air cooling methods. How to cool a room without air conditioning: salvation from the summer heat How to cool the air in a room with an external cooler

All year long people are waiting for summer, and in the summer months they are exhausted from stuffiness and heat. The apartments heat up so much during the day that there is simply nothing to breathe and the feeling is as if in a desert. The most logical and affordable way to deal with this is to turn on the air conditioner.

But not everyone has it, for a variety of reasons. Yes, and there are ways to cool a room in the heat without air conditioning, because our grandparents lived without it, and everything was fine. Let's take note of their knowledge!

How to cool a room in the heat without air conditioning

People for various reasons refuse to install air conditioning. Someone is scared off by the price, someone is the cost of electricity, someone lives in a rented apartment, someone is scared off by stories about dry air or stories “you will immediately get sick”.

The reason is not important, the main thing is that in the summer heat the room is so hot and stuffy that it is impossible to breathe. And something needs to be done about this, especially if there are small children in the apartment. Fortunately, there are many more ways to cool a room without this cooling device.

How to cool a room with a fan

Fans are much more affordable and safer than air conditioners. It is enough to turn it on and it will immediately become a little easier for you - a light breeze will blow over the body, relieving stuffiness. Just do not point it directly at yourself when you are sweating from the heat or your head is wet - the body cools very quickly and you can get sick.

Put it in the bathroom - this is usually the coolest room. Then the air will come out of it and cool the whole apartment.

With the help of a fan, you can create an impromptu air conditioner. Fill two two-liter plastic bottles with 1.5 liters of water, add salt, freeze to ice and place in front of a fan. The freshness and coolness from these bottles will quickly spread throughout the room. Do not forget to substitute a container for condensate if you do not want to wipe up a puddle later.

You can make it easier - put a bowl of cold water right in front of the fan. The water will begin to evaporate, and the fan will spread the cool moisture around the room.

How to cool a room without air conditioning and a fan

In some cases, there is no fan in the house, so other methods have to be used. Fortunately, there are quite a few of them, so you can quickly bring the temperature in the apartment down to an acceptable level.

1. Create a shadow- Usually the heat in the room occurs due to direct sunlight, which heats the air through the glass. Therefore, the first step is to protect the apartment from them. To do this, you can use different methods, depending on the situation:

  • Plant a tree under the window if you have a private house or live on the ground floor. You will not see the results immediately, but in the future you will be protected by a natural awning from the scorching sun.
  • Curtain windows - it is best to use thick white linen curtains. After all, everyone knows that the sun's rays are reflected from light surfaces, and it is believed that linen cools the air.
  • Using blinds is also a fairly simple and affordable method. Choose non-metal blinds - they heat up in the sun and work like a battery.
  • Tinted windows facing the sunny side. A special protective film is placed on the glass, and you are no longer afraid of the burning sun. The only drawback is that you will see the world in different colors (by default, in a bluish tint). In cloudy weather and winter evenings, the apartment can be dark, even during the daytime.
  • Foil or newspaper is a great substitute for tinting. Use double-sided tape to secure the food foil to the windows to keep the sun out of the room. But glue the adhesive tape not on the glass itself, but on the frames - it is easier to clean from them.

2. Ventilate the apartment only in the early morning and late evening when the temperature outside drops. In the daytime, close windows and vents tightly so as not to let hot heated air into the apartment. At night, the windows can be opened wide to make it easier to sleep and the apartment absorbs the coolness of the night.
3. Arrange a draft in the evening or at night - the best way to cool the air in the room, as the heated air leaves the apartment and a new one comes to replace it. And it's nice when a light breeze blows in the heat. But this method is only suitable for apartments where windows are located on different sides of the house - then fresh air will pass through your apartment. Otherwise, it is difficult to create a draft.
4. Turn off all heat sources- it is better not to use the stove and oven without special need (people eat much less in the heat). TV, computer, light bulbs - all this generates a lot of heat during operation. Read news and articles online with your phone or tablet and you will immediately feel better.
5. Close towel warmer in the bathroom with dense material (a blanket, a bedspread or a towel), so that the heat from them does not spread throughout the apartment.
6. Humidify the air The moisture will cool the room and lower the temperature. Although it is important to focus on the situation here - in some situations, an increase in humidity turns an apartment into a bathhouse. But if you've protected your windows from the sun's rays, you should be fine.

  • A humidifier is a special device that helps maintain the desired humidity in the apartment. You can find a device with a variety of functions - ionization, purification, etc. So it's very useful stuff.
  • Hanging a wet sheet in the room is an old-fashioned method that will help get rid of the heat even now. You need to soak the sheets in water and hang them in different places. You can moisten curtains from a spray bottle, while adding a couple of drops of citrus or mint aromatic oil. The fabric will dry quickly in this heat, so you will need to wet it often.
  • Dip the end of the fabric into a bowl of cold water. The principle of operation is the same as in the previous method, but you no longer have to constantly spray the fabric manually.
  • Dust more often with a damp cloth, wipe the floors with cold water every morning - this helps to cool the room even without air conditioning.
  • Fill the bathtub with cold water and open the door so that the coolness spreads throughout the apartment.

7. Isolate your apartment or house- It not only helps to keep warm in winter, but also cool in summer.
8. Paint the walls white- light colors repel sunlight, so if the exterior walls are white, then heat will not be attracted to your home.

9. Falling asleep in the heat- before going to bed, you need to ventilate the apartment, because in the evening it gets cooler outside. Open windows to create a slight draft and saturate the room with fresh air. For sound sleep, you can cool in other ways:

  • Cold air tends to sink down most of the time, so it's best to sleep on the floor if possible.
  • Use a pillow with buckwheat - it does not heat up, unlike ordinary ones.
  • Give preference to silk fabrics - the sheets will pleasantly cool your body.
  • Make a cold heating pad - fill plastic bottles with cold water, and cool the bed with them (wrapped in a towel so as not to soak the bedding).
  • The bed can be placed in a bag in the morning and put in the refrigerator, in the evening you can get it, spread it and dive into a cool cloud.
  • Place a basin of water and a rag next to the bed - when it becomes unbearably hot, wipe your face, ears, neck with some water and you will feel better.
  • Cover yourself with a damp sheet, but not too cold - you can get sick.

General Tips

  1. Drink more - during the heat, the body removes a lot of fluid in the form of sweat, and you need to replenish it.
  2. Be careful with cold drinks and ice - cold foods and drinks help you feel better quickly, but this is a temporary effect. And if you go too far with this, you can get a sore throat and get complications in the future.
  3. Choose loose, light clothing made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen). I don't think there is any explanation here.
  4. Try to idle more - during the hottest hours it is undesirable to engage in physical labor. Try to move slowly, act slowly, do not strain - learn from animals.
  5. Have a siesta - in the hottest hours, take a short break and take a nap so that it is easier to survive until the cool evening.
  6. A wet towel wrapped around your neck or head will help lower your body temperature. You can use wristbands or shoes moistened with water, the main thing is that the cooled cloth touches the body in places where you can feel the pulse.

Of course, such tips do not cool your home as efficiently, but they are definitely safe and time-tested. After all, our grandparents told us these tips on how to cool a room in the heat without air conditioning and a fan. With their help, you can cool the air in the room and enjoy the summer season without discomfort.

From the heat

It is especially difficult in the heat for residents of apartments whose windows face south and southwest. Keep your blinds down and your curtains tightly drawn to keep rooms warmer in the sun. Curtains made of light linen and cotton reflect heat rays especially effectively. It is also recommended to stick a special reflective film on the glass. It can be replaced with food foil or mirror paper, which is used in children's creativity. It is necessary to ventilate the premises in the morning and in the evening, and during the day it is better to keep the windows closed to protect the apartment from hot air.

Try to cook less on the stove and in the oven. In the process of cooking, a lot of heat is released, which in the heat cannot be got rid of simply by ventilating the room. In addition, at elevated air temperatures, it is better to eat cold and light food: salads, fruits, vegetables and traditional Russian okroshka. If you still have to cook, be sure to use a hood. It will help you get rid of not only food odors, but also a lot of hot air.

Also, a lot of heat is generated when working with an iron, vacuum cleaner and other household appliances. Their use should be avoided whenever possible.

How to cool the room in the heat

A primitive air conditioner can be made from plastic bottles and an ordinary room fan. Fill the bottles with water and place them in the freezer for a couple of hours to turn the water into ice. Place the bottles in front of a fan and direct airflow at them. Despite its simplicity, such a device can lower the temperature in the room by a couple of degrees in 15 minutes of operation. As the ice melts, the bottles need to be changed.

Purchase and install a multi-mode ceiling fan. At minimum speed, this device practically does not make noise and does not create strong wind. Under it you can not catch a cold, such a fan does not interfere with watching TV or working at a computer. However, with him in the room it becomes much easier to breathe.

In the heat, it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning of the apartment more often. Evaporation of water always contributes to cooling the air. You can also arrange water containers around the rooms, hang damp towels on doors and radiators, and occasionally spray into the air with a spray bottle. However, this method of cooling an apartment is not suitable for many, because damp heat is more difficult to tolerate dry.

Summer is a season of unbearable heat, which can affect our mood, productivity, negatively affect health, especially for the elderly. At such a time, you want to hide at home, especially if it has a special cooling device. But what about those who do not have it, how to cool a room without air conditioning? There are many methods that can help solve your problem. Let's consider each in more detail.

Open windows are one way to cool the room.

Windows wide open

We all like to open windows to let fresh air into the house, but we should remember that at temperatures over 35 degrees this is not the best solution, since the heat will just get through the windows and get inside. A lot of people try to cheat a little and open windows only where there is a shade. But, this cannot be called the right decision, since the temperature will be absolutely the same with an active air exchange. The most correct solution would be a little ventilation, which will help get rid of stuffiness and stale air.

Airing is best done at night, or when it is cloudy or cool. It is better to complete the ventilation before the first rays of the sun appear.

Another important nuance in the fight against heat will be curtained windows. Since under the influence of direct sunlight, about 90% of the heat enters the room. First of all, you need to close the blinds, or curtain all the windows. Curtains made of dense material will do a great job of blocking UV rays and help keep your home a little cooler. Another effective way to keep a room cool is reflective sheeting. And, if you thought in advance about the coolness in summer, then at the construction stage you can install special windows with a polarized coating. They will perfectly cope with the heat in summer and the cold in winter and help keep the house at a suitable temperature.

Curtains on the windows will block the sun's rays


Humid air perfectly copes with the increased temperature and stuffiness in the house. Dryness and stuffiness can cause serious health problems. To solve this problem, you can purchase a special device for humidifying the air, which will be relevant both in summer and in winter. During the summer, dust is particularly mobile and can rise from lower surfaces, shelves and hard-to-reach areas, even though wet cleaning is carried out weekly. Dust is especially dangerous because it can cause allergic reactions, so summer is not the safest time in this case. In order to slightly soften the air and the influence of dust, it is necessary to perform humidification. In the world of the latest technical developments, there is a special device capable of washing the air. Two main functions of the device are known.

  • Moisturizing. It is carried out using an ultrasonic membrane. It can humidify relatively large volumes, but you need to know that effective humidification will be carried out only in those rooms where it is needed.
  • Purification of air from dust and various fungi and bacteria. In the summer, dust is in limbo, constantly moving around the room, so air purification is extremely important. The cleaning process takes place with the help of mechanical and water filters, thanks to which the air becomes much cleaner and wetter.

And for those who do not have the opportunity to purchase such a device, simpler methods can be applied.

  • A spray bottle is a great way to humidify a room. You can periodically spray water around the house, due to which the temperature will decrease. But, you should not get carried away with this, because with a large amount of water, the room can be turned into a real steam room. The optimal frequency for this procedure is about once an hour. You can purchase an automatic sprayer (humidifier), for greater efficiency, ice can be added to the liquid container.
  • Wet towels. The famous old grandmother's way. It is necessary to soak several towels in water and hang them around the room, it will not look very aesthetically pleasing, but it will certainly help to lower the temperature, verified by our ancestors.

In addition, you can periodically take a cool shower yourself, or wet your head. The temperature in the room will not decrease from this, but it will make you feel much better, especially when it is unbearably hot outside. Another method is to use a cold, damp towel placed around your neck, which will also help relieve the condition for a while.

Wet towels are the easiest way to cool off

Down with household appliances

Household appliances have become an integral part of life, and they also generate heat. This is especially noticeable in the summer, when it is already so hot outside, and there is nothing to breathe in the house. Take an ordinary refrigerator, inside it cools, and outside it gives off a large amount of heat that remains in the room.

No one says to turn off the refrigerator, but the use of other less important appliances can be kept to a minimum. Most of all, this recommendation applies to the kitchen, where the air temperature is usually slightly higher than in other rooms.

Cooking in the summer season also affects the temperature in the room, since hot air spreads quickly enough throughout the territory. Therefore, in the process of cooking, it is necessary to close the doors tightly and open the windows. It is also worth paying attention to heated towel rails, which not only perform their main function, but also heat the air. Any appliance powered by electricity will generate a certain amount of heat, so in the heat you should pay special attention to this.


Many people are mistaken when they think that a fan can cool the air, because this device, on the contrary, heats it up. It only creates a feeling of coolness by creating additional ventilation. Sweat glands in the human body secrete a fluid (sweat) that evaporates. This process is called exothermic and contributes to the cooling of our body. As for the fan, it does not cool the room itself, but if it is located near the workplace, it will greatly alleviate the condition during the heat. The effective use of the fan is when it is located towards the window or door. Its task is to move the hot air mass from the room to the street. This is especially necessary for rooms that are on the sunny side and overheat. If there is too much moisture, then this is also not good. Often people hang damp things, curtains, etc. around the house, which makes the room much cooler. But, do not forget that a large amount of moisture in the room can lead to heaviness and stuffiness.

The fan does not cool the air, but moves it

When there is no air conditioner in the house, and you really want coolness, a home-made air conditioner will come to the rescue. For this we need:

  • container with cold water;
  • fan.

If you take just a fan, then it will not cool the air throughout the room, it will only create a pleasant feeling of coolness, increasing air flow and contributing to the rapid evaporation of sweat from your body. But, a refrigerated machine will not save you in the hot summer heat. In order to enhance the effect, you should put a container of water in front of the fan and lower the ice there. Evaporation of cold ice in combination with air will spread throughout the room, due to which the temperature will decrease and the air will become more humid.

If your house does not have an electric fan, then you can simply take a container of water and ice and put it nearby. The effect will not be as strong, but you will make it easier for yourself to stay in a hot place for a while.

Homemade air conditioner cools and humidifies the air

In hot weather, you need to drink more cold liquids, this will allow you to cool the body not from the outside, but from the inside. You should not drink too quickly, as you can get sick, slowly, in small portions. There is an opinion that hot tea is even more effective because it stimulates the body to self-cooling. Try to wear lighter, loose-fitting clothing made from natural materials indoors. Cotton fabrics are perfect. If it is hot and stuffy to sleep at night, then you can try to put a pillow, inside of which there is buckwheat. Experts say that it is much better than any other in a hot period, since it does not keep heat.

  • Pay attention to the behavior of your pets. When it's hot, they become inactive, sleep more, do everything lazily and slowly. The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to do nothing all day, but if possible, in the summer heat, less movement is recommended, and more time is spent in a horizontal position.
  • Remove carpeting. In summer, they will only aggravate the situation and collect dust.
  • Cover the furniture with a nap with a light-colored cloth. The fabric will reflect heat, unlike a soft surface.
  • Use bottles with ice inside, you can either put them next to the bed or put them in bed in advance, before you are going to sleep.
  • You can plant a tree on the hot side of the house. Trees are a great solution in the summer, they can close the room from the scorching sun, thereby keeping you a little cool.
  • The walls and roof of the house can be painted white. This is radical, but in regions with a hot climate it is popular.

If your house is still under construction, it is better to foresee all the nuances in advance. Thermal insulation is a great solution to your problems: cool in summer and warm in winter.

In addition, pay attention to the materials, brick is a universal thing, suitable for any temperature conditions. In summer it does not heat up, and in winter it retains heat. The roof is best made from materials with reflective properties.

The roof of a dark color will attract the rays of the sun, it will be hot and stuffy in your house in the summer. Summing up, we admit that it is really possible to do without an air conditioner even on the hottest days of summer. But, for this you have to remember a lot of things and put into practice. It’s easier to run to the store and buy a miracle technique that can keep you cool around the clock, but not everyone has such an opportunity. Yes, and air conditioners do not have a beneficial effect on health, and they cost a lot of money. In addition to cooling the room, do not forget about cooling your body: plenty of fluids, showers, baths, all this also contributes to the coolness and well-being in the summer.

It is also important to be able to adapt yourself, because our ancestors lived on this earth for millions of years and were able to coexist in harmony with nature. It is necessary to maintain your physical shape, lead an active healthy lifestyle, and then you will perfectly endure both the summer heat and severe winter frosts.

These simple tips will help you improve the climate in your home, making summer days more pleasant without the unbearable heat.

The scorching heat can cause a deterioration in well-being, and often there is simply nowhere to hide from it. If there is no way to drop everything and go to the nearest body of water, and there is no air conditioning in the house or apartment, you can try to cool the rooms using simple tricks that are available to everyone.

Tip one - use electrical appliances as little as possible. Both laptops, TVs, and computers heat up during operation and generate heat, raising the temperature in an already hot room. Use the summer period to take a break as much as possible from equipment that is best disconnected from the electrical network altogether.

Tip two - hide the rooms from the sun's rays. Blinds, shutters, Roman blinds, just thick fabric curtains - all means are good for hiding from direct sunlight. Without curtains, you won’t even be able to just sleep longer in the morning, because in summer the sun rises very early and immediately begins to warm the room.

It is better if the shutters are made of fabric that has a sun-reflecting surface. One of the easiest and cheapest ways to protect yourself from the sun is to stick sun protection foil on your windows. True, in the fall you will have to get rid of it, but all summer long there will be a pleasant cool twilight in the rooms.

Tip three - if you have not purchased an air conditioner, you can use a regular fan. To enhance the effect, we advise you to place a bowl or other open container with ice water in front of the fan. The air will pass over the surface of the water and cool. And the draft itself in the summer heat is a very pleasant phenomenon.

Tip four - a canopy over the entrance. This is an option for residents of private houses. If the entrance to the house is on the sunny side, then a canopy is simply necessary, because without it the room will instantly warm up. You can equip a temporary, summer fabric canopy if there is no more reliable visor. A good option can be called a living green protection of the house, for example, a pergola entwined with grapes.

Tip five - in the summer heat it is better to avoid any synthetic fabrics. Let your summer bedding set be light, cotton or linen. Such fabrics in the heat will be much nicer. And if you wet a sheet or bedspread before going to bed, it will be much easier to fall asleep until the fabric is dry.

Tip six - a rubber heating pad in the summer can be a way to cool down. Fill it with cold water and put it in bed before going to bed to sleep comfortably. Ordinary plastic water bottles that can be frozen before use can replace such a rubber container.

Tip seven - a cool bath. We are sure that you yourself do not want to take hot baths in the heat. Moreover, during the heating of water, for example, by a geyser or an electric boiler, the room will additionally heat up. If you draw cold water into the bath, it will become a source of coolness, you can wash your face at any time. For residents of private houses in the summer, an outdoor shower will be an ideal option.

Tip eight - cook less. We are sure that the hostesses will especially like this advice. Avoid using the oven in the heat, standing in front of which will become a real torture. Summer fresh salads, light cold soups, okroshka - dishes that do not need to be cooked for a long time. In addition, in the heat, it is these options that will be the ideal choice for a healthy and low-calorie lunch or dinner.

Tip nine - more fresh air. On summer afternoons, it is better to keep the windows closed and tightly curtained so that the room heats up less. But in the morning and after sunset, all windows and doors should be thrown open to create a draft and cool the rooms.

Summer, which we have been waiting for so long, can bring not only a pleasant holiday experience, but also inconvenience due to the heat. We hope that our simple tips will help you improve the climate in your home, making summer days more pleasant, without unbearable heat. published

Summer heat in the absence of air conditioning can create considerable discomfort. To cool off and feel good without air conditioning, you can use various tricks using water, fans, light clothing, cool drinks and food, psychological tricks, and so on. You can also naturally cool the whole house, preventing heat from stagnating in it. With the right approach, you will successfully escape the heat while saving money on air conditioning.


Use of water for cooling

    Drink more water. The body will be cooler if its water balance is in order. Try to drink about 230 ml of water every hour. Adding mint leaves or orange, lemon or cucumber slices to your water will make it more refreshing. You may also find it easier to drink water if it has a slight flavor.

    Spray yourself with cool water. Fill a spray bottle with cool water and set it to a fine mist. For an immediate cooling effect, irrigate bare skin with a spray bottle.

    Chill a damp handkerchief in the freezer and apply it to your neck, forehead, arms, or legs. Applying a cold cloth to your skin will help you fight the heat. When the fabric is warm, simply rinse it and put it back in the freezer.

    • You can also apply an ice pack to the back of your head.
  1. Pour cold water over your wrists. Soak your wrists and other areas of the body with large blood vessels under the skin, such as the neck, inner creases of the elbows and knees, in cold water for about 10 seconds. This will lower your body temperature slightly.

    Wet your head. Wet hair helps to cool the body, so try this step for an instant cool down. You can wet both the whole head and just the hairline. Evaporation of water will cool the head (however, it can make previously styled hair curl if it is naturally curly).

    • Put a water-soaked bandana on your head and walk around in it.
  2. Fill the tub with cool water and soak in it. Once you get used to the water temperature, turn the water off a bit and add more cold water. Keep doing this until you're cool enough. When you get out of the bath, your body will remain cool for a long time.

    • If you want, you can take a cool shower instead of a bath.
    • You can also put your feet in a bucket of cold water. The body mainly radiates heat from the hands, feet, face and ears, so cooling any of these places will effectively cool the whole body. Shallow children's pools are also good for cooling the feet of adults.
  3. Go for a swim. Visit the swimming pool, go to the river, lake or sea and unwind. Immersion in water will cool you down in an incredible way. When outdoors, be sure to use sunscreen to prevent sunburn, which can further heat up your body.

    Install a house fan. It will drive hot air towards the attic, where it will be blown out through the attic vents. To cool the house, open the door to the basement, make sure that all other internal doors between the basement and the room containing the fan are also open. Turn on the fan at night, while opening the windows of the lower floor, so that it can effectively cool the house. However, be sure to make sure the attic vents are working properly beforehand, otherwise the attic may not be able to handle the heat dissipation.

    • If you don't have attic vents, make them. You can’t even imagine how amazingly a cool attic affects the temperature of the whole house.

Fighting the heat

  1. Avoid peak heat hours. Try not to go outside between 10:00 and 15:00, when the sun's rays are at their strongest. This way you avoid sunburn. Try running or exercising outdoors in the early morning or late evening. The early mornings and evenings are usually cool enough for you to enjoy walking, running, hiking, biking, gardening or yard work.

    Wear summer clothes made from natural fabrics. Wear low-density natural fabrics (cotton, silk, linen) rather than polyester, synthetic viscose, and other synthetic fabrics (with the possible exception of specially designed breathable sports fabrics).

    • Choose light-colored clothes. Dark-colored clothing absorbs heat better from the sun and stays warm longer than light-colored or white clothing, which reflects light and heat better.
  2. Walk barefoot. Take off your shoes and socks, especially on days when the humidity is extremely high. Wearing boots with socks in these conditions will make your feet sweat, generally raising your body temperature. Try to walk barefoot as often as possible (if possible).

    Fill your freezer with frozen fruit treats. Use ice cream sticks (you can find them in the supermarket) or just grab a bag of frozen fruit wedges like watermelon, pineapple, or lemon. Refrigeration can be delicious!

  3. Take advantage of mint. Mint refreshes the skin and leaves a feeling of pleasant coolness. Smear on mint lotion (avoid your face and eyes), shower with mint soap, do a mint foot bath, or soak with other mint-infused powders. In addition, there are some delicious mint recipes that you can also try:

    • smoothies made from watermelon yogurt and mint;
    • Irish chocolate drink with cream and mint;
    • mint truffles.
    • During peak heat, the municipalities of some cities organize "cooling centers" with working air conditioners, which anyone can visit. If you don't have air conditioning in your home (and especially if you're old or have a medical condition), call your city's help desk to find out if cooling centers are available.
    • If you have a garage at the base of your house under the living quarters, leave your heated car outside to cool it down before putting it in the garage.


    • Heat is often an essential companion of drought. If your area imposes water restrictions due to drought, be sure to check them out before using the water cooling tips mentioned in this article.
    • While drinking too much water is rarely a problem for healthy people, it can be dangerous for people with heart, liver, or kidney problems. If you have any of these serious conditions, be aware of how much water you drink, as your kidneys may not be able to properly process the excess water.
    • Babies, children, pregnant women and the elderly are more susceptible to overheating. Be sure to keep an eye on your family members, work colleagues and neighbors who are in this risk category.
    • If you notice symptoms of heatstroke or dehydration, call an ambulance or seek medical attention yourself to get qualified medical care. Body temperature above 40°C is life-threatening, but if it rises to 42.5°C, it will be fatal.