceful, oblong, with a strongly elongated apex, bare above, rarely pubescent below the leaves turn yellow-red in autumn. Flowers up to 2 cm, light pink, white at the end of flowering, solitary or 2-3, bloom simultaneously with the leaves. Flowering time is 6-8 days. Fruits up to 1 cm, spherical, dark red, blackening when fully ripe, edible, decorative.

Prefers nutritious soils and well-lit places. Propagated by seeds and root shoots. Looks good in parks and garden plots in single and group planting. Decorative by the nature of flowering, the shape of the bush, edible, dark-colored fruits. In culture for a long time.

Cherry dwarf (sandy). It grows wild in North America.

Shrub up to 1-1.5 m tall, upright growing in youth, with outstretched branches in old age. Shoots are thin, bare, reddish. Leaves oblanceolate, pointed up to 5 cm long, dark green above, grayish-white below; in autumn they are painted in bright, orange-red tones, creating spectacular spots against the background of dark conifers. Blooms very profusely for 18-23 days. The flowers are white, fragrant up to 1.8 cm in diameter, 2-3 in bunches. Fruits are purple-black, spherical up to 1 cm in diameter, edible.

It grows quickly, photophilous, frost-resistant, very drought-resistant, undemanding to the soil, tolerates urban conditions well. Decorative throughout the season, used in single, group plantings, in hedges, for landscaping slopes, rocky and sandy areas in gardens and parks. In culture since 1756.

Cherry shrub (steppe). It grows in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia, Ukraine, the North Caucasus, Western Siberia, Central Asia, Central Europe, the Balkans and Asia Minor. It is mainly found on open dry slopes and in thickets of shrubs.

Low, deciduous shrub up to 2 m tall, with a dense spreading crown. The bark of old shoots is light brown with yellow lenticels; in young shoots it is gray, turning red-brown towards the top. Leaves on short petioles, oblong or obovate, dark green above, glabrous, shiny, serrated along the edge, pale green below, dull, up to 5 cm long. The flowers are white, up to 2.4 cm in diameter, on short pedicels in bunches, rarely solitary. Flowering time is 7-12 days. The fruits are spherical, juicy, from yellow to dark cherry, almost black in color. Depending on the growing conditions, the size of the fruit varies greatly.

The most winter-hardy and drought-resistant of all cherries. Undemanding to the soil, photophilous, little damaged by pests and diseases. It is of interest for ornamental horticulture due to early abundant flowering and colorful fruiting. Gives numerous root offspring, suitable for fixing dry slopes, landscaping rocky places, group plantings, landscaping edges in forest parks.

The most interesting decorative forms: weeping (f. pendula) - with drooping branches, especially spectacular in a staff uniform; motley (f. variegata) - with yellow-white, spotted leaves, good for creating contrasting groups.

Cherry Maksimovich. It grows singly or in small groups in mixed shady forests, on the mountain slopes of the Primorsky Territory, in the eastern regions of the Khabarovsk Territory, on Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, in Northeast China, Korea and Japan.

Slender tree up to 15 m tall. The crown is round or flat-splayed. The bark is dark gray to blackish, exfoliating in round scales, on young branches yellowish, pubescent. The leaves are elliptical with a wedge-shaped base, slightly pubescent below, light purple or bronze when blooming, dull green in summer, orange in autumn. White, with a delicate aroma, the flowers are collected in 5-7-flowered inflorescences with large leaf-shaped bracts. The fruits are small drupes (up to 0.7 cm), first red, then black, spherical, dryish, inedible, with dark purple, coloring pulp.

Very shade-tolerant, undemanding to the soil, but prefers fertile and well-drained, avoids waterlogging. It grows moderately fast, easily tolerates transplanting and pruning, lives up to 80-100 years. Propagated by seeds, root suckers. It is especially decorative during the flowering period, when abundant white flowers stand out effectively against the background of young bronze leaves. In the autumn period, with the autumn coloring of the leaves, it harmonizes well with birch, fir, cedar and spruce.

Cherry ordinary. It is unknown in the wild, but widely distributed in cultivation. It can be used not only as a fruit, but also as a very decorative plant in group and edge plantings, in hedges.

Tree up to 10 m tall, with spreading crown, smooth bark, and scaly peeling bark. The leaves are broadly elliptical, pointed, crenate-toothed along the edge, smooth, shiny, bright or dark green, lighter below, up to 8 cm long, petiolate. The flowers are white, fragrant, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, on long peduncles, 2-3 in umbellate inflorescences. Flowering time is 10-20 days. The fruits are dark red, spherical, fleshy, usually flattened on top, sweet and sour (for nutritional properties, see the reference book "Food Plants of Russia").

Fast-growing, shade-tolerant, frost-resistant and drought-resistant breed. Smoke and gas resistant. It develops best on loose, humus-rich soils. It responds well to lime content in the soil. Forms numerous root suckers. Some scientists consider it a natural hybrid between shrub cherries and sweet cherries, which arose and repeated many times in places where the mother species coexist.

In addition to numerous varieties, it has a number of forms that are interesting only from a decorative point of view: spherical (f. umbraculifera) - a short tree with a compact spherical crown and small leaves; terry (f. plena) - with white semi-double flowers; Raksa (f. Rexii) - with white double flowers; peach (f. persicifo-lia) - with light or bright pink flowers; always blooming (f. semperflorens) - a small tree or shrub with smaller leaves and flowers at the ends of shortened shoots of four, blooms all summer; motley (f. aureo-va-riegata) - with yellow and white-motley leaves; aukubodistnuyu (f. aucubaefolia) - with yellow spots on the leaves; loose leaf (f. saticifolia) - with large leaves, up to 13 cm long, with a width of 3 cm.

Decorative forms are good as single or small-group plantings on the front plate, and variegated - in complex compositions.

Cherry bird (Cherry). It grows wild in the forests of Western Ukraine, the Caucasus, the mountainous Crimea, Central and Southern Europe, Asia Minor and Iran. It is bred in culture as a fruit and ornamental plant.

Tree up to 20-35 m tall with an ovoid crown formed by upwardly directed branches. Run naked. The bark of the trunk is dark gray, with a leaf-like exfoliating crust. The leaves are elliptical or oblong-ovate, pointed, wedge-shaped at the base, up to 16 cm long, dark green, shiny, glabrous, bicumate along the edge, on petioles 2.5 cm long. Numerous fragrant, snow-white flowers up to 3 cm in diameter collected in few-flowered inflorescences. Blooms for two weeks. Fruits from dark red to black, with juicy pulp, up to 2 cm in diameter.

It grows quickly, shade-tolerant, relatively demanding on fertility and soil moisture, frost-resistant, durable. It is used in the form of single landings of the distant plan, terry, low and weeping forms in groups and single landings of the foreground.

It has a number of decorative forms: willow (f. salicifolia) - with very narrow leaves; terry (f. plena); low (f. nana) - dwarf growth; fern-leaved) (f. asplenifolia) - with deeply serrated, cut leaves; motley (f. variegata) - with white and yellow spots on the leaves; pyramidal (f. pyramidalis); weeping (f. pendula).

Cherry- a plant of the subgenus Cerasus of the genus Plum (Prunus).
Subgenus Cerasus different from other subgenera of the genus Prunus (Armeniaca- apricot, Prunus- plum, Padus- bird cherry) with the following features: the fruit (drupe) is smooth, without plaque; leaves in buds folded lengthwise; flowers are arranged in umbrellas, sometimes containing two flowers; develop simultaneously with leaves or earlier than them.

The very word "cherry" most likely goes back to the Greek "vissivia" and "vissivos", which means "cherry". Name Cerasus comes from the city of Kerazund, one of the ports on the coast of Asia Minor. Probably from there she was brought to Rome. Later, the cherry came to other European countries. In France, it became widely known in the 8th century. n. e. And in Russia in the XII century. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky became interested in cherries. It was thanks to him that cherry orchards appeared near Moscow.

Cherry is represented by many types. Of these, the most important are the following:
✓ ordinary cherry;
✓ steppe cherry;
✓ felt cherry;
✓ sand cherry.
Cherry varieties can be divided into bushy and treelike.
How did the cherry originate from hybridization cherries and shrub cherry. This is a low tree or shrub up to 4 m high. The shape of the crown can be oval or wide-round, mostly drooping.
Cherry leaves are oval, of different sizes, often pointed at the end, folded along the central vein. There are 2-4 glands on the petiole. Flowers are collected in umbellate inflorescences of 2-5 flowers. The fruit is a drupe of various sizes, shapes, lengths of the stem, color of the pulp and juice.
According to the color of the pulp and juice, 2 groups of varieties are distinguished: griots, which have dark red skin and intense red juice, and Amoreli with light red skin and light pink or colorless juice.
Between these groups of cherries there are many transitional forms. Taking into account the hybrid nature of the common cherry, a new classification has been developed, in which there are 6 groups, each of which is divided into subgroups with colored and uncolored juices. The classification was developed on the basis of the dominance of the characteristics of the original species.
tree cherry is a tree or small tree with a well-defined stem and a conductor 2–7 m high, depending on the growing conditions.
The following varieties belong to this type of cherry: Zhukovskaya, Rastunya, Turgenevka, Pink bottle, Oryol early, Black consumer goods etc.
In height, these varieties reach 5–7 m, they begin to bear fruit in the 4th–5th years. Life expectancy is 20-30 years.
bushy cherry represents several trunks with roots extending from them or a very short trunk. Harvest this cherry forms on the shoots of the previous year.
There are a lot of varieties that belong to this type: Vladimirskaya, Fertile Michurina, Patriotic, Lyubskaya, Ruby, Polzhir, Polevka. A distinctive feature of bush cherries is good winter hardiness. It begins to bear fruit in the 2-3rd year. Life expectancy is 15–20 years.
According to the nature of fruiting, cherries can be divided into varieties that bear fruit simultaneously both on the growths of the previous year and on bouquet twigs.
The first type refers to varieties of tree-like cherries, the second type - bushy.
Tree-like cherries begin to bear fruit in the 4th-5th years. On their biennial shoots 25–35 cm long, bouquet branches are formed in several branches.
After the bouquet branches fade, a very short shoot appears from the apical vegetative bud, on which a group of generative buds is located in the center. The cycle is repeated every year.
On annual shoots, only vegetative buds appear. Strong lateral shoots appear from the upper buds, which contribute to the thickening of the cherry crown.
Bushy cherries begin to bear fruit in the 3rd year after planting, and by the same time they show a tendency to form basal shoots. The following varieties of bushy cherries give especially strong shoots: Vladimirskaya, Korostynskaya, Vasilievskaya, Rastunya.
The duration of fruiting of both bush-like and tree-like grafted cherries in the conditions of the middle and northern regions of the Non-Chernozem Zone is about 12–15 years. During this relatively short period, the cherry goes through three main life stages: growth, fruiting and aging.
The growth period for cherries lasts from 2 to 5 years. All agricultural practices at this time should be aimed at supporting annual strong growth, which ends growth by the end of the vegetative period. Unripe shoots freeze even at normal winter temperatures.
After the cherry enters the fruiting period, its growth begins to decrease. They form mainly generative buds, which, after fruiting, will not give lateral branches. Then the baring of branches and a decline in productivity gradually begin. During this period, agricultural technology should be aimed at keeping the cherry in good condition and getting the necessary growth.
The last stage of a tree's life is accompanied by the cessation of growth, a sharp decline in productivity, and the drying out of skeletal branches. Due to the fact that cherries have few dormant buds, the process of drying out is faster than that of pome crops such as apple and pear. Therefore, after drying, it does not make sense to keep such a cherry in the garden.

Cherry has a number of useful properties due to the extremely successful combination of vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, as well as magnesium, iron, cobalt, folic acid. Cherry strengthens the walls of small blood vessels, prevents anemia, and prevents anemia. And due to the high content of vitamin C, cherries protect our body from viruses, help strengthen the immune system.

viscum“bird glue”, etc. In this case, the original meaning of the word is “tree with sticky sap”.

Biological description

Subgenus Cerasus different from other subgenera of the genus Prunus (Armeniaca- apricot, Prunus- plum and Emplectocladus) the following features: the fruit (drupe) is smooth, without plaque; leaves in buds folded lengthwise; flowers are arranged in umbels, sometimes containing two flowers; develop simultaneously with leaves or earlier than them.


The subgenus is divided into two sections, Cerasus and Laurocerasus, which include over 60 species.

Some species

sect. Cerasus

  • Prunus avium- Sweet cherry, or bird cherry. Tree without root shoots; leaves are slightly fluffy below; petioles of leaves at the base of the plate are equipped with two glands.
  • Prunus campanulataMax.- Bell cherry. A tree with the reddest flowers of any wild species.
  • Prunus cerasus- Cherry ordinary, or Cherry sour. A tree that shoots from its roots; the leaves are completely bare, the petioles of the leaves are without glands.
  • Prunus cerasoidesBuch.-Ham. ex D.Don, 1825- Cherry cherry
  • Prunus emarginata(Douglas) Eaton- Bitter cherry
  • Prunus fruticosaPall.- Shrub cherry, or steppe cherry [syn. Prunus chamaecerasus Jacq.]. Low shrub; occurs wildly in Southern and Central Russia.
  • Prunus maximowicziiRupr.- Cherry Maksimovich. A small Far Eastern tree with inedible fruits.
  • Prunus serrulataLindl.- Small serrated cherry. Decorative tree - sakura, a symbol of Japanese culture.

sect. Laurocerasus

  • Prunus laurocerasus- laurel cherry
  • Prunus padus- Common bird cherry, or carpal bird cherry, or bird cherry
  • Prunus virginiana- Virgin bird cherry, or red bird cherry

Meaning and usage

Of the 150 species known in the world, five species took part in the creation of modern varieties and rootstocks of cherries: ordinary cherries, steppe cherries, felt cherries, Magaleb cherries and sweet cherries.

Honeybees take plentiful (especially in the morning) nectar and pollen nectar from the flowers of different types of cherries. During cherry blossom, approximately equal numbers of bees can be observed collecting both nectar and pollen.


Cherry production (thousand tons)
The country 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Turkey Turkey 47 59 73 96 130 143 186 230 280 310 398 338 418
USA USA 79 111 141 156 120 142 150 185 227 266 282 225 390
Iran Iran 34 39 45 53 65 85 157 216 225 225 200 199 225
Italy Italy 196 210 190 119 157 100 120 146 101 111 106 134 116
Spain Spain 50 53 66 80 79 55 55 113 96 92 76 72 96
Syria Syria 1 2 5 10 22 19 41 56 53 63 75 48 78
Russia, Russia n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 62 85 93 50 100 63 69
Romania Romania 36 61 59 67 88 68 60 74 118 105 65 68 68
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 18 20 22 54 55 61 67
Chile Chile 3 3 5 5 9 14 20 31 32 41 45 46 56
France France 118 121 89 113 101 82 63 66 69 68 47 40 53
Ukraine Ukraine n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 47 76 100 49 68 75 53
Poland Poland 26 29 22 25 31 9 36 38 37 38 20 41 50
Greece Greece 19 25 25 18 28 47 50 57 44 44 52 42 48
Germany Germany 140 255 169 142 194 141 142 170 28 32 34 25 39
Lebanon Lebanon 7 12 14 19 28 42 78 45 29 23 30 31 35
Austria Austria 20 25 23 23 23 20 29 30 26 27 34 27 30
Serbia Serbia n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 25 23 21 23 28 29 29
Bulgaria Bulgaria 36 55 52 55 75 71 75 28 18 20 18 16 17
Portugal Portugal 38 21 15 11 13 11 8 8 16 15 9 10 11
Switzerland Switzerland 46 47 49 39 37 24 24 19 10 8 10 6 10
The whole world 1113 1460 1360 1279 1530 1397 1629 1901 1863 1870 1956 1801 2196

Origin and history of cultivation

Raw cherries
Nutritional value per 100 g of product
Energy value 52 kcal 217 kJ
Water84.4 g
Squirrels0.8 g
Fats0.2 g
Carbohydrates10.6 g
Retinol (vit. A) 17 mcg
Thiamine ( B1) 0.03 mg
Pantothenic acid ( B5) 0.08 mg
Folacin ( B9) 6 mcg
Ascorbic acid (vit. With) 15 mg
Tocopherol (vit. E) 0.3 mg
Calcium37 mg
Iron0.5 mg
Magnesium26 mg
Phosphorus30 mg
Potassium256 mg
Sodium20 mg
Copper100 mcg
The most famous type of cherry for a long time is sweet cherry, or bird's cherry. Cherries are believed to have been known as early as 8000 BC. e. in Anatolia and in Europe - on the territory of modern Denmark and Switzerland (inhabitants of pile buildings).

The Assyrian king Sargon II (722-705 BC) is said to have loved the sweet scent of cherry blossoms. According to Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC. e., cherry trees were wrapped in thick felt for the winter. A thick syrup was prepared from their fruits, which they drank, diluted with water, or used to improve the taste of cookies.

There is reason to think that the first cherries from Asia Minor were brought to Rome after the campaign against Mithridates (74 BC) by the commander and slave owner Lucullus.

cherry fruits

Cherry fruits have a sweet and sour taste. Cherry fruits contain organic acids (citric acid, malic acid, succinic acid, salicylic acid), trace elements (copper, iron, zinc, iodine, manganese, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, vanadium, cobalt, nickel, rubidium), macroelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium), as well as pectin, sugars, vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, PP, folic acid.

Cherry in culture

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A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.


  • in
  • Sychev A.. Information garden center. Retrieved October 16, 2013.

An excerpt characterizing Cherry

Helen smiled with a look that said that she did not allow the possibility that anyone could see her and not be admired. The aunt cleared her throat, swallowed her saliva, and said in French that she was very glad to see Helen; then she turned to Pierre with the same greeting and with the same mine. In the middle of a boring and stumbling conversation, Helen looked back at Pierre and smiled at him with that smile, clear, beautiful, with which she smiled at everyone. Pierre was so accustomed to this smile, it expressed so little for him that he paid no attention to it. Auntie was talking at that time about the collection of snuff boxes that Pierre's late father, Count Bezukhy, had, and showed her snuff box. Princess Helen asked to see the portrait of her aunt's husband, which was made on this snuffbox.
“That’s right, it was done by Vines,” said Pierre, naming a well-known miniaturist, bending down to the table to pick up a snuffbox, and listening to the conversation at another table.
He got up, wanting to go around, but the aunt brought the snuffbox right over Helen, behind her. Helen leaned forward to make room and looked around smiling. She was, as always at the evenings, in a dress that was very open, in the fashion of the time, in front and behind. Her bust, which always seemed marble to Pierre, was at such a close distance from his eyes that with his short-sighted eyes he involuntarily distinguished the lively beauty of her shoulders and neck, and so close to his lips that he had to bend down a little to touch her. He could hear the warmth of her body, the smell of perfume, and the creak of her corset as she moved. He did not see her marble beauty, which was one with her dress, he saw and felt all the charm of her body, which was covered only by clothes. And, having once seen this, he could not see otherwise, how we cannot return to the deceit once explained.
“So you still haven’t noticed how beautiful I am? – as if said Ellen. Have you noticed that I am a woman? Yes, I am a woman who can belong to anyone, and to you too,” said her look. And at that very moment Pierre felt that Helen not only could, but should have been his wife, that it could not be otherwise.
He knew this at that moment as surely as he would have known it, standing under the crown with her. As it will be? and when? he did not know; he didn’t even know if it would be good (he even felt that it was not good for some reason), but he knew that it would be.
Pierre lowered his eyes, raised them again, and again wanted to see her with such a distant, alien beauty to himself, as he had seen her every day before; but he couldn't do it anymore. It could not, just as a person who had previously looked in the fog at a blade of weeds and saw a tree in it, seeing a blade of grass, again see a tree in it, could not. She was terribly close to him. She already had power over him. And between him and her there were no longer any barriers, except for the barriers of his own will.
Bon, je vous laisse dans votre petit coin. Je vois, que vous y etes tres bien, [Okay, I'll leave you in your corner. I see you feel good there,] - said the voice of Anna Pavlovna.
And Pierre, recalling with fear whether he had done something reprehensible, blushing, looked around him. It seemed to him that everyone knew, as well as he, about what had happened to him.
After a while, when he approached the large mug, Anna Pavlovna said to him:
- On dit que vous embellissez votre maison de Petersbourg. [They say you are finishing your St. Petersburg house.]
(It was true: the architect said that he needed it, and Pierre, not knowing why, was finishing his huge house in St. Petersburg.)
- C "est bien, mais ne demenagez pas de chez le prince Basile. Il est bon d" avoir un ami comme le prince, she said, smiling at Prince Vasily. - J "en sais quelque chose. N" est ce pas? [That's good, but don't move away from Prince Vasily. It's good to have such a friend. I know something about it. Isn't it?] And you're still so young. You need advice. You are not angry with me that I use the rights of old women. - She fell silent, as women are always silent, waiting for something after they say about their years. - If you marry, then another matter. And she put them together in one look. Pierre did not look at Helen, and she at him. But she was still terribly close to him. He mumbled something and blushed.
Returning home, Pierre could not sleep for a long time, thinking about what had happened to him. What happened to him? Nothing. He only realized that the woman he knew as a child, about whom he absentmindedly said: “Yes, good,” when he was told that Helen was beautiful, he realized that this woman could belong to him.
“But she is stupid, I myself said she was stupid,” he thought. - There is something nasty in the feeling that she aroused in me, something forbidden. I was told that her brother Anatole was in love with her, and she was in love with him, that there was a whole story, and that Anatole was expelled from this. Her brother is Ippolit... Her father is Prince Vasily... This is not good, he thought; and at the same time as he was reasoning like this (these reasonings were still unfinished), he found himself smiling and realizing that another series of reasonings had surfaced because of the first ones, that at the same time he was thinking about her insignificance and dreaming about how she would be his wife, how she could love him, how she could be completely different, and how everything he thought and heard about her could be untrue. And he again saw her not as some kind of daughter of Prince Vasily, but saw her whole body, only covered with a gray dress. “But no, why didn’t this thought occur to me before?” And again he told himself that it was impossible; that something nasty, unnatural, as it seemed to him, dishonest would be in this marriage. He remembered her former words, looks, and the words and looks of those who had seen them together. He remembered the words and looks of Anna Pavlovna when she told him about the house, remembered thousands of such hints from Prince Vasily and others, and he was horrified that he had not bound himself in any way in the performance of such a thing, which, obviously, was not good. and which he must not do. But at the same time as he was expressing this decision to himself, from the other side of his soul her image surfaced with all its feminine beauty.

In November 1805, Prince Vasily had to go to four provinces for an audit. He arranged this appointment for himself in order to visit his ruined estates at the same time, and taking with him (at the location of his regiment) his son Anatole, together with him to call on Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky in order to marry his son to the daughter of this rich old man. But before leaving and these new affairs, Prince Vasily had to settle matters with Pierre, who, it is true, had spent whole days at home, that is, with Prince Vasily, with whom he lived, he was ridiculous, agitated and stupid (as he should being in love) in Helen's presence, but still not proposing.
“Tout ca est bel et bon, mais il faut que ca finisse”, [All this is good, but it must be ended] - Prince Vasily said to himself once in the morning with a sigh of sadness, realizing that Pierre, who owed so much to him (well, yes Christ be with him!), does not do very well in this matter. “Youth ... frivolity ... well, God bless him,” thought Prince Vasily, feeling his kindness with pleasure: “mais il faut, que ca finisse. After Lelyna's name day tomorrow, I will call someone, and if he does not understand what he must do, then this will be my business. Yes, my business. I am the father!”
Pierre, a month and a half after Anna Pavlovna's evening and the sleepless, agitated night that followed, in which he decided that marrying Helen would be a misfortune, and that he needed to avoid her and leave, Pierre after this decision did not move from Prince Vasily and with horror felt that every day he was more and more connected with her in the eyes of people, that he could not return to his former view of her, that he could not tear himself away from her, that it would be terrible, but that he would have to connect with her own destiny. Perhaps he could have abstained, but not a day passed that Prince Vasily (who rarely had a reception) would not have an evening at which Pierre was supposed to be, if he did not want to upset the general pleasure and deceive the expectations of everyone. Prince Vasily, in those rare moments when he was at home, passing Pierre, pulled his hand down, absently offered him a shaved, wrinkled cheek for a kiss and said either “see you tomorrow” or “for dinner, otherwise I won’t see you” , or “I stay for you,” etc. But despite the fact that when Prince Vasily remained for Pierre (as he said it), he did not say a few words to him, Pierre did not feel able to deceive his expectations . Every day he said to himself one and the same thing: “We must, finally, understand her and give ourselves an account: who is she? Was I wrong before or am I wrong now? No, she is not stupid; No, she's a beautiful girl! he said to himself sometimes. “She is never wrong about anything, she has never said anything stupid. She doesn't say much, but what she says is always simple and clear. So she's not stupid. She has never been embarrassed and never is embarrassed. So she's not a bad woman!" It often happened with her to begin to reason, to think aloud, and each time she answered him either with a short, but incidentally said remark, showing that she was not interested in this, or with a silent smile and look, which most palpably showed Pierre her superiority. She was right to dismiss all reasoning as nonsense compared to that smile.
She always turned to him with a joyful, trusting smile that applied to him alone, in which there was something more significant than what was in the general smile that always adorned her face. Pierre knew that everyone was only waiting for him to finally say one word, to step over a certain line, and he knew that sooner or later he would step over it; but some kind of incomprehensible horror seized him at the mere thought of this terrible step. A thousand times during this month and a half, during which he felt himself drawn further and further into that abyss that terrified him, Pierre said to himself: “But what is this? It takes determination! Don't I have it?"
He wanted to make up his mind, but he felt with horror that in this case he did not have that determination that he knew in himself and which really was in him. Pierre was one of those people who are strong only when they feel completely pure. And from the day he was possessed by that feeling of desire that he experienced over Anna Pavlovna's snuffbox, an unconscious sense of the guilt of this desire paralyzed his resolve.
On Helen's name day, Prince Vasily had dinner with a small community of people closest to him, as the princess said, relatives and friends. All these relatives and friends were given to feel that on this day the fate of the birthday girl should be decided.
The guests were at dinner. Princess Kuragina, a massive, once beautiful, imposing woman, was sitting in the master's seat. On both sides of it sat the most honored guests - the old general, his wife, Anna Pavlovna Sherer; at the end of the table sat the less elderly and honored guests, and there sat the family, Pierre and Helen, side by side. Prince Vasily did not have supper: he walked around the table, in a cheerful mood, sitting down first to one or another of the guests. To each he spoke a careless and pleasant word, with the exception of Pierre and Helen, whose presence he did not seem to notice. Prince Vasily revived everyone. Wax candles burned brightly, silver and crystal of dishes, ladies' dresses and gold and silver epaulets shone; servants in red caftans scurried around the table; there were the sounds of knives, glasses, plates, and the sounds of the lively conversation of several conversations around this table. At one end the old chamberlain could be heard assuring the old baroness of his fiery love for her and her laughter; on the other hand, a story about the failure of some kind of Marya Viktorovna. At the middle of the table, Prince Vasily gathered listeners around him. He told the ladies, with a playful smile on his lips, the last - on Wednesday - meeting of the State Council, at which Sergei Kuzmich Vyazmitinov, the new St. Sergei Kuzmich, he said that from all sides he receives statements about the devotion of the people, and that the statement of St. Petersburg is especially pleasant to him, that he is proud of the honor of being the head of such a nation and will try to be worthy of it. This rescript began with the words: Sergey Kuzmich! Rumors reach me from all sides, etc.

Sakura is an ornamental cherry of the Pink family. Tree inflorescences are also called Sakura. It can be found in the mountainous regions of Japan, in temple and city parks, along the banks of rivers. There are about 400 varieties and 16 species of this tree. Beautiful sakura grows in different sizes and shapes. It blooms in spring, the flowers are painted from bright pink to white. The flowering period annually lasts no more than a week. The fruit is a black drupe, about 10 mm in diameter.

Sakura Story

Sakura- this is a garden, collective name for forms that were bred on the basis of ever-Asian species, with double pink flowers.

  • ?Sakuras are usually referred to as serrated or saw-toothed cherries. The tree in nature grows up to 25 m. In autumn, large leaves turn purple, almost brown. Flowers 7-9 pieces in a cyst and about 5 cm long.
  • The Sakhalin cherry, another species from the far east, is very similar to the sawtooth cherry. Its representatives have spread widely in Sakhalin, in the Primorsky Territory, the islands of the Sea of ​​Japan. Trees in nature up to eight meters high with a reddish trunk and large dark leaves, similar to cherry leaves. Large pink flowers bloom, up to 4 cm in diameter.
  • Cherry short-bristle - the third species related to the ancestors of the tree. It is up to 10 meters high, with umbrella-shaped, lush tassels of purple flowers.
  • Modern sakura is created on the basis of crossing species and attracting cherries of Iedoyensis, Lannesiana, Iniza.

    cultural significance

    Sakura is a famous symbol of Japanese culture and Japan in general.- The Japanese have long revered this plant. Almost the entire population of Japan lives on a strip of fertile plains and grows rice. If the sakura blossoms, then this means that the earth has warmed up and rice can be planted. For the peasants of Japan, it was considered a symbol of prosperity. The samurai had a special relationship with the tree, they considered it a symbol of stamina and purity.

    The tradition of cherry blossom viewing dates back to the Heian era. The aristocrats admired the flowering and reflected on the transience and meaning of life, on purity. According to the ancient chronicle of the Nihonshoki, cherry blossoms were first admired in the third century BC. Other data say that in popularity it overtook the plum and became a symbol of the nation only in the ninth century, under Emperor Saga, in the Heian era. This was the result of a confluence of two trends.

  • The Japanese have been actively borrowing cultural values ​​from China since the Nara era, such as writing, arts, Buddhism, and aesthetic criteria. Refined and enlightened Chinese believed that plum flowers were beautiful, which means that the aristocracy and the imperial house were of the same opinion - they sat in plum orchards, had fun with food and libations, light flirting, poetic tournaments and parlor games were included. But over time, while the country developed and raised its cultural level, national self-awareness woke up and demanded something unique, its own, local.
  • On the other hand, there was sakura. In religion, the kami gods inhabited every blade of grass and pebble, and the cherry tree was no exception. Tree spirits were responsible for the entire harvest, and cherry blossoms gave a signal to plant rice.
  • During the Tokugawa era, sakura was planted almost everywhere in Japan to reinforce the tree-viewing tradition. At that time, she, with her flowers, became a symbol of bushi. In the Meiji era, with Europeanization and reformation, sakura began to be cut down. But then, self-consciousness, as it was saturated with everything Western, reached for the roots, after which admiring the tree became a favorite holiday in Japan. The financial and academic year, their beginning, coincides with the cherry blossoms, this falls on the first of April. From the time of Meiji to the present, sakura on headdresses, coats of arms and shoulder straps indicates the rank of the military and students. Now used on the coats of arms of the armed forces and police of Japan. The tree is a symbol of female beauty and youth.

    March 27, 1992 introduced the Cherry Blossom Festival public organization "Japanese Sakura Society". The festival was held in many areas of Japan, its implementation depends on the flowering. As soon as the trees are dressed in pink flowers, Japan gathers in parks in couples, families and groups.

    cherry blossom

    Spring, in Japanese haaru, is the time of cherry blossoms, which is associated with the most beautiful holiday of the land of the rising sun. From March to early April, the country is completely transformed, many trees bloom with pink and white flowers, which makes it seem as if they are covered with snow flakes or shrouded in clouds.

    In parks, gardens, alleys, near temples and palaces, many people gather every year to admire the breathtaking and truly beautiful spectacle. The custom is called "khanami", which means "seeing flowers." The tradition originated in the imperial court in the seventh century under the rule of the Tang Dynasty. During the time of Emperor Saga, festivals began to be held, where participants feasted, admired the flowers and sang their beauty in poems and poems. This custom initially spread to the elite and the court of the emperor, then became popular among the samurai, and then among the common people.

    It is believed that the most beautiful trees grow in the ancient capitals of Nara, Kamakura and Kyoto. It is a pity that the flowering of the tree is very short-lived. Rain and a gust of wind are enough for the flowers to quickly fall to the ground before they bloom. Blooming sakura in Buddhism is a symbol of the impermanence of being and frailty, in poetry it is associated with love and bygone youth.

    cherry blossom tradition is universal in Japan. Every year, the media and meteorological agencies closely monitor the beginning of the flowering season and report it as an event of national importance. Bloom season officially opens in Tokyo at Shinjuku Central Park, where the imperial chita appears. All famous public and political figures come to the holiday.

    In Tokyo, before the start of flowering, a headquarters of 50 special people is created. This headquarters is located in the office and constantly receives information about flowering from the population. Beauty connoisseurs come from all over the world to enjoy the holiday, when the country is immersed in pale pink colors. They gather for picnics not only during the day, but also at night, because even in the dark, the sakura is very beautiful. Hanami at night is called "yosakura", which translates as "night cherry". A week later, a little more, the flowers fly around and remind everyone that youth and beauty are not eternal.

    The use of wood in everyday life

    Made from fruits sour wine or added during cooking to rice. Petals and leaves have also been used - they are salted, then the leaves are used as a shell for making sakura-mochi sweets, and the petals are turned into an odorous seasoning. They are often dipped in green tea or boiling water during the holidays, because in contact with hot water, the petals open and delight everyone with their appearance.

    Experts believe that sakura is an ideal tree for bonsai. It grows slowly, so having bought a plant in a store, you should not be afraid that after two years you will have to transplant it outside, and the growth of the tree is restrained by constant pruning of roots and new shoots.

    The plant can be purchased in special stores. little sakura looks like an adult tree, only in a reduced size. If you are going to create a bonsai, then remember that the plant is alive and it should be given enough attention and time, because with the wrong approach it will die.

    Sakura is a symbol of Japan

    When the god of the mountains offered Ninigi, the grandson of the goddess of the Sun, to marry one of his daughters, he decided that if he gave preference to the eldest, High Rock, the life of their descendants would be eternal and strong, like stones. But if he prefers the younger, Blooming, then the life of their children, regardless of social status, will be beautiful, but short, like cherry blossom. Ninigi chose Blooming and became the ancestor of Japanese emperors.

    The Japanese, annually contemplating the beauty of this amazing plant and looking at the fragility of its flowering, reflect on the fact that beauty is not eternal, and life is fleeting and fragile. And therefore, it very much resembles a crumbling sakura flower - although it is beautiful, it leaves too soon: it is not in vain that sakura blossoms symbolize the frailty of life and the changeability of being.

    Tree Description

    Sakura is the name given to the trees of the pink family, the plum subfamily (the species is small-serrated cherry), most of which perform a purely decorative function: they bloom, but do not bear fruit (unlike other trees of its species, Japanese sakura is grown not for berries, but for flowers). There are 16 types of sakura and over 400 varieties.

    Despite the fact that sakura trees can be found mainly in the south of the northern hemisphere: in China, Korea, in the Himalayas, most trees of this species grow in Japan: nine out of sixteen species and a considerable number of varieties. There are especially a lot of someyoshino (white sakura with huge flowers) and shidarezakura (weeping willow) - this color of sakura has a pink tint.

    Sakura grows very well next to other plants of its kind, which, depending on how they are planted, give a different impression. For example, tree branches planted in parallel rows can intertwine at the top, forming a blooming arch above your head - it looks especially chic if at that time the flowers have already begun to gradually fall off and a person steps on the carpet, which was created by sakura petals.

    The height of the plant depends on its age, but is usually about 8 meters (but there are also taller trees, for example, one of the oldest cherry trees in the world, whose age is 1800 years old, has about 24 meters in height).

    The bark is smooth, cut across the entire surface of the tree with small horizontal cracks of a gray, green or red hue, and the wood of the tree is very flexible due to the high amount of resin in it.

    The leaves are oval or spear-shaped with slightly serrated edges. When a branch of sakura blooms, it is completely covered with flowers, mostly white or pink, with each inflorescence consisting of several double flowers, usually having 5 petals. The Japanese managed to breed species whose flowers contain about 50 petals, the diameter of which is about 50-60 mm - outwardly they even resemble roses, peonies, chrysanthemums.

    Sakura petals can be of different colors: white sakura and pink are often found, but it is not uncommon to see flowers of red, crimson, yellow, and even green and colorful tones. Since the cherry blossoms bloom even before the cherry leaves appear on the tree, it seems that a huge number of delicate inflorescences have stuck around the dead and bare trunk (therefore, the flowering period in Japan is also associated with rebirth).

    When the sakura petals begin to fade, but have not yet fallen from the tree, and the sakura branch is overgrown with the first leaves, the plant looks extremely elegant and summer-like (the Japanese call it Ha-Zakura, which means "sakura with leaves").

    Few trees of this species bear fruit, and if they do, the fruits of sakura (sakurambo) are usually very small, cherry-colored, have a large stone, tightly covered with thin pulp, and taste very sour and tart. They are sold in small boxes and they are extremely expensive.

    flowering time

    Cherry blossom begins in January on about. Okinawa (located in the south) and ends at about. Hokkaido, thus moving north. The period when this tree blooms depends largely on its type: some plants begin to bloom in winter, others in late spring. For example, such well-known species as:

    • Fuyu-Zakura - blooms in the last month of autumn;
    • Yama-dzarkura - an early plant, blooms at the end of March;
    • Someyoshino - in early April;
    • Yae-zakura - in the middle of spring;
    • Kasumi-zakura - in early May.
    • When the flower is fully opened, it remains so for about a week. How long it will bloom depends largely on the weather and temperature - the colder, the longer it will be possible to contemplate the cherry blossoms. But strong winds and rain, on the contrary, cherry blossoms will be significantly reduced.

      Hanami Festival

      Cherry blossoms in Japan are celebrated at the state level: the official opening of Hanami ("Contemplation of Flowers") takes place in Tokyo's main Shinjuku park - while not only famous politicians, but also members of the imperial family take part in it.

      During this period, numerous gardens, parks, squares and other places where the cherry tree blossoms are visited by a huge number of people, viewing is especially popular in the evening, when the sakura branch is very beautifully illuminated. Contemplating, people have picnics, relax, and often use the Hanami holiday for personal interests - they negotiate, strengthen contacts, make new acquaintances.

      The use of wood in everyday life

      From the fruits of this plant, the Japanese make sour wine or add to rice during cooking. Leaves and petals have also been used - they are salted, after which the leaves are used as an edible shell for sakura-mochi sweets prepared from rice, and sakura petals do a good job as an odorous seasoning. During the holidays, they are often dipped in boiling water or green tea, in contact with hot water, sakura petals open and delight guests with their appearance.

      Experts consider sakura an ideal tree for bonsai - it grows slowly, therefore, having bought a young plant, you can not be afraid that in a year or two it will have to be transplanted outside, especially since the vertical growth of the tree will be restrained by constant pruning of new shoots and pruning roots.

      You can buy such a plant in special stores. A small blooming sakura looks the same as an older tree, only the diameter of its inflorescences does not exceed one centimeter (usually pink). When creating a bonsai, you must remember that the plant, although small, is alive, and not a stone insensitive toy, and therefore, if it is not given enough attention or the wrong approach is used, it may die.

      Dishes for bonsai should be shallow, and its diameter should be from 15 to 20 cm. Bonsai sakura prefers to grow on well-fertilized soil. It is desirable to apply organic fertilizers to the soil a month before planting, nitrogen - simultaneously with planting, potassium and phosphorus, which promote the circulation of nutrients in the plant - in the summer. If the soil is poorly fertilized, the amount of humus should be from 8 to 12 g / dm3, and in the medium fertilized - about five.

      Japanese sakura is very fond of good lighting, and therefore must be in a bright place (if it is in the shade, there is a risk of powdery mildew). When looking for a place for a plant, it should be borne in mind that it does not like drafts very much.

      Water the bonsai tree once a day (half a glass of water), in winter - less often. A small plant is transplanted annually, while cutting off 1/3 of the rhizomes (branches are also possible, but do not get carried away, because sakura does not like this). If caterpillars, wood lice, red mites, bark beetle and aphids are found in the ground, you must immediately destroy them with insecticides, otherwise they will very quickly destroy the plant.

      Where sakura grows, its homeland and other places of growth

      Sakura is an amazing plant. It does not bear fruit, but its purpose is higher: it awakens a sense of beauty in a person, is a symbol of purity and beauty. When does sakura bloom? The first flowers appear on trees that grow on the southern islands of Japan, and this happens in early February, and by the end of May the trees in the very north and in the mountains have faded. It is generally accepted that you can admire the cherry blossoms only in Japan. Indeed, the Land of the Rising Sun is the birthplace of this amazing beauty of the plant, but by no means the only place where we can enjoy picturesque views of the gardens, immersed in the pink petals of the cherry tree.

      Japanese poets began to sing the beauty of sakura back in the distant 8th century. In the homeland of the sun, this plant is ubiquitous. Trees can also be seen in the highlands, they grow along the banks of fast rivers, in the territory of city and temple parks, which is why they are rightfully considered a symbol of Japan.

      Traditional flower viewing

      hanami, Japanese tradition of admiring flowers, which arose at the imperial palace, is of great importance for the Land of the Rising Sun. The Japanese believe that admiring flowers helps to get rid of bad thoughts, relax and indulge in the eternal. The history of tradition has more than seventeen centuries.

      But initially they could only enjoy this miracle of nature. emperor and aristocrats, and only later they were joined by all the nobility, samurai, and later ordinary people. In different eras, it was treated differently: during the Tokugawa era, trees were actively planted throughout the country so that as many people as possible could join this beautiful spectacle, treats were prepared, poems and songs were composed in honor of sakura and hanami, plays were staged in theaters. But in the Meiji era, sakura was cut down, because the trees were considered to be a symbol of feudalism, but, fortunately, this did not last long.

      Now falling petals are associated with splendor and transience of life. lasts Hanami only a week, and this is the time when the Japanese consider it necessary to put aside all their affairs and enjoy the beautiful, but such a fleeting natural phenomenon. Japanese meteorologists are trying to calculate the onset of happy days for the entire country from the weather in winter and forecasts for the spring.

      The most famous Hanami venues in Japan

      The popularity of sakura has captured not only its homeland, but the whole world. The beauty of flowering trees amazes the inhabitants of Western Europe and North America, who planted it in their gardens and parks. The Cherry Blossom Festival was held in Washington in 1935 and became its annual tradition. You can admire delicate cherry flowers and in Ukraine, in Transcarpathia, and in several cities of Russia: Moscow and St. Petersburg.

      Places to watch cherry blossoms in Moscow

      How to plant and grow sakura

      Naturally, this is not so easy, but it is possible. It is important to know that not every variety can take root and grow in our weather conditions, endure a harsh winter. The landing site must be open to the sun, have fertile soil and a lot of humus. Hybrid varieties that are able to withstand frost take root better. If sakura seedlings cannot take root, then you should not be upset, because this plant has many competitors that bloom no less beautifully and magnificently.

      Analogues of sakura are:

    1. Cherry Kuril.
    2. Cherry Kuril "Rex".
    3. Cherry Kuril "Brilliant".
    4. The closest in appearance to Japanese flowers is the Sakhalin cherry.

      Sakura is one of the most beautiful wonders of nature. Its flowering branches inspire and soothe the eye, and the pollen, according to legend, increases the strength and health of a person.

      Where does cherry grow on a tree or shrub

      Contains about 150 species growing in East Asia, Europe and North America.

      Cherry Bessey. It comes from the southern states of North America.

      Fast-growing, cold-resistant, undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant shrub, ornamental throughout the season. It is used on sandy, dry slopes, in group plantings, forms beautiful borders, looks colorful on the edges, especially against the background of conifers. In culture since 1805.

      Winter-hardy, surpassing the common cherry in this indicator. Propagated by seeds, summer cuttings, varieties - by grafting. Due to early and abundant flowering, beautiful and tasty fruits, it is of undoubted interest for both landscapers and amateur gardeners. Good in single and loose group plantings, on the edges. Widely cultivated in central Russia and the Far East. Has several garden forms. In culture since 1870.

      Shrub up to 1.5 m tall. Flexible, thin, smooth, dark red or brownish, sometimes with a bluish bloom, the branches, arching towards the ground, give the bush the shape of a miniature tent. Graceful, oblong, with a strongly elongated apex, bare above, rarely pubescent below the leaves turn yellow-red in autumn. Flowers up to 2 cm, light pink, white at the end of flowering, solitary or 2-3, bloom simultaneously with the leaves. Flowering time is 6-8 days. Fruits up to 1 cm, spherical, dark red, blackening when fully ripe, edible, decorative.

      Shrub up to 1-1.5 m tall, upright growing in youth, with outstretched branches in old age. Shoots are thin, bare, reddish. Leaves oblanceolate, pointed up to 5 cm long, dark green above, grayish-white below; in autumn they are painted in bright, orange-red tones, creating spectacular spots against the background of dark conifers. Blooms very profusely for 18-23 days. The flowers are white, fragrant up to 1.8 cm in diameter, 2-3 in bunches. Fruits are purple-black, spherical up to 1 cm in diameter, edible.

      Cherry shrub (steppe). It grows in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia, Ukraine, the North Caucasus, Western Siberia, Central Asia, Central Europe, the Balkans and Asia Minor. It is mainly found on open dry slopes and in thickets of shrubs.

      The most winter-hardy and drought-resistant of all cherries. Undemanding to the soil, photophilous, little damaged by pests and diseases. It is of interest for ornamental horticulture due to early abundant flowering and colorful fruiting. Gives numerous root offspring, suitable for fixing dry slopes, landscaping rocky places, group plantings, landscaping edges in forest parks.

      Cherry Maksimovich. It grows singly or in small groups in mixed shady forests, on the mountain slopes of the Primorsky Territory, in the eastern regions of the Khabarovsk Territory, on Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, in Northeast China, Korea and Japan.

      Cherry ordinary. It is unknown in the wild, but widely distributed in cultivation. It can be used not only as a fruit, but also as a very decorative plant in group and edge plantings, in hedges.

      Tree up to 10 m tall, with spreading crown, smooth bark, and scaly peeling bark. The leaves are broadly elliptical, pointed, crenate-toothed along the edge, smooth, shiny, bright or dark green, lighter below, up to 8 cm long, petiolate. The flowers are white, fragrant, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, on long peduncles, 2-3 in umbellate inflorescences. Flowering time is 10-20 days. The fruits are dark red, spherical, fleshy, usually flattened on top, sweet and sour (for nutritional properties, see the reference book "Food Plants of Russia").

      In addition to numerous varieties, it has a number of forms that are interesting only from a decorative point of view: spherical (f. umbraculifera) - a short tree with a compact spherical crown and small leaves; terry (f. plena) - with white semi-double flowers; Raksa (f. Rexii) - with white double flowers; peach (f. persicifo-lia) - with light or bright pink flowers; always blooming (f. semperflorens) - a small tree or shrub with smaller leaves and flowers at the ends of shortened shoots of four, blooms all summer; motley (f. aureo-va-riegata) - with yellow and white-motley leaves; aukubodistnuyu (f. aucubaefolia) - with yellow spots on the leaves; loose leaf (f. saticifolia) - with large leaves, up to 13 cm long, with a width of 3 cm.

      Tree up to 20-35 m tall with an ovoid crown formed by upwardly directed branches. Run naked. The bark of the trunk is dark gray, with a leaf-like exfoliating crust. The leaves are elliptical or oblong-ovate, pointed, wedge-shaped at the base, up to 16 cm long, dark green, shiny, glabrous, bicumate along the edge, on petioles 2.5 cm long. Numerous fragrant, snow-white flowers up to 3 cm in diameter collected in few-flowered inflorescences. Blooms for two weeks. Fruits from dark red to black, with juicy pulp, up to 2 cm in diameter.

      It grows quickly, shade-tolerant, relatively demanding on fertility and soil moisture, frost-resistant, durable. It is used in the form of single landings of the distant plan, terry, low and weeping forms in groups and single landings of the foreground.

      Cherry is a tree or shrub, the height of the branches of which can be from 2 to 7 meters. The flowers are painted in white or pink tone and are collected in semi-umbels or 1-2 in a bunch. The fruit of the spherical cherry in the mature stage acquires various shades of red, from light to brown-dark. Fruits - juicy drupes, edible, have mostly sweet and sour taste. The green leaves are oblong-oval in shape. When blooming, the flowers are pleasantly fragrant.

      cherry types

      Common cherry

      This is a cultivated type of cherry, a tall tree with a wide crown and spreading branches. Its bark is shiny dark. The leaves are oblong-oval, pointed at the ends, dark green above and slightly lighter below. Flowers are located on long peduncles and can reach up to 2.5 cm in diameter. In this type of cherry, the petals are painted white and have a pleasant fragrant smell. The flowering period lasts about 3 weeks. The fruit of the cherry is an ordinary rounded shape and has a sweet and sour taste. This species is very common in the territories of Russia and some European countries. This is due to the fact that the common cherry is very unpretentious in care, frost-resistant, grows well in partial shade and tolerates dry summers well. It has many hybrids that are often used for decorative purposes.

      Felt cherry

      Sakura or Japanese cherry

      Cherries need annual pruning to rejuvenate trees and bushes and remove diseased and dried branches. If the question arose about whether a cherry is a tree or a shrub, you can simply answer: what kind and variety you choose, this type of plant will delight you every year with its flowering and fruits.

      When pruning, it is recommended to leave the trunk 30-50 cm from the ground. In the first year of pruning, 5-7 strong branches are left, which are at a distance from each other and directed in different directions. In the second year of pruning, cut out all the branches that are directed to the center of the bush. During the spring-summer period, green shoots will appear on the trunk, which must be cut immediately. If the bush is running, then such shoots are removed already during the spring pruning of the bush.

      With annual pruning, a bush is formed and branches that grow inward are removed so that the bush is not very dense. Dried and dead shoots are also removed, and instead of them, young ones are left to replace them. Bush cherries often develop root shoots that should be removed by pruning just below ground level. If this is done higher, then a new bush will form from such growth, and the shoots will begin to branch.

      tree pruning

      Cherry pruning, like all trees, occurs during dormancy. This is the end of winter or the beginning of spring. This process is tied to weather conditions in the cherry growing region. When pruning trees, dry, weak and diseased branches are removed, and the cut points are processed. You can also remove large main branches with a file if a disease is detected. This way you can save the whole tree by deleting the bad branch.

      Care and reproduction

      Cherry in the garden prefers to grow in a bright place where the sun warms up well. The soil must be fertile and perfectly pass moisture, stagnant water has a bad effect on the vital activity of the whole tree. Also, the land should be neutral and fertile; in other types of soil, cherries grow and bear fruit much worse.

      Already for the 2nd year of a tree's life, it must be fed in the spring with mineral fertilizers. If the soil is empty, then the introduction of humus is mandatory.

      All types of cherries that grow in the form of trees must be covered with lime 50-70 cm from the ground every year in the spring. This protects plants from pests and various infections.

      For planting, it is necessary to dig a hole with a diameter of about 40 cm and a depth of about 50-60 cm. If necessary, it is expanded to such a size that the roots of the seedling are freely in it and do not rest against the walls. Mix part of the earth with humus and nitrogenous fertilizer and fill it to the bottom of the pit. The seedling is placed on top and sprinkled with earth, then filled with water. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the young tree does not deepen, and the root collar remains 1-2 cm above the ground. It is also recommended to mulch the young seedling for additional moisture conservation.

      Varieties of cherries that grow in a bush must be planted at a distance of 2-2.5 meters from each other, so that the branches do not intertwine with each other and do not interfere with others. Tree-like varieties that have a large spreading crown are planted at a distance of 3-3.5 meters. For trees, it is desirable to leave a lot of space so that they do not obscure each other.

      Cherry fruits improve appetite and have a dietary property, and their syrup is often used in pharmaceuticals. It is also useful to eat berries with low hemoglobin. They contain substances that contribute to the normalization of blood clotting.

      A decoction of the stalks is also often used for swelling and diarrhea. This recipe is known in almost every family.

      Attention, only TODAY!

      Where do cherries and cherries grow?

      These berries are very similar both in appearance and taste, but the pulp of the sweet cherry is perhaps a little more elastic and dense. Common cherry, which grows in many gardens, is not found in the wild, although there are wild types of cherries. But wild cherries can be found in the forests of Europe, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in the northern regions of Iran, Turkey, and Africa. Cherry is a powerful tree up to 25 meters high with an ovoid crown. It grows only in warm climates and cannot tolerate shade. And cherry, on the contrary, tolerates frost well. This is a very low tree, only 1-5 meters, and sometimes a shrub. Small-fruited cherry is a shrub up to two meters high and grows wildly on the slopes of mountains and in gorges in Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan. Bush cherry tolerates frost and drought well, and therefore it feels good not only in the middle part of Europe, but also in Western Siberia and Kazakhstan, where there are frosts.

      Cherry, cherry settled all over the world. They grow in America, and in Africa, and in Australia and on the islands adjacent to it. The flowering of the Japanese decorative cherry - sakura - is celebrated as a national holiday in Japan. Cherries live longer than cherries, but cherries begin to bear fruit earlier, only 2-3 years after planting.

      Both cherries and cherries are not only tasty, but also healthy. They are eaten fresh and made into jam. It is important that they ripen very early (cherries - at the beginning of June, cherries - at the end of June), when there are still few other fruits.

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      -> About trees and shrubs - Cherry

      The Latin name of the genus comes from the name of the city of Kerak, now Kerasunt, on the Black Sea coast of Asia Minor, from where, according to legend, it was first brought to Rome.

      Deciduous trees or shrubs with oblong-ovate leaves; white, sometimes pink fragrant flowers, collected in umbellate inflorescences. The fruits are drupes, juicy, mostly edible, red or black. Most of the species are cultivated for both food and medicinal purposes. Due to the high decorativeness during flowering and fruiting, they can be widely used in ornamental gardening.

      Grow fast. Photophilous, drought-resistant, tolerate urban conditions well. Wild-growing species reproduce by seeds, root offspring, garden forms - by grafting. With seed propagation, crops are produced in the summer, immediately after harvest, with washed, non-dried seeds, as well as in autumn and spring. For spring sowing, stratification is required throughout the winter. Used singly or in small groups in well-lit areas.

      It grows in the form of a low shrub up to 1.2 m with a spreading crown; bare, reddish shoots; with graceful, oblong, dense leaves up to 6 cm long. In autumn, the leaves turn bright red, drawing attention to themselves. The flowers are white, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, adorn the plant for 15-20 days; fruits are purple-black, edible.

      Felt cherry. It grows on mountain slopes in Japan and Northwest China.

      A tree or shrub up to 2-3 m tall with a broadly ovate, dense crown. The bark of the branches is grayish; annual shoots densely pubescent. The leaves are oval or obovate, pointed at the top, grayish-green above, felt-pubescent below, corrugated, on small, gray felt petioles. In autumn, the leaves turn reddish or yellow. The flowers are pink-white, fragrant. Flowering is very colorful and abundant, within 7-10 days. The fruits are spherical, scarlet-red, on short stalks, pubescent, with a pleasant delicate taste. Fruits in 3-4 years. With good fruiting, the branches are covered with fruits, as it were. During this period, it is difficult to compare with its decorative effect.

      Ferrous cherry. Grows among shrubs, singly or in small groups, in the south of Primorsky kral, in Northern China, Korea and Japan.

      Prefers nutritious soils and well-lit places. Propagated by seeds and root shoots. Looks good in parks and garden plots in single and group planting. Decorative by the nature of flowering, the shape of the bush, edible, dark-colored fruits. In culture for a long time.

      Cherry dwarf (sandy). It grows wild in North America.

      It grows quickly, photophilous, frost-resistant, very drought-resistant, undemanding to the soil, tolerates urban conditions well. Decorative throughout the season, used in single, group plantings, in hedges, for landscaping slopes, rocky and sandy areas in gardens and parks. In culture since 1756.

      Low, deciduous shrub up to 2 m tall, with a dense spreading crown. The bark of old shoots is light brown with yellow lenticels; in young shoots it is gray, turning red-brown towards the top. Leaves on short petioles, oblong or obovate, dark green above, glabrous, shiny, serrated along the edge, pale green below, dull, up to 5 cm long. The flowers are white, up to 2.4 cm in diameter, on short pedicels in bunches, rarely solitary. Flowering time is 7-12 days. The fruits are spherical, juicy, from yellow to dark cherry, almost black in color. Depending on the growing conditions, the size of the fruit varies greatly.

      The most interesting decorative forms: weeping (f. pendula) - with drooping branches, especially spectacular in a staff uniform; motley (f. variegata) - with yellow-white, spotted leaves, good for creating contrasting groups.

      Slender tree up to 15 m tall. The crown is round or flat-splayed. The bark is dark gray to blackish, exfoliating in round scales, on young branches yellowish, pubescent. The leaves are elliptical with a wedge-shaped base, slightly pubescent below, light purple or bronze when blooming, dull green in summer, orange in autumn. White, with a delicate aroma, the flowers are collected in 5-7-flowered inflorescences with large leaf-shaped bracts. The fruits are small drupes (up to 0.7 cm), first red, then black, spherical, dryish, inedible, with dark purple, coloring pulp.

      Very shade-tolerant, undemanding to the soil, but prefers fertile and well-drained, avoids waterlogging. It grows moderately fast, easily tolerates transplanting and pruning, lives up to 80-100 years. Propagated by seeds, root suckers. It is especially decorative during the flowering period, when abundant white flowers stand out effectively against the background of young bronze leaves. In the autumn period, with the autumn coloring of the leaves, it harmonizes well with birch, fir, cedar and spruce.

      Fast-growing, shade-tolerant, frost-resistant and drought-resistant breed. Smoke and gas resistant. It develops best on loose, humus-rich soils. It responds well to lime content in the soil. Forms numerous root suckers. Some scientists consider it a natural hybrid between shrub cherries and sweet cherries, which arose and repeated many times in places where the mother species coexist.

      Decorative forms are good as single or small-group plantings on the front plate, and variegated - in complex compositions.

      Cherry bird (Cherry). It grows wild in the forests of Western Ukraine, the Caucasus, the mountainous Crimea, Central and Southern Europe, Asia Minor and Iran. It is bred in culture as a fruit and ornamental plant.

      It has a number of decorative forms: willow (f. salicifolia) - with very narrow leaves; terry (f. plena); low (f. nana) - dwarf growth; fern-leaved) (f. asplenifolia) - with deeply serrated, cut leaves; motley (f. variegata) - with white and yellow spots on the leaves; pyramidal (f. pyramidalis); weeping (f. pendula).

      Is cherry a tree or a shrub? Cherry fruit (photo)

      Among the large variety of plants growing in gardens and parks, one of the most famous is the cherry. A tree familiar to many since childhood and growing on the territories of three continents.

      Cherry is a tree or shrub that belongs to the Rosaceae family. This is a deciduous type of plant, therefore, for decorative purposes, it is used only as a spring accent. Many varieties and hybrids have been bred, the height of which does not reach even 1.5-2 meters, with beautiful flowers, sometimes velvety, and a pleasant aroma. Cherry, a tree or bush, grows quickly and due to the density of flowering and decorativeness is often used in landscaping gardens. In nature, it reproduces by root shoots and seeds. In a cultural form, it can only be propagated by grafting.

      In the genus of cherries, there are about 150 different species that are common in Europe, Asia and North America. These are mainly domestic cultivars that are bred by breeders. In nature, wild cherries are also found, of which there are many species and varieties.

      steppe cherry

      Steppe cherry perfectly tolerates frosty winters, in this regard, it can most often be found in the north of Russia and in mountainous areas. This type of cherry is a low growing tree or shrub that branches heavily and creates a large crown. On upright branches are small leaves of dark green color, shiny. Their shape is oblong-oval, pointed at the end. The roots grow up to 3 meters from the tree and are shallow in the ground. The flowers of this type of cherry are small and collected 2-5 pieces in a bunch on branches, painted white. The fruits are small, juicy, sour in taste, can be red, pink and burgundy. The period of full ripening comes to the end of summer or the beginning of autumn.

      Felt cherry is a tree or shrub that has a large spreading crown with a small growth, about 1-3 meters. The homeland of this species is China, so the second name is Chinese cherry. It can be used both for decorative purposes and as a fruit tree. The flowers are dense and beautifully arranged on the branches. Its advantage is in early flowering, and this is how it decorates gardens that still stand with bare branches. The leaves are small, oval, with notches. From the underside they are pubescent, this creates the effect of velvety of the whole tree. The branches are thick with rough bark, have a gray-brown hue. The flowers are small, pinkish-white. Felt cherry, tree or shrub, well tolerates not only winter frosts, but also spring cold. Small cherry fruit, from red to almost black, sweet, juicy. The stone is small and does not separate from the berry. After ripening, the fruits of felt cherries can remain on the branches for a long time without losing their properties.

      The Japanese cherry, or sakura, is more of an ornamental tree than a fruit tree. Its homeland is Japan, where various varieties of cherries grow in all regions. Every year, locals celebrate the arrival of spring with the start of cherry blossoms. The tree grows up to 4 meters in height, its crown is sprawling, umbrella-shaped, and can also reach 4 meters in width. The branches are long, falling. The leaves are narrow, ovoid, pointed at the ends. In the summer they are painted bright green, and by autumn they turn yellow. The flowers are small pink, each of them is located on the petiole. Flowering period - mid and late spring.

      sand cherry

      The sand cherry is native to North America. Just like Japanese, it is used to decorate gardens and parks. Sand cherry is a shrub that reaches a height of only 1.5 meters. Its crown is wide, the branches are sprawling, thick, reddish in color. The leaves are oval, oblong and pointed at the end. In summer they have a dark green color, and by autumn they turn bright red, which gives the cherry bush a special charm. The flowers are small, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, bloom in late spring. The petals are white in color, and the fruits are dark, almost black.

      cherry pruning

      Pruning bush cherry

      Bush cherry branches tend to grow strongly, so they need to be pruned annually. This is done with skill, since cherries react worse than other trees and bushes to pruning. This process is carried out the next year after planting. The period must be chosen when the bush is still in winter sleep. It could be the end of February or the beginning of March.

      Cherry is a tree or shrub that does not require special knowledge or specific care. Timely pruning, feeding, watering - these are practically all the procedures necessary for the good development and growth of cherries.

      Cherry, bush or tree, perfectly tolerates drought, so it should be watered moderately, and after the fruit ripens, reduce watering or remove.


      Spring is the best time to plant cherry seedlings. But since the vegetation of this type of plant begins very early, the purchase must be made in the fall, after the foliage has fallen, and the seedling should be dug in the area.

      Cherry propagation occurs with the help of root offspring and cuttings, but such seedlings must be grafted to obtain a variety. Without it, wild cherries will grow from the tree. But this rule applies only to previously grafted plants. Root offspring of varietal cherries give excellent seedlings, from which good fruit-bearing trees are obtained.

      Useful properties and application

      Cherry (trees and shrubs of any kind) has many useful properties and qualities not only in fruits, but also in branches, foliage and even in petioles of berries.

      For treatment, the sap of the tree is used, which is called cherry glue. It contains such useful substances as sugar pentose, galactose, arabinose. Cherry glue envelops the walls of the stomach and helps with inflammation of its mucosa.

      Cherry is often used in folk medicine, for example, the root of the tree is used to treat ulcers. Fruit pulp and juice are used as an antiseptic. And if the juice is mixed with milk, then inflammation of the joints can be treated.

      Application in the economy

      Cherries are eaten raw. They make tinctures, prepare compotes and jams, add to pastries. Such berry trees can be found in almost every garden in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Cherry is a tree or shrub, a photo of which can be easily found in any botanical book, and also see this article.

      Cherries- plants of the genus Plum family Pink .

      Cherries- Valuable fruit trees that annually produce beautiful and tasty fruits.

      Let's start with planting in the garden ecopark 6 cherries of 3 winter-hardy varieties Assol, Malinovka and Chocolate Girl(2 cherries of each variety).

      When buying seedlings, you should pay special attention to the varieties of common sour cherries. Assol, Bulatnikovskaya. Molodezhnaya, Memory of Enikeev, Rastorguevskaya, as well as on steppe varieties obtained from cherries Malinovka, Generous, Shakirovskaya and Japanese cherry Rusinka.

      Honey bees take abundant (especially in the morning) nectar and pollen nectar from the flowers of different types of cherries. During cherry blossom, approximately equal numbers of bees can be observed collecting both nectar and pollen.

      Cherry fruits have a sweet and sour taste. Cherry fruits contain organic acids, microelements, macroelements, as well as pectin substances, sugars, vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, PP, folic acid.

      Motherland cherries considered the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea, from where it came to Rome and spread throughout Europe.

      According to the nature of growth and fruiting, cherries are divided into bush and tree-like. Bush is very winter-hardy, their durability is 15-20 years. Treelike - these are trees 5-7 m high. They are less frost-resistant, live 20-30 years. In culture, the most common cherries are common, bird and bush cherries.

      Requirements: cherry grows well in a sufficiently lit place, on sandy, sandy loam and loamy drained soils. It does not grow in the lowlands, where cold northern winds bother her. Requires cross-pollination, so in each garden it is necessary to grow at least 3-4 varieties of cherries, unless, of course, these are self-pollinated varieties Fertile Michurina and Lyubskaya. Vigorous trees are placed according to the scheme 3 x 2.5 m, low - 2 x 2.5 m.

      Ingredients: berries contain sugars, organic acids, as well as a wide range of biologically active substances. Cherries are rich in vitamin C, substances of the P-vitamin complex, iron (more than in apples), vitamin B9 (folic acid), vitamin B2 (riboflavin). According to the content of coumarins, it is in fourth place after red currant, black raspberry and pomegranate. Cherry Rootstocks: Seedling and maple rootstocks are used for grafting cultivars of cherries.

      * Seedlings of varieties Vladimirskaya, Fertile, Lavrushinskaya, Lyubskaya, Shubinka are distinguished by a sufficient degree of tallness and power of crown development, have good frost resistance, provide high yields, are compatible with many cultivated varieties of cherries, but selection is required.

      * Maple rootstocks of varieties Vladimirskaya, Lyubskaya, Shubinskaya, propagated by root shoots, as well as bug rootstock VP 1, have almost the same characteristics of the development of a grafted plant.

      Landing: the soil must be dug up on a shovel bayonet, while selecting the rhizomes of weeds, mixed with organic fertilizers (10-15 kg of manure or compost per 1 m2) and mineral fertilizers (up to 100 g of simple superphosphate and 40 g of potassium chloride per 1 m2). Lime the earth in advance, scatter up to 400 g of lime per 1 m2 (separately from the introduction of fresh manure).

      Landing is best done in the spring. Seedlings bought in the fall, for the winter, it is better to dig in and cover with spruce branches. A standard two-year-old tree cherry seedling should have a trunk 50-60 cm high with a diameter of at least 2-2.5 cm, the length of the main skeletal branches is 40-60 cm.

      Trees are planted in warm soil before bud break. Pits for planting are prepared in the fall. The distance between plants should be 2.5-3 m. The diameter of the planting hole is 80-100 cm, the depth is 50-60 cm.

      Together with the plant layer of soil, 15-20 kg of organic fertilizers, 400-500 g of simple superphosphate, up to 90 g of potassium sulfate or 500-600 g of wood ash are introduced into the pit. Nitrogen fertilizers and lime are not recommended to be applied to the planting pit.

      To ensure cross-pollination, cherries should be planted 3-5 plants at a time of 2-3 varieties.

      Seedlings that have dried up during transportation, after pruning the roots, it is useful to immerse in water for 6-10 hours. For cherries, deep planting is completely unacceptable. In order for the root collar to be at the level of the soil, the planting should be done 4-5 cm higher, taking into account the subsequent subsidence of the earth.

      A hole is made around the seedling, along the edges of which a roller of earth is poured. A bucket of water is poured into the hole. After watering, the soil is mulched with peat or humus. The seedlings are tied with soft twine to the stake with a figure eight, without constriction on the stem.

      Care: In the first year of planting, plants require careful care and frequent watering. After each watering, the soil is loosened, mulched with humus or peat with a layer of 7-8 cm.

      Fertile Michurina begins to bear fruit in the 2-4th year. The trees are stunted with a spreading weeping crown. The fruits are large and hold well on the tree. For cross-pollination, this variety is suitable for Lyubskaya.

      consumer goods bred by I.V. Michurin. The fruits are large, reddish-black. The pulp is juicy with a slight refreshing sourness. Fruiting begins in the 4-5th year.

      Vladimirskaya- the best Russian variety in terms of taste and technological qualities. Trees are low-growing, winter-hardy. Fruiting begins in the 4-5th year.

      Zhukovskaya- a new variety. The trees are strong, tall, the fruits are large, dark-colored, with a very pleasant sweet and sour taste. The fruits ripen in July.

      Vole grows in small bushes up to 1.5-2 m high. The fruits are medium in size, red, juicy, sour, very good for processing.

      As a result of many years of work with cherries, leading breeders have bred more than 20 winter-hardy productive, suitable for cultivation in various regions and easily propagated varieties of cherries with tasty fruits.

      Among them there are both favorite varieties and unfamiliar ones: Griot Moskovsky, Dawn of the Volga Region, Zhagarskaya, Chernookaya, Oblachinskaya, Yerli, Bys-trinka.

      Lyubskaya each year brings a bountiful harvest. Begins to bear fruit in the 3rd or even 2nd year. The fruits are sweetish-sour, juicy, sometimes very large. They hold firmly on the stem, do not crumble. The tree is small, strong and quite durable, etc. In subsequent years, loosening is carried out 3-4 times during the growing season to a depth of 8-10 cm and weeds are regularly removed. In autumn, trunk circles are dug up to a depth of 15-20 cm.

      Fertilizer rates depend on the age and condition of plants, the content of nutrients in the soil. Under fruit-bearing plants, organic fertilizers can be applied once every 2-3 years in the amount of 20-25 kg.

      Mineral fertilizers are applied annually: ammonium nitrate - 100 g, simple superphosphate - 150, potassium salt - 70 g. Phosphorus and potassium are applied for autumn digging. Nitrogen fertilizers - half feed in spring, the rest after flowering.

      Weakened plants are additionally fed with a solution of mullein or bird droppings. In a young garden, fertilizers are applied to the near-trunk circles, in a fruit-bearing garden - throughout the site. It is desirable to lime the soil (300-500 g of lime or dolomite per 1 m2).

      The most effective time for watering is after flowering (end of May - June), during filling and fruit ripening - July. Moisture-charging irrigation - September-October. When irrigating, it is necessary to achieve soil moisture to a depth of 40 cm. This requires 5-6 buckets of water per 1 m2. Moisture charging watering - 8-10 buckets per 1 m2.

      Pruning: Cherry plants are characterized by high bud arousal and their precocity. Each bud produces a shoot, from which a developed branch is formed during the growing season, so crown thickening even during one season is inevitable.

      Cherry easily tolerates a certain thickening of the crown and a decrease in its illumination, but one should not allow too much darkening of its inner part and the formation of an excessive number of branches.

      In a well-lit and ventilated crown, fruits and foliage will be healthier, and bouquet branches will last longer. Pruning is also necessary later, when shoot growth wanes.

      In cherries fruiting on annual branches, the number of flower buds and yield are directly dependent on the length of the shoots. This is due to the fact that bouquet twigs bear fruit, depending on the conditions, up to 5 years, and then die off, and new ones must form to replace them, otherwise their lack will affect the yield of the tree.

      Bouquet branches are formed only on well-developed annual shoots, the normal growth of which must be maintained.

      The best type of crown for cherries is sparse-tiered, various types of flattened and fusiform crowns are not suitable for cherries.

      The beginning of the formation of the cherry crown

      The formation of the crown begins with post-planting pruning, during which 5-6 skeletal branches are left on the plant, from which the skeleton of the crown is formed. Three branches are laid in the lower tier, two in the second tier, a single branch is laid above the second tier, the central conductor is often cut out above it. Excess branches are cut into a ring. Later, as the tree develops, skeletal branches add up to 10.

      Pruning elongated cherry branches

      Cherry has the ability to branch strongly and quickly form long shoots. They must be shortened if the length of the shoot exceeds 40-50 cm, in order to stimulate the formation of not only bouquet branches, but also new shoots. This will help prevent branches from being exposed after the bouquet twigs die. When pruning cherries, several basic features of the tree structure and its biology must be taken into account.

      * Cherry is characterized by high awakening and early maturity of the kidneys.

      * Cherry has a high degree of branching and a tendency to quickly form new branches.

      * Cherry has a tendency to bare branches after fruiting.

      The formation of the tree begins with determining the height of the trunk, which is usually 30-40 cm in height. There should not be any overgrowth on the trunk; 5-6 strong, well-developed branches must be selected above the trunk, which will make up the skeleton of the crown.

      Extra branches, in addition to the 5-6 left, should be cut into a ring. Branch bending techniques for cherries are not used. At a young age, the cherry grows and branches very well, so you need to carefully monitor whether the crown of the tree is thickening.

      All branches growing towards the inside of the crown must be cut. Gradually, during the formation of the crown, new ones are added to the remaining 5-6 branches in such a way that by the end of the formation of the plant, when it reaches a height of 2-2.5 m, the tree-like type of cherry has 10 skeletal branches, and the bushy type has up to 15 branches.

      Skeletal branches should be placed evenly along the trunk, lateral branches may not be limited in growth if space permits. For cherries, pruning for translation is often used in order to direct branches that are not growing in their own sector to the periphery of the crown.

      The best time to prune cherries is in early spring, 3-4 weeks before buds swell.

      Cherry tree pruning rules

      * When forming the crown, it is necessary to shorten the branches if you want to subordinate them to each other or subordinate to the central conductor.

      * It is necessary to shorten annual branches if their length exceeds 50 cm, otherwise only bouquet branches will form on them, and after they die, the branch will be bare.

      * Shortening long branches is necessary so that new strong shoots grow from the remaining buds along with bouquet branches, this will prevent subsequent exposure of the branches.

      * It is necessary to regularly thin out the crown of the tree, as cherries are prone to thickening.

      * When shoot growth wanes, it's time for a rejuvenating pruning. The weaker the growth of the shoots, the more intense the shortening pruning should be.

      * It is necessary to constantly remove the root shoots from the tree, which are useless for the plant and take away its strength and juices. Root shoots can be used as vegetative rootstocks.

      Use: a complex of substances contained in berries prevents the development of anemia, reduces blood clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots.

      The fruits are suitable for fresh and dried consumption. For a long time (6-9 months) they can be stored frozen. Cherries are processed into compotes, juices, jams and preserves loved by everyone.

      Here is a way to protect Cherries from spring frosts:

      In early spring, even before the snow melts, you can try to delay flowering so that it does not fall during the frost. To do this, throw snow into the tree trunks and cover it with mulch: straw or hay. Under the mulch, the snow will melt more slowly, the soil will not warm up quickly, and your cherries will bloom later, when the threat of frost has already passed.

      I will plant cherries, like apple trees, in the corners of a square of 7 * 7 meters on the crests of triangular beds using a similar technology.

      On this page I will gradually post information on each planted tree: No. (No. No.) of the tree, variety, date and method of planting (pit or mound), height every year, year of fruiting, crown formation, pruning of extra branches, yield, quality fruits, etc. etc.

      The double number in brackets means a row and a place in a row, which is done so that you can always clearly find out what is planted and where. This will be especially important when planting shrubs of many varieties.

      1 (1-15). Cherry Assol. Planted on a mound ... 04.14 Height. cm.

      2(2-15). Cherry Assol. Planted on a mound ... 04.14 Height. cm.

      3 (1-16). Cherry Raspberry. Planted on a mound ... 04.14 Height. cm.

      4(2-16). Cherry Raspberry. Planted on a mound ... 04.14 Height. cm.

      5 (1-17). Cherry Chocolate. Planted on a mound ... 04.14 Height. cm.

      6(2-17). Cherry Chocolate. Planted on a mound ... 04.14 Height. cm.

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