phd system. RG: When can I apply for a PhD? PhD degrees awarded on the basis of professional performance

In American universities, after receiving a bachelor's degree, you can enroll in a master's or graduate school. A master's degree gives a master's degree, and a PhD is issued from postgraduate studies, which means Doctor of Philosophy and is comparable to our Ph.D. This is the last degree, if we are not talking about doctors who can become doctors of medicine. Some universities award the Doctor of Science (Doctor of Science) degree instead of PhD, which is the same as PhD in terms of knowledge.

Why study for a PhD in the USA?

1. To get an interesting job in the field of science (not to be confused with teaching) and in the long term a residence permit in the United States.

2. To return home with practical education and experience with advanced research technologies.

3. To get acquainted with world famous scientists, corporations and influence the fate of the world.

Or maybe get a bachelor's degree in the US first?

This is also an option, and not a bad one, but a bachelor's degree in the USA is deprived of one very important thing, which is available in CIS universities - even not the best ones. There is little theory in the US. All education is based on practical experience, solving narrow problems. You learn by researching specific problems, but you don't get that famous knowledge base that we were so proud of during the Soviet era. In addition, there is no free education in the USA, and a bachelor's degree will take a lot of your money. Therefore, subjectively, the best option is to get a bachelor's degree at home, while studying English along the way, and to come to the USA for graduate school, which lasts 4–5 years.

How to apply for graduate school in the USA?

For admission, you need to collect a package of documents, which includes the following:

1. Certificates of passing TOEFL and GRE exams (GMAT)

TOEFL measures your level of spoken American English. GRE and GMAT - are adaptive tests that test your ability to analyze. They include mathematics, speaking and analytical essay. Roughly speaking, GRE - for the humanities, and GMAT - for techies. In the first, vocabulary plays a big role, and mathematics is simple. The second has a lot of complex math, and the verbal part is much simpler.

  • TOEFL costs about $200
  • GRE costs about $190
  • GMAT costs about $250

Not all universities need to take the GRE (GMAT), some accept TOEFL from 72 out of 120.

2. Examples of publications

It is assumed that you live a busy scientific life and by the time you graduate from your bachelor's degree, you have already published several publications about your own research in scientific journals. Publications must be attached in the original and translated. The higher the level of publications, the better.

Let's say you're not applying for the same major you studied. It's nothing, but the overall profile should match. For example, a philologist may well enroll in graduate school in the social sciences, such as political science. And then you need publications, at least partially related to political science.

Three authority figures should recommend you according to your profile and reveal different qualities of you as a scientist in their recommendations. These may be professors from your university, but only if they have observed your work on graduate topics, or if you have been on their research team. These can be practitioners with whom you worked on thematic projects, directors of companies where you managed to apply your knowledge on the topic. Of course, the content of the letters should not be repeated. You need to approach this seriously - recommendations are more important than even ratings.

4. Essay (Statement of Purpose)

This is your essay, in which you tell why you decided to enter this university, why they should teach you, how you use the acquired knowledge.

It is written according to a template: you talk about your interests, experience, explain why you chose this university, what you want to work on at its base, what benefits you will bring to it and the country (world) as a whole later. There must be truth in the essay, and if your truth is that you just want to go to the USA - this is in vain, look for another way to get a visa.

You send these documents with your diploma and the translated insert with grades to the selected universities. There can be as many as you like, for each consideration of documents you have to pay 50-100 dollars.

In fact, it is really important to get to know and start a dialogue with one or more professors from your future university even before admission, so that they already know where to put you and want to take you on.

If the university approves your candidacy, you will be sent a package of documents with Form I-20 for an F1 student visa, which allows you to study in the US for up to 7 years and work only at the university. There will also be a document stating that you are invited to work part-time as an assistant in your faculty, and for a consular officer this means that you have money to exist in the United States.

You buy tickets and apply for an interview. Tickets can be bought if you have already received a visa, but then it will be more expensive. You can buy immediately, but not the fact that they will give a visa. If the university does not provide a place in a dormitory for a graduate student, in the visa application package you will also need a document about rented housing at least for the first time.

How to choose a university for a PhD degree in the USA?

If you need to be on top of scientific progress, your choice is prestigious universities such as Columbia, Stanford, Yale, Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California and Princeton. It is very difficult to enter them, but theoretically there is a chance.

If you need an intelligent education, you can choose any university by following this review.

Scholarship at US Universities

Almost all PhD students receive scholarships from the university or sponsors. Additional money can be obtained by working on campus. Scholarships are traditionally higher for science students than for humanities students. Doctors and lawyers do not receive scholarships.

In order to be paid a scholarship, you must meet various standards, such as studying for a B+/A- or taking enough subjects in a year. Sometimes the scholarship includes general health insurance and other benefits. However, you must pay taxes: federal, tuition, state. Indulgence typical for US residents, you are not entitled to these taxes.

How to pay for PhD studies

In the US, higher education costs an average of $35,000-60,000 a year. Graduate students usually study for sponsors' money or pay for their studies with their scholarship and salary at the same university. You are strictly forbidden to work off campus, and violation of this rule is an excellent reason for deportation. You have three options.

1.Teaching assistantship. The TA - work is a traditional first-second-year PhD work. You do labs with students, you carry papers, you help the teacher check papers and stuff like that.

2. Research assistantship. It's lab help, all the menial work, but there's less academic workload and you can enjoy constant practice on the latest equipment.

3. Corporate Sponsoring - This is when you get paid by companies to research technology for them. The fact is that paying senior scientists is much more expensive, and you are already competent enough to give the desired result for less money.

In good universities, you live comfortably and pay for your studies according to the first two options, plus you also have a scholarship, which is always higher for techies than for humanities students. However, your salary will not allow you to save money and send it home, as many plan initially, so you should not hope to earn money while studying.

Despite the campus norm of 20 hours a week, TA and RA take up far more of your time. Be prepared to work day and night and often without days off. Therefore, forget about additional illegal earnings.

What you need to get a PhD degree

You must collect the required number of courses from compulsory and elective. In the first year, the professor with whom you will work further should like you, and he can also transfer you to positions from TA to RA and, for grant money, take you to his project.

After the first year of study, you must pass the qualifying exams. At some universities, after these exams, you get a master's degree and can be free if you do not want to go further.

In the second year, you need to find a curator with whom you will write a dissertation, that is, you write, and he keeps it under control. In addition, you need to do at least two years of research and finally defend your thesis.

The requirements become more difficult if the university is higher in the ranking.

What happens after receiving a PhD?

Already in the last two years of studying for a PhD in the United States, you should look for a job and actively establish contacts with potential employers. You can go to the industry or stay in school. In the first case, you get hired by a corporation that does research for itself. In the second one, you stay to research and teach at the university. At school, you also need to constantly publish, but with sufficient experience and seniority, you get a job from which you cannot be expelled by law.

Ironically, the higher the degree, the more difficult it is to find a job, because titled scientists are more expensive, and it is often easier to hire a bachelor who can do the same tasks for less money. So you need to look for a job right away, get to know a lot of people from your industry and keep in touch with professors so that you will be remembered when they start to assemble a team for new research.

There is an option to take your own development as a basis and create a business, but here the risk of failure is much higher than the probability of success, because only 2% of developments in science become successful commercial projects.

First of all, it is worth understanding what phd is and studying the decoding of this concept.
Phd, or Doctor of Philosophy is the degree of Doctor of Philosophy or other specialties not related to philosophy (here we mean the totality of sciences, not the specialty), which is awarded in America, Canada, Germany or other Western countries and is the last stage of education.
Some universities in America also have Sc.D. (decoding Doctor of Science) and is translated as Doctor of Science and is assigned in certain specialties.
However, it is equal to Ph.D. and almost no different. So we can safely say that Ph.D. is a PhD or PhD.

Is there an analogue of phd in Russia

In the Russian Federation, we can find an analogue of Ph.D., it will be a candidate of science or a doctor. Unlike America, in Russia this is not the last highest level, the doctor of sciences comes next, which will be the last stage in Russian education. Due to this difference, doctors of science often face the problem of translating documents, as well as explaining and deciphering what kind of degree it is, since there is no “doctor of science” in Western countries. With the exception of some universities in the US, where only Sc.D is being developed, this degree was mentioned earlier.

Good to know!

In Western countries, there are three stages of education:

1. Bachelor's degree. In Russia, this is a bachelor's degree

2. Master's degree, or master's degree

3. Ph.D., worth translating as Ph.D.

How to get a phd degree

Most people become doctors after they have received master's degree(translation - master's degree) It is worth noting that phd implies a long (three years or more) independent study of a specific topic that has not previously been subjected to the same detailed and lengthy study. During the entire period of the study, the future doctor can seek help from an expert in the desired field. Simply put, to get the coveted phd, you need to write and defend a doctoral dissertation, or as they call this work in the USA - Ph.D Thesis.
Plain doctoral dissertation includes the following:

  • careful study of the literature;
  • conducting original research, collecting and analyzing results;
  • providing a thesis (topic) that will be present at the beginning of the work (introduction) and at the end (conclusion);
  • writing a dissertation on a topic, designing research results according to certain rules;
  • defense of the thesis.

The steps for writing a dissertation vary depending on the university where you study, but the essence remains the same.

In order to understand what phd education is, it is necessary to study in more detail the stages of writing by year.

First year PhD student

The beginning of doctoral work is an attempt to find yourself and your topic, which will have to be studied for a long time. You also choose a supervisor with whom you will draw up a work plan based on the predicted end result.

The very first step is to find the right literature on the topic. With the help of a supervisor, you will determine the relevance and uniqueness of the chosen topic.


However, the work should not be completely based on the literature that you find, the most important thing in obtaining a degree is research, which means that you need to identify something new and previously unexplored. To do this, the future doctor will need to conduct experiments, look for primary sources on a given topic, and also design or create.
The year may end with the renewal of the master's work. It happens when Ph.D. students(candidates) are initially registered for the degree MPhil (Master's students degree- master's degree) and then "modernized" into PhD candidates with sufficient progress. By submitting your research project, you can transfer and continue your master's program as a Ph.D. student, that is, already as a candidate of science or a doctor.

Second year Ph.D. student

The second year of study is focused on the study itself. The writing process will vary depending on the area of ​​your dissertation, but the most important thing is to get results from experiments, archival research, surveys, and other means of obtaining new information. It is also worth paying attention to foreign literature, where you can find useful articles on a particular topic, as many doctors of science have already made some entries on the topic you have chosen. It is important to interpret them correctly, in which an experienced translator can help you.

It is necessary to adhere to the topic that you chose at the very beginning, to move away from it means to lose the meaning of the study.
You can still contact a supervisor who will guide you, help you out of a dead end, or simply comment on your ideas and your progress.
The second year is a great time when you can reveal yourself as a scientist, as a future Ph.D. Gain the necessary experience, make new acquaintances that may be useful for your research.

Third year PhD student

This year mainly consists of writing and finalizing the dissertation itself. Usually this "year of recording" implies the collection of the information received and the presentation in printed or written form. But in fact, not everything is so simple. A frequent occurrence in the third year is the continuation of experiments, because there is not always enough time to sum up the results on time. Therefore, some students take 4 years of study. It is important to note that funding plays an important role here.
In the end, you will have to submit your dissertation to a supervisor who will assess the level of readiness of your work.
All that is left for you is to successfully defend your work on the oral exam. This is a formal discussion of the research and defense of the chosen topic with the participation of at least one examiner. Traditionally, this is the only procedure that evaluates the future Ph.D. And if you successfully passed the viva voce (translation - oral exam), then you can be congratulated, since you are a candidate of science!

Where is the best place to get phd

First of all, it is worth noting for yourself the goals of obtaining a doctoral degree. The Russian education system and the Western one differ significantly in their structure. American scientific work is most often funded, you have a scholarship with which you can conduct experiments and surveys.

Having received a degree in such countries as the USA, Canada, Germany, you have the opportunity to realize yourself as a specialist, as a sought-after doctor and continue working in an English-speaking country, which is unlikely to be possible after receiving a degree in the Russian Federation. But it all depends on you and your efforts.

Having studied a little American dissertations, one can come to the conclusion that the text is simpler than a Russian dissertation due to its small volume, only 100-130 pages. Also, some Western universities are not so strict with the information presented in the work, that is, a ready-made analysis or an already conducted experiment can “ride”. Which is significantly different from the Russian project protection system, where you simply cannot do without the original, the new. Sometimes even master's theses in the Russian Federation can be an analogue for a PhD dissertation in English-speaking countries. This does not mean that it is easier to study in the USA, because it's all about different systems.

What does a phd degree give

Not surprisingly, a PhD provides more opportunities for career growth, which means that there is an opportunity to receive a higher salary than other employees who do not have this degree. Also happy Ph.D. degrees are invited to teach at the country's leading universities. Do not forget about prestige, about respect from others, because Ph.D. degree is not for everyone.

You become a PhD valued in countries like Canada. Germany, USA and beyond.

And the most important and indisputable plus of obtaining a doctorate degree is knowledge. Everything that you manage to learn during the study will be useful not only in a theoretical sense, but also in a practical sense, it will be appreciated by your friends, your boss and even the media.

A doctor of sciences abroad is not a small amount. Getting a doctoral degree is difficult, but it gives a lot. The PhD degree is also available to our graduates. Moreover, Western universities willingly take foreigners to graduate school. And especially smart and lucky people are also offered scholarships.

What is PhD?

In Russia, a system of state certification has been preserved since Soviet times, according to which, after defending a dissertation, the degree is finally awarded by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC).

In Western Europe, the USA, Canada and other countries, there is a different system for awarding a degree. Doctor of Philosophy (or PhD) is everyone who defended himself. Thus, the one who defended himself in mathematics becomes a doctor of philosophy in mathematics, the one whose dissertation is devoted to economics becomes a doctor of philosophy in economics. The requirements for the content and volume of a PhD dissertation are approximately the same as in Russia for a Ph.D.

In the West, unlike in Russia, there is no unified state attestation of an academic title. Universities themselves have the right to establish rules for writing dissertations and to count the results of the work. A commission of 3-5 people (most often they are teachers from the same university, sometimes professors from other universities are invited) reviews the study and decides whether its author is worthy of an academic title or not.

The titles awarded in Russia, in theory, should be recognized in the West. But ... often they are not recognized. Recertification is required from our candidates and doctors.

Countries where recertification is not required for holders of a Russian degree.

Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Hungary, Venezuela, Vietnam, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, India, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Cambodia, Cameroon, Kenya, North Korea, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Pakistan , Palestine, Peru, Poland, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Thailand, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Chad, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Yugoslavia, South Africa.

Above the highest

To enter a doctoral program at a foreign university, you need to have a master's degree (or our higher five-year education, then the master's degree will have to be defended before entering the defense of a doctoral dissertation) awarded by a Russian or foreign university. Entering a PhD program with only a bachelor's degree (four years of study at a university) is difficult if it was not preceded by studying at a foreign university. The best prospects are for candidates of sciences under the age of 35. PhD students have very good chances.

The age of doctoral students is from 23 years old (unlike MBA programs, applicants are not required to have work experience in their specialty for several years). Although it happens that people who enter doctoral studies have not only work experience, but also an MBA diploma.

Examinations for admission to doctoral programs are about the same as for MBA: TOEFL, GMAT or GRE. You need to be fluent in a foreign language. 2-3 recommendations and a copy of the diploma certified by a notary are also required. Submission of documents for training - about a year before the start of studies.

It is best to arrange in advance with the university where you plan to write a dissertation, and even with the specific professor under whose guidance you are going to work.

Teaching experience for admission to a Western doctoral program is not required, but desirable. The admission committee pays special attention to the applicant's publications in special editions, they can become a serious argument for making a positive decision on your enrollment in the PhD program. However, not everyone is positive about the publications. In the UK, for a doctoral dissertation to be original, its results or abstract must not have been published elsewhere.

If you enrolled in graduate school at a Western university in one specialty, and then changed your mind and decided to transfer to another, do not expect that you will be credited for anything. You will have to completely go through the admission process again. And it’s better not to tell anyone about your “retraining” under any circumstances: they can be regarded as a sign of insufficient seriousness and dedication to the matter (a very significant drawback).

Doctoral programs are available at the vast majority of universities. Of course, graduates of such programs at the world's leading universities (Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, Rochester, Carnegie Mellon, London Business School, INSEAD, IMD and others) are valued above all.

Getting into a PhD is not easy. Usually it is required to overcome a serious competition: 10, and where 30 people per place. So, this year, out of 700 applicants, 22 were admitted to Harvard, and 80 out of 795 to Wharton.

Depending on the university, it takes 4 to 7 years of hard work to earn a doctoral degree. So persistent that, according to statistics, only 20-50% of those who start studying, eventually get a degree.

During the first year or two, doctoral students attend 10 to 20 courses, then take a qualifying exam. Only after that, work on the dissertation begins under the guidance of the professor. In the course of work, it is necessary to write scientific articles and teach. The result of the doctoral program is the defense of a dissertation.

Bachelor students who have completed two years of doctoral studies receive a master's degree (Master of Science (MS) or Master of Art (MA)). After that, many consider their education completed and leave their alma mater.

Financing and funds

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz Foundation provide fellowships for postgraduate research in almost any field.

Foundations of England, USA, Italy, France allocate about 5-10 scholarships per year for scientific research. However, there is a possibility to get them. Information about these funds is held by MAPDO. The British Michael Peacock Foundation provides scholarships to study at the London School of Economics and Politics (LSE) for postgraduate students from Eastern Europe. The French Fissen Foundation encourages research into cognitive mechanisms in humans and animals. The Italian Inter-University School of Mathematics offers courses for recent university graduates wishing to start independent research, scholarships are provided by the National Research Council. The American Samuel Kress Foundation subsidizes art historians and museologists.

The Armand-Frappierre Foundation of Canada offers scholarships to Russians for post-dissertation research at the institute of the same name in the specialties “Microbiology and Biotechnology”, “Medicine”.

In addition to scholarships that cover all expenses, the foundations also offer Russian young scientists part-time scholarships that cover from a third to a half of all expenses. However, such scholarships are not popular with us, since few people are able to pay the remaining half.

The statistics of the International Association for Postgraduate Education (IAPDO) says that in recent years the number of applicants for financial assistance has not only decreased, but has also changed qualitatively: if 5-10 years ago, Western universities touted physicists, mathematicians and IT specialists, who were created in the West special conditions for study and further employment, today foreign funds are more willing to offer subsidies to those involved in international relations, public administration, sociology, marketing, and management. France and Great Britain are the most active in this direction.

Usually doctoral programs are free. The university will pay for your studies even if it lasts longer than the allotted time. Scholarships allocated by universities to the best are enough to live on. In addition, while studying, you can earn from $5,000 to $10,000 a year by teaching or consulting.

It's good to be a general!

The doctoral degree is not very well known to our seekers of foreign happiness. At the same time, in the West it is considered elite. In general, rumors that in the West it is possible to achieve dizzying career heights and no less dizzying earnings only after graduating from a business school and receiving an MBA diploma, to put it mildly, are greatly exaggerated.

The professional activities of PhDs are not as limited as holders of an MBA diploma: the latter can only work in business, while PhDs can teach, engage in scientific research, or also work in business (consult or collaborate in the analytical departments of companies).

In business, PhDs develop ways to solve management problems, write case studies and business schemes. One of the areas of application of the knowledge and intellectual potential of PhD is, of course, research in various fields. The earnings of consultants with a degree cannot be called small - they are certainly not less (or even more) than the income of an MBA.

In Switzerland, PhD holders are invited to many positions in banks (unlike the UK). In the United States, holders of a master's degree are invited to the same positions. In banks, PhDs receive $120-150 thousand per year, in consulting - from $60 to $100 thousand per year.

The majority (approximately 70-80\\%) of PhD holders choose an academic career, teaching at universities and business schools (in the latter, earnings are higher). The starting position for a PhD graduate is an assistant professor who earns either the same or slightly higher than an MBA graduate. In the US, junior professors are paid between $150,000 and $200,000 a year; professors and emeritus professors receive $250,000-400,000 a year. The highest caste is tenure professors. This status is awarded after 6-9 years of teaching after attestation. Those who have shown excellent results during the certification process are assigned tenure status. A tenure professor receives a lifetime contract with the university, which can only be terminated by himself. Tenure earns up to $400,000 a year.

Most often, PhDs are not taught at their home university. If a graduate remains within the walls of the alma mater, it is considered that he was not accepted by any other university.

In the United States, professors earn the highest salaries, and it is very difficult to get a job in the States, especially if you graduated from a European university. In Europe, the terms of contracts are not so strict, earnings are lower. On the other hand, a PhD degree guarantees employment in any case. After all, the demand for PhD is growing, exceeding the supply twice even in the US.

Under US law, expats with a PhD degree have an advantage in obtaining citizenship. Getting a Green Card (permanent residency) will take only a few months (not several years). In this case, you fall into a special category of so-called “foreign researchers, scientists, university teachers”.

Magazine “Study Abroad”

What is PhD

PhD (lat. Philosophia Doctor) - academic degree ( PhD degree), which is awarded to the applicant after the preparation and defense of a qualifying work - a doctoral dissertation ( PhD thesis) both in the natural sciences and in the humanities or social sciences. The scientific degree is directly related to philosophy only historically: it is awarded in almost all scientific fields, for example, a Ph.D. in literature or a Ph.D. in physics.

Requirements for applicants

The requirements of universities and research centers for applicants are very different, but the most common is education not lower than a master's degree ( Master degree). But many English-language university programs are designed specifically for bachelors who receive a master's academic degree, and then continue their doctoral studies. Russians and residents of the CIS are encouraged to apply for such programs with a specialist or master's degree. Many universities have age limits from 23 to 35, but people over 40 can also be accepted into these programs at some universities. In addition, most universities require the results of language and qualification exams and tests. A prerequisite is passing the TOEFL, GMAT and. Sometimes you need letters of recommendation from scientific supervisors of graduation and other student research projects. Education under these programs of postgraduate education lasts from 3 to 6 years.

What are the prospects for a PhD degree?

Upon successful completion of the programs, the graduate receives a Ph.D. In most cases, the PhD degree is the highest academic degree in many specialties and provides the highest qualification in a particular field of study. A PhD holder can prove himself not only in a scientific career, working in a research center, but also in teaching - starting as an assistant professor and soon becoming a professor with a lifetime contract. There is also the opportunity to engage in business consulting or collaborate with the analytical departments of companies, become the head of a department of an enterprise or corporation. A PhD degree guarantees employment, as the demand for such candidates in the labor market in Western countries is consistently high. However, in the CIS countries, such graduates are not in demand, their knowledge is highly valued abroad, so PhD holders stay to work abroad and do not return to their homeland.

What are the advantages of online PhD programs

PhD programs for distance learning are developed by universities for graduates, young professionals and masters who are forced to work and cannot fully attend traditional courses at a graduate college or intern at a research center. Distance postgraduate education programs provide many advantages to students: they do not need to regularly visit the university, they can study subjects and disciplines at a convenient time for the students and in any geographic location with broadband Internet access. Therefore, those graduate students who cannot constantly take time off from work, as well as family students who cannot afford to move to another country for the duration of their studies, highly appreciate these advantages of this approach to obtaining a degree. A successful graduation almost always has a positive effect on a career. This is especially true for those who are interested in management, consulting, research and organization of the company. In this case, a degree can serve as a good impetus for career growth.

The scientific degree Doctor of Philosophy (lat. Philosophia Doctor, PhD) is the highest academic degree in many European countries, which is awarded to graduates of postgraduate programs after defending a doctoral dissertation (Eng. Ph.D. thesis). In the United States, the Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) degree that exists at some universities is also considered equal to Ph.D. Successful completion of a distance or part-time PhD program almost always promotes the career growth of qualified young professionals. Many universities around the world offer distance and part-time PhD programs.

Is there any benefit from participating in correspondence PhD programs?

For the successful completion of the correspondence program ( part-time) PhD requires the same number of academic hours as in full-time doctoral studies, however, the duration of study may be longer due to a long educational direction. The concept of a correspondence program refers to a form of study in which students have a less intense study schedule and fewer hours and classes per week, respectively, the duration of the programs increases, while remaining unchanged in terms of mastered knowledge. This educational practice provides an opportunity for doctoral students of correspondence programs to delve into the subject of research and apply the results obtained in their professional activities. Upon completion of the correspondence program, graduates receive a diploma of the same type as graduates of full-time programs.

Conditions of education

The structure and duration of distance doctoral programs often depend on the regional educational standards of the country in which the university is located. Enrolling in online doctoral studies, students must complete online courses that constitute the academic minimum in their specialization, as well as prepare an independent qualifying work, which must be original research and have academic value. In many countries, the duration of study in PhD programs depends on the doctoral candidate and on the speed with which work on the dissertation is progressing.

Do I need to take the GRE test?

(English) Graduate Record Examinations) - a test that must be taken for admission to graduate school, master's or other postgraduate course at a university in the United States, English-speaking and a number of other countries (including Switzerland). In most cases, applications for admission will not be considered until the results of this test are sent. There are two types of exam - general test ( general test), and specialized ( subject) tests: physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, psychology. general test limited to the school curriculum in mathematics, while subject coverage tests are comparable to the third or fourth year of the university. For admission to most programs, you only need to take general test, which, in addition to mathematics, includes a test of knowledge of the English language. Much attention is paid to the student's vocabulary. The GRE test is designed for native English speakers, however, it is required for all applicants to graduate school in America. Some business schools do not focus on the results of the language section, since the opportunity to accept foreign students for training is a priority for them. Therefore, most international students who get a low score on the GRE take the TOEFL test, where the language section is easier to pass.

Cost of education

Tuition fees vary greatly from university to university. University ranking, location, program type, and direction can greatly influence the cost of online DBA programs. Some educational institutions provide their students with the opportunity to receive scholarships, give recommendations for participation in grants and provide support. It is very important to contact the university for more information on tuition fees for online DBA programs.

Russian academic degrees
In Russia, a two-stage attestation system has been adopted with the award of academic degrees: candidate of science and doctor of science in nomenclature
specialties of scientists, approved in Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian
Federation dated 31.01.2001 No. 47. Candidate of Sciences - a scientific degree awarded in the Russian Federation (USSR) since 1934 to persons with higher education who have passed the candidate's minimum and defended their thesis. Doctor of Sciences is a degree that was first awarded by the University of Bologna in Italy in 1130. Exactly one hundred years later, the University of Paris began to award this degree. In the universities of Russia, the degree of doctor of science was first introduced in 1819. After 1917, there was a 17-year break, and only since 1934 the degree of Doctor of Science began to be awarded to candidates of sciences of the former USSR, who, on the basis of independent research work containing theoretical generalizations and solving scientific problems, representing a significant contribution to science and practice , publicly defended their doctoral dissertation.
Despite the thoroughness of the preparation of Russian candidates and doctors of science, Russian academic degrees are not comparable with scientists
degrees that exist in the international education system. In most countries, they are not recognized, which entails the need for recertification if the candidate or doctor of science plans to work abroad.
At the initiative of the Council of Europe and UNESCO, an international program was created in the European region to develop a common information space - "Bridge between East and West" (Bridge between East and West). For its implementation, on the initiative of the King of Belgium Albert II in accordance with the royal decree No. 7 / CDLF / 14.352 / S of September 19, 1999, the European Academy of Informatization (AEI, Belgium) was established under the leadership of Academician Eduard Vladimirovich Evreinov, who first proposed the concept of education for the training of highly qualified specialists, called the "Global Education System" (GSE).
The GSO was conceived as a system that helps create a common standard when comparing different educational systems operating in different countries of the world. The European Academy of Informatization (AEI, Belgium), together with the Association of High Attestation Commissions and Committees (IAHACC) conducts a lot of research and methodological work on the development and implementation of international standards in the field of higher and postgraduate education. The presence of a single international standard in the field of education greatly simplifies the procedure for recognizing and establishing the equivalence of diplomas and academic degrees in the world scientific community, since, in this case, there is no need to establish the equivalence of diplomas from one country with diplomas from all other countries.
As part of the Global Education System, on the initiative of the International Center for Informatization (CII, Belgium), the European Academy of Informatization (AEI, Belgium) and the World Information Distributed University (WIDU), the World University for the Development of Science, Education and Society - WUDSES (state accreditation in Belgium : "Moniteur Belge" dated 05/05/2002, entry No.8421, p.4676), which offers training programs for higher scientific personnel in the European region and the CIS countries in the form of distance learning, distance learning and external studies.
WUDSES is empowered to prepare and award PhD and Grand PhD degrees, associate professor (Associate Prof.) and full professor (Full Prof.) degrees.
The two-level training of higher scientific personnel in the GSO concept (doctoral level and grand doctoral level) most fully corresponds to the attestation system adopted in Russia. Within the framework of the GSO concept, the following scheme of nostrification (equating) is proposed:
PhD - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Doctor of Science - Grand Doctor of Philosophy (Grand PhD)