Three prophetic norns online. Accurate divination on runes about the future. Guessing the situation

Rune Berkana (Berkana) - the eighteenth character of the ancient Germanic alphabet. It is dominated by the elements of Earth. This is a very feminine, soft rune. Often symbolizes the mother, the source of the birth of all living things. The personification of the new, personal and career development. Helps to sort out personal relationships. Symbol of conception, rebirth, growth. Let's talk about the meaning of this rune symbol in detail.

Photo runes Berkan:

If you set yourself a large, almost global goal, break it down into several small ones so that the result becomes real. Do not relax and believe in yourself as much as possible. Then growth and development is just around the corner.

The meaning of the rune Berkana in an inverted position

When a rune drops out in an inverted position, the value is most often negative, but not always:

  • The fortuneteller expects unpleasant news for him, which will cause a lot of negative emotions.
  • A period of crisis will begin in the family: conflicts, quarrels and misunderstandings cannot be avoided
  • Any business you start will end in failure. It is better to protect yourself from business and be alone with yourself, wait for a more favorable moment for action.

Since in divination Berkana most often symbolizes a woman, in an inverted position it will be a bad woman. She is able to complicate the life of a fortuneteller, stand in his way to achieving goals.

If you are wondering about relationships, then Berkana may mean that the person with whom you are close does not suit you - you will not be able to create families with him, build love, have children.

Sometimes Berkana (if the fortuneteller is a woman) indicates that there are problems with women's health - it is worth being examined and treated by a gynecologist.

Berkana often indicates that a business or a planned business will develop according to an unfavorable scenario for a fortuneteller.

Advice when the runes of Berkana fall out in an inverted position: in your life now black line, but do not be discouraged and do not look for the causes of all problems in others. Understand yourself and your inner state, eradicate negative qualities and problems, then the outside world will begin to change in better side. Be prudent and restrained. “Measure seven times, cut once” is your motto for the near future.

Application in magical rituals: popular rune formulas

For magical purposes, this rune is used:

  • To “give birth” to something new: opportunities for personal growth, ideas for work, even a child
  • To provide fertile soil for personal development, career growth, harmonization of personal relationships
  • To get help in raising children who are "out of hand" or naughty
  • For the treatment of infertility, assistance in carrying and giving birth to a child
  • To cleanse a person from accumulated negativity, “bad” energy, literally “reboot” consciousness
  • To make contact with other world- this property is used by "serious" magicians in their rituals

Watch a video about the meaning of the Berkan rune:

Very often, Berkana is used to save a woman from gynecological problems, cure infertility and frigidity, and make her more attractive to the opposite sex.

The name Berkana means "birch", "birch branch". In the culture of many European peoples, this tree has become the personification of femininity, fertility, the flowering of nature after the transition from spring to summer. In ancient religious beliefs, the birch was a symbol of death and rebirth. The eighteenth sign of the Elder Futhark, the rune of Berkan, is also endowed with these meanings. The pictographic image of the rune itself, reminiscent of female breast, allows us to talk about her as a source of female energy, maternal care and fertility.

Traditional meanings of the Berkana rune

Berkana is closely associated with the ancient Germanic and Scandinavian goddesses. Most often, the rune is associated with Berhta (Berta). This goddess patronizes mothers and abandoned children. Her beautiful garden is inhabited by children who died in infancy. The rune is also close to the goddess Nerta, whose symbol was a birch. Nerta was revered as the great Mother Earth and goddess of fertility.

The inverted rune of Berkan has a negative meaning

The rune of Berkan is filled with pure, bright power of female energy. It is a symbol of maternal protection and care. The rune gives peace and balance, relieves tension, worries, feelings of fear of the unknown. As in a happy, serene childhood, reliably protected by the mother, the world becomes bright and understandable. All anxieties and dangers go away, there is confidence in solving all problems. Life acquires meaning, balance and dimension. Berkana is often associated with home, the place where a person was born and spent his childhood.

The traditional meaning of the Berkan runes is family, motherhood. Berkana also symbolizes fertility, birth, flowering and maturation. This is the rune of the physical and spiritual growth, development and creation. At the same time, creation means creative process, and the creation of a family, and the birth of a child. Some researchers associate Berkana with human rebirths - reincarnations.

rune magical power

Berkana is able to preserve and strengthen family relationships helps to solve the problems of raising children. The rune is often used to create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in the house. Like a caring mother, Berkan's rune becomes a guardian hearth and serves reliable protection families from discord and quarrels. This symbol is also used in spells to physically or energetically cleanse a specific place or person.

AT love relationships the rune can serve as a powerful love spell, especially in combination with signs or. The combination with the rune contributes to a long-awaited pregnancy. Berkana protects pregnant women and newborns, facilitates childbirth and heals from infertility. Especially the rune helps women. It relieves pain during the menstrual cycle, helps to cope with female diseases and has a rejuvenating effect.

Amulets with Berkana serve as reliable amulets for children, especially girls. Mascot with the image three runes on the one hand, and the name of the child on the other, will protect him from failures and accidents.

With the help of Berkana, you can change your perception of current events and your attitude to life in general. It restores energy, balance, calms, promotes the birth of new ideas. The rune allows you to determine what hinders development and find a solution to crisis situations.

Berkana accelerates growth and increases the fertility of plants. This rune has long helped cultivators and gardeners in growing and harvesting a bountiful harvest. She also contributes spiritual development and creative creation.

The direct position of the rune Berkan in divination

Photo runes Berkan

The female maternal energy of the Berkan rune predetermines its traditional meaning in divination, as the imminent creation of a family, a wedding or the birth of a child. The combination with the rune enhances the prediction of the appearance of children in the family.

The rune indicates a positive environment for successful undertakings of any nature. However, for this it is necessary to act carefully and deliberately, not to fuss. In general, a favorable period begins for the development of new and the renewal of old plans. At the same time, the rune speaks of good physical and psychological health of a person. When dropped next to take important decisions You need to consult with your loved ones. The combination with speaks of the upcoming spiritual purification and improvement.

In the layouts for love, Berkana predicts new relationships or the strengthening of existing ties and the family hearth. In all cases, they will be happy, harmonious, based on pure, moral principles.

In career and business there will be new opportunities for the successful implementation of their projects. A combination with a sign indicates upcoming business trips. The rune Kenaz that fell nearby speaks of self-confidence. Berkana also symbolizes a favorable period for study, development and improvement of one's qualifications. If next to the straight rune other signs fall out negative, this means that success in business will be short-lived, good circumstances should be taken advantage of as soon as possible.

The meanings of the inverted rune Berkana

Negative events carried by the inverted Berkan symbol do not affect fate

In an inverted position, the rune of Berkan testifies to discord, conflicts, quarrels in family and love relationships. It marks disturbing news, the emergence of contradictions, disputes. However, the rune itself does not portend fatal events that can lead to negative changes in fate.

In fortune-telling about relationships, the inverted Berkana, in addition to disagreements, can be interpreted as concern for loved ones, family, and children. The combination with Ansuz speaks of problems with the child. Combination with - about feelings for parents.

Some combinations may indicate childlessness. If the symbol One fell out in a couple, then this may be the result of past illnesses or an earlier abortion. The rune signals futility due to magical rituals performed against the fortuneteller.

In business, the inverted Berkana means certain difficulties and a suspension of development. Perhaps this is due to the unstable emotional state. In any case, each step must be carefully considered, to pay attention to every little thing. This will allow you to painlessly overcome all problems and an unfavorable period.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money